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Cedric Rolfsson

Is Jaya ready to go or do I need to do something else? I'm back now, btw. smile.gif
QUOTE (Cedric Rolfsson)

Jaya is headed for the open doorway across the street at a run, I'm not going to try and do anything special other than move as fast as possible but don't want to have to preform a running test since I'm more likely to glitch than succeed. I'm gone for the next three days so I won't be posting. Jaya is going to hit the building and try and find a back way out then continue north towards 140th

Jaya makes it into the doorway. If he stops and listens, he can hear the gang outside shouting as they move closer to the bodies on the other side of the street.
Looking around, he notices a back door that leads east, a broken wall that leads north east into the same alleyway and a set of half broken stairs that lead up.

Your character is approved for play but I need time to write out an opening post for your character.

Just a quick heads up. I am going up north on Wed. and Thurs to open a new store and will be basically working 18 hour days with travel time so I will likely *not* be around, unless I haul the laptop up there and use it during my lunches n' crap.

If I can't do that, expect me to post something (If there's stuff to post to) when I get back and wake up on Friday biggrin.gif

Thanks Konsaki
Got caught up with stuff today, updates/responses will definitely be posted throughout the day tomorrow.

Moved Bockscar a little bit, had him look north on 142nd, cross the street, and then move towards 126th. I'm assuming there's nothing north of him; if that's too far I'll just cut out the last line of the post.

OOC: By 'the drag' he means 124th street.
Legion, Thumper, Doc, Grack

Hello, first combat participants of DITG! Time to give our combat system a test drive.

You guys are now in Combat Time. No surprise on either side. After all, in this environment everyone's alert for trouble, no matter how casual they're acting.

I put up the Combat Template in the Wiki under the 'Action Phase' link, titled Sushi Shack Showdown. Yes I am a sucker for alliteration. Sue me. smile.gif

Action Phase Deadline for Combat Turn 1 is Thursday, June 28, 23:59:59 US Central Time.

If there are any questions, let me and Konsaki know, otherwise we'll start working through this thing. Good luck! You're going to need it. vegm.gif

Badmarsh, Nevada, Bockscar

Still letting you all post until the 00:21:00 deadline, my goal is to give you guys an opportunity to meet up and introduce yourselves to one another before your scheduled scene.

I did not spot any questions or requests from any of you for me, so proceed as you were. If I missed something you needed from me, just let me know.

EDIT: Rob, your comment is fine. At the moment, your absolute location isn't a concern so much as your relative location to Badmarsh and Nevada.

I'm letting you three work out the general details of where you all eventually end up meeting face-to-face.

Felix & Aziz

You two are up to post, Shade is deliberately and obviously pausing to give you both a chance for your input before continuing.
Mister Juan
QUOTE (WinterRat1)
Sushi Shack Showdown.

I just tried, and thats practically impossible to say fast, out loud, more than three times in a row.
WR, Sparky, Rob

I'm gonna be out of pocket here soon, I'll get up one last Nevada post bringing everyone together and then I'll let WR or Sparky puppet her if necessary before Friday.
I'm ashamed to admit this, but after Mister Juan's post I tried too, and I couldn't do it. At least not without sounding either drunk or like I was making racial slurs.
@Konsaki or @WR1

Question on combat formatting: Do I post general intentions in the table and the rolls for the turn below the table or do I post them in some other location?

Pausing to pay attention as they come to the "intersection" of 126th Ave & 142nd Ln.

Intuition (4) + Perception (3) + Audio Enhancement (3) = 10 dice
[5] 4 4 2 2 [5] 1 [5] [5] [5] Hits:5

I'm assuming with that roll I might hear Box's approach, or at least the approach of someone. If not I'll edit on Friday. biggrin.gif
@Winter: I can't even do it once
Fresno Bob
I fucked up on the third one.

Question on combat formatting: Do I post general intentions in the table and the rolls for the turn below the table or do I post them in some other location?

Post general intentions in the table so I have a basic idea of what you're up to.

Then copy and paste the 'Combat Template' and then fill it out as written (1 template for each IP you have), replacing the 'Combat Template' title with your character name.

Separate your PC's template(s) out from the general information and other PC's templates by using a line above and below it to make it easier to read.

Sparky or Vegas - I'm thinking we'll need a separate page for each fight to make it easier to read and reference.

Maybe something like this:

Action Phase
- Fight 1
- Fight 2
- Etc

Resolution Phase
- Fight 1
- Fight 2
- Etc

That's just a suggestion, alternatively, maybe we could do the links within each page, like we did for Locales or NPCs? Do it how you think best, but I'd start thinking about how you want to begin organizing it. Thanks!
Mister Juan - Since Aziz and Felix are the PCs, I'll let you respond to what's been said so far before Shade says anything.

As noted in my last IC post ("...Grack faded into a nearby alley to watch...From his vantage point lurking deep in the shadows, he could see the others talking...and for now he was most content simply to wait and watch."), Grack is not out in the street with the others but already out of sight behind Plastic Sushi.

Didn't roll stealth at the time cuz there was no opposition.

Wondering if I can roll stealth now for my current hide, or whether I need to make that my first Complex Action on the template-thingie (assuming the first combat turn or two will be occupied with macho posturing and Black Plague covering the intervening distance...).

Also, wondering if it's okay for Hammerpackers, since they've been fighting together for some time, to confer tactically OOC.

If legion and crew are at 141/124th and Fool and Child are down at 132/124th is there any chance of us seeing them at any point during the coming conflict.

Visual perception test w/ cybereyes = 8 dice
4, 4, 5, 2, 3, 3, 6, 5 = 3 hits.
@ WR1

Grendel and I filled out the combat page in different ways but I believe that the way that I did it is correct. Let me know if that is not the case.
Adamu - Fair enough, you may roll Stealth for your current hide as a 'free' roll prior to combat since your IC post described him as fading into the shadows.

Note that Legion's orders were for Grack and Thumper to take these Plaguers out, so obviously if Grack moves to follow that order in a manner that causes him to leave his concealment, that Stealth roll will no longer apply.

Abbandon - That's Konsaki's call, although keep in mind there's a distance of about 9 city blocks between the two groups' locations. He and I will discuss as appropriate.

Unarmed - From what I could tell, you guys both filled it out the same way. The only two differences were:

1. Legion used a free action, Doc did not.
2. Legion specified an active vision mode, which as a human he had to do while Doc did not since his Thermographic is natural.

All, especially Grendel and Pragma - The original intention was that you would fill out your actions for the entire Combat Turn, so we can handle everything by Combat Turn, not Initiative Pass.

So for anyone with multiple Initiative Passes (Legion and Thumper) please make sure you fill in a Combat Template for EACH initiative pass you have in the Combat Turn, not just the first one.

After looking at the chart, I can see why doing it by Initiative Pass might be helpful. However, the problem is for those with 2 or even 3 passes, I know from experience those few people can hold up everything.

Even if we did 2-3 days for IP 1, then 1 day for IP 2, then 1 day for IP 3, that's still 4 days to get through the Action Phases for 1 Combat Turn, plus 3-4 days for the Resolution phases. That means we would get through about 1 Combat Turn every 8 days, when under our current system we could get through two full Combat Turns in the same amount of time.

Since speed is a major goal of our procedures, for now we will continue to run combat by Combat Turn instead of by Initiative Pass until it is shown the system does not work, in which case we'll begin exploring alternatives.

Therefore, please continue to fill out the Combat Templates per our current procedures; but feel free to weigh in with comments, questions, thoughts, suggestions, and criticism so we can begin evaluating our Combat Procedures and start getting a feel for what we can do to improve them.
I have a post to write, but Im going to hold off on it until I can pin down the time if/when shots are fired during the fight 9 blocks away. What better way to interrupt a sentence then with some gunfire.

auditory perception test = 3 dice
13 05 01 = 2 hits

By my mesurements, that puts us roughly 4000 ft apart.
Lindt - How do you roll a 13 under SR 4 rules?
QUOTE (WinterRat1)
Lindt - How do you roll a 13 under SR 4 rules?

mmmm be stupid and use an sr3 dice roller?

We originally had done it differently, but Grendel has since changed his to match mine, so now I look foolish.

Also, Doc has cybereyes, so I decided to specify his vision mode.
Just checking in. HI!
QUOTE (Abbandon)

If legion and crew are at 141/124th and Fool and Child are down at 132/124th is there any chance of us seeing them at any point during the coming conflict.

Visual perception test w/ cybereyes = 8 dice
4, 4, 5, 2, 3, 3, 6, 5 = 3 hits.


You look around (No metagaming to look just north) but the darkness combined with the light fog or smoke that's hanging in the air causes your mind to play tricks on you. Shadows dance around in the non-light caused by the reflections of the city brightness off the low hanging clouds. Things seem to move in wierd directions and in akward gaits as they move from object to object in the distance, but as they get closer, nothing is there.
Ok I will try to remember to mention it the next time I get to IC.
QUOTE (Meriss)
Just checking in. HI!

@The guy searching his dead buddies

Good to see you're still alive.

You can retcon your last post to 0025hrs if you wish. The search and burn doesnt have to take 45 minutes and this will get you back in the game quicker.
QUOTE (Lindt @ Jun 28 2007, 07:24 AM)
I have a post to write, but Im going to hold off on it until I can pin down the time if/when shots are fired during the fight 9 blocks away.  What better way to interrupt a sentence then with some gunfire.

auditory perception test = 3 dice
13 05 01 = 2 hits

By my mesurements, that puts us roughly 4000 ft apart.


Other than gunfire in the distance and a few of the normal things that go bump in the night in Kingsgate, you hear nothing out of the ordinary... course this isnt an ordinary night in Kingsgate...
And by gunfire in the distance, I mean random firing from in all directions. None of them really stand out.
QUOTE (Konsaki)
QUOTE (Meriss @ Jun 28 2007, 07:48 AM)
Just checking in. HI!

@The guy searching his dead buddies

Good to see you're still alive.

You can retcon your last post to 0025hrs if you wish. The search and burn doesnt have to take 45 minutes and this will get you back in the game quicker.

Kay, retcon to 003205. I asked for thirty minutes, I'm taking thirty minutes. No offense. smile.gif I'm still in the future, but now people can catch up.

The template asks for two Reaction rolls. All well and good for getting shot at.

Do you want us to also add in a couple Reaction + Block/Dodge/Parry for melee attacks?
Hmm. Good idea, especially in a gang game. Go ahead and do so. I'll modify the template for next time, but this time, if you don't get them up in time for the deadline of Combat Turn 1, we'll roll them for you.

I'm assuming it's reasonable to believe that a troll can wield a combat axe in one hand, correct? Also, how far away from the gangers are we at this point?
The only way that this is going to be fair is if the NPC gangers are writing down their actions for the entire combat turn as well. I don't expect to be shown the list, but I expect the actions to be written down.
QUOTE (grendel)
The only way that this is going to be fair is if the NPC gangers are writing down their actions for the entire combat turn as well. I don't expect to be shown the list, but I expect the actions to be written down.

And for big fights, like the one you are entering, that's how it's going to be played.
QUOTE (grendel)
The only way that this is going to be fair is if the NPC gangers are writing down their actions for the entire combat turn as well. I don't expect to be shown the list, but I expect the actions to be written down.

And I thought I was a rabble-rouser! Utimatums?! Ouch!

In any case, dude, I personally think your concerns are a bit off the mark. I mean, the moment you sit down across the table (or the keyboard) from a GM, ALL considerations of fairness are rendered subjective.

In a perfect world, the player and GM agree on what's fair. In a lot of good games (and I include this one), they come pretty close, but it'll only rarely be spot on.

The GM can assign mods, he can give the opposition milspec weaponry, he can fudge rolls, he can play the bad guys at whatever level of omniscience he desires.

Each GM is going to handle the admin their own way. Good ones know they are not there to win but to challenge. How they do their behind-the-screen paperwork may be an arena open to advice and consent, but I'd hesitate to be tossing insinuations of unfairness around at all, much less over one procedural.

The long and the short of it is, if you don't trust the GM to be fair overall, why play?
I expect that my character and the NPCs will be limited by the same set of world-rules. Otherwise why have rules? If there's no level playing ground between PCs and NPCs then what's the purpose of even having conventions like initiative passes and dice? By writing down my character's actions I have effectively telegraphed everything he plans to do for the next three seconds and removed the most tactically limiting force in warfare: the fog of war. Not only is there now knowledge of the battlefield, but one side will know every move the other side intends to make. Not only that, but how successful they're going to be doing it.

Additionally I expect a level of realism within the game. We were limited to 300BP in character creation, as well as a host of other restrictions. I expect NPC gangers to be created in the same way, assuming they represent the rank and file of the gangs in the same way we do.

Being a GM, I understand GM fiat and accept that for storyline purposes sometimes gear, stats, and dice rolls must change. However, I expect those instances to be few and far between, since the rules of the game, which are effectively the physics of the gameworld, should be applied universally, without bias, and without exception.
You only earn the right to give opinions about game mechanics after your first character dies. nyahnyah.gif
I'm assuming it's reasonable to believe that a troll can wield a combat axe in one hand, correct? Also, how far away from the gangers are we at this point?

If it's for fluff purposes, I'm fine with that.

If you want to swing the axe with one hand while firing a gun in the other, I'm not fine with that.

Per SR 4 pg. 305, 'This two-handed tungsten alloy axe...'

Technically you could argue that a troll is larger and therefore should be able to carry it easier (i.e. in one hand) but the other side to that argument is you also should be using troll sized gear (SR 4 pg. 300), which means that once the combat axe is adjusted for troll-sized proportions, you'd still be using two hands.

At the start of combat, the Black Plaguers are 30 meters away per my IC post.

I expect that my character and the NPCs will be limited by the same set of world-rules. Otherwise why have rules? If there's no level playing ground between PCs and NPCs then what's the purpose of even having conventions like initiative passes and dice? By writing down my character's actions I have effectively telegraphed everything he plans to do for the next three seconds and removed the most tactically limiting force in warfare: the fog of war. Not only is there now knowledge of the battlefield, but one side will know every move the other side intends to make. Not only that, but how successful they're going to be doing it.

Additionally I expect a level of realism within the game. We were limited to 300BP in character creation, as well as a host of other restrictions. I expect NPC gangers to be created in the same way, assuming they represent the rank and file of the gangs in the same way we do.

Being a GM, I understand GM fiat and accept that for storyline purposes sometimes gear, stats, and dice rolls must change. However, I expect those instances to be few and far between, since the rules of the game, which are effectively the physics of the gameworld, should be applied universally, without bias, and without exception.

I wanted to address this in a little more detail for everyone. For space purposes, I did not copy and paste all comments related to this one.

As a player, I absolutely understand the desire for a level playing field and fairness in the PC-NPC dynamic.

As a GM, I am striving for a game that is efficient and effective in its execution as well as fun for everyone to play. On top of those already difficult goals, I need a game that actually works in a play-by-post format.

As a gamer, I strive for realism in my portrayal of the game, to ensure that the ‘physics of the game world’ are applied universally, without bias, and without exception.

To achieve those ends (and more besides), Konsaki and I came up with the current combat procedures. Are there holes in it? Sure! Some of the problems I’ve already found that will be changed for combat turn 2:

1. There is no place for you all to put your Initiative Score (Initiative Attribute + # of Hits on Initiative Roll)

2. It is a good idea to have pre-rolled Reaction + Block/Parry/Dodge for Melee combat, particularly for this game.

3. I didn’t state that you guys should specifically pick your targets so I have some idea of who you’re attacking.

I’m sure when I actually go through the rolls I’ll find more stuff, and that’s ok. As I stated, I’m always open to thoughts that can make our system better.

On the flip side, I’d like to point out that since I’m planning on having at least the OOC list of actions (PC and NPC) and their results up by some time on Friday, after the Resolution Phase (which I will aim to have done by Monday, to allow for generally slower play during weekends) we will have finished an entire Combat Turn in about one week. If we ran this fight canonically in a play-by-post forum, we’d be lucky to finish this Combat Turn in one month.

Is it more chaotic and unpredictable? Absolutely. Given the nature of the fights you’ll be in, the parties involved, the setting and style of the game, I don’t think that’s necessarily a bad thing.

Unlike LITS, there will undoubtedly be a high volume of fights occurring, and speed must trump precise adherence to the rules, or else the game will never go anywhere because each fight will take months to fully resolve.

I don’t think anyone has any real problem with the procedure itself; I think all veteran PBP gamers recognize the reality that we can’t run combat strictly by the book in a game with almost 20 PCs.

Therefore, moving on to the issue of fairness in the execution of said procedure, I want to focus on two things: how NPCs are being played and how they are created.

How NPCs are being played: Prior to ever writing the post starting this fight or announcing the Action Phase deadline, I had already determined what each NPC would do and made their rolls as necessary, with zero knowledge of what you all would do, exactly the same as you all are doing now.

After this combat turn I will do the same thing, determining their actions only in light of what has transpired so far, before ever looking at what you guys decide to do for Combat Turn 2. Note that this is the exact same situation you are in. I am making my decisions for all NPCs prior to knowing anything you guys are doing and entirely in a vacuum (i.e. through the NPCs imperfect knowledge only). Simply put, I am creating my own ‘fog of war’ for my decision making process.

In essence, I’m following the same combat procedure you guys are, I’m just not showing you my ‘templates’, because it’s a waste of time for me to do so and I do not want to give away their stats to you.

Of course no system is perfect. For example, as a GM, I will always know your stats while you won’t know the NPCs. When you ask me questions regarding certain elements of your plans I may get an idea (or even full disclosure) of what you’re up to. Or despite my best efforts not to have my NPCs act as a ‘hive mind’ while you’re all forced to fight as individuals, they'll probably act with somewhat more cohesion. All of these things are unavoidable parts of gaming.

As stated earlier though, to some degree trust has to come into play that I am playing fairly and impartially. My intention is to minimize the amount of trust needed by narrowing the disparity of the playing conditions PCs and NPCs operate under. Anyone who has ever GMed knows that gap will always be there to some extent, but I hope that by full disclosure and explanation, you will all see we are doing our best to present a fair, balanced, level, and ultimately, equal playing field for PC and NPC alike.

Regarding NPC stats, Adamu and Meriss can vouch for this since they’ve been making NPCs. I instructed them to create NPCs along the exact same lines as you all are subject to. Same availability, magic, essence, etc. guidelines and restrictions apply. In some cases, specifically amongst ‘named’ NPCs, there have been some exceptions, but I feel it’s fair to say when it has been asked of me, where warranted, I’ve been willing to be flexible with your characters as well.

As a general rule, all NPCs run between about 250 to 350 BP. Some go as low as 200, a very rare few may go as high as 400. Obviously those are the outliers, and if you’ve read all the information available so far, you probably even already know who some of the outliers are. You all created your characters with 300 BP, but those of you with rewards ended up with more, some as high as around 350 yourselves. Consequently, the PCs are between 300-350 BP. When I allow for the fact you all had to spend BP on ‘PC’ related things like contacts, drugs, chips, various vices, etc., I told Adamu and Meriss to scale down their BP spending accordingly to ensure a fair comparison.

Obviously I tinkered with Adamu’s and Meriss’s stats on an as-needed basis to fit my needs more specifically, and so they don’t know exactly what they’re up against, but I believe it’s fair to say that power wise, they’re perfectly fair relative to the PCs. I’d be surprised if they weren’t, because I didn’t even make any of the NPCs. All of them so far have been made by Adamu or Meriss, and I rather doubt they were highly motivated to stack the deck in my favor. So in this case, the real question is not do you trust the GMs, it’s do you trust Adamu and Meriss? wink.gif

In any event, this is a brief reply to some of the concerns raised above, if there are any more I did not address, please state them and I will discuss them on an 'as needed' basis. Thanks again for everyone’s input, and I hope we’re all having fun so far! smile.gif
Post coming from me for Rob tomorrow when I'm coherent. 500 miles of driving in 2 days and 12 hours of work seriously suck balls.

@ Sparky - Don't hold up a post on my account if you want Marsh to jump in or whatever. biggrin.gif
Oh gee, thanks Winter sarcastic.gif Blame me if anything bad happens. ohplease.gif

@All Side note: Since I have been outed as an NPC creator (well flesh outer for wiki NPCs) Is there any more people or contacts you would like done? PM me with details.

@Vegas when coherent: Welcome home! We missed you!
Combat Turn 1
[ Spoiler ]

Observe in Detail results turned up nothing noteworthy, except you all obviously saw what your opponents had available as weapons.

Enemy positions at the end of Combat Turn is as follows.

Dwarf: He is approximately even with the south end of Plastic Sushi, standing in the middle of the right lane on the northbound side of the street.

From west to east, walking towards Hammerpack and in a rough line: Ork 1, Troll, Elf, Ork 2.

Note that due to his charge, at the beginning of Combat Turn 2, Legion is now in front of Ork 2, who was knocked down by his attack.

EDIT: No IC post, see explanation below.

Any questions, please let me know.
Legion, Grack, Thumper, Doc

OK, not much actually happened during Combat Turn 1, so I'm not going to write up an IC post about essentially nothing, or worse, parroting what I already summed up above.

Instead, for this turn I'm going to just have you all write your IC posts describing the action from your character's POV as you normally would. Remember that since we're on 'combat time', your time stamp should read 00:19:03, since 1 Combat Turn = 3 seconds.

There's not really anything to do for the Resolution Phase, so we're just going to jump to Combat Turn 2.

Combat Turn 2 Action Phase Deadline is Monday, July 2, 2007, 23:59:59 US Central Time. Have your IC post up by this time as well.

I modified the template slightly to account for things that were missed previously, so DO NOT copy and paste your old templates, I want you all to use the new format.

Consider this: For whatever other flaws this system may have, we just got through a Combat Turn with 9 combatants in three days. On a play by post forum game. That's amazing.

Yes we still have to work out some kinks, and we'll all need to get used to not being able to micromanage our actions millisecond by millisecond, but at least the combat is actually going somewhere! smile.gif
The horror, the ecstasy!

Pleased as I am with my current position in the game, my position in real life means I won't be able to make it to an Internet cafe (my home computer won't edit the wiki) until about 40 hours from now.

Gonna be a long wait.
But fear not, I WILL make the deadline.

New template big improvement.

As long as we are all in persistent pursuit of perfection, as long as there is a place for soak rolls, well, most people have a different dice pool for ballistic and impact...

Would have stuck it in myself but -

(A) it seemed a tad presumptuous
(B) see above post.
Template updated to include Impact-related soak rolls.

Thanks to Unarmed for already including that in his template.

Note that going forward, I'm changing it to 'Ballistic' and 'Impact' soak rolls, since some ranged attacks (like tasers) use Impact instead of Ballistic, and therefore the Melee/Ranged title is a misnomer.

EDIT: I just changed the titles to read 'Ballistic' and 'Impact' respectively, and I changed Unarmed's template as well. Figured may as well do it now so people get used to it.
Pragma - Time stamp should be 00:19:03, you've got 00:29:03. Thanks.
Typo, fixed.
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