Fool Turn 2 - Edge reroll[ Spoiler ]
Full Dodge vs gun
Reaction 5 + Dodge 4 - encumbrance 1 = 9 dice
4, 4, 1, 1, 3, 4, 2, 1, 5 = 1 hits
1 Edge spent to reroll failures = 8 dice
5, 3, 3, 3, 2, 2, 2, 3 = 1 hit
Total hits = 2 (SON OF A BITCH!!!!)
Nothing changes except I take one less stun box right?
Its late for me, no turn 3 tonight. I will be doing my turn 2 IC and turn 3 ooc tomorrow.
Feb 9 2008, 12:05 AM
Legion's page is updated on the wiki.
[ Spoiler ]
Re-reading the optional rules for Learning Metamagic in Street Magic, I realized these rules are for gaining additional metamagics beyond what are granted at each intiation level. Thus, I think they are a poor basis for learning metamagical techniques which are granted through initiation. After all, you're already paying karma for the initiation, and you don't really get any bonus for it apart from the metamagical technique. You still have to pay to raise your magic attribute, if we enforce a further karma and/or time expenditure then it makes it even less attractive to spend karma initiating.
I'd be for revising the learning procedures, but halving the time and allowing for more tutor / self-taught options. Especially for adepts who get assed-out of the metaplanar quest / spirit mentor options.
Feb 9 2008, 06:04 AM
Vegas and Mister Juan - One of you take it from here. I'm not going to keep leading you as Doc.
Doc will tell you he needs to go to Bellevue to buy some stuff. He'll list off stuff like a SuperMart, mall to get some electronics stuff, somewhere to get chemicals, things like that. Be creative. Move forward maybe 1-1.5 hours, and have some of the shopping done but not completed.
You will not find Fool when you head down to Rollers turf to look for him, so just fluff through that part. One way or another, he won’t be there by the time you arrive.
If you have any questions or need more guidance, ask me.
Incidentally, don't forget Nevada's currently toting a shotgun and Doc has an axe, so you might want to think about what you're going to do with your stuff while you're out shopping in the rich part of town.
Voorhees and Rob - Given Pragma's last post, I kept things moving and bumped our trio up to heading over to Thumper and Grack. You're both still free to post at will.
Pragma and Adamu - One of you please write in Aziz, Shade, and Bockscar's arrival at the Pizza Bank as you see fit with respects to time and manner of arrival.
Abbandon - Fool's karma/BP expenditures are approved. Go ahead and put it up on the wiki.
Actually, that 1 hit on your edge roll had several significant effects:
1. 1 less box of Stun from Pistol Guy
2. Fool is not knocked down as a result of being shot
3. Chain Guy does 1 less box of Stun
1. Fool now has only 4 boxes of Stun Damage total, and as such suffers no injury modifiers to anything. Yet.
2. Fool is not knocked down, and does not need to make a test to stand up. This obviously puts you on much better footing in CT 3.
Considering where you were before using edge, that ain't bad.
Go ahead and post your IC for CT 2 and OOC for CT 3 tomorrow. Good luck. You're going to need it.
Grendel -
[ Spoiler ]
Thanks for re-examining our training rules, I assume your re-reading was entirely selfless and unmotivated by any potential for personal gain.

Nonetheless, upon further review I concur with your conclusion.
My suggestion is as follows:
Increase the default training time for Initiation to 10 hours. This won’t apply every time, since I will use ordeals as the required training time regardless of how long or short they are, if they qualify for being used as training time.
Upon successfully initiating a character automatically receives the metamagic technique of their choice. The rationalization is this is what they were doing during the training time/ordeal to initiate.
I’ll change the ‘Metamagic’ section of the training and development guideline to ‘Additional Metamagic’ and clarify it’s for learning metamagic above and beyond the free one at each initiation.
Since you only need to learn metamagic if you’re learning additional techniques beyond the ones you get at initiation, I don’t think we need to change the training time or add any more methods to learning unless you’ve got a good one. I don’t view adepts as being screwed, since you can learn through deed or research, and it seems to me most adepts would be inclined to learn by doing (deed) anyway.
BTW, would you do me a favor and develop training time rules for Martial Arts Maneuvers and Styles? I have a feeling that’s going to be pretty relevant going forward.
Feb 9 2008, 06:32 AM
@Abbandon - Dude, man, I am so cheering for you. Taking on three guys alone. Was waiting for your Edge to kick in. Kick ass and take names.
Feb 9 2008, 07:46 AM
Mister Juan - Feel free to pick it up from there, or I can keep going. But the post won't go up till tomorrow.. too tired to keep writing tonight.
Feb 9 2008, 10:12 AM
OMG. I wasted sooooo much energy thinking about this battle you guys have no idea. It took me an hour or two to think of using edge. I went to bed thinking of ways to get Fool out of this alive because I had assumed he was still knocked down. I woke up thinking about it lol. I could not decided between shooting gun guy atleast once or running away and most likely getting chased and beaten down.
I didnt realize its only the total amount of damage you take (after it goes through your armor) that determines if you go down or not. I was thinking well crap thats still 5P im still on my ass.
Will edit in my turn later after my hands stop shaking and my breathing slows lol. (well after getting to used my guy for the first time i found out something important. I had wrote down my knife did 5P standard damage but its actually much wussier (3P). Oh well im probably the only knife fighter in all of sr4 lol. And it wont be so bad raising blades up and switch to a sword lol.)
Fool - Turn 3[ Spoiler ]
reaction 4(5) + intuition 4 - encumbrance 1 = 8 dice
1, 2, 3, 4, 4, 4, 1, 4
Final Init = 8, ?? gotta look this up...
(If I go before gun guy)
IP 1:
complex: Stab gun guy!!! (see below)
IP 2:
complex: full dodge defense interrupt any attacks in IP1 (see below)
(if gun guy goes before me)
IP 1:
complex: full dodge defense (see below)
movement: move behind gun guy, try to protect my backside.
IP 2:
complex: stab gun guy!! (see below)
My Knife attack vs gun guy:
Agility 4 + Knives 4 - encumbrance = 7 dice
6, 4, 4, 4, 6, 2, 3 = 2 hits
Knife damage (str 4/2 +1) 3 + Arnes di Mano 1 = 4P + net hits (reach 0, AP -1)
Full dodge vs ballistic:
REA 4(5) + Dodge 4 - encumbrance = 8 dice
3, 2, 5, 3, 2, 4, 5, 3 = 2 hits
Full Dodge vs melee:
Reaction 4(5) + (dodge 4x2) 8 - encumbrance 1 = 12 dice
4, 4, 5, 3, 2, 1, 5, 1, 4, 6, 2, 6 = 4 hits
3, 1, 2, 2, 6, 1, 5, 5, 6, 2, 4, 6 = 5 hits
Damage Soaks:
Ballstic 8 + dermal 1 + toughness 1 + body 3 = 13 dice
3, 1, 5, 1, 4, 1, 6, 5, 6, 3, 2, 4, 4 = 4 hits
Impact 7 + dermal 1 + toughness 1 + body 3 = 12 dice
5, 5, 2, 4, 2, 3, 4, 4, 2, 1, 2, 5 = 3 hits
2, 1, 2, 3, 2, 5, 3, 5, 1, 4, 4, 6 = 3 hits
Feb 9 2008, 08:39 PM
Held up my post upon arriving at the Pizza Bank because I don't know what's inside. Thumper's rough plan is to scope the place out, ask for food in as intimidating fashion as he can, then eat, then leave. In the middle somewhere he will make political assurances that the pizza is helping to keep the owners safe.
Feb 9 2008, 11:33 PM
Important!!!! Everyone should look at this if they want to add more flavor to their games here on the forums!Check this out
Feb 9 2008, 11:38 PM
WinterRat1 -
[ Spoiler ]
Well, yes and no. I was planning on having Legion learn from a spirit, but when I reread the rules I realized they said free spirit, so it nixed that idea. Then I reread them again and went "wait a minute...." So it was both out of selfishness and self-correction.
I would say we should go with initiation training time is 9 + initiation grade, or whatever ordeal time is required, whichever is greater. That would make grade 1 a base of 10 hours.
Keep in mind that ordinarily if you're trying to initiate via a Deed ordeal, then you don't earn any karma for the deed. Full magicians still have the edge in that they can do an astral quest, which is basically an ordeal in a box since they don't have to go out and seek anything out. Plus, they're not expecting any karma from it anyway. But I don't think it's going to be a huge burden as the number of metamagical skills which are useful to adepts aren't as numerous as the ones useful to full magicians. I think the change as state above should work out well. And if it doesn't, we can always revisit.
I'll take a look at martial arts training times and have something for you next week.
Feb 10 2008, 06:03 AM
Pragma - The place is fairly empty when you arrive, probably due to the recent violence.
There's only the owner and maybe 1 or 2 assistants and possibly one or two customers, who will do their absolute best to be invisible. If you want to shake down the customers, you'll find they're even poorer than you guys.
The owner cooperate and do everything in his power to convince Thumper not to damage his shop or the people in it, and will be more than willing to feed the gang to keep things that way.
Go ahead and fluff through it, nothing significant will happen in the Pizza Bank unless one of the PCs starts a conversation with the other PCs. Otherwise just move the group through it.
The only significant point is to establish if Thumper and Grack will stick with Shade, Bockscar, and Aziz, or if the group is splitting up after eating. Please take your next post at least to a point that establishes the answer to that question.
Feb 10 2008, 06:19 AM
Grendel -
[ Spoiler ]
I can go with initiation training time being 9 + initiation grade, or whatever ordeal time is required, whichever is greater.
Would you do me a favor and make the changes we discussed on the wiki? I'm swamped with tax season right now and I won't have time to do it for the forseeable future, and I don't want to forget.
If you can't, let me know and I'll ask Vegas to do it or do it myself later.
Feb 11 2008, 04:20 PM
@Winter: The thing is my tats don't actually match my descriptions in my backstory. The current change is the Locos tat is plain to see. Right now Ink is going to add two thick black lines, crossing out the gang name. If he has the time he is going to start adding the names and dates the Locos gangers died.
And Finally getting around to spending my rewards Yay!
Boosting HPT from 1 to 2 with 5 Category A BP
Spending 5 BP from Cat A to buy Martial Arts 1.
Spending 4 Cat B BP to buy the +1 Blades Attack and the damage on called shot manuvers from Arnis de Mano
Converting the last Cat B BP to Karma = 1 Karma
Artisan 2 to 3 = 6 Karma
Close Combat Group 2 to 3 =10 Karma
I'll just spend time practicing with my own bod and anyone who wants to volunteer as a canvas for Artisan
And Ink will start practicing with anyone who will let him practice to improve the Close Combat.
Feb 12 2008, 10:05 PM
I have two major deadlines this week, one Friday and one next Monday, so my posting and response time will be significantly scaled back until I at least clear Monday. In the meantime, here’s some updates to keep things moving along:
Meriss – Go ahead and keep moving, you’re free to post. I won’t have time to toss up the post I wanted to and it can really be done at any number of times, so just go ahead and keep moving for now.
I didn’t look over your rewards thoroughly, but just off the cuff, I’m pretty sure it takes more than 10 karma to raise your Close Combat Group from 2 to 3. I believe it’s at least New Rating X 10, which makes it more like 30 karma…I’d check to be sure, but I’m 99.9% certain it’s not a mere 10 karma to raise a skill group from 2 to 3. I’d double check your numbers or ask for help, and I’ll review your revised numbers when you put them up.
Vegas and Mister Juan – Vegas knows generally where I’m going with this sequence, so go ahead and set it up if you have time Vegas and I’ll squeeze in a reply. If you can’t let me know and I’ll just take care of the whole thing in one fell swoop.
Grendel – You’re free to post as well, Legion is clear to do whatever.
Adamu, Pragma, Voorhees, Rob – You’re all free to post. Adamu and Pragma, unless Voorhees or Rob say otherwise, assume Shade, Aziz, and Bockscar go with Thumper and Grack.
With Aziz and Bockscar wounded and the five of them venturing into heavily contested territory Shade would play it safe and try to keep the group together.
If you need any inspiration for posts, when you get back to the old Hammerpack HQ feel free to toss in a flashback post on the last stand of the Hammerpack. I’ve been dying for a ‘final battle’ type post/recollection to put in Shade’s journal, and it would be really neat if I could get one from Grendel, Pragma, Adamu and Rob (as a sort of ancillary member of the Pack at the time), giving four different perspectives on the war’s biggest and final battle. Just a thought.
Abbandon – You’re the one waiting on me the most directly so you have highest priority. I’ll try to get to you next to keep the fight moving.
Lindt is out of action until the end of February or so, so Meriss continue to NPC Child appropriately, as you’ve done a great job of doing so far.
Let me know if any of you need anything or has any questions and I’ll do my best to reply, but I don’t have time right now to write solely fluff posts, so those who actually need me in order to keep moving (e.g. Fool and the Nevada-Doc-Felix group) will have highest priority in my responses.
Feb 12 2008, 10:17 PM
WinterRat - I can likely wrap up the trio picking up any needs within the electronics store, killing a little more time playing on the cleaner side of the streets and take us relatively close to where I think you're still going with this bit. I will definitely leave it up to you to write that particular bit.
Unless you feel inspired to just wrap it all up and Mister Juan and I can post reactionary posts going forward.
Totally up to you. I know your time is mega stretched right now and I don't know if MJ wants to pipe up along the way either.
Just let me know and we can run with it.
Feb 12 2008, 10:35 PM
I can likely wrap up the trio picking up any needs within the electronics store, killing a little more time playing on the cleaner side of the streets and take us relatively close to where I think you're still going with this bit.
Go ahead and do this please, I’d like to play up the whole ‘cleaner side of the streets’ just a little bit longer before returning you all to the nice friendly gutters you call home.
Feb 12 2008, 10:38 PM
Will do!

Maybe they'll have to grab something to eat, y'know when they're not fishing it out of garbage cans and what not
Feb 12 2008, 11:20 PM
No worries. Im to busy being angry at the 3 homo's who passed me by on the street!!! Joking. Direct comm to comm should work fine right? I remembered but then forgot again to check out what my singal strength is and how far away people would get a ping from Fool would be. I think i had a nice commlink hehe.
signal 4 = 1 km. Thats like 10 football fields?
Feb 12 2008, 11:35 PM
Comm to comm has two problems:
1. You are not getting any reception.
2. Even if you were, no one was in a position to help you at the time Fool is involved in this fight.
Feb 12 2008, 11:50 PM
QUOTE (Meriss @ Feb 11 2008, 08:20 AM)

Boosting HPT from 1 to 2 with 5 Category A BP
Spending 5 BP from Cat A to buy Martial Arts 1.
Spending 4 Cat B BP to buy the +1 Blades Attack and the damage on called shot manuvers from Arnis de Mano
Converting the last Cat B BP to Karma = 1 Karma
Artisan 2 to 3 = 6 Karma
Close Combat Group 2 to 3 =10 Karma
Meriss: spending 5 BP to gain one 'level' in martial arts only allows you to chose one of the bonuses from that martial art. The maneuvers that you purchase for 2 BP apiece are separate and distinct from the martial arts bonuses. Also, improving an active skill group by one point is new rating x 5, or 15 karma points to go from CCG 2 to CCG 3.
Feb 13 2008, 12:22 AM
I just checked the wiki, and improving an active skill group by one point is new rating X 10, or 30 karma points to go from CCG 2 to CCG 3.
I think you glanced at the wrong chart Grendel.
Feb 13 2008, 12:25 AM
Actually I quoted from SR4, not the wiki, as I forgot that we'd monkeyed with karma costs for raising skillgroups.
Feb 13 2008, 01:34 AM
Hello from Singapore!
WR, I dont have my sr4 on me (for fairly obvious reasons), but I know the changes Id like to make based on the rules from the wiki.
[ Spoiler ]
Use my 10 build to improve my reaction from 3 to 4.
I have no clue what to do with the 'bonus' karma, as I only skimmed Arsonel before I left. Any suggestions as to defensive centered styles/moves that can be used with a edged weapon?
edge weapon skill from 1 to 2 (4 karma)
dodge skill from 1 to 2 (4 karma)
Negotiation from 2 to 3 (6 karma)
I will have some time tomorrow morning (during a VERY boreing meeting) to put a post up, but it will be IC fluff only. I didnt think Id have open acess, but I think I can be fine going thru a redirection site.
Feb 14 2008, 05:10 PM
@Winter&Grendel: Doh! Thanks for noticing that guys. I'll check the wiki and rework my stuff.
Feb 15 2008, 04:24 PM
QUOTE (WinterRat1 @ Feb 12 2008, 06:05 PM)

Adamu, Pragma, Voorhees, Rob – You’re all free to post. Adamu and Pragma, unless Voorhees or Rob say otherwise, assume Shade, Aziz, and Bockscar go with Thumper and Grack.
With Aziz and Bockscar wounded and the five of them venturing into heavily contested territory Shade would play it safe and try to keep the group together.
If you need any inspiration for posts, when you get back to the old Hammerpack HQ feel free to toss in a flashback post on the last stand of the Hammerpack. I’ve been dying for a ‘final battle’ type post/recollection to put in Shade’s journal, and it would be really neat if I could get one from Grendel, Pragma, Adamu and Rob (as a sort of ancillary member of the Pack at the time), giving four different perspectives on the war’s biggest and final battle. Just a thought.
So I take this as a green light for us to get at least as far as the old HQ without incident.
If no one else does, I'll post our arrival in 12 to 16 RL hours. But anyone else please feel free!
However, once in the safehouse, Grack won't leave for anywhere out of doors till sundown.
Also, if anyone is going to do a final-battle-flashback, that can't really be Grack...unless I just copy and paste in the one that is already on the wiki...
@Winter - question - that home turf advantage we all, is that for our respective former turfs? Or our new would-be Ravens turf? Or is there some sort of transition taking place...reckon eventually there's gonna be more trouble for someone somewhere, and if it's me I'll want to know how many precious dices I am working with...
Feb 16 2008, 10:03 AM
Searched all over the wiki for the address of the Pack's old HQ, but my efforts were in vain.
If there is an address that I missed, just let me know and I will edit it into my IC post's header.
Feb 20 2008, 04:17 AM
Abbandon -
[ Spoiler ]
Combat Turn 3
Initiative Pass 1
11a – Pistol Guy
Simple 1: Fire Pistol at Fool – 5 hits vs. 1 hit = 4 net hits. See Notes 1 and 2.
Simple 2: Fire Pistol at Fool – 2 hits vs. 0 hit = 0 net hit. See Notes 3, 4, and 5.
Movement: None
Note 1: Fool was given a -3 penalty to defend for ‘Defender in Melee targeted by Ranged Attack’. This reduced his defense hits to 1.
Note 2: Soak – 4P + 4 net hits = 8P < Ballistic 9 so Stun Damage. 8S – 4 hits = 4S damage. 4S damage > Fool’s Body of 3, Fool is knocked down. Fool now has 8 boxes of Stun.
Note 3: I rolled Fool’s second defense against Pistol Guy and got 0 hit. He had a -3 for defender in melee targeted by ranged attack, -1 for second defense this pass, -1 for encumbrance, -2 for defender being prone, and -1 for injury, since he has 8 boxes of stun. My roll was: 2 = 0 hits.
Note 4: Soak – 4P + 2 net hits = 6P < Ballistic 9 so Stun Damage. 6S – 2 hits = 1S, 3P. Fool now has 9 Stun and is unconscious, as well as 3P.
Note 5: Fool’s Second Ballistic Soak: 4 1 3 2 4 1 5 4 3 1 6 4 3 = 2 hits.
11b – Knife Guy
Simple 1:
Simple 2:
Complex: Stab Fool – 5 hits vs. 0 hits = 5 net hits. See Note 1.
Note 1: Soak – 3P + 5 net hits = 8P < Impact 8 so Stun Damage. 8S – 3 hits = 5S, which is 5P due to overflow from Stun Condition Monitor. Fool now has 9 Stun and 8 Physical.
9b – Chain Guy
Simple 1:
Simple 2:
Complex: ???
Simple 1:
Simple 2:
Abbandon – Technically speaking, you could spend Edge for Fool at any of the points above, but honestly, there’s no real point, because you’ll only be prolonging the inevitable, namely that Fool is going down.
It’s your choice if you want to or not, but if you do, you won’t get your Edge refreshed for a while, so I’d think long and hard before doing so.
All Fool knows is he got stabbed and shot twice at pretty much the same time, and after their combined assault, the world faded to black…
Let me know if you want to spend Edge or not, I’ll give you 24 hours to tell me. Otherwise, I’ll let you know via a follow up IC post what happened to Fool at that time.
Feb 20 2008, 04:43 AM
Lindt - I need a more detailed breakdown of your reward spending before I can approve or comment on your rewards.
Meriss and Lindt - I cleared you both to post, assume for now the whores will complete their jobs without incident.
@Winter - question - that home turf advantage we all, is that for our respective former turfs? Or our new would-be Ravens turf? Or is there some sort of transition taking place...reckon eventually there's gonna be more trouble for someone somewhere, and if it's me I'll want to know how many precious dices I am working with...
That is currently for your respective former turfs. Over time, it will transition to your new Ravens turf, once you establish where it is and spend some time getting used to the place.
Vegas and Mister Juan- Your post will be up tomorrow.
Everyone Else - If I haven't specifically addressed anything for you it means you're clear to post. Remember, I said I won't hold your hands and lead you from place to place.
You have to show initiative and do (or not do) whatever you want your characters to do. If you have any questions, let me know, but I won't have something specific in mind to happen at every second of the day for every character, so you have to decide if you want your characters to just sit around (which is totally fine!), or do something, but you have to tell me what the 'something' is.
Feb 20 2008, 05:49 AM
If he needs to Fool will burn a point of edge to stay alive. what happens..........
Feb 20 2008, 12:38 PM
QUOTE (WinterRat1 @ Feb 19 2008, 11:43 PM)

Everyone Else - If I haven't specifically addressed anything for you it means you're clear to post. Remember, I said I won't hold your hands and lead you from place to place.
You have to show initiative and do (or not do) whatever you want your characters to do. If you have any questions, let me know, but I won't have something specific in mind to happen at every second of the day for every character, so you have to decide if you want your characters to just sit around (which is totally fine!), or do something, but you have to tell me what the 'something' is.
I am totally cool with that. And I have a list of things for Grack to do that's longer than Lofwyr's memory.
One slight snag, though, is just an innate hazard of forum gaming - hate to post in a way that impinges too much on others. Whereas sitting on sofas around a table groaning under the weight of dice and Big Gulps we could all decide what we each wanted to do in three minutes, bringing four or five characters into consensus is a lot tougher in this format.
Grack would really be perfectly happy spending the next several hours until dark alternately napping and studying his surroundings in the Color World (log about 50% of hours elapsed as magic training). But I really hate to post him four hours ahead when there are other PCs with him, and when the GM may have thoughts of something happening.
So that is what I intend to do a post of IF (and just as soon as) it becomes clear that Grack will be undisturbed until dark.
But unless Winter wants me to handle that differently, now that I have tentatively declared, I won't IC post until then.
But of course I am 100% open to input from other players - whether it be role-playing or action.
Here are some quick parameters for what Grack is very unlikely to do, although anything is possible depending on what happens -
Turn his music down for anyone but Thumper.
Go back out in the sun for anything but maybe Thumper being killed in the middle of the street outside the window (he didn't become a lifelong sewer dweller for no reason!).
On the other hand, he will probably be amenable to anything reasonable-sounding that does not cause him to be bored, exert too much effort, or go out into the sun.
Mostly he just wants to sit and be left alone during the day. Sort of like a reptilian torpor. But he's very nocturnal, and once it gets dark he is probably up for anything, the wilder and stupider the better.
Again, totally open to OOC or IC input from any of the folks he is with.
Feb 20 2008, 04:07 PM
@Winter: My bad, I was kinda waiting on Lindt to give him a chance to reclaim Child from NPC status. And I'm having major development indecison anxiety. Oh well. Thanks for the notice though.
Feb 21 2008, 01:53 AM
Thumpers rough plan is to look for trouble, food, money and guns in about that order using his standard MO of wandering in ever widening spirals.
He'll say as much in an IC shortly. If Voorhees doesn't object I'll have the four gangers present rolling out with Thumper leaving Grack a message.
Looking around for stuff: # dice: 7 :: 5 4 2 4 2 1 3 -- 1 success
Listening for stuff: # dice: 9 :: 4 2 4 6 1 1 4 3 5 -- 2 successes
Feb 22 2008, 05:25 PM
@Winter: I'm not going anywhere in particular, just looking for lunch. Feel free to throw a monkey wrench in my plans.
Oh and After looking at the wiki I think I've got my character development figured out.
Category A:
Spending 5BP to bump High Pain Tolerence from 1 to 2.
Spending 5BP to buy the Martial Artist Quality with the Arnis de Mano style.
Category B:
Spending all of Cat B to buy the +1DV on club attacks.
Category C:
Spending 6 Karma to boost Artisan from 2 to 3. Training time is 18 hours.
Spending 4 Karma to boost Dodge from 1 to 2. Training time is 12 hours.
Spending 4 Karma to boost Locksmith from 1 to 2. Trianing time is 12 hours.
Feb 22 2008, 07:49 PM
Hello everyone. My character is almost finished and hopefully I will get my first post up soon. Thanks to WR1 for his patients. I am in the process of reading all of the IC posts and am really excited to finally join in.
Feb 22 2008, 09:11 PM
Welcome aboard Slipshade!

Enjoy the ride. Let me know if you need any thing wiki-related (I put your sheet up, so I hope I didn't miss anything)
Feb 22 2008, 09:20 PM
QUOTE (Meriss @ Feb 22 2008, 11:25 AM)

@Winter: I'm not going anywhere in particular, just looking for lunch. Feel free to throw a monkey wrench in my plans.
Oh and After looking at the wiki I think I've got my character development figured out.
Category A:
Spending 5BP to bump High Pain Tolerence from 1 to 2.
Spending 5BP to buy the Martial Artist Quality with the Arnis de Mano style.
Category B:
Spending all of Cat B to buy the +1DV on club attacks.
Category C:
Spending 6 Karma to boost Artisan from 2 to 3. Training time is 18 hours.
Spending 4 Karma to boost Dodge from 1 to 2. Training time is 12 hours.
Spending 4 Karma to boost Locksmith from 1 to 2. Trianing time is 12 hours.
Meriss -
When you spend your 5 BP on Arnis de Mano you get ONE of the advantages for "free" so you don't have to blow the 5bp from Category B on it. In other words buying one level (5bp) of Arnis de Mano earns you the +1 DV on clubs attacks. Category B rewards are there to spend on maneuvers (like clinch, disorient, finishing move, etc. ) for either 2bp or 4 karma for EACH maneuver.
If you want more help let me know and I'll do my best

So basically if you buy as you want above, you still have 5bp and 1k to spend.
Feb 22 2008, 09:34 PM
QUOTE (Vegas @ Feb 22 2008, 01:11 PM)

Welcome aboard Slipshade!

Enjoy the ride. Let me know if you need any thing wiki-related (I put your sheet up, so I hope I didn't miss anything)
When you get a chance I have signed up for the wiki, but I just need someone to give me access and I can finish a couple of edits on Baby.
No hurry though and thanks!
Feb 22 2008, 09:48 PM
Sorry, I should have mentioned I approved you right away
Feb 22 2008, 09:54 PM
Thanks Vegas!
Feb 22 2008, 09:57 PM
@Vegas: *whimper* I assumed when Winter and Grendel mentioned my Martial Artist stuff being off it was the manuvers. Oh well more BP and Karma is not a bad thing.
@Slipshade: Welcome aboard! Prepare to die.
Feb 22 2008, 10:51 PM
QUOTE (Meriss @ Feb 22 2008, 01:57 PM)

@Slipshade: Welcome aboard! Prepare to die.

Meriss - LOL! I think Baby is almost there already and I haven't even started posting yet.
Feb 23 2008, 12:28 AM
@Slipshade - super big welcome!
Feb 23 2008, 05:30 AM
Pragma, Voorhees, Rob, Adamu - Anyone who goes out looking for stuff will not find anything particularly useful. Apparently scavengers have already been out and about, picking pretty much everything clean.
I rolled perception for Shade, Aziz, and Bockscar, assuming Grack did not go out with the group.
The streets are very quiet this time of day, and you don't see any other gangs in your journeys, assuming you stay within Hammerpack turf. If you plan on wandering into UV Nights or Nation turf, let me know.
You will notice the Ultraviolet Nights and Raider Nation have already started tagging some of your old turf, and if you wander to the south, you'll even see a few Black Plague tags.
Other than the tags though, it seems feasible for you to occupy this turf again if you go back, or at least possible. No one else is out in force backing up the tags, as far as you can see right now.
There is also a disturbing lack of bodies in the streets. Bodies you guys know were there earlier, because some of you put them there...
Anyone and everyone is free to fluff this, will someone please volunteer to do the job? If you have any questions, or need more details, let me know.
Meriss, Lindt, Mister Juan, Nevada, Grendel - You guys are all free to post or do whatever. Great post Meriss btw, I enjoyed the part about falling from a sort of respected ganger to babysitting the whores.
Abbandon - You have 7 Boxes of Stun and 8 Boxes of Physical. Per my IC post, all your gear you had on you has been taken. I'm going to need a certain amount of honesty from you regarding what you were carrying (and thus what was lost), but at a minimum, your knife, gun, flash pack, armor jacket, commlink, anything in your jacket, and any other items you were carrying are gone. You are also down one set of clothes.
Please let me know what else you would have been carrying and thus had taken from you, and make the appropriate changes on your wiki.
You do not know what time it is and have no way of knowing at this time.
You are free to post, let me know if you have any other questions.
All - Slipshade's character is up on the wiki for you to start taking a look at. It still needs some editing for a few changes/errors, but in the meantime, if you guys want to start filling out takes for Baby it would be a lot of fun to read, as the takes always are! Also, I suggest you follow Vegas's lead and start updating your character's takes, to reflect your changing views on your fellow gangers.
If anyone has any questions, feel free to let me know. Otherwise right now you're all scattered around doing your own thing.
Feb 23 2008, 06:59 AM
adamu - Thanks, this should be a lot of fun.
I'm off to edit my character!
Feb 23 2008, 09:20 AM
Fool Lost: (spoilered for space not secracy)
[ Spoiler ]
sec600 fichette pistol w/ gell ammo
Armored Jacket
Flash pak
7 BTL dreamchips(porn)
Tag eraser
10 RFID's
Commlink (transys avalon, iris orb) w/ trodes and sim mod(hot)
1 set of clothes
Feb 23 2008, 11:53 PM
Is Doc going to be making a comeback from his run-in with the law? Or did he go out in a blaze of glory?
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