Jul 11 2007, 04:21 AM
Rob - Prior to any Observe in Detail Actions, this is what you can immediately see pre-fight:
1. How many can I see? |
2. Distance between them and I? |
Unknown, your initial guess is about 20 meters, give or take 5 or so.
3. Do they have any cover? |
Yes. Assorted dumpsters along the alley, and of course around the corners of the buildings forming the alley.
4. Type of weapons? |
Unknown. From the type of fire coming at you though, you can tell at least one of them has a full-auto capable weapon.
5. How effective is their fire (they obviously know where I am, but are they taking well aimed shots coming at me or am I receiving 'hi, how ya doin?' fire)? |
More effective than you would have expected from street gangers. The most accurate way to describe the fire is suppression fire. They're obviously trying to keep your head down. And doing a pretty good job at it.
6. Any vision penalties between them or I (I have low light) |
You don't know what vision mods they have. You will have 0 vision modifier since you have Low-Light and vision conditions are 'Partial Light'
Initial intent is up on the wiki, it has some annoying formatting thingys on it (specifically, the heading thing on the initiative roll). |
What don't you like about it? Be specific so I can make changes as appropriate/if necessary.
I spent a point of edge on going first, and then proceeded to get a pretty awesome initiative roll. Do I have to declare that point of edge first, like I did, or can I apply it to my (relatively crappy) attack roll if I end up going first anyway? |
Edge must be declared at the beginning of the Initiative Pass. Since the Combat Turn order per pg. 132 is:
1. Roll Initiative
2. Begin First Initiative Pass
Therefore in a normal tabletop game, you'd be able to see all the Initiative Rolls, then declare the use of Edge to go first prior to beginning IP 1. Since we have a different system, you must declare the use of Edge for initiative when you post on the Combat Chart. If you end up going first, you'll get your Edge point refunded to you.
Since you have stated your intent to use it on your attack roll contingent upon you going first naturally (i.e. without needing to use Edge), if you end up going first without the use of Edge I will spend it to re-roll your attack roll instead.
Oh, and do I have to apply the retarded penalty for firing from behind cover? </whine> |
Yes. Sometimes life is not fair. You may file a complaint with the makers of SR 4 as you see fit.
Unarmed and Pragma - Previous IC post was edited to accommodate your earlier points. Also Unarmed, your IC post was fine. I made sure my edits meshed with what you wrote.
Voorhees - The IC post ended up being longer than I thought it'd be. I broke it into two parts. The second part, which you will be free to respond to, will be up tomorrow. Sorry about the delay.
Jul 11 2007, 04:31 AM
Ok now im confused. Now our only reason for trying to gather into a single group is for self preservation and NOT because we were previously in a coalition together?
I think it would be good if we saw the winning gangs who destroyed all the splinter gangs and hammerpack like working together more. Besides wearing their gang color they could be also wearing some alliance color and we see some of them working together...
Then our characters would easily be drawn together out of hatred for those winners. If Steel Demons took out the rollers I could just join up with the Raiders or UV's but not if they were friends with SD, then i would hate them all and i would want to join whoever opposed them.... |
Err...I believe it was made clear some time ago that the coalition idea was changed in favor of 'unity in the name of self-preservation' approach we're currently taking. That's been the running concept for a long time now, which is why there are no 'alliance colors' among the other gangs right now.
It is possible that without an 'enemy alliance' you could theoretically be inclined to join another gang, but I believe we've provided plenty of potential reasons to join the NPCG for each character. In fact, that was part of the planning process for each character's concept for some time now if I recall correctly (why your character would join the NPCG).
For Fool specifically, he wouldn't join the Steel Demons, and he can't join the Heartbreakers, Black Plague, or 162s, so the closest gang that's feasible for him to join is the NPCG.
In any event, is this a significant enough issue to you to divert playing time to discuss, or was this a simple clarification question?
Unless it's a major problem/concern for you, at this point I would suggest that Fool simply take the 'easy' hook I provided for any PC without a specific reason to join the NPCG. Namely, Legion's reputation and the fact that he's gathering new gang members should be sufficient inducement to make joining the NPCG at least as reasonable an option as joining any other gang.
If this is still a major concern for you we can discuss it, otherwise trying to pull you all together to move on to the next phase of the game is the major priority right now.
Jul 11 2007, 04:32 AM
OK, I think that covered everything. If I missed someone, please let me know. Otherwise, the combat scenarios will be moved forward tomorrow, as well as Voorhees and Mister Juan's IC post part II.
Fresno Bob
Jul 11 2007, 05:31 AM
Roger that, looking forward to the rest tomorrow.
Jul 11 2007, 07:34 AM
I as just looking for clarification. I've read Shade's journal and know what has been going on in kingsgate its just hard to find a reason to want to gather for in game reasons. Legion my be still around and gathering troops but right now Fool has no idea of that.
Winter [Shade answers, "South on 132nd Ave then west on 124th St. ] 132nd is the horozontal street and 124th is the vertical shouldnt he be going west on 132 and south on 124th ??
Jul 11 2007, 07:59 AM
I as just looking for clarification. I've read Shade's journal and know what has been going on in kingsgate its just hard to find a reason to want to gather for in game reasons. Legion my be still around and gathering troops but right now Fool has no idea of that. |
Don't worry, that's Konsaki and my job, to gradually give you all in-game reasons to gather together. We're working on it.

132nd STREET runs east-west, 132nd AVENUE runs north-south. And NE 124th Street is the southern border of Kingsgate and runs east-west, I'm not sure where the 124th you're referring to is.
Thanks for checking me on that though, I need players to do that.
Jul 11 2007, 10:45 AM
QUOTE (WinterRat1) |
132nd STREET runs east-west, 132nd AVENUE runs north-south. And NE 124th Street is the southern border of Kingsgate and runs east-west, I'm not sure where the 124th you're referring to is.
124th Avenue NE is the "Main Drag" that runs North-South through Kingsgate and borders Raiders, UV, Old Hammerpack Turfs (among others)
Jul 12 2007, 05:18 PM
All who were expecting something from me - Sorry for the delay, I passed out on my couch last night at about 7pm and didn't wake up until this morning. I'll work on getting replies up throughout the day.
Mister Juan
Jul 12 2007, 08:44 PM
I'm back in the game! Catching up as fast as I can.
Jul 12 2007, 09:09 PM
Perfect timing Mister Juan!
Mister Juan and Voorhees - IC post is up and you're both free to post.
Note that if you want to provide any insight on my last couple of posts from your character's POV (especially you Mister Juan) feel free to revisit some of what I already wrote and insert your own characters' views/perceptions/feelings of those events.
Just make sure you use time/date stamps to clearly identify the time period you're writing about.
Fresno Bob
Jul 12 2007, 09:48 PM
Psst, Winterrat.
It's Halo, not Vegas, haha.
Jul 12 2007, 10:06 PM
Dang it! Oops, will edit.
Jul 12 2007, 10:42 PM
Grack, Thumper, Doc, LegionCombat Turn 3[ Spoiler ]
Combat Turn 3
Initiative Pass 1
9a - Grack
Free: Leave free action available for Intercept attack on anyone attempting to run away from or within 1 meter of me
Simple 1:
Simple 2:
Complex: Melee attack – 5 hits vs. Dwarf’s 2 nits = 3 net hits
Movement: Walking – 10 meters in direction of anyone running away IF dwarf is already down
Note 1: Reach 2 bonus = [1,6] – 1 bonus hit
Note 2: Always just roll your reach as a positive modifier unless you specifically would like to request it as a negative modifier to opponent (assuming you have the net reach)
9b – Troll
Free: Scream ‘Black Plague Forever!’
Simple 1:
Simple 2:
Complex: Melee attack – 5 hits vs. Doc’s 1 hits = 4 net hits, 1S to Doc
Movement: None
Note 1: Stupid @#$%$!!%& 9 hits on Impact Soak! What is up with that?!?!
8a – Legion
Simple 1:
Simple 2:
Complex: Melee attack – 7 hits vs. Elf’s 3 hits = 4 net hits
Movement: Walking towards elf to remain in melee combat range
Note 1: Receive ‘Opponent Prone’ modifier = [3,5,5] – 2 bonus hits
Note 2: I calculate the Katana’s base damage to be (STR of 4/2+3)P = 5P, -1AP. Where does the other 2P come from? The only thing I saw that could potentially apply was Critical Strike, and that only works with Unarmed attacks.
8b – Thumper
Free: Yell at knocked down ork to intimidate.
Simple 1: Continuing to yell at knocked down ork to intimidate "Stay the fuck down or I'll fucking kill you" 4 hits vs. 0 Ork’s hits (chooses not to resist) = 4 net hits
Simple 2: Toss brick at nearest standing ganger (Troll) = 2 hits vs. Troll’s 0 hits = 2 net hits
Movement: None
Note 1: ‘Characters outnumber the subject’ modifier = [2,5] – 1 bonus hit
Note 2: Troll chose not to attempt to dodge and just take the hit to avoid being distracted from Doc.
7a – Doc
Free: "Bad move, asshole."
Simple 1:
Simple 2:
Complex: Melee attack – 2 hits vs. Troll’s 4 hits = 0 net hits
Movement: Walking, keeping the troll in range if he moves away
6 – Ork 1
Free: Remains on the ground and drops weapon
Simple 1:
Simple 2:
Movement: None
Initiative Pass 2
8a – Legion
Simple 1:
Simple 2:
Complex: Melee attack – 4 hits vs. Troll’s 1 hit = 3 net hits.
Movement: None – already in combat. See Note.
Note 1: I moved Legion to attack the troll since the elf was already obviously dead from your previous attack. I couldn’t see Legion simply standing back and doing nothing, especially since Doc looks much worse off than the troll. Plus, you’ve already got the one you want alive.
Note 2: Friend in Melee bonus (Doc) = [2] – 0 bonus hits
Note 3: Troll glitches, causing him to stumble from Legion’s assault. -1 to his next defense.
8b – Thumper
Free: Stream of profanity
Simple 1:
Simple 2:
Complex: Melee attack – 1 hit vs. Troll’s 2 hit = 0 net hits.
Movement: Running – Charging nearest standing ganger
Note 1: Troll is last Black Plaguer standing.
IC post being written now. I like the current format of the Combat Chart, I saw nothing I'd change, add, or subtract this time around. As always, any suggestions please let me know.
And of course, double check your characters to ensure I did everything correctly.
Jul 12 2007, 11:02 PM
I think that I needed the 9 hits on my impact soak to make up for the fact that it's looking like I won't actually get to hit anyone this entire combat. =P
Jul 12 2007, 11:04 PM
IC post is up, go ahead and start posting your IC posts in response.
In Hot Pursuit combat will be handled next, and I'll put up the Combat Turn Chart for Turn 4 later tonight.
EDIT: Unarmed - If it helps, I've been rolling terribly for everyone EXCEPT the troll.
Jul 13 2007, 02:33 AM
You gave me an extra 2 dice (and 1 hit) for reach, but I had already included (and labeled) it in my initial roll. So I think I really did just get the five hits, without the bonus hit.
Seems like the filthy halfer is PROBABLY dead anyway, but just didn't want to win on a mistake.
AH - now I see what happened - I included and labeled the reach bonus on my Complex action attack and got five hits.
But you apparently used my second attack roll, the one I made in case of a chance for an intercept attack, in which I didn't include reach since I didn't know who it would be against. And that ended up with five hits, so it is the same for the poor furball either way.
Sorry about the confusion.
You didn't give us a deadline on the next combat turn. Does that mean we are just going to assume that, with all four of us on his ass, the troll is going to die soon and it's not worth a bunch of dice rolling? If so, fine by me. Just wanted to make sure.
IC post coming soon.
Also, I will be offline for the next three days as I transition to a real computer, so do what you must to keep things going, and I'll be back after the weekend.
Jul 13 2007, 07:17 AM
Sushi Shack Showdown People
Resolution Phase Deadline: Friday, July 13, 2007, 23:59:59 US Central Time
Combat Turn 4 Action Phase Deadline is Saturday, July 14, 2007, 23:59:59 US Central Time. Have your IC post up by this time as well.
There is a short Resolution Deadline because I don't think Unarmed is going to use an Edge to negate 1 Stun damage for Doc.
Also, I'm starting my new job on Monday, July 16. I will be flying out to Maryland for job training from Mon-Thurs next week, and I don't know if I'll have computer access while I'm there.
Since you guys should easily finish off the troll next turn, I want to try and get everything finished up Sunday so I can free you guys to post IC while I'm gone if possible. Hence the short turnaround for the Action Phase.
However, since it DOES matter how this fight ends (namely, if the troll can damage any of you prior to being finished off) I want to go through the rolls to see what happens.
Adamu - Yeah, you figured out what happened, and it worked out the same either way. See my above comment regarding Combat Turn 4. Also note the earlier quote from my previous post:
I'll put up the Combat Turn Chart for Turn 4 later tonight. |
Jul 13 2007, 09:48 AM
In Hot Pursuit PeopleCombat Turn 1[ Spoiler ]
Combat Turn 1
Initiative Pass 1
11 (Edge) - Bockscar
Free: Shrimp around the corner to get out of their line of fire.
Simple 1: Take aim at the first target.
Simple 2: Fire long burst at first target – 2 hits vs. Human 1’s 2 hits = 0 net hits.
Note 1: Shrimping around the corner is why you get the wondrous penalty for firing behind cover.
Note 2: You are less than 50 meters away. Hence you receive the +1 from your Take Aim action = [1] – 0 bonus hits
Note 3: For future reference, include your recoil compensation modifiers both positive and negative, since you can definitely calculate this for yourself. In this case, recoil compensation canceled out your recoil modifier.
Note 4: You did not specify Narrow or Wide burst. I presumed Narrow, since you specified your emphasis was on killing your target.
Note 5: If I’m not mistaken, your 6 Physical boxes of Damage mean your Wound Modifier should have been -2, not -1. I did not detect High Pain Tolerance or anything of that nature. It didn’t matter for this action, but please check this.
14a – Human 1
Simple 1: Take Aim on Bockscar
Simple 2: Fire long wide burst at Bockscar – N/A. See Note 1.
Movement: Walking – Moving towards cover behind the corner of the building diagonally opposite from Bockscar.
Note 1: I gave you full cover (blind fire) for moving back around the corner at the end of your turn. Consequently, he was unable to hit you.
14b – Human 2
Simple 1:
Simple 2:
Complex: Suppression Fire covering the entire alley (which is less than 10 meters wide) – 3 hits
Movement: Walking – Moving towards cover behind the corner of the building on the same side of the alley as Bockscar.
12 – Nevada
Free: Shout vulgar and tauntingly at the Raiders.
Simple 1: Canceled – See note
Simple 2:
Movement: None
Note 1: I drew the conclusion Nevada would not stick her head out into the alley to Observe In Detail, as doing so would subject her to defending against the Suppression Fire, which I assumed you did not want to risk. If my assumption was incorrect, please correct me during the Resolution Phase and we will adjust accordingly.
7 – Badmarsh
Simple 1: Canceled – See note
Simple 2:
Movement: None
Note 1: I drew the conclusion Badmarsh would not stick his head out into the alley to Observe In Detail via Astral Perception, as doing so would subject him to defending against the Suppression Fire, which I assumed you did not want to risk. If my assumption was incorrect, please correct me during the Resolution Phase and we will adjust accordingly.
Initiative Pass 2
14a – Human 1
Simple 1: Take Aim on Bockscar
Simple 2: Fire long wide burst at Bockscar – N/A. See Note 1.
Movement: None – already behind cover
Note 1: I gave you full cover (blind fire) for moving back around the corner at the end of your turn. Consequently, he was unable to hit you.
14b – Human 2
Simple 1: Take Aim at Corner where Bockscar is hiding
Simple 2: Take Aim at Corner where Bockscar is hiding
Movement: None – already behind cover
11 – Bockscar
Free: Say to the group "Sprint across the street! Cover me from the other side! GO!"
Simple 1: Standing up arms length away from the corner, pressed against the wall
Simple 2: Pulling the gas grenade he readied earlier from his pocket with his shot up arm, still holding the pistol grip of the rifle in his good arm.
Movement: None
Cover modifiers and the timing thereof came up during this turn. I allowed Bockscar to have full cover (and thus blind fire modifiers to attackers) because he was already positioned and ready to scramble back behind cover, did so during his action, and stayed there for the remainder of the Combat Turn.
However, be warned that if you think you can use the following sequence of actions:
Free Action: Move out from behind cover
Simple Action 1: Fire Weapon
Simple Action 2: Fire Weapon
Movement: Move back behind cover
Thus thinking you will receive Full Cover Modifiers for all turns but yours during an Initiative Pass, I warn you that you will be sorely mistaken.
Since a Combat Turn is 3 seconds, thus making each IP approximately 0.75 seconds in total, there is no feasible way you can move from cover, fire, and move back in the span of less than 0.75 seconds (the time your action within the Initiative Pass would take) all while receiving the full benefit from cover for the entire pass. I will rule on a case-to-case basis and use my best judgment, but I warn everyone now not to test me.
I don't think we'll need a Resolution Deadline, so I'm going to jump to the next Action Phase Deadline.
Combat Turn 2 Action Phase Deadline is Saturday, July 14, 2007, 23:59:59 US Central Time. Have your IC post up by this time as well.Same rationale as above, I will
try to resolve Combat Turn 2 before I leave on business, but I cannot make any promises. As always, I will do my best.
Jul 13 2007, 06:20 PM
The combat template thing, while being extremely handy, creates some interesting combat dilemmas that wouldn't normally come up. Because I got a critical glitch on my melee block roll, I kind of want to retroactively spend a point of edge to go first this round and ensure that I hit the troll and hopefully kill him before he ever hits me. I can't really do that, and there is the possibility that he won't hit me anyways because legion, thumper, and I will take him out before he ever even hits me.
It's a whole new ballgame, really. =)
Jul 14 2007, 01:40 AM
1. Resolution phase thingy: DAMNIT! Can I spend a point of edge to reroll the failures on the attack roll, or should I have declared that before the defender made his roll?
2. Numerical clarification: The -1 wound modifier was for the high pain tolerance 3 granted by the kamikaze.
3. Cover stuff: Fully agree with you regarding the lameness of whack-a-mole strategies. I assume the -4 penalty for firing at targets in cover still applies to both mine, my colleagues, and the nefarious enemies (and the lame -1 for firing OUT of cover...)
4. I'm gonna assume that I saw them running to my right, but not into cover (since I shrimped out of the way). Fairly obvious they're using automatic weapons. What else did I notice about them? Did I notice that they're fast? Did I notice whether they're using SMGs, machine pistols, assault rifles?
Jul 14 2007, 02:17 AM
1. Resolution phase thingy: DAMNIT! Can I spend a point of edge to reroll the failures on the attack roll, or should I have declared that before the defender made his roll? |
You would have needed to have spent the edge prior to knowing the Defender's roll, i.e. during the Action Phase prior to the deadline.
2. Numerical clarification: The -1 wound modifier was for the high pain tolerance 3 granted by the kamikaze. |
3. Cover stuff: Fully agree with you regarding the lameness of whack-a-mole strategies. I assume the -4 penalty for firing at targets in cover still applies to both mine, my colleagues, and the nefarious enemies (and the lame -1 for firing OUT of cover...) |
Yes, assuming your target is behind at least 50% cover they still get the benefit of the -4 penalty to the attacker (and are in turn subjected to the -1 for firing out of cover). I'm not at all banning people from using cover. People simply cannot, as you so aptly put it, attempt a 'whack-a-mole' strategy in regards to trying to move out of and back into cover in the same IP.
4. I'm gonna assume that I saw them running to my right, but not into cover (since I shrimped out of the way). Fairly obvious they're using automatic weapons. What else did I notice about them? Did I notice that they're fast? Did I notice whether they're using SMGs, machine pistols, assault rifles? |
You saw them running, but you don't know where precisely since you ducked back behind cover prior to their arrival at cover. So right now, you have an approximate idea of where they are, but no precise knowledge. I will take that into consideration for future attacks by you accordingly, depending on what you do.
You couldn't tell much about them, you ducked behind cover before you could really see them do anything. Hard to tell if they're using SMGs or machine pistols, too many bullets fired in too short a period of time. Probably not assault rifles though. Probably.
Jul 14 2007, 02:46 AM
General Announcement
I'm starting my new job on Monday, and they're sending me out to Maryland for training the same day. I will be gone from Mon, July 16 to Thurs, July 19. I am uncertain what, if any, internet access I will have while I'm gone, so I may not be able to even check the threads until Friday, July 20.
Also, my weekends (as people have probably noticed) are traditionally low-response from me, since they tend to be quite packed. So if you don't hear from me for about the next week or so, I haven't disappeared, I'm simply away on business and will get back to you all as soon as I can upon my return.
Jul 15 2007, 03:04 AM
Are we waiting on you to do the all encompassing "resolution" post IC for us before we put up our IC pov's or can we slap them up and edit (if necessary) later? I'm just a touch confused.
Jul 15 2007, 06:20 AM
Box's actions are up. Is it okay if I amend the last thing he shouted, at the end of his last initiative pass, in the IC post? Given the amount of fire he's receiving, he'd try and tell them to wait till he covers them.
Jul 15 2007, 10:55 PM
In Hot Pursuit
Oh my goodness! I'm so sorry, I completely forgot the all encompassing 'resolution' IC post for Combat Turn 1. That is my bad. I will do my absolute best to get it done before I leave tomorrow.
Rob - Go ahead and amend the last thing he shouted when you write your IC post, for the reasons you mentioned. Wait until my 'resolution' post is up before posting IC.
Jul 16 2007, 03:14 AM
Hey all, I will not have time to post before I take off tomorrow.
Voorhees - I know I owe you a post, you're priority #1 when I get back, or if I can find time to squeeze in a post while away.
In Hot Pursuit - You're next on the 'to post' list, sorry I forgot you the first time, I dunno how that happened!

Sushi Shack - I'll get to you guys after all that, since the fight shouldn't take too long to wrap up.
Jul 16 2007, 11:15 AM
Missed deadline, but I DID say I would be offline for a few days...
Anyway, noticed it wasn't resolved yet, so went ahead and put up my actions/rolls.
Hope that's okay.
Jul 18 2007, 09:35 PM
I miss WR1. =(
Jul 18 2007, 10:23 PM
As do we all. *pats Unarmed on the shoulder*
Jul 21 2007, 04:16 AM
OK, back from my training. Real life catch up is the priority until Sunday afternoon. I will be catching up on all DSF related stuff Sunday afternoon.
Jul 21 2007, 08:16 AM
Welcome back Winter. What was your old job and what are you doing now? Isnt Baltimore Maryland like a huge gaming city? Are you anywhere near there?
Jul 23 2007, 03:04 AM
Sorry everyone, I was caught up in RL stuff longer than I expected today, I won't be able to start making headway on DSF stuff until tomorrow evening. My apologies to everyone and thanks for your patience.
Abbandon - I was a corporate accountant, but now I'm back in public accounting. I don't know anything about Baltimore, I was in Bethesda, Maryland and didn't really do much tourism while there. Currently I'm near Chicago.
Jul 24 2007, 04:27 AM
OK here's some updates:
In Hot Pursuit - Your IC post for Combat Turn 1 is up. Go ahead and post your IC posts describing the actions from your character's point of view for Combat Turn 1 ONLY.
I will get to Combat Turn 2's calculations next.
Voorhees - I'm very sorry about the delay in your IC post, it's up now. Currently Aziz is out cold (anesthesia), so you can either put up a flashback/hallucination/dreaming post while he's out or I'll move you forward and wake him up.
I've really enjoyed the 'delirious' posts you've been doing, so I thought this would be an opportunity for a more extended one. Plus I admit it, I just needed to buy time and split up what was a longer IC post into two shorter ones. But I wanted you to at least have something ASAP to read and respond to, if you chose. Let me know if you want to post something or if you just want me to move you along.
Mister Juan - I'm going to need an IC post from Felix soon, if possible, otherwise I'll have to have Shade move the action along for Aziz. Personally, I think a lot of the drama in this whole scene will be lost without IC post(s) from Felix, and while I grant you can always do them as a 'flashback', in this particular scenario I think they'd be much more meaningful if they happened as the action was occurring.
I know you have RL stuff, but consider this a reminder that if you can get a post or two in for Felix, I think it would be great.
Sushi Shack Showdown - You guys are out of Combat Time and free to post IC. Please post your IC posts for Combat Turn 4 before posting your 'out of combat' IC posts. Thanks.
Jul 24 2007, 04:33 AM
Everyone - I know things have been a little slow with the 'gathering' of PCs so far. So you know where we're at, my PCs are about done with their journeys and should be joining up soon in game.
Meriss - This will broaden to include you, so you haven't been forgotten, and after your long delay, you'll be able to post again. Thanks for your patience.
The next 'event', specifically the gathering of all PCs, should have a RL deadline some time in August, probably the end of August. More details to follow, but that's just to give you a heads up on what's coming next and let you know that we do plan on moving the storyline forward shortly.
Jul 24 2007, 04:38 AM
@Winter: Hey ese! gald to see you back. Want me to touch up your peice?

@All: It LIVES!
Jul 24 2007, 04:41 AM
Geez, I'm gone for a week and it's like people expected this game to up and die. Come on people, where's your faith?
Jul 24 2007, 01:51 PM
@Winter: Oh I have lots of faith.

But it kinda did die, at least there was very little activity. Welcome back. More NPCs as I finish em and send em to Vegas.
Jul 24 2007, 03:18 PM
Well, it is really tough to post much when the GM isn't around to help out, so it makes sense. But RL is RL and you can't fault people for having them. I guess what I'm trying to say is: Welcome Back Winter!
Mister Juan
Jul 24 2007, 03:54 PM
QUOTE (WinterRat1) |
Mister Juan - I'm going to need an IC post from Felix soon, if possible, otherwise I'll have to have Shade move the action along for Aziz. Personally, I think a lot of the drama in this whole scene will be lost without IC post(s) from Felix, and while I grant you can always do them as a 'flashback', in this particular scenario I think they'd be much more meaningful if they happened as the action was occurring. |
I just got home, and I have work tonight... but getting a post up for DITG is the first thing on my to do list (well, there's "take a shower" and "eat" before.... but that's just a detail).
Jul 24 2007, 05:29 PM
Take a shower? Eat? Good gravy man, it sounds as if you’re attempting to have a life outside of gaming! Haven’t you learned anything in your time on DSF? I’m gone for a week and people are putting the game on life support. I’ve learned my lesson about trying to put any priorities above gaming, and you should too, lest your fellow gamers hunt you down for being the reason they are unable to get their role-playing fix.

Seriously though, I wasn’t trying to get on your case, I just wanted to prompt you in case you’d forgotten you’re up, because I know RL has been very busy for you lately as well. Hope that came across clearly and didn’t get misconstrued by the electronic medium. Or the fact that I was whipping that post out right before I had to get to bed. Along with all the other posts I put up last night.
Fresno Bob
Jul 24 2007, 07:00 PM
QUOTE (WinterRat1) |
Voorhees - I'm very sorry about the delay in your IC post, it's up now. Currently Aziz is out cold (anesthesia), so you can either put up a flashback/hallucination/dreaming post while he's out or I'll move you forward and wake him up.
I've really enjoyed the 'delirious' posts you've been doing, so I thought this would be an opportunity for a more extended one. Plus I admit it, I just needed to buy time and split up what was a longer IC post into two shorter ones. But I wanted you to at least have something ASAP to read and respond to, if you chose. Let me know if you want to post something or if you just want me to move you along. |
Thanks, I appreciate having something to read

. And I'll put up another delirium post sometime tonight or tomorrow, then feel free to move him along.
Jul 25 2007, 03:31 AM
You around at all?
Jul 25 2007, 04:10 AM
In case you all haven't noticed, due to my drastically shortened free time until I move and my commute no longer sucks beyond reason, I am responding to you all on a rotation basis for the sake of fairness.
In Hot Pursuit (Rob, Vegas, Sparky) is up tomorrow, then I'll hit up Mister Juan and Voorhees if I have time, or push them to Thursday.
Sushi Shack people (Grendel, Unarmed, Pragma, Adamu) are free to post, I put up a brief blurb showing the ork following Legion's orders. For the sake of assisting me in my planning, I assume you're all still intending to move south into the former LoCoS territory?
Konsaki's Players - I left him a message checking on his status, if he is unable to move you all forward I'll systematically start picking you up to keep things moving along.
All - Also, I'm rapidly coming to the conclusion that 2 GMs, while functional, is far from optimal. 3 or even 4 is probably the ideal number. Anyone know of 1-2 people who'd be interested in jumping on board as a GM?
Jul 25 2007, 03:45 PM
General Announcement – IMPORTANT! Everyone please read!OK…I don't know to say this, so I'll be straightforward with you all. DITG is now officially on life support. I received a PM from Konsaki this morning in response to my queries about his status, and the short version is, he'll be stepping down from his GM duties effective immediately. I will leave it to him to decide whether or not he will disclose the whys and wherefores of his decision to the general public at large. For now, suffice to say that his basic rationale stems from a lack of time due to RL and other commitments.
I'll be honest; I'm not exactly sure where to go from here. DITG was designed as a multi-GM effort, ideally in the 3-5 person range. I had 3, and then Wounded Ronin dropped out about a week or so ago (although his contributions were mostly behind the scenes, so his absence was not necessarily noticeable). Now Konsaki is gone, and I'm down to me, myself, and I.
The realist in me says there's no way I can continue to run this ship by myself. I should just cut my losses, chalk it up to a good effort that fell flat for reasons beyond my control, and call it a day.
The GM in me does not want to let this game go the way of so many other forum games before it and watch what had the potential to be a truly great game die off through no fault of its own, simply because people decided to walk away from it. Additionally, I personally feel a sense of responsibility and obligation to you, the players. I started this game and solicited your assistance (which has been absolutely magnificent, by the way) for the purpose of attempting a game I believed had a chance to go down as one of the great gang campaigns on DSF. You held up your end and enabled this game to even get off the ground, and if this game is going down, I believe I owe it to you all to at least make sure it goes down fighting.
To that end, I plan on continuing the game until such time as it is conclusively demonstrated the game cannot be run by me alone. I freely admit, I will need to take shortcuts at certain points and I will need all of your assistance and cooperation. Even more than before, this game will not run without a concerted effort towards player-GM cooperation. With all the work everyone has put in so far, we already have a firm foundation in place for the game to run on. In my mind, if we can just make it to Event 2: The Regrouping (actual title still TBD), we'll be past the rough part and more or less in the clear.
Therefore, the first order of business is to get
Konsaki's players back up to speed. Some of you have been waiting far too long for replies, and you have my sincere apologies that you've had to sit and wait for so long.
Effective immediately, all players are under my direct GMing again, and we will continue using the violet/cyan color coding my players have been using all along.
I will need the following from each of
Konsaki's players:
1. Your current in-game location
2. A summary of everything that has happened to your character since game start and the situation your character currently finds him/herself in.
3. Your current condition monitor status in the following format: X out of Y Stun, X out of Y Physical, where X is the number of boxes currently filled in on your condition monitors and Y is the total number of boxes your condition monitor has.
If you recall the Guidelines, we already noted how most IC posts would be written by the players in accordance with GM instructions for their specific circumstances, with GMs taking a more active 'traditional' role only where direct intervention was needed.
We will now be switching to that system, effective immediately for all players. I will try my best to continue to post as a GM, and will definitely post where necessary. But from this point on, until such time as I receive more GM help, be prepared to take a much more proactive role in guiding your characters forward.
It probably should go without saying, but in case it needs to be said, the higher quality IC posts you make and better information you give me, the more I can give you to work with. As the famous saying goes, 'garbage in, garbage out'. DITG is transitioning more and more into a game where what you put in is what you will get back out, so keep that in mind.
I admit I'm not sure how things will turn out, I never intended for things to get to this point. All I can say is I'm still here and will do my best to provide you all with the best game I can, and we'll just have to let the chips fall where they may.
I've enjoyed playing with everyone so far, and I feel confident that if we all work together and everyone pulls their weight, we'll get through this and have a great time doing so. The game must go on!
Jul 25 2007, 05:06 PM
Yikes. While I don't think I'm capable of stepping up to fill a GM hole, I do want to try to do what I can to make the game keep moving forward.
Let me know what more I can do to help on an admin/wiki end, or from an IC perspective as well and I'll do my best to comply.
Really really hope Konsaki is ok.. glad to know he's still ALIVE (yes the "mom" in me was worried

Jul 25 2007, 05:50 PM
@Winter: Semper Fi!
Location: In transit from LoCoS HQ to the Bodega Gato. I forget where the HQ was and am having a heck of a time finding it. If, mind you if I remember correctly the bodega and the safe house were on opposite corners of LoCoS turf so, Ink will be going through his old turf to tryand avoid any Black Plague or other gangers.
Summary: The LoCoS are all dead, Ink is the last. He searched and burned his compadres. And now he is on his way to see his grandparents and get some shut eye.
Condition Mods: None, but Ink will need a BOD + WIL check in about two hours to avoid falling asleep on his feet. And an addiction test somewhere around the 2nd of November.
On GMing: I can prolly handle puppeting a few of the wiki NPCs. I've been working on them so long they're familia.
Jul 25 2007, 06:04 PM
I've been sitting here since WR1 put that post up debating whether or not to throw my hat in for GMing. The main problem is that I have never GMed a PbP game before, and this is actually only my third time playing one, so I'm really not very experienced. Bottom line is, I have no idea how much greater the time commitment is from playing to GMing. I can handle a greater time commitment, but I'm not certain that I can handle a massive time commitment.
I don't really doubt my abilities as a GM, as I have GMed tabletop games of multiple SR editions, although there are many people on dumpshock that have a much better rules grasp than I do.
Basically, my question here is, to winter and to others that have GMed on here before, how big is the time investment? How much more work is it going to be than just playing in a game? I don't want to come out and say I'll be able to GM if I don't have the time for it, because I love this game so far and I don't want to throw out false hope.
The only other problem is that Doc will have to be an NPC and I was looking forward to playing him, but that's a small price to pay for the game running smoothly.
Jul 25 2007, 07:25 PM
GMing isn't a steep time commitment at any one time, it's a commitment to put that time in every week for months or years.
Jul 26 2007, 01:44 AM
In Hot PursuitCombat Turn 2[ Spoiler ]
Combat Turn 2
Initiative Pass 1
15 – Human 1
Simple 1:
Simple 2:
Complex: Suppression Fire – 3 hits
Movement: None
12 – Human 2
Simple 1: Hold Action
Simple 2:
Movement: None
9a – Bockscar
Free: Whisper to the group - "Wait for it..." then bellow around the corner as loud as possible, "FRAG OUT!!!!!!!"
Simple 1: Throw the gas grenade round the corner - Intuition 4 - Defaulting 1 - Blind Fire 6 - Firing Behind Cover 1 - Wound modifier 1 (-3 Dice).
- No chance in hell of getting any degree of accuracy on this one. Just want to make them duck/throw up some obscuring smoke. Didn't even bother to roll.
Simple 2: Take Aim at corner
- Popping the camera of the rifle around the corner to see what our friends are up to.
9b – Nevada
Free: Description – Make certain her armored jacket is buttoned/zipped up closed.
Simple 1: Canceled – See note
Simple 2:
Movement: None
Note 1: I drew the conclusion Nevada would not run across the street, as doing so would subject her to defending against the Suppression Fire (even with the gas grenade; when using Suppression Fire, visibility is irrelevant), which I assumed you did not want to risk. If my assumption was incorrect, please correct me during the Resolution Phase and we will adjust accordingly.
8 – Badmarsh
Simple 1: Canceled – See Note
Simple 2:
Movement: None
Note 1: I drew the conclusion Badmarsh would not run across the street, as doing so would subject him to defending against the Suppression Fire (even with the gas grenade; when using Suppression Fire, visibility is irrelevant), which I assumed you did not want to risk. If my assumption was incorrect, please correct me during the Resolution Phase and we will adjust accordingly.
Initiative Pass 2
15 – Human 1
Simple 1: Held action
Simple 2:
12 – Human 2
Simple 1:
Simple 2:
Complex: Suppression Fire – 3 hits
9a – Bockscar
Simple 1: Canceled – See Note
Simple 2:
Movement: None
Note 1: I drew the conclusion Bockscar would not step out to fire, as doing so would subject him to defending against the Suppression Fire (even with the gas grenade; when using Suppression Fire, visibility is irrelevant. So is cover, if you step out from it), which I assumed you did not want to risk. If my assumption was incorrect, please correct me during the Resolution Phase and we will adjust accordingly.
Resolution Phase Deadline for Combat Turn 2 is Thursday, July 26, 2007, 23:59:59 US Central Time.Bockscar's Observation reveals that the Raiders are staying well behind cover and alternating their fire to keep your group pinned down. He has a sneaking suspicion they're in no hurry to actually advance, and are content to simply wait around...
We have a Resolution Phase because I overruled your characters' actions in the name of what I perceived to be their best interests. If you wish to disagree and go with your
original actions only (i.e. what was posted to the Combat Chart), let me know and I will make the appropriate adjustments.
Because of the potential for a Resolution Phase, the GM IC post will not be up until AFTER the Resolution Phase, so I know exactly what happened during this turn.
Jul 26 2007, 02:14 AM
Basically, my question here is, to winter and to others that have GMed on here before, how big is the time investment? How much more work is it going to be than just playing in a game? I don't want to come out and say I'll be able to GM if I don't have the time for it, because I love this game so far and I don't want to throw out false hope. |
The time investment is huge. Like DireRadiant said, it's not necessarily a steep time commitment at any one time, but over the weeks, months, and years, it adds up. In a large scale, epic game like DITG, even more so.
For example, I've been running LITS (with LOTS of help from one of the best GM staffs anyone could ask for) for three years straight now. Yes, the game has had its highs and lows in terms of time commitment over that time, but overall, it's easily double digit hours per week. Every week. Until the game ends.
Unlike most forum games, which are essentially 'run' oriented games, and thus have a defined end, DITG does not. That means your time commitment is essentially
ad infinitum. That can be a serious and daunting task. And believe me, over the years, it really adds up.
Is it rewarding? Yes. But it certainly has its demands too. Just for starters, take a look at all the work that went into setting up DITG. Between all the people who've contributed (and are still contributing!) we're talking over 100+ hours easy. Probably closer to the realm of like 500 to be honest, and that's not even an exaggeration. As a GM, you need to take a significantly greater percentage of not only the workload, but the responsibility for making that work turn into something productive that actually works.

I don't know what your 'stage of life' is, but in my experience, many Dumpshockers do not adequately anticipate things like job changes, boyfriends/girlfriends, marriage, graduation, and other significant life events that can drastically alter the nature of your free time. That's where a large amount of attrition occurs, in my view. When push comes to shove, forum gaming tends to be one of the first things to go for most players and GMs. So you also need to consider those things before making a commitment, and whether you have the personality/mentality to ride out life's storms while consistently involving yourself in forum gaming as a GM.
None of this is meant to imply that you can't handle it, you simply asked what are some factors involved in the time commitment, and in my experience, these are some of the common relevant considerations. If you want more, let me know and I'll toss out a more detailed analysis.
Let me add too, that right now, I am NOT looking for any players to step up to GM. I want you all to enjoy playing your characters as PCs, and speaking as someone who has a 'main' NPC in Shade, it's nowhere near the same as a full-on PC. Unless we get to the point where it becomes 'players step up to help GM or else the game folds', for now, I want all the current players to remain players. Of course, if we get to that point, rest assured I'll be sure to sound the alarm and beg for help.

I have another system I'm working on setting up to facilitate smoother and easier GM-player cooperation in posting, and as soon as I talk to Vegas and get her to set it up (because I can't do crap with setting up those @#%#$^$%&$#%^ tables in wikispaces), we'll start putting it to use.
Mister Juan and Voorhees, because I anticipate Vegas getting what I want up quickly, and since I know exactly where I'm going with your characters, I'm going to hold off on posting for you today so I can use you two as my examples for how I want this to run. Thanks for your patience.