Aug 29 2007, 07:34 AM
Pheonix and Dark Pheonix dont roll off the tongue very well, plus its sounds fairly magical not to mention its singular. Firebirds on the other hand...thats plural, sounds less magical(maybe they have a new upated firebird car rolling the streets in 2070), and you still get the cool iconography. Torching stuff and firebombs could be our signature message to leave.
Thats just my thougts on the matter.
Fresno Bob
Aug 29 2007, 09:05 AM
What about The Octoberists?
Because all the gang members got forced out of their gang in October?
Aug 29 2007, 12:48 PM
Well, I'm with Abbandon on the Phoenix thing - it is a truly cool name, but the thing is most gang names work best as plural nouns. And Phoenix to Phoenixes is a staggering loss of coolness in just two letters.
Firebirds is cool, and so is Octoberists if anyone can pronounce it, but I would be more inclined to vote for something sort of badass-sounding....
Here's my thought - October Ravens. Or October Crows. It's got Voorhees' angle, and aren't ravens a sort of harbinger of death and destruction in a lot of traditions (including the Norse tradition hinted at in Legion's background)?
And while in its full form it is distinctive and has significance, in common use it would be shortened to just Ravens/Crows.
Just brainstorming.
Aug 29 2007, 03:47 PM
October Ravens sounds good. We could use something similar to the Roman Eagle Standard as a tag. Ranks in the gang could go along the lines of Rooks/Crows/Ravens from lowest to highest. Plus any gathering of crows is called a murder of crows, which we could work into the gang lexicon as well.
I'm against Firebirds because the movie was such drek.
Aug 29 2007, 03:50 PM
Yeah, I'm liking the October Ravens too, it's a good combination of ideas. I did like Dark Phoenix too, but Phoenix really doesn't roll off the tongue very well, heh.
Aug 29 2007, 04:00 PM
Erm, Dark Phoenix sounds quite goth-rock. Octoberists is too emo. October Ravens, gets cooler. I'm a big fan of buzzards. I'd suggest that buzzards are much cooler than ravens.
Personally, for gang names, I was thinking about the first thing that would occur to my mind in a similar situation, which is "Fuck all yall, I ain't dead yet." Some variation on that theme. Examples: 1) Kingsgate Immortals. Or, more gang styled, less Persian: 2) Bulletproof Kings. 3) NDY Crew.
Aug 29 2007, 04:25 PM
I just want to chime in and say that I like the bulletproof kings, too.
Aug 29 2007, 05:39 PM
Hey rob nice names

How's about the Bulletproof Ravens?
Fresno Bob
Aug 30 2007, 10:26 AM
MisterJuan hasn't made a reply yet, so its on me to move Aziz's part in the story along.
Buuuut, I'm unsure of what could be done in this situation, as Aziz is stuck in a hospital bed.
Aug 30 2007, 12:56 PM
Ghosts of October
Kingsgate Immortals
Sleeping Dragons
Aug 30 2007, 03:51 PM
Again combining ideas: Bulletproof Buzzards
- I'm armed to the fucking teeth with alliteration.
Aug 30 2007, 07:48 PM
I am against any name with buzzard in it. Buzzards do not inspire fear or respect. They're carrion birds. They lack the moral fortitude to attack their prey, merely waiting for it to die on its own or picking over the remains left by more skillful predators.
How do we want to run this process though? Should we put up a poll? Or just list the top 5 and have people vote via post on the OOC thread?
The five most attractive to me are:
October Ravens
Bulletproof Kings
NDY Crew
Ghosts of October (October Ghosts?)
Kingsgate Immortals
Aug 31 2007, 03:56 AM
@pragma: good to have you back homes.
@Grendel: Hmm, I'll vote for October Ravens. I would also like to throw Winter Ravens into the mix.

I'm a shit disturber.
Aug 31 2007, 07:09 AM
Thanks, sorry I've been so slow getting an IC up.
@grendel et. al.
While there is some value to coming to an OOC concensus on the appropriate gang name, it might be fun to have the gang leader make an authoritarian decision and see how the gangers react. Bypassing OOC discussion and making a unilateral IC decision could be a cool way to test gang dynamics.
Just my 2

though. Someone who wants to avoid IC contention could doubtless make a strong case that this is a bad idea.
Aug 31 2007, 07:40 AM
Well the question has just been brought to attention on the IC thread.
And for my money, I like Ghosts of October.
Fresno Bob
Aug 31 2007, 07:43 AM
Ghosts of October sounds too much like a movie title to me.
I'll throw down on some October Ravens.
Aug 31 2007, 03:07 PM
If we do the thing IC, my character would certainly like to throw his opinion in; otherwise, he'll do so after the decision is made in an annoying way. This will, of course, require him to get out of the building he is currently pinned in.
@Grendel - ravens are carrion birds too. But, c'est la vie, they certainly get a better rep among the literati...
Aug 31 2007, 03:13 PM
More thorough response/update from me later today, but lest I miss out on the voting for the new gang name, here's my .02

October Ravens - I like this one, the logic behind it is good and more importantly, it sounds cool. Nothing bad about this one.
Bulletproof Kings - I like this one as well, sounds cool and has good logic, but I don't like the 'bulletproof' part as much because lots of the violence was hand to hand. I can already hear the rival gang taunts as they beat one of you down, 'So what, you're bulletproof but you can get the crap beaten out of you with a bat? Guess you ain't batproof!'
NDY Crew - No one will know what 'NDY' stands for unless you tell them. If you have to explain your gang name, that ain't cool.
You: 'We're the NDY Crew, you best respect!'
Them: 'Uh, WTF does that mean?'
You: 'Not Dead Yet Crew!'
Them: 'Better think of a new name, cause it won't be applicable by the time we're through with you!' (And yes, I realize the word 'applicable' might have too many syllables for the average ganger, but you get the idea)
Ghosts of October (October Ghosts?) - Makes you guys sound like you're pathetic, whining and moaning dead spirits out to haunt the living and get revenge. Not exactly an image to inspire fear. Plus, 'ghosts' implies you already died once and just happen to still be here. Again, not exactly awe-inspiring.
Kingsgate Immortals - Very cool. Same impact/message as the 'Bulletproof Kings' without the downside, and it's more all encompassing. Definitely sends that whole 'you can't stop us, we'll always be here!' message.
Overall, for what it's worth, I vote for either
Kingsgate Immortals or
October Ravens, in that order.
And to keep this story moving along:
Voorhees -
MisterJuan hasn't made a reply yet, so its on me to move Aziz's part in the story along.
Buuuut, I'm unsure of what could be done in this situation, as Aziz is stuck in a hospital bed. |
Remember, you can control Shade and Felix (within the guidelines I stated earlier) so you can write them as coming in to check up on you and start the discussion. If you do that, I'll chime in as Shade to give you someone to post back and forth with.
Also, you'll have healed 3 boxes of damage thanks to magical healing by the time you wake up. Don't push the time past around approximately 02:00:00 though, as I don't want you getting too far ahead of the main group of PCs.
Aug 31 2007, 03:14 PM
IC I am all for Legion just deciding - he doesn't seem like the leadership by committee type!
But even if we all form a nice loving consensus, he can still do that IC, obviously, so I see no conflict between us all discussing the name, and then IC Legion just unilaterally deciding it.
Me, my order of preference is October Ravens, followed by several of rob's very cool-sounding names.
Actually, delete the ghosts one, and my personal, ranked preference list is the same as grendel's.
Sep 1 2007, 02:22 AM
Status Update -
All right everyone, I tried to put this off as long as possible, but the reality of buying a new place and moving into it, my wedding in three weeks, and job and church stuff kicking into high gear requires I dial down my DSF involvement for the next few weeks.
I'll be low access from now until the beginning of October. Game is still on, and I'll be posting as frequently as I can as fast as I can, but I'm letting you all know in advance response will probably be slow. I have too many things that are demanding my attention right now and they just have to get done.
No worries, game is still on, and I will be continuing to post, just slowly until real life settles down and I can get back up to full speed. Thanks for your patience and understanding, and I'll get back up to full capacity as soon as possible!
Sep 1 2007, 02:49 AM
@Winter: Man sounds like you have one heck of a September coming up! Stay strong, and try and have fun now and then!
Sep 2 2007, 04:52 PM
Sorry it took forever, but rolls are up for Nevada and CT 5.
Ugh. Life sucks balls right now.
Sep 4 2007, 05:13 AM
How are we going to get out of this without Grack killing Doc? I kinda think that at this point he'd do exactly that. =)
I'm assuming you have a good plan, and I don't want you to ruin it and spill the beans, but Doc's treading a fine line, heh.
Sep 4 2007, 02:32 PM
QUOTE (Unarmed @ Sep 4 2007, 12:13 AM) |
How are we going to get out of this without Grack killing Doc?
Not sure, but we'd better figure something out or one of us will be dead and the other will be expelled from the game! Yikes!
I kinda think that at this point he'd do exactly that. =)
Yeah, normally yes, you are 100% correct, but aside from the OOC rule, right now is a very psychologically complicated situation for him.
I'm assuming you have a good plan, and I don't want you to ruin it and spill the beans, but Doc's treading a fine line, heh. You give me much credit. I am just rolling with the interaction of circumstances and Grack's character. |
Yeah, dude, we have got ourselves on one heck of a collision course, both between our two characters and the house-rule.
No regrets, though - I was and still am glad you insulted Grack - to me it was a breath of fresh air in this campaign.
In any case, though, I have absolutely no interest in seeing this game lose you or Doc, and even less in seeing it lose Grack!
I have a number of possible IC responses running through my head - been thinking about it for the last six hours since reading your posts at work.
I'll have something up no later than eight hours from now - but in any case, I am sure we will contrive some way to stay in character, stay true to the violent/angry/murderous/criminal/traumatized/immature ganger theme, and yet avoid either of us dying and avoid getting Winter mad at us...We're a couple of smart guys, right?
Sep 4 2007, 04:54 PM
Man, cats and dogs.
Negotiation test to try and mediate the incoming throw down.
06 04 04 03 02 02, so 3 hits.
And in case you missed it Adamu, Cerri is referring to Grack. Gotta work on my Or'zit.
Sep 4 2007, 10:49 PM
Heres an influence roll from Fool to try and make his comments seem exaggerated and funny.
Influence 3 charisma 5 = 8 dice
6, 1, 4, 2, 6, 5, 4, 6 = 4 hits.
Sep 5 2007, 12:00 AM
QUOTE (Lindt) |
Negotiation test to try and mediate the incoming throw down. 06 04 04 03 02 02, so 3 hits.
Lindt, dude, just wondering how that roll makes for three hits...
Anyway, you two are awesome. Now I gotta think again, and that makes for a great game.
Woke up all sure what my promised post was gonna be this morning, and now I have to get my head around how in the name of all the saints Grack will respond to that display!
Sep 5 2007, 03:58 AM
@adamu: Kill everyone and dance on their bones?......... Kidding

@All: Any thoughts on names/symbols? I brought it up IC
Sep 5 2007, 12:44 PM
QUOTE (Meriss) |
@All: Any thoughts on names/symbols? I brought it up IC |
Well, we had a real good discussion going on that a page or so ago. I think ultimately it's up to grendel, but he asked for input and a lot of us have stated our preferences...
Sep 5 2007, 12:55 PM
HMMMM - rereading my last IC post and then seeing some of the responses, I am afraid Grack's minimalist style of expression may not have been clear -
The line about "you've got hez, no drundeah" was intended to be directed at Doc. That said, it might be natural for people watching or listening to assume he meant Fool.
Either way, actual result same - Fool made a joke, and in the end Grack was sitting and listening to music, no fighting.
To make things a little clearer, I altered one word in the last IC post - but it won't change anything - just swapped "it" for "troll" in my internal thoughts (Grack only thinks of Doc as an "it" - everyone else gets real pronouns - but I see that that might not have been clear to anyone but myself). No change in what people see IC, but might help all us real-world readers follow better. Sorry if there was any confusion.
Sep 5 2007, 03:16 PM
Yeah, I was under the impression that he was talking to Fool, heh.
I will edit my post a bit later today to include Doc's response to Grack, because it seems a little bit odd without one, now.
Sep 5 2007, 08:28 PM
@adamu: yeah I was just checking to make sure every one got their vote on.

Not fair to the others who are not present IC if they don't get at least an OOC say in the name.
Sep 5 2007, 09:51 PM
For what it's worth on the subject of gang names, I have to go with (of the ones proposed and still floating around)
Kingsgate Immortals or
October RavensThough the second one does bring up images of Jason Lee in my mind... go figure.
Could always draw in some references to the holidays of Samhain and Winternights that fall on or during Oct. 31 - Nov. 1 period. Both of which are "new years" celebrations... some significance could be drawn into the whole "new time, new gang" references I suppose.
Meh, my creativity of how to adapt either of those however is just not there today.
Sep 6 2007, 03:18 AM
@Grendel: Seeing as how I'm in charge of the "banner" is there a specific image you wanted? Cause I'm crap at art.

Yeah go figure, the artistically challenged guy goes for the most skilled artist type char.
@Artists: Now's your chance to shine guys!
Sep 6 2007, 03:36 AM
So - we all were told to register for the Event that Winter had planned. Was that it? If so cool with me.
Or are we supposed to sit tight at the locations we registered for and wait for the GM's planned Event?
Sep 6 2007, 03:37 AM
While Thumper doesn't really know where he's going he's going to make his way generally South and use his building exits knowledge skill to find someplace from which people could rapidly escape and whose exits are not easily accessible from the exterior. Other than that his criteria are fucking big and fucking invincible.
Int + Building Exits # dice 5 :: 5 3 6 5 5 -- 4 hits
He's also hoping to beat someone up and find some alcohol (in some order).
Int + Perception # dice 4 :: 6 6 3 2 -- 2 hits
Sep 6 2007, 04:14 AM
@grendel: Heres some stuff Google turned up
Image 1 Image 2
Fresno Bob
Sep 6 2007, 04:46 AM
Here's what a raven in flight looks like, if an artistic one among us feels like making a drawing based off it.
Oh, also, a group of Ravens is called an "Unkindness"
Damn that $ir Explicit. Wack MCs bite rhymes while I commit crimes.
Sep 6 2007, 08:13 PM
QUOTE (rob) |
Damn that $ir Explicit. Wack MCs bite rhymes while I commit crimes. |
Sep 7 2007, 03:48 AM
Hey guys.. when it rains it totally pours.
If life-changing stuff wasn't keeping me away from DSF enough lately, my now basically dead computer definitely will. I'm hoping to be up and running sometime next week, and if not I can try to pop on from work but I'm making no promises.
This is just a friendly heads up with time stolen on a borrowed computer.
Sorry guys, I'm trying to get back, I really am. Just when I think I've got it all worked out, something else tries to stop me.
Sep 7 2007, 04:04 AM
@Unarmed: Word, Life!
@Winter: First Aid roll: Log(4) + FA(2) + R1 Medkit = 6,3,1,3,6,3,3 2 hits.
@Adamu: Bossman is very busy for Sept> expect major delays
Sep 7 2007, 04:17 PM
All -
So - we all were told to register for the Event that Winter had planned. Was that it? If so cool with me. Or are we supposed to sit tight at the locations we registered for and wait for the GM's planned Event? |
The planned event was the gathering of the gang. Grendel basically did it for me, so ignore that event and keep moving.
My top DITG priority is freeing up Vegas and Rob as well as Mister Juan and Voorhees from their current situations so they're free to meet up with the rest of the gang and be a part of moving things along.
I'll try to get to it ASAP, but as I said, it's been crazy this month. I will squeeze the time out as best as I can. My apologies again for the slowdown this month.
Sep 7 2007, 10:10 PM
Hey i know its late but thats why god invented edit. How about the gang name: "Chaos Legion" Or "Kingsgate Immortal Legion"(KIL). Those just came to me the other night and i had to share even if its to late. I was like you know we didnt even try to make any names with the leaders name in it. Legion is a pretty cool name to include in the gang name heh.
Sep 20 2007, 08:15 PM
Where we at?
Sep 21 2007, 03:04 AM
Well lesse.
Ink is trying to curry favour with the bos man by patching him up.
Grack and
Thumper are searching for a new HQ.
Fool and
Child are assigned to finding transport.
Doc is assigned to finding drug making supplies
Bocks and
Nevada have potentially escaped the firefight
Aziz and
Felix are at a
real hospital
I'm fine, floating around the net in my usual hummingbird manner.
Winter has major RL commitments for September. But we heard from him earlier.
Vegas had health issues then her/his? comp broke down.
The rest of the gang might be around I'm not sure. Guys?
And that's all the DITG news that's fit to print. This is Meriss your friendly local webcaster signing off. Remember if its not news its Fark.
Sep 21 2007, 06:21 AM
I'm still rocking and rolling, though I'll be out of town for the next few days. I'm currently trying to come up with a suitable retort in Thumper's ongoing conversation with Grack
Sep 21 2007, 03:29 PM
Yeah, I'm still around, mostly waiting for Winter to give me the go ahead to get home safely and start cooking, but I don't mind waiting a bit. I'm liking the grack/thumper dialogue, and there's people who have been waiting longer than I have.
Fresno Bob
Sep 22 2007, 07:40 PM
*drums fingers on table*
I'm still around.
Sep 23 2007, 06:32 PM
Ok... I'm SLOWLY catching up with the little time I have but the computer is back and in working order (knock on wood)
Have to re-catch up with where we are with Nevada/Bockscar in combat and I suppose we're waiting on WinterRat for that resolution/extrication so we can all get reunited and become the happy family our little group of miscreants are destined to become.
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