Jun 21 2007, 09:46 PM
Cedric - I saw in DITG you'll be out for the next 3 days.
Unless you say otherwise I'm just going to keep us moving forward in LITS, since we're basically going to be just gearing up and getting some preliminary stuff set up over the next few posts.
Let me know if there's anything you want me to take into consideration.
Cedric Rolfsson
Jun 21 2007, 09:51 PM
WR- Ya, go ahead, I've got most of my gear in the car so i should be ready to roll. I'm wondering who has the HK227 we picked up from the Yak? Either way one of us should bring it along.
Jun 21 2007, 09:56 PM
You probably have it, Dragon has his own SMG so he wouldn't have taken it. Erebus seems like the scavenging type. And I mean that in a good way.
Jun 23 2007, 12:51 AM
Everyone: I will be away for roughly 36 hours over the weekend. Figure here for about the next 12, then away, then back again late Sunday.
Unrelated but Shadowrun-interesting:
Ex-Marine Kills 300-Pound Bear With LogWinterRat:
You asked what kinds of things Alleycat was looking for, and I had deliberately left it open -- too open, maybe. I always leave it open originally because I don't know what could exist that she could make use of. However, I give some examples here:
* insignia, tactics style, or anything else that could be identifying or self-identification
* anything she's overheard from them in the last turn, even an odd word or two
(ie. anything to suggest who this third group could be)
* degree and type of covering armour, insofar as can be made out. I mean only here -- full military armour? armour jackets? full headgear?
* what they're carrying (ie. literally what is in their hands)
* who's within earshot of whom? (two levels: carrying conversational, and the crack-whip type voice)
[ Spoiler ]
... that has enough emotional resonance to be visible astrally, of course. And you might need a roll, some variant of Knowledge odds and ends to see if anything here connects with anything she's encountered; and possibly Psychology to judge best effectiveness of a planned tactic
... and also recognising that there is still a smoke grenade active.
Which reminds me: Alleycat takes a full breath of air and is rationing it a bit over the next combat turn or three, as she doesn't care to be breathing in smoke. She's about to need it
Jun 24 2007, 06:36 AM
Probably no replies from me until Sunday or Monday, just fyi.
Jun 25 2007, 03:04 PM
[ Spoiler ]
John will walk over to the railing and take a look at how the situation is unfolding before answering Alleycat.
Perception (7) -2 for smoke (5):
06 06 05 05 01
Wow! Good roll.
Jun 25 2007, 04:09 PM
WinterRat: I am saving one complex action, even if it means Alleycat doesn't open her mouth again before IP4.
[Edit: okay, three words, no more, no less -- if possible.]
For when you get back, adding to long list in previous post (since I forgot to ask it explicitly): if Alleycat does overhear anything or even pick up on identity, what language do they speak?
Jun 26 2007, 04:35 AM
Got caught up with stuff today, updates/responses will definitely be posted throughout the day tomorrow.
Mister Juan
Jun 26 2007, 04:32 PM
I'm sorry mate. I know I owe you a post. I'll do my best to have it up as soon as I can.
Jun 27 2007, 12:46 AM
Cedric and Grendel - Thorough Dragon post will be up later tonight, going to respond to Sedna and Scrapheap's OOC stuff first.
Jun 27 2007, 04:28 AM
Sorry to be pushing so much. (Waiting patiently.)
Jun 27 2007, 04:41 AM
* insignia, tactics style, or anything else that could be identifying or self-identification |
No identifying insignias or designations, although their tactics and coordination suggest some sort of professional outfit that is used to working together, as opposed to a collection of independent individuals contracting for this specific mission.
They are all dressed in black, military style night operations type clothing.
* anything she's overheard from them in the last turn, even an odd word or two |
No spoken words overheard by her, best guess is they are communicating electronically.
(ie. anything to suggest who this third group could be) |
Nothing that you have picked up so far or that they have given away.
* degree and type of covering armour, insofar as can be made out. I mean only here -- full military armour? armour jackets? full headgear? |
Armor jackets, no headgear, including goggles. This leads to the implication they are at least cybered to some extent, to provide vision enhancements. A quick astral scan confirms headware, as well as some bodyware.
* what they're carrying (ie. literally what is in their hands) |
Weapons. The two by the NW and SW stairs are carrying assault rifles, one of each pair on Catwalks 1 and 3 are carrying a shotgun, the other four are carrying SMGs.
* who's within earshot of whom? (two levels: carrying conversational, and the crack-whip type voice) |
The catwalk pairs are within earshot of one another, but you haven't heard them say anything to each other thus far.
Re spoiler
[ Spoiler ]
"... that has enough emotional resonance to be visible astrally, of course. And you might need a roll, some variant of Knowledge odds and ends to see if anything here connects with anything she's encountered; and possibly Psychology to judge best effectiveness of a planned tactic"
Nothing here is anything she's encountered. From what you can tell though, it does appear the new group's focus is on your little group (Alleycat, Scrapheap, Nora, Lady Dove). For the most part, they've refrained from engaging in the combat on the lower floor except on an 'as needed' basis. Generally, they've headed directly from the west side of the warehouse to the east side.
Since you've been observing this whole time, all comments below regarding John's observations are equally known to Alleycat.
Which reminds me: Alleycat takes a full breath of air and is rationing it a bit over the next combat turn or three, as she doesn't care to be breathing in smoke. She's about to need it |
WinterRat: I am saving one complex action, even if it means Alleycat doesn't open her mouth again before IP4.
[Edit: okay, three words, no more, no less -- if possible.] |
For when you get back, adding to long list in previous post (since I forgot to ask it explicitly): if Alleycat does overhear anything or even pick up on identity, what language do they speak? |
She hasn't heard anyone in the new group speaking yet. The group downstairs is speaking Mandarin Chinese.
Scrap - As far as John can see, things are not looking good for our heroes.
Cao Jaan is badly wounded and obviously staggering to the NE exit.
Knight has fallen into a solely defensive role, trying to escort Cao Jaan to safety.
You can't see the elemental, although Alleycat is more than capable of relaying (if she chooses to) that the elemental is locked in a struggle with an enemy mage from Group A. So at best, it's currently neutralized the enemy mage and can eventually get involved in smashing the mundane foes from Group A. At worst, it buys you some time before being destroyed.
You also can't see Max anymore, so you have no idea where he is or what happened to him.
Obviously Lady Dove and Nora are with you, shaken but currently not physically worse for wear.
You have an unexpected and unknown ally in Alleycat who has just shown up literally out of nowhere. No data available on her usefulness or capabilities, although you're not sure what to make of the crazy idea she just insinuated.
The only bright spot is Blaze and ETG. Despite the enemy pressing in on their position, they're holding the line firmly. It appears that as long as nothing else goes horribly wrong, Cao Jaan and Knight will make it to safety, and given Max's last known position, he should as well. Theoretically.
If you hurry, it's reasonable to expect Scrapheap, Alleycat, Nora, and Lady Dove should be able to make it out the NE exit before it's overrun.
On the bad guys end of things, Group A is pushing hard and has control of 75% of the first floor of the warehouse. They've spread out to make it hard for Blaze or ETG to concentrate their fire on any particular group, and as a result, most of them are still standing. They're also pouring on the assault from multiple angles now, making it harder for ETG or Blaze to counterattack without exposing themselves to someone.
Group B is mostly ignoring everything on the first floor. There's two guys, one on the NW and one on the SW stairwells with assault rifles preventing anyone from heading in their direction or up their stairs. It's fairly obvious they're there to keep people from heading to the second floor.
The guys on the catwalk have (so far) only fired down to the second floor when fired upon. For the most part, once they hit the ground and detached, it seems they've solely focused on heading towards your position. They haven't started shooting at you...yet.
I believe that covers everything for both of you, let me know if I missed anything and I'll reply.
Jun 27 2007, 04:41 AM
Jun 27 2007, 04:50 AM
I'll be on for a while Sedna, so if that's not enough detail for your ever calculating mind, let me know and I should be able to address your concerns/questions fairly quickly.
Jun 27 2007, 05:53 AM
(Terrifying, isn't it?)
Yay, pros. And unless I miss my guess, corporate pros (or a higher level shadowrunning team), who just might be after either Lady Dove or Nora or both. (If we're lucky, they'll want them alive.) I was afraid of that -- but I think (hope) I've allowed for it. I wasn't really planning on coming out of this with any leftover EG points anyway

I wasn't clear in one thing:
who's within earshot of whom? (two levels: carrying conversational, and the crack-whip type voice) - Sedna
The catwalk pairs are within earshot of one another, but you haven't heard them say anything to each other thus far. - WinterRat |
Meant -- who is within earshot of Alleycat? (same parameters)
So at best, it's currently neutralized the enemy mage |
Neutralised -- meaning what, as nearly exactly as Alleycat can tell? Also, Scrapheap can't make out the elemental -- but can our incoming opposition? Can they see the mage? Sorry, WinterRat: but I do need as close to specifics as I can, here. I'll relay information after Scrapheap's post, if I have words to spare!
May have to write up an observational post based on what you've described -- maybe not tonight though.
Do I get my three words over and above the complex action?
Jun 27 2007, 06:07 AM
Meant -- who is within earshot of Alleycat? (same parameters) |
None of Group B has been within earshot of Alleycat at any point in time. By the time they entered the fight, Alleycat was already on the East side of the warehouse and out of hearing range.
There's no point in rolling perception either, because I'll flat out tell you they haven't said anything to each other you'd be able to hear, and reading lips is similarly not an option.

Electronic communication to some degree is a virtual certainty, given what you've been able to observe of them so far.
Neutralised -- meaning what, as nearly exactly as Alleycat can tell? Also, Scrapheap can't make out the elemental -- but can our incoming opposition? Can they see the mage? |
Neutralized meaning an enemy mage of Group A is currently tied up with trying to Banish/Destroy the elemental and has not being doing anything else since the elemental arrived on the scene.
Incoming opposition (Group B) - So far you see no evidence that they are acting towards either the elemental or the mage. Maybe they don't see them, maybe they don't care, maybe they feel it's best to let the two of them weaken/destroy one another before they jump in, maybe they're holding back, maybe they think they'll be gone before either becomes a factor. Not enough information for you to tell.
May have to write up an observational post based on what you've described -- maybe not tonight though. |
Was this a post you wanted me to write, or you are thinking about writing?
Do I get my three words over and above the complex action? |
Jun 27 2007, 06:15 AM
Grendel and Cedric - Post is up.
Cedric, if I prevented you from doing something you wanted to, let me know.
My impression was that Erebus was good to go, so I simply made an allowance that Erebus ensured he had whatever he may have needed and left it at that.
Jun 27 2007, 06:17 AM
Incoming opposition (Group B) - So far you see no evidence that they are acting towards either the elemental or the mage [etc] |
Whether or not they do see them, are they in a position to be able to see them?
Reason I'm asking about earshot, WinterRat --
I'm no longer thinking in terms of her being able to overhear them. You'd already made it clear they were probably communicating electronically anyway.
I'm thinking in terms of them being able to hear her.
They're moving toward us, so they should maybe be entering hearing range? (again, same parameters)
And the post is one I should probably write, once we have the information hashed through.
Jun 27 2007, 06:54 AM
Group B is in a position to see the elemental and the magician.
Ah, I understand your question now, I was thinking of it predominantly as a one-way thing.
From where they're at, they will not be able to hear Alleycat. With the wind, rain, gunfire, assorted crashes, and yelling from the first floor, it's just not happening, even with hearing enhancements.
The only way I'd even let them roll is if you started screaming from the top of your lungs with some kind of voice modulation/enhancement and they had audio enhancements as well.
Even moving towards you, hearing range is a lot closer than where they are now; it would require probably about melee combat range to hear someone talking in a normal speaking tone.
Jun 27 2007, 03:54 PM
Ah, I understand your question now, I was thinking of it predominantly as a one-way thing. |
I thought you might
Even moving towards you, hearing range is a lot closer than where they are now; it would require probably about melee combat range to hear someone talking in a normal speaking tone. |
Understood. I'm definitely thinking the crack-whip stage voice now. Can you give me a sense of appropriate distance for that? Are any of them likely to enter into it by IP4? If Alleycat moves into the smoke, would that help?
This is going to be tight -- could you, or anyone, please help me with the rules re defence v. multiple defenders?
[ Spoiler ]
Also now thinking additionally about whether it's possible to move -- obviously at speed! -- between two or more of them, likely those two right behind the smoke, and, in missing her, get them to shoot each other despite the probable smartlink. That's not the primary choice, especially against those weapons, but could potentially make a useful additional confusion.
Jun 27 2007, 04:16 PM
Close aboard movement during the combat round invites a melee attack, see Interception on p.151. I would say that only on a glitch would either attacker have a chance of hitting the other rather than missing and having their rounds sail off into space with little to no effect.
Jun 27 2007, 04:35 PM
That works. (Well, it doesn't, completely

but it does answer most of my question.) Thank you -- I'd been hunting and not finding.
The other part was vaguely remembering something about attacking multiple targets splitting dice pools, but the defender allowed each time to roll full pool? But darned if I can find the reference!
Off-computer for a few hours due to severe weather. (Rain! We need it so badly ... if it doesn't come along with too much damage.) Back after that.
Scrapheap -- priority's on you in any case? (and, very soon after, on Slipshade again?) It sounds insane, I know -- but there is method in my madness; and wouldn't it be something if we could pull it off?
Jun 28 2007, 11:30 AM
Still awaiting an answer to that question two (of my) posts up re estimates of future movement and range -- would it be appropriate maybe just to use standard MG radius effects? though I still need to get a sense as to how fast they are moving -- but I think that's all the questions you'll get from me. (At least, that are answerable by you.) Once I get this answer I'll write up a small environmental Warehouse post, by way of a bit of summary.
However, I think we're mostly waiting on Scrapheap and Slipshade/Max? Your choice whether directly IC, or take advantage of the WinterRat's OOC offer.
(Not pushing -- I know you have major life things going on, and I'm in a position to understand what that can mean -- but I just want to ensure that no one's waiting on me. Call it a small vow to myself.)
Jun 28 2007, 01:51 PM
I don't have time for a full post right now, but I can tell you that if John thinks that he can get out the regular exit if they hurry, there's no way he's going to be willing to risk Nora going up the cable to the matter how cool it would look.

I'll try to get an IC post up later to keep things moving.
Cedric Rolfsson
Jun 28 2007, 01:59 PM
Nah, I had everything I needed in the car already, including a change of tighty-whiteys
Jun 28 2007, 06:53 PM
WR1 - Max is just going to head for the door and try to stay out of the line of fire knowing that others probably cannot see him at the moment. Should I just post Max's actions out of order since they don't really have any bearing on anyone else at the moment?
Jun 28 2007, 08:09 PM
Unless I miss my guess, posting Max's actions wouldn't be out of order. Basic running or otherwise withdrawing is usually a free action, after all.
We have no way of communicating with Max yet -- won't for (at best) another combat turn. The urgent discussion here takes place sort of during IP3, dropping out of strict combat time briefly.
You're looking at a timestamp of between 01:00:06 and 01:00:09 Wednesday, 10 January, 2063 - A Warehouse in the Barrens; with the new turn to kick in 01:00:10? WinterRat, double-check me on that, I can't find the post quickly.
Max may even have reached Blaze and ETG by then!
Scrapheap -- understood both IC and OOC, even if wincing! which is why I'm not playing the "but we badly NEED it for California!" card. (I doubt we'll ever be given such a good opportunity or odds again.) Still, the nature of combat situations is fluid. We'll see what your decision ends up being.
Jun 28 2007, 11:48 PM
Still awaiting an answer to that question two (of my) posts up re estimates of future movement and range -- would it be appropriate maybe just to use standard MG radius effects? though I still need to get a sense as to how fast they are moving -- but I think that's all the questions you'll get from me. (At least, that are answerable by you.) |
Are these the two questions you're referring to:
Understood. I'm definitely thinking the crack-whip stage voice now. Can you give me a sense of appropriate distance for that? Are any of them likely to enter into it by IP4? If Alleycat moves into the smoke, would that help? |
If you move into the smoke, the two who are on Catwalk 2 on the other side of the smoke would likely hear you with a crack-whip stage voice. It is unlikely anyone else besides those two will be within hearing range, either you of them or them of you by IP 4.
As far as a sense of appropriate distance, what exactly are you referring to? It would help if you gave me some idea of what you're intending so I can give more precise answers.
WR1 - Max is just going to head for the door and try to stay out of the line of fire knowing that others probably cannot see him at the moment. Should I just post Max's actions out of order since they don't really have any bearing on anyone else at the moment? |
Yes, go ahead and post Max's actions. For the time stamp, use the time that will overlap the 'free' time I gave Scrapheap and Alleycat to talk.
Basically all you're doing is just ducking and running to the door as fast as you can, trying to get to safety while not drawing attention to yourself, correct? I'd be hard pressed to imagine Max suddenly getting hardcore and slinging spells around like Karl Kombatmage.

Posting returns to 'Combat Time' at
01:00:12, so you can end your post at that time Slip.
OK then, let me see here:
Scrap, Slip, Sedna - Think that answers all questions you guys had for me. Let me know if I missed anything.
Vegas - IC post will be forthcoming today or tomorrow, I'm not rushing cause I know you're busy and your last post was a bit open-ended.
Grendel & Cedric - To my knowledge, I'm currently up to date.
Jun 28 2007, 11:52 PM
GenCon PlanningHey Everyone, couple quick things.
1. Can we get a confirmation from everyone who will be at GenCon? We don't want anyone to show up and miss us because we weren't aware you were coming!
2. Who is planning on sharing a hotel room? I know Vegas and Mister Juan are, and then Ronin, Bandit and I jumped in on sharing the room with them. Bclements and Morgannah voiced a desire to do so as well, but with 7 people should we maybe start thinking about 2 rooms?
Let's get a count of who's definitely interested in sharing a room and then figure out if we need to grab another one and get a point person to start on doing so if necessary.
3. Are we willing to start trading cell phone numbers with each other? We're going to need to find each other when we start arriving, and I don't feel like going up to everyone and asking, 'Hi, are you bclements?'
Jun 29 2007, 01:25 AM
I will be there; got my own room. Just have Grendel flag everyone down. With his getup he'll attract Dumpshockers like deckers to a Fairlight.
Jun 29 2007, 02:03 AM
Okay to ask about non-GenCon stuff in here?
You've mentioned IP4 a few times -- are you meaning the next combat turn (fourth, by my count), or the fourth initiative pass of the current one? Just needing clarification.
The answers you've given me are precise enough, I think: but I'm bogging down a bit in the mechanics, and so I'm asking for a judgement call prior to committing. Based
solely on (1) Alleycat's LG/tactical sense/observations and (2) proper interpretation of the rules, I would like to know if this is possible:
[ Spoiler ]
(1) Three words as a free action.
(2) Moving over to the smoke cover using Stealth -- free action?
(3) When she knows she's comfortably within whipcrack voice distance of those two but not yet out of the smoke (and, per your description, out of earshot of anyone else), Commanding Voice -- the complex action I was saving: Jump down -- KILL that mage! For this one, I ask, because the only mage that should be visible from their perspective is the triad mage involved with the elemental. Blaze isn't a mage, but should also be hidden from them by the smoke. I really need to know if this command would target appropriately. (-1 die for the extra target.)
(4) Drop an item more or less on top of them -- free action.
Oh, and I'd also like to know if one of the ropes is near the smoke cloud -- contingencies, contingencies. Where in the book would I find a base climbing speed? Best I've found is the Climbing Table on p.115, which only gives whether climbing is successful or not, no sense of time. Oh, and a mention that rappelling is a lot faster than climbing up -- which doesn't really help without the baseline.
When does all this GenCon stuff actually start anyway? or did it ever really stop?
Jun 29 2007, 02:37 AM
Sedna - I can't find the original reference to 'IP 4', but I am not sure what its origin is. In any event, it should be Combat Turn 4, which refers to the next Combat Turn.
[ Spoiler ]
Responding to each point in turn:
1. No problem
2. Assuming you're walking/sneaking as opposed to running, this would require no actions.
3. You will have no idea how they would respond to this command. It would be reasonable to assume they will try to kill someone (assuming you succeed) since it's probable for them to have identified the Triad, Knight, or Blaze as magicians by now.
However, Blaze is not necessarily safe if you give this command, even with your wording. He may be a shaman as opposed to a mage, but to them (the strike team) that's nothing but semantics. It's entirely probable that from their point of view, anyone who casts spells is a 'mage'. Plus, as mundanes, they would have no way of consciously being able to make a distinction between who is a 'mage' or 'shaman' unless someone told them. If you give them that specific command, it's anyone's guess who they'll target among the Triad, Knight, or Blaze. Max is exempt from consideration because they can't see him, thanks to his City Spirit's Concealment.
The command will target appropriately, that is, the two guys on the other side of the smoke cloud.
Note that due to earlier confusion about 'IP 4', you didn't need to 'save' a complex action per se, this would just be your action for Combat Turn 4, IP X (whenever you actually get around to doing this).
4. No problem, your second free action.
The ropes are blowing around in the wind. Since the helicopter is hovering approximately over the intersection of catwalks 2 and 4, ropes are periodically blowing through the smoke cloud.
As for time, I think Climbing is intended to be calculated in turns of Combat Turns, not minutes and seconds. In this situation, since you're trying to climb about 15 meters (10 from the second floor to roof, 5 from roof to helicopter itself), per pg. 115, the threshold would be:
Unassisted Climbing Upwards = Distance in Meters X 1.5 = 15 * 1.5 = Threshold 23
I would allow you to make a test every Initiative Pass you spend a complex action to climb (as opposed to once per Combat Turn, which is the stated interval on pg. 115), so however many Complex Actions it takes you to get 23 successes, that's how long it would take you to climb to the helicopter.
Jun 29 2007, 02:40 AM
I don't know when the GenCon stuff started and I don't know if it ever really stopped. Grendel's the guy to ask on that.
You up for sharing cell phone numbers Cthulhu? Not in the thread, just via PM or something? I don't feel like asking everyone if they're 'Cthulhu' either.
The funny part is most of the people at Gencon will know exactly who/what I'm referring to, and the even funnier(?) part is that a good number of those people would probably be flattered to be mistaken for him.
Or does Grendel know who you are and can point you out to us?
Jun 29 2007, 02:48 AM
I'm up for trading cell phone numbers if y'all promise to call and leave horribly dirty messages full of heavy breathing... I mean uhh... so y'all can know who I am... and find the room if yer crashing with me

@WR - no biggie on the post.. no hurry at all.
Mister Juan
Jun 29 2007, 02:57 AM
I'm still not 100 sure if I'll be able to make it to GenCon... lots of things happening on my end, but I'll do my best.
Jun 29 2007, 03:07 AM
Urgh -- I feel so awkward, interrupting your GenCon anticipations with game mechanics. But we do want to keep this moving? And knowing it's coming up on Combat Turn 4, that fully frees up both Scrapheap and Slipshade.
But please explain the map to me?
I did understand semantics; which was why I focused on visibility and "Blaze isn't a mage, but should also be hidden from them by the smoke." (You're distracted. Usually you'd catch that distinction

) So with a slight rephrasing from before:
the only recognised magician that should be visible from their perspective is the triad mage involved with the elemental. |
I see Blaze and ETG as bunkered down in the NE corner; the two guys on the catwalk that we're talking about around midway west side of the smoke cloud (which you've drifted down to the main floor); and the Triad mage also on the west side of the smoke cloud.
Thus, shouldn't the only recognised Awakened type that's visible from their perspective be the Triad mage?
Fyi -- climbing is not a realistic option unless we get some major concealment and at least some support going. (It has occurred to me that smoke rises.) This particular contingency is to pull on Gymnastics to tuck under the catwalks using the ropes, either to drop or to add the catwalk itself as additional cover (if necessary).
Jun 29 2007, 03:23 AM
I'm up for trading cell phone numbers if y'all promise to call and leave horribly dirty messages full of heavy breathing...I mean uhh... so y'all can know who I am... and find the room if yer crashing with me |
You know, I do have your cell phone number already, so if you are in denial about your desire to receive random dirty messages with heavy breathing, let me know and I'll do my best to oblige you.
Note: TOTALLY kidding about that. As an engaged man, I would not partake in such an activity. Unless I was paid to do so. Barring that, I would have to find one of my single friends to do it on my behalf.

I'm still not 100 sure if I'll be able to make it to GenCon... lots of things happening on my end, but I'll do my best. |
NO! I have been looking forward to my first sighting of a drunken Quebecois trying to play Shadowrun for the past several months!

Oh, and I was looking forward to meeting you too, Mister Juan.
Jun 29 2007, 03:37 AM
Sedna -
B2 on the Map can still see Knight and probably can see/has seen Blaze as well. Remember that the map shows their positions at the start of Combat Turn 4, IP 1. Both B2 and B5 arrived during Combat Turn 3, which means they had some time to check the place out before moving to their current positions and before the smoke grenade went off.
I didn't forget you mentioned Blaze was hidden by the smoke grenade, it simply wasn't relevant. They would have seen him and possibly identified him earlier in the fight upon arriving.
Wait. I see the confusion now. The smoke on the first floor is a smoke grenade from a previous smoke grenade that was set off earlier in the fight. It is not smoke from the smoke grenade that was just set off in Combat Turn 3.
As a result, the smoke you see on the first floor is not smoke drifting down from the second floor, it's smoke that's rising upwards. So it's not a solid wall of smoke that runs from the second floor down to the first. There are two separate smoke clouds, both of which are rising; from the first to second floor, and second floor to the roof, respectively.
I agree this definitely results in an obscured view of Knight and Blaze, but since both B2 and B5 had time upon arriving on the second floor but prior to the smoke grenade on Combat Turn 3 going off, they still would have seen over the first floor smoke cloud (which wouldn't have risen to obscure the view from the second floor yet) and there is a reasonable chance they would have identified Knight and Blaze as magicians by now.
Remember, I'm not saying they definitely wouldn't attack the Triad mage, nor am I saying it's improbable they would attack the Triad mage. I'm simply saying you can't know in advance for certain how they'll respond to the command, since it's not a hypnosis/mind control thing so much as an instantaneous magical subliminal message. It's entirely possible, depending on the dice rolls, they may just stand there confused. Or they could blow the Triad mage away. Or any number of other possibilities, depending on rolls.
OK then, does that explanation of the map clear things up?
Jun 29 2007, 03:49 AM
Got it. And thanks for identifying the point of confusion -- I'd entirely missed that.
And with your help, I understand Climbing now!
Give me a few minutes to think about this -- aka back to your regularly scheduled GenCon dreaming, already in progress. [/envy]
Jun 29 2007, 04:04 AM
Hey, just as high on my list of 'RPG-related things I'm looking forward to' is our get-together at your house one of these days in the future.
Role-playing with a bunch of people I'm meeting face to face for the first time in the middle of the wilderness, where power can go out at any time and drinking water is just a walk to the well away? I'm totally in.

Possible Bonus: In the event that we're snowed into your house and stranded due to inclement weather, if I have to be stuck with a bunch of people I'm meeting for the first time in the middle of nowhere, having said bunch of people be hardcore gamers is always a plus.
Mister Juan
Jun 29 2007, 04:22 AM
QUOTE (WinterRat1) |
QUOTE | I'm still not 100 sure if I'll be able to make it to GenCon... lots of things happening on my end, but I'll do my best. |
NO! I have been looking forward to my first sighting of a drunken Quebecois trying to play Shadowrun for the past several months!  Oh, and I was looking forward to meeting you too, Mister Juan. |
Frankly, its mostly the fact that renewing one's passeport here takes about 3 months.... and I'm starting to doubt it'll be back before GenCon.
And theres that whole money thing about planes and stuff

But GenCon is pretty high up on my list! I would get to try my hand at my first live SR game IN ENGLISH which would be totaly weird! I could always play a french character... I'm usually great a doing one of those REALLY french accent in english.
Anyhow; if I do get my ass down there I expect you all to drag me out of the nearest pub when I pass out. Then we'll start a game.
Jun 29 2007, 05:08 AM
GenCon is the 16th through the 19th of August. I'll be arriving in Indy on the evening of the 15th. So far my schedule is similar to last year in that I'll be stuck with the tournament on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday evenings. But the same deal goes as previous years: I'll run the game as long as the Mt. Dew is supplied.
Jun 29 2007, 05:32 AM
So I have almost two months ahead of me of listening to everyone eagerly anticipating this? Well, I'll look forward to the pictures and the war stories.
Oh, missed this:
Note that due to earlier confusion about 'IP 4', you didn't need to 'save' a complex action per se, this would just be your action for Combat Turn 4, IP X (whenever you actually get around to doing this). |
No, it does need to be during the previous turn, and thus a saved complex action. The reasoning is that whatever else, it (hopefully) eats their first CT4 IP1 actions -- and leaves mine free.
And re house -- that's just being sadistic! Too true -- but sadistic nonetheless. The get-together will happen, but at a much more reliable house -- eventually.
Jun 29 2007, 09:48 AM
Frankly, its mostly the fact that renewing one's passeport here takes about 3 months.... and I'm starting to doubt it'll be back before GenCon. |
Lousy government bureaucracies!

And theres that whole money thing about planes and stuff |
You're in Down in the Gutter, for crying out loud! You must be coming up with all kinds of new and creative ways to make money!
Here's one to get you started if your brain is stuck for methods to fund your trip: Organlegging.

But GenCon is pretty high up on my list! I would get to try my hand at my first live SR game IN ENGLISH which would be totaly weird! I could always play a french character... I'm usually great a doing one of those REALLY french accent in english. |
Oh the HAVE to come. Must hear...native French speaker...come up with French accent in English...
Anyhow; if I do get my ass down there I expect you all to drag me out of the nearest pub when I pass out. Then we'll start a game. |
I'm already buying you two drinks to help you down the road to passing out when/if you get here; but if you make it, I'll
carry your passed out self back to our gaming location if need be.

But the same deal goes as previous years: I'll run the game as long as the Mt. Dew is supplied. |
I speak from experience, a Dewed up Grendel who has been running games for the last 3 days straight starting an SR game at 1am is priceless.

So I have almost two months ahead of me of listening to everyone eagerly anticipating this? Well, I'll look forward to the pictures and the war stories. |
Yes. Yes you do.
Don't worry, we'll take pictures for you and tell you all about it when we get back.

And re house -- that's just being sadistic! Too true -- but sadistic nonetheless. The get-together will happen, but at a much more reliable house -- eventually. |
You mean we won't have to game in what would feel like a location out of the 1800's? Outstanding. Somehow it would just feel weird to be playing Shadowrun by candlelight.
Jun 29 2007, 09:49 AM
Oh, missed this:
QUOTE | Note that due to earlier confusion about 'IP 4', you didn't need to 'save' a complex action per se, this would just be your action for Combat Turn 4, IP X (whenever you actually get around to doing this). |
No, it does need to be during the previous turn, and thus a saved complex action. The reasoning is that whatever else, it (hopefully) eats their first CT4 IP1 actions -- and leaves mine free.
And on an actual serious, non-scattered note, that makes sense. Very well then, we'll pick up the action on CT 3, IP 4, with your saved complex action. It's your job to remind me, so make sure you do so when our 'Combat Time' resumes.
Jun 29 2007, 03:25 PM
QUOTE (grendel) |
But the same deal goes as previous years: I'll run the game as long as the Mt. Dew is supplied. |
So this makes me wonder if airport security would look at me strangely and pull me aside if I checked the bag with all the clothes and just brought a 24-pack cube of Mt. Dew as my carry-on?
Jun 29 2007, 03:51 PM
I'll be at Gencon, helping run SR Missions, the Scramble and part of the tournament, I'm likely to get there Wednesday. Looking forward to seeing everyone there.
@WR1 You have the same cell number as last year?
Mister Juan
Jun 29 2007, 10:09 PM
Man... I so hope I can make it.
Does GenCon allow for picture taking and stuff, or does one need to get a press permit for that kind of thing (for events, here in Quebec, you almost never need one, but I have no clue about the States), since I would sure love do mix pleasure and work.... Maybe I could sell a few shots back and pay for some of my drinking expenses that way

And yes, like most of you probably know, I work as a photographer.... so when I show up, expect me to take a few mug shots
Jun 29 2007, 11:21 PM
Hey, I do have indoor plumbing, I'll have you know! It's even reliable. However, the water is pumped up from the well using an electric pump ...
Jun 29 2007, 11:37 PM
Sure I'll give out my cell, just shoot an PM to me if you want it. I'd tell you to ask for Steve but there are probably a million of those too. And I doubt Grendel knows me, but I AM one of the 2004 grand champions of nuns with guns tournament winners, so he really ought to in my opinion. Maybe some fear and respect even.