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Here's the spot for OOC stuff (die rolls, skill questions, GM questions, etc). Let the game begin! vegm.gif
Wasn't sure if you were able to read teh excel notes I included, there was an item I accounted for in nuyen I didn't write down, that's a BattleTac Receiver (walkie talkie style). paid the markup, etc.
Yep saw it. I am going to assume a lot of actions since you're all experienced runners but feel free to throw out things at me. Die rolling do your self and post the results, just let me know what you're using and for what.
FYI..I intend to arrive earlier in the evening so that I can enjoy the lovely atmosphere of the club before attending the meet.
Sure, anyone who has any sort of night life or high society skill, magical groups, meta-humanity, or organized crime. Roll it and let me know what skill it is for background on the club.

Blitz the meet is tomorrow nigth at 8 pm FYI
Digital Heroin
biggrin.gif Night life, high society.... er... *eyes Immortal's sheet* Social graces of a rock... unless it's a threat he doesn't have Magic knowledge... hell, he's useless to ID a club...
Heading to the nearby stuffer shack in the Toyota, making sure to fill up. Also making use of the Public term to call Bili and see what she can tell me.

Etiquette Roll (remember the Good rep if it applies here) 1 5 5 2
Local knowledge roll (if applies) 2 9 2 1
Politics (if Applicable) 2 2 5
Ok...edited post to reset timeline
Same here. The tomorrow night must have slipped right past my eyes. sleepy.gif
Heads up to everyone, tomorrow afternoon I am going to bump the time line to the meet so make sure you post letting me know when you're arriving and what you're bringing. So try to get any intel in now for me to reply to. I will bump at 3 pm PST. That is all.

We now return you to your regularly scheduled life......
I'm gunna check around the Orc Underground for any info on the place.

Criminal Organizations 3 : 10 09 03
Seattle Ork Underground 4 : 04 03 03 01
Etiquette-Street* 2-4 : 11 08 - 05 05

*I've got a Good Rep at level 2.

Give me a Perception test please.


Give me a Perception, let me know whether astral or mundane or do both.
Perception: 8 2 2 3 5 5
If needed, Sensor: 4

Also, you may want to look at the local user time for each of the players, I know I'm 6 hourse behind you, if that helps at all for timing when to look for posts.
Good point- everyone post your time delay off of me. I know Nikoli's now and I know Blitz and Fenris are in the same time zone as me.

Give me an Electronics B/R for cracking the bug and then an Electronics for figuring out the signal to activate it. I will also need a Stealth roll for you placing the bug on a new car.
If you thought I was paranoid before...
Electronics B/R: 7 3 2 2 3 (using better than needed tools) for the open test
Electronics Warfare: 2 4 4 2 11 11 for the signal location test
Electronics B/R test to put it back together: 3 4 3 4
Electronics warfare to jury-rig blocking or at least muffling the signal with the bag:
8 3 3 2 14 (sweet)
Don't have stealth, but will default to quickness
3 2 11 2 3 5
electronics test to place bug properly on random car: 4 3 17 5

Perception test going over logs and recordings:
4 13 3 5 1 5

Also, if Murrey feels he has the signal, the frequency for the activator will be in my AOD signal locator, otherwise not.

Just a note, both vehicles have a rating 9 security system with elctroshock and yes, he is paranoid enough to leave that on at night. the van is programmed to turn over every so often to recharge the battery, etc, if needed.
If it's a plot thing I totally understand.
Got it - I assume it was on since you have it on the sheet, on the AOD signal locator, is it portable or built into the van? At the level you all are I assume a healthy level of paranoia/precaution.
That's not helping my paranoia.
Will edit the out of sequence post to reflect some changes due to the new information. The AOD Locator is in a port on the Remote deck, so it's portable. I have added the necessary ports to it to accomodate. just look at the gear sheet, if it's moved over 2 spaces, it is plugged into the first level back.
Always astral unless otherwise noted. I'm practicing for being dual natured wink.gif

Perception: 2,4,4,1,5,3
Hey all - I just need to know what time you are shooting to arrive at the club and how. I took liberties with Blitz (ducks........guess it's safe) but don't want to step on player toes. Thanks and I hope everyone has a great V-day tomorrow. love.gif
I arrived at 7 PM and setup my sensors for scanning and recording, otherwise I go in and sit at the bar, sipping coffee or soykaff if necessary.
I'll be showing up with Immortal about 15 minutes early. I'm not going to have a lot of access to computers until I'm back at work on Tuesday, so feel free to move my character where you see fit until then. I'll try to get online at least once a day, but even that I won't be able to promise.
Aiming for 15-20 minutes before.
Ok with everyone actually having a life over the weekend, the time bump will occur either late tonight or early tomorrow morning. Early being defined as before 11 am PST. biggrin.gif So if you have any business to handle before the meet at the club, this is your last chance, and I mean it this time. nyahnyah.gif Hope everyone had the day off and enjoys it.
Holy crap I feel under-dressed in this place.

::makes call on spiffy cell phone:: "Tank I need a suit, make it a nice one." cool.gif
Ok I need Perception Tests from everyone please.
I've got the Perceptive edge.

Perception check: 22 05 03 03 (nice smokin.gif )
2 5 7 3 4 10

Just to give you an idea of what Paladin's ATV looks like... It is sort of like this picture. The main differences being that Paladin's is more enclosed (and armored) and there is a passenger seat as well.
Thanks for the visual. I am waiting for Fenris to post, which he will today. Don't want to jump around too much in the timeline so it's all relatively clear.
Digital Heroin: I'm waiting on a post from you before entering the building. I figured since we're both going in together, I'd wait to make sure you are coming along and stuff.
:: sings ::

I got to say palaver!!

I love that word.

Hats off to you, give yourself a karma for sheer verbiage!! eek.gif


About time! sarcastic.gif (ducks under the desk)
I thought my flattery was a little less subte than that.
Ok now on to the meet and greet phase of the program. I need one last round of perceptions from you all. Fenris has told me to assume he is astrally perceiving 7/24, are there any other things people are doing all the time? Let me know. I will bump the thread late tonight or early tomorrow morning. I'm refinishing my patio today and then I have a Shadowrun game this evening.

Feel free to comment/suggest on the thread whenever. If you all aren't enjoying then I am wasting my time and I hate to waste my time. rollin.gif
Perception: 11:2:5:2:3:5
I too will always be astrally perceiving...unless I say otherwise.

4:4:3:1:1:1 (blech!)
15:14:7:5:3:3 (MUCH better!)
Perception /w Perceptive edge: 11 04 03 01
Blitz: You realize Astral Perception overlays standard vision, right? So you can't make seperate checks without switching back and forth? wink.gif

Astral Perception: 1,5,2,5,3,5
Hmmm...didn't think about it from that angle. In that case, whenever Im actively perceiving (i.e. looking about) I will be switching from standard to astral and back again, however, I will not be ALWAYS looking astrally, as I don't want to advertize myself more than necessary.

if this past test was a passive glance, then just use the standard perception.
Fenris/Blitz: Astral Perception does overlay normal perception, but does not preclude you from perceiving the physical. Astral perceptions simply adds a +2 modifier to any tests involving the physical world. You can decide if you'd rather take the modifier or the extra actions to shift back and forth.
Who invited you into the rules discussion? How dare you bring actual rules here!
When did the SURGE happen in your timeline, has the comet passed?
My bad!! I am always hazy on timelines and calendars. DnD damage on my part. It is early summer of 2062. I am going cannon on SURGE, the big wave hits Sept 10, 2061.
Good to know. Also, any non-canon groups in your world that are publically anti-surge that the average jow would know about? If I recall the Humanis don't care for them, and I thinkt here was a church group of some kind with strong humanis ties that was pretty dead-set against them
Nothing non-cannon that the avreage joe knows but I do have non-cannon things out there so feel free to flex those knowledge skills boys and girls. smokin.gif
Any really vocal anti-changling lobbyist groups?
Politics: 5:9:5

Any night clubs with strict no obvious changling rules?
Local: 9:3:2:7
Fringe Cults: 11 04 02 02
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