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Yah I know. My new course schedule is a bitch.
Meriss - I think it is pretty much going to be down to conversation between Baby and Nevada, so hopefully that will give you time to catch up. A lot of that is my fault I think. smile.gif
No worries. My time is no longer my own is all.

BTW Posted and Takes updated. (finally) :O
Meriss - Just wanted to say that was an extremely entertaining post. Very good job capturing the 'feel' of Kingsgate. The place seems slimier already!
Mister Juan
I always find numbers like these interesting as a whole.

Gang Breakdown (17 members, numbers rounded)

88% Male
12% Female

75% Human
25% Ork

25% Awakened (19% Mage/Shaman, 6% Adept)
75% Non Awakened

18% Hammerpack
18% Splintered Crash
12% 8-Balls
23% Outsiders
12% Side Street Rollers
12% LoCoS
5% Corsairs
Added more takes for the rest of us new guys. grinbig.gif
@Meriss - THAT'S what I'm talkin' about, dude - THAT'S a freaking gang game post. Right on.
I will be out for about three days. Doubt it will matter much, as my actions are pretty well stated, and if a combat starts, I imagine we will go to the wiki thingamajig.
But if there is a need for Grack to do something to keep things moving - pragma has the IC conn and Winter is at the helm with the dice.
@Winter&Adamu: *bows* Thank you, sorry it took me so long to post embarrassed.gif

@Winter: One box of Wound damage for Ink's run in with the razor boi?
All - Quick announcement. HQ issues have been ironed out, I'll post for Aziz, Thumper, Grack, Shade, and Rob, letting them know what they found. Also, there will be an event post next weekend, so you all have until that time to get your PCs up to 00:00:00 Sunday, November 2 and filling out the Event Deadline Chart on the wiki by probably Friday night. I suggest you start thinking about how you will be moving your characters forward during the next week to get to that point. As a reminder, if you do not move your character forward and post your current location/situation as of the specified IC time by the RL deadline, I decide those details for you. This may or may not be a good thing for you. More details forthcoming tomorrow.
Put up takes for Drip (not much there, sorry) and Will.

As far as the take I put up on Will is concerned, I think i should mention that Mictecacihuatl, if you don't already know, is the Aztec Queen of the Underworld, aka, the Lady of the Dead, and it's her festival and holy days that eventually ended up evolving into the whole modern Day of the Dead thing that's still around today. Hopefully it's not too presumptuous of me to include that in Cuervo's take, but it's not like Cuervo'd share that information with anyone even if it isn't intended to be common knowledge. He's superstitious and magical, but doesn't like to advertise it much. "La Rata says..." is the kinda thing that only comes out in his internal monologues, and having a name for something doesn't necessarily mean that his understanding of the situation is accurate or that he has access to truly priveleged info.
Quick Reminder to All - It is your responsibility to find/make the time for your PC to rest and track your healing time. I will occasionally check in to see where everyone is at, but I will not hold your hand in micro-managing your character. Same with making sure you've spent your rewards, had them approved by me, and updated your wiki. Just a friendly reminder.
Adamu, Pragma, Voorhees, Rob - I didn't describe everything in depth because Vegas is going to be putting up the maps on the wiki as soon as it stops being retarded, and I don't have the time or inclination to describe in depth what you're going to see with your own eyes shortly. Go ahead and post IC searching the building and let me know if you have any questions, and I'll provide more detail as you request it/as you post.

Grack wants a place that sits over a sewer line (he can make his own access if need be). He'll strenuously argue against any place without it, and he won't give a darn about any other features.

I should point out no building actually has direct sewer access. Building codes forbid it, for sanitary reasons if nothing else. Grack can make his own access, in fact that is what he had to do at the old Hammerpack HQ, but there will never be a building with a random sewer entrance to it a la Mr. and Mrs. Smith, when Brad Pitt simply waltzes into the Federal Courthouse via sewer system.

Is there a sewer line here? Go look around and I'll tell

Everyone - Event Deadline 3: The Morning After is coming up, Friday, March 28, 23:59:59 US Central Time. The IC deadline is is 00:00:00 Sunday, November 2, 2070.

If you have not entered your character's location and activity as of the IC deadline in the wiki by this time, I will decide where you are and what you are doing at 00:00:00 on Sunday, Nov. 2. Let me know if you have any questions.

New Players - You do not have to worry about filling this out. I will be shooting to introduce your PCs during Event 3 (assuming they've been reviewed and approved by me before then). For timing reasons, that is the earliest your PCs will be introduced to the game, and I will be looking over those PCs who have been marked as Ready by Vegas and Slipshade this week and responding to you with my comments.

Let me know if anyone has any questions or needs anything from me, but this bump should help you guys start putting some more IC posts up. Let's keep this thing moving along! smile.gif
The Event 3 is now listed under the announcements on the main page of the wiki or can be found Here to make edits. Please be CAREFUL about editing over one another (more for the newbies than the vets) biggrin.gif

HQ info + Maps can be found Here - hope that helps you guys start posting about what you find biggrin.gif biggrin.gif
May I just say that I approve of our potential new headquraters both IC and OOC.

"Shit hefe this place is like a fucking palace."
Meriss: I noticed on the Event 3 registration you have Ink at the new HQ. Legion is waiting for him at the Temp HQ down South, in order to pass the Doves off to Nevada and then head up to the old Hammerpack turf.
All - I want to remind everyone you have to actually post some kind of transition from your current time/location to your event time/location. You can't just say, 'well I'm at point X now' and not IC post accordingly.

If you do not post at least one IC post showing your PC transitioning from his/her current location to the event location, I will determine to the best of my ability where you actually are at the time of the event. Consider that strong encouragement not to leave your character's fate solely at the hands of my interpretations. biggrin.gif
QUOTE (WinterRat1 @ Mar 23 2008, 11:14 PM) *
Is there a sewer line here? Go look around and I'll tell

Before Grack exposes himself by going and sniffing around, I would like to roll to see what he already KNOWS.

Intuition + "Sewer Layout Under/Around Old Hammerpack Turf" + Home Ground - sustained spell = 5 dice

5 5 1 6 5 = 4 hits

Wow - the dice are my friends today. Hoping for not only a yes/no, but fairly specific where, and knowledge on local navigability, ingress from rest of sewer system, and threats.

A lot of big parks have underground access to various plumbing (fountains, bathrooms) and electrical infrastructure (lighting, call boxes)...but that might be a lot of wishful thinking...

Answer here will determine his approach to investigating the place.

Another clarification question for WINTER - south end of park - got that. Post also notes "between" NE 142nd Lane & 128th Ave NE. Does that mean it's on that little cul de sac running west from 128th just south of the park - or is it accessed by some street that is not on the map.

@VEGAS - the uber - map -queeeeeen! Wondering if we can get some kind of idea of the scale?
Grendel: I figured it would take Ink about 20-30 minutes to walk back to temp hq then folllow Legion et al back to the new HQ. we should be in the new HQ by midnight yes?
Wow - the dice are my friends today. Hoping for not only a yes/no, but fairly specific where, and knowledge on local navigability, ingress from rest of sewer system, and threats.

I’m not going to detail this (largely because I don’t have it done already and I’m not going to go make it up for one PC) but we’ll assume Grack knows this stuff, even if you and I don’t. smile.gif

Or it just occurred to me, did you actually want concrete answers on some of the points you brought up for planning purposes?

A lot of big parks have underground access to various plumbing (fountains, bathrooms) and electrical infrastructure (lighting, call boxes)...but that might be a lot of wishful thinking...

This is a strong possibility, given the size of Kirkland City Park and the proximity of the admin building, which would seem to indicate this was one of their major parks in the area.

Another clarification question for WINTER - south end of park - got that. Post also notes "between" NE 142nd Lane & 128th Ave NE. Does that mean it's on that little cul de sac running west from 128th just south of the park - or is it accessed by some street that is not on the map.

That is approximately where it is at; it is NOT accessed by some street that is not on the map.

I am not saying specifically where in that little grey rectangle area because that gets down to details smaller than our maps, but you get the general idea from my answer, right? Let me know if I need to clarify further.
QUOTE (adamu @ Mar 25 2008, 02:48 AM) *
@VEGAS - the uber - map -queeeeeen! Wondering if we can get some kind of idea of the scale?

Approx. dimensions of the buildings are as follows:

South Wall 60.5 feet
East Wall 23 feet
West Wall 49 feet
North Wall(s) 33.5 feet
Angle Wall 37 feet

South Wall 35.5 feet
East Wall 27.5 feet

Hope that helps. It's a big building, but not a HUGE building.
QUOTE (Meriss @ Mar 25 2008, 05:01 AM) *
Grendel: I figured it would take Ink about 20-30 minutes to walk back to temp hq then folllow Legion et al back to the new HQ. we should be in the new HQ by midnight yes?

Yeah, that seems a reasonable amount of time for travel. I'll adjust.
Mister Juan
I'm currently ridiculously busy. I should be able to post and edit Felix onto the wiki by friday, but JUST IN CASE, I'll state it here: Felix will stay at the current temp HQ with Legion (like instructed) until he moves out. When he learns of the new HQ, unless Shade or Aziz come back to get him, he'll "sneak off" to the old Splintered Crash turf to get his bike back, and will try to get into the old Crash hangout (he mostly wants to see if there's anything left). Unless he sees Aziz or Shade, he'll simply send them a text telling them he's going back "home" to get his stuff.
@Vegas - thanks for the dimensions.

@Winter - I totally know what a hassle it would be to make up a sewer map of the area, and in no way would ask you to. In any case, to be at all realistic it would have to be 3-D (4-D really, to account for time-based changes in sewage flow, etc.) and more technical than any of us can probably manage.

On the other hand, it's not only a major strength/resource/personality point of my character, but it has great tactical importance to the gang in terms of security, escape, and infiltration. In fact, I have little doubt that one of the first things Legion will tell Grack to do is to scout and secure the sewers around the new base.

Plus, here I am with seven hours or so to fill before the next event deadline, so might as well do something for the half of it I'm not napping!

So I propose that for now, at least, we just sort of abstractificate it. Based on the fact that you said there was a sewer that runs (without direct access) under the site, and your inference that maintenance tunnels under the park are a real possibility, I would like to include the following points in an otherwise abstracted post - PENDING YOUR APPROVAL.
Tried to hit a middle road between ideal and terrible conditions.

1. While there is no direct access to the sewers, there is direct access to the park maintenance tunnels (logical, and doesn't violate health codes).

2. Access to the larger sewer system can be gained from water maintenance points in the tunnel system, though they are several hundred meters from the base. This is handy, logical, but also inconvenient for us because it means we have only one underground egress for the first few hundred meters (before we can scatter and lose pursuit in a nasty maze familiar only to Our Hero!), one which is probably a matter of public record.

3. Sewers in the area are easily navigable (by wading) at night, but during the higher volume daytime hours one pretty much has to swim (in poopy) in some of the main passages.

4. Once out of the tunnel system and into the larger sewer system, there is access in all directions, but of course it's a heinous maze.

5. The relatively clean and dry tunnel system has signs of habitation by someone, though it is elsewhere in the park, away from the admin building. That way it can be a problem for later resolution, without interfering with getting to the event at midnight.

6. Within the sewers and within 500 meters of the new HQ, there is a good, off the main lines, relatively dry and isolated spot for Grack to make his new home.

If this is generally an okay approach to how to handle these things, all you have to do is answer yes, no, or give a brief modification to those six basic points, and it will be enough for me to do a big post and for us to tentatively secure our new location.

Let me know what you think.
Adamu - Great initiative on your part! Your points sound reasonable and fine to me. Go ahead and run with it.
QUOTE (adamu @ Mar 26 2008, 09:44 AM) *
@Vegas - thanks for the dimensions.

3. Sewers in the area are easily navigable (by wading) at night, but during the higher volume daytime hours one pretty much has to swim (in poopy) in some of the main passages.

6. Within the sewers and within 500 meters of the new HQ, there is a good, off the main lines, relatively dry and isolated spot for Grack to make his new home.

No problem, and for the record let me just say there's no chance in HELL Nevada's ever going back to Grack's to "see his etchings" biggrin.gif (not that there was much of a chance before either, but....) rotfl.gif

Are you going to send any kind of message back to Nevada, or are you just going to show back up at the temp HQ with the girls in tow? Only asking since she asked for a heads up before you guys got there biggrin.gif

Just trying to figure out how we're going to get back together and get the girls. smile.gif
QUOTE (Vegas @ Mar 26 2008, 09:53 AM) *

Are you going to send any kind of message back to Nevada, or are you just going to show back up at the temp HQ with the girls in tow? Only asking since she asked for a heads up before you guys got there biggrin.gif

Just trying to figure out how we're going to get back together and get the girls. smile.gif

Especially with the time change looming. smile.gif
@Winter - thanks for the quick response.

I threw up an IC post just to try to get things rolling with the scouting of the location, and of course to let Thumper know I no longer had his back.

My big sewer exploration post leading up to midnight will be up by the deadline.
QUOTE (Vegas @ Mar 26 2008, 12:10 PM) *
No problem, and for the record let me just say there's no chance in HELL Nevada's ever going back to Grack's to "see his etchings" biggrin.gif (not that there was much of a chance before either, but....) rotfl.gif

Now, isn't that how all the romcoms start out, with the girl thinking she hates the guy?
Most don't open with a bloodbath and people being eaten by ghouls.

Unless it's Shaun of the Dead. But that's more of a romzomcom.
Hi, people.

I was writing the BTL production rule for DITG, and want to hear you guys opinion, who're already in the game.

1. In the order of easiest to hardest in producing BTL
Mood < Dream < Trip < P-fix

2. Making brand new BTL.
Requirment: Simrig, Commlink, Hardware/Software skill, Data chip (for hard copies)

Hardware/software (BTL) (8+rating, 1 day) Mood & Dream
Hardware/software (BTL) (10+rating, 1 week) Trip
Hardware/software (BTL) (12+rating, 1 month) P-Fix

3. Making copies of existing BTL.*
Requirment: Commlink, Hardware/Software skill, Data chip (for hard copies)

Hardware/software (BTL) (8+rating, 1 hour) Mood & Dream
Hardware/software (BTL) (10+rating, 1 hour) Trip
Hardware/software (BTL) (12+rating, 1 hour) P-Fix

*Making multiple copies at once increases the time X per copies

4. Converting existing Simsence to BTL
Requirment: Commlink, Hardware/Software skill, Data chip (for hard copies)

Hardware/software (BTL) (4+rating, 1 day) per person. (sim porn, for example, would have more than 2 people. To switch from person to person, would require more time)

Any thoughts, comments, opinions?

Also, Moodchip BTLs have "street names that tend to reflect the nature of the experience, modified by a color: Blue Passion, Red Meanie, Cool White," are examples they have in the book.

Any new color coded name you want to give to Moodchip BTL?

Ex. Black Dispare, Green Calm, etc.
Fresno Bob
Cool White is probably a calm mood.

Heres a few links that might help.
Okay - IC up. I cut off my wifi so that there was no way, as I jumped ahead in time, that anyone could interact with me and make me backtrack in time or something.

From 22:50 Grack will sleep and still be sleeping at midnight, unless anyone calls and asks him to go somewhere else, but at that point I'm not liable for getting another post in before the deadline.

On that note, Thumper's post is done. He's going to rest for a while (preferrably until he loses a box of physical -- rolls below) and then consider playing with his gun.

Healing Test #dice=10 :: 1 3 5 3 4 2 5 1 5 1 -- 3 hits
-- 3 hits implies 8 hours rest per box, I think. Correct me if I'm wrong.

Going on the wiki soon.
On that note, Thumper's post is done. He's going to rest for a while (preferrably until he loses a box of physical -- rolls below) and then consider playing with his gun.

The healing rolls for this set of wounds was already made for you by me on Jan. 15, 2008.

Thumper needs to rest 4 more hours to heal his next box, since he had one hour of rest accumulated from 10:00:00-11:00:00.

After that, it will take him 5 hours of rest to heal one box for each remaining box he has left.
@Vegas: Ya I was going to try posting before the New event. Operative word being try. biggrin.gif Had a med scare yesterday. Acid Reflux + Hypochondriac = Idiot thinking about ensuing death. nyahnyah.gif I am such a pansy sometimes.
Eyeless Blond
It deserves mentioning here also, for those who don't frequent the Recruiting Thread:

Because some of us were cluttering the Recruitment thread with rules discussions, I ended up making a new one: Gutter Rules Discussions. First up: detailed BTL rules. Who here wants to see Legion make an action movie? Or wants to try to convince Nevada that simpron actress is a positive career move? or that Grack could be the sewer's version of the Crocodile Hunter? biggrin.gif

Also, in response to a PM discussion, I've also started another thread that some of you fellow gutter trash ought to be interested in. Is there anyone here who knows more about the Brickhouse Boys than us DitG newbs?

I have some rolls for Baby for healing stun damage. I have her sleeping from 9 till midnight.

[ Spoiler ]
Finally got takes up for Drip, Rico and Will if you guys are interested.
Adamu - I've said it before but I'll say it again, I don't know how you manage to write as Grack. I've been trying to avoid punching myself in the face repeatedly as I write your part of the Event Post. Hat is off to you for managing to pull this character off!

All - Let's welcome Whipstitch, Dantic, and Spike onboard, they have been approved for DITG! smile.gif
WR1 - Good luck with that. smile.gif

Welcome Guys! Glad to have you aboard.

Spike - Finally got a take up for you.
OK someone shoot me. It took me hours to write all that and get caught up. And we still have some administrative issues (healing time is the big one, although addiction tests and lifestyles are on my list too) to handle. Ugh. That will be handled during the week.

Event Post 3 is up for everyone currently active in the game. I apologize for the somewhat non-epic nature of the intro for Cuervo, Twiggs, and Maus, but I didn't feel I had enough of a handle on their 'voice' to the point where I wanted to try playing them in any real detail.

I kept it simple and basic for everyone (Fool wrote his own post a while back, that's why his is so much longer than everyone else's) just to get everyone synced up time wise and our new players in the game.

Everyone is free to post, as previously stated my post response rate is slower than normal due to tax season, but my post monitoring and response is generally still functioning at solid levels, so feel free to game on.

Note that I have no problem with the new guys (Cuervo, Twiggs, Maus) planning OOC how to meet up with the rest of the gang, by all means feel free to 'stretch' coincidence to get your PCs to meet up with the other PCs in relatively short order. In fact, given my time constraints right now, I encourage it so you guys can join up with the new gang sooner than later and play without my direct intervention all the time. If you do this, just coordinate with whichever players are willing to work with you to coordinate an introduction.

If anything needs anything from me let me know.
Yay! I'm in... time to go read the IC thread....
Um... okay, so I put up an IC post. Hope I did everything right.

Anyway: aside from being horrifically geographically challenged (and to be honest, at this rate I'm tempted to head to Redmond one night after work just to see the area in person to put everything into context).... basically, all Maus is going to try to do is first figure out what the noise is, and assuming that isn't enough, he's headed to the roof (or whatever the building has) to try and see what's making the noise. He has his Shades with Lowlight and his 'Mace' with him, and the useless commlink. smile.gif

Everything else is in the room (I figure, unless otherwise told 'that just ain't right' that Gracie shares building space with other working girls, this isn't 'her house', whatever it is, its just a room.


Sorry, do I need to roll me some dice? I need to look into the online dice rollers I guess (as a formality?). Right now I can say I need a Nuyen roll and I'm guessing at least one Perception roll (or whatever it takes to identify the noise).

Unless otherwise told, I'm reluctant to roll dice before, well, I been told nyahnyah.gif

-Spike, who just figured out that whatever was making the noise involves enemies and a large machine gun, and he'll need to make a new character tomorrow morning.... j/k
QUOTE (WinterRat1 @ Mar 31 2008, 12:18 AM) *
Adamu - I've said it before but I'll say it again, I don't know how you manage to write as Grack. I've been trying to avoid punching myself in the face repeatedly as I write your part of the Event Post. Hat is off to you for managing to pull this character off!

Well, I'll just say thanks.

Okay, I'll also say one other thing - every time my GMs post for my characters for whatever reason, they always do a pretty good job but there are usually little things that don't exactly fit my perception of the character, but I just live with being slightly irked cuz that's the nature of forum posting. But holy moley, that last post was DEAD ON with Grack on both surface and deeper levels.

So I'm glad you didn't punch yourself in the face.

Now, back to business -

It occurs to me that now that we have ruled that the admin building has a connection to the park's maintenance tunnels, we need to pinpoint where that entrance is.
The most logical thing to me is that the basement stairway goes down one more level to a door into the tunnel.
Let me know if that's okay, or if you have another location in mind for the entrance.
Welcome officially to Whipstitch, Dantic, and Spike!

Here's hoping your characters live long enough to catch up with the Ravens biggrin.gif biggrin.gif vegm.gif
Ditto on the big welcome for all the new faces.
Man, if anyone can slink back to base before getting gutted like a fish it's Cuervo.

I hope.
Heh. I spent the night thinking of what it could be and figuring out how Maus'd respond. I'm probably dead wrong, and all that tossing and turning was for nothing...

So: using the old physical cubic method I have determined that Maus probably has starting wealth of 3,6,4, or 13 on a low lifestyle (650 nuyen, will double check).

If the old standbye won't cut it for whatever reason (like, you know, putting them into random order is hard when the don't physically fall into a line or whatever), I'll happily reroll. I think some of you are using some sort of 'ice castle' program or something? I'll look it up later today.
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