Aug 10 2007, 04:11 AM
@Fighting Hammerpackers: No Ink can't hear you he's down in LoCoS turf still. Moving north along 124th Ave NE. You can't be that loud. I'd say we prolly meet around the Pizza Bank NE 137th Pl & 124th Ave NE. In fact Ink is going to get a slice, before he heads to see his people. ICing
Edit: Perception roll fer the boss 5,4,1,1 1 hit. I swear I didn't stack that, it came from Invis Castle that way.
Aug 10 2007, 07:47 PM
A brief note:
I might as well post that I will be away saturday-sunday-monday this weekend, and then friday-saturday-sunday-monday next weekend. If it's applicable, I'll try and make an IC post while I'm back for the three days, but I just wanted to let everyone know.
Aug 13 2007, 12:37 AM
All - Roll Call
OK everyone, it's been over a week and change since I first put up the character tracker, and we're still missing about half our roster who still have not checked in, either in the wiki, IC, or OOC.
So here's what we're going to do.
Our next Event in the Event Registry is finalized on wiki as Event 2: Among the Ashes.
Anyone who does not check in by the Real Life Deadline for Event 2, either via the wiki's Character Tracker, signing up for the event on the Event Registry, or by posting in the OOC/IC threads, will be considered inactive and their character immediately considered an NPC, their fate to be determined by me.
At the time of Event 2, we will see how many people are still around and active. If it doesn't look like we have enough to make it feasible to continue, we will decide as a group on one of the following courses of action:
1. Pack it in, fold our tents, and shut the game down. I don't have enough time to run this game as is, but I believe in a GM's responsibility to his players, and in trying to see the game through if at all possible.
However, I definitely have neither the time nor inclination to drag a game along in which my players are not interested and unwilling to hold up their end, so if people want to call our grand experiment a failure and call it quits, that's what we'll do.
2. Continue the game. If this is the case, we'll likely hold another recruitment drive for PCs to give us enough players to form a solid nucleus for the PC gang, and for GMs as well, to try and give me some much needed assistance, because I can't continue to run this on my own forever.
Note that if we go this route and continue the game, the players will have to take on a much heavier responsibility than in most games. As it is, you already need to keep each other accountable to keep your respective IC groups going. If we continue, players will need to help people on the wiki, review characters, bring them up to speed, etc. If you're all willing to do that, I think we have a good chance of making it.
Anyway, that's the general update, and just letting you know that in about 3 weeks we'll be deciding DITG's fate together, so think about what kind of commitment you're willing to make to the game, and when the time comes, we'll discuss, vote, and go from there.
Aug 13 2007, 12:42 AM
Actual Game Stuff
Here's my assessment of where all our ACTIVE players stand.
(Translation: If I don't say something about you below, I consider you inactive)
Legion, Grack, Thumper, Doc, Ink - You guys are good to keep going and will coordinate Ink's eventual meeting with the Sushi Shack group. To my knowledge, you currently need nothing from me, so keep going and let me know if you need anything.
Nevada and Bockscar - I can't edit the wiki from my fiance's computer, so I can't update the combat chart until tomorrow. You are both up for Combat Turn 4, so go ahead and post your IC actions for Combat Turn 3, and once I put up the template for CT 4 you can go ahead and fill it out.
Fool and Child - Fool is waiting on Child's response. This does not need my intervention so I'm leaving it to you two to hold one another accountable and keep yourselves moving until you notify me that you need something from me.
Aziz and Felix - Aziz is waiting on Felix (and has been for about a week), so Mister Juan please respond as soon as practical to keep the ex-Crashers moving along. Thanks.
Aug 13 2007, 04:12 AM
@All - I'd love to see some GM and player recruitment, I like this game and I want to see it continue.
WinterRat: Box didn't happen to catch an approximate direction to the sniper? Anything I need to know about the building he's in? (like, whether there are windows that I can fire on the submachinegunners from?)
Aug 13 2007, 01:29 PM
I tried to hit up a few people for GM duty, but they politely declined

I'm still in this for the long (or short) haul, which ever the case may be.
Aug 13 2007, 01:33 PM
Dude, you know I'm here to stay.
Don't plan on doing the Event Register thing until we get closer to deadline, as there is a good possibility our location will change by that time.
Aug 13 2007, 02:35 PM
Rob - You couldn't tell, but the sniper has to be either north or west of your position, since the building would block any shots from the east and the buildings on the south side of the alley make any shots from the south impossible unless he was shooting from the alley across the street, which you are
pretty sure didn't happen.
Adamu - No worries on the Event Register, the previous announcement was just to notify everyone of what's coming up in the next few weeks and what to expect. I'll remind you all when we get closer to the deadline. You're considered active in my book, so you have no worries.
Aug 13 2007, 04:16 PM
Adamu, Unarmed, Pragma, and, by inference, WinterRat1 -
IC post is up for Legion trying to handle our internicine combat. I can modify if people think more persuasion would be necessary to deter Grack from his course of destruction, or if there are other character questions on how things were handled. Let me know.
Aug 13 2007, 06:37 PM
I'm in this till they haul Ink away in a body bag or an APC.
Aug 13 2007, 09:09 PM
Whats wrong with having a smaller group of people? Npc gangers could hold our turf in area's our characters are not actually at. In fact that would let opposing gangs really go nuts when they invade our turf and create cool rush to area scenes.
@Winter I sent Lindt a message on wiki spaces. Our profiles here are broken so i cant email him. I suggest you take control of Child.
Aug 14 2007, 12:26 AM
@Winter: Sorry for the inactivity. I started a night job a couple of weeks ago and it has interfered with everything. Obviously I'm dropping out. I'm pretty much having to drop all the games I was in before the job. Once again, sorry, and I hope the game survives this exodus. Its a great idea with a lot of potential.
Aug 14 2007, 05:29 AM
Yeah, I'm in for the long haul here too. Additionally, if anyone has anything else that needs doing and doesn't require knowledge that I don't have, I'd be glad to help out with it. Let me know.
@ Adamu, Grendel, Pragma, Merris
I figure that we might as well just skip ahead to us entering LoCoS territory at this point, as WR1 has said that we should encounter no resistance and it seems like a pretty good point to head over. I don't know if we want to wait until Pragma gets back to actually meet with Ink, but we might as well at least get our characters over there.
Just a reminder that I am going to be gone from Aug 17th-20th, so I won't be posting during that span, but unless anything really important happens I shouldn't be needed.
Aug 14 2007, 03:13 PM
Abbandon - I don't have time to take control of Child. As long as you're not abusive towards his character, I'm just going to let you control Child in order to keep you two moving. Let me know your general course of action in the Character Tracker (and notify me here) and I'll give you feedback as necessary.
All - I also will be gone Aug. 17-20, as I will be attending GenCon. Unarmed, will you be at GenCon? The dates you're gone made me wonder.
In Hot Pursuit - Combat Turn 4 template is up. I gave you a short deadline of Wednesday, August 15 23:59:59 because I want to try to get a response up for you two before I leave for GenCon, and I'm leaving myself Thursday to do so.
Aug 14 2007, 03:37 PM
I'll be out from 0800 PDT 15 AUG 07 to 0800 PDT 20 AUG 07 to attend Gen Con as well. Might be some access from the hotel, but I'm planning on being busy.
Aug 14 2007, 03:56 PM
Unfortunately, it's just a coincedence and I won't be attending Gencon. I've wanted to for over a decade now, but for some reason every year I just can't justify the costs of going. Although, if it was held within a day's drive of me I'd probably see my way to going, but Indianapolis is really not close, lol. I'm sure it's a blast, I'm just poor.
But believe me, if I were going I'd let you guys know, because it would be nice to meet everyone, =).
Aug 14 2007, 07:59 PM
I agree with Unarmed but getting through customs can be a a royal pain. Thou it would be fun putting faces to this bunch of nutters.

That being said I might be a little hit and miss Wednesday August 15 - the next Wednesday, I might have work, so I'll be a little slow posting.
Aug 14 2007, 09:04 PM
@ Adamu, Grendel, Pragma, Merris
Alright, I brought us pretty much right up to the meeting with Ink. I hope that's okay with everyone, but if not, just yell and I can edit accordingly. I'm still uncertain on whether or not we want to actually go ahead and RP the meeting or wait for pragma. I don't really think that Thumper and Ink have much of a history and therefore I am thinking that everything should be kosher between the two characters, but I am not certain.
Aug 14 2007, 09:18 PM
Unarmed -
Might want to move your time stamp up a little, since Ink's post ends halfway through 00:38, other than that, it looks good.
Aug 14 2007, 09:24 PM
QUOTE (grendel) |
Unarmed -
Might want to move your time stamp up a little, since Ink's post ends halfway through 00:38, other than that, it looks good. |
Done. =)
Aug 14 2007, 10:33 PM
Couple mechanical questions and one PBP-style question:
1. Can I infiltrate under fire? I want to make sure that I move to a position where I can screw up the Raiders, but I want to minimize the risk from one of them noticing before I open up on em.
2. Can boxscar rip the trauma patch off his eapaulette and say a sentence in the same free action?
PBP style question:
At this point in RL I would be calling for backup; however Legion's group has moved far past the time stamp where that would be appropriate. I decided to edit my plan assuming a no answer...
Aug 15 2007, 01:18 AM
Meriss knows who it is but Ink don't.
Aug 15 2007, 03:56 AM
WinterRatI believe both rob and I have declared actions for IP4.
Hopefully you can get us to resolution before you leave for GenCon.
Damn... I'm gonna be BORED this week with all you guys out at GC.
Aug 15 2007, 06:28 PM
@ Meriss
I'm thinking it's feasible that Doc and Ink know each other previously, because Ink had perhaps purchased novacoke that Doc had cut in the past, maybe directly from him, as the 8-Balls and the LoCoS had no specific vendettas against each other. I was planning on writing that into my next post, so hopefully that's cool. I think I'll let grendel post first, though.
Aug 15 2007, 06:59 PM
Rob -
Couple mechanical questions and one PBP-style question: 1. Can I infiltrate under fire? I want to make sure that I move to a position where I can screw up the Raiders, but I want to minimize the risk from one of them noticing before I open up on em. |
Technically, since you're inside the building and they can't see you, you aren't under fire. In this situation, yes, you may Infiltrate to reduce the risk of them noticing something awry in the building you're currently sneaking around in. Note that you still need to navigate your way through the building to a position to open up on them.
2. Can boxscar rip the trauma patch off his eapaulette and say a sentence in the same free action? |
Sure I'll go with this, it seems reasonable in this instance.
PBP style question: At this point in RL I would be calling for backup; however Legion's group has moved far past the time stamp where that would be appropriate. I decided to edit my plan assuming a no answer... |
Chalk it up to bad communications networks in Kingsgate and say you simply can't get through.
Aug 15 2007, 07:18 PM
@Unarmed: Makes sense to me and we also have Nevada as a friend in common.
@Vegas: You and me can work on the wiki and stuff while the cats are away.
Aug 16 2007, 08:20 PM
@Unarmed: Apparently my spanish sucks worse than I thought. The nearest translation I'm getting for "Que onda ese?" is "what ripple that?" ????? eh?
Aug 16 2007, 08:24 PM
just supposed to mean 'what's up, man?' lol. If anyone's spanish sucks here, it's mine. =)
Aug 16 2007, 08:39 PM
GenCon Announcement - I will be out from Friday, Aug. 17 through Sunday, Aug. 20 for GenCon. I will try to get replies to people before I leave, but right now GenCon prep takes priority, so if I don't get to you before I go, I apologize and will catch up as quickly as I can upon my return.
Aug 16 2007, 08:43 PM
@Winter: Have fun, get swag! (Bring some back)
@Unarmed: I kinda figured, just looking at it through intraweb autotranslator is kinda funny
Fresno Bob
Aug 16 2007, 09:20 PM
Blargh blargh.
Aug 17 2007, 04:08 AM
@Unarmed: "Nothing man. How about you?"
Aug 20 2007, 10:18 AM
Hope GenCon was good.
Posted. Finally. Going to update my wiki stuff soon-ish.
Aug 21 2007, 06:20 AM
Winter Fool has cybereyes with zoom and magnify and he will be using them to scan people as he and Child drive north along 124th ave. He also has his wired reflexes on so he should be able to look around quickly.
Aug 22 2007, 03:28 AM
@Unarmed: just waiting on grendel to respond before Ink answers Doc.
Aug 22 2007, 04:27 AM
All - Quick update, I'm closing on a condo with my fiance this Friday and then am going to Kentucky for the weekend, so time is very tight. I will try to give everyone something to work with while I'm gone, but I can't make any promises. If I don't get to people this week, top priority next week will be catching people up to speed. My apologies for the delay.
Aug 23 2007, 02:27 AM
DITG Update Time:
Bockscar & Nevada - The IC post pretty much said it all. You two are somewhere in the third/quarter of the building closest to the Raiders' side of the alley, but the windows don't give you a clear line of sight and the guns fell silent. You currently have no idea where they are, or even if they're still out there.
Note that from a rules standpoint, the second rifle shot happened during IP 1, and the guns stopped firing during IP 1 as well.
Go ahead and put up your actions for CT 5, I already set up the wiki. Deadline is Saturday, August 25, 23:59:59 CST. If you have any questions, let me know.
Felix and Aziz - Voorhees, go ahead and move Aziz and Felix forward, same guidelines as I gave to Abbandon above (don't abuse it, keep it focused, work towards the ultimate goal of linking up with the other gangers, etc). If you want to move forward to a meeting of Shade, Aziz, and Felix as they debate their next move, go ahead and do so and I'll reply as Shade.
EDIT: I just heard from Mister Juan, he said he completely forgot about DITG and will have a post up ASAP. Wait until Friday, and if you haven't seen a post from him by then, go ahead and move this group forward. Thanks for your patience!
Legion, Grack, Thumper, Doc, Ink, Fool, Child - As the group heads south, they'll run into Fool and Child, who are cruising north up 124th. I'll leave it to you all to decide where and how you meet up (as well as to play it out), but assume you'll meet up around 00:45:00 somewhere along 124th Ave NE.
Any questions, let me know.
All - I will be closing on my condo this Friday, then going out of town until Sunday, August 26. I will catch up with whatever comes up between now and the weekend (that I don't get to before then) as soon as possible upon my return.
Aug 23 2007, 02:40 AM
Meriss - You're at the 41 minute mark, not the 21 minute mark amigo.
Fresno Bob
Aug 23 2007, 02:59 AM
QUOTE (WinterRat1) |
Felix and Aziz - Voorhees, go ahead and move Aziz and Felix forward, same guidelines as I gave to Abbandon above (don't abuse it, keep it focused, work towards the ultimate goal of linking up with the other gangers, etc). If you want to move forward to a meeting of Shade, Aziz, and Felix as they debate their next move, go ahead and do so and I'll reply as Shade.
EDIT: I just heard from Mister Juan, he said he completely forgot about DITG and will have a post up ASAP. Wait until Friday, and if you haven't seen a post from him by then, go ahead and move this group forward. Thanks for your patience! |
Roger wilco!
Aug 23 2007, 03:50 AM
Aight, common sense check - Box is from this area; home ground, and buckets of knowledge skills for this sort of thing. Might even know this specific building. Would it have a back door or some other quickly accessible avenues of approach? I can roll any number of things for this.
If there is one, can I get eyes on it in one free action?
Also, do we get a resolution phase for last turn? Can I fire up my sniffer program and try to listen on them while I move? The fact that they've already stopped firing is bad news...
Aug 23 2007, 05:20 AM
pragma, Abbandon, Meriss, Unarmed, Grendel, Lindt
With the deadline for event registry nearing and all of us soon to be together but also on the move, would it be easier on us and Winter if we all just slaved our registration details to Grendel/Legion?
Otherwise, we'll all be inputting slightly different addresses, or waiting to the last minute to register.
If it's okay with Winter, for location we could all just put "With Legion".
Just a thought.
Aug 23 2007, 05:46 AM
Im good with that. Cause after all, Legion is where all the action is! That and Grendel is the mac daddy.
Ill post something near-ish to where you folks are and we shall hash it out from there?
Aug 23 2007, 06:30 AM
Im fine with attaching ourselves to legion. hopefully child and fool make it into the fold as opposed to beat up by grack and doc lol. Below is a draft for a meeting with those involved. It looked like Doc had a chance to respond to Ink so I didnt want to cut him off. Anyone can post this draft for the meeting or just scrap it and write their own or change this one around however they want.
Doc, Ink, Thumper, Legion meeting Fool, Child rough draft..
[ Spoiler ]
Having absorbed another wayward soul, the group of 5 gangers turned to the south again and began walking to where only thier glorious leader knew. Gunshots were still ringing out in the night and then everyhing returned to silence. There were only a handful of lit up windows in the surrounding buildings as most people turned them off so that they could see outside and also eliminate any shadows that could be used to target them from the outside.
The group was brought to a halt again though as the lo sounds of a motorcycle engine idling along reached their ears like some enemy gangers on patrol. Legion gave the command to clear the street and take cover. Legion could see Thumper readying the pistol he had pulled from the dwarf and gave him a wait command.....
It had been slow going for Fool and Child. They slowed down for a number of people who only turned out to be bums who were just unabe to get off the streets even in ti chaos. Once they themselves has to pull the bike over and hdie when they had approached an intersection and heard another bike. The bike blew by quickly like i was either running from something or trying to get someplace quickly, probably both. They had cleared that intersection and were coming up another when Fool's cyber eyes finally caught sight 5 shadows emerge from the darkness. He gave Child a tap on the shoulder to slow down again but he could tell some of the shadows had already heard something.
The 5 shadows froze in their tracks and as Fool and Child got closer Fool was able to make out more and more features. One was obviously a troll. what the hell was Orc that had a big hole on each side of his face where his cheeks had been..disgusting. After the initial shock it seemed like he should remember who that was and then it occured to him that the Hammerpack did indeed have a guy who fit that description. As he began to take in the guy who was in the middle who seemed to be leading the others Fool saw him gesturing wit his hands and then they all split and disappeared off the street taking cover whereever they could. Not before Fool had a chance to halfway recognize who the middleman was. He was pretty sure it had been the man they were looking for. Legion. The leader of the hammerpack. A man who had survived many gang destructions and who might be able to sympathize with Fool and Child and take them in.
Fool leaned forward and shouted so that Child could hear him. "I think we found Legion but they scattered." Pointing up ahead, fool continued "Come to a stop up there. Keep the engine going though I could be wrong..."
Aug 23 2007, 05:01 PM
pragma, Abbandon, Meriss, Unarmed, Grendel, Lindt
I have made my IC post, urging us to keep moving.
Abbandon, your post looks like a good idea to me, and will get us to a point where we're all meeting swiftly. As long as everyone else is fine with it, go big.
Also, I like Adamu's suggestion of just leaving our location as "with legion" as to reduce confusion, as long as it works for winter I think we should run with it.
Aug 23 2007, 08:38 PM
I also agree with adamu. If grendel and Winter are okay with it. It sounds like it'll make a far less cluttered registry.
Aug 23 2007, 09:39 PM
@Abbandon - your IC draft looks great to me, buddy.
Aug 26 2007, 01:23 AM
Sorry... I'm a bit (ok a lot) under the weather and swamped with an unexpected and new job starting. I know the deadline for Nevada's actions is tonight at midnight but I'm having trouble sitting in front of the computer for any period of time, let alone long enough to type up coherent thoughts and things involving numbers.
Basically I wanted her to somewhat split from Bockscar now that the outside shooting had stopped, go back towards Marsh's body and the girls and see if she can do anything for Marsh, and or protect/corral the girls so they don't get picked off.. or at least TRY to keep them alive and an asset for the gang.
Aug 26 2007, 04:02 AM
@Winter: Perception roll to look for tats and body mods. Will also prolly twig to everyones wounds eventually. 4,1,4,5 1 bloody hit.
@All: A note on Ink's tats. Just so everyone is clear on this, certain tats listed in my backstory are not fully "finished". The LoCoS piece is not yet blacked out, Ink will do this as soon as he has the time. (Out of respect to Legion and his new homies.) The weeping Madonna is weeping normal tears and the field is not skulled yet, as the full impact of the war hits him these elements will be added. The Phoenix is not in existence yet either. But as soon as Legion figures out a name, new colors and a symbol it will be added.
On New Symbology: I realize we're not even close to a point where we trust one another enough to figure this out IC. I thought I'd get the ball rolling OOC, so our artistic section can come up with something. May I humbly suggest, Phoenix or something else similarly appropriate. Possibly with the some of our old colors worked in?
Aug 26 2007, 05:59 AM
Heh I suggest "The whatever street Zombies" cuz you can knock us down and we just get back up again. And we can play off peoples fear of actual zombies and ghouls hehe. Bad side is we will probably draw the attention of the 162's and other real undead types.
Aug 29 2007, 05:33 AM
I was going to suggest Dark Phoenix, but I'm not sure I like it enough.
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