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Ally has a spell pool equal to their force. I haven't seen anything about totem modifiers.......hmmmmm....I will post in the discussion area and see what comes out.
(grabs megaphone)

Oh..was waiting for a judgement call...I'll assume no for now then

Luna's Sorcery 5
Spell Pool 5
Used for Test not drain

I asked incorrectly for her Willpower, I need her essence.

11 08 05 04 04 03 03 02 02 01

Drain: 3M
Willpower 5

04 04 04 04 01 yay! almost yatzee smile.gif
Everyone out in DS-land says no and the books seem to support that.

Her essemce is a whopping 1.90!!

So one success as it stands now, you are welcome to use karma if you want.
Why not.

17 14 07 05 04 03 03 03 02 yay! 2 more..
Good job all, you take her down to 2 boxes of light. Posted flavor text for the spell so feel free to post your actions then will bump to the next locale. When I do so karma pools will refresh, I keep meaning to tell you all but it slips my mind. Whenever I shift the scene to someplace new I usually consider that a point for karma pools to refresh.
So, do we make it back tot he aprtment or are there [cheesy dramatic sound effects] complications [/cheesy dramatic sound effects]?
I think we're waiting on Buddha to drop us into the next scene.
shh, I know. was just bumping the thread...
I like this game too much to see it fizzle out
Sorry all!!!

I am helping out a family friend during the Halloween season. They own a local costume shop and get hit really hard till the holiday is over. I will try to post but it will be light until after Halloween.
Punk a$$ little soandso... sarcastic.gif
Ok bumped back to the safe house so it's you all now. biggrin.gif
Did I miss something, or did we scrap Iblis's place since those guys tracked us down and tried to kill us all?
Iblis' other place

I believe it was her apartment safehouse we had last utilized.
Actually you are at Bakatare's safe house (apartment) at the moment.
My bad

Edited the last IC post.
Also, I figure with the way her house was set up, she'll rest better if there is some garish color scheme going on around her.
LOL!! Nikoli give yourself a point of karma.

It's all you folks now, waiting for your input. For the recap, you've been offered more money to mess up Micheal. You've made contact with Madame Yin to enlist her aid. The thought being to possibly crash his party in a major way. You have an unconscious elf in the van (sleeping off Stun damage but only lightly injured now). You are all back at Bakatare's.

Admin stuff: I just got my grubby little hands on SOTA 2064 so that means its contents are availible in use in my games.
We really need to work up a major whooping on this guy. I want everything, now. We need to take away his group, his house, and his job. I think the best place to start is his party. Replace the caterers, poison the guests, crash the party with a few well place grenades...he seems to like explosives, right? We have to be able to show his group and his employers that he's lost control.

On tap I have LMGs, an MP-5 and a ton of explosives. Also have lots of grenades.

The forums are fixed and I'm back!
Welcome back!!

Let me know if you all need anything from me. I think you all are in the "planning" stage but I am here if you need to hit contacts, etc.
I threw out some ideas IC, I'm just waiting for the other players to reply.
I don't think loud and destructive are going to accomplish what we need, unfortunately. I think we need to look to things a little more subtle.
I agree. Which is why Paladin is so darn good at Stealth. wink.gif

So start posting IC and we'll work out a plan. Someone needs to talk to Madam Yin too.
Let's have a roll call of players just so I know who is out there still. I know Blaze has shifted to NPC status but I just want to check who is still in the game (s o to speak).

In light of Blaze going the way of the NPC, did the team want to recruit a new flesh-n-blood member? Anything you think you need? Let me know and I will begin recruitinga replacement.
Heh, I was just chatting with McQuillan about this game online. So Blitz is gone then? I know that Fenris is very busy IRL too. I'd like to pick up another player or two. We could use a Face/B&E type and another magic user wouldn't hurt either.
I hope you don't mind, I invited someone...
Did I hear hints of another game opening? smile.gif

If so, I wouldn't mind being the face/B&E spec. Just need to know the build rules before I start on a char.
I'm still here
Errr...slight etiquette breach there, Eccy. You probably should have run the idea by Buddha before you invited anymore people.
I threw out the idea of inviting new players to you all, but I would like to do the recruitment and invitation. No biggie though since I have had McQuillan at my games before so I know he's good people, just run it by me in the future please.

It's Blaze who is gone NPC not Blitz, unless she doesn't call out on the roll call.

So you folks decide what or who you need and then I can comb through characters for addition to the thread.
QUOTE (Fenris)
Errr...slight etiquette breach there, Eccy. You probably should have run the idea by Buddha before you invited anymore people.

He asked first. Check the last post on the previous page. smile.gif
In light of Blaze going the way of the NPC, did the team want to recruit a new flesh-n-blood member? Anything you think you need? Let me know and I will begin recruiting a replacement.

To clarify that's what I said. wink.gif
Im still here...just been distracted by work and have no internet at home. Sorry!
Hiya and welcome to Monday all!!

I had a chance to reread the whole thread this weekend so I am going to jump back in again with both feet. Everyone sounded off on the roll-call so we're good to go. I will be introducing a new player/character some time this week. So stay on the edge of your seats campers!!
Ok the time line in the game is as follows as a refresher:

Monday - Brian Metuzack is kinapped by "Adam" (Micheal Nelson)
Tuesday - You are contacted for a job, the massacre happens at the Looking Glass
Wednesday - You meet, take the job and meet your employer Iblis at the
site of the attack.
Thursday - Meet back at Iblis's in the morning. Watched the Body Bag that
night, saw "Adam" and found his home.
Friday - Early morning, corp hit squad back at Iblis's house then OU safe
house then Bakatare's safe house. Set up meeting with the Red
and Joli.
Saturday - Day long watch on "Adam's" house and meets happen.
Sunday - Attack on the club where Iblis was and team rides in to save the

You have made contact with Madam Yin, consulted a diviner and dragon expert. You got a changling boy, Izzy, to a new life. You have all been busy, that's for sue.

The current time is Monday morning in the early AM, think around 2 am.
Thanks for the recap Buddha, I had totally forgotten about Izzy.
Ok been chatting with some people and will be adding two new players, see if we can revitalize this baby. wink.gif
Do we know what day Adam's party is on? And is it at the Body Bag itself, or is Madam Yin just providing entertainment?
We know when, I just don't remember the date. And IIRC the party is at the Body Bag.
Leave it to the kid with a philosophy degree to come up with a plan to embarass someone

Please welcome McQuillan & Whizbang to the thread all!!
Welcome McQuillan and Whizbang.
*waves* HiHi!
Hey all!!
Moira! Blaze! Where are you?!?

**Waiting on Blitz unless instructed to move forward**
Sensor Test: 9,5,3,5
Perception: 5,2,2,4,5,11
Sorry for the lull, had some out of town guests for the last two days. Will get back to the posting of many threads.
Whizbang give me a perception test please and Blitz roll one for your ally spirit as well.

McQuillan give me one too. These are visual based checks.
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