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That's around a 6 CF, what is the approximate load for it, with ammunition?
Considering that it has 15 CF of storage on it, I'm pretty sure it'll take more than 6 CF. Its a two seater ATV with just about everything maxed out. No weapons on it though.
I'm going by the R3 cf calculation. I know it doesn't work out, since according to r3 you can put a redball express inside a redball express.
Hey, Buddha, is the club within 40k of my house?
Where is your place located good Sir?
Never really decided, lemme take a look at my seattle maps....
House in Seattle proper, Queen Anne, lower.

Safe house is in Tacoma, Timberlane
Ok trying again on this damn posting thingie.

I asked a friend who grew up in the area and the answer is no. New Seattle was next to useless since they have no scale indicated for distance.
Yeah, I noticed that. Okay, how far out of the way will I have to go to get within the 40 km range?
Ok I am no math wiz, liberal studies here, so I am going to say when you cut through Snohomish you will be in range, assuming you loop through the section that takes you closer to Downtown.
Okay, is there a none-too-nosey-parking deck in that basic area. I'm thinking along the lines of, hit a button, get a ticket, park your car and walk type deal. Kinda like the one used in The Jackal to elude the smugglers.
Not a problem, I am not inclined to drag the game down for little things. Now buying a disposable rocket launcher......
That'll come later.
Tomorrow morning I will bump you all to the address in Redmond, unless everyone wraps up before tonight. Want to give everyone the chance to post. Please pick what gear you're taking since it may be important in the next section. Post the list here.

Any comments/feedback? Feel free to criticize because if you're not having fun then I am wasting my time. grinbig.gif
Gear packed in van ready for travel:
Ordinary clothes
Secure Jacket
Rucksack with,
electronics kit, battletack receiver.
All drones
In mk 6, 1 can of explosives, 2 detonators, other electronics kit.
4 belts of LMG ammunition
80 spare rnds of SMG ammo
10 of each mini-grenade in case.
Both knowsoft ships
and the computer (was plugged into the electronics port)

As soon as Elite is within 40km of the van, will instruct Toyota to continue on to the Parking deck, while remoting into the van and guiding it to the parking deck.
Van is jet-black with appropriate plate and transponder for hotel car.
Oh great buddah, you bless us continually with your exquisite game. we are not worthy of such wonderous engagements and are forever in your debt O' Great One.

:: kneels and bows with my nose touching the ground ::
LOL!! Touche!
Paladin is going to find a parking lot near where they are meeting that has close access to the Underground. Unless they parking lot that Nikoli picked is close to an access point, in which case I'll go with them.
There is an access point near the park and pay where the team is meeting up.
Buddha-doll, would you roll for me? Im at work and have no dice.

force 7

Charisma 8
Conjuring 6

Can you use centering for conjuring as well as sorcery? If so:

Centering 5
Performing \ Singing 8

success for drain.
Excel has a random function, open a new one and add the following equation "=randbetween(1,6)"
of course you have to add the right module for that to be there.

3 successes and no drain but I need to know when this happens. Also what type of spirit are you whipping up? For RPing elements. do you have a theme to your spirits? A certain look to them all.
My apologies for my incomplete post oh gracious and forgiving one. A thousand apologies for my further ignorance, but...what do you need to know when this happens...coudst thou mean you wish to know the time the summoning would occur? if that is the case, your lordship, then the summoning in question would preferrably take place immediately following her leave from the club, before entering her vehicle.

A city spirit 'twould be. Most of them appear as ghostly beings all moon-glowey and stuff...mostly as ghostly animals but sometimes as humanoids depending on the situation.
Astral Perception Check: 23,3,4,4,2,4
Magical Background Check: 2,4,3,3,2,14

WTF is going on at the club?
Ritual magic, it appears to be a ward of some power being thrown up around the club. You think it's a polarized ward that's being set.
I'm glad to see I'm not the only one concerned about the goings on both in the club and outside.
Here's a better many magic points of force have to be available to ward a the entirety of a building that size?
Magicx10 in Square meters, so a small group of ritual linked mages could do it I would imagine. Your average PC amge can do their apartment with little trouble.
Ok, here's the info for the scene. The pack of residents is between you and the building. They are about 10 meters away at this point. They all seem to have improvised weapons - pipes, bricks, etc.
Astral Perception: 10 05 05 01
Well at least they aren't Ghouls like I first thought they would be. smile.gif
Why Ghouls?
My normal GM loves to throw them at us while we're in the barrens. When you described them as hungery and gaunt that is what came to mind.

I'll toss a street etiquette roll at you for my little speech. I've got Good Rep 2, but I doubt it would come into play here because they don't know who I am yet, unless one of them recognises me.

Etiquette: 05 05 02 01
Activating power foci, quick astral perception check: 9,7,5,5,22,4

How bad does the background count in the building look? Minor or major?

And the first thing that twitches like it's going to throw a brick or something and I'm dropping the whole cluster wink.gif
The background count for the area is 1 but the 3rd floor has one at 3.
Wow, i go do some work stuff and everything happens.
Sensor sweep from Van:
Sensors 4: 5:2:8:2
Intelligence since drone isn't doing sweep: 13:2:5:2:2:9
With sensors 4, how penetrating can these get? I know I won't get a clear face, but what about a somewhat clear bodyshape?
You can see that they are bipedal. The larger one is probably Troll or Orc. Their signature is lower than a human so easier to detect. You get a general topographical lay out for the floor. It seems pretty open, with heavier shapes around the edges and the floor has a uneven surface.
I'm gunna slip her a little cash as stealthy as I can. I don't want the other street bums to know she has something or else they may jump her later on for it.

Stealth: 11 07 05 04 04 03 02 02 01 01 #D:10 TN:4 H#:11 S:5

I'm giving her 100 nuyen.gif

Etiquette: 21 eek.gif 05 03 02
Just to be clear, both the arachnid and the van are recording, full feeds.

I soooo wanna open fire at the moment... spin.gif
Got it. talker.gif
And unless otherwise noted, all possible spell defense dice are currently allocated to the party.
Great imagery Buddha, I'm loving the game so far. smile.gif
Walker Pilot check (Arachnid has handling 3)

Should take roughly 30 seconds for it to climb to the window on the 3rd story.
(I think it has a speed of 3 but I don't have R3 handy)
Astral Perception: 15 14 08 02

Judging by the artistry of the work, might I know who did the tinkering of the Vespa?
Defaulting from Car background:
On top of the Astral Perception check, I also have Magic Threats 4, Fringe Cults 4, and Insect Spirits 3.

Magic Threats: 09 07 04 02
Fringe Cults: 05 03 01 01
Insect Spirits: 04 03 01
Mech arms test for the climb (handling 4 on the drone):
Mech Arms: 3:5:9:11
Control Pool: 2:5:4:4

Gas test:
Detector: 4:2:5:5:4:2
Chemistry: 3:5:4:5:4:1
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