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Well, I'm fine with that, too, obviously biggrin.gif

Initiative so far:

bnc 24
Sharkboy 24 (after bnc bc. of lower edge)
Nova 23
Wraith 10

Anna's Initiative:
Salted Wounds: 18+2d6 24

Her action: Skill 7 + agility 6 + 2 (semi automatic) + 1 take aim -2 sustain (she is wireless off).
Fire + Take aim -2 sustain: 14d6t5 6

Damage is 8S + net hits. (Ares Predator + gel rounds from memory.).

Anna sustains 3 improved invisibility spells (4 hits, 3 hits, 3 hits) First sustained with focused concentration, Second with Illusionist quality. Third causes -2 penalties.
Anna is invisible with 4 hits, Shark and Nova are with 3 hits ( I think).

She also sustains the improve intuition spell in her health foci.
For the moment, I assume, that bnc managed to take out the rifles of the six soldiers and the reserve ones of the two workers.

Soak: 15d6t5 4
Guard 1 takes a static shaft in the back and goes down.

The other three guards in the room get their surprise roll:
Surprise Test: 12d6t5 5
Surprise Test: 12d6t5 7
Surprise Test: 12d6t5 6
They are very unsurprised

Ini: 3#12+2d6 20 22 19

They get to act all after Nova, Anna, bnc and Sharkboy
Perception: 3#12d6t5 6 4 5
They all beat the threshold of the invisibility spell for their respective attackers, so get to defend themselves

Defense: 3#12d6t5 5 7 6

The order is:
24 bnc
24 Sharkboy
24 Anna (misses guard 4)
23 Nova
22 Guard 3 (tries to fire rifle - fails)
20 Guard 1 (tries to fire rifle - fails)
19 Guard 4 (tries to fire rifle - fails)
10 Wraith

The workers run for cover

Next round the other guards will enter the fray.
Forgot the decker:
Ini: 9+5d6 21
Just for the record: They roll intuition + logic not perception to resist physical illusion. (At least in the English book).

Physical Illusions: Physical illusion spells create actual
images or alter physical properties, such as light
or sound. Physical illusions can be used on both living
and technological systems. They are resisted by Intuition
+ Logic; non-living devices resist with their Object
Resistance. The magician must generate more hits than
the observer for the illusion to be considered real. If
the spell is not completely resisted, the target is fully
affected by the illusion.

I have forgone the step of them piercing the illusion (since that would again take 12 rolls) and instead opted for them using perception to listen, smell and feel that they are under attack.

For now I'll just roll once for each of the remaining guards:

Pierce Illusion: 9d6t5 4
Pierce Illusion: 9d6t5 4
Pierce Illusion: 9d6t5 1
bnc prefers the arms of those freakishly cybered-up combat monsters. After that, she'll pick whatever is closest to us.

Is the decker visible and attackable or does he, too, run in silent mode?
At the moment he is silent

Then both I and my agent (as stated above) try to find him:
agent: matrix ini: 4d6+10 25
(it's 4d6 + rating*2, right?)

Matrix Perception: 10d6t5 4
If that suffices to find him (or the agent revealed him earlier), bnc herself would try to get a mark on him: Watchdog: 17d6t5 6

Otherwise, she will try to spot him herself:
Matrix Perception: 13d6t5 2
Running silent: 15d6t5 4
Running silent: 15d6t5 4

Nope, Your agent nearly had him.

Matrix Perception: 15d6t5 4
Time for bnc to make the run silent defense roll (sleaze + log)
Opposed roll: 16d6t5 5

25 bnc's agent (tries to spot decker - fails)
24 bnc (tries to spot decker - fails)
24 Sharkboy
24 Anna (misses guard 4)
23 Nova
22 Guard 3 (tries to fire rifle - fails)
21 decker (tries to spot bnc - fails)
20 Guard 1 (tries to fire rifle - fails)
19 Guard 4 (tries to fire rifle - fails)
10 Wraith
25 bnc's agent (tries to spot decker - fails)
24 bnc (tries to spot decker - fails)
24 Sharkboy
24 Anna (misses guard 4)
23 Nova (Shoots Guard 3)
21 decker (tries to spot bnc - fails)
20 Guard 1 (tries to fire rifle - fails)
19 Guard 4 (tries to fire rifle - fails)
2216 Guard 3 (tries to fire rifle - fails)
10 Wraith
Did Sharkbooy not hit a guard, or is that guard not relevant because his gun isn't active, or was that shot outside of initiative?
Sharkboy shot a guard and by that started ini, so you have another shot now
I'll probably be unable to post on Wednesday and Thursday.
@Jack: would be great if you could steer Wraith's actions on those two days. Thanks in advance smile.gif

Initiative (spirit of air): 2d6+16 26
Manifests outside, hovering a few metres above the ground, and gets ready to engage those demon dogs

Do they just get a surprise-test like the vanguards (badumtsss) earlier, or is there anything different due to them being dual natured?
QUOTE (Luckace @ Feb 11 2019, 10:58 PM) *
Manifests outside, hovering a few metres above the ground, and gets ready to engage those demon dogs

No need to manifest or rather materialize (which, I assume, you meant), since those dogs are dual natured (which is the whole point of using them to detect astral trespassers), you can attack them in astral space.

26 Wraith's spirit - waits for command
25 bnc's agent (tries to spot decker - fails)
24 bnc (tries to spot decker - fails)
24 Sharkboy (takes cover and reloads)
24 Anna (misses guard 4)
23 Nova (Shoots Guard 3)
21 decker (tries to spot bnc - fails)
20 Guard 1 (tries to fire rifle - fails)
19 Guard 4 (tries to fire rifle - fails)
16 Guard 3 (tries to fire rifle - fails) (9S damage)
10 Wraith (commands Spirits)

Second Phase

16 Wraith's spirit - starts slaughtering hellhounds
15 bnc's agent
14 bnc
14 Sharkboy
14 Anna
13 Nova
11 decker
10 Guard 1 (Draw Beretta)
9 Guard 4 (Draw Beretta)
6 Guard 3 (Draw Beretta) (9S damage)
@Thanee: Right, of course, totally overlooked that.thanks! smile.gif
As mentioned above, the agent alternately checks for the decker and for marks on bnc. Thus, it's its turn to check for marks on my deck:
Matrix Perception: 10d6t5 3

bnc will, again, try to spot the decker:
Matrix Perception: 13d6t5 6
Opposed roll: 15d6t5 7
spotting failed again. Time to think of a plan B.
Since our order here (between Anna, Sharkboy, and Nova) does not really matter, I will just post my action, which is pretty straightforward, anyways.

Anna's action: Move action change location to make her difficult to find.
Simple action command spirit (help with hellhounds).
Simple action Fire pistol again: Fire: 13d6t5 4
Nova's target:
Defense: 7d6t5 2
Soak: 15d6t5 4
Another 8S damage, guard goes down

Anna's target:
Defense: 12d6t5 3
soak: 20d6t5 8[20d6t5=5, 4, 5, 6, 6, 2, 1, 5, 3, 1, 2, 1, 6, 1, 1, 5, 4, 1, 3, 6]
(Don't know if you have gel loaded or S&S) depending on AP, the guard will take between 2 and 4 damage

Decker tries to find bnc:
Matrix Perception: 15d6t5 4

16 Wraith's spirit - starts slaughtering hellhounds
15 bnc's agent (looks for MARKs - no MARKs found)
14 bnc (Looks for Hacker - no Hacker found)
14 Sharkboy
14 Anna (shoots guard 4)
13 Nova (Shoots Guard 3)
11 decker (tries to find bnc)
10 Guard 1 (Draw Beretta)
9 Guard 4 (Draw Beretta) (Takes damage...)
Gel if I recall correctly, so it is 2 damage I think.

Are we doing the combat with the hounds, or just RPing it (Do you need me to roll for the spirit?)
No need to roll for the hounds - they don't really have a chance.

16 Wraith's spirit - starts slaughtering hellhounds
15 bnc's agent (looks for MARKs - no MARKs found)
14 bnc (Looks for Hacker - no Hacker found)
14 Sharkboy (shoots guard 1)
14 Anna (shoots guard 4)
13 Nova (Shoots Guard 3)
11 decker (tries to find bnc)
9 Guard 4 (Draw Beretta) (Takes 2 damage)

Simple: Shoot Arrow: 20d6t5 8 12S(e) AP-7
Defense: 12d6t5 3
DV 17S(e)
Soak: 13d6t5 5
Guard goes down

Guard 4 tries to see through Anna's illusion: Resist Illusion: 8d6t5 4
Sees through the invisibility: Draws and fires Beretta:
shoot Anna: 12d6t5 4

DV 8P AP-1 + net successes if any

Phase 3:

6 Wraith's spirit - slaughtering hellhounds
5 bnc's agent
4 bnc
4 Sharkboy
4 Anna
3 Nova
1 decker

Decker resists being found by bnc's agent: Stealth: 15d6t5 3
Oh, sorry for forgetting about the defense roll against my agent.

Matrix Perception: 10d6t5 4
Opposed roll: 15d6t5 9

bnc herself will change tactics. She swaps Firewall for Attack (thus changing to 8 7(8) 6 5(6)) and attacks the next guard's armor (unless there are any other obviously threatening AROs like drones or stuff).

Data Spike: 15d6t5 6
Opposed roll: 9d6t5 4

Thus it's 8 (attack attribute) +2 (net hits) = 10 boxes of damage. That should do to fry the next gun.
Dodge: 17d6t5 4 Grazing hit.
Since I am after them in the initiative order, I will wait for Anna and Sharkboy to act and see if any threats are still moving by then...

Since I"m being a bit stingy with arrows, I'm waiting to see if Anna finishes of her chosen target, as well.

@Jack What is the ruling on which types of arrows can be recovered and reused? The relevant ones at the moment are SnS with Static Shaft, Barbed, and Explosive as those are the ones Sharkboy has on him. Knowing about other varieties going forward would also be useful.
Anna lacks the firepower I think but let's see what happens.
Fire + aim: 14d6t5 8
That's a good start. smile.gif

QUOTE (SquirrelDude @ Feb 16 2019, 12:22 AM) *
Since I"m being a bit stingy with arrows, I'm waiting to see if Anna finishes of her chosen target, as well.

You should be close enough, so just move up and punch him?

Phase 3:

6 Wraith's spirit - slaughtering hellhounds
5 bnc's agent (Looking for Decker)
4 bnc (fries guards Beretta)
4 Sharkboy (Delays)
4 Anna (Shoots remaining guard)
3 Nova
1 decker

Defense: 12d6t5 3
Soak: 20d6t5 6
Takes 7 damage is at 9S DV

Barbed Arrows can be recovered with an Edge Roll. Explosive Arrows are obviously lost. Static Shafts need to be replaced too unless you have a shop level workplace to refurbish them.
Where are those real tough guards currently?
I don't think there are any... only one guy (EDIT: the ghoul said "at least one person", actually) with heavier cyberware, IIRC, and that would be our mark most likely. smile.gif

These here are the guys who mostly use chipheads and "overcharge" them somehow with their BTL crap. The other faction are those with the big money.

Jack, is the guard knocked down? Gel rounds give physical limit -2, and he took 7 damage so. He should have a physical limit of 9 or so to keep standing right?
Yeah, sorry I'll clarify that. Knocked back = kocked down
QUOTE (Thanee @ Feb 16 2019, 03:16 PM) *
I don't think there are any... only one guy (EDIT: the ghoul said "at least one person", actually) with heavier cyberware, IIRC, and that would be our mark most likely. smile.gif

These here are the guys who mostly use chipheads and "overcharge" them somehow with their BTL crap. The other faction are those with the big money.


Anna said something about something like a captain. So, besides the n00b guards, there should be at least one tough guy. Plus, of course, our target.

@Jack: Did bnc already take out all of the tough dude's arms? Or is he down already?
You took out all the Assault Rifles, but there are still some handguns left + whatever is not on the matrix of course.

And to clarify: There are six guards who are for all practical purposes identical + your target who has implants comparable to those of Nacl
But Anna said that there was one who was kind of a captain, i.e. better training, better equipment and stuff. Or am I wrong there?
Jepp, your target has very strong combat training.
How many other guards are visible from where Sharkboy is standing?
As per the sketch earlier, there are only four of the guards inside the main hall. Three of them are down and the fourth isn't long for this world as well.
The other two will likely join after the first three seconds have passed.
QUOTE (Jack_Spade @ Feb 16 2019, 07:53 PM) *
Jepp, your target has very strong combat training.

Yeah, that was how I had understood it... that our target is the well-trained, super-augmented (with deltaware) guy here.

Defense: 6d6t5 1
Soak: 20d6t5 9

10 Boxes of Damage on that guard and a shattered knee - but he is still conscious since DV of the attack is limited to 1 (Impressive feat, but not the most optimal thing you could have done)

Phase 3:

6 Wraith's spirit - slaughtering hellhounds
5 bnc's agent (Looking for Decker)
4 bnc (fries guards Beretta)
4 Sharkboy (Delays - stomps guard's knee)
4 Anna (Shoots remaining guard)
3 Nova
1 Decker

Enemy Decker still tries to find bnc:
Matrix Perception: 15d6t5 4

Round 2:
Guard 5 Ini: 12+2d6 16
Guard 6 Ini: 12+2d6 17
Leader Ini: 15+4d6 34
Decker Ini: 9+5d6 26
Sharkboy 23
Nova's Initiative is only 19.

Initiative Wraith: 9+1d6 11

QUOTE (Thanee @ Feb 17 2019, 01:51 PM) *
Simple Action: Shoot the last guard with an epic 1 hit (DV 6P S(e) AP -5)

That's one hit with 17 d? Oh boy, that might just be the saddest thing I've seen in pbp so far! biggrin.gif
Per AnyDice: Rolling no more than 1 hit on 17 dice has a 0.96% chance.
Yeah, well. I'm not complaining, I had two really good rolls before. smile.gif

Defense: 5d6t5 1
Luckily it's still a grazing hit:
Soak: 15d6t5 2
And he goes unconscious.

Round 2:

Leader 34
Decker 26
Sharkboy 23
Nova 19
Guard 6 17
Guard 5 16
Escape Matrix Perception: Opposed roll: 16d6t5 9
biggrin.gif I don't think so ^^

matrix ini: 4d6+13 23

[EDIT: I just realized, I still have the co-processor running: matrix ini: 1d6 6]

matrix ini (Agent): 4d6+10 21

Leader 34
Decker 26
bnc 23
Sharkboy 23
bnc's agent 21
Nova 19
Guard 6 17
Guard 5 16
Wraith 11

It's their captain's turn, then bnc's.

Two questions:
1) Does the agent also profit from the co-processor?
2) What icons can I spot on the leader?
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