Sep 6 2018, 12:53 PM
QUOTE (Volker @ Sep 6 2018, 02:44 PM)
I already sorted the draws in the correct order (Nova has REA+INT 11, Critter 3 has 10, then comes bnc with 9).
That's actually done differently in SR5. I looked it up, yesterday, because I wasn't sure myself.
There is a rule called "ERIC" for resolving ties in initiative.
E - Edge
R - Reaction
I - Initiative
C - Coin Toss
So, Nova will still be first (Edge 7), then probably bnc and the critter afterwards (assuming it does not have Edge higher than bnc).
Sep 6 2018, 02:25 PM
CRB 158 says:
"If more than one character has the same Initiative
Score, compare Attributes according to Initiative Score
(p. 159) to determine who acts first. Alternatively, the
gamemaster can simply determine that all actions occur
On p. 159 there's only the table which says what attributes are the base for what kind of initiative.
But I found the ERIC rule. Thanks for pointing that out.
By the way ... Edge 7? Wow!
Sep 6 2018, 04:55 PM
What action would it be to send a video feed from Nova's guncam to the team (so the ones waiting up there can also see what is going on)?
Sep 6 2018, 05:22 PM
As you're its owner, a simple Change Device Mode should do. You have an ARO already, so all you have to do is to alter its visibility from "only myself" to a already defined group (as we have a team channel).
Last word is, of course, Jack's.
Sep 6 2018, 05:41 PM
Thank you! Though, that would still leave the question, whether it is a free (since it is probably linked via the Smartlink?) or simple action.
There is Change Device Mode and Change Linked Device Mode.
Sep 6 2018, 07:14 PM
As long as he has no clue what's going on down there, Wraith will position himself on the other side of the entrance, occasionally checking astral sight of the graveyard.
@Jack: Any perception roll required to hear the fighting (once it occurs) echoing through the tunnel?
Sep 6 2018, 07:25 PM
Video feed is no problem and neither is for the rest of team to learn about the fight - you are all in a shared AR network.
Also, yes, ERIC is in effect - you are up before the critters (you can do another Magic Threats Knowledge Test (or Theory at -3)
Sep 6 2018, 07:38 PM
Sep 6 2018, 07:52 PM
@Volker: Being a bit overenthusiastic there? You were the one who asked to stay in initiative order, right?
But you might need to shoot a different target...
Sep 6 2018, 08:19 PM
bnc realizes that you are tangling with two goblins (HMHVV1) and one gnawer (HMHVV2). The goblins have regeneration, the gnawer has animal control (vermin) and noxious breath.
Sep 6 2018, 08:27 PM
QUOTE (Jack_Spade @ Sep 6 2018, 10:19 PM)
The goblins have regeneration, ...
Well, maybe shooting the same one might not be such a bad idea after all.
Sep 6 2018, 09:42 PM
I think, as long as it's not confusing, we don't have to - as the Germans put it - be popisher than the pope.
If you'd allow, I would instead target the gnawer. If bnc knows that he has Animal Control and she could thus maybe take out both him and the roaches, he presents a more interesting target - especially if she realizes that Nova is shooting the goblin anyway.
If you decide that she just empties her rounds in whatever is next, I'm okay with that, too. She'd be scared and the situation is quite a tad overwhelming. Just let me know.
Sep 6 2018, 09:56 PM
How does that Noxious Breath defense work, exactly?
It's a ranged attack, so you first try to dodge it with Rea+Int like normal? Is this considered an area attack (which would give us a -2 penalty on the defense roll, I think)?
And then, if you fail there, you get to do the Toxin Resistance, but net hits on the attack roll do nothing, since the hits on the resistance test directly reduce the power of the toxin...
Does that sound right?
P.S. Nova would have had only 10 dice to avoid that second critter (-1 for the previous attack in the same pass), but that would still work out fine.
Sep 7 2018, 02:36 AM
Oh, I want to do magic threats: If Anna thinks they are dual natured she'll use a simple action to ask the spirit to help.
Magical Threats:
6d6t5 2 Then again she is not nearly the brainiac that bnc is.
Sep 7 2018, 04:49 AM
Just so we don't have to rewind everything, I'd say we keep the result where you all fired at the first target (his regeneration is unlikely to bring him back with that ammount of damage )
That's one of those contradictions in the rule book: Area of Effect attacks you can't defend against - the -2 to defense are imho a mistake. Instead you can make Interrupt Actions at -5 ini to move away from where the attack hits (without a roll).
Your result is enough to recognize them as dual-natured - but be aware that the BC is still at 4 and therefore heavily affecting spirits.
At the very least when the shots start to sound you'll be aware of what's going on, should you want to join the fight, you just have to roll ini and move 10m to get line of sight.
Sep 7 2018, 07:43 AM
Sep 7 2018, 07:51 AM
@Volker - Critter 3 and 2 are the same for me. I said critter 2 because Jack said that it was charging Nova and did not say what critter 3 was doing at the time.
Sep 7 2018, 09:34 AM
I'll leave Anna's actions as is for now. (no spirit), but in case the 'stinker' is dead by her turn then she'll shoot the one still kicking.
Sep 7 2018, 09:42 PM
32 dice? What kind of armor is Nova wearing?
Sep 7 2018, 09:46 PM
It's not what she's wearing, it's what she's made of.
Sep 7 2018, 09:48 PM
QUOTE (Volker @ Sep 7 2018, 11:42 PM)
32 dice? What kind of armor is Nova wearing?
Just a nice business suit. Plus some extra protective items at the moment.
But, yeah, a good deal of that comes from the cyberlimbs.
Sep 8 2018, 06:42 AM
How do cyber limbs provide soak dice? I'm aware of that positive quality but that can't be more than 3 dice...
Sep 8 2018, 08:36 AM
They can be armored... up to +3 armor per one for a total of +12 dice of armor.
Sep 8 2018, 10:29 AM
Jupp, and before you ask: Sadly no, drones don't profit from limb armor...
Sep 8 2018, 03:34 PM
So, I have no idea how mind probe works on a such a critter, but I see no rule that would prohibit it. The text always mentions a "target" and never specifies that it has to be a
Therefore, I assume it works just like on a human, perhaps with some um...
Darker thoughts
Oh, and: "you know nothin', Wraith."
Magic theory (-3):
2d6t5 1
Sep 8 2018, 05:21 PM
Anything with the sapience trait can be targeted.
Although you are about to enter the mind of a feral infected...
Have fun...
Sep 9 2018, 06:11 AM
thanks, gilga, for waiting for me
Sep 9 2018, 12:12 PM
@gilga: I removed your "ooc - dont rush" post, as it served its purpose.
Sep 9 2018, 12:18 PM
Sep 9 2018, 07:51 PM
@Gilga : I lost track, are Anna's spells on Wraith still active?
Sep 9 2018, 08:47 PM
QUOTE (Thanee @ Sep 9 2018, 12:12 PM)
@gilga: I removed your "ooc - dont rush" post, as it served its purpose.
Why did you post it in the IC thread in the first place?
Sep 9 2018, 11:03 PM
Well, I was going to edit it into my own IC - but since some would first read the IC and only then the OOC
Sep 11 2018, 07:44 PM
@Jack: With 13 dice in magic theory and first aid, and 10 dice in medicine, can I narrow down the biological cause of the creature's death?
I mean, for example, with my basic knowledge I can rule out a heart attack due to stress because of the magic interrogation (then a high heart beat would have alarmed us, the brain wouldn't have stopped simultaneously, etc.
I assume that it wouldn't be something as natural as loss of essence as it happened to spontaneously. Stuff like that. Can I find any chemicals in his blood (11 dice in chemistry, if necessary a chemistry toolkit in the car, though I think needle wholes, discolorations, etc. might give away substances without a toolkit)? Has there been any electrical signal? Or is it just a kind of avada kedavra?
Sep 11 2018, 08:05 PM
Mainly it was the critical glitch with two 1s on two dice
In game it was the combination of an absolutely unresisted mind probe that forced the brain to use all available resources to uncover pretty forgotten memories. Add to that a very unfavorable background count to a dual natured creature that has been shocked several times in the last few minutes and it's just an unfortunate cumulation of effects.
Sep 12 2018, 05:37 AM
Okay, but we do have all the characteristic signs of death through an overly strained cardiac system. It didn't just magically snap out of function, and the brain died because of los of oxygen and not just because it was magicked into dying?
I don't want to revive the creature anyway, but the IC description didn't match the OoC description and this made bnc a bit jumpy.
If you'll allow, I'll edit the post according to your description. bnc wouldn't have been that alarmed as the virtual parameters would have given a different image.
Sep 12 2018, 06:33 AM
@ Gilga:
QUOTE (Gilga @ Sep 12 2018, 12:59 AM)
Anna concluded "It was the Lord's wrath..."...
Does she say that in any mocking or overly sarcastic way?
Sep 12 2018, 07:01 AM
She thinks that Wraith unintentionally killed the beast by creating unbearable emotional pain or something along these lines. Yet, the critter knows that it is a vile undead and was put in the Church which increased the stress, and Wraith is a Theurgist and behaves as if the Lord gives him the power to do spells. In that sense, it was indeed the Lord's wrath. she is a bit cynical as these words come out of a pragmatic Chaos mage, rather than
and sees belief as a useful mental structure, rather than reality. So when she says it is the Lord's Wrath she means a combination of Wraith's theatrics and the critter's own beliefs which escalated the situation further.
Sep 12 2018, 06:41 PM
Would the searching be Perception (visual)?
Sep 12 2018, 06:56 PM
Actually it would be Perception (Searching)
Sep 12 2018, 07:31 PM
Ok. That makes sense.
Sep 12 2018, 07:57 PM
Not sure which option we go for - I had Anna using astral perception - but she would use her mundane senses once done, I am assuming a teamwork test? Or what do you guys prefer? At any case:
perception searching:
15d6t5 4
Sep 12 2018, 11:21 PM
If understand the rules correctly, a teamwork-test doesn't count as a repitition of a test (which would impose a -2 modifier), meaning we could actually search individually first, and then regroup for a teamwork test without penalty, right?
For astral perception at least, I would definitely prefer teamwork, as neither of us has an amazing dice pool with that background cound.
Wraith would rather have Anna be the leader, as he's not too good at assensing, but I guess that's to be settled IC
Sep 13 2018, 05:12 AM
Sure, just roll cooperation and add to the pool. We currently have 3 or 4 successes depending on GM interpretation.
Well - whatever help Wraith had it did the trick:
cooperation dice:
1d6t5 14 - or 5 hits depending on searching modifier applying or not.
Sep 13 2018, 05:20 AM
Yeah, you can also cooperate on astral perception.
I'll wait for the others to post their rolls before telling you what you all find.
Sep 14 2018, 07:23 AM
@Squirrel & @Thanee
Your characters' responses were lost in our proceeding to the basement. Do they give bnc permission to access their commlinks?
Sep 14 2018, 09:04 AM
Yeah, no problem.
Sep 14 2018, 11:31 PM
@Jack Do my 8 hits on the matrix perception tell me what happens if I type in the password wrong? Is the data bomb set to destroy the file after only one typo?
Sep 15 2018, 06:44 AM
Nope, the databomb is there to prevent cracking the encryption
It won't activate for typing in the wrong password
Sep 15 2018, 08:28 AM
That actually makes a lot of sense. Sometimes, you're so much smarten than mee
Sep 16 2018, 08:05 AM
Just for your information: Dr. Rosenberg is the head Researcher who is behind the Harvesters.
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