Dec 4 2007, 08:11 PM
Sedna - Not casting blame at all. I understand things happen. I was just waiting as Max isn't doing much now and his next action is going to be a perceive action anyway to assess the situation since he has been basically running for safety.
WR1 - True a state of mind post would probably be good for Max right about now even if it is just...
Dec 4 2007, 09:16 PM
WR1 - True a state of mind post would probably be good for Max right about now even if it is just...
True, because it's not just that he's screaming, it's how he does it.

Besides, there are some distinctly positive notes to this fight for Max. Unlike his last gunfight, he's still in the fight after the first Combat Turn. In fact, he's lasted 4 times as long as he did in his first real fight!
Dec 5 2007, 01:40 AM
QUOTE (WinterRat1) |
QUOTE | WR1 - True a state of mind post would probably be good for Max right about now even if it is just...
True, because it's not just that he's screaming, it's how he does it.  Besides, there are some distinctly positive notes to this fight for Max. Unlike his last gunfight, he's still in the fight after the first Combat Turn. In fact, he's lasted 4 times as long as he did in his first real fight! |
Yep, he has found the key to survival...don't make yourself a target.
Dec 5 2007, 02:38 AM
And he's doing a very good job of that!
Dec 5 2007, 03:50 AM
I'm not dead. Really.
Dec 5 2007, 05:55 AM
You sure? What's the secret password for the doppleganger check then?
Dec 5 2007, 05:59 AM
Symantec Enterprise Vault + Jury Duty <> Moving
I like complex passwords.
Dec 5 2007, 04:29 PM
Bzzt! WRONG!! Doppleganger Alert!!!
Dec 7 2007, 11:19 PM
Ah crap...did I say I'd have time to update the Warehouse Fight on Thursday? Well I didn't.

I will plan on updating it Sunday. My apologies to all involved in that fight for the delay.
Dec 10 2007, 12:44 AM
So much for being "better"... Got hit with round 2 of the flu/ebola/whatever it is I have again today. Fever, aches, chills and general dizziness (more so than usual)... May not be around much till after Wed. between getting ready for another show (assuming I'm healthy) and trying to fight off this crap. I'm chugging the vitamin C and airborne as much as possible, it'd be nice if I could manage more than a couple hours of sleep in there too.
Just another update as to why I'm being so flaky lately. And my apologies if you're seeing this a million times in all the games we're in together.
Mister Juan
Dec 10 2007, 10:53 PM
No love?
Dec 10 2007, 11:12 PM
Email him. You'll get a response a lot quicker, since his net access is sketchy, and it seems only email can reliably get a reply.
Dec 11 2007, 03:31 AM
double post
Dec 11 2007, 03:32 AM
Hey BC, I'm gonna make some rolls just see if they are of any use.
To identify the guy I'm talking to:
[ Spoiler ]
Logic + Vory Politics (7): 4,5,2,5,4,2,4
To try to get a read on this guys disposition:
[ Spoiler ]
Intuition + Perception or Etiquette? same either way ( 8 ): 1,1,6,6,6,4,4,6
Those are just there if you need them. If you are supposed to be the one to roll them or want to handle it different that's cool, just disregard my nonsense, those are just some of the things I was trying to check.
Dec 11 2007, 06:33 AM
Cedric - Grendel posted for you, just fyi in case you didn't see it, since he's been infrequent lately.
Dec 11 2007, 05:14 PM
Cedric - Grendel emailed me to ask what information we wanted Sybersnake to look for. I'm going to go through everything again and make a list, why don't you go through and make your own and we'll compare between the two of us to make sure we caught everything.
Dec 11 2007, 05:30 PM
Quick question re Warehouse --
Is there any way Alleycat can guess how well her opponent aimed that burst (ie. how many successes she has to beat with a dodge or gymnastics)? I'm trying to see if I can get away with a straight avoidance rather than full defence, save the action.
(Back -- still cleaning up 24/7 stuff for this week only, but this makes a break!)
WinterRat -- need answer to PM soonest. (Yes, I'm an idiot.)
Dec 11 2007, 05:43 PM
Quick question re Warehouse --
Is there any way Alleycat can guess how well her opponent aimed that burst (ie. how many successes she has to beat with a dodge or gymnastics)? I'm trying to see if I can get away with a straight avoidance rather than full defence, save the action. |
I told you how many successes the attacker scored on the wiki, you are free to use this information if I have made it available. So yes, you may have Alleycat act accordingly on that knowledge, on the assumption she has guessed about how well her opponent aimed that burst.
In this case, the attacker scored 5 hits, so you need at least 5 hits on your defense roll to avoid being hit.
Dec 11 2007, 07:23 PM
Thanks, sorry, wasn't thinking. Give a sec -- I'll deal with this right now (before something else gets in the way, and before dealing with the PM, when time will evaporate again).
*laugh* Whatever else, Scrapheap now knows exactly where this opponent is; and -- unlike with the other two -- he has what passes for a clear shot in this fight.
Dec 11 2007, 08:22 PM
simple defense -- no modifiers due to long, narrow burst:
[ Spoiler ]
Spending (not burning) an EG in the first use (adding EG to a test, exploding dice): 6, 5, 2, 1, 6, 1, 3, 1, 1; (ick, but 2 sixes re-rolled = 5, 5) gives five hits (phew!) which leaves one [or maybe two // karma discussion] EG left
9b – Alleycat
Free: Arming / dropping the other flash-bang (Nimble Fingers -- approximately equivalent to reloading a clip).
Simple 1:
Simple 2:
Complex: once again, Commanding Voice: "Toss me the gun, friend!"
Movement: dodging/moving to within easy throwing distance -- closer! -- also so that B6 will end up between her and B5. She's carefully not blocking Scrapheap's line of fire ... just in case.
[ Spoiler ]
Two less dice for Commanding Voice second try, same target: 4, 5, 6, 6, 5, 5, 3, 1, 6 gives six hits. Since she's been neutralising rather than damaging them, this isn't utterly counter-intuitive. However, per the discussion between me and grendel some pages back, if this works she'll be able to use the gun immediately; and he'll have to spend at least another simple action (besides the throw) going for his back-up -- more, if the gun is slung. He won't be able to melee; since he won't have a complex action left.
May well spend the next EG to have an additional IP if necessary to deal with B5; or to escape the situation entirely if needed. Nice climbing/jumping roll he must have made, to manage it in a single complex action without burning EG like Scrapheap!
Per "Lady Dove does not have an action for IP 2; therefore the Spirit of Water summoned from IP 1 has no commands and does nothing with its actions, as it awaits a command from its summoner." -- she has EG too, and could use it to gain an extra IP to give it that command; since it is the one clear directive she has been given urgently and repeatedly. (This is the point of the Leadership skill, after all.) Nor would her personality be averse to this use, since she is a helpful sort; and additionally she is in danger and knows it. Whether or not this is the same team that originally extracted her, her original instinct was to hide and escape: and Conceal fits that instinct perfectly.
(She would not, however, spend EG to do something on her own initiative, because it's just too much. As you pointed out, she is not combat-trained.)
There. That should finally cover everything!
Dec 14 2007, 01:26 AM
Quick Update: Sorry I haven't been able to respond to stuff, my home internet is down so I'm limited in my internet access right now. I know I have the following on my plate:
1. Update the Warehouse Fight
2. Reply to Vegas's Post
3. Prepare a list of the information Sybersnake is looking for
I will get my home internet situation corrected ASAP and deal with the above once that is done.
Dec 14 2007, 01:27 AM
LITS Volumes
For everyone interested in purchasing an LITS Volume, please begin emailing me your addresses and the method of payment you plan on using. I believe Sedna can take Paypal or Check, Sedna would you please confirm?
Cedric Rolfsson
Dec 14 2007, 01:35 AM
Information I think we'll need:
Security for airport:
Who does it, how many guards, any magical support likely?
Flight schedule so we know when the Azzie bird is going to fly
some kind of floor plan of airport in general and hanger in specific
maintenance/ground-crew info
Do they gas up the Azzie bird?
do they have access to the Azzie hanger?
how many and what kinds of duties in general, specifically looking for something that might get us into the hanger or airplane.
Azzie specific
Does the Azzie hanger have its own information or security system attached to or monitored from the Matrix?
Is there any kind of alarm system on the hanger designed to call some one external?
Does the hanger have a telecom/security system she could hack into from here to get us an inside view of the hanger?
What kind of personnel do the Azzies have on site at the airport? They'd have to have some kind of pass to get onto the airport grounds so that might be available in the airport security section.
Flight control
Some kind of schedule for the flight
Dec 14 2007, 03:42 PM
Confirmed, plus money order as well. Default is USD (since most LitSers are Stateside), CAD at par. If needed, I can deal with just about any other major currency. Barring really strange things happening at the post office, I am almost certain we will have by-Christmas delivery for anyone who gives an address by the weekend.
Thanks for volunteering to collect information, WinterRat. Turns out I was right about time evaporating, and I can expect it for one weekend yet.
Dec 14 2007, 07:59 PM
OK, much time spent catching up this morning. Here's the rundown:
Warehouse Group1. Other than Scrapheap, no PC currently has an action for IP 3 by my count unless they spent an EG to do so. Correct? If I am wrong, please let me know your action and necessary rolls for Combat Turn 4, IP 3 ASAP.
2. Feel free to post your IC post for IP 2 per our earlier discussion and clarification that I will not be doing all the IC posting. Please!

3. IP 3 should be up later this evening, I'll do it after work before I go home. Shouldn't take long, since I've only got a few people going.
4. Please send me Initiative Rolls and a completed Combat Chart (if you are using this method, which was extremely helpful for Scrapheap, btw since John is so fast) ASAP for Combat Turn 5. I will email you an updated map when I finish Combat Turn 4, IP 3.
Sedna1. Please put up Bandit's post to get him back in the game ASAP per my email request on Dec. 4 (if you want to go back and check my thoughts on this). Feel free to spoiler it for now so Cedric and I can't accidentally pick up information.
LITS Volumes1. Sedna - do people need to have money to you by this weekend, or just addresses and you'll collect money later? You're handling this so you call the shots, I'm just the go-between and administrative helper.
2. Everyone - Please send me your addresses and intended method of payment ASAP so we can get these volumes out to you, maybe even in time for Christmas!

3. Sedna -
[ Spoiler ]
You already have my mailing address, feel free to let me know if you need it again. I also cashed the check you sent, just to follow up on a previous discussion.
Cedric 1. I have emailed Grendel our list (I added some stuff to your list, thanks much for it, it was really helpful) and we're awaiting his reply.
Vegas1. Per our earlier discussion I'll be getting to you as I have availability.
Mister Juan
Dec 14 2007, 09:36 PM
Mister Juan ---->
Dec 14 2007, 11:39 PM
May well spend the next EG to have an additional IP if necessary to deal with B5; or to escape the situation entirely if needed. Nice climbing/jumping roll he must have made, to manage it in a single complex action without burning EG like Scrapheap! |
Just fyi, if you go back you will see that on Phase 12 B2 boosted up B5 back to the catwalk, which is a major reason he was able to make it back in a single complex action.
Mister Juan - Were you looking for something from me? I thought you were waiting on Grendel? Did you email him asking for a post/status update?
Dec 14 2007, 11:39 PM
double post
Mister Juan
Dec 14 2007, 11:39 PM
QUOTE (WinterRat1) |
QUOTE | May well spend the next EG to have an additional IP if necessary to deal with B5; or to escape the situation entirely if needed. Nice climbing/jumping roll he must have made, to manage it in a single complex action without burning EG like Scrapheap! |
Just fyi, if you go back you will see that on Phase 12 B2 boosted up B5 back to the catwalk, which is a major reason he was able to make it back in a single complex action.
Mister Juan - Were you looking for something from me? I thought you were waiting on Grendel? Did you email him asking for a post/status update?
I did.
I got NO love.
Dec 15 2007, 12:11 AM
Warehouse Group Map for the beginning of Combat Turn 4, IP 3 has been sent. A few notes on the map:
1. Slipshade, Max has tumbled into ETG's pillbox. He is still being Concealed by his city spirit. If you wish, you still have your held action for Combat Turn 4 if you want to do something. I will give you until
23:59:59 on Monday, December 17 to send me your action if you still want to do something for Combat Turn 4, otherwise I'll assume Max just sort of staggered/stumbled/dived into ETG's pillbox and was gasping for breath. This firefight thing is stressful, so that's not an unreasonable action for him.
2. Sedna, you cannot maneuver in a way that puts B6 between you and B5 (i.e. you'd have to move around B6 to the west), you lack the movement to do so. Plus, that would be an opposed roll of some kind, as he would never let you put him between yourself and Scrapheap, and he would know that's what you'd essentially be doing.
To go the other way (move east around B6) would put you between B6 and B7, and I doubt you wanted to do that. I put you as close as possible to your described location, with B6 and you close enough together to make it difficult for B5 to attack you, yet leaving Scrapheap's line of fire clear.
Combat Turn 4, IP 31. This is up. Everyone should check it, and
Scrapheap will need to write 2 IC posts, one for IP 2, one for IP 3. Alternatively, you can combine them both into 1 IC post.
2. I need a Body Roll from Alleycat to resist a Powerbolt spell. The caster has 3 hits, so you need at least 3 to neutralize it.
3. Don't forget to put up your IC posts and send me your Initiative Rolls for Combat Turn 5, as well as a completed Combat Chart if applicable!

4. IC post will be put up on Monday or Tuesday, once I know if Max is doing anything for Combat Turn 4 or not. I will write IP 2 and IP 3 in one big post for efficiency's sake.
Dec 15 2007, 01:22 AM
Cedric - Sent you an email from my other email address. It contains Grendel's responses to our questions so we can ask follow up questions as needed. If you get an email from '', it's from me, so don't delete it as spam!
Mister Juan - I sent Grendel an email asking him what the status of his post for you is.
Dec 15 2007, 03:18 AM
knew there was something I had forgotten. Doing that
I'll also add a PayPal button to the
living in the shadows website to make the other part of it easier.
Plus, that would be an opposed roll of some kind, as he would never let you put him between yourself and Scrapheap, and he would know that's what you'd essentially be doing. |
Er -- WinterRat? Haven't opened the map yet (yay dial-up connection, trying to do that while writing this has already crashed this post once), but B6 is already between me and Scrapheap -- can't be otherwise, since I came up behind him when he was running toward Scrapheap. It's not straight-line between, but it is between -- and Scrapheap should have a clean shot which won't be hindered by the previous suppression fire.
Have to see what you did with the described movement -- east is counter-intuitive, but it is closer to what I intended. Oh, and just so you know, ropes dangling from helicopters continue to be considered viable ways off the catwalk: jump, swing across or down.
Btw the reason I phrased the last command as I did is because it is becoming painfully obvious we have sharply different understandings of the power. So, since you keep interpreting their manner of obedience as allowing them to consider rationally how to obey the command (rather than bypassing rational analysis altogether, which would [for example] have made them jump straight down to the identified goal rather than consider how best to jump down), I'm trying to "speak your language" -- it remains to be seen with what degree of non dice-relevant success.
Edit: PayPal button is up, in the sidebar, just under the menu. (I converted the mention above to a direct link.) It goes to "the blackfly", which is an evolving writing site of mine. If you're okay with regular mail, it's okay to give the address to WinterRat first, before payment: I trust it will come. We've been building this together -- how many years?
Now to get the post up. Sorry all this is slow -- connection is particularly slow today -- and the next part might yet take another hour.
Dec 15 2007, 07:24 AM
bandit, you're cleared to post.
You're on grendel's timeline now, though I'll field any questions about the immediate post. (Please spoiler as appropriate!) You won't be able to access more memory than I've already posted, however.
Beyond that it's evening-ish (darkness has fallen, but then again it's January north, and darkness falls early), any when/where questions should be reserved for grendel.
Dec 15 2007, 11:52 PM
Mr. Juan:
You're clear to post Ludmilla all the way until she reaches the jobsite at the restaurant. If you need details from me about what the construction site looks like, drop me an email. Otherwise I'll take over when she has to talk to the foreman.
Dec 16 2007, 08:03 PM
WR1 - Max is going to use his held action and use the last service on this spirit, by asking it to guard him. Other than that he is trying to collect himself.
Dec 17 2007, 04:44 PM
bandit, you're cleared to post.
You're on grendel's timeline now, though I'll field any questions about the immediate post. (Please spoiler as appropriate!) You won't be able to access more memory than I've already posted, however.
Beyond that it's evening-ish (darkness has fallen, but then again it's January north, and darkness falls early), any when/where questions should be reserved for grendel. |
Bandit - FYI, in case you haven't noticed, Grendel's internet connection is still inconsistent. I highly recommend accompanying any posts directed to him with an email with the same information, as I think you will have to work out stuff with him via email on a regular basis until his internet connection stabilizes.
WR1 - Max is going to use his held action and use the last service on this spirit, by asking it to guard him. Other than that he is trying to collect himself. |
Slip - Are you saying you want the spirit to stop using the Concealment it currently has on you and start using Guard on Max? Just want to confirm.
Er -- WinterRat? Haven't opened the map yet (yay dial-up connection, trying to do that while writing this has already crashed this post once), but B6 is already between me and Scrapheap -- can't be otherwise, since I came up behind him when he was running toward Scrapheap. It's not straight-line between, but it is between -- and Scrapheap should have a clean shot which won't be hindered by the previous suppression fire.
Have to see what you did with the described movement -- east is counter-intuitive, but it is closer to what I intended. Oh, and just so you know, ropes dangling from helicopters continue to be considered viable ways off the catwalk: jump, swing across or down. |
I agree Scrapheap has a clean shot that is not hindered by previous suppression fire. My interpretation of 'between' was straight-line between, which we agree he is not.
Upon reflection, he is between Alleycat and Scrapheap, but more of a 'V' shape or east-west between. I didn't adequately consider all the possibilities of 'between' in this context and may not have communicated my intent adequately.
The map should clear things up with what I meant and how I'm currently picturing the movement. Let me know if you have any questions or disagreement on the positioning.
Understood on the ropes. You're basically almost right underneath the helicopter's ropes, so you certainly have plenty of options available to you if you want to go that route.
Btw the reason I phrased the last command as I did is because it is becoming painfully obvious we have sharply different understandings of the power. So, since you keep interpreting their manner of obedience as allowing them to consider rationally how to obey the command (rather than bypassing rational analysis altogether, which would [for example] have made them jump straight down to the identified goal rather than consider how best to jump down), I'm trying to "speak your language" -- it remains to be seen with what degree of non dice-relevant success. |
So you know where I'm coming from, I do not consider Commanding Voice to be anywhere near the equivalent of a Control [Blank] spell.
Street Magic pg. 176 describes the power as:
'subliminally influencing the actions of any listeners'
'such commands carry no weight beyond the immediate impetus and the affected characters will quickly reassert their wits, returning to their original course of action'
In this particular instance, for them to drop an entire story (10 meter drop) into a raging gunfight would be pretty much suicidal. It would basically be the equivalent to 'shoot yourselves in the head'. I do not see the description of the power to be sufficent to get them to kill themselves.
Even the Control Spells make it exceedingly difficult to force someone to do something that will obviously result in seriously bodily harm. I see no reason a 0.25 Adept Power should be able to function at that level of mental control. Especially when it's described as an extremely brief subliminal influence, as opposed to outright control.
If you have any questions how I'm going to interpret something, you're always free to ask, but hopefully my brief description above gives some guidance to how I will interpret future uses of this power.
Dec 17 2007, 04:51 PM
LITS Volumes
1. If people are ok with receiving their volumes through regular mail, please give your address to me ASAP, whether through email or PM. Per Sedna, it's ok to do this first, before payment.
2. Anyone paying in USD by check or money order may also send these to me, and I will send them to Sedna as a whole. Let me know if you need my address and I will send it to you.
Sedna - Would it be easier for you if they made the checks out to me, and I wrote you one big combined check? Or do you prefer they are made out to you and I simply pass them along to you?
3. Please start sending Sedna pictures for the next two volumes: Cosmo and D&DV3, as she is trying to avoid the picture scramble for those volumes. What she does and doesn't get affects the entire layout, so let us try to help her out.
Sedna - Any specific picture requests we can keep working on?
Dec 17 2007, 08:05 PM
WR1 - Yes. It will drop concealment on Max. It is about time he tries to do something. Feel free to remind me I said that after he gets shot.
Dec 17 2007, 09:02 PM
Slip - I think you mean when he gets shot
again. He's already been shot once by a stray bullet, remember? Don't worry though, I will still remind you when Max gets shot again.
Dec 18 2007, 12:13 AM
Yay, lack of communication. Professionals would have had comms.
WinterRat re book:
People have met you, and may well feel easier about cheques being made out to you. In most cases, that mail will also be domestic for you. Simpler, all around.
Specific picture wants are old-style movie theatres, Casablanca sepia tones, high-end cars on highways, a beach/dune type area with many boats (and a hidden sniper), an LA Hollywood Hills villa overlooking the city during the evening, and anything you can think of to evoke otaku.
Beyond that, take a look through Cosmo's timeline and see what comes to mind.
Dec 18 2007, 12:23 AM
Ah, the joys of dealing with talented amateurs instead!
Dec 18 2007, 12:35 AM
WinterRat, I do have some serious questions, yes. Sorry to keep pressing this point, but since it seems you do agree it is subliminal:
'subliminally influencing the actions of any listeners' |
I think perhaps you may be misunderstanding the entire concept of "subliminal". Apologies if I come across as strident on this, but ... well, let’s just say I have at least the same degree of knowledge in this field as you do of accounting. Don't respond to this point by point, please; but read it all the way through first.
The nature of subliminal influence is literally sub-liminal, operating below the threshold of consciousness, and thus of rational analysis. This is why the holy grail of subliminal directive is an
advertiser's wet dream, precisely because there can be no rational analysis of the directive (in that particular case, to buy). As a relevant point, here: the subliminal impulse is -- has to be -- of extremely short duration, in order to remain below consciousness: but it influences throughout the next, longer-lasting action (buying). (For simplicity, I'll ignore how an initial impulse to buy, and to buy one way and not another, is translated into a deeper brand loyalty and higher overall consumption. Ironically, such manipulations also tend to have far greater effect in markets where ideology focuses more strongly on the primacy of rational choice. In some manner, the firm belief that rationality is primary seems to increase vulnerability to sub-rational influences.)
This is the major reason that only imperatives which operate on a similarly sub-rational level, such as imminent death (more on this later), can have any opposing effect: which, in Shadowrun, is usually represented by raising the required threshold. The text of Commanding Voice allows for this:
If the adept succeeds in the [opposed] test, the target uses his next action to either carry out the command or stands confused (gamemaster's choice, but the more net hits achieved the more likely he will obey the adept's command). |
Note that the text places no restrictions whatsoever on the nature of the command beyond a word length limit. It says only that the command subliminally influences the actions of any listeners and that "[s]uch commands carry no weight beyond the immediate impetus"; which reinforces that there is an immediate impetus toward the goal of the directive -- only.
(Look at it from a different perspective. If such commands did carry weight beyond the immediate impetus, then they would also carry with them the ability to consider rationally based on other knowledge, and perhaps to resist more strongly.)
There is a resisted roll involved here: CH + Leadership v. WL + Leadership. In effect, the power's user is trying to get the other to go along with something not really understood through sheer force of personality (enhanced by magic, although there are all kinds of real-world examples where magic does not seem to be necessary to such reaction). Given that you are trying to bring in rational analysis as part of the quality of resistance, I think it is important to stress here that the resisting attribute is not Logic, nor is Logic tied with the Leadership skill. (Nor should it be.)
How a command is received subliminally is significantly different from how the same command might be perceived rationally. Thus the phrasing of a command will usually be different when intended to be perceived subliminally than when intended to be rationally analysed. Remember the old D&D distinction in the [first level!] Charm spell: between telling someone to kill themself and holding that ancient red dragon off for "just a minute"? [/ducks the stream of thrown duodecimal polyhedrons] Regardless of its source, it makes a good point: a subliminal directive focuses only on the immediate goal of the directive, not on possible consequences of taking the action.
The classic real-life example is gambling -- and I think economics also has an equivalent, in lottery real payoff vs. perception of likely payoff. Rational analysis tells us of very different likely results -- and we all have the ability and knowledge for such analysis -- but the entire structure of gambling is set up to avoid just such analysis. Casinos never tell the gambler their intent is to relieve them of a certain percentage of their cash. Quite the contrary, all the emphasis is on winning -- even though we all know that the realistic chances of walking away with more money than we arrived with are very slim indeed. But how many people, entering a casino and knowing this, manage not to gamble at all?
An example which makes use of the same principle in the opposite direction is the entire military structure, where the recruit has to learn how to react to orders without thinking about them. Absolutely it is counter-intuitive to turn and charge into an ambush -- but that's exactly the kind of order the military recruit has to learn to take, without thinking, if they are to have any chance of survival in combat situations. The soldier has to trust the command blindly. Insert rational analysis here, at the point of command, and by the time the soldier reacts, it will be too late.
These examples illustrate part of the large network of psychological mechanisms that Commanding Voice takes advantage of.
It could be argued that in the military sense, the commands are intended to maximise a soldier's well-being -- but in many cases those commands are given and taken in the full knowledge that some of those soldiers will die. It's counter-intuitive to take an action which could lead directly to one's death, but sometimes such actions must be taken. One of the classics, in Shadowrun, is "geek the mage first", with a close second being "take out the elemental". (The WW1 equivalent was to charge the machine gun nest.) To kill a spirit, melee combat used to be required, always. If a command comes to jump down on the mage (or elemental), where both are known to exist: there is NO logical reason not to take that command exactly at face value. Even analysing to the point of dividing the jump might take one complex turn too many -- maybe what's needed is to kill the mage and the elemental, NOW. (This might well be the case if it had been noted that the mage had taken over another teammate with a Control spell; or if a summoning needed to be interrupted.)
But all that is background rational analysis, simply to point out why the command would work on a subliminal level. A professional team fighter would already be prepped for such commands, already knowing that they won't always make sense based on what any single individual might see or know. Interestingly, the very professionalism is what grants the vulnerability. Less professional units would have been targeted differently.
for them to drop an entire story (10 meter drop) into a raging gunfight would be pretty much suicidal. It would basically be the equivalent to 'shoot yourselves in the head'. I do not see the description of the power to be sufficent to get them to kill themselves. It would basically be the equivalent to 'shoot yourselves in the head'. I do not see the description of the power to be sufficent to get them to kill themselves. |
And yet these are two very different directives, which -- I hear for the very first time -- are apparently being interpreted in exactly the same way. Not only is there nothing in the text to support this manner of interpretation, but it sets a foot onto a very slippery slope indeed -- because, if you think about it, in the shadows of the Sixth World, a very large number of actions indeed could lead directly to death, and many people operating in those shadows are paranoid.
(This part, incidentally, is what provoked this post: because if you really believe this in the context of Commanding Voice, we have a major problem.)
Since Commanding Voice is subliminal, below consciousness: the target of Commanding Voice should not be able to act based on knowledge which comprises no part of the original directive plus their own abilities. (However potent, a subliminal command to "Walk!" won't make a paraplegic walk -- though they might well try.) Based on that knowledge alone, within the person's own abilities, this directive looks far more reasonable than "shoot yourself in the head". The jump itself not only would not kill them, but had a very good chance of not hurting them at all. Very few magicians do well against outright physical attack by someone very good at it.
In this particular instance, for them to drop an entire story (10 meter drop) into a raging gunfight would be pretty much suicidal. |
WinterRat, that was entirely the point! What is subliminal is not -- by definition -- rationally analysed.
The second point, that of time-relevance
'such commands carry no weight beyond the immediate impetus and the affected characters will quickly reassert their wits, returning to their original course of action' |
ties in to the many differences between Commanding Voice and a Control spell.
First, the Control spell only needs to overcome the resisted threshold once. After that, no further rolls are needed as long as the spell is sustained unless sharply divergent orders are given (say, of the “suicide� variety). Thus, once active, the Control spell forces the target to do whatever and keep on being under control for as long as the spell is active; and they don't even get a second resistance roll unless a command is given that is seriously counter-intuitive.
In contrast, each command given through Commanding Voice allows a new resistance roll, each and every time. It's also easier for most targets to resist Commanding Voice (attribute + skill) than a Control spell (attribute alone).
Second, Control spells last as long as they are sustained (ratio of 1:potentially infinity), leaving all the magician's actions open after the initial casting. If subsequent resistance rolls are triggered, they do not take away from the magician's actions.
In contrast, Commanding Voice uses a complex action to achieve a maximum of one complex action (their next immediate action) by the target (1:1 ratio) -- if the resisted threshold is overcome (again, each and every time). Further, subsequent attempts to use Commanding Voice on the same target within the same 24 hours become more and more difficult, creating an effective absolute limit of 1/2 x (CH + Leadership + EG) complex actions per target, and that's assuming perfect rolls.
Third, there is no limit on how Control commands are phrased beyond line of sight, probably because such commands are not subliminal but pure and utter domination. Commanding Voice commands have strict parameters: length, common language, must be heard. (There is solid psychological grounding for these, but it goes beyond what has been canon-written, though it doesn't contradict it in the slightest.)
Still think it functions at the same level of mental control?
As a final point, you reference the price of the power to determine what it should and should not be able to do. The main forums are full of objections to developer choices about bp and power point costs. (If you want a counter-example that directly affects Alleycat, one of the most common objections is that elves are hugely bp-overpriced based on what you get.) I think the interpretation of the power should be based primarily on the text, not on the cost? -- although as it happens, I think it is appropriately priced for what you get.
(Please note that I'm not asking you to read what's been written in the main forums on this power. Even if others do consistently think it should allow suicidal commands with a threshold of, say, 4, we might not agree here. I'm trying to stay as close to text canon as possible, only.)
Still, as a cost point of comparison:
- Killing Hands (Physical damage instead of stun) costs 0.5 power point
- Berserk (+1 to all physical attributes and affected damage tracks for Magic = minutes, -1 to all mental attributes same period, free action to trigger, no drain) costs 1.0
- Enthralling Performance (not resisted, # of hits modify perception thresholds to all viewers for CH x 10 minutes) costs 0.5
- Elemental Strike costs 0.5, and doesn't even have drain
As a last note on cost, each and every spell now only costs 5 karma to acquire, the number of spells not limited by Magic attribute -- unlike adept abilities, which are so limited. In terms of power, the spell grows more powerful without cap based on a single attribute, as well as foci which can effectively increase that pool. Since it is based on CH + Leadership, the power of Commanding Voice is capped.
Finally, this power, as described, is most likely based off the Bene Gesserit "Voice" from
Dune. For what it is worth, the power there is explicitly described again and again as reaction without thinking. For example, one person unties a captive's bonds, even though rational analysis would tell them this was suicide -- and indeed he is killed by that captive as soon as untying the bonds allowed it.
I'm sorry if I sound sharp on this -- but I thought we had this straight some time before, and I had thought the only problem was that I hadn't been wording it closely enough to your understanding of what was needed to evoke a specific reaction. Instead, your answer now uncovers a completely different interpretation where the power will NEVER be capable of some reactions because you think it should not be ... and that is not what the text says. If cost is your major issue: a gun is cheaper, is easier to use, is more likely to cause direct damage, and only requires a simple action to do so. If it is that this adept power simply should not have that amount of power, ... all I can say, after all I have said above, is that Shadowrun magic can be potent. As to whether it should be, in a canon game that is a developer issue, not ours.
GMs have to deal with character abilities that seem counter-intuitive to them all the time. During the Blimp of Doom scenario, I had a similar moment with Dragon: "He should not be able to do that!" But the strict reading of the text, plus the dice roll, said yes, he could: and so I bit the bullet and said yes, he did do that, even though the outcome utterly changed what I had believed to be the threat level. (Incidentally, SR4 makes it far, far more difficult to pull off the same thing.) You are now facing exactly the same situation with one of Alleycat's core abilities, one taken
specifically for this kind of situation; and which, more importantly, defines who she is. Will you keep telling her that she cannot do that, based solely on your feeling that she should not be able to do that?
Dec 18 2007, 07:28 PM
Sedna - OK...that will take me some time to respond to. I have an eye appointment so I'm leaving work early and my home internet is still down, so I definitely can't get to it today.
I have a couple deadlines for the middle of this week (Wed and Thurs) that need to be done as well, so look for a reply Thurs or Fri, most likely.
GMs have to deal with character abilities that seem counter-intuitive to them all the time. During the Blimp of Doom scenario, I had a similar moment with Dragon: "He should not be able to do that!" But the strict reading of the text, plus the dice roll, said yes, he could: and so I bit the bullet and said yes, he did do that, even though the outcome utterly changed what I had believed to be the threat level. (Incidentally, SR4 makes it far, far more difficult to pull off the same thing.) You are now facing exactly the same situation with one of Alleycat's core abilities, one taken specifically for this kind of situation; and which, more importantly, defines who she is. Will you keep telling her that she cannot do that, based solely on your feeling that she should not be able to do that? |
One quick reply to this, I have no problem with character abilities that seem counter-intuitive. I have no problem with stepping outside my own box of what is 'normal' to me. Alleycat's very existence should be proof enough of that.

However, when you ask if I will tell Alleycat she cannot use one of her core abilities specifically taken for this kind of situation, based solely on my feelings, you are asking a question you have not demonstrated any probable cause to ask.
My decision was based off of reasoning and my own logical interpretations, which I will expound upon when I fully reply to this. It seems the disparity in our thoughts may hinge on a different interpretation of the idea of 'subliminal'. Let me note I am open to the possibility I do not correctly understand the concept, and if upon review I am wrong, I will change my ruling.
But there is no point at which you can demonstrate or justifiably conclude our interpretations (and my subsequent ruling) differ solely because of feelings or personal dislike for either the power or its position as one of Alleycat's core abilities.
If you want to tell me my interpretation is wrong and argue as to why, that's certainly your prerogative to do so.
If you want to insinuate I am allowing a personal prejudice to illogically and unfairly form the sole basis for my decision, I think you need to present more conclusive evidence before you can start walking down that road.
Dec 20 2007, 12:35 AM
[ Spoiler ]
You can't tell if it's Abromavich or a trusted captain, but he's swinging around enough authority to take tea with you and Rod, and to command at least a mage in doing so, all without carrying any noticable armament. You also get the impression that he's come of offer a deal, and is able to negoiate it without calling anyone.
I'll answer the second roll in the post (coming within the hour) but if you need further clarification, don't hesitate to ask.
Dec 20 2007, 01:33 AM
Fair enough. For simplicity, I summarise everything hitherto written in a single sentence:
Rational analysis of a directive has no place wrt impulse caused by subliminal influence.I recognise that the existence of any potent directive strong enough to dictate action which does not allow for rational analysis between directive and consequent action is ... uncomfortable. Yet they do exist in real life.
As a blunt weapon, this is the only magical way in which Alleycat takes advantage of these existing psychological patterns: and that's the purpose for which they were taken. That's what I mean by core.
Bear in mind, in your answer, that I too continue to be deadlined to the tune of eighteen hour days -- yet this seemed and seems important enough to me to write regardless. I really had thought we had hammered this out long before now. Thus it was something of a shock to read your previous words -- and thus to realise that you intended never to allow such use, since it would be impossible where every command could be rationally analysed. Until that moment, I thought the reason Alleycat's commands were not working as intended during the past several rounds was because I hadn't quite worded them well enough.
(Please don't ask me for evidence which hinges on ideologies and other real life paradigm differences friends try to avoid bringing up. That just wedges in polarities we don't need, here.)
... Isn't it a bit of an oxymoron for a belief that reactions should always be rational to be illogical?
Dec 20 2007, 05:29 AM
Finally found (unpacked) my 4th Edition rule book. Wooohoooooo!!!!!!! Now I can stop bugging WR1 for rules!!!!!!
Dec 20 2007, 05:37 AM
Sedna – Your point about significance has been duly noted and my reply has been bumped up in priority accordingly.
Let me note my original response to your disagreement with me was not well thought out or thoroughly considered. You will not see me reference any of the points I used earlier. When I look at them, I don’t agree with what I wrote, and that’s my fault because I just whipped that post out without really thinking about it, assuming we were closer in our thoughts than we apparently are. That’s my mistake and I apologize for that. Here’s a more complete version of my thoughts.
From a practical standpoint (i.e. what actually happened in the game):
I’m not sure exactly what you expected to happen when you used Commanding Voice, but it seems as if you expected them to just hurdle the railing and start shooting on their way down. Nonetheless, I fail to see how they didn’t listen to exactly what you said.
They did not analyze the directive (jump down and kill the mage); if they failed their rolls, they attempted to obey immediately. Every single one of them affected used their next complex action to attempt to obey your command.
B2 and B5 immediately jumped down into a position to ‘kill that mage’ as soon as you said it. In fact, if you look at the maps, I even had B5 act optimally in order to do so, moving to a better firing position before jumping! From where B2 was standing, jumping down immediately put him right on the shelf where he ended up. B7 you instructed to ‘jump down on those men’, and again, he immediately jumped down. It just happened that where he was positioned when he jumped was right over a shelf, hence that is where he landed. However, he still acted rationally and optimally by putting himself into a better position to obey your orders, since he needed to jump to the shelf to be able to jump onto A11.
B2 and B7 did not consider how best to obey your command, they just did it, and due to their positioning at the time you issued your command, they ended up where they did because they did not have enough actions to do anything else before the duration of Commanding Voice ended. B7 acted rationally to obey your command (by logically acting in the required sequence to do so) while B5 acted to obey your command in a way that was better than if he just jumped down (due to a better line of fire).
You stated originally your problem was they did not jump straight down to the identified goal and instead considered how best to jump down. I have demonstrated that was not the case. You have had the map at each juncture, and it is clear from my descriptions of their actions and their positions on the map that it was perfectly plausible for B2 to have landed where he did, B7 acted logically to follow your command, and the one guy who was implausible (B5) acted in a way that was optimal to achieve what you wanted!
So that’s where I’m getting lost, because you seem to think they should have obeyed your order in the most literal way possible, when in fact they actually did exactly what you said, when you said it (again, except B5 which worked to your benefit, and B7 to a lesser extent, because he required logical thought to best obey).
If you are saying they should have acted without any rational analysis at all, then that’s what they did (again, except B5 and sort of B7). Where is the basis for your complaint?
If you are saying they should have done it more optimally than they did, then you’ve undercut your own argument there should be no rational analysis at any point in the process.
I do not think you have demonstrated they failed to obey your directive, because they did obey, immediately and literally.
From a philosophical standpoint:
Rational analysis of a directive has no place wrt impulse caused by subliminal influence. |
After listening to all your points, I agree with this statement. However, I do not agree that it means the target [person(s) affected by subliminal influence] acts blindly without rational consideration of how best to go about carrying out that directive.
To use your case of subliminal advertising, your logic would suggest if I am at a car dealership, and I see something that subliminally influences me to buy a car I immediately buy the first car I see. I do not consider anything else; I just immediately buy the first car I possibly can.
That would be the most immediate, direct and literal path of acting on that subliminal influence. I think that is dramatically overstating the power of subliminal messaging. Your own article suggests that subliminal influences do not exert that precise level of control over people, so why should Commanding Voice have that kind of influence?
The way Commanding Voice is written, I contend there is a difference between the directive itself and the way that directive is obeyed.
My basis for this is found in the following statement:
such commands carry no weight beyond the immediate impetus and the affected characters will quickly reassert their wits, returning to their original course of action |
It specifically states the only weight the command carries is the immediate impetuous. That is, the weight is in the directive itself. It says absolutely nothing about influencing how the target carries out said impetuous.
You suggest that they should have acted immediately and in as direct a fashion as possible, without considering at all how to carry out the directive. That they should have acted in a literal and unthinking way. But if the command carries no weight beyond its immediate impetuous, then all you can reasonably expect from it, no matter how many hits you achieve, is that they will do what you say. There is nowhere in the power’s description that supports the notion of being able to dictate how the target does what you say.
I agree that if I am subliminally influenced to buy a car, I will buy a car. Which car I buy, however, is an entirely different story. Similarly, while Commanding Voice forces someone to do something, I see nowhere in the rules indicating commanding voice has a level of control that forces them to obey in a specific way, even explicitly stating the only thing that carries any power over the targets is the immediate directive itself.
In fact, I would think you would want me to interpret Commanding Voice the way I have been, because it’s to your benefit that your targets act unthinkingly to obey your directive yet do so in the most optimal way they can. Where exactly is the downside in it for you if that is my interpretation?
If your intention was to get them to the ground floor, you could have said, ‘jump to the ground floor’ and they would have done exactly that. To me, it seems the issue is that you wanted to achieve two things:
1) Have them jump to the ground floor AND
2) Kill the enemy mage/onto other people
They all did the first part of your command (jump down) and B2 and B5 acted in the best way possible to carry out the second. B7 followed your orders to the best of his ability, even when it required rational thought to do so.
The fact that you couldn’t fit two such commands into five words strikes me as a limitation of the power, but I don’t think I at all nerfed the power by having them act in a way that was rationally considered. About all you can say they didn’t do is shoot at the mage or jump onto A11. But by your own interpretation, they use their next immediate action to do what you say and that’s it. The reason they didn’t shoot at the mage was because they ran out of actions within the time frame allowable to achieve both your directives. Basically, you tried to tell them to do something they could never have done, because they didn’t have enough actions to fully complete your orders, due to the duration of Commanding Voice.
It would have taken B2 and B5 at least a Complex to jump and a Simple to fire; B7 needed two Complex Actions to jump twice. The fact that there was something underneath him when you issued the command is a factor you did not take into consideration when you made the command. But that doesn’t mean he didn’t obey what you ordered. If you wanted him to run to a spot were he could jump without landing on something in order to jump down on those men, wouldn’t that require rational analysis since there was no one directly beneath him he could jump down on without jumping to the shelf first, then off the shelf onto A11?
So in summary, I agree there is no place for rational analysis of a directive issued by Commanding Voice. [As a side note, if you try to issue obviously directly harmful commands I will make it extremely difficult, because if direct dominance and control (e.g. Control Thoughts) has a very difficult time getting a target to do that, I do not believe subliminal influence, no matter how subtle, should be more effective.]
EDIT: By 'obviously directly harmful' I mean commands along the lines of 'shoot yourself in the head' (i.e. direct suicide), not the 'hold off the dragon just for a minute' (i.e. indirect suicide) types of commands.
I disagree there should be no rational analysis in how to carry out a directive. I do not see what the problem with this is though, because I’m not playing it like a wish spell in D&D where I try to screw you if you don’t word things exactly right. I was actively using this interpretation for your benefit, that the influenced people followed your commands to the best of their ability, even if thought was required to do so. The only way you can say I didn’t have them act optimally is if your primary intention was to get them to the ground level, and nowhere in your commands did you indicate that to be either a priority or a direct order.
Therefore, I do not believe in the slightest I am nerfing one of Alleycat’s core abilities. In fact, I think I have made it stronger by my interpretation. Consequently, in the practical and philosophical sides of the argument, I fail to see how there’s a problem at all, because you come out ahead in both instances.
Dec 21 2007, 02:59 AM
More Updates:
Warehouse GroupIC post is up, sorry for the delay, it got lost in the shuffle. Some reminders:
1. Please write IC posts, for my own sanity if nothing else!

I still want you guys involved in this combat, even if we're moving away from the traditional trading posts format for speed's sake. Even a paragraph or two helps me have a better feel for how your character is conducting themselves in this fight, which helps my IC posts and mental imagery accordingly.
2. I still need a Body Roll from Alleycat to resist a Powerbolt spell. The caster has 3 hits, so you need at least 3 to neutralize it.
3. Send me your Initiative Rolls for Combat Turn 5, as well as a completed Combat Chart if applicable. I need those items at this point to move forward!Vegas - Per earlier discussions with you, this is on an 'as I can get to it' basis right now.
Mister Juan - See Grendel's earlier post, he's waiting on you.
Bandit - I believe Sedna/Grendel has cleared you to post, so you are also up right now.
LITS Volumes - PLEASE LOOK AT THIS IF YOU WANT A VOLUME!!!1. If people are ok with receiving their volumes through regular mail, please give your address to me ASAP, whether through email or PM. Per Sedna, it's ok to do this first, before payment.
2. Anyone paying in USD by check or money order may also send these to me, and I will send them to Sedna as a whole. Let me know if you need my name and address and I will send it to you. Per Sedna, you can make these out to me. I will write her a check from me for all of us ordering.
3. Please start sending Sedna pictures for the next two volumes: Cosmo and D&DV3, as she is trying to avoid the picture scramble for those volumes. What she does and doesn't get affects the entire layout, so let us try to help her out.
Here are some specific picture requests she has: old-style movie theatres, Casablanca sepia tones, high-end cars on highways, a beach/dune type area with many boats (and a hidden sniper), an LA Hollywood Hills villa overlooking the city during the evening, and anything you can think of to evoke otaku.
Beyond that, take a look through Cosmo's timeline and see what comes to mind.
Dec 23 2007, 04:18 AM
I'm sorry -- after your fair consideration, I've only had time to skim. That third deadline is breathing down my neck -- I absolutely have to finish writing/editing ~100 pages before Jan 1, or lose the opportunity. (To put that in perspective though, I've already written/edited 700 pages since November.) I've slept eight hours in the last forty-eight. I didn't allow for a certain heavy snowstorm at all!
I don't completely agree with your take in the mega-post, especially a few key points; but since I don't have time to answer it just now and not a hope until the new year, it's obviously going to have to be acceptable for now.
So as not to delay anyone, NPC Alleycat as you see fit. The directives are only a sincere hope that Lady Dove did EG an extra action to make the concealment command (per repeated Leadership rolls), and that if Scrapheap doesn't take advantage of the shot (crossed fingers), then she has to keep them from reaching him. If it's urgent, her direction of escape involves a swing across to the middle catwalk, where there should still be smoke -- and getting low, maybe even under it.
The first three books are, however, in the mail. Sorry, I don't think you will get them before Christmas after all, just ended up being too crazy for deadlines my end (three books in two months!): but it shouldn't be too long after.
I don't think Cosmo's timeline is in the wiki yet. You can find it complete,
I'll re-surface on Jan 2nd or maybe 3rd, depending on sleep needed.
Dec 23 2007, 04:58 AM
Halibut, missed the BD roll, and just now I've no clue what to add. Anyway, here's the roll:
[ Spoiler ]
I rolled many dice, just in case, took the results left to right in order:
[6, 2, 6] = core BD
[2, 5] = bone lacing
I don't remember what MG defence was, so
[6] = magic points assigned to Magical Power (spell defence?)
[1, 2, 6, 2, 4, 4] = the rest of her magic (assigned to other adept powers)
Hope that's broken down enough for you to work it out. Sorry I missed it earlier.