Jun 1 2005, 08:54 PM
Ugh, hope things get better soon. I can get behind better living through chemistry though.
Murrey is up in the combat order and questers you've found your hostess.
Jun 2 2005, 01:55 AM
How far did I have to drive for the speed-bump?
Also, am I registering heat with the ninja-ladies oponents where she cuts them? I may just start firing follow-up bursts into them to assist if I have to.
Also, any mud sources? I may have to paint my oponents and that would do nicely.
Jun 2 2005, 01:59 PM
Due to the abstract nature of the game system, there are no modifiers to sensor signatures for things like cuts, gun muzzle heat, or anything else short of the ruthineium itself shorting out. The only way you're going to make it easier to pick them up is visually painting them with some substance, or making hail mary blind shots to target individual sensors in the ruthenium. The system is not designed to deal with straight real world physics, like muzzle heat or breathing or bleeding.
You're probably better off taking more time to make more sensor tests. It's obvious that when you do pick them up, you can kill them pretty easily, and I assume you can share that kind of information with your drones.
Jun 2 2005, 05:56 PM
There is some mud about (the random roll favors you my good man). I'm trying to make a TN and test on the fly so how does drive test sound base TN will be handling plus 2 (since it's a little harder than just regular driving) and we'll see grenade rules (to simulate the spread of the mud from the back of the van? If that works make a roll for me, I'll have number of successes cancel out ruthenium bonuses on a one to one scale.
Jun 2 2005, 06:22 PM
Car test for mud flinging as I continue past the speed bump
Base TN 10 (Handling +2 for terrain) -4 (VCR*2) - 2 from Edges for TN 4
05 05 04 04 04 04 01 01
For 6 Successes
Jun 3 2005, 11:46 PM
Updated above
Jun 8 2005, 09:46 PM
Ok busy week but I will be able to post tomorrow morning and thanks for your patience all.
Jun 9 2005, 06:29 PM
Ok post away!
Nikoli - Did you want to post your rolls for the new sensor/perception test for the TADS?
My life is still a little hectic. My dad's new coffee shop opens in just 2 weeks and we're getting the joint set up this week and next. Hopefully after the grand opening I can post more regularly.
Jun 9 2005, 08:26 PM
Tads Active Sensor Test + Clear Sight (5 dice total)
14 05 04 03 02 (with base 6 TN, +half the rating of the ruthenium (assuming a total bonus of 12 for the imagers) 6 + 2 Tight terrain - 2 LOS as there shouldn't be enough of anything in the area to break LOS.
This should be 1 success to pick these bastages up, provided there are no other modifiers.
Jun 9 2005, 08:32 PM
Did you account for the mud? I don't know if that will have an active effect for sensors or only visual locks.
Jun 9 2005, 08:38 PM
Bhudda has yet to tell me if it had an effect, so I'm going to assume until otherwise it was a useless effort on my part.
Jun 9 2005, 10:56 PM
So pessimistic!! I had a minute so I thought I would dispel some negativity around here, sheesh! I haven't been that unfair to you all, have I?
You have a lock on the baddies. I will post their combat actions tomorrow when I have some more free time. See ya then!
Jun 9 2005, 11:05 PM
I feel so oppressed.
Jun 9 2005, 11:53 PM
Not pessimisstic, just really disliking invisible foes. I used to think Ruthenium was borked before, now I know it is. How can masking tech make it tougher to hit than closing your freakin eyes? How does it bypass the radar that comes standard with rating 1 sensors? Yet somehow it does. Not your fault, I'd use it tooas it's the only way to get close to some folks.
Jun 11 2005, 05:11 PM
Note: I'm going to be out of town from Sunday to Wednesday. Please feel free to push the game along or run my character as needed.
Jun 12 2005, 07:08 PM
Hello strangers!
Good news. Work has shifted around an awful lot (in good ways and very bad ways) and as a result, I now have a normal standard type schedule. What does this mean to you? I get to post again! Give me a day to read the backlog, and I will post shortly.
Jun 13 2005, 04:25 PM
Welcome back!
Posting away this morning since I have managed to squeeze in a little free time!
Jun 13 2005, 05:01 PM
Here's the 4th round of combat:
Ninja Baddie #6 4
Murrey 3
Ninja Baddie #7 3
Onna 2
Ninja Baddie #3 2
Ninja Baddie #4 1
Last pass
NB 2,
3, and
4 started to run away from the vehicle since they no longer have the element of surprise and they have seen how well they do against a rigger who can see them.
This pass
NB 6 is going to start running away as well. So now it's your action.
Jun 13 2005, 05:50 PM
Well, I've decided to forego clumpings and grenades. As there probably won't be enough ruthenium left over to pay for the grenade costs
That's 2 for pilot, 2 for sharpshooter autosoft, 1 for sensor enhanced gunnery(the automatic option for drones firing autonomously)
LMG Lynx Bursty goodness 1 @ NBG#2: 2 11 3 5 11
Burty Goodness 2 (+2 TN for second Target) @ NBG#3: 11 11 2 5 14
Seems the dice dislike these guys as much as I do
SMG Lynx Bursty Goodness 1 #4: 4 5 5 3 4
Bursty Gooness 2 NBG#4: 11 7 1 10 5
I want to open fire with the van, but I need to know if I have targets around Onna or not. If not, than use the first roll as suppressive fire to assist Onna, if they are in a tight group around her pop the 6 full auto fire rounds into #6 as they flee.
All the drones are set up to basically negate at least 12 rounds of fire each (with the halved recoil modifiers before applying recoil comp.)
6 Gunnery, 3 CP, 1 from Sensor enhanced Gunnery
16 8 8 5 4 4 4 3 3 2
As a side note, I think the sensor roll the TADS made might have made all the ruthenium polymer baddies as their signature is 12 before the mud. But I could and very well may be wrong.
What is she saying in Japanese? 2 9 5
Jun 16 2005, 11:59 AM
FYI folks, I have to begin serious packing with the move in under 10 days now. This means RPG books will be packed (although I'm not taping the box unless I have to. So I may be slow to respond with anything that requires me to look it up in a book. That will be the case for the next week and a half or so.
Jun 16 2005, 02:15 PM
Ok I am slow today. I know that Nikoli is popping people like popcorn but I an unclear on which targets he's going after. This is the grand opening week of the coffee house so I am operating on 6 or so hours sleep which I do not do gracefully. Thanks!
Jun 16 2005, 02:50 PM
I'll edit my popping post
Jun 20 2005, 01:44 PM
Ok while waiting for Nikoli to post about the massive slayage he's laying down I am going to bump the Questers along.
Jun 20 2005, 01:50 PM
it's edited
Jun 20 2005, 02:14 PM
Thanks much!
I have to go to work but I will post the action sequence today.
Jun 21 2005, 01:47 PM
Nikoli I need a new initiative roll from ya.
Jun 21 2005, 05:12 PM
Jun 21 2005, 11:24 PM
Eccy...I think you read that wrong. I think she was quoting what Izzy said to us when we found him, he was referring to the "person" that held sway over Izzy before we rescued him. You may want to read back to that point in the thread to refresh your memory, it's been a while
Jun 21 2005, 11:31 PM
Nope he read it right.
Jun 22 2005, 12:07 AM
Yeah, I debated over it for a while, but thought that I had it right. Paladin was in a way a savior for him, so if Izzy was gay, then it would make sense.
Jun 22 2005, 12:20 AM
Doh! My bad..*climbs back into cave*
Jun 22 2005, 08:08 PM
Initiative Order
NB 8 27
Murrey 24
Onna 22
NB 7 19
NB 9 15
Jun 22 2005, 08:12 PM
Give me a Perception test Nikoli.
Jun 22 2005, 08:36 PM
19 13 11 5 4 3
11 10 3
So, did I spray into the crowd or did I whack #6 with lead poisoning?
And, just a guess, but there is likely a nasty package that's just been dropped into the pit. So just in case that's the case, I want to toss an idea by you, swing the van around and deploy the MK-6 in a hot fashion (no ramp) which means I'll have to jump into it to make the landing. and run it into the pit to look for suspicous packages (which are likely ruthenium wrapped toasty badness) however at that proximity, the collision radar might defeat ruthenium polymer. The van will continue to circle in an evasive manner (no sense allowing an easy shot) after closing the door.
Jun 24 2005, 08:05 PM
You are correct (sorry for the delay but been working at the coffee shop), you make out a package. Ok ahead and give me rolls for the hot deploy. You don't need the sensor roll since you've already spotted the package.
NB 6 was poisoned with much lead.
Jun 24 2005, 08:06 PM
I was waiting for someone to answer Angelina's plea/question.
Jun 24 2005, 08:08 PM
Car (Handling 4 -2 from edges+2 for rough terrain and probably another 2 for the hot deploy)
5 2 10 5 5 11 5 2
Jun 25 2005, 03:06 AM
And so you know:
Drive test to accelerate to the cave:
05 05 04 04 04 04 03 01
Reaction test to reach bomb in time (gamer logic makes me think it's like trying to catch and toss or otherwise dispose of a grenade)
11 05 05 05 05 05 04 04 01 01 and I'll spend 3 karma to purchase additional successes.
Remote Arm operation test to grab the package without stopping + 3 control pool:
15 11 08 07 05 05 04
Driving test to reverse and accelerate the flock out of there with said package + 4 control pool:
11 08 07 05 05 05 05 04 04 02 01 01
Arm operations test to throw the package the fuck away from friendlies (preferably the other side of some drop-off, but that might not be viable, so distance if necessary and angled away from the cave opening + 3 control pool:
10 07 05 04 04 04 03
This will be my last chance to post as I'm shutting down and prepping for the move tomorrow. Thanks in advance for any well-wishing.
Also, Comcast (my ISP provider) might not be able to get off their collective ass for some time thanks to the sellers not scheduling their shut-off till today, so I might be without home internet for a bit, so if I'm slow to respond, that's the reason.
Jun 25 2005, 07:10 AM
Best of luck with the move!
Jun 27 2005, 10:27 PM
Postage will happen this Wednesday (I'm off after that) so stay tuned.
Jun 28 2005, 01:15 PM
egads it hurts so far, but thanks for the support.
Jun 28 2005, 02:25 PM
Well, apparently your computer at least still works...mine I need to reinstall Windows on.
Jun 28 2005, 02:46 PM
No, I'm on my laptop at work. still no connection to the outside world at home.
Jun 29 2005, 11:19 AM
Questers feel free to make a Perception test (sound based) to hear that Apnonia says. Whizbang look to your PMs for what she says to you.
Jun 29 2005, 12:32 PM
Perception: 08 04 03 02
Jun 29 2005, 12:48 PM
Spatial Recognizer and Sound Filter 5
11 08 05 04 04 04 03 03 01
Jun 29 2005, 01:48 PM
Jun 29 2005, 06:38 PM
Perception: 08 05 03 03 02 01
Jul 1 2005, 07:46 AM
Perception: 11 09 05 01 01 01
Jul 1 2005, 03:29 PM
You all made the TN so this is what you hear.
"I wish I could keep you, you taste............so sweet. I could wring agony from you for decades. So frail and soft, to suck the sorrow from your bones makes me ache but we'll meet again I think. The old one may have to kill you one day. It's part of the reason he befriended you. I eagerly await the day when he stands over your dying body. To watch the anguish play over your features. To see some part of him die right then in the moment. I'm willing to risk not having you now for the promise of the ripe repast to come. What a feast you'll make."
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