Mar 16 2004, 03:31 AM
Give me a skill roll to back it up.
Mar 16 2004, 12:15 PM
NVM, the drone has a gas detection system not the spectrometer. dangit.
Mar 17 2004, 07:34 AM
Hey All!
The thread seems to have stalled. Is there something you need from me? It's hard to tell who the questions are directed to in the IC thread without a name attached to it. Let me know. I don't want to bump it unless you are all done planning your next step.
Mar 17 2004, 07:51 AM
Onna is a level 3 runner contact, and Great Grandfather is someone she mentioned before that has a talent for Divining.
John is a level 1 talismonger contact at the Magic Box. He's helped me out with supplies and other contacts in the past, on a strictly professional basis.
Mar 18 2004, 05:55 PM
Ok I am going to kick this thread in the butt this afternoon at 4pm so post and let me know what you're doing in the next time hop. I assume some will be crawling off to bed for at least a little bit. Let me know.
Mar 18 2004, 06:49 PM
but little time to post before then...sorry babe
Mar 18 2004, 09:01 PM
I'm going to take a small sample of the blood and the stuff in the syringe to my level 2 contact at Lone Star: Lt. Ralph Dickens.
Mar 18 2004, 09:36 PM
I'll be using the Felix to patrol around the neighborhoos a little, seeing as how a cat should not attract too much attention.
Mar 18 2004, 09:49 PM
I assume you're talking about the area around Iblis's house, right?
Mar 18 2004, 10:58 PM
Yes. Cute little kitty to roam around the yard of cute little house.
Mar 19 2004, 12:06 AM
No problem. Just post when you get home tonight my dear.
Digital Heroin
What are you going to do good Sir?
Mar 19 2004, 01:31 AM
So Moira goes to sleep, I'm also guessing that Bakatare will too. Not much to do until I get a call back from my contact.
Mar 19 2004, 04:37 AM
I've slept already a good 6 hours, so I'll run a sweep, charge the Felix, nap during, then run another sweep, and repeat till the group is ready to move on. If Izzy is up and bored, I'd make small talk.
Mar 19 2004, 06:03 PM
Ok I am going to run a ton of errands this morning and then bump everyone forward with their activities. Also this will give Digital Heroin one last shot at posting something........anything.
Mar 19 2004, 06:41 PM
He hasn't been posting in the game he's gming either.
Mar 20 2004, 12:25 AM
Ok back from running errands and beginning to post away. I will shoot out posts to feed everyone info from their contacts and then let you all know when I bring all of you together. I have Bakatare checking in with his people and Paladin has the samples at the lab. I believe that Moira was going to visit her talismonger to get more info on the ritual components. Murrey is keeping watch and making sure you all sleep safe.
Mar 20 2004, 12:48 AM
Sounds good.
Mar 20 2004, 02:34 AM
I will have a post for you this weekend with all the info broken down from the Lone Star file you receive Grey.
Mar 23 2004, 03:16 PM
Everyone, I have a family emergency out of town, I won't be posting for at least a day, maybe two.
Mar 23 2004, 03:21 PM
Good luck man, I hope everything is ok. I'll send a prayer your way.
Mar 23 2004, 03:22 PM
Ditto...take care of what you need to. We'll still be around.
Mar 23 2004, 06:03 PM
Hope everything works out for the best and happy thoughts your way.
Mar 23 2004, 06:27 PM
Can you give me a brief run down on your contact? Thanks hun.
Mar 24 2004, 08:26 AM
What do I know about a Stone Serpent totem?
Magic background: 3,11,1,8,2,4
Mar 24 2004, 08:51 AM
You know of no such totem. There is the Wyrm but no stone has been added to the title. In the general magic arena there are dragons who collect names like some people collect stamps.
Digital Heroin
Mar 24 2004, 09:07 AM
Feeling a touch useless, with regards to this run. Things'll pick up, no doubt, but Immortal's not the investigative type.
Mar 24 2004, 04:00 PM
Just keep in mind that besides me, you are the only other ass kicker. If things go Melee, I could use the help.
Mar 24 2004, 04:26 PM
Moira = Combat Paralasys and Flashbacks....combat NOT good for her...she usually just hides.
You guys should just go ahead....we're busy here...you check out the club and everyone meets up afterwards to share gathered info...best use of time really.
Mar 24 2004, 08:05 PM
Hey All,
With Blitz being locked at a conference the game plan (get it game, a funny) is to wrap up the side stuff and bring you all back together to compare notes. Then I assume people are heading to Body Bag to check it out. I will need your gear list for the club (not that anything like combat could happen there
). I would like to hold off doing the club scene until we have everyone able to post unless only a select few are going. Let me know.
Mar 24 2004, 08:40 PM
I'd like at least one magic user along with us, so Paladin wants to wait for Bakatare to get back to the house, then all of us but Moira can go check the place out.
Mar 24 2004, 08:46 PM
Works for me...and it makes sense since I wont be around to post regarding the body bag deal and it's DEFINATELY not moira's kinda place.
If someone calls her to tell her, she'll probably just have dinner with Jesse while they do some research on Nomads in his extensive online and offline library.
Mar 24 2004, 09:48 PM
Heh, I almost forgot about my Geas!
Mar 26 2004, 12:36 AM
Guys, I want to wait for Blitz to get back before we go to the club. Even if she isn't any good in combat, she is still the only one that can ID the people from Izzy's memories. If combat happens to break out, she can always hide.
Mar 26 2004, 12:55 AM
Hey, if it's meat body combat, I'm useless too without my drones.
Mar 26 2004, 12:57 AM
So bring the drones!
Mar 26 2004, 12:58 AM
They'll be in the van, ready to go. but if it gets heavy int he club, i'm ducking with her.
Mar 26 2004, 01:02 AM
Did you miss my post about not going in the club on the first night? I want to case the joint. We sit in your van and see if Moira can spot anyone she knows from Izzy's memory. We also look for the blue car in the police report and see who drives it. Maybe follow them too. Stuff like that. If the first night doesn't turn any leads up, then we can go inside the club on the second night.
Mar 26 2004, 01:24 AM
I saw that, but prior to that post we had not discussed it. Murrey was operating as though we gon in the first night. He's a fairly social guy, so it's not a big deal to him.
Mar 29 2004, 03:23 PM
Thanks for waiting.
Buddha...can you tell me what..if anything, I learned in his research library?
Mar 29 2004, 05:30 PM
Welcome back!
"The spirits that were called and loosed, and yes, I'm sure there was more then one of them, are called Nomads. They appear in the normal world, when they appear, as dark grey clouds, about a meter and a half across. The only attack they have is possession, but when they possess someone, they drive the host into a homicidal rage. They also bolster the hosts physical form ten-fold, making them more then capable of killing most mudanes, and probably capable of slugging it out toe-to-toe with a troll. As the host kills people, the spirit feeds off the dying essences, growing stronger. When the creature grows strong enough, it splits into two creatures, who repeat the process. Only having no hosts gives the creatures a reason to leave. Mana and spirit based spells, especially those targeted from the astral, are our best bet for taking out the spirit. If the host is killed, the spirit simply moves on. Wards are the best defense, but they can't be put up quickly, so we can't trap it behind one. "
In raw game mechanics they start out a Force 9 critter, adding their Force to the hosts physical stats. They feed off the essence of anything living thing killed by the host. When they reach 18 Force they split into two spirits of 9 and the cycle begins again.
Bumping to 7 pm when Moira returns at 4 pmish so let me know what you're doing, if anything during the time jump.
Mar 29 2004, 06:56 PM
Paladin does his daily meditation and gets a few more hours of rest.
Mar 30 2004, 01:07 AM
You folks are doing great. Just waiting for Fenris to post. I will kick him in the hoop, as they say, this evening.
Mar 30 2004, 01:11 AM
Yeah, I really love the way the team is coming together. Very cool.
Digital Heroin
Mar 30 2004, 01:15 AM
Funny thing about Immortal, he savagely hates Toxics of all breeds, but Bugs hate him vehemently...
Mar 30 2004, 01:17 AM
You took Spirit Bane: Bugs? Brass Balls all around.
Digital Heroin
Mar 30 2004, 01:30 AM
Mar 30 2004, 02:35 AM
Local: 5,4,2
Car Background: 8,5,3,5,2
Just in case, Chess: 4:2:2:7
SUT(Vehicle): 7:5:9:2
Mar 30 2004, 05:26 PM
I'm gunna throw down a few knowledge skill tests to see if I can make any more sense out of the info Bakatare got.
Magic\Threats: 04 03 \ 05 03
Cults: 14 13 03 03
Wow, nice one on the Cults, but does it actually come in handy?
Mar 30 2004, 07:38 PM
You have a fairly good idea of where to set up. The club is located in a run-down red light district. Looking at the maps you think a spot near the corner about a block away will give you a clear LOS to the club.
Well the serpent reference always has the potential for a dragon link. Prince could refer to the Council of Princes. The Sleeper could be anything that has been awakened by the return of mana levels in the 6th world.
Digital Heroin
Mar 31 2004, 12:41 AM
Immortal's going to get Robert to drop off his arsenal, and the garment bag with his cammo and form fitting armor.
Edit: Oooh... dragons, Immortal's never taken on a Dragon before...
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