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General Gaming
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General Gaming
Future Trends
(1 reply)
Cowboys & Stuff
(4 replies)
Our answer to Obama?
(38 replies)
ogl steampunk.
(19 replies)
The Ten Most Insane Old School Dungeons & Dragons Rules
(19 replies)
Hitler's Battletech game
(11 replies)
What have I done?
(31 replies)
Questions for collectors
(1 reply)
Selling rolaplaying game books
(9 replies)
(0 replies)
Help With A Campaign
(5 replies)
Best place to legally get SR books?
(26 replies)
M.A.R.K. - 13: Hardware!
(13 replies)
Mystery Shadowrun Material
(3 replies)
Tell me about GOOD manga
(32 replies)
Shadowrunner Nights
(1 reply)
How much did the WEG Star Wars 2e Revised GM Screen originally sell for?
(2 replies)
SR Books & More for sale
(2 replies)
Best zombie survival game ever
(8 replies)
The Dark Eye: Drakensang
(1 reply)
dice, pure luck or mad skillz
(24 replies)
Cthulhutech moves to Catalyst Game Labs
(17 replies)
Anyone else reading the current Dr. McNinja?
(2 replies)
a new (old) game ive been playing.
(0 replies)
Diana: Warrior Princess
(2 replies)
A deep thought on Walker: Texas Ranger
(7 replies)
The very best Ghost Recon mod EVAR
(3 replies)
(8 replies)
Bayverse Devastator is very big
(3 replies)
Did you hear a banjo?
(16 replies)
(16 replies)
It's so 1980s it hurts.
(12 replies)
PROOF that hitpoints are REALITY
(7 replies)
Maelstrom rpg
(2 replies)
The Future of Shadowrun
(10 replies)
(8 replies)
I just thought of the best idea for a squad level strategy and business management game ever
(16 replies)
Errant Dreams
(0 replies)
Fallout RPG
(7 replies)
Littlebigplanet Shadowrun Level
(0 replies)
How to Prepare For a Gaming Session as a Player
(8 replies)
Looking for a social male player for forum game
(64 replies)
What mood music to use for Shadow Run?
(20 replies)
Shouldn't immortal vampires act like crotchety grandparents and not like suave 30somethings?
(31 replies)
The intro to Jericho in French
(4 replies)
(18 replies)
Twilight 2000 looks really awesome
(41 replies)
Left 4 dead conversion
(5 replies)
My Fallout 3 review
(13 replies)
US Army Cookbook
(6 replies)
Intro for a Shadowrun text-rpg
(1 reply)
New comp
(11 replies)
Ho Ho Ho
(4 replies)
Wow, the old Star Wars movies are so much better than the new ones
(38 replies)
Valley of the Wolves: Iraq
(13 replies)
A little help from the German speakers?
(1 reply)
Cthulhu Mythos concordance info
(6 replies)
Hellboy 2
(28 replies)
Rising Eagle
(2 replies)
Kratas book released!
(0 replies)
Would FPS games be better without superhuman accuracy?
(32 replies)
Fallout 3
(125 replies)
Question about converting systems
(6 replies)
Shadworun TCG question
(1 reply)
Progress Quest
(2 replies)
I wonder...
(4 replies)
Looking to priceing ideas
(1 reply)
Appleseed: Ex Machina was a terrible movie and if you liked it you should be sad
(16 replies)
Gaming Virtues
(48 replies)
Merchant Prince, aka Machivallei The Prince
(14 replies)
Selling a bunch of collectible SR stuff
(2 replies)
Last Reminant
(0 replies)
"New Edition" gaming culture
(137 replies)
Final Fantasy Tactics A2
(5 replies)
Recommendations on Shadowrun IRCs?
(1 reply)
New Computer (me too)
(41 replies)
WizKids Games shut down
(4 replies)
Ideal number of runners in your games?
(31 replies)
(2 replies)
I'm planning to participate in a pistol competition
(49 replies)
Knight Rider movie looks like it's gonna suck
(85 replies)
Complete and utter bullshit
(20 replies)
How good is POD?
(9 replies)
Free Virtual Table Tops
(12 replies)
Mr. J looking for GM who could run a very PG non SR online game
(6 replies)
I made a blog for my Star Wars game
(0 replies)
Has anyone played RPGs back in the 70s?
(18 replies)
A Dirty World
(0 replies)
(1 reply)
Dark Heresy
(44 replies)
Fantasy setting of Shadowrun
(4 replies)
What is charisma?
(15 replies)
Looking for Classic D&D Artwork
(2 replies)
Legality of using existing RPG rules.
(18 replies)
DM of the rings
(8 replies)
(14 replies)
Halo Conversion of Shadowrun
(3 replies)
Mercenaries 2: Game in flames
(3 replies)
Alien: Colonial Marines
(14 replies)
Selling WoW account
(4 replies)
Microsoft want you to buy Nintendo's Wii
(14 replies)
Highlander 2 = Shadowrun, visually?
(12 replies)
Will Shellshock 2 be good?
(0 replies)
Humiliation as a motivation for people and RPG characters
(10 replies)
Obscure question about AD&D first edition
(5 replies)
Earthdawn 15th Anniversary
(3 replies)
Quiting SR; Selling Books
(0 replies)
Games Deserving of a Sequel, Remake, or Seeing the Light of Day
(101 replies)
Newbie GM In Need of Advice
(26 replies)
The Basic's of the Game interview with Peter Taylor
(0 replies)
New Games
(3 replies)
Awesome Cyberpunk WebGame to keep you busy
(2 replies)
In general, should contemporary humans be able to pwn old school creepy crawlies?
(16 replies)
Some NES Games that Should Have Sucked but are Awesome
(25 replies)
I got a chance to play D&D 4th edition today
(235 replies)
Earthdawn Age of legend announced for D&D 4E
(15 replies)
The Final Cut
(11 replies)
But... But I HATE IRONMAN...
(122 replies)
The Dark Knight, Watchmen and Terminator
(34 replies)
ENnies judge selection
(0 replies)
Are you ready for some football!?
(7 replies)
(4 replies)
Let's discuss Doom 3 mods
(0 replies)
(2 replies)
Archon! Michigan Live Action Role Playing!
(0 replies)
Chuck Norris > Medieval LARPers
(12 replies)
Heresy: Kingdom Come
(3 replies)
"Combat Resolution Chart"?
(5 replies)
(21 replies)
Creator of Harn Dies
(1 reply)
D&D 4th Edition - The positive, constructive thread
(213 replies)
'Tis the season to rejoice, by Crom!
(11 replies)
Cool broswer addons
(3 replies)
(10 replies)
City of Villain
(26 replies)
I blame the times for the things I don't like in RPGs
(27 replies)
question for adam jury
(35 replies)
New Computer
(48 replies)
Dracula In London (1988) is one of the best games ever
(1 reply)
Black Lagoon
(5 replies)
Earthdawn is going 4E
(38 replies)
Killjoy Cooking with D&D Crowd
(2 replies)
"The Russian Specialist" = shadowrun movie
(4 replies)
Alternate SR4 campaign setting idea
(13 replies)
R. A. Montgomery sucks!
(11 replies)
Tell us about the one great RPG that you would improve
(14 replies)
Taking turns as GM
(20 replies)
(21 replies)
Mass Effect
(10 replies)
Free Football MMORPG Thingie
(14 replies)
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