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Sounds good, I probably screwed continuity somewhere nyahnyah.gif

Edit if you would please, Kovacs' things aren't in the truck. He stashed them in his secret hiding spot in the garage.
Not a problem. Edited as requested. Post maybe later tonight, more than likely tomorrow. Crazy day of work.
No worries. I won't get to anything today as I'm running my *gasp* table-top SR5 game.
*gasp* table-top game?!?!? Nice. I have a huge post mostly put together but I just have to write a bit of the intro... Tomorrow.

Right now I'm a little delirious after 12 hours of makeup, hair, lingerie and 13 needy bridal party members.

Food. Sleep. Wine. Not necessarily in that order. biggrin.gif
Mister Juan
Holy crap! You live! biggrin.gif
QUOTE (Mister Juan @ Jan 8 2014, 06:33 PM) *

Happy New Year!
Mister Juan
Same to you buddy wink.gif

Now, I just got to reread a ton of posts... cause I'm OUT of the loop now.
QUOTE (Mister Juan @ Jan 8 2014, 09:28 PM) *
Same to you buddy wink.gif

Now, I just got to reread a ton of posts... cause I'm OUT of the loop now.

Heh, it's about time someone other than me is wink.gif
QUOTE (Mister Juan @ Jan 8 2014, 07:28 PM) *
Same to you buddy wink.gif

Now, I just got to reread a ton of posts... cause I'm OUT of the loop now.

You're not the only one. I've got to remember what it was that I had Ludi doing.
@grendel I owe you a post. Work kinda overwhelmed me over the last week.

Was curious however before doing so if I can roll for Judge Intentions on both de Medici and his muscle? I'd roll on Invisible Castle, but its currently down for me. Since it's contested, want to just lay it all out for me? biggrin.gif
Completely understand about being overwhelmed with work. smile.gif

Roll Mac's intuition plus charisma. No modifiers.
Roll(8d6) (INT4 + CHA4)
5,5,5,2,6,4,6,1 = 4

Edited to add my second roll it didn't copy and paste. (de Medici first, bodyguard second)

Roll(8d6) (INT4 + CHA4)
2,6,6,4,1,3,5,6 = 3
As much as Mac believes that de Medici is an accomplished actor and negotiator, she gets the sense that he takes it personally that Kovacs has bargained for such a high price.

The bodyguard remains opaque, barely more than a caricature of an individual waiting to respond if either Mac or Kovacs spring some kind of lethal surprise.
@grendel just a quick heads up/FYI, I'm going comms down (or at least extremely limited) starting Wednesday morning and I should be back up to speed the following Thursday. I will try to get another post up for Mac before then, but I have a ton to do and still have clients tomorrow as well as pack...

West coast trip got swapped for a Midwest version so it's off to Bug City I go...
No worries, post when able. smile.gif
Mister Juan
Wait... what thread was I in????
this one? biggrin.gif

Welcome back!
This slow motion posting from Canada, I love it.
Mister Juan
Nevermind! I found the thread. I forgot I had the thread almost all to myself nyahnyah.gif
QUOTE (Mister Juan @ May 4 2014, 03:48 PM) *
Nevermind! I found the thread. I forgot I had the thread almost all to myself nyahnyah.gif

Well keep up with the slow motion posting and I'll catch up... Provided grendel doesn't kill/maim/hurt Mac first wink.gif
It's going to be legen-

Wait for it.

Yeah that doesn't instill confidence in me...
Mister Juan
As far as I can tell rereading the posts, Ludi hasn't actually taken any damage. What I have to do now, on the other hand, is find her character sheet.....

Want me to post anyways?

EDIT: Nevermind. I got her sheet smile.gif We're still in SR4, right?
Yep, post away!

Vegas, if Mac is going to use this opportunity to go for the ID, give me a palming roll.
Mister Juan
Done. It's short, sweet, and to the point. I was going to write one of those giant epic posts.... but I didn't.
grendel, it would be a opportune time, yes.

7d6.hits(5) → [3,4,5,5,6,3,4] = (3)
Mister Juan
If feel so bad for Ludi. This is going to be the longest day of her life.

She got shot, blown up, flashbanged, grenaded and the day isn't over.
In LITS the days are long, the wounds are plentiful and sleep is limited.
I can do better. smile.gif
Mister Juan
Ludi will check up whatever she can on Basil's Faulty Bar. What sort of place is it, where is it exactly. The sorts of "reviews" it has. How heavy she can pack going in. You know, that sort of thing wink.gif
Woah... A Cosmo post?!?! Does that mean a Morgannah is lurking nearby!!!?? biggrin.gif
Tragically, no. I'm just moving all of my pieces into place for the denouement of the current meta-arc.
Awwwww frown.gif And here my hopes were up.

@grendel - Quick clarification. Are Mac and Frankie looking for Holly Anne or Anastacia? Just wanted to triple check before working up a post.
Sorry, it should be Holly Anne.
Roll me some perception for Mac please.
As requested. 7d6.hits(5) → [3,1,5,6,5,6,2] = (4)
Give me another perception check for Mac, please.
Crap, seriously thought I posted this last night just in case frown.gif
7d6.hits(5) → [6,1,3,3,6,2,3] = (2)
Roll me some perception for Mac. Don't forget her audio enhancements add dice to the test as well as raise the limit as long as she has wireless functionality enabled.
10d6.hits(5) → [5,4,3,2,5,4,2,6,2,3] = (3)
Perception + Audio Enhance III
Roll me some perception for Mac as well as a drive test please.
Perception 7d6.hits(5) → [5,5,3,5,6,2,6] = (5)
Drive 4d6.hits(5) → [6,3,4,6] = (2)
Renton warehouse perception
7d6.hits(5) → [4,5,3,6,1,5,5] = (4)
Any obvious points of entry on the building besides the front door, loading dock(s) and the like? Any type of fire escape to the second floor of the building or any other type of egress Mac might have spotted on the quick tour around the building?
There are two loading bay doors in front with a personnel sized door in between them, the offices appear to have a front door as well, there's a fire door on the side and a rear loading bay door and personnel sized door. No fire escapes to the second story, no apparent roof access, and none of the windows appear to be able to open.
Oh sure, just screw my plan in one simple sentence wink.gif
Hello? I'm the gamemaster! smile.gif
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