Jan 29 2008, 07:49 PM
[ Spoiler ]
I don't think I need spend an action to run for the stairs, which is what Max will do when he hears ETG start firing.
Free Action: Run up stairs.
Do I run into any unfriendlies?
If I do I will cast a spell. Which one will be deterimed by what I am confronted with.
Spirit is still on Guard.
Jan 29 2008, 08:54 PM
Slip -
[ Spoiler ]
I don't think I need spend an action to run for the stairs, which is what Max will do when he hears ETG start firing.
Free Action: Run up stairs.
Do I run into any unfriendlies?
If I do I will cast a spell. Which one will be deterimed by what I am confronted with.
Spirit is still on Guard.
You don’t need to spend an action to run for/up the stairs, just tell me you’re setting your movement rate to ‘Running’ for this Combat Turn, since you’ll need to in order to get all the way up the stairs this Combat Turn.
For simplicity’s sake, assume the following:
- Your running rate is 25m/Combat Turn
- At the END of IP 1 you’ll be about at the foot of the stairs
- At the END of IP 2 you’ll be at the top of the stairs
- At the END of IP 3 you’ll be at Cao Jaan’s Room on the second floor.
Note you can act at any time, I’m just telling you where you’ll be standing and when. During each IP you’ll be running, obviously, but I’m not going to track exactly where you are at a particular moment in an IP unless it somehow becomes relevant.
You will not run into any unfriendlies during IP 1.
B1 is right behind Cao Jaan’s room as of the end of IP 1.
Ask me during your turn each IP (since I assume you’re holding action this IP) and I’ll update you as we go.
Let me know if you have any other questions.
You’re free to post IC, since ETG is already firing (and in fact has basically been firing nonstop this entire fight)
Jan 30 2008, 01:37 AM
[ Spoiler ]
Ok, so for your sanity I can write it up as...
Free Action: Run towards stairs
Holding all other actions in case I need them.
Jan 30 2008, 01:50 AM
Slip - Go ahead and post IC.
Mister Juan
Jan 31 2008, 01:34 AM
Here is what Ludmilla has in mind.
She'll take her car up to the restaurant, and park about 2 blocks away if she can. Beside bringing a bunch of tools, as well as her hardware kit, in two tool boxes, she'll stash the bugs around with miscellaneous pieces of electronics in one of the two boxes. She'll put the overalls she purchased, and bring along only her taser. As much as she hates it, she'll forgo wearing any body armor... as it might come thru as very suspicious.
She will bring her Predator, but she'll stash it under the driver's seat.
Jan 31 2008, 02:14 AM
Posted in IC.
Jan 31 2008, 02:23 AM
Oh, I think that may have come closer to a Freudian slip than you realise. You were married recently I think, WinterRat? Care to tell your wife that men never ever stop exercising some level of rational thought? even on their honeymoon? |
Clearly you haven't been married. I don't know about the other married people here in LITS, but in my experience, there's even MORE rational thought on the honeymoon than normal. An intense amount of planning and preparation goes into, uh, maximizing value, shall we say?

And just because one gets singleminded does not mean one stops thinking; it just means all rational thought is devoted towards one particular objective.
Jan 31 2008, 04:54 PM
Warehouse Group - Sedna said she should be able to post actions by the end of the month. I'll give her until Saturday Night to post. I will plan on updating either Sunday or Monday Night. I will NPC Alleycat as necessary if I haven't heard from Sedna by the time I update.
Feb 5 2008, 03:57 AM
I emailed Sedna and asked if she'd be able to get a reply up within 1-3 days, because I won't have time to get to the Warehouse until then.
Scrapheap - In the meantime, you'll be leading off IP 2, so go ahead and post your action and rolls. Since Sedna's on the other end of the Warehouse and the end of the Initiative Order, and I am almost certain your planned action won't be affected by whatever she does in IP 1, no point holding this up any longer.
Cedric Rolfsson
Feb 5 2008, 11:44 PM
WinterRat, IC post up.
Feb 6 2008, 02:41 AM
Grendel and Cedric - Who's up next? It seems the next move is to make contact with the hired runners, unless you want to have Sybersnake say something Grendel. Cedric and I discussed this extensively over phone and email, Dragon's not going to say anything since Cedric basically posted summarizing the results of our discussions.
So I'm not sure who should post to lead us into the next scene. Input?
Feb 7 2008, 04:01 AM
Cedric - How about you respond first, since technically you're the Mr. Johnson here.
Feb 9 2008, 05:16 AM
Sedna - Still waiting on you for IP 1, I'll wait until Scrapheap posts and I have to move on. I'll probably have you delay unless I can think of something particularly good.
Scrapheap - Waiting on you for your IP 2 action.
Warehouse Group - I'll put up the IC post for IP 1 the moment Alleycat's IP 1 action is resolved one way or another.
Cedric - Waiting on Erebus to reply first since he's the Johnson and he's paying up front.
Feb 10 2008, 12:30 AM
Mr. Juan: post is up, Ludi's in the new thread now so check there. Also, please do not move past Tuesday, 15 January 2063. Thanks.
Also, if I can get a graphic for Marquis' story on the wikispaces, that'd be great.
Feb 10 2008, 01:11 AM
Ye Gods! Does someone mean to tell me Tony hasn't been active since July 13, 2007!?!?!?!?!?!?
No wonder I haven't been able to make fun of BC's impending doom! He's deliberately stalling!
Feb 10 2008, 02:28 AM
Hehehe, well, hiding in plain sight did well for so long

Been waiting on another character to catch up with me.
I'm back in town/off training and with regualar Intertube access (got shuffled off to Mexico to set up a site). I should have a post up by the morning for you Cthulhu.
Did the board change, or am I dreaming?
Feb 10 2008, 05:57 AM
You're dreaming. It's already started, Reign has ensnared you in her evil spell!
Mister Juan
Feb 10 2008, 03:52 PM
QUOTE (grendel @ Feb 9 2008, 07:30 PM)

Mr. Juan: post is up, Ludi's in the new thread now so check there. Also, please do not move past Tuesday, 15 January 2063. Thanks.
Also, if I can get a graphic for Marquis' story on the wikispaces, that'd be great.
So, am I to take it that Ludi can go ahead and plant the bugs with no one trying to intefere? Just to know, in case I decide to write a long ass post

And as for Marquis, I'll make one as soon as possible.
Eyeless Blond
Feb 10 2008, 10:13 PM
Speaking of people who haven't been around for a long time...
I've been trying to catch up, but there's a lot to go through, and even the stuff I actually wrote I'm having a hard time remembering. Putting stuff up in the wiki is helping out with that, so assuming you all still want me around I may be able to help out... I don't really know when at this point, but I'm working on it.

BTW, if I'm formatting things incorrectly in the space let me know.
Feb 10 2008, 11:32 PM
Yes, Ludi is free to plant the bugs around the restaurant. I'll need a couple logic+hardware rolls from you.
Don't worry so much about formatting the text, just dump it all in there. I'll go through and bring it in line with our standard style for the wiki.
Cedric Rolfsson
Feb 11 2008, 04:08 PM
Grendel, WinterRat1 I'm heading to Phoenix for a week and won't be back until the 19th.
Feb 11 2008, 07:17 PM
GenCon -
Anyone starting to think about where to stay/booking rooms ahead of time so we're all not scrambling last minute.
I bought my badge last night, so I'm going come hell or high water.
Feb 12 2008, 12:25 AM
Yeah, already got my room. Made the reservation just a couple of weeks after coming back from GenCon 2007. The annual LitS get together is on, although it hasn't made it much out of the planning stages. I won't be able to push a location until I know more about where we'll be hosting games out of. Also, in keeping with tradition, the Midnight Madness Shadowrun Game will take place Saturday night after tournament ends. I didn't think it possible to top El Orco's Angels but somehow, last year, we managed.
Feb 12 2008, 02:57 AM
D&D V3 will be there again this year as well, although we haven't booked anything like badges or hotel rooms yet.
The LITS get together hasn't made it much out of the planning stages cause half the people who've shown up the past two years are so busy running SR tournament stuff! Not to name any names or anything...ahem, Grendel...ahem, DireRadiant...

Although we have gotten together as a group for lunch and walked around the convention together, just hanging out, which was always fun. Two years ago DireRadiant, Bandit, Ronin and myself did True Dungeon, which was a blast, although DireRadiant had to split off from us so we could all get in.
Heh, El Orco's Angels in Year 1 and Snow White and the Seven Dwarves in Year 2...I can't wait to see what we come up with for Year 3!

Seriously people, if you're looking for the stupidest, funniest, most hilarious comedy of errors type Shadowrun game, you haven't lived until you've played the LITS Midnight Madness Shadowrun Game. I guarantee you will come up with a lot of laughs and some fantastic stories.
And speaking of stories, just because it was
that freaking funny, here's Cthulhu's after action report of last year's game, so ya'll know what you missed out on:
After-Action Report
File SR-3312J
Theatre of Operation: Large trailer located in forested region of Salish Sidhe territory, somewhere East of Seattle; Cave approximately 1.5 kilometers North of trailer location.
Assets devoted to operation:
Snow White
*Name censored* henceforth referred to as DS
Bulldog Van
Approximately 15 drones, heavily armed, Cranky rigged
Mission objectives: Investigate missing person/entity. Return person/entity should they be encountered, otherwise deliver supplied message to any sentients within “range� of last known location. Maximum dispersal distance of message left to team discretion.
Approximately 2130 unknown prostitute/technomancer, henceforth referred to as “Bitchy,� receives electronic message requesting that runners attend matrix meeting to discuss business proposition. Having recently spent last run’s money on liquor and prostitutes, available team comprised of Snow White, Cranky, Shooty, Apathy, and DS agree to meet potential employer.
Approximately 2145 said group of semi-skilled, unemployed individuals arrives at matrix location, an environment designed to appear as a vast black hole devouring thousands of stars. Icon representing Johnson resembles science fiction character Q, as identified by Cranky. Indeterminate if Johnson believed themselves to be said “Q� or actually was such a being. Q offers 9000 nuyen to investigate the disappearance of another “Q� located somewhere within the Salish Sidhe territory. Shooty insists on 9500, but Q stands firm at 9000. Shooty once again suggest 9500 causing Q to reconsider Shooty’s point of view and accept the terms. Shooty fails to request money upfront, and no other team members interject.
Approximately 0000 Team arrives outside of target location by van, road entry to target impeded by gate composed of single metal bar. DS assenses bar and determines it to be of non-magical origin. Apathy attempts to pick padlock on gate with CrackItâ„¢ Auto-Picker, fails. Cranky assists and fails as well. Shooty utilizes XR300 Mono-Chainsaw and removes obstacle after considerable devotion of time. Van continues along road.
Approximately 0030 Runners arrive at destination, at which resides a large metal trailer home with large satellite dishes placed outside. DS, Apathy, and Shooty move toward trailer under cover of shadow, attempting to remain unseen. Cranky engages van headlamps and full compliment of drone lighting. Stealthy inspection rendered impossible. Three team members search trailer and find it empty, though blood stains and bullet casings suggest recent combat. Cranky and Bitchy begin deconstructing satellite and welding it to van.
Shooty convinces Bitchy to pilot drone, henceforth referred to as “Bitsy,� along conspicuous path leading away from trailer, apparently created by tires. Bitsy exits forest 1.5 kilometers north where trail ends but points in the direction of cave. Bitsy attempts to enter cave when connection is terminated and Bitchy receives dumpshock. Massive cerebral hemmorraging results in near death and worse, a suggestion opportunistically left by a spell from DS. Party follows path.
Approximately 0045 Team arrives at cave. Shooty and DS insist Apathy lead the way into the cave because he can sneak. The rest of the team is apathetic. Cranky discovers remains of Bitsy and begins to experience mental breakdown. Soon after entering, Apathy comes running out with “wolf-man� wailing on him with a hunk of wood. DS turns invisible and Shooty falls back to a more defensible position as wolf-man continues to wail away on Apathy who has resorted to begging for help. Cranky mentally snaps and orders full contingent of drones to “Kill� wolf-man. Remains of wolf-man could not be recovered due to wide dispersal and absorption into ground.
Apathy continues into cave with rest of team remaining a safe distance behind. Apathy jumps over small pit filled with pungi-sticks and encounters fire-wielding lizard midgets. Lizard midgets prove hostile and launch molitov cocktails at Apathy and run off. Apathy jumps back over pit, now on fire. Cranky determines that mission parameters have been satisfied. Team prints off message given to them by Q and leaves it under a rock. Return to Q and somehow Q determines that the run was indeed a success, at which time he pays runners in full.
Assets lost:
Approximately 1 pint Apathy blood
Assets gained:
9500 nuyen
satellite dish
Further prostitutes and liquor
Mission status: Complete
Cthulhu's Note: It's super late, I'm not sure what I just wrote but it's sorta how I remember it. For some reason I can't really remember Snow White doing to much besides having a WTF look on her face the whole time, but that is understandable.
Feb 12 2008, 10:01 PM
I have two major deadlines this week, one Friday and one next Monday, so my posting and response time will be significantly scaled back until I at least clear Monday. In the meantime, here’s some updates to keep things moving along:
Grendel and Cedric – That’s fine Cedric, I’ll wait for you to post first. I still want Erebus to speak first, since he’s the actual Johnson.
BTW guys, good job characterizing the relationship between Sybersnake and Dragon. I enjoyed your portrayals of the complex nature of their relationship, from both another person’s (Erebus’s) POV and from an overall narrative sense (a GM POV).
Sedna and Scrapheap – Still waiting on you two to conclude IP 1 and start IP 2, respectively.
Sedna I know I have freedom to NPC you, but I’m in no hurry if Scrapheap doesn’t post. If he posts before you, I’ll NPC you to keep things moving but if I’m still waiting on him I see no reason to play Alleycat and risk screwing up whatever elaborate plan you have up your sleeve.
Eyeless – Of course we’d love to have you back and contributing! I suggest talking to Grendel and Mister Juan as they’ve taken charge of getting our wiki updated and maximizing its potential, so whatever you can assist them with would be fantastic.
Feb 13 2008, 12:34 AM
I can't really vouch for this year because I told John that I felt underutilized last year so I may end up running more games, but tournament is kind of my baliwick so until they take it away from me I'm going to run it like I run it. Which means I'm kind of tied to the SR room but them's the breaks. CGL fronts my badge for me so it's only fair they get their money's worth. Besides all the other SR players who make the cross country trek to have a good time. Which leaves only the midnight game, although if people are showing up earlier this year, I'd be willing to run a more serious midnight game on Friday night and then a totally whacked-out Python-esque game on Saturday. With more molotov cocktail toting midget lizards. Because, man, you can never have enough of those in a game. Plus, now I can make them bio-drones.
Feb 13 2008, 12:39 AM
Almost forgot.
Sedna, WinterRat1, Mr. Juan:
[ Spoiler ]
All right, because I came in a little late in the game, I think I missed the conversation about
Mikhail, and
Sascha. How powerful is
Mikhail? How far up in the Vory organization is he? Is he Red Vory or White Vory? How long have he and
Ludi been having an affair?
Don't worry, these answers will in no way affect
Ludi's survival. Well, maybe a little.

Feb 13 2008, 02:34 AM
I will be at GenCon, and wouldn't miss midnight run '08.
Feb 13 2008, 04:19 PM
48 hours to properly regain consciousness and to not be looking at computer screens for more than sleep hours in every day. Between the screen and the snow, I have actually been experiencing periods of snow-blindness. I'll catch up after that.
Seven days, and then I start the next LitS volume.
(Sorry, grendel, can't help with your question.)
Mister Juan
Feb 13 2008, 10:07 PM
QUOTE (grendel @ Feb 12 2008, 07:39 PM)

Almost forgot.
Sedna, WinterRat1, Mr. Juan:
[ Spoiler ]
All right, because I came in a little late in the game, I think I missed the conversation about
Mikhail, and
Sascha. How powerful is
Mikhail? How far up in the Vory organization is he? Is he Red Vory or White Vory? How long have he and
Ludi been having an affair?
Don't worry, these answers will in no way affect
Ludi's survival. Well, maybe a little.

Actually, Scrapheap was my GM. He might have that info. I'm sure I also have it somewhere.... I'll look for it when I get home.
Feb 13 2008, 11:52 PM
Congrats, Sedna. Also, the book made it to me, so thank you. Well, not to me personally, but it arrived at my house where I will be able to peruse it at my leisure once I am at my house.
Mr. Juan: I put up pictures for Mikhail and Sascha, let me know if they meet with your approval.
Cedric: Was there ever a physical description of Elan?
Mister Juan
Feb 14 2008, 09:37 PM
QUOTE (grendel @ Feb 13 2008, 06:52 PM)

Mr. Juan: I put up pictures for Mikhail and Sascha, let me know if they meet with your approval.
Those pictures are just perfect! I was just thinking today that I should use people from Eastern Promises for Miki and Sascha

I guess great minds think alike.
As for your earlier questions:
[ Spoiler ]
Now that I reread my notes, Mikhail's criminal background has never been detailed that well. It had been establish he was a very high sovetnik; someone with enough pull and influence to actually have his own crew part of one of Seattle's Vory faction. As for when he and Ludi met, it goes back to 2059. Whether he's Red or White vory, that also has never been determined. Quite frankly, I think that at that time, neither Scrap or myself knew a lot about the Vory

Feb 14 2008, 11:26 PM
Roger, I will build Mikhail and Sascha's criminal backgrounds then. Excellent.
Feb 15 2008, 03:38 PM
QUOTE (grendel @ Feb 11 2008, 08:25 PM)

Yeah, already got my room. Made the reservation just a couple of weeks after coming back from GenCon 2007. The annual LitS get together is on, although it hasn't made it much out of the planning stages. I won't be able to push a location until I know more about where we'll be hosting games out of. Also, in keeping with tradition, the Midnight Madness Shadowrun Game will take place Saturday night after tournament ends. I didn't think it possible to top El Orco's Angels but somehow, last year, we managed.
I will be there to contribute to the madness.
Mister Juan
Feb 16 2008, 12:03 AM
Ludmilla is going to plant her bugs in places that would seem the most appropriate and discreet to her. Since she knows the place fire safety system is being updated, she'll go and “fiddle� with all the smoke detectors, and plant her bugs there if she thinks it's possible. If not, she'll put them either as close to the targeted area as she can without being too obvious about it (like inside the electrical outlets coming out of the walls, or inside electrical junction boxes, etc...) If need be, she'll even drill an extra hole in the platings.
So, here is a list of the places she had been asked to bug, just so we're on the same page.
The Bar
A booth in the back
The loading dock
The store room
Depending on the exact layout of the place, and if she can get some time alone in a room, she'll stash the repeater either in the ceiling, airduct, or somewhere in the basement where it isn't likely to be found (behind the water heater, inside the breaker box's housing, etc...)
If she can, she'll try to to get access to the roof to plug the receiver unit into any matrix line she might fine (trid dish maybe?)
And I almost forgot, here are the
hardware rolls you requested
[ Spoiler ]
6,1,5,2,3,5,6,6 = 4 hits
1,1,1,5,6,5,5,6 = 5 hits
1,1,3,3,1,6,6,2 = 2 hits
4,6,1,4,5,5,3,4 = 3 hits
1,4,1,3,6,5,5,1 = 3 hits
4,4,2,2,3,1,6,1 = 1 hit
Feb 20 2008, 04:57 AM
Sedna, Scrapheap, Cedric - Waiting on all three of you, for the respective items requested above.
Feb 21 2008, 01:48 AM
So...Leon and his contact Luna Miles are both cat changlings. Don't know if anyone has tried it but the only images you'll find of cat boys and girls online are either pron (furries anyone?) or anime. I'm not quite sure I'm satisfied with it, but does anyone have real issues with using a couple of anime stills for Leon and Luna? Konsaki, any thoughts?
Cedric Rolfsson
Feb 21 2008, 11:29 PM
I'm back from Arizona.
I am unaware of any prior physical description of Elan anywhere.
We're talking with our hired runners right? WinterRat, Grendel, catch me up please.
Feb 22 2008, 12:49 AM
Cedric - We're waiting on you to talk with our hired runners first, since technically Erebus is 'Mr. Johnson'. That's where we left off, and where we still are.
Feb 22 2008, 02:24 AM
Roger, I'll find someone appropriate for Elan, then.
You haven't actually hired them, but yes, you're in conversation with the additional talent that you requested from your fixer.
Feb 28 2008, 06:50 AM
Um, is anyone alive in the warehouse?
Feb 28 2008, 03:49 PM
Still waiting on Scrapheap and Sedna. I emailed Sedna yesterday, we'll see if that gets a response.
Mister Juan
Feb 28 2008, 09:40 PM
No love?
Feb 28 2008, 11:35 PM
Give me one more day. I'm making plans and I think I have just about everything worked out.
Mar 3 2008, 08:03 AM

Ho-ley crap, has it really been three years this month since I started posting in LitS? Wow, that is amazing.
Mar 3 2008, 04:11 PM
Cedric and Grendel - I want an opinion here. Since our current plan revolves heavily around our mage having the stunball spell, do you guys (especially Grendel) think it's appropriate/professional for Erebus or Dragon to ask if he possesses that spell?
It's kind of like a resume question (do you have any actual work experience knocking people unconscious with spells?) so I think it should be ok. After all, we need to know if they possess the capabilities we require before we hire them, but I wanted a second opinion. Thoughts?
Mar 4 2008, 12:16 AM
I would expect it more out of Dragon, as someone who is used to planning military operations where the details of an individuals capabilities and/or arsenal are intrinsically important. In fact I would see that as one of Dragon's greatest problems with shadowrunners is that they're so damn vague. The paranoia level in the shadows is such that you rarely hear people coming out and saying "yeah, on a scale of one to six, with six being a world class olympic shooter, I rank at about a three, but with my enhanced articulation bioware and the new smartlink I bought I can cut a playing card in half a fifty meters with my Ares Predator IV."
You know, just sayin.
Mar 4 2008, 03:59 AM
It's like old hands week around here or something. Eyes comes back, Morgannah's posting again, even an old man like me is able to post as Dragon again!
BTW Grendel and Sedna - With the release of Arsenal I'm changing Dragon's weapons back to their originals (Predators to Savalettes, Remington to Franchi). It's not really a significant issue, but I wanted you to be aware of it.
Eyeless Blond
Mar 4 2008, 04:53 AM
Hey, where do I find the color codes for posts? I used the ones I did because, as far as I know, they had no known use, and I liked the idea of flashbacking in gray, but I can't seem to find the proper formatting rules.
It has been far too long.
Mar 4 2008, 05:24 AM
Actually it worked fine. We usually use italics for flashbacks, but you did fine going with gray and italics and then using blue for internal monologue.
Just an FYI, you missed an italics close code and it screws up how your post reads a little. I figured it out, but you might want to edit it for clarity.
This is a "lo-fi" version of our main content. To view the full version with more information, formatting and images, please
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