Sep 13 2007, 10:53 PM
I'm alive and watching
Looking forward to seeing
Dragon and
Erebus hatch their airport assault plan.
Cedric Rolfsson
Sep 13 2007, 10:58 PM
Sorry, asleep at the switch for the last couple of weeks due to quasi-real life issues. Anyone here an SCA member? If you have to ask what SCA is then the answer is no.
WinterRat is busy in real life right now, when he's ready to roll I'll be ready.
Sep 14 2007, 03:13 AM
Hey it's just like Sedna said, just cause I'm swamped right now doesn't mean everyone who isn't waiting on me can't keep rolling ya know!
Cedric Rolfsson
Oct 1 2007, 08:35 PM
Okay, I'm going to drop off Dragon and Cybersnake at a coffin hotel thing so she has a place to jack in to get us more information, hopefully including some kind of access to the air port, maybe flight planes or something. Then I'm going to go get the gear from Elan.
I'll post IC to get us moving again.
Oct 1 2007, 08:42 PM
Great idea, go for it. I just got back from my honeymoon, and have the expected mountain of post-wedding things (gaming and non-gaming related) waiting for me. This will let you keep us moving forward until I can get my bearings and back on track. Thanks Cedric.
Oct 1 2007, 08:50 PM
Congratulations! Hope everything went well.
Oct 10 2007, 02:57 PM
Quick Update: I swear I'm trying to catch up, but in addition to all the post wedding stuff (I had no idea getting married and moving in with someone else would be so freaking complicated and time consuming!) I also have the October 15th deadline for extended tax returns hanging over my head, so things have remained extremely hectic in all areas of RL.
I'm glad people are progressing without me, and I'll do my best to have something up by the end of this weekend providing at least enough guidance for things to keep moving even without me being 100% back up to speed.
Oct 12 2007, 02:32 AM
Sigh ... you and me both. I'd been hoping to already have atmosphere posts up, but I just had another lightning bolt drop in out of the blue -- and for once, it's of the majorly positive (if heavily time-consuming) sort.
But tonight will be LitS catch-up time, no matter what. I just want to get the next sample done first -- just a bit of last-minute SL integration needed there -- so people can see the formatting and give feedback.
(Btw we'll have three text-compete volumes ... when you and Erebus finally finish that airport scenario.
Oct 17 2007, 07:05 PM
OK everyone, I'm working my way back up to full speed ahead again.
Vegas - You're up. Let me know if you need anything OOC right now, otherwise you're free to post.
Cedric and Grendel - I think you guys are free to keep moving along. Right now I'm posting some
Dragon IC posts to fill in the gaps from where I didn't post and to keep him moving (in my head and the story). Otherwise I think we're waiting on you two to run the meet with
Elan, so go ahead with that and I'll keep pace on
Dragon's end.
Sedna, Scrapheap, Slipshade - I need time and dice for you three, so I'll try to get that up by Friday night at the latest. When we resume, it will be
Sedna's turn, so go ahead and start thinking about your actions.
Mister Juan and Grendel - Remember, after
Ludmilla's bugging job is complete we'll be swinging her over to me. So go ahead and keep moving with that.
Novel Feedback - Email sent regarding this, let me know what's up and if there's still time for me to contribute anything, that will be the priority Wednesday and Thursday.
Vegas, Grendel, Mister Juan, Sedna - Regarding the wiki and novels, I found some pictures I would like to use. I don't know what their resolution is, but they fit the characters and I really like them, so I'm going with them. I don't know how to put them up on the wiki so who should I send them to?
In case you're wondering, I found pics I like for Dragon, Claire Delacroix, and Sybersnake (I know we already have one but I didn't like that one
quite as much as what I found, so unless there's a problem with it I'd like to swap her picture). I also have some potential pics for Ling and Christina, but that's a work in progress still. Next I'll be looking for Global and Lucien Blair.
Think that covers everyone who could have been waiting on me for anything. If I missed someone or something please let me know and I'll get on it ASAP.
Thanks again to everyone for your patience with me and for moving along in my absence. I'm sorry it took so long for me to at least get functional again. It's good to be back and I'm looking forward to playing with you all again!
Side Commentary: Cthulhu's After Action Report on our GenCon game was absolutely hilarious. I read it again last night while I was catching up and couldn't stop laughing. The best part was, it was actually a pretty accurate rendition of what happened. Even the phrasing and word choices perfectly fit. I particularly liked the 'Assets Lost: Dignity' part, because that pretty well encapsulated the whole session.
For those who weren't able to make it to GenCon this year, it was a blast as usual, and with 5 repeat members (Grendel, DireRadiant, Bandit, Ronin, and myself) plus a new one (Cthulhu) showing up, we're well on our way establishing to a tradition! Hope to see you all there next year!
Mister Juan
Oct 17 2007, 07:59 PM
Mister Juan and Grendel - Remember, after Ludmilla's bugging job is complete we'll be swinging her over to me. So go ahead and keep moving with that. |
Got it.
Vegas, Grendel, Mister Juan, Sedna - Regarding the wiki and novels, I found some pictures I would like to use. I don't know what their resolution is, but they fit the characters and I really like them, so I'm going with them. I don't know how to put them up on the wiki so who should I send them to? |
Swing them over to me. I should have time to resume work on the wiki tonight.
Oct 24 2007, 01:01 AM
Vegas and Grendel - It's been about a week, so I'm poking you two to keep your respective storylines moving along.
Scrap, Slip, Sedna - I haven't had a chance to get to the Warehouse Fight's rolls just yet, I will try to do it as soon as I can this week. Thanks for your patience.
Oct 24 2007, 01:30 AM
Actually, I'm waiting for you or Cedric to post further, unless you want the info that Sybersnake is going to get on the airport?
Oct 24 2007, 03:50 AM
Ah good clarification.
Isn't Cedric on his way to the meet? Were you going to post the intro to his meet with Elan or was he supposed to do it?
Either way, I'll try to toss up another IC post to keep things moving with Sybersnake then.
Oct 24 2007, 06:44 PM
Cedric and Grendel - Dragon is going to catch a quick nap while he waits for Sybersnake, so I have nothing else to post right now. Either of you feel free to move us forward without waiting on me.
Oct 24 2007, 07:42 PM
I know you're waiting on a post from me... life blew up on me this time (again) and I'm quitting my job next Thurs, maybe earlier.
I should be in the "mood" and mindset to post here either later today, or by Fri. at the latest for this week.
Oct 24 2007, 11:53 PM
Good question. Cedric, which would you prefer? Do you want to post Erebus to the meet with Elan, or do you want me to drive the storyline right up to delivery of the gear? Your choice, I can do either way.
Oct 25 2007, 01:53 AM
Sedna -
[ Spoiler ]
Do you have an action for IP 2? I know you acted in IP 1, but do you have a second Initiative Pass for Combat Turn 4? I can't remember and I can't find it.
I know we discussed this from your Alleycat conversion, since the switch to a hard cap on initiative passes was something that prompted you to consider to finding a way to add another IP. I don't know if you actually did or not. Let me know so I can finish up IP 2. Thanks.
Oct 25 2007, 02:33 AM
Scrapheap - Suppression Fire cleared up on Phase 11 of IP 2, so you're free to act without worrying about it now. Here's the link to what's happened so far prior to Phase 11 in IP 2:
The Warehouse FightYou would go right after B1's action on Phase 11. I'll give you until
Friday, October 26 at 7pm Central Standard Time to respond, otherwise I'll proceed and have Scrapheap act as I see fit.
Slipshade - You have an action available held from IP 1 beyond running if you choose to use it. You will reach the 'pillbox' area this round if you continue running.
Oct 25 2007, 02:39 AM
Yay! All caught up on my end in less than a week (er, once I got cracking that is...) It's good to be back.
Oct 25 2007, 01:59 PM
WR1 - Max will continue to run for safety.
Oct 25 2007, 02:29 PM
Running Bravely Away!
Oct 25 2007, 04:45 PM
Considering this is Max's second firefight in his life and in his first he would've been killed if the assailants weren't loading gel rounds, that is actually a pretty good description BC.
Oct 25 2007, 06:44 PM
I feel no shame in doing so.
Oct 27 2007, 05:28 AM
Post is about halfway done. I had to bake a cake for an extended family get together tomorrow and when I bake, I can't do anything simple. Had to make a pumpkin-shaped cake for fall. Needless to say I didn't get to writing things out till it was late. I'll finish up the post and toss it up before I leave tomorrow for dinner.
Oct 27 2007, 03:59 PM
Yes, Alleycat does have an IP2 -- I had thought Scrapheap was going first though. If it delays anything, consider the action to be held, possibly turning into full defence if needed. I'll try and get that checked on Monday.
(I need to look things up earlier in the thread, but I can't this weekend. Not only is the LitS first volume on absolute final page layout approach -- which is why I NEED to know what pictures can be hoped for / are possible within the next week at the latest -- but my "free" time this past and next week has to go to my next-over neighbour: major family funeral-to-be, the second in one year.)
Oct 29 2007, 04:10 AM
Sedna, Scrapheap, Slipshade -
I think Alleycat is going to need the full defense roll. I updated the wiki combat chart for Scrapheap's delayed action of firing at B3 on Phase 11 all the way up to Alleycat's action on 9b.
Sedna, after defending against the SMG long burst from B6 (with a potential damage of 15P!) you'll be up at 9b. If you're wondering why he didn't jump down like the others, he got a great Willpower roll and he was too far to feasibly jump down, allowing him to regain his mental control in time before acting on your command.
Everyone feel free to check the wiki for what's happened so far on CT 4, IP 2. If anyone has any questions let me know.
Oct 29 2007, 04:10 AM
Cedric - In case you didn't see this, this was from Grendel above:
Good question. Cedric, which would you prefer? Do you want to post Erebus to the meet with Elan, or do you want me to drive the storyline right up to delivery of the gear? Your choice, I can do either way. |
Oct 29 2007, 06:03 AM
(I need to look things up earlier in the thread, but I can't this weekend. Not only is the LitS first volume on absolute final page layout approach -- which is why I NEED to know what pictures can be hoped for / are possible within the next week at the latest -- but my "free" time this past and next week has to go to my next-over neighbour: major family funeral-to-be, the second in one year.) |
Sedna - I can definitely get you at least a 'blueprint/layout' of the Paradigm Shift this week, but beyond that, I wouldn't count on me for anything else. So that's what I can contribute prior to publishing.
Oct 29 2007, 08:47 PM
Vegas - IC reply is up for you, you're free to post.
Cedric Rolfsson
Oct 29 2007, 08:55 PM
Oops, I did miss that from above. Go ahead and just drive us right up to the meet please.
Nov 3 2007, 01:58 AM
Vegas - Wow. This could go so many directions (most of them bad) in a hurry...
I need you to do two things:
1. Describe what
Lana looks like right now, specifically what she's wearing.
2. Pick one of the two: odd or even (yes it's dumb luck roll time!)
Nov 3 2007, 03:41 AM
WR Everything and anything can go so many directions and more often bad than good.. that's why this is SO fun
1: Hair pulled back, long ponytail a little disheveled from running from the detectives/campus half-redressing in street clothes before bolting. Well-worn blue jeans, bootcut, not too baggy not too tight. Black tank-style leotard under a heavy black peacoat. Black boots, something like a 15-hole Doc Martin. No makeup. Rest of her clothes/gear is in the bag.
2: Odd, just like me.
Nov 5 2007, 09:49 PM
Grendel – Prompt that Cedric and I are waiting on you to move him forward to the meet with Elan.
Sedna – Prompt that the Warehouse Fight is waiting on you. Regarding the Paradigm Shift map, trying to do it on word is driving me nuts, so I’m going to draw it on a piece of paper and scan it at work tomorrow and email to you as a PDF, a la the old adventure books handdrawn maps/sketches of locations, as if someone on the inside sketched a map for someone else. Give it a different feel, but it works and it’s a lot easier.
Vegas – I know I’m up for you, give me a day or two to come up with something that makes sense.
Mister Juan
Nov 8 2007, 12:46 AM
Nudge nudge?
Nov 14 2007, 01:55 AM
Sedna - Prompt again that the Warehouse Fight is waiting on you.
Regarding Grendel - To all who are currently playing with Grendel in some way, shape, or form, he is currently out of the country with limited internet access. He expects to regain regular net access sometime within the next week or so, and will work on catching up with all relevant parties ASAP at that time. Just an update so you know where he stands.
Nov 16 2007, 05:35 PM
From Grendel to me via email on Nov. 15:
Working on a military network that has the site blocked. In about a week I should have access to a network which will allow me out to the forums. |
Just an update for all relevant parties.
Cedric Rolfsson
Nov 16 2007, 06:18 PM
WinterRat, just brainstorming here.
Assuming we get the boy and our evil plan works, are we flying away in the plane? If we're not maybe we could load the Azzies on board and then blow up the plane in flight? A small charge on one of the fuel tanks would probably accomplish that, and by the time the authorities sorted out the wreckage Cybersnake and the boy would have disappeared again.
Little cold blooded but probably effective. Although having the private jet crashing over an urban population center wouldn't be good, it would likely make getting away with this much easier.
I know it was my idea to fly away in the plane, I'm just spit balling here.
Nov 16 2007, 07:13 PM
Ooh...I like the blowing up the plane idea. Adding to the confusion will be the fact that even though it was an Azzie plane and a private airfield, I imagine the Feds and/or Lone Star would be contesting they have at least partial jurisdiction, especially since where the plane crash lands will almost certainly not be in Azzie turf. By the time they sort out the jurisdiction stuff and the wreckage, we'll be long gone.
The only downside is that we might make even bigger enemies of the Big A, as opposed to if we just left the bodies there and kept people alive. Killing people usually breeds enemies.
Also, we'd have to program the plane's autopilot, and be darn sure to clear all traces of our presence from the place, since we don't want the Big A coming after us.
I guess it boils down to a short term benefit of making us a lot harder to find against a possible long term negative of increasing our profile within Aztechnology and making enemies with them (worse than they already are, in Dragon's case). Thoughts?
Mister Juan
Nov 16 2007, 07:27 PM
I say blow everything up!
Nov 16 2007, 09:15 PM
That's because you don't have to deal with the consequences.
Nov 30 2007, 10:54 PM
Uh hello? Where is everyone? Don't tell me everyone's storylines have miraculously all slowed down at the same time?
Dec 2 2007, 04:55 PM
Mister Juan
Dec 2 2007, 08:52 PM
I'm still here! Just... waiting up
Dec 3 2007, 06:05 PM
I'm here, just waiting on a reply. I think B is busy recently, so no big deal.
Dec 3 2007, 07:52 PM
Waiting on wharehouse fight to get going again, but still checking in.
Dec 3 2007, 07:54 PM
Still waiting for the story to move along to the point where Virgil can get back in the action. Still checking in though.
Dec 4 2007, 05:18 PM
Life ran into you, bandit, on at least four fronts. The second half of that post has existed since at least -- well, months now -- but the circumstances around the trigger for that post seem to have slowed down also. I'd meant to wait, but I might just put it up regardless in the next day or two, as soon as electricity allows -- and trust that a few other players play as though it hadn't been posted.
Sorry, WinterRat -- meant to write more here, but power keeps flicking on and off on me. (Might have something to do with the foot-per-six-hours snow we have been getting for the past four days -- except for the brief interlude that was freezing fain. I am going to have to shovel again when I finish this.) I think for safety, I had better stick mostly to reading for another day or two; and then see if I can slip the key notes in.
Slipshade -- I am sorry for having slowed down the fight, but there had been a GM-player misunderstanding -- hence the back-reading -- and then I was swamped, and I discovered only yesterday that the fight hadn't been taken forward using the default.
Posting this now -- so I don't lose it again. More on and off today/tomorrow/Thursday.
Dec 4 2007, 05:50 PM
Sedna - I went back and reread, and I see where the misunderstanding is coming from. Looking strictly at the order of events, you are correct, B6 should have used an action to either jump down per your instructions, or at the least lost his action standing around in confusion.
What is not explicitly stated anywhere in the OOC thread or on the wiki is that he successfully made his resistance roll (I rolled spectacularly for him), leaving you with no net hits. Consequently, he was free to act as normal without any loss of actions.
I didn't state that anywhere because I hadn't posted any of the other goons' resistance rolls so I stayed with that pattern, but then again the rest all failed their rolls and followed instructions so it didn't matter. Given that this is the one character who managed to successfully resist and acted differently as a result, I can see where the confusion comes from.
So yes, everything is correct as it stands. He did resist your commands, he was free to act as he pleased, and the action stated on the wiki is his correct and allowable action. And thus we return to me needing a defense roll from you to proceed. Hope that clears it up, let me know if you have any other questions.
Warehouse Fight Note: For some reason the wiki somehow has two copies of Combat Turn 4 up. I will delete the non-updated one so it reads more clearly.
Dec 4 2007, 06:46 PM
Thanks for finding it! -- but I have to shovel out first (again, again). Back in a few hours. If the worst (electricity loss) happens, the default is still full defence.
Dec 4 2007, 07:04 PM
No problem. Tell you what, I'll give you until 23:59:59 on Wednesday, December 5th to reply.
If I don't hear from you by then, I'll move forward with a Full Defense Roll for Talia (and use Edge if I deem necessary). I set that deadline because all I need from you is a roll, and I can only update the combat on Thursday, as I'll be heading out of town this weekend.
Warehouse Group - To clarify something said earlier (can't find it right now), you guys are still all free to post, just not in a way that moves combat forward.
So for example, I haven't gotten to the summary post yet for Combat Turn 4, IP 2. Scrapheap can still post how John waited for the suppression fire to end, stuck his head up to fire back, and then ducked back down, just as if it were a normal IC combat post.
What I was trying to do earlier was separate the IC posts from the OOC rolls. In other words, I didn’t want to have to wait for Person A’s OOC actions and rolls, then their IC post, then Person B’s OOC actions and rolls, then their IC post, etc.
Instead, we handle the OOC stuff via the combat chart, insert IC posts where appropriate (i.e. any point in time once the Combat Chart has moved past your character and you’ve definitively acted from an OOC standpoint), and I will summarize the entire Pass when it’s over so everyone can know the results of their and the NPCs actions.
That’s what I’m shooting for, does that make sense? Hopefully it frees you guys up to at least toss in a few IC posts here and there so we don’t lose the flavor of the fight, because that’s not something I want to happen.
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