Jul 14 2007, 02:46 AM
General Announcement
I'm starting my new job on Monday, and they're sending me out to Maryland for training the same day. I will be gone from Mon, July 16 to Thurs, July 19. I am uncertain what, if any, internet access I will have while I'm gone, so I may not be able to even check the threads until Friday, July 20.
Also, my weekends (as people have probably noticed) are traditionally low-response from me, since they tend to be quite packed. So if you don't hear from me for about the next week or so, I haven't disappeared, I'm simply away on business and will get back to you all as soon as I can upon my return.
Jul 14 2007, 03:39 AM
Note: Lady Dove and Nora's Initiative added at 8.
Jul 14 2007, 04:51 AM
Good luck with that! So I'll ask this quickly
I'm sorry if I asked this already -- but what is under the catwalks like? Is it the standard trussed girder system?
Jul 14 2007, 04:54 AM
Yes. And no you didn't ask it already.
Jul 14 2007, 05:22 AM
Okay. So Scrapheap is up, yes? For my own actions, I can't specify more until I know the results of last turn, and they go after Scrapheap (but before Alleycat, sigh).
Logging off until tomorrow. This morning turned out to have been ridiculously early: and once awake, I stay awake, however tired.
Jul 16 2007, 07:39 PM
Slip - Do you remember that even if you survive this gunfight you're supposed to call Hideo Ashikawa at 07:00:00 for travel instructions...or in about 6 hours? |
Yes I remember. I think I may have to summon a spirit to use as an alarm clock if I ever get a chance to get some sleep before that. Maybe have it engulf my head in water for a couple of seconds to ensure I wake up.

WR1 -
[ Spoiler ]
Initiative Roll: Reaction + Intuition = (5 Dice) = 3,5,3,1,4 = 1 hit
Initiative = 6
Jul 16 2007, 10:20 PM
Cthulhu449 (7/8 to 7-15 ): 1 + 1 Quality = 2 points
Konsaki (7/8 to 7/15 ): 1 point
Cedric Rolfsson (7/8 to 7/15 ): 1 point
Grendel (7/8 to 7/15 ): 1 + 1 GM = 2 points
Jul 17 2007, 05:44 PM
Karma awards for my players:
Morgannah: 4 pts (Jun 20th - Jul 17th)
BClements: 10 pts (Jun 20th - Jul 17th) [GM Bonus]
WinterRat1: 10 pts (Jun 20th - Jul 17th) [GM Bonus]
BanditF50: 4 pts (Jun 20th - Jul 17th)
Shadowrunner13: 4 pts (Jun 20th - Jul 17th)
DireRadiant: 4 pts (Jun 20th - Jul 17th)
Mister Juan: 5 pts (Jun 20th - Jul 17th)
Shadow: 4 pts (Jun 20th - Jul 17th)
Mister Juan
Jul 17 2007, 10:34 PM
I have a little IC up. More to follow up soon today.
Mister Juan
Jul 17 2007, 11:53 PM
I can't find my notes stating how long Ludi still had to work on the bugs.... If it would take more time, let me know (she already spent a whole day I believe...)
As for the rest, well, that's me starting to think on how I should spend that karma.
I stopped there in case you wanted to intercut something. If not, let me know, I'll write up the rest of the day and go to Monday.
Jul 18 2007, 01:24 PM
Scrapheap -- inquiring allied minds really want to know what your action is
Cedric Rolfsson
Jul 18 2007, 02:23 PM
General Notice
I'm taking a long weekend with my family, I won't be back until Monday 7-23-07.
Jul 20 2007, 05:58 PM
Sorry for the delay, warehouse peeps. Big changes on the job, though it may work in my DSing favor. Starting 8/1 I will be working from home.
WR1, here goes nothing:
[ Spoiler ]
IP - 1
Initiative Score: ( 10+2-2 wounds ) - # dice 10 - 06 06 06 06 04 04 03 01 01 01 - 4 hits Total score is 14 (note: this is from my original roll, which is why they are in order)
Free Action – Motion towards LD and say to Nora: "Get down, an' stay down!"
Simple Action – Ingram SMG narrow burst at B3 – ( 8+2-2 wounds ) - # dice 8 - 3 5 3 6 5 6 5 3 -- 5 hits (Ingram has 3 RC, damage is 5P+2 DV for narrow burst)
Simple Action – Ingram SMG wide burst at B3 – ( 8+2-2 wounds-2 RC ) - # dice 6 - 4 5 1 6 3 5 -- 3 hits (Ingram has 3 RC, damage is 5P)
Movement – Move NE towards LD's room, then use wall for cover
Reaction Roll – ( 7-2 wounds ) - # dice 5 - 4 4 1 6 6 -- 2 hits
Reaction Roll – ( 7-2 wounds ) - # dice 5 - 5 1 3 6 5 -- 3 hits
Ballistic Soak Roll – ( 8 armor +1 dermal plate +4 body +1 bone lacing) - # dice 14 - 2 3 6 5 3 2 5 3 5 3 6 3 3 5 -- 6 hits
Ballistic Soak Roll – ( 8 armor +1 dermal plate +4 body +1 bone lacing) - # dice 14 - 5 1 5 4 6 6 4 2 4 5 4 3 3 2 -- 5 hits
Impact Soak Roll – ( 6 armor +1 dermal plate +4 body +1 bone lacing) - # dice 12 - 6 5 3 2 4 2 4 6 1 4 6 2 -- 4 hits
Impact Soak Roll – ( 6 armor +1 dermal plate +4 body +1 bone lacing) - # dice 12 - 2 6 1 3 4 5 2 1 2 3 4 5 -- 3 hits
Vision Modes Available: normal, thermo, flare comp, magnification
Recoil Compensation: Gas Vent II (2), folding stock = 3
IP - 2
Initiative Score: ( see above ) - 14
Free Action – To Nora and LD: "When I say 'go', fraggin' run to the stairs!"
Simple Action – Ingram SMG narrow burst at B3 (or B1) – ( 8+2-2 wounds ) - # dice 8 - 2 1 5 4 6 5 2 6 -- 4 hits (Ingram has 3 RC, damage is 5P+2 DV for narrow burst)
Simple Action – Ingram SMG wide burst at B3 – ( 8+2-2 wounds-2 RC ) - # dice 6 - 2 2 1 5 4 6 -- 2 hits (Ingram has 3 RC, damage is 5P)
Movement – Crouch
Reaction Roll – ( 7-2 wounds ) - # dice 5 - 6 6 4 2 1 -- 2 hits
Reaction Roll – ( 7-2 wounds ) - # dice 5 - 2 1 5 6 4 -- 2 hits
Ballistic Soak Roll – ( 8 armor +1 dermal plate +4 body +1 bone lacing) - # dice 14 - 5 4 5 5 1 5 6 4 6 3 2 4 1 6 -- 7 hits
Ballistic Soak Roll – ( 8 armor +1 dermal plate +4 body +1 bone lacing) - # dice 14 - 2 1 5 3 4 4 1 3 4 5 6 4 5 4 -- 4 hits
Impact Soak Roll – ( 6 armor +1 dermal plate +4 body +1 bone lacing) - # dice 12 - 5 5 2 1 6 5 1 6 4 2 1 5 -- 6 hits
Impact Soak Roll – ( 6 armor +1 dermal plate +4 body +1 bone lacing) - # dice 12 - 5 6 5 5 1 3 5 5 6 3 6 2 -- 8 hits
Vision Modes Available: normal, thermo, flare comp, magnification
Recoil Compensation: Gas Vent II (2), folding stock = 3
IP - 3
Initiative Score: ( see above ) - 14
Free Action – none
Simple Action – Ingram SMG narrow burst at B3 (or B1) – ( 8+2-2 wounds ) - # dice 8 - 5 3 5 1 2 5 5 2 -- 4 hits (Ingram has 3 RC, damage is 5P+2 DV for narrow burst)
Simple Action – Ingram SMG wide burst at B3 – ( 8+2-2 wounds-2 RC ) - # dice 6 - 3 2 4 4 3 5 -- 1 hits (Ingram has 3 RC, damage is 5P)
Movement – none
Reaction Roll – ( 7-2 wounds ) - # dice 5 - 3 1 4 1 6 -- 1 hit (GLITCH)
Reaction Roll – ( 7-2 wounds ) - # dice 5 - 4 2 5 3 5 -- 2 hits
Ballistic Soak Roll – ( 8 armor +1 dermal plate +4 body +1 bone lacing) - # dice 14 - 3 1 3 3 1 3 2 5 6 5 3 5 5 1 -- 5 hits
Ballistic Soak Roll – ( 8 armor +1 dermal plate +4 body +1 bone lacing) - # dice 14 - 2 1 6 5 6 5 2 2 6 5 1 6 3 4 -- 7 hits
Impact Soak Roll – ( 6 armor +1 dermal plate +4 body +1 bone lacing) - # dice 12 - 1 1 5 2 6 1 3 4 3 2 6 2 -- 3 hits
Impact Soak Roll – ( 6 armor +1 dermal plate +4 body +1 bone lacing) - # dice 12 - 4 1 2 6 1 3 2 6 3 6 5 4 -- 4 hits
Vision Modes Available: normal, thermo, flare comp, magnification
Recoil Compensation: Gas Vent II (2), folding stock = 3
NOTE: General plan is to shoot opponants between John's group and the exit (NE stairs). As soon as all those standing in the way are down, they will run for it!
ALSO: I did not include smoke, as it doesn't appear to be a factor (per the map).
Jul 21 2007, 04:15 AM
OK, back from my training. Real life catch up is the priority until Sunday afternoon. I will be catching up on all DSF related stuff Sunday afternoon.
Jul 21 2007, 04:21 AM
Google, in their ongoing quest to become SkyNet, has a free drawing/3D tool:
SketchupSeems fairly easy to play around with for the half hour I've done so. I'll report back later on this weekend.
Cthulhu449: Will have a post up for you tomorrow afternoon.
Jul 21 2007, 09:14 PM
Real life understood. Been doing a bit of my own social catching up today.

Hope the training went well.
They say there is no slacker like the slacker who telecommutes, Scrapheap.
(This blurb brought to you by the popular book, "Everything I Needed In Life, I Learned From Homer Simpson.")
Jul 23 2007, 03:02 AM
Sorry everyone, I was caught up in RL stuff longer than I expected today, I won't be able to start making headway on DSF stuff until tomorrow evening. My apologies to everyone and thanks for your patience.
Jul 23 2007, 06:43 PM
Mister Juan: Still working on your post, expect it later today.
GM cadre: Based on the success of the Down in the Gutter Wiki, I've started editing and adding to the Living in the Shadow's Wiki. I need help, though, specifically I need locations and NPCs. I think BClements was compiling the NPC database, so if I could get an updated copy of that, I'd appreciate it. Otherwise take a look at the locations tab of the Wiki and submit the places where your character and your players' characters hang out using the format specified.
LitS WikiIf anyone has any suggestions or recommendations on formatting, send them along as well. Otherwise I'm going to continue to use the conventions formulated so far.
Mister Juan
Jul 23 2007, 11:06 PM
Things are also starting to settle down in my corner of the world, so I should be able to resume porting the posts over to the wiki.
Jul 24 2007, 03:18 AM
PM sent, Mister Juan, you're clear to post to the Landing and Ludi's meeting with Zeyda.
Jul 24 2007, 03:25 AM
Scrapheap - You need to specify what type of burst you fire for each burst.
Obviously, whether the burst is a narrow or wide one matters. Did you intend for your bursts to each be full bursts? Since you are using Complex actions for each burst I assume this is the case, but correct me if I am mistaken.
I cannot gather which you intended (narrow or wide) for each shot from your post above. Once I have this information I will process your action.
Jul 24 2007, 03:26 AM
Cedric/Grendel - Waiting on Cedric's reply to my latest thoughts on our plan
Vegas - I owe you an IC post.
Warehouse Group - Waiting on Scrapheap's clarification to his action.
Let me know if I missed you, but I think that's everyone here.
Jul 24 2007, 03:46 AM
Mister Juan: let me know if I'm going off track in the Wiki with regard to the NPC's.
Cthulhu: Should have a post for you in the AM; had a busy weekend.
Jul 24 2007, 03:48 AM
My mistake. I don't want to fire on full auto, just a burst...which I thought was a complex action. Since it is a simple action, I will add more rolls. Check my post above for edits.
Jul 24 2007, 04:01 AM
Scrap - You can fire full bursts with a Complex Action, but you can fire long OR short bursts with simple actions.
Using two simple actions, in 1 IP you can either fire two short bursts, or one long and one short burst. So I'm still going to need clarification on the long/short issue for your bursts above.
Otherwise, it looks great and will help me move through this combat quicker.
Jul 24 2007, 04:11 AM
2 short bursts per action phase, please. I'd never hit anything with a long-burst.
Jul 24 2007, 04:12 AM
That depends. Long wide bursts are great for hitting people.

Your choice is noted though, and if I don't get to it tonight, the Warehouse Group is at the top of my queue tomorrow.
Mister Juan
Jul 24 2007, 03:43 PM
QUOTE (bclements) |
Mister Juan: let me know if I'm going off track in the Wiki with regard to the NPC's. |
Sure thing. I'll try to get a hold of my olds NPCs notes back to add a few of my own. If anything goes awry, I'll fix it myself
Jul 25 2007, 03:05 AM
Warehouse Group - Working on CT 4 IP 1 right now. What are everyone's Condition Monitors (Physical and Stun) currently at?
Tell me in the following format: X out of Y Stun, X out of Y Physical, where X is the number of boxes currently filled in on your monitor, and Y is the total number of boxes in your Condition Monitor. Thanks.
Jul 25 2007, 03:28 AM
0 of 10 Stun
2 of 11 Physical
Jul 25 2007, 03:40 AM
Scrap - Why did you apply a -2 modifier to your tests? With only 2 boxes of Physical you shouldn't even have applied a penalty.
EDIT: I already modified your rolls appropriately, so don't worry about making any changes.
Jul 25 2007, 03:56 AM
0 of 11 Stun
1 of 11 Physical
Jul 25 2007, 03:57 AM
Warehouse Group - Sedna, Alleycat is up. Here's the results of Combat Turn 4 to date. Note that all of you can look at this. I just used a spoiler for space.
[ Spoiler ]
Combat Turn 4
Initiative Pass 1
15 – B7
Simple 1: Hold Action
Simple 2:
Movement: Walking East along Catwalk 3
14 - Scrapheap
Free: Motion towards LD and say to Nora: "Get down, an' stay down!"
Simple 1: Ingram SMG narrow burst at B3 – 4 hits vs. B3’s 3 hits = 1 net hit
Simple 2: Ingram SMG wide burst at B3 – 3 hits vs. B3’s 2 hits = 1 net hit
Movement: Move NE towards LD's room, then use wall for cover
Note 1: You have a -2 for Visibility due to Heavy Fog/Mist/Rain/Smoke, reducing your hits to 4 and 2 for your Simple actions, respectively.
Note 2: I rolled the dice you incorrectly subtracted from your Simple Actions due to wounds:
Simple 1 – [2,2] = 0 bonus hits
Simple 2 – [6,2] = 1 bonus hit
12a – B3
Simple 1: Shotgun at Scrapheap – 1 hit vs. Scrapheap’s 2 hits = 0 net hits
Simple 2: Shotgun at Scrapheap – 1 hit vs. Scrapheap’s 2 hits = 0 net hits
Movement: Walking – East on Catwalk 1
Note 1: Scrapheap - you get -1 die for every defense past the first, so I subtracted your most recent die from the second defense roll, reducing you to 2 hits. The attack still missed though. You were right to fill out your form the way you did though, so keep doing it that way.
12b – B2
Simple 1:
Simple 2:
Complex: Use Skill: Athletics to Jump onto the nearest shelving unit
Movement: Jumping on top of the nearest shelving unit
11 – B1
Simple 1:
Simple 2:
Complex: Suppression Fire on the corner Scrapheap is taking cover behind – 2 hits
Movement: Walking – Towards NE stairwell
Note 1: Nora had already dropped prone earlier in the turn so she did not need to make a test for being hit.
10 – B6
Simple 1:
Simple 2:
Complex: Use Skill: Athletics to run East on Catwalk 3
Movement: Running – East on Catwalk 3
9a – B5
Simple 1:
Simple 2:
Complex: Use Skill: Athletics to Jump onto the nearest shelving unit
Movement: Jumping on top of the nearest shelving unit
9b – Alleycat
Simple 1:
Simple 2:
8a – Lady Dove
Simple 1:
Simple 2:
Complex: Summon Spirit
Movement: None - Staying prone
Note 1: Alleycat and Max can tell it's a Spirit of Water. More detail cannot be gleaned without an Observe in Detail action. You simply picked this up at a casual glance.
8b – Nora
Simple 1:
Simple 2:
6 – Slipshade
Simple 1:
Simple 2:
Also, regarding IC posts, here's what we'll do. For the sake of coherency and simplicity, we'll first get all the OOC stuff done for IP 1, then I will post an IC post summarizing the action for IP 1.
While we're doing the OOC mechanics for IP 2, you (the PCs) will then post your IC posts for
IP 1 from your character's POV.
Make sense?
Jul 25 2007, 04:06 AM
Vegas - I anticipate an IC post for you tomorrow or Thursday.
Jul 25 2007, 04:33 AM
1. How far down is the top of the shelving unit? And "nearest" -- that's different for each of them? B2 = nw, B5=se? (
ie. how easy will it be for them to get back to the catwalks?) B2 is almost certainly out of earshot now; but B5 might not be.
2. Where did the dropped, armed grenade end up? It should be going off right about now. (Computer froze -- previous initiative should be about two pages back.)
Edit (having re-booted and checked):
Since it was the tail end of "in between" time I didn't actually roll it. Here is the roll (p.145):
[ Spoiler ]
6 + [3, 3, 6, 3, 4 = 1 hit] = 7
Jul 25 2007, 04:14 PM
1. NW for both of them. They're actually standing on the same shelf. Since they both followed your order to kill 'that' mage, they took the most direct route to the mage they could. They're both definitely out of earshot from where you're standing right now.
The exact number for how far down the container is from the catwalk is buried somewhere in the OOC thread (don't have time to look it up right now at work) but I believe it's approximately 10 feet or so.
2. Dropped grenade ended up underneath the intersection of catwalks 2 and 4, approximately right in the middle of said intersection. You are correct, the flash-bang grenade will go off on your turn. Since it was 'in-between time' when you dropped it, we'll simply stick with the normal rules and say it detonates on your turn. Thanks for reminding me, btw, I had forgotten about it!
Anything else you need from me?
Jul 25 2007, 06:33 PM
Dropped grenade ended up underneath the intersection of catwalks 2 and 4, approximately right in the middle of said intersection. You are correct, the flash-bang grenade will go off on your turn. |
Good. Whatever else, that will almost certainly destabilise that shelving unit.
If I understand the map correctly, Catwalk 4 itself now gives me both cover and partial barrier both from below generally and from B2 and B5 specifically, as long as I stick to the east side. The 2nd floor smoke gives cover from B3 and B4.
That leaves B6 running east and B7 walking east, which will make them more or less grouped just east of Catwalk 4. If Alleycat is stealthing right at and even over Catwalk 4's edge (between Catwalks 2 and 3), B8 and B4 shouldn't be able to spot her either, and B4 is distracted besides. (She might be visible to Nora and Lady Dove as she gets closer to Catwalk 3.)
She should then be able to move quite close to B6 and B7: ie. earshot again, using the cover of the smoke as far as it goes, and the catwalk itself.
Accurate? On this hangs the next action.
(Oh, and Alleycat's best guess -- can't remember if it was actually said -- are the As Tong or Triad?)
Jul 26 2007, 01:05 AM
Sedna - Emailed you the map of the situation as it stands at the beginning of your action. It should assist you in your planning and answer your geographically based questions.
If I understand the map correctly, Catwalk 4 itself now gives me both cover and partial barrier both from below generally and from B2 and B5 specifically, as long as I stick to the east side. The 2nd floor smoke gives cover from B3 and B4. |
Correct, except the 2nd floor smoke gives you cover from B3 and B1, not B4.
That leaves B6 running east and B7 walking east, which will make them more or less grouped just east of Catwalk 4. If Alleycat is stealthing right at and even over Catwalk 4's edge (between Catwalks 2 and 3), B8 and B4 shouldn't be able to spot her either, and B4 is distracted besides. (She might be visible to Nora and Lady Dove as she gets closer to Catwalk 3.) |
Mostly correct, although B6 and B7 may be farther east than you think, although I'm not sure exactly how far you're thinking they are so I can't say for sure. The map will assist here.
She should then be able to move quite close to B6 and B7: ie. earshot again, using the cover of the smoke as far as it goes, and the catwalk itself. |
Should is the operative word, but yes it is possible. They aren't exactly focusing on that direction, but this is where dice rolls (your Stealth vs. their Perception) come into play. It's a reasonable plan, but I make no promises as to its success or failure.
(Oh, and Alleycat's best guess -- can't remember if it was actually said -- are the As Tong or Triad?) |
She has no idea. They haven't done enough to give themselves away. If she was forced to guess though, she'd go Triad, since they're more common in Seattle than the Tongs, who are originally from China, if I remember correctly. My detailed knowledge of the distinction between the two is fuzzy though, so enlighten me if I'm mistaken.
Jul 26 2007, 01:49 AM
Cedric - In case you missed it, I responded to you with a bunch of thoughts on July 13. Any thoughts on your end?
Jul 26 2007, 02:18 AM
Sorry if the questions were too specific -- they weren't intended to be. I was just studying your map, trying to draw sightlines, and now I'm pulling up your e-mail.
Give me a few minutes, I'll have final answer for you then.
Jul 26 2007, 02:41 AM
Action is to hold action until right after
Lady Dove, which should also be almost right after the grenade goes off.
You'll need a stealth roll from me, regardless:
[ Spoiler ]
4, 5, 5, 3, 6, 3, 4, 6, = 4 hits
Jul 26 2007, 02:19 PM
Sorry if the questions were too specific -- they weren't intended to be. I was just studying your map, trying to draw sightlines, and now I'm pulling up your e-mail. |
No worries. Questions and answers have been flying between us for 3 years now. I think I can manage a few more.

Understood on the hold action, I'll continue along then and repause for you after Lady Dove's actions.
Jul 26 2007, 02:35 PM
QUOTE (WinterRat1) |
Scrap - Why did you apply a -2 modifier to your tests? With only 2 boxes of Physical you shouldn't even have applied a penalty. |
Uh, dyslexia? Global warming? Oh! The dog ate my rulebook. What? I don't have a dog?
I guess I just remembered incorrectly about wounds and modifiers. Just note that I also reduced my initiative by 2.
Also, because he is now behind cover, Scrapheap's attack rolls for IP 2 and 3 will be at an additional -1. I'm sure you would have remembered, but I did not.
Jul 26 2007, 06:04 PM
It looks to be much the same modifier as in SR3, only explicitly applied per number of boxes rather than wound levels and with dice numbers instead of TN penalties.
Although it can go higher than in SR3. With a double track of 13, you could go as high as -8 dice; and if you reach 15, it becomes -10 dice.
Jul 26 2007, 06:32 PM
QUOTE ('Scrapheap') |
Global warming? |
I am
so using that excuse next time I nuke the production server instead of the test server at work
Jul 26 2007, 07:42 PM
WR1 -
[ Spoiler ]
Oops, I never wrote down how many boxes Max has. I will look up as soon as possible, but I believe he has 4 physical Damage.
Mister Juan
Jul 26 2007, 07:51 PM
This is a really stupid aside but, today, while riding the subway, I found myself daydreaming about LitS (yes, I know, I need to get a life

). Since I've started compiling posts and following all the storylines, I've been thinking about how cool it would be to format the whole thing into a printable "book". And so, I was just wondering what you all thought. How should it be formated? Like a screenplay? Like a long novel? Per day? Per characters? Etc...?
I'm just curious as to what you would all think

And since I'm mentionning screenplays; I was watching the Usual Suspects a few days ago, and for some reason, I cannot stop seeing Zeyda as being Gabriel Byrne. And Dragon would have to be Chow-Yun Fat.... and Vedic Christian Bale.... and.... ok... I'll stop...
Jul 26 2007, 10:12 PM
A few years back, I did put together a couple of chapbooks for my (then D&D) group. Too much time spent in the publishing industry ...
Cedric Rolfsson
Jul 26 2007, 10:31 PM
I'm having serious network issues, our server was down all day yesterday, I'll try and get back to you later, tomorrow or Monday at the latest.
Cedric Rolfsson
Jul 26 2007, 11:22 PM
Neuro-Stun grenades work on both skin contact and inhilation, so respirators (better than gas masks) aren't going to be a lot of help. We'd need chem sealed armor. Or we'll have to wait then 10 seconds to 1 minute for the gas to become inert. I still think we should get respirators on the chance they try and use an inhilation toxin on us.
I've got some deomolitions skills, minimal but better than nothing I guess.
I think we're agreed a strike inside the hanger or inside the airplane is preferable. I don't know how we'd be able to send up the airplane if we've taken out the pilots since there has to be some kind of communication from the airplane to the ground. If we make our strike before the plane gets their then the pilots will notify the authorities.
I think we're at the point where we'll need to post a IC move-along. I'll post calling Elan my fixer about getting us some respirators or maybe some light security armor with helmets. Although I doubt I could afford two sets of those. We can then find a coffin motel and get Sybersnake digging for flight plans and airport access while we gather the gear we need together.
How about MedKit and slap patches? Do we need some of those? How about restraints, like the zip-cuff plastic ties to cuff the, hopefully, unconscious security personnel? Radio-wave/communications jammers to prevent people inside the hanger from calling out? Micro-sensor cameras we can mount on the outside of the hanger to give us a external video feed, which is usefull for all sorts of things. A few FlashPaks and maybe some flash bang grenades?
I can't think of any other gear off the top of my head, let me know if you've got anything else on your wish list and then I'll post away.
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