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Having a great time, just so you know. Please keep the game going, I applaud your focus and the fact that you keep pushing to keep the timeline moving. Stagnation is the death of games on this board!

I need a stealth roll and some perception as well. Thanks. smile.gif
So, where are we? At Ib's house?

BTW, still having a great time. Just had a really wierd weekend of no sleep and lots of work related issues, so fried my frontal lobes are.
Errr, stealth, hmm...that's one of those skill-type things, right?: 0,1 (already accounting for default)

Perception(Astral): 7,5,4,3,3,1
Yep at Ib's house. I hear ya on the brain frying.
Being that Baka is making as much noise as he possible can, Paladin is keeping his eyes open for anyone moving to attack him. Hoping to get the drop on them based off my mad stealthiness.
Hey, theoretically I could have gone into the negatives, so that's not that bad!
Digital Heroin
Stealth: 17,3,2,2
Perception: 5,5,3,1,1

And he's activated his Pain Editor, Int's now 5, Willpower 8.
Ok just waiting for Nikoli and Blitz to post their actions. Then will go forward from there. I need everyone to throw out a Reaction test. You are all looking for 4's. Also if you have any Small Unit Tactics now is the time to throw it to get more dice for the Reaction test. To speed things up as well throw some initiative in there in case it becomes necessary. I know Moira always has a fixed one with her flaw so just the rest of you.
Making analysys of situation:
Small Unit Tactics: 5:8
SUT Vehicles: 8:5:2:2

IVIS Test:0 successes
Sensors (Van):15:5:5:4
Sensors (TADS):5:5:2
Pilot (TADS):15:4:4:3
Reaction:9 successes

and just in case:

(BTW, that's a typo on the char sheet, that should read 3d6+10 for init)
Reaction: 14 05 05 05 04 04 02 01 01 (6 successes)

Also of note, I have Combat Sense 3, so even if someone gets the drop on me, I get to use my Combat Pool.

You get one additional die to throw into the reaction test from the Small Unit Tactics test. Here comes my blantant ignorance. IVIS test? Please explain.


Combat Sense at lvl 3 lets you roll your combat pool dice in addition to your normal reaction, so throw those extra dice omae.
Oh, I thought it just let me have my combat pool if someone beat me. Well then...

Combat Pool: 10 05 05 05 05 05 04 02 02 01 01 (7 more successes for a total of 13 eek.gif )
IVIS test, know that IVIS entry on some of the drones? that's a SUT: Vehicles test (TN 5) to see if the drones can act smarter or aim better from time to time, kinda like a combat pool for when they act autonomously
Additional die:
And, FYI, the Lynx witht he gren launcher is loaded with the concussion grenades.
If you allow for turreted launchers to have ammo selection ability then pretty much be 20 Concussion, 10 Offensive, 10 Defensive
Digital Heroin
Reaction: 5,5,5,5,4,4,3,2,1
Initiative: 19
Thanks for the info and I fine with the grenade buffet.
TADS sensors for team:9:4:2
Pilot: 11:5:5:3
I believe that's a lock on the team inside the house, so I can plot my firing solutions around them now.
TADS: scanning ahead for movement, heat, etc (7:4:2:5:3:8:8)
Lynx (MP5&Launcher): Second in line, behind the first PC moving ahead
MK-6 behind 2nd PC: using gas detector to check for combat gases (6:6:6:5:4:3 that's 3 base successes, plus any others from length of exposure, gas alert will happen via radio)
Lynx(LMG) bringing up rear, scanning: (15:5:4)
Van: scanning house and area: 8:5:3:2:5
Felix is walking the perimeter of the house, watching the front of the house for movement and approaching persons from outside: 8:8

I am in Captains chair holding action to jump into either the Lynx with the MP-5 or the Van, which ever presents me a target first.

Monitoring radio chatter for team, offering strategies (such as they are, if someone has a higher SUT skill please take over I won't be offended)
Reaction Test: 5,3,2,2

Initiative: 15
Ok all -

This will be my first PBP combat so bear with me through any mistakes I might make. I will post OOC stuff here and flavor text in IC of course. I guess you all throw down what you want to do here and I will post the results of your actions. I will provide TN mods and info here so you can make decisions just like in a table top session. Hope this works.

Paladin/Grey - Still need your initiative roll pls.

Moira/Blitz - I did your reaction test to speed things along.
Initiative - 23
Here's the reaction test order -

Paladin: 13 successes
BG3: 10 successes
Murrey: 9 successes
BG4: 9 successes
BG2: 6 successes
Immortal: 6 successes
BG1: 5 successes
Moira: 2 successes
Fenris: 1 success

So Paladin you can interrupt when you want as I go blow by blow. Keep in mind everyone you can't affect anyone higher in the reaction order than yourself.

To confirm the placement, please tell me where you are outside the house pls.

I have Fenris, Immortal, and Paladin by the side door. Murrey in the van (TADS in front of the door group, Lynx #1 behind Paladin, MK-6 behind Fenris, and Lynx #2 bringing up the rear with Immortal. The robo-cat walking the perimeter.) with Moira. Quick question I need answered is if the van doors are still open from departing passengers and the deployment of drones.
I'd assume the doors were closed after each of us got out. Makes total defencive sense.
If I don't hear anything by 1 pm on the above placement I will move forward with the combat as an FYI.

If the doors are closed I need to know how many windows and where. It will have a significant impact on the mojo-worker in the van.
Yes...Im standing beside the vehicle, using the door as cover and able to hop inside if necessary at a moments notice.
Glad I asked. So one door open with Moira taking cover behind it. I am going to assume a side door so the most cover possible then.
BG3 away, Paladin/Grey you have the option of interrupting. He is within melee distance. He is dual wielding 2 mono-whips and has 2 points of reach. If you attack I need to know weapon and reach pls.
I have web space available if you want to put up maps, etc. just email them to me and I'll post the url

Pole Arms 6 (+4 Imp Skill, +2 Weapon Focus): 16 10 05 05 05 05 04 04 04 03 03 01
Also, so we know who we can interrupt, please us the BG1-2-3 notation in the IC thread.
Actually wait for me before posting so things don't get too confusing ok? That's why I posted the order for the reaction round and I noted that BG1 was away in the post. I was numbering off of order but have edited to reflect chart.

Murrey/Nikoli you're up now.
Simple action: Take control of drone
Free action: aim for knee cap of BG3
Delaying action
Moira/Blitz - You need to soak 10M (ballistic) with 1 success from the shooter.
Yes side door, and did I get the jacket on in time?
Sure on the jacket, especially since Mr. Fix-It was kind enough to hand it to you. biggrin.gif
Okie.....Im going to soak then, but the paralization is just for flavah.

Oh combat pool..right?

Hey all

Side note on game style. Do you want me to assume you're doing things like closing doors after you, drawing weapons in combat, turning on comm. gear, etc or have it only happen when you say so? I have been in games where both were used but wanted to know which you want to use?
Fast and loose in our favor is always nice.
My apologies for not posting...

Body only:
5:2:2 (3 successes)

Stages to a light.
Ok the next baddie (BG2) is going to pop out the door and take a shot at Bakatare so does Murrey want to interrupt this action? Let me know.
I've lost my record sheet at work (HD crash).
What are the base stats on an MP-5, what are the option on my sheet (do I have a sound suppressor mounted?)

The options on the drone are RCEM 2, Autosoft 2, Sharpshooter 2, 6 lvls recoil comp, Weapon 1 and IVIS.

I don't see any notes for a sound suppressor.
look higher ont he sheet, I think upper left corner, should be a numbered list, LM might be 1 the MP-5 was like 2 or 3 I think.
Yep looked there, that's where the weapon info came from. Looked at that (line 2) and then the drone on the same numbered line below, no sign of it. frown.gif
Okay. Sorry this took so long, had personal stuff come up.
Murrey will turn and fire a burst at the weapon and speak a short sentence.
MP 5 stock has a laser sight.

Sorry for the false post without your actions, all fixed. I am sick as a dog today so excuse my lameness all around. Took drugs but they kicking my hoop as they say.


Once again a team member has saved you from certain doom. My guy is using the Kick maneuver so he has a point of reach, which he is taking for himself. He has four successes on the melee test. So roll your dice and let's see what happens, shall we?
No worries. Though you are a sick one for giving them just enough armor that shooting them is useless, even light Sec armor + helmet defeeats my heaviest gun, grenades and security systems aside.
Ummm... no it doesn't. They still have a TN of 2. So depending on how many dice they have, it could do something.
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