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Happy Monday all!

Don't forget your weekly drip of karma and make sure to send me any changes you make to the character.
This is a general warning klaxon for the outside people. This is the last stop for the astral questers so the next bump or so will be jumping back to the real world with you all. Just giving you a nudge so you're ready. Thanks again for your incredible patience. biggrin.gif
Cedric Rolfsson
Sokay, still here and kicking, just checking in to let you know I haven't abandoned you.
Whiz...wanted to check something with you before I post. Moira's initial response would be to save you (and more importantly to Moira, Angelina) from yourself by attempting to incapacitate you with most likely a stun bolt.

However, as any time characters take hostile actions against other players to force them against their will, people tend to get irritated wink.gif I dont want to step on your RP goals here so if you (Whizbang) want Desmondia and Angelina to step through yet another realm, that's fine and I'll figure out a different response. I'll only go that route if it's something you wont be upset by.

And who knows...haven't actually tried using magic in the dwellers presence, who knows if it would even work wink.gif
Well, be warned that if you don't take her down with your first shot, Des is going to get hostile. But won't hold it against you OOC. Figured trying the realm of Mania would be interesting, but definetly not Des's smarted move ever.
Keep in mind guys that we don't know if unconcious=willing. It's entirely possible, especially given the sadistic nature of the Dweller, that incapacitating her wouldn't help us, since we still wouldn't all be in agreement.
I need a Perception Test from Desdemona pls
hehe...valid points...I'll hold going postal

.....for now! mean...yeah.
Perception: 10, 3, 2, 2, 2
ok this is stuff from IM being posted here....

Stealth roll (+4 for traceless step)
13 11 08 04 04 04 03 03 02 02 01

Centering (for success) TN 2
10 05 04 03 02 01 (5 successes, means 2 carry over)

Melee TN 4
10 09 09 08 08 07 05 05 04 04 04 03 02 01 01 01

11 successes for me + 2
13 successes to sucker punch Desdemona

I assigned my reach to her, so she is looking at a TN 5

Base damage 11M stun

So Desdemona may make an opposed Melee Test at this point.

I'm posting for McQuillan since I made him wait for everyone to get a chance to react in the IC thread.
5, 5, 5, 3, 3, 2, 2, 1
3 opposed successes lowers my net to 10. Damage scales up to 14D stun (Impact)
And with only 3 points impact armor....owww. Think that puts me down.
Aw man...I wanted to hit her wink.gif
You sure you'd want to be the one kicking in her Vindictive flaw?
Blitz--It was my job. Desdemona knows that I have to kill her if I can't control her...this was an effort to keep things from boiling over until we get back home.

That and she doesn't like me, so I'm probably already under the Vindictive gun. (I did stab her with a barbed hook afterall...)

You are all officially back together again!!
Cedric Rolfsson
Does this mean those of us outside can begin interacting?

Roleplay away!!
Thank you Buddha for the astral quest, though that was the longest quest I have ever played through.

Especially with the demands of PbP, and the lack of speed that comes from the medium, I for one want to heartily thank Nikoli and all our new teammembers for their patience in getting us regrouped.
For general descriptive flavor for the new folks, and to remind the older folks who may have missed it...

Shiver is a troll who is pushing the golden years between middle age and senior citizen. Japanese by birth, he now resembles the oni of legend with glowing electric blue eyes and black scales which glisten near the dermal deposits in the darkest blue but are generally a dull color. He is wearing at this point a longcoat and fedora over a black jumpsuit and leans heavily upon a cane.

Well I hate when the astral quests are reduced to "uhm...make a couple of rolls....ok you did it..." so I thought why not play it out. Granted the time it happened at a table top game it lasted only a session but such is the curse of the medium.

At this point Desdemona is KOed and Angelina is present with a Serious Stun.

I have sent PMs to the other players who have been waiting in the wings so I will give them till beginning of next week to sound off.
for clarification, in case anyone hasn't figured it out. Text in Orange is spoken Japanese.
Sorry I had instructed new people to read over the threads and that was covered early.

Happy Monday all!! Don't forget the weekly karma drip and to keep me updated on any changes to your characters as we go along. Speaking of which could the astral questers please throw up what they did with this initiation since it is now complete.

Also another player has sent me some changes to their flaws based on what they experienced and bought off some as well so feel free to do the same if you have the inclination.

I will be throwing up a post shortly then will probably bumping you all to the safe house so make sure you do any last minute things at this location since you'll be moving soon. Thanks!
I know that I am changing my astral signature (after what happened, wow does that ever make sense wink.gif) I think that takes the place of learning a metamagic technique...correct?
I picked up attunement. Could my sword be attuned in the process of the quest, or do I have to do that separately?
Correct to Blitz, and McQuillan just give me the roll and spend the karma. I have no problem with the quest filling the time requirement.
Looking for any information about the Ito Clan.

Japanese Criminal families
10 09 03 02 01
Sending info via PM now. Any other questions?
that was it
I think he means the attunement roll..
Correct I think you need to make a B/R Test TN 5 and then spend karma for the item (SOTA: 2064 pg. 62)
Edged Weapons B/R
09 03 01

and the Karma expenditure has been noted.
Ummm...Magic background on the whole "Our bodies disappeared thing?":

05 05 03 03 03 01
As far as you know the Astral Gateway power only allows astral projection into the metaplanes even for those without the ability to project. Their bodies remain behind.

I really need everyone to send me an updated copy of their character sheet. You do not need to spend all the karma you have earned till now but I would like to see them for any changes and at the very least to gauge karma pools. Thanks to those who already have and I would like to get the updated copies by week's end please.

The search feature is your friend...
for clarification, we are whispering so as not to be overheard, though magic or technology may compromise that.
Errr, McQuillan, do you realize that we're basically with the group, right? I mean, the best argument you could make against it based on Pally's original agreement is that Murrey needs to be excused.
Fenris--Murrey and Onna both. Shiver has reasons for severe mistrust of the little fox. (Including the fact that she's on a target list.)
Um, might want to edit and alter the reference to my avatar name rather than character name.

Murrey is fine with leaving you guys here with your metaphysical pissing contest and taking Onna on a date until you calm down.
I'm catching conflicted posts...are we at the site where we all took our jaunt or on the road driving?

Fenris posted driving, but Nikoli pointed at mudtracks and acted as if Murrey and Onna could move off to the side.

Also, the comment directed at Moira was based on Moira's given vow not the one Paladin offered up.

Sorry, I was at work earlier and didn't have time to explain everything with the above OOC post.
Edited my post so we're still at the site. That should bring everyone in line.
Oooh lookey more than enough Karma to initiate.. can I have an astral quest...


Goes back thread seeking seeing as he's lost track of karma gain yet again.

I'll have update sent to you little later. Nothing spent yet, just karma gained.

Random Arb Info: While looking for when I joined. This Astral quest took a year RL time. Almost to the day.

For the now rather old "NewComers" we've been here since Nov 11: 38 Karma.

Oh Email to send to?
Whizbang's really been 91 weeks.... seems like just yesterday I joined....
email for Buddha is

I think they may have had their fill of astral quests for the moment. wink.gif

The email addy is correct and feel free to send them my way. So I was going to bump soon (read tonight or tomorrow morning) to the safe house etc. i just need to know where I am bumping people to. A brief description such as apartment, house and where it is located. Thanks all.

Also my free day is Friday so I will be rereading the thread and building a time line to post here so you all can recap a little now that the team is all together again. I will include notes on events and how much money you've earned to date. You should be getting paid soon if I remember correctly, the arrangement was every few days for the working stiffs. Feel free to post any additional info you might be looking for since I will be going over the thread.
New and improved murrey ont he way. think a car of 10 is overkill?
only if an Edged Weapon 10 is overkill...
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