First step is to lay the framework for how the game will operate and be run. The administrative, background, and thematic elements of the game.
Second step is to make the gang itself, this will be heavily dependent on whether we have a PC leader to start the game or not, as they'll have to be heavily involved in this part. This is where we flesh out stuff like the turf, important buildings within it, rival gangs in the area, etc.
Then we make PC gangers from my list of invitees (I have PMed ES Sparky and Rokur and extended invites to them as well, btw).
Then we open up Recruitment to the DS community at large.
Then we begin your long, slow crawl out of the gutters.
I want the stage set before we move onto the casting. Last time we were still trying to determine turf lines, key landmarks, buildings, rival gangs and our relationship with them, etc. as we were still playing. After the stage is set and the environment (both IC and OOC) in place, we have a foundational framework to support the cast.
The invitees will be the ones heavily involved with the stage creation process. If you're on the invitee list it's because I trust and value your input on these areas and want you to be a part of creating the immediate world the gang is operating in.
Your characters will serve as both initial examples and a frame of reference for new PCs we recruit, so they know generally what we're looking for and what we expect.
Finally, new recruits will have the opportunity to help flesh out the gang itself (traditions, operations, colors, name, etc.) before play starts.
Yes, it's a lot of work to set up, and we certainly won't be jumping into play immediately. On the other hand, I am a firm believer that in a forum campaign (and especially a gang related one), the more time spent on the front end to lay a solid foundation to build on, the better off the game is in the long run.
For evidence, I simply point to LITS's track record and its relative position in the Forums (length of time in existence, # of posts, # of views, # of participants, quality of play, consistency, etc.) and say 'nuff said.