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So here's the drill I want to wrap up the house scene and then shift to the safe house so please try to post within the next day with your additional actions. Thanks folks you are the best!
Welcome Paul biggrin.gif

edit: Whoa! A third spell caster? Heh, this group sure ain't lacking for mojo.
yeah, but my mojo's almost all kaboom style.
Hi Paul

btw, didn't know we were running light on the awakened
TADS sensor test+clearsight: 8:7:5:4:4
Murrey perception jumped into the MK-6:8:5:5:4:4:1
MK-6 sensors: 5:5:3
Ok all trying to get things wrapped up to bump to the safehouse. So anything else we need at the house before the bump? I assume you are going to dump the bodies somewhere out of the way and not Iblis's yard. nyahnyah.gif
So in the end, what equipment were we able to salvage?
A little loot happy, are we?

I threw out flavor text on the loot but I guess you want an inventory so here it goes.

4 sets of Light Security Armor w/ Cemical Seal 4 and Non-Conductive 6
Ruthenium on the sec armor with full scanner load (+12)
4 sets of full form fitting body armor w/ Chemical Seal 4 and Non-Conductive 1
4 Security Helmets w/ Micro Transceiver (8/encryption), HUD display (200 Mp), Ultrasound, and tracking signal (AOD)
4 heavy pistols (10M/clip 20/concealability 7) w/ all ceramic components, biometric safety, smartlink 2, and 2 extra clips (one Ex and the other gel)

With the form fit and sec armor, if you're physical stats are similiar you can wear it ok. Otherwise you need to get them altered to fit.
wow, that's pretty dang impresive, oh wait though, i don't get any, but since i guess i didn't help drop them its fair, congratulatoins on your new sets of sec armor everyone
QUOTE (Buddha72)
A little loot happy, are we?

I threw out flavor text on the loot but I guess you want an inventory so here it goes.

4 sets of Light Security Armor w/ Cemical Seal 4 and Non-Conductive 6
Ruthenium on the sec armor with full scanner load (+12)
4 sets of full form fitting body armor w/ Chemical Seal 4 and Non-Conductive 1
4 Security Helmets w/ Micro Transceiver (8/encryption), HUD display (200 Mp), Ultrasound, and tracking signal (AOD)
4 heavy pistols (10M/clip 20/concealability 7) w/ all ceramic components, biometric safety, smartlink 2, and 2 extra clips (one Ex and the other gel)

With the form fit and sec armor, if you're physical stats are similiar you can wear it ok. Otherwise you need to get them altered to fit.

What physical stats are we trying to match?
Happy Monday All-

Again add another drop of karma to your characters.

Stats are:
Body: 7
Quickness: 9
Strength: 9

I am now bumping today to the safe house through a series a posts as an FYI. Any comments/questions? Likes/dislikes? Let me know.
That's some serious Q and S to live up to.
Ok the scene is set. Paul you are walking up to the address you were given and everyone is assembled in the safe house at this moment.
well, riding up at anyrate, but here's my asencing test for the building and anyone inside
I don't know if you want me to do one for each individual, but here's what i have
Asencing 2,10,1,7,5,1
FYI - you wouldn't be able to assense anyone inside since they are in the interior of the building. You would need to project, pass through the wall and then assense them. You can use the roll for Paladin as he walks up from a side area.

I am going to assume you're Masking so post what you would be letting show. Thanks.
more so i'm looking for like a ward or at anyone who was coming out. but thanks anyway
Paladin shows up non-awakened. Cool and calm. He has light cyber. A smartlink and a few eye mods is all.
No ward at all good Sir.
ok, sorry, just a little paraniod that's all.
A little paranoid, that isn't good enough sir. you'll need to be a lotta paranoid to work with us
Sorry...need to do as bit of catching up.

Heal Test
Force: 6
Ally: 5
TN: 4 (10-6 Essence)

Drain: 3L

Here is my roll to adjust one of the Sec Suits to my size using my Fashion Spell.

Sorcery/Spellcasting: 7
Spell Pool: 6
Aid Dice from Ally: 5
Totem Bonus:2

20 Dice For test.
TN: 6
Force: 6


Karma Spent: 3

Drain: 3+1L
Just FYI, masking unless otherwise noted.
TADS Sensor enhanced perceptrion sweep:
Murrey Int: 13:4:5:4:2:2
Sensor: 10:9:11
Clear Sight: 9:2
For the bike:

TASD Sensors: 4:16:5:10
Murrey Int: 4:4:5:13:4:5
Clear Sight: 8:11
suzuki aurora, i like my stuff to be flashy.
I forgot to roll this last night, so here ya go...

Sensor: 05 05 01
Perception: 10 04 04 02
And mine:
Perception: 4:15:4:1:3:2
Sensor: 5:1:7:11
followed up by my perception only

Perception: 2,4,8,5,3,9
The way to the new safe house is clear and you do not seem to have any unwanted followers.
Electronics: 11:4:5:4:4:16
Scanner: 5:11:5:8:11:4
The apartment seems to be clear of any electronic listening devices.

Loving the character interaction all!!
OMG, I just realised who Iblis reminds me off..

Almost every drag queen I've known or worked with
(as a former bouncer at a fetish club, I've known more than my fair sahre)
ROTFLMAO!!! rotfl.gif
Its Monday and karma time! Add 1!!

that's what like 6 or 7 by now?
Try 10 smile.gif
Hey All -

I wanted to check in and see where you all are headed next. There seems to be 3 threads at play. One - ACTION THEATRE!! Grab 'Adam" and let the torture, oh I mean questioning begin. Two - Hit those books!! Do more research and see what info can be turned up. Three - Smile, you're on Candid Camera!! Watch and monitor 'Adam'.

Any clue what you all are going to do? The group so far as been fine without a leader type and I have no intention of forcing you all to pick one. So I was just looking for consenus on the issue.

Thanks! cool.gif
Honestly it needs to be a little of all three. We don't yet know enough to pick this slitch up, without picking him up, we can't question him.

We need to find out who his associates are, is he a pawn, a dupe, a nobody, or is he actually important to the 'evil plan'?
I'm for monitering him then picking him up later, but then again I'm not exactly big on the background research, which can get me into rouble, all three seems like the best plan. monitor, then pick up while people who aren't as useful for those jobs go hit the books, or the matrix, or the street, whichever.
Paul, one thing, we're not dumping on you. Passion is good, makes for a nice change once in a while.
We just don't want someone dead until we can learn what we can from them. vegm.gif
actually to be perfectly honest i was expecting to be in the research group, i'm not good for capture and i'll admit that. I have no intection of killing Adam, none at all.
hehe, me either

I want to see him buried alive with a kilo of cockroaches
well we can bury adam but i am toasting the others who committed the murder, and i do mean that quite literally,
ooc, no problem from me.
Oh trust me. Paladin isn't for lots of killing, but when he finds the bad guys, they are gunna bleed.
Hope everyone had a great 3 day weekend. Add your weekly karma point. I will be bumping the thread this evening so if you have any more questions for Iblis, now is the time.
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