Jul 17 2009, 01:24 AM
I get to do that the other 361 days a year.
Oct 29 2009, 11:52 PM
It's been so long since I awarded karma to my players, I had to go back to find out who, exactly, were my players.
Karma awards are as follows:
Morgannah: 6 pts (29 Aug 2007 - 29 Oct 2009)
BClements: 8 pts (29 Aug 2007 - 29 Oct 2009) [GM Bonus]
WinterRat1: 8 pts (29 Aug 2007 - 29 Oct 2009) [GM Bonus]
BanditF50: 0
Shadowrunner13: 0
DireRadiant: 0
Mister Juan: 6 pts ( 29 Aug 07 - 29 Oct 2009)
Shadow: 0
Donum Moriarty: 8 pts (28 Sep 2008 - 29 Oct 2009)
Mister Juan
Oct 30 2009, 01:45 AM
This makes me think... am I waiting on you, or are you waiting on me?
Oct 30 2009, 02:05 AM
Hooray for posts!
Just write something, MJ. He's always glad when you do; that's just his normal expression....
Oct 30 2009, 03:49 AM
You are waiting on me. I'm delaying because I don't want to push you too far ahead. That will change soon.
Nov 5 2009, 03:57 AM
That was amazing.
Nov 5 2009, 11:36 AM
A few comments. I viewed the IC: Thread this morning for Living in the Shadows, and caught up with some of the role-playing and storytelling. Sign me up for the Shield and Cosmo newsletter ASAP. This goes without saying, the writing in the thread of what I have read so far has been an enjoyable read. I then viewed "Night at Reno 'Life outside of the run'" and experienced the same enjoyment reading the puppy dog stage interactions between Silk and Grendel.
@Grendel - Any chance you'll reload Living in the Shadows? And is there any way to enter the "Night at Reno" thread.
[RL Side Notes On the Threads]
What initially turned out to be a simple viewing of a Winterrat1 thread, turned out to a nice trip down 'small world lane as well.
-I went to high school with Winterrat1 in 1998 and 1999. He was actually my first GM and a very good friend. He and his group introduced me to the Shadowrun roleplaying game (We played SR II and then the beginning of SR III before I Chicago for College). Reading his story posts from 2003 and 2004 brought back some good memories
@Grendel. Believe your the same Grendel, but your name came up at our North New Jersey Live Shadowrun session this past Sunday. One of our regular players () played at your table for the Shadowrun tournament this past year at Gencon 2009. He RAVED about you as a GM and told everyone that it was by far his best experience with Shadowrun. He sent me a text while he was playing with you at Gen Con.
Then he went on to tell me something about killing vampires, cyberzombies, and fighting a dragon.
Also one of our other players, and a really cool guy, used to play with you while both of you were in the military. Does the name Orlando C, ring any bells?
Okies. Stick a fork in this message. Keep up the good storytelling guys!
Nov 5 2009, 12:20 PM
I'll let Grendel reply to the bulk of your post, Agape, but since he won't be doing that for a few more hours I shall jump in with a quick comment before I resume my mad dash to get ready this morning.
Night at Reno's is an open thread!
And welcome to the fan club; membership is free and there are !grendel! t-shirts and everything! We do require a small security deposit if you plan on using the treehouse, though. You know how it is. >.>
Nov 5 2009, 01:59 PM
Thanks for the compliments, SincereAgape, it's always nice to hear that people outside the game are enjoying the writing.
As far as your questions about Living in the Shadows, I'm only a World GM, it's WinterRat1's overall project. It's still running, though, so if you're interested in joining, email him with your character.
What Morgannah says about Night at Reno's is correct as well, it's an Open IC thread, which means anyone can participate.
That is kind of funny how small a world it turns out to be. Yes, OC and I know each other from back when we used to run together. I saw him at Gen Con this year as well. And, yes, I was the GM at Gen Con for the SR Tournament this year. If your friend was going on about dragon's and cyberzombies he must have been at my table the second night. Tell him thank you for the compliments and that I'm glad he enjoyed his time there.
Aug 26 2010, 07:15 AM
Bclements, I need you to edit the timestamp in the second half of your post.
Tony appears to be traveling back in time.
Aug 26 2010, 02:28 PM
Hehe, got the time but not the day right. It's fixed, thanks.
Aug 26 2010, 10:12 PM
342 days until Gen Con 2011. Start saving your pennies now!
Aug 27 2010, 05:56 PM
Hey, a great chance to catch bullets!
Aug 27 2010, 06:16 PM
Also, what exactly is Johnson meaning by "immediately"? Do not pass go, do not collect 200 nuyen, proceed straight to the place? Or "I can stop by the doss on the way there and pick up everything"?
Feb 16 2011, 10:21 PM
168 Days to GenCon 2011. Register now, they're liable to put event registration up soon. Tournament will likely sell out again this year. There wasn't a LitS get together last year, hopefully I'll see some of you there this year.
Oct 5 2011, 04:33 AM
If they'd go back to hosting GenCon on the second weekend of August instead of the first, you'd see me there.
Oct 7 2011, 07:22 PM
As you wish. GenCon Indy 2012 August 16-19. See you there, slacker.
Also, extended absence notice. Another overseas trip for me. Minimal contact, but not dropping completely to zero. I'll be back to full access in February.
Jan 27 2012, 09:44 AM
Are those still the dates for GenCon Indy 2012? Because if so, after far too many years away, I might actually be able to make it again!
Jan 27 2012, 12:56 PM
Those dates remain correct. 201 days. Registration is open now!
Mister Juan
Mar 15 2013, 10:41 PM
Just thought we should revive this thread as well.
Mar 29 2013, 05:49 PM
Mother of god, I haven't awarded karma for my players since 2007!
Karma Awards:
Morgannah: 0 pts (Aug 28th 2007 - Mar 29th 2013)
BClements: 10 pts (Aug 28th 2007 - Mar 29th 2013) [GM Bonus]
WinterRat1: 10 pts (Aug 28th 2007 - Mar 29th 2013) [GM Bonus]
BanditF50: 0 pts (Aug 28th 2007 - Mar 29th 2013)
Shadowrunner13: 0 pts (Aug 28th 2007 - Mar 29th 2013)
DireRadiant: 0 pts (Aug 28th 2007 - Mar 29th 2013)
Mister Juan: 10 pts (Aug 28th 2007 - Mar 29th 2013)
Shadow: 0 pts (Aug 28th 2007 - Mar 29th 2013)
Vegas: 0 pts (Mar 22nd - Mar 29th)
Technically I think Talia is still my player as well, but I'll wait to post hers until she pokes her head back in here.
Mister Juan
Apr 12 2013, 12:18 AM
Quick question before I post something up: has Ludi ever heard of said Mr. Xian?
Apr 12 2013, 03:11 AM
No, but with the address being in Chinatown and given who it is that's directing her to visit him, she suspects that he's a Triad.
Mister Juan
Apr 12 2013, 10:48 PM
I had figured as much
Ludi is going to keep her armor jacket on, but she's also going to slip into a FFA shirt, since she's still feeling a bit "vulnerable".
She'll bring her Predator, but she'll switch it to a shoulder draw (concealable holster) with two extra EX-EX clip. The Colt, loaded with regular ammo, will stay on her ankle as backup, and the Defiance Ex will also remain in her jacket's pocket.
She will also bring 1 stim patch, 1 trauma patch, her autopicker and a white noise generator.
She'll put the SMG back in the trunk of her car, unless they are taking Vadim's.
Apr 19 2013, 10:59 AM
*tap tap* this thing on ?
Hope I'm in the right place, couldn't see a "week dependant" OOC thread for Jan 8th etc.
so, just to say Hi, I see some signs of life in here and hope for some more soon.
is there a rosta of current players / GM's ?
I know Grendel, obviously is here
Mister Juan
Apr 19 2013, 07:55 PM
I think it's pretty much just Grendel and me.
We used to have a handful of GMs, an "administrative crew", and two dozen of players. Things pretty much shut down about.... two years ago or so.
Apr 19 2013, 09:43 PM
QUOTE (Mister Juan @ Apr 19 2013, 08:55 PM)
I think it's pretty much just Grendel and me.
Three of us now, spreading the word
more folks to bounce ideas off etc.
Wonder if any of the other GM's still haunt?
Apr 21 2013, 12:56 PM
One more on board.
I've mentioned the game to a guy in my RP group, he might be interested if we're looking for more people.
Also, Hi...looking forward to playing in this.
Apr 21 2013, 01:07 PM
QUOTE (DeliciousD @ Apr 21 2013, 01:56 PM)
One more on board.
Also, Hi...looking forward to playing in this.
Hey there, welcome. glad to see more occupants in here, .
That's a tasty first post you got there Chummer, I can't wait to see more.
Grendel is going to be spinning tales for us all soon, he better keep up
Apr 23 2013, 11:14 PM
Karma Awards:
Morgannah: 0 pts (Mar 29th 2013 - Apr 23rd 2013)
BClements: 0 pts (Mar 29th 2013 - Apr 23rd 2013) [GM Bonus]
WinterRat1: 0 pts (Mar 29th 2013 - Apr 23rd 2013) [GM Bonus]
BanditF50: 0 pts (Mar 29th 2013 - Apr 23rd 2013)
Shadowrunner13: 0 pts (Mar 29th 2013 - Apr 23rd 2013)
DireRadiant: 0 pts (Mar 29th 2013 - Apr 23rd 2013)
Mister Juan: 4 pts (Mar 29th 2013 - Apr 23rd 2013)
Shadow: 0 pts (Mar 29th 2013 - Apr 23rd 2013)
Vegas: 0 pts (Mar 29th 2013 - Apr 23rd 2013)
Mach_Ten: 2 pts (Apr 18th 2013 - Apr 23rd 2013)
DeliciousD: 1 pt (Apr 21st 2013 - Apr 23rd 2013)
Please remember that we bold the names of important PCs and NPCs. Italics for internal monologue/private thoughts. Yellow for spoken electronic communication. Red for silent electronic communication. Light blue for static electronic text. Great work so far everyone.
Apr 24 2013, 07:56 AM
QUOTE (grendel @ Apr 24 2013, 12:14 AM)
Please remember that we bold the names of important PCs and NPCs. Italics for internal monologue/private thoughts. Yellow for spoken electronic communication. Red for silent electronic communication. Light blue for static electronic text. Great work so far everyone.
Apologies, I've been using the wrong convention, it's what I've used in the other 2 games I was in, so just being lazy
I'll amend from now.
quick question, do we need to have "ShadowLand" as a contact to be able to use the boards ? I've read the post a few times but can't get my head around it.
have never used it before in a game, I kinda get what it's for but want to be sure before I go abusing it
I've posted an IC, but could not find the exact address you put up for the contact, so I improvised.
feel free to put me right and I'll amend the journey part, especially as I had to consult quite a few dark and dirty unused websites to get an accurate picture of Bellevue, Renton and Auburn
not entirely sure I have it correct either .
I don't own any old edition books that describe the Seattle districts.
still loving the story so far though, thanks .
Apr 25 2013, 12:58 AM
You don't need the contact to use the boards, as long as someone has provided an introduction to the boards. That is, your character will have to be given Shadowland's host address by a decker or other person in the know. Once (s)he has the address, (s)he can access the boards at will.
The neighborhood wasn't specified, my bad. For our purposes, though, Auburn will do just fine.
Also, spoken electronic comms should be yellow.
Apr 25 2013, 07:15 AM
Dang, forgot to bold the names too, I'll get it right next time...probably.
Apr 25 2013, 09:06 AM
QUOTE (DeliciousD @ Apr 25 2013, 08:15 AM)
Dang, forgot to bold the names too, I'll get it right next time...probably.
it's a learning experience
Grendel, am I correct in assuming the guy in Auburn is a Dwarf? not for any RP reason, just for my own mental image.
I'm imagining Edward 'Brill' Lyle from
Enemy of the State, in his self built faraday cage surrounded by electric gear and monitoring kit along with a whole heap of other stuff all over the shop.
Remy has no idea, but I bet the place is lined with explosives and all sorts of nastiness, just in case
... actually .. I think I'll put the magnet away now ! not that I'm paranoid ... or anything.
Mister Juan
Apr 25 2013, 06:05 PM
@GrendelFunny thing. I was going through the old posts, tallying up Ludi's nuyens, and I realized that she's got 2300, but she owes Oracle a cool grand and Zeyda 4k. I couldn't remember why on earth I had planned to pay for all these things with no money when I realized something : Sascha was supposed to pay her
This puts a entire new spin on the whole affair. Ludi is now not only in the hole 2700, she needs an extra 2000 to maintain her appartment (with Zina and Lana), another 2000 for her workshop, and 1600 for her safehouse. She's in the shit
On another note, I've been thinking I should start spending all that accumulated karma. I was thinking of sinking a good part of it in new martial arts and such, but I realized that the training time mentioned in Arsenal are in Months... I remember us (and I mean like 10 people from LitS) talking it over during ridiculous amount of emails in 2008 or so, but I honestly can't remember what the final ruling was.
Mister Juan
Apr 25 2013, 06:05 PM
Oh and welcome to all the new meat
Hopefully, you'll all make it to January 15th
Mister Juan
Apr 25 2013, 06:19 PM
I forgot to ask; what's your feeling concerning the "Sworn Soldier" quality from the Companion? I was thinking it might be a fun thing to get and RP the whole thing, since Ludi isn't technically part of the Vory. The good thing about the Vory is that it's, to my knowledge, the only crime syndicate in SR that doesn't mind it's members freelancing, as long as they kick back a cut.
On the other hand, having her become more active in the Vory might change the whole dynamic of the game, and I'm not 100% if it's something she would actually "want". Anyways, I'm done ranting now.
Apr 25 2013, 07:15 PM
QUOTE (Mister Juan @ Apr 25 2013, 07:05 PM)
Oh and welcome to all the new meat
Hopefully, you'll all make it to January 15th
Hey, new meat checking in... And yeah i can survive one week, but only if i go back to bed and hibernate for seven days
Mister Juan
Apr 25 2013, 08:58 PM
@DeliciousD & Mach_TenWhat are your characters names and gist, in a nutshell? I'll do a quick Font marker for them for the LitS wikispace (
@GrendelShould we split the "The Stories" page into "active" and "inactive" characters? Or just leave them as one big great mess
I mean, some players haven't signed on DSF since 2007...
Apr 25 2013, 10:10 PM
Whew, lots of admin to tidy up.
Dang, forgot to bold the names too, I'll get it right next time...probably.
Don't sweat it, that's the beauty of forum games. We can go back and adjust our input.
Grendel, am I correct in assuming the guy in Auburn is a Dwarf? not for any RP reason, just for my own mental image.
I'm imagining Edward 'Brill' Lyle from Enemy of the State, in his self built faraday cage surrounded by electric gear and monitoring kit along with a whole heap of other stuff all over the shop.
He isn't, actually.
JW's a human, based pretty heavily on the JW character from Bladerunner. Not quite as timid, though, but not quite as confrontational as you have him.
This puts a entire new spin on the whole affair. Ludi is now not only in the hole 2700, she needs an extra 2000 to maintain her appartment (with Zina and Lana), another 2000 for her workshop, and 1600 for her safehouse. She's in the shit.
Interesting. This is a plot thickening that I didn't anticipate. I foresee a couple of ways out of this for
Ludi. First, she could go to
Miki for an advance, explaining to him that she was expecting money from
Sascha for the job.
Miki won't turn her down, but this could cause complications with other Vory who see it as preferential treatment. Also, like you say, the Vory don't frown on their soldiers freelancing. She could go to
Zeyda and hope he has something for her quick. Or she could just hold out and hope for the best considering that she's working a day before the end of the world. Your call.
I forgot to ask; what's your feeling concerning the "Sworn Soldier" quality from the Companion?
I'm not really a fan of the Code of Conduct quality from Runner's Companion because I think it infringes on effective role-playing. A player who's character is in a criminal syndicate should role-play that loyalty and be rewarded for it by the GM. It shouldn't have to have a numbers mechanic to it. Again, it's up to you how you want to handle this, but it already seems like
Ludi is, willingly or not, becoming more and more a part of the Vory.
Should we split the "The Stories" page into "active" and "inactive" characters? Or just leave them as one big great mess I mean, some players haven't signed on DSF since 2007...
I prefer to leave it one large list. I know that almost ninety percent of them are idle, but splitting it in two would just be clutter in my opinion.
Apr 25 2013, 10:53 PM
If I don't survive the week, I'd hope to at least die spectacularly.
As for my character:
Joslyn Whiteland aka Anansi, moved to the USA from his home in the Caribbean to make his fortune in 2005. He joined up with corp security during the great Land Grab and pretty much worked security and police jobs from then on. Married an Elf girl that he saved during the Night of Rage (after he'd helped round up various metas 'for their own protection' much to his regret). Wife left him 20 years later because she didn't want to watch him die of old age, the corp he headed security for screwed him out of his pension so he helped a team of Runners ransack the place. He advised the team on security systems and procedures for long enough to afford Leonization a couple of years ago. Since his rejuvenation, he set up a Security consultants firm called Spider Security Systems with two of the older members of the team he had worked with, they're making enough to get by but they hope to grow.
Incase I need to convince these shop guys that my story's true & I'm genuinely worried.
Charisma (4) + Con (4) + 1st Impression (2) - 3,6,4,5,3,6,6,4,3,1 - 4 hits.
Apr 26 2013, 10:05 AM
QUOTE (grendel @ Apr 25 2013, 11:10 PM)
He isn't, actually. JW's a human, based pretty heavily on the JW character from Bladerunner. Not quite as timid, though, but not quite as confrontational as you have him.
I have amended his reactions accordingly .. cheers
@DeliciousD & Mach_Ten
What are your characters names and gist, in a nutshell? I'll do a quick Font marker for them for the LitS wikispace (
RembrandtRejected by the family that bore him because of political agenda and literally thrown into the garbage chute. Rembrandt survived and has a lot of questions left unanswered.
Turning to the gangs and underworld organisations of Seattle for the means to answer them, Running the Shadows becomes more than just a thrillseekers fix as he figures out where his loyalties really lie and if truly blood is thicker than water.
Mister Juan
Apr 27 2013, 06:42 PM
I agree with your views concerning the Sworn Soldier quality. It felt kind of out of place to have something that is almost purely RP forced into some game mechanic kind of thing. Anyhow; do you recall anything concerning the training time to skills? Technically, with that many karma to burn, Ludi could be off "training" for the next 6 months of game time if we follow the actual SR4 training rules.
Apr 28 2013, 04:03 AM
Sorry, I meant to address that. When I get a moment of free time I'm going to dig back through our OOC thread and find the training time rules that we came up with. Give me until midweek next week, work is crushing my soul right now.
Mister Juan
Apr 28 2013, 04:19 AM
No rush mate
Mister Juan
Apr 28 2013, 07:30 PM
@GrendelSorry for the tiny post
I know it's a bit unlike me, but it felt like a natural thing for Ludi to ask, and I'm not expecting you to write up something long in response.
Apr 29 2013, 12:20 AM
No worries, conversations are always short posts. Nothing untoward will happen in between the 108 Lotus Pagoda restaurant and Johnny Chan's, you can write Ludi and Vadim there. You can write them all the way back to her apartment if you want to, unless she calls Mikhail in between in which case he'll have other directions for her.
Apr 29 2013, 07:42 PM
Can I just say how entertaining reading the IC posts for this game are? Very well written, and the dialogue flows amazingly well. Makes me want to bring my game up in the PbPs I'm part of.
Apr 30 2013, 02:30 AM
Thanks! I'm glad you're enjoying it.
Apr 30 2013, 04:00 PM
QUOTE (ChromeZephyr @ Apr 29 2013, 08:42 PM)
Can I just say how entertaining reading the IC posts for this game are? Very well written, and the dialogue flows amazingly well.
Makes me want to bring my game up in the PbPs I'm part of.
Or send
Grendel a PM with a character concept and join in here ? we've just started at day one so shouldn't be too far behind
QUOTE (grendel @ Apr 30 2013, 03:30 AM)
Thanks! I'm glad you're enjoying it.
enjoying it ? "HELL YEAH!" ... and damn it's a challenge trying to post something that approaches the well crafted verses that you keep putting up,
kudos man.. keep it coming
**EDIT** Aww crap, knew there was something I meant to ask
Eight &
JW , before I left
still need a list of items for the sword repairs.
1) Flux Capacitor (1.21 gigawatt version)
2) Proton Pack
3) White–Juday warp-field interferometer
remind me to pick this up with them sometime in the future
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