Aug 24 2019, 07:54 PM
I'll see if Luckace wants to make a few posts, and then move on with bnc.
Aug 25 2019, 04:17 AM
Thanks for waiting:)
My travels make it really difficult to post regularly atm.
Aug 27 2019, 08:42 AM
QUOTE (Gilga @ Aug 27 2019, 04:18 AM)
Anna shrugs "Good luck then... I'll go find someone that is abroad for fun. " She leaves without looking back and texts Splitterbruch to ask if he is free.
Haha, how fitting the he'll meet her abroad
Aug 27 2019, 10:51 AM
Just the way to encourage me to post more
Aug 28 2019, 10:28 PM
Gonna see if Nova or Wraith have any more to say to bnc before Sharkboy jumps back in. She was asking them for feedback to start, anyway
Aug 29 2019, 12:38 AM
No real inputs from Wraith's side
Aug 29 2019, 05:10 PM
Yep, sorry. I am on vacation currently, so a little slow.
Aug 30 2019, 10:20 AM
QUOTE (Luckace @ Aug 29 2019, 12:38 AM)
No real inputs from Wraith's side
bnc will wait for him to take position.
Aug 30 2019, 03:31 PM
Does that remark in the last paragraph mean you are contacting Kerstin about this?
If so, feel free to so, she'll reply pretty quickly.
Aug 30 2019, 03:45 PM
No, he's not contacting her yet. For now, he'll wait for things to resolve before taking any actions, especially actions that bnc might find invasive/overprotective.
Sep 1 2019, 06:52 AM
Guys, I'll have to excuse myself for a short period, despite the critical situation IC: it seems I've contracted dengue- feaver and will now need to spend some time under medical surveillance.
It's not as bad as it sounds, they just gotta check my stats and everything, so no need to worry - just so you know, I'll likely be absent for a few days and sadly can't tell how long
P.S: sorry about the dot in the IC-channel, accidentally posted it there. If anyone has the power to remove the IC-post, I'd be grateful.
Sep 1 2019, 07:29 AM
Get well Luckace!
Sep 1 2019, 05:48 PM
Best of luck - get well soon
Sep 1 2019, 05:57 PM
That doesn't sound pleasant at all. Best of luck and get better soon!
Sep 1 2019, 09:42 PM
Awesome... You infected yourself with a sickness people call "bonebreaker" -.-
You know, Luke, you don't have get every disease on the market... Wish you all the best, little one!
get well soon!
Sep 3 2019, 09:56 AM
Jack should I move Anna to the next day - or did you have more in mind for her evening?
Sep 3 2019, 11:05 AM
There are developments afoot, but you can move Anna forward vone day.
Depending on Sharks next post, I'll continue.
Sep 3 2019, 01:18 PM
bnc won't interact with the group the current day. She'll move, then distract herself with work (repairing, finding stuff, installing the new mods, and so forth).
Sep 3 2019, 04:42 PM
Nova asked a question that I had already answered in her presence, so I just quoted the previously given answer from in a spoilered post that can be ignored later. I don't think there's anything else for Sharkboy to interact with as Anna has gone away to have a night out before the night out, and bnc out getting some space while chatting to Wraith.
I'm salty because it's the second time where Sharkboy has had to answer the same question multiple times over in the same conversation. I'm pretty sure everyone asked at least once "but why are we doing a test for an auto-injector." Look, I get that the dude is kind of dumb and has some weird motivations. However, he is pretty blunt about his motivations (besides the unreality/kayfabe inherent to pro wrestling). I get we have busy lives, but I am really ready to move past every post being an argument with bnc, or answering the same question over and over again.
Sep 3 2019, 06:07 PM
Reading this... you probably misunderstood my post a bit.
I wasn't asking anything. I'm perfectly clear about what you want to achieve.
Sep 3 2019, 06:25 PM
Ok, then let's assume your test worked out and you are now in possession of a finely calibrated autoinjector that will dose you when you go berserk
Speaking of which: Here are a few rolls I'd normally do backstage, but I think are best fully disclosed before I post IP:
Tracking Test Mercenary Hacker w/ Teamwork from his colleagues:
20d6t5 4Opposed Tracking (INT+Stealth):
11d6t5 52 hours go by
Opposed Tracking (INT+Stealth):
11d6t5 5Teamwork Tracking:
18d6t5 52 hours go by
Teamwork Tracking:
16d6t5 6Opposed Tracking (INT+Stealth):
11d6t5 31 hour goes by
Perception Test bnc:
10d6t5 4Perception Test Drone:
10d6t5 1Mercenary Infiltrator:
15d6t5 6bnc resist Neurostun X: 15S
7d6t5 1Takes 14 S damage after six seconds aka two turns.
Sep 3 2019, 09:27 PM
QUOTE (Thanee @ Sep 3 2019, 12:07 PM)
Reading this... you probably misunderstood my post a bit.
I wasn't asking anything. I'm perfectly clear about what you want to achieve.
Well my characters can only be as dumb as I am, so I have to strive to reach their level.
Sep 3 2019, 10:47 PM
Shark is awsome in his way, resistance is due to characters personality. E.g. Anna is just terrified in being around when the professional scary wrestler loses his shit. I just envision him as very physically intimidating, the kind of people her instincts tell her to stay away from especially if they have self-control issues.
Wow bnc is really in trouble, let's see how it plays out.
Sep 4 2019, 01:37 PM
Oh, damn ... fate (
) really doesn't want bnc to leave the group ^^
Before I post my second simple action and movement, can you please give me some specifics about the flat I'm in, especially regarding escape routs? Can I jump out of the window or am I in 12th floor? Is James operable or did I just, for example, remove his eyes to install the new equipment? Can I somehow sense or guess where a possible intruder is or where the gas comes from?
Sep 4 2019, 07:48 PM
You are in a hotel room on the first floor (i.e. second floor for Americans). But it's a hotel window, so you can get it tilted but not open (to prevent people and especially kids from falling out of the window). Your attacker is using the ventilation in your room, so either in the room left or right to you with a myomeric hose to pump it into your room (the only sound you can hear is the normal sound of the ventilation ducts).
James is currently inoperable, but your flying drone is functional.
Sep 4 2019, 10:44 PM
Is it too late to turn off or reverse the ventilation system? If no, how's it outsourced?
Sep 5 2019, 04:42 AM
Very too late, you are already dosed.
It's a simple 10 by 10 cm grate near the ceiling.
The control is likely a physical switch somewhere outside the room.
Sep 5 2019, 08:09 AM
I'll be offline till Sunday for the last time. But it seems bnc isn't going to do a hell of a lot for a while anyway. Feel free to steer bnc if necessary!
See you!
Sep 5 2019, 08:46 AM
Thanks for all the good wishes
I'm recovering and back on tracks.
Damn, what a twist!
Wraith's turn:
Simple action: command bound spirit (last service)
Simple action: alert the team's channel
Free action: move frantically
Spirit (it has elemental attack & fear) will astrally rush to bnc asap and then probably materialize there, depending on what it finds.
Guess spirit's INI will be in order rather sooner than later:
Initiative Aeraziel (astral):
12+3d6 27
Sep 5 2019, 01:29 PM
When is bnc attacked?
I am trying to figure out where/what Anna would be doing at the time.
I'd assume she'll be at the disco for a few hours and then at some hotel room and then she may be less attentive to her link.
Sep 5 2019, 07:30 PM
The attack happens five hours after the incident with the police drone (where bnc took John out for a bit of free running) and approximatively four to three hours after Anna went to meet Splitterbruch.
At 5 km per Combat Turn, the spirit arrives pretty much precisely one round after bnc goes unconscious
He encounters a spirit of men F7
14+3d6 23Your spirit goes first, but since it's mission is to get to bnc it starts by materializing.
Enemy Spirit
Astral Combat:
14d6t5 7Your Angel goes full defense:
Full Defense:
18d6t5 5Angel has to soak 9 P
6d6t5 1Takes 8 P
Your Spirit retaliates
Astral Combat:
12d6t5 6Enemy Spirit:
Full Defense:
21d6t5 11Enemy Spirit:
Astral Combat:
14d6t5 5Full Defense:
16d6t5 10New Round:
Ini Round 2:
10+3d6 19Enemy Spirit:
Ini Round 2:
14+3d6 23Enemy Spirit attacks:
Astral Combat:
14d6t5 7Angel
Full Defense:
16d6t5 3Defends against 11P
6d6t5 2Takes another 9P and is disrupted
Sep 5 2019, 10:56 PM
bnc quickly rummages around in her bad until she finds what she's looking for. She pulls out a stealth tag ... and downs it with the remains of a can of soda. She turns both the tag and the deck to running silent but sending their location to the team channel (alongside with the bio monitor's screen).
I am assuming, that Volker meant this to be a constant (or periodic) thing, not just a single ping, right?
Does this still happen?
Sep 6 2019, 04:42 AM
That's not how a tag works: in game mechanics, bnc gave you two marks on the tag so you can take int+computer tests to trace her location.
Sep 6 2019, 12:52 PM
Ah, alright. Thanks.
Sep 10 2019, 07:30 AM
Thanks for the correction, Jack! I thought it might be able to share its location the same way a smartphone does, but this works just fine for me.
By the way: I'm not reading your post anymore, only Jack's spoiler-tag-only posts. So please, if there's something in the other posts bnc would know, please contact me either here or via PM. I will read all of your post once the team had a chance to tell bnc.
Sep 29 2019, 09:05 AM
@Volker: Nova is not talking over the commlink. You cannot hear her.
Sep 29 2019, 09:19 AM
Ah, thanks.
Oct 2 2019, 08:48 AM
QUOTE (Gilga @ Oct 2 2019, 02:42 AM)
"bitch" she murmurs to herself "genius irresponsible bitch"
"It is unlikely that bnc still have her deck... Didn't they scan her for cyber-Bioware? or assense her?
Inside her head or not, a deck is detectable for a facility of this proficiency. Isn't it so?
Why didn't they take the deck out? Perhaps bnc does not know that it is a trap?
Kerstin, what about your agent drone? We need some independent decking ability. Or perhaps Eliza can help us? "
Is this in the teamchannel where bnc can listen?
Oct 2 2019, 09:00 AM
Nope, she speaks privately with the team.
Oct 6 2019, 10:52 AM
Jack you are moving it a bit too quickly for my taste because we were dicussing our approach likely before we approached. Now people are already exchanging stuff?
Also can anyone explain me what our plan is ? (instead of asking it IC).
I remember even suggesting myself that Kerstain would turn herself in to take bnc out of the game. but I did not read to us reaching a decision (or did not see any iteration of our plan).
Are we sneaking in to rescue kerstain? and extract her cure? shouldn't we do it after (few days after?)) the exchange?
Oct 6 2019, 04:48 PM
Nacl did lay out the plan: He, Kerstin and Splitterbruch are the diversion, keeping the attention of Rosenberg on them and the supposed exchange of hostages.
The others use the window, that the technomancer pet creates to infiltrate through the top entrance and get down to rescue bnc.
Oct 6 2019, 05:24 PM
but if we go to rescue bnc while she is exchanged for Kerstain she will not be there... I don't understand what we do.
Oct 6 2019, 05:40 PM
It's a stalling tactic - with only a short window of opportunity - to keep Rosenberg distracted long enough for you to get her.
Oct 6 2019, 06:54 PM
and what about the cure?
Oct 6 2019, 07:45 PM
Grab it if you can - but getting bnc out is the priority
Oct 9 2019, 08:58 PM
Alright, made a bunch of rolls but mainly for nothing as we will not fool an F8 ward. So I did not bother to copy them (all in orokos).
In brief: 1 service for left for summoned spirit (F6 man), no drain for Anna or spirit.
Oct 10 2019, 09:51 PM
What is the door made out of?
Oct 10 2019, 10:09 PM
It's a standard metal, fire escape door. Opens in your direction.
Oct 11 2019, 08:44 PM
Are you now using the teamchannel again? Where bnc can listen?
Oct 11 2019, 10:52 PM
Uhm, that is a good question, haven't really thought about sticking to seperate channels.
I'd say yes, Wraith sees no point in keeping bnc out of our discussions at this point - if it's a trap, we already walked right into it.
He'd use the team channel.
And probably freak her out a bit with that comment, oops
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