Arsenal and Karma UpdateOK Everyone, there are two issues on the table I’m going to be discussing concurrently.
1. The Martial Arts and Advanced Combat Modifiers rules in Arsenal are significantly important to our game because of their potential added value. Probably more so in this game than most because of the emphasis DITG has on melee combat.
2. Karma awards.
I want to use Arsenal’s Martial Arts rules going forward with our new recruits, but I need to avoid the problem of the original players saying (and rightly so) ‘but I would have done this if I had known’.
That’s a fair point, but at the same time, I don’t want to completely overhaul or reinvent our characters just to accommodate a new rules set. While important, it’s not worth grinding the game to a halt over essentially an administrative matter.
So here’s what we’re going to do. I am awarding you all three separate categories of upgrades, and you have to be very careful and clear in tracking how you spend them.
The RewardsCategory A: 10 ‘All Purpose’ BP to be spent however you want, with the caveat you cannot do anything you could not have done at character creation (e.g. spend more BP on resources than allowed, raise skill level or skill + specialization dice above 4, etc).
This represents the universal bonus all new players will receive as well (meaning new recruits get 310 BP to make characters, not including any potential rewards earned), to account for the point costs of martial arts and their comparatively high value in our style of game. This award is solely to maintain the gap you rightly should have over new players, and as such is treated the same as the BP from character creation.
Category B: 5 ‘Bonus’ BP that are intended to be used for Martial Arts Styles and Maneuvers, but may be used for anything.
For purchasing purposes, they function under the same rules as the Category A All Purpose BP, but for conversion purposes (see below) they function slightly differently.
This bonus is only for currently active players who have been around since the beginning of the game, a little reward for those who've stayed the course so far.
Category C: 15 karma
This is your karma for the past seven months. I know it may seem small, but read on.
A hidden but no less significant aspect of the rewards is your ability to convert points between them, in order to maximize the value you receive. Thus the number of points in each category is not very large, but your ability to manipulate them to achieve your specific desires for your characters should result in much greater actual, practical, and most importantly, personalized advancement than if I just dumped a bucket of karma on you to try and achieve all of the above purposes.
The conversion ratios are as follows:
Category A: The ‘All Purpose’ BP may be converted to karma at a rate of 1 BP to 2 karma.
Category B: The ‘Bonus’ BP may be converted to karma at a rate of 1 BP to 1 Karma.
Category C: Karma may be converted to ‘All Purpose’ BP at a rate of 3 karma to 1 BP.
So you could end up with 20 BP, 40 karma, or a wide variety of combinations in between.
Some key points to keep in mind in allocating between BP and karma:
1. BP CANNOT take raise your character past the starting character limitations, karma can.
2. Karma requires training time, BP does not.
3. Raising anything beyond the starting character limitations still has to make sense, so most likely no one should be raising any skills to 5, since no one has had enough practice in anything since game play to be considered ‘Elite’. Raising something to 4 however may be acceptable, depending on the ability and character in question.
Arsenal Martial Arts NotesThere are no limitations on which styles or maneuvers you can purchase. There is no limit in how much BP you spend on styles or maneuvers. So for example you could get 20 BP and load up on Martial Arts and maneuvers, if you wanted.
I agree the realism of random gangers learning some of these martial arts is pretty minimal. In my mind though, the only real reason the distinction in martial arts exists is to allow possible stacking of the various advantages across multiple martial arts styles. Otherwise, each art is really just a package that says, 'you learned to fight in this way and so these are the potential advantages you can take'.
There's not much story or depth behind them, and I don't see the point in saying, 'well because you're not an elf you never could have learned Carromoleg so you can't get a +1 bonus to Receiving a Charge'. There are plenty of martial arts/fighting styles/ways to focus or learn that particular advantage outside of Carromoleg. So why is it limited to Carromoleg?
I'm viewing them less as actual martial arts with background and story behind them and more as a variety of fighting styles people could have picked up over time which all come with different advantages. The advantages are minimal and varied enough I'm not overly worried about game balance.
Alternatively, a plausible explanation would be people learning stuff from the War Pit, as that place is guaranteed to have all shapes, sizes, manner, and types of fighters. I'm perfectly fine with saying that place is basically guaranteed to have someone who can teach you anything you want to know for the right price, and leaving it nice and generic like that. So in this particular area, there is no need to worry about a rational explanation for why your troll knows Carromoleg.
If you do not have Arsenal, and you will not be getting Arsenal for a significant period of time, you will be at a competitive disadvantage relative to your fellow players, and
especially with your rival gangers, who will be taking full use of the advanced melee rules to stomp you flat in newer and more varied ways.
Consequently, here is my solution. If you want to use Arsenal’s rules, give me your phone number via PM and we will arrange a phone call (assuming you’re ok with it). Based on your character I will offer up suggestions and you can tell me what styles you want to purchase and then I’ll give you the statistical details. I also can give you the basic rundown on all the maneuvers and you can pick what you like.
Most likely people will buy 1-2 Advantages and maybe 2-4 maneuvers, so it’s not like we’d have a ton of stuff to go over. We could probably finish the phone call in like 1-2 hours.
For those who do not live in the United States, I am willing to arrange time to chat via Skype. Don’t ask me to do more than that (except maybe, MAYBE AIM), because I’m a technological moron and I don’t want to get too high tech.
If you’re interested in setting up your character for Arsenal’s Martial Arts via the phone, for planning purposes here’s some relevant info.
In a nutshell, you buy the Martial Arts Quality just like other Positive Qualities, and it costs 5, 10, 15, or 20BP.
Each 5 BP lets you buy 1 ‘advantage’ from a style, and each style offers its own suite of advantages. There are 4 advantages per style.
Advantages stack ACROSS styles but not WITHIN styles. So if both Style A and Style B offer you the same Bonus C, you could spend 5 BP on Style A to get advantage C and 5 BP on Style B to get Bonus C, effectively receiving Bonus C twice. But you couldn’t spend 10 BP on Style A to get Bonus C twice. Make sense?
Each advantage (costing 5 BP, noted above) allows you the
option to purchase up to 2 maneuvers per advantage for 2 BP per maneuver. They are basically the same as maneuvers from SR 3’s Cannon Companion, although they're much better and more varied in my opinion. Then tend to focus on offering extra combat options, allowing extra variety but not necessarily a significant amount of extra power, although the versatility obviously makes you a more dangerous combatant.
Submitting your Upgrades to MeBefore anyone does anything to the wiki, I want you to submit your point spending to me so I can review it. Be very clear what you spent the points from each category on, and if you converted BP to karma or vice versa. From a glance at your sheet I should be able to track where each point in each category went to. If I can’t, I’m going to get annoyed. You don’t want me to get annoyed. So please, just be organized and we’ll all be happier that way.
Keep in mind you will have to post IC examples of your character training (like Adamu’s post of Grack practicing his magical skills) and show me the record of your training hours to actually advance in karma. Note this is nowhere near as problematic as Living in the Shadows, as you should have significantly more time to yourselves in this game.
Let me know if there are any questions, otherwise congratulations on your rewards, have fun plotting and spending them, and I hope you enjoy the ill-gotten fruits of the sick, twisted, and generally scummy people you call characters.