Oct 24 2006, 04:11 PM
Back online and up to speed.
Karma awards for my players:
Morgannah: 2 pts (Oct 11th - Oct 24th)
BClements: 4 pts (Oct 11th - Oct 24th) [GM Bonus]
WinterRat1: 4 pts (Oct 11th - Oct 24th) [GM Bonus]
BanditF50: 2 pts (Oct 11th - Oct 24th)
TiredRonin: 2 pts (Oct 11th - Oct 24th)
Shadowrunner13: 2 pts (Oct 11th - Oct 24th)
DireRadiant: 3 pts (Oct 11th - Oct 24th)
Oct 27 2006, 01:35 PM
I'll be back and trying to catch up tonight and tomorrow.
Bandit and TiredRonin - I am still waiting on your initiative and surprise rolls for Round 2 of the Warehouse Fight.
Vegas - Where do you want the story to go next? Was there something you wanted to do (perhaps a narrative post or continuing the discussion with Nikol) or were you ok with just jumping to the club?
Oct 27 2006, 06:30 PM
WR1 - I'm completely ok with just time jumping to that night at the club if that's cool with you.
Nov 7 2006, 08:34 PM
Karma awards for my players:
Morgannah: 2 pts (Oct 25th - Nov 7th)
BClements: 4 pts (Oct 25th - Nov 7th) [GM Bonus]
WinterRat1: 4 pts (Oct 25th - Nov 7th) [GM Bonus]
BanditF50: 2 pts (Oct 25th - Nov 7th)
TiredRonin: 2 pts (Oct 25th - Nov 7th)
Shadowrunner13: 2 pts (Oct 25th - Nov 7th)
DireRadiant: 3 pts (Oct 25th - Nov 7th)
Nov 7 2006, 09:17 PM
Grendel - I was starting to wonder if you were out of town or something. Did you get all those emails I sent you last week?
Nov 8 2006, 09:43 PM
Things have been a little busy for me lately. End of year type stuff. GenCon SoCal is also taking up a lot of my time. I'll have an answer for you on those emails hopefully by tonight, or, at the latest, Sunday.
Nov 15 2006, 03:39 AM
Low emissions mode from 1630 15 Nov 06 to 0730 20 Nov 06 to run GenCon SoCal. Access will be limited to once per day.
Karma awards for my players:
Morgannah: 1 pt (Nov 8th - Nov 14th)
BClements:2 pts (Nov 8th - Nov 14th) [GM Bonus]
WinterRat1: 3 pts (Nov 8th - Nov 14th) [GM Bonus]
BanditF50: 1 pt (Nov 8th - Nov 14th)
TiredRonin: 1 pt (Nov 8th - Nov 14th)
Shadowrunner13: 1 pt (Nov 8th - Nov 14th)
DireRadiant: 1 pt (Nov 8th - Nov 14th)
Nov 17 2006, 04:57 PM
Vegas - Sorry for the extended delay. I had (and have been having) some trouble determining how to play out Lana and Aidan’s relationship.
Personally, I see Aidan as the type to take the lead in a relationship, a ‘man’s man’ kinda guy, and I thought he would be the one to take the initiative in resolving this issue in order to protect Lana from possible harm. On the other hand, I had trouble deciding whether Aidan should act as I viewed him, because for him to do so would remove a lot of your choice as a player in your responses and limit your ability to influence Lana’s destiny.
The possibility existed that she would just be ‘along for the ride’ of the story rather than the primary driver that moved the story forward, which I want to avoid at all costs. The basic dichotomy then became whether I should stay in character with Aidan or curtail my perceptions of an accurate portrayal of his character and allow player choice to rule.
In the end, I decided a balance of the two was best, but finding that balance is proving a bit tricky. Therefore, what I would like you to do is make it clear, either in your IC post or via the OOC thread, when Lana is asserting herself (to allow for player choice and ultimate responsibility for the progression/development of the storyline) and when she is stepping back to let Aidan take the lead and deferring to his status as the man in the relationship (thus allowing for accurate role-playing of both Lana and Aidan and the dynamics of their relationship).
I realize this may not always be easy to do in the context of the IC posts (which I’ve been having trouble with lately) so I wanted to be clear that when it doubt, feel free to use the OOC thread to convey your intent. Hopefully between the two threads, we’ll be able to allow you to continue to have primary control of Lana’s destiny, but still allow us to be able to be faithful to our vision of Lana, Aidan, and their relationship with one another. Did that make sense?
Nov 21 2006, 01:33 AM
WR1- Made total sense and is noted for going forward.
I"ll try to get an IC post up as soon as possible. Just having a damnible time trying to get into a non-runner mindset whit this much day-to-day detail while thinking in more runner mindsets.
Bear with me, I'm trying here.. for some reason I'm just not grabbing hold of LitS-universe right now
Nov 21 2006, 01:31 PM
Blaze's initiative roll for combat round #2:
Initiative is 7 + 3 (spell) - 1 (1 box of stun) = 10
6, 5, 5, 4, 4, 4, 3, 2, 1, 1 = 3 hits
NOTE: Blaze now has +3 IP as well (spell).
Nov 21 2006, 02:40 PM
Vegas - Don't worry, perfectly understood. Lana has been a hard character for me to portray, mostly because she is in a 'grey' area of the SR world. Experienced enough to be involved on the periphery of the shadows, but not to any material degree.
I'm working up towards dunking her in the shadows full go though, and I think it'll be a lot easier for both of us once all her storylines really get rolling.
Nov 21 2006, 08:42 PM
Back online and up to speed.
Karma awards for my players:
Morgannah: 1 pt (Nov 15th - Nov 21st)
BClements:2 pts (Nov 15th - Nov 21st) [GM Bonus]
WinterRat1: 2 pts (Nov 15th - Nov 21st) [GM Bonus]
BanditF50: 1 pt (Nov 15th - Nov 21st)
TiredRonin: 1 pt (Nov 15th - Nov 21st)
Shadowrunner13: 1 pt (Nov 15th - Nov 21st)
DireRadiant: 1 pt (Nov 15th - Nov 21st)
Nov 22 2006, 08:26 PM
I am going to try to make a comeback soon here with Max. It may take me a bit to find the right posts to catch up, but it doesn't look like th etime line has moved very far for the Warehouse group.
Nov 23 2006, 03:12 PM
A happy and safe Thanksgiving to all of you and your families.
Nov 29 2006, 04:07 AM
Thanksgiving holdiay delays have been cleared, but I'm going to catch Slipshade back up to speed before posting IC, because this is an excellent time to work him back into the Warehouse Fight.
Slip - I'll have that summary you asked me for emailed to you sometime in the next few days.
Vegas - I will try to squeeze in an IC response to you ASAP around responding to Slip.
Nov 29 2006, 08:09 PM
Thanks WR1 - That is going to be a huge help.
Dec 4 2006, 03:49 AM
Slip - Emails and summary sent, let me know if there's more details you need.
Vegas - Your reply is up. Did I manage to succeed in having this guy come across as a total sleaze cum loser.
Dec 4 2006, 04:48 AM
WR1 - Yeah, that about did it for me. Good job! I want to go bathe in gasoline now with steel wool as a loofa.
Scary part is I know plenty of guys who are like that, one of the uncool "perks" of being a bartender.
Lana's reaction is up too.
Dec 4 2006, 03:47 PM
Quick Update - Once I get Slip's Initiative and Surprise rolls, I will post ETG's Initiative and Surprise rolls and (finally!) move forward with R2-IP1 for the Warehouse Fight. Whew!
Dec 5 2006, 08:10 PM
Correct me if I am wrong (Which I probably am.)
Calling a previously summoned spirit is a free action, but what type of action is issuing a command to a spirit?
WR1 - What do I need to roll for those?
Dec 5 2006, 09:30 PM
Slip –
1. It is a Simple Action to Call a previously summoned spirit (not a Free Action), and it is a Simple Action to Command a spirit. See pg. 169 for magical actions when you find your copy of SR 4.
2. Initiative Roll: Roll your Initiative attribute (Reaction + Intuition + any modifiers, such as injury or increased reflexes) and add the number of hits to your Initiative attribute. This is your Initiative Score, which is what you should post.
Surprise Roll: Roll your Initiative attribute (calculated same as above) and post the number of hits you get.
Let me know if you have any further questions Slip!
Dec 6 2006, 08:27 PM
Thanks for the clarification WR1.
[ Spoiler ]
Initiative Roll: 06, 04, 04, 03, 02 = 1 Hit
Initiative Score: 6
Suprise Roll: 06, 06, 05, 05, 04 = 4 Hits (Wow)
Dec 7 2006, 05:47 AM
Karma awards for my players:
Morgannah: 2 pts (Nov 22nd - Dec 05th)
BClements: 4 pts (Nov 22nd - Dec 05th) [GM Bonus]
WinterRat1: 4 pts (Nov 22nd - Dec 05th) [GM Bonus]
BanditF50: 2 pts (Nov 22nd - Dec 05th)
TiredRonin: 2 pts (Nov 22nd - Dec 05th)
Shadowrunner13: 2 pts (Nov 22nd - Dec 05th)
DireRadiant: 2 pts (Nov 22nd - Dec 05th)
Dec 8 2006, 09:26 PM
grendel: need any rolls for training? Trying to pull up Automatics to as high as it will go in the time allowed.
Dec 12 2006, 07:58 PM
WR1 - Did you need anything else from Max?
Dec 12 2006, 07:58 PM
WR1 - Did you need anything else from Max?
Dec 12 2006, 08:00 PM
No, Warehouse Group is good to go. It's just a HUGE combat, so doing all the dice rolls, updating the maps, and making sure everything is set before I send it out is time consuming. Thanks for following up Slip.
Dec 12 2006, 08:31 PM
Grendel - Hacking related question in the Recruitment thread by Konsaki, can you answer it please?
Dec 12 2006, 08:33 PM
double post.
What the heck is wrong with Dumpshock? Why does it keep coming up with an error message, and then when you refresh, it double posts? Does anyone know?
Dec 12 2006, 08:49 PM
Its a problem with the auto-mailing system. When someone subscribes a thread, the system auto-mails them saying 'There is a new post on X thread', but the system is messing up for some reason and the poster gets an error screen.
When you see the white screen with that Mail Error thing, just back out of it and you wont get a double post.
Dec 12 2006, 09:05 PM
But when I back out of that screen it sends me back to the screen where you submit the post/pm in the first place. Does the original post/pm still go through?
EDIT: Apparently it does.
Dec 12 2006, 09:08 PM
Appears the question has been answered. Any further assistance required?
Karma awards for my players:
Morgannah: 1 pt (Dec 06th - Dec 12th)
BClements: 2 pts (Dec 06th - Dec 12th) [GM Bonus]
WinterRat1: 2 pts (Dec 06th - Dec 12th) [GM Bonus]
BanditF50: 1 pt (Dec 06th - Dec 12th)
TiredRonin: 1 pt (Dec 06th - Dec 12th)
Shadowrunner13: 1 pt (Dec 06th - Dec 12th)
DireRadiant: 1 pt (Dec 06th - Dec 12th)
Dec 12 2006, 09:39 PM
Need any rolls from me for
Tony or should I just keep on moving him toward a horrible, painful death?
Dec 12 2006, 10:26 PM
No rolls required yet, at least until official training rules are promulgated by WinterRat1.
So, yes, continue forward towards your inevitable doom.
I mean, the peaceful resolution of Tony's current story arc.
Dec 12 2006, 10:46 PM
Hurry up and kill him already, would you Grendel? I've got several prospective players in the pipe and I need a GM for them. The sooner Tony dies, the sooner I can give you new players.
Dec 12 2006, 10:55 PM
Do I need to bring in some blimps here?
Dec 12 2006, 11:11 PM
You mean in addition to the ones that have already been thrown at us?
Dec 12 2006, 11:11 PM
Move along, citizen, nothing to see here.
Dec 12 2006, 11:35 PM
QUOTE (WinterRat1) |
No, Warehouse Group is good to go. It's just a HUGE combat, so doing all the dice rolls, updating the maps, and making sure everything is set before I send it out is time consuming. Thanks for following up Slip. |
OK, I wasn't sure if you needed Max's action yet.
Dec 21 2006, 03:11 AM
Warehouse Group - I know I owe you guys an update. I'm sorry, this is taking way longer than I thought it would. I'm chipping away at it around my work and other obligations and will try to get something up as soon as I can. I hate large combats.
Dec 21 2006, 08:02 PM
WR1 - No problem on my end. I have been out of circulation with a cold for a few days. Didn't expect much posting with the holidays and all anyway.
Dec 23 2006, 05:03 PM
Just wanted to wish everyone a safe and merry Christmas.
Dec 28 2006, 05:44 PM
. . .and a happy new year
Dec 28 2006, 08:29 PM
To you and everyone else as well
Dec 29 2006, 08:35 PM
Hey everyone, glad to finally be here, happy holidays!
Mister Juan
Dec 29 2006, 09:48 PM
Welcome to the party mate!
Jan 6 2007, 07:28 AM
Hey all, sorry I've been a bit absent lately. Work and the holidays have been very hectic, and things are only getting busier since we're starting year end close at work in January. I will try and get back on track as soon as I can. Thanks much for your patience, and my apologies to all my players.
In other news:
1. Welcome aboard Cthulhu, it's been a long journey, but I'm glad we've finally got you up and posting!
2. A personal note I'd like to share with everyone (and a major reason I've been a bit preoccupied lately) is that I got engaged on New Year's Eve, 2006. Just thought I'd share that with you all. Hope you all had a good Christmas and New Year's as well.
Jan 6 2007, 02:35 PM
QUOTE (WinterRat1) |
Hey all, sorry I've been a bit absent lately. Work and the holidays have been very hectic, and things are only getting busier since we're starting year end close at work in January. I will try and get back on track as soon as I can. Thanks much for your patience, and my apologies to all my players.
2. A personal note I'd like to share with everyone (and a major reason I've been a bit preoccupied lately) is that I got engaged on New Year's Eve, 2006. Just thought I'd share that with you all. Hope you all had a good Christmas and New Year's as well. |
As a player, no biggie! Just was wanting to make sure there wasn't anything more I could do as a player to help nudge things along!
On a personal note, CONGRATS man! That's awesome news, I hope you both are wickedly happy!
Jan 6 2007, 04:37 PM
2. A personal note I'd like to share with everyone (and a major reason I've been a bit preoccupied lately) is that I got engaged on New Year's Eve, 2006. Just thought I'd share that with you all. Hope you all had a good Christmas and New Year's as well. |
Jan 7 2007, 03:38 PM
*Kinda crawls in*
Hello Folks.
Terribley sorry that no one has seen me in just over a year. Long story short. My computer got totaled (towhit dropped down a flight of stairs in a move) and didnt have the money for a long while to replace it

. Also was working away from home for one job untill acouple of months ago when i settled back to where I was before. So I`ve only returned to DumpShock last week.
Right grovelling aside for any cockups in planned storylines the above caused.
I hope everyone is well and that the last year was prosperous for all. If people are willing to have my sorry carcass back after that unexpected, un-announced and wow extended absence. Fantastic... Though I shall have to go out and get ahold of SR4 if such is to be the case (given my personal preferance is still SR3 so havent picked up any stuff for 4). If not, such is perfectly understandable. I know I`d be more than a little annoyed under the circumstances.
Anyway, one way or another. See you in the Shadows Chummers!
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