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The White Die of Joy™ says Baby's message gets through this time.

Stealth + Knowledge = Power!!!!!

<--- Loves White Die of Joy.
Woo hoo! Worship the white die of joy (till it causes me to critical glitch and then I'm gonna kick its ass!)

Remember when a number of us made locations for Kingsgate? It's that time again! Put on your creative hats and come up with locations that you'd like to see show up in Kingsgate. Keep in mind that these aren't specific locations (i.e. no need to give it street corners, addresses, etc) as WinterRat1 will place them accordingly. So we don't have a glut of things suddenly showing up in Raven's turf and bare blocks in other parts of the 'Gate smile.gif

Extinguished gangs can place their old HQ's (I know the Brickhouse guys are doing lots of background work for their old gang, including locations on their old turf)

PM them to me as you write them up, please smile.gif Or send me a long list all at once.

If you have any questions as to what I'm talking about (for the new guys) check out the "Locations" section of the wiki and you'll see all the places we came up with in the planning stages of the game. Some of your characters have backgrounds that could stand to have permanent locations placed on the map that have some significance to the whole of Kingsgate (fighting pits or places they hung out if they weren't part of a gang, etc)
Looks like it is time to finish my write up on Five Corners and the Kings Arms. smile.gif
Everyone - Crunch time is now here at work, from now until Apr. 15 my availability is highly up in the air, depending on what my workload is on any given day. I will still do my best to stay current, but be advised I'll be slower until I get out from under tax season.
I seem to have missed an exchange of information. I'd IC Maus still running but I have no idea how fast these dudes are going so I'm kinda stuck. I don't want to guess, not unless I know that's what I'm supposed to do.

I feel so demanding... always wanting to know more... frown.gif
Spike - This is going to be a problem then. Most of the time there isn't anyone around to tell you what you are supposed to do. Maus knows the vehicles went North on 142. You can follow them if you want, though they will pull ahead of you.

Baby has more information because she aced a Gang ID test and passed that info off to Legion.

Your choice seems to be follow the gang, or just be happy that you are safe and go back to the Heights. Though you can do whatever you want.

Pragma - Are you really thinking of taking on 20-30 gangers with like what six of you? Yikes. Good luck and please don't die. smile.gif
Like I said: I think I missed an exchange of information then; Last I heard they were going west on 137th....

ATM it seems like following them gives me the best chance of linking up with the rest, as a number of us seem to be converging upon them for various reasons.
Then run with that thought my friend! Keep an eye out on the time stamps of everyone that is in the area to keep on track with the others and do whatever you think Maus would do!

It that is follow, then by all means follow!
Spike - You did not miss any exchange of information that is relevant to you. Stop reading other peoples' posts. It's just confusing you. The time stamps matter. Which PC I'm talking to matters. Different people know things at different times.

Baby saw them heading north on 142nd. That's the last thing she saw.

A few minutes later, Spike sees them heading west on 137th. That's the last thing he saw.

You are confusing yourself by trying to follow everyone's posts and thinking they're happening concurrently (which they aren't) or that Maus is somehow aware of what's happening in other people's posts. Maus DOES NOT KNOW all that information I share with the others. Maus only knows what I tell you unless someone else tells you what they know in game.

He doesn't know Baby's watching them too; he doesn't even know who Baby is. You didn't miss anything. I told you ONLY what Maus knows, and that's it.

All you know is you personally saw them heading east on 132nd while on top of the Heights. You ran down to find out more and saw them head west on 137th. In between that, you saw nothing, and know nothing more than those two facts.

I'm allowing limited metagaming (a.k.a. coincidence) for the purpose of having the new gangers meet up with the 'veterans', but you cannot just read other peoples' IC posts and assume you are privy to the same information unless they make it available for you in character.
So, hate to be a nit-picker, but does an electronic message copied to "everyone at headquarters" include Grack?

And how loudly can all this screeching be heard down in the sewers several blocks to the north?

Don't want to metagame myself into something, but also don't want to be a party-pooper. Not sure which way to jump.
Adamu - The screeching can be heard, but it's pretty faint.

The electronic message will not get through to you in the sewers.
Egads, no! I mean, I assume I can read their IC posts, otherwise the entire affair would be too confusing, but reading this thread I hit non sequitor territory. I've given up on identfying them by perception, not because I, the player, have read who they are, but because Maus, the character obviously doesn't recognize anything.

All I've been trying to find out for several posts now is the spatial relationships between objects in relative proximity. I have vectors but not velocity nor dimensions. Trying to plot an intercept course with only half the peices.

I'm assuming a decently long train of vehicles, meaning they are probably spread out over a block or two of distance (maybe, but probably not, more), with some space between them.

But are they moving at Ice Cream Truck speeds (reasonable: They are making a spectacle of themselves, driving slowly would enhance the display aspect of the entire affair)

Or are they moving at 'get there now speeds' which in the barrens is probably significantly less than the posted speed limit, but faster than Maus can run for any real distance.

Then too: How open is the cross country route that would take me on an intercept course to 137'th. Its shorter in relation to where they are going, but may take longer to cross than worthwhile (we are talking the pacific northwest, uncleared hills full of trees and the like are common, though in 2070 it may be a barren wasteland filled with ruined buildings...)

Before I post IC that I'm still chasing them it would be nice to know what sort of terrain I'm chasing them through (open road (down 124) or through neighborhood (cross country intercept) and wether he expects to catch them or if they are pulling away from him.

That is what I've been trying to find out, and I was worried that I had missed a post where those types of things had been answered when I noticed a big, somewhat confusing, exchange. The only thing I've tried to do using knowledge Maus wouldn't have is place myself where he might meet up with other players, the allowable coinicdence... for example not just giving up on the chase in player frustration and going back to the heights because a large group of other players are converging on the convoy. Maus doesn't know that's why he's following them, he's just stubborning doing what he started doing when he still thought it might be what he was supposed to be doing...

- Spike, who only pretends to show of his advanced brain because he feels stupid every time he does something wrong in this game...
QUOTE (Slipshade @ Apr 3 2008, 09:55 AM) *
Pragma - Are you really thinking of taking on 20-30 gangers with like what six of you? Yikes. Good luck and please don't die. smile.gif

Thumper is under the influence ... of Legion ... and thinking that they can hit 6-12 of those 30 if they surprise them. He's also kind of wondering why anyone would want to hit them at the moment, but that's a nagging thought in the back of his head, not something in the foreground.

I want to board up the doors of the HQ and see what's left in the morning. That or send out some feelers.
Pragma - Good job of Role Playing then. smile.gif I guess I should have specified that I wasn't really serious in my comment. Just having some fun.
Spike - Quick note in light of your IC post. You do realize the vehicles are heading onto what was once Corsairs turf, and not Brickhouse Boys or the soon-to-be October Ravens turf, right?

The references to 'your turf' in your IC post made me want to make sure you understood that, since where they're going is not, and never was, anything Maus could have reasonably considered his turf.
Since its within reasonable walking distance of where he's staying now, and without someone to tell him otherwise, he considers the general area 'his'.

Same sort of confusion he gets when taking money from Gracie. He knows hes supposed to do it, but the details on 'how' escape him. Had it been longer, someone would have stopped him, but I figured in the few days its been the entire general area was sort of uncontrolled for the moment.

I didn't say he was right. smile.gif

I thought I made it clear IC. Sorry. Since the Boys are no more, and everyone else that claimed that turf is no more, he's (at the moment) a 'gang of one'. Its his turf until someone proves they can take it from him. Its that animalistic thought process he's working with, nothing more. Of course, by rights I should work out exactly where 'HIS' turf stops, but I figure it won't matter long enough to justify it. Of course, I also need to work out just what scale the map is on too... it doesn't help that right now he's more or less on the border between two different expanded squares... means I work twice as hard to look at the area... and we've seen how bad I am with this map...

-Spike, who swears he's working on his map skills, and is ashamed to admit that he does use maps professionally, and with some skill even...
Map Clairification Time.. So we're all on the same page.

Maus is at 124th Ave NE and NE 141st Pl (Spike, you have it as 141st LN which doesn't exist) In Map Square B4. (Click the B$ for a link to the detailed map piece) This puts Maus at Plastic Sushi which is the number 5 on the map.

The convoy of screaming, flaming trucks is in map piece B5 and they have just turned to the East (left) onto 137th Pl NE, right in front of the Pizza Bank which is number 3 on that particular map piece.

Cuervo was at Plastic Sushi @ 00:00:00 headed back up towards The Heights in map piece B4

Twiggs was skating like a mad man possessed on NE 141st Way towards 128th Ave. NE @ 00:00:00 in map piece B4

Hope that helps everyone.

One other thing to consider, if Maus is claiming the area around The Heights as "his" turf, he'll likely know (or should know being that the Brickhouse Boys weren't far from there) that the Hammerpack used to claim that turf and honestly it's unlikely that he knows they're gone except for the Hammerpack (Legion, Grack, Thumper) themselves. In fact, as WR1 has pointed out a number of times.. NONE of us know if the gang war is over or not... Keep in mind.. all hell broke loose just a little over 24-48 hours ago for most gangs.
So: Cuervo and I probably passed each other. Twiggs is nearby, but not necessarily in sight.

I'll try to look at the Hammerpack timeline too, but I thought its been two days since the 'big destruction', though the BB's went down a little earlier (second and final chopshop on... 30th?), which means that Maus has been operating on his own for three days, and for two of those no real gang presence has been out and about (or by coincidence crossed like ships passing in the night), though the 31st was undoubtedly loud.

I'm not trying to do anything wrong. I know I'm struggling with the map (and had I more time, I work this weekend, I'd probably lay it out physically on graph paper with my own notes to places and pre-existing turf...). I'm trying to work in how he'd be fitting the current situation: a couple of days walking around not seeing anyone working the area and he'll start to grow possessive, even as he tries to figure out his boundaries. WHile I suppose sitting down in place and sulking until someone swung by to round him up and induct him into a gang would be vaguely appropriate, I imagine it would be lazy and uninteresting too.

--Spike, who is starting to fear he's transgressed too often and too grossly to actually fit in, and has no idea why. None. At all.
I'm sorry your struggling with the map. Because all the turf/location information is on it already, granted the extinct gangs aren't listed anymore because turf lines will undoubtedly be changing as the smoke clears from the gang war (but they are available via the link at the top of the page). Let me know if there's anything I can do to help you make more sense of it all.

And I understand that Maus has been on his own for 3 days, (just an FYI Trojan wrote the "final extinction" of the Brickhouse Boys on the 31st) but the Hammerpack was still up and fighting on the 30th, taken out on the 31st at the height of the war... And Legion's now brought the Raven's back up into their old turf which hasn't been "abandoned" at any given time... and I'd disagree that there wasn't any type of gang presence out and about during those days he was separated from the BB's. smile.gif
for two of those no real gang presence has been out and about (or by coincidence crossed like ships passing in the night), though the 31st was undoubtedly loud.

I honestly do not understand how you can say this.

Saying there was no real gang presence out and about on Oct. 30 and 31st is like saying no one in Ireland is drinking on Saint Patrick’s Day. There’s just no rational way to look at the facts and get to that conclusion.

Those two days were the climax of the war! EVERYONE was out and about for one reason or another! I can’t think of a single gang that didn’t either take the fight to another gang or get the fight brought to them. Kingsgate was a literal war zone for the last few days of October. November 1 got a little quieter, but as Fool found out the hard way, there were still plenty of gangers out and about and looking to rumble. Now we’re a little past midnight on November 2 and Legion just brought the new October Ravens back to the old Hammerpack turf.

It’s been strongly implied (although not directly stated) the 162s were out and about earlier during the day/night, and it’s a near certainty the Black Plague, Ultraviolet Nights, and Raider Nation were crawling all over Hammerpack turf.

In fact you (the players) know they were out there earlier because a Raider Nation hit squad wacked Badmarsh and almost got Nevada and Bockscar as they were pulling out of Hammerpack turf.

Legion, Thumper, Grack, and Doc had a rumble with some Black Plague members on the way out.

Thumper, Grack, and Doc had just finished tangling with some Ultraviolet Nights (separately) before they regrouped.

Hammerpack turf was practically Grand Central Station of the war, with half the gangs in Kingsgate (if you include the nominal Brute Force and Outlander presence that was involved there during the final battles) fighting there at one point or another.

So where in your reading of the IC threads or the wiki were you led to conclude that there was no real gang presence out and about during the end of October? question.gif
QUOTE (Vegas @ Apr 3 2008, 04:00 PM) *
One other thing to consider, if Maus is claiming the area around The Heights as "his" turf, he'll likely know (or should know being that the Brickhouse Boys weren't far from there) that the Hammerpack used to claim that turf and honestly it's unlikely that he knows they're gone except for the Hammerpack (Legion, Grack, Thumper) themselves. In fact, as WR1 has pointed out a number of times.. NONE of us know if the gang war is over or not... Keep in mind.. all hell broke loose just a little over 24-48 hours ago for most gangs.

Good point, I've been going with the idea that if I run into Legion and the "boys" around the new HQ, that Twiggs would just assume that they are all just surviving Hammerpack, still patroling their turf.
QUOTE (Spike @ Apr 3 2008, 04:23 PM) *
I'm not trying to do anything wrong. I know I'm struggling with the map (and had I more time, I work this weekend, I'd probably lay it out physically on graph paper with my own notes to places and pre-existing turf...). I'm trying to work in how he'd be fitting the current situation: a couple of days walking around not seeing anyone working the area and he'll start to grow possessive, even as he tries to figure out his boundaries. WHile I suppose sitting down in place and sulking until someone swung by to round him up and induct him into a gang would be vaguely appropriate, I imagine it would be lazy and uninteresting too.

@ Spike/Maus Try this link it may help, It's the area map, and may give you a better idea of scale.
Ok one last stab at this, Twiggs is bolting around the corner just south of Kirkland city park, a hot 45 seconds before pragma/Thumper post being IC in almost the same place, along with Aziz. Followed by grendel/Legion posting IC in the same area 92 seconds after that. So I'm going to post seeing you guys as I pass by, enroute to the heights, If you'd like to stop Twiggs, now would likely be ideal. grinbig.gif
QUOTE (Slipshade @ Apr 3 2008, 02:33 PM) *
Pragma - Good job of Role Playing then. smile.gif I guess I should have specified that I wasn't really serious in my comment. Just having some fun.

Don't worry. I figured it out. The smiley face usually sends that message pretty clearly. biggrin.gif
QUOTE (WinterRat1 @ Apr 3 2008, 10:16 AM) *
Adamu - The screeching can be heard, but it's pretty faint.

Well, maybe if they get closer it will get louder!

The electronic message will not get through to you in the sewers.

That is unhappy for me (I was mostly just wondering if he was included on the mailing list for Legion's message, but that now becomes academic). Is that right now, or an all the time thing (I have been sending and receiving from sewers previously - was that wrong? If so very sorry.) Is Signal rating a factor at all? I was under the impression that although mesh network coverage is extremely spotty, if two commlinks were in Signal range of each other, that wouldn't be relevant. Or is it just a sewer thing?
NOT NOT NOT trying to make a fuss. Just want to know these things, since Grack would have, and they are very important for future actions.

Adamu - The screeching did get louder when they headed north, but then faded again when they headed west.

The message not getting through was a 'Black Die of Doom™' rolling against you on this particular instance.

As always in Kingsgate, you can't necessarily count on electronic communications, and there's not necessarily a pattern to the how or why.
QUOTE (WinterRat1 @ Apr 4 2008, 12:44 PM) *
The message not getting through was a 'Black Die of Doom™' rolling against you on this particular instance.

As always in Kingsgate, you can't necessarily count on electronic communications, and there's not necessarily a pattern to the how or why.

Coolness - doomful black dice - cool. Me having overlooked something I could have done better - not cool. So I am happy now! Thank you for the response.
All, especially Whipstitch - Anyone need anything from me? I think I've been pretty up to date with what people need from the actual gameplay standpoint.

Whipstitch, you haven't IC posted in four days, are you having problems figuring out how to meet up with the others or have you just been too busy to post? Let me or the other players know if you need help coming up with inspiration/a way to get introduced to the rest of the gang.
I'm going to post tonight, or tomorrow morning. Just been busy, had to finish a portrait for classes.
OK no problem, just wanted to check in on you and make sure you weren't getting lost in the shuffle. With 15 or so players it's easy for people to slip through the cracks if they aren't proactive, and with you being a newcomer I didn't want you to feel neglected/ignored in all the insanity.
Sorry for the treadin' water nature of my newest post, but I've had a goofy reaction with my newest medications and I'm just not feeling terribly creative atm. Basically, the gist of it is that Cuervo's going to be chilling in the shadows just outside of the Heights and wants to hit up anyone who's by themselves (like Maus) for information. If/when Twiggs, Legion and the rest of the crew comes by he'd reveal himself there too based on the logic that if Twiggs isn't getting jumped they must not be on the warpath. I figure either that or wait 'till Ink gives him a ring back. I could also have him go scavenging or feeding rats in the park too if that seems like a more expedient path towards getting everyone linked up. I had some ideas the other day, I'm just kinda scrambled atm and don't want to go jumping the gun too much, but at least this way my location is hashed out so we can work from there.

Here's an infiltration roll pre-enviromental/home ground modifiers 10d6 → [5,2,4,2,1,4,6,5,5,1] = 4 hits

And a Perception roll pre-enviromental/home ground modifiers
6d6 → [4,2,2,1,2,6] = 1 hit
@Winter: The message was sent approximately 5 seconds after Whip's last post. Just me trying to catch up. biggrin.gif

[ Spoiler ]
Vegas and Meriss –

[ Spoiler ]

Mister Juan
I'm back in town. I'll do my best to catch up on everthing.
Sorry Meriss.. my bad.

It's been a rough day, I should know better than to be on the boards frown.gif
Oh man I really hope this was an April Fool's Joke.

Last thing I would want during recruitment is to have every other character concept be a dracoform.
Hey, technically a Feathered Serpent could afford a contact and some lifestyle. wink.gif
No dracoforms in my games. Period.

If this is the crap they're thinking up instead of stuff that's actually useful and relevant (like say, a workable matrix system that actually makes sense...), then the developers are becoming nothing more than fanboys trying to see what kewl magickal powerz they can come up with next.
Meh, as a GM I find the idea of workable dracoform rules for high powered games fairly useful. Then again, we often roll with 450 bps for mundanes and 420 + 2 initiations of your choice for Awakened in my games too. That's neither here nor there though, and I think it goes without saying that Dragons don't really fit into DITG anyway.
I'm ok with them adding options for Obsidimen and T'Skrang as it appears they are (at least the sample mentioned Obsidimen in the first paragraph), as for me it would be a better side effect of the temporary rise in mana than SURGE was and sticks more to with the original FASA Earthdawn/Shadowrun crossover stuff. But Dracoforms? I am with WinterRat on this one. That sounds really fanboy-ish and not much use in most campaigns.

Ok I will stop mentioning it as this is probably better suited for other forums on Dumpshock.
If people want to play Earthdawn, let them play Earthdawn. I'm here to play Shadowrun. If people want to play a game that has over three dozen different "metatypes", let them go play Rifts. You can play a dragon in Rifts no problem. But there's a reason why dragons are feared creatures in Shadowrun, why there are only twelve of them, and why even when the drakes were brought out it was with numerous and heavy cautions against letting players get their hands on them. I like the common mythologies that Earthdawn and Shadowrun share, I like the fact that the consequences of actions in the fourth world are still ringing in the sixth world. But I've been against crossover features, such as races, horrors, etc. from the beginning.
Grendel – FYI, Felix isn’t with you guys right now. If you look at post 460, you’ll see he snuck off back to the old Splintered Crash HQ to take a look around and see if there’s anything left.
Well that sneaky bastard. Editing.
Mister Juan
Hey all! I'm just back from out of town, so I'll be catching up on everything as soon as I can!

I'll have a post up tomorrow early afternoon.
Just wondering; how far is Felix from the old Crash's HQ? Can I write all the way into the HQ, or do you want me to stop at some point?
Pick one: Odd or Even.
Mister Juan
Man do I love those wink.gif
I'll take odd.
The Black Die of DOOM ™ says you need to give me an Infiltration roll.

And in case it wasn't obvious, you can't write up to the HQ.

You're currently a few blocks away, in the old LoCoS territory.
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