Jun 3 2006, 08:34 PM
The actual building is set toward the back of the lot, leaving most of the acreage for parking space. The lot's fully fenced (chain link), with some razorwire on top around the gate and toward the back where the building comes close to the fence. There are security cameras by the gate, which has a keypad for entrance, but no other obvious ones. There aren't any drones patrolling at the moment, either.
As for cars, there's a C-N Patrol 1 with "SECURITY" marked around it parked near the front entrance of the building. About seven to ten other passenger cars (Honda Spirits and Mercury Comets in various stages of repair) are parked close to the building also. The cargo trucks look to be a mix of Bulldog and Workhorse cargo hauling varients, mainly short range and intracity medium-hauling trucks. There aren't any markings on these vehicles. Vedic can't see the cargo vans' plates, but he can make out the cars from where he's at.
The sign shows the leasing agent as a Lisa Hammarich, as well as a contact LTG number.
Jun 4 2006, 12:22 AM
Bclements and Mister Juan - You are now active and in control of your respective NPCs.
Slipshade, Scrapheap, Bclements, Mister Juan - Any of you are free to post at this point and may post at will/as appropriate.
Important AnnouncementAt this time, for all intents and purposes, all NPCs controlled by my volunteers are considered to be PCs for the purposes of the Character Interaction Guidelines. Therfore, the character interaction guidelines ARE CONSIDERED TO BE IN EFFECT for not only John and Max, but ALL player controlled NPCs as well. Let me know if you have any questions about this.
(Note: That's basically me saying that no matter how intense/aggressive conversation gets between the PCs, volunteer NPCs, and upcoming volunteer NPCs [ETG and Blaze] I don't want any of you randomly pulling weapons on each other and gunning each other down.
Jun 4 2006, 08:08 AM
WinterRat1 has asked me to take over organizing the Living in the Shadows gathering at GenCon Indy this year. The con is a busy time and we don't want to interfere with anyone's ability to participate in scheduled events. I'd like to make the initial plan to gather at 1800 in the Shadowrun Room. It's not published in the current event catalog, but it'll be apparent in the program. The 1400 games should be finishing up, and the tournament doens't start until 1900. If people are available we can do dinner that night or possibly Saturday night. Plans are flexible. Stay tuned for more information as the Con approaches.
Mister Juan
Jun 4 2006, 08:10 AM
I wish I could go.... but it's so.......... far.....
Jun 4 2006, 04:28 PM
The initial plan is on Thursday?
Jun 4 2006, 06:47 PM
Friday. I'm anticipating people not being able to travel on Wednesday in order to arrive in time on Thursday. If everyone's going to be available on Thursday, though, we can meet earlier.
Jun 5 2006, 03:09 PM
Slip –
I was reading the posts so far, and I wanted to clear something up for the volunteers and myself. If I am reading you correctly, this is how your post breaks down:
This part is Max’s explanation of how he and John ended up at Mr. Cao’s:
"Hopefully not much to tell you the truth. Two days ago my friend Keira McKay was abducted from The Respite Soup Kitchen. I do not know why, but I think it has something to do with a clinic. I tracked her and another girl astrally to this location where their trail ended at the Astral Barrier set up outside. My friend and I did some legwork and found that you and your people here seemed to be on the up and up, so we wanted to know what you know about our friends." |
This part is just Max giving a description of what Keira and Nora physically look like:
Max proceeds to give their hosts a full description of both Keira and Nora and waited to see how they responded. |
So as far as Knight, Mr. Cao, and Lady Dove are concerned, the first part is all that Max told them about the events of the last several days. You are not trying to say that Max has told the trio everything that has happened since this all started, ONLY what he revealed in the first section, which he then follows up with a complete physical description in the second section. Am I correct in understanding your post?
BTW, this is just so the volunteers and I have a clear understanding of what Max actually said (since you didn’t write everything out, which is perfectly fine and understandable, I just want to make sure we’re all in agreement on what you meant) so we know how to respond appropriately. Please confirm or clarify my breakdown. Thanks!
Volunteers – Feel free to not wait for a response from Slip before posting if you are ready to respond, since you now have free reign to post. This is just me seeking confirmation for myself, and for you in the event that you felt you needed it. Misunderstandings do happen after all so it’s ok if your post reflects confusion, misunderstanding, the desire for clarification, etc., but I want them (any misunderstanding/lack of clarify) to be limited to IC interaction, not OOC discussion.
Jun 5 2006, 03:13 PM
Just so everyone knows, Bandit, Ronin, and myself are planning on attending GenCon and of course the LITS get-together this year. If anyone has any comments or anything to contribute about making the LITS get-together run smoother, please feel free to post or talk to Grendel. We’d really like as many people as possible to come, which is why we’ve been starting this so early. Hope to see you all there!
Jun 5 2006, 03:54 PM
WR1 - You are correct. I just told them why we are at the Warehouse and not every step of how we have gotten there. Max is being purposefully vague at the moment while still trying not to be dishonest.
And yes, I am giving them a full physical description of Nora and Keira.
I will try not to be so vague next time I post.
Jun 5 2006, 04:06 PM
No worries, just wanted to clarify because the more I read the post the more I wanted to be sure exactly what you meant. Thanks for clarifying!
BC and Mister Juan - It's on you two now. Lady Dove is going to keep silent for the time being.
Mister Juan
Jun 5 2006, 06:41 PM
WR1- Got it. I'm just letting BC get first dibs on the conversation. As soon as he has something up, I'll jump in.
All- Most of you probably know that I've picked up the LitS post compiling. Since I'll have a good chunk of free time this summer, I've decided to improve the whole website. I know there's been a project to list all the major NPCs in the game, but it hasn't been done yet: this is why I need your help. I would very much appreciate it if everyone took a few minutes out their time to write up a list of what they would consider the "supporting cast/important NPCs" their character has met. There is no hurry, and I'll probably get around to doing it myself at some point, but it would save me a lot of time and effort
Also, if any of you would like to add pictures, background stories, short stories, whatever to your character's page, just send them my way (either PM or email)
Jun 5 2006, 07:13 PM
Mister Juan - Did you just want a list, or did you want any details besides, like a short description or something? Also, did you want a more complete/separate list from the GMs?
Mister Juan
Jun 5 2006, 07:17 PM
Now that I reread my post... yea... my demands weren't the clearest.
All in all, I'll take whatever the players would like to give me. If it is simply a list of names, thats quite alright. A small description attached to each name would probably also be neat, but that is if people have the time.
As for the GMs... I don't hink any should "reveal" their NPC notes. We wouldn't want to give players too much insight into the people they meet.
Jun 5 2006, 07:36 PM
If you really want us to, it would not be hard for the GMs to limit their descriptions of their NPCs to 'public' information. For example, pretty much everyone knows Zeyda has his meets at Miner's Landing, for example. Physical descriptions or personality descriptions wouldn't be so bad either, as long as it was stuff 'everyone' knew.
In the end, it's up to each GM how much they reveal of course, but it would probably help if we knew what you plan on doing with the info. Are you just putting up a 'character dossier' section that would be so when people read, they know who the characters are, or is it something more?
BTW - Not to knock Sedna's picture she found for Sybersnake or anything, but if I could change it to a picture of Jessica Alba, that might help make Dragon's girl dilemma a lot easier. (Not to mention give me a reason to visit the LITS site that much more frequently.
Jun 5 2006, 07:37 PM
Jun 5 2006, 07:53 PM
Jun 5 2006, 08:33 PM
MJ - I have edited out any non-public information and gave the names of Players or GM's that have more knowledge of the NPC's that Max has interacted with than I do.
[ Spoiler ]
Keira MacKay - Street Contact
Description: A raven haired and green-eyed beauty, Keira most definitely takes after her mother. She is fairly short for an elf standing only 5’ 2”, but has the typically slight frame of her species. Her hair is straight and falls to just above her shoulders. The tips of which are died, the color varies depending on the day and her mood. A stud pierces her right nostel its feux gemstone tends to match her hair color for the day. While working around the soup kitchen Keira dresses functionally, mostly jeans, a t-shirt and a sturdy pair of walking shoes. Her hair is kept tied back in a pony tail and sometimes shoved up under a cap when she is working in the kitchen. When away from work, which isn’t very often, Keira dresses like your typical Trid style, club going sprawl girl. She lets her hair down to fall loosely around her face and neck. Her wardrobe is full of comfortablely worn and ripped jeans and tasteful yet provocative skirts as well as an assortment of t-shirts and baby-dolls, most of which just barely show off her mid-rift. A variety of shoes little her closet, ranging from combat boots to knee –highs to pumps and she almost never goes anywhere without her favorite piece of attire…her real leather jacket. On the rare occasion that Keira needs to dress up for a charity event or fundraiser, she dons one of the few evening gowns that were her mothers, modified and updated by Keira of course.
Personality: Keira MacKay is a driven young woman and takes her work very seriously. She is very independent for a woman her age (She is only 20) and has sometimes single handedly kept the Respite soup kitchen open and running. When dealing with suppliers she can be stern and unwavering, but to her workers and the many squatters and street people she is always kind and caring and ready with a smile and words of hope and encouragement. Keira was home-schooled by her mother, who has recently past on. She is very intelligent and well-educated, a fact that has served her well while negotiating life in the barrens. You have to be smart to survive in the barrens and Keira has learned to use her position in the community to keep an eye out for what is going down on the streets and who it is affecting most.
Background: From the day Keira was born the Respite soup kitchen has been like a second home to her. Keira’s mother lived and worked at the shelter/kitchen since Keira was born. Her mother never talked about her life before Keira was born and it seemed to hurt her whenever the subject was brought up, but what Keira does know is that her mother wasn’t born in the barrens and was highly educated and awakened. Keira’s mother never talked about her father and everyone of Keira’s inquiries were rebuffed. Keira’s mother was a sorcery adept, though not a very good one by her own admission and after taking over for the first owner of Respite she used what little knowledge of the arcane to help heal and treat those she could. It had always taken a lot out of her to work her magic so she only treated the worst cases. Keira’s mother recently passed away at the rip old age of 38 (She died in a car accident while delivering supplies to another soup kitchen in Puyallup) and the work at the Respite fell onto Keira. She was already taking care of most of the day to day operations of the kitchen, so it didn’t take her long to adapt to the extra workload.
Marcus “Maverick” Young – IIN Reporter/Drone Rigger
Description: Marcus is a young man in his late 20’s. With brown hair and hazel eyes (cybered) he is a good-looking guy, still trying to look hip even though he is starting to show his age. Marcus has a deep voice that carries well, which is good for a man that likes to do his reporting in the thick of whatever event he is happening to be covering. Marcus’s typical field attire is form-fitting body armor and varied Vashion Island suits.
Personality: While not yet considered an elite newscaster Marcus’s gung ho daring attitude has made him popular with today’s short attention span youth, who have dubbed him “Maverick” for his daring coverage from inside the sprawl during last years North American Urban Brawl League championship. Marcus uses a number of camera drones to get spectacular shots of both himself and the events that he covers.
Background: Marcus was always enamored with action-adventure Trid reality shows. When Marcus wasn’t in front of the Trid he was usually with his friends trying some inane stunt that inevitably ended with one of them getting hurt. Marcus somehow managed to survive his teenage years and made it into college to study journalism, where he was discovered and offered a job with Independent Information Network as a field reporter, where he has been ever since. Marcus still longs for a huge breaking new story or his own action/reality show he doesn’t really care which one come first.
Libby Chalmers – Head of Seattle Division of The Empowerment Coalition
Description: Libby is in her early 50’s though she looks more like she is in her 40’s. Libby has brown hair she keeps in a short business style haircut. Libby looks like your typical housewife most of the time, even at formal events she only dons business like attire as opposed to the elegant formal wear that many of Seattle’s social elite wear.
Personality: Libby is a quiet person in general, but she has an iron will. When she puts herself behind a project you can bet it will get done. Word on the streets says she has even faced down Kenneth Brackhaven, which tells you a lot about this otherwise plain looking former housewife. (See New Seattle Sourcebook – The Empowerment Coalition)
Background: Libby lost her Troll daughter to the mobs during the Night of Rage. She founded the Seattle chapter of Mothers of Metahumans soon after and has been an avid activist for metahuman rights. (See New Seattle Sourcebook – The Empowerment Coalition)
Dr. Eddie Cheung – Professor of Magical Theory at the University of Washington
Description: One of the only Metahumans still on staff in the School of Magic at the University. Eddie is 52 year old and an enormous Troll. He stands 7 and a one half feet tall and has to have custom fitted clothing to fit his gigantic frame. Eddie has two horns jutting and twisting from the white patch of silvery white hair that adorns his head.
Personality: Eddie is a fun-loving, jovial man, that takes his field very seriously. He loves playing practical jokes on his collegues and students. He takes particular fun in tormenting Lundow Morningwig, who can do nothing to touch the big troll. Lundow may be the head of the department, but Eddie has been at the University longer and has more tenour. That and Eddie threatened to shove Lundow through the mail slot in his office door the first time they met. Lundow has been frightened of him ever since. Eddie has also made a number of large contributions to the alumni association through the years to ensure he will always have a place at Washington U.
Background: Eddie is a Hermetic Mage and has written a number of textbooks on Magical Theory that are used at Universities all over the world. A victim of racism through out his life (Eddie was born a Troll), Eddie survived an Alamos attack during the Night of Rage by burning a number of the polis to a crisp, with a large fireball. After his awakening that night he threw himself into the study of Magic Theory and eventually made enough money by working at a talismonger shop to buy his way into college. Since that time he was continued his study of magical theory and become one of the foremost experts in his field.
Karl Fedderson – Mayor of Snohomish
Description: Karl is in his early 40’s. His hair is black, peppered with grey giving him the distinguished look most politicians strive for.
Personality: Pro-Active Meta-Human rights Mayor. Fedderson is charismatic, idealistic and stubborn. Those traits have served him well as he has received strong opposition from Republican and Arch-Conservative lawmakers. (See New Seattle Sourcebook)
Background: Karl Fedderson was raised with the ideas that metahumans and humans are equals. His father, the former mayor of Snohomish was an avid supporter of metahuman rights, so it came as no surprise when his son Karl Fedderson married an elven woman and because of that, anti-metahuman extremists who believed he was insane to let his son marry a “sub-human” murdered his father. Karl has dedicated his life to pursuing equal rights for all people, human and metahuman. (See New Seattle Sourcebook)
Antoinette Escovedo – Animal Handler at the Fort Lewis Zoological Gardens/Former Student of Max Steiner
Description: Antoinette best described as incredibly cute. She has shoulder length brown hair with blonde highlights and hazel eyes. She stands all of 5’ tall and while she can’t be considered slight of frame, you wouldn’t call her fat either. She wares her weight well. When not at the zoo she usually wares comfortable and lose fitting clothing.
Personality: Bubbly and infectious. Antoinette is a very caring individual and it shows with her work at the Fort Lewis Zoological Gardens. Antoinette usually has a smile on her face and a twinkle in her eye, especially when she talks about her favorite subject…paranormal zoology.
Background: Antoinette is a former army brat and was always being shuffled around the UCAS by her parent whenever her father was transferred. She was mostly home schooled, until moving to Seattle when her father was finally given a desk job at Fort Lewis. She graduated from high school enrolled at the University of Washington to study Paranormal Zoology. Her interest in the subject was peaked after her father had taken her to the Fort Lewis Zoological Gardens as a teenager. Antoinette graduated with honors and applied and received a job working at the FLZG.
Mary Jane Weber – Draco Foundation – Mrs. Johnson
Description: Think Corp powerbroker. Her long hair is kept tightly pinned up in a very business-like corper hairstyle. While likely an attractive woman Mary Jane tries to downplay her looks when she’s on the job. Business suits and briefcases are her standard issue clothing, she keeps her make-up muted and plain, only accentuating her features enough to make you think that maybe if she would just loosen up and let her hair down she could be a striking looking woman.
Personality: All business. Mary Jane takes her job very seriously and is always on the lookout for anything that may be of interest to the foundation.
Background: Mary Jane truly believes in Dunklezahn’s vision of the UCAS. When he died she took it very hard and threw herself into the cause by quiting her job with Universal Omnitech and joining the Draco Foundation where she as become quite adept at finding good freelance talent to take care of items the Draco Foundation believes needs their unique touch.
Daisy – Talismonger – Owner of The Magic Touch (Renton) -Elf
Description: An absolutely stunning elven woman in her mid thirties, though you would never be able to tell by looking at her. She is very classy and elegant and exudes an air of confidence at all times without being pretentious.
Personality: Daisy is a successful, down to earth and kind talismonger and Mage. She is practical and level-headed, but not in a self-serving kind of way. Daisy is a charmer and always leaves her customers feeling they have come away with a good deal.
Background: Unknown.
Thomas Greybow – Eagle Shaman – Cascade Orc
Description: Somewhat short and definitely stocky old orc, Thomas has salt and pepper hair and piercing green eyes that can spot even the smallest details. He dresses in the pseudo tribal dress that is fitting for the medicine man of a small tribe of Cascade Orcs. While getting up there in age Thomas still has the body of an orc 20 years his junior and has thrashed more than one upstart young brave that has gotten out of line.
Personality: A bit of a curmudgeon, Thomas can come across as gruff and abrasive, but if he takes a liking to you, he will be your friend for life. He is a straight shooter and pulls no punches if something about you displeases him. Thomas seems to have a knack for knowing what a person is thinking and is very perceptive with a keen insight into almost any topic of conversation.
Background: The Medicine man of a small group of Cascade Orcs, Thomas has the respect of many of the local tribal chiefs. In his youth Thomas ran with a group of smuggles, using an old model T-Bird to get much needed supplies to some of the more isolated cascade communities and that has helped him and his tribe in there dealings with the varying smuggling rings that permeate Cascade Orc society. After he left the smuggling trade (his leg was badly injured in a crash) he used the money he had saved to get an education. He is one of the foremost scholars of NAN History and he has on occasion in the past given seminars on Cascade history at the University of Washington and has a deep knowledge of anthropology and archeology.
Lundow Morningwig – Department Head of the School of Magic at the University of Washington
Description: A tall man whos short white hair is kept in a crew cut. Lundow still works out everyday even though he is well into his 60’s and does have an odd sort of charisma about him. Lundow dresses in older style business suits and almost feels like he has stepped out of a history book.
Thomas and Helen Steiner – Yamatetsu Employees
Description: Typical Blonde-haired, Blue-eyed wage slaves. Mr. And Mrs. Corporate America.
Personality: Like most wage slaves Mr. And Mrs. Steiner are more worried about how to get ahead, while watching their backs for those lower on the totem pole than themselves. Thomas and Helen love the corporate life and Yamatetsu has been very good to them.
Kenneth Brackhaven – Brackhaven Industries
Description: (See New Seattle Sourcebook)
Personality: (See New Seattle Sourcebook)
Background: (See New Seattle Sourcebook)
Mr. Fan – (See WR1 for details)
Roxy – Security Rigger at One Lincoln Tower
Gloom – Free City Spirit – Hangs out near The Respite Soup Kitchen. Personality fits his name
Melina – Mother of Trancer - Worker at The Respite Soup Kitchen – Former BTL junkie, has since cleaned up her act. Was sent to rehab by Max Steiner.
Trancer (James) – Son of Melina – Street Kid with the potential to be awakened.
Twiggy – See Scrapheap
Nora – See Scrapheap
Tyler – See Scrapheap
Megan – See Scrapheap
Dr. Hideo Ashikawa – See WinterRat1
Sandy, Mark, Rita, James and Cassius – Former Students of Max Steiner
Iris – Decker - See WinterRat1
Robert and Marina Wong – See WinterRat1
Alex Wong – Son of Robert and Marina – See WinterRat1
Cynthia Wong – Daughter of Robert and Marine – Surge – See WinterRat1
Finn – See Scrapheap
Blaze – Shaman that was supposed to help Max Steiner with a ritual, but never showed.
Dr. Michael Kuwanbe – Director of Redwood County Center for the Protection, Education, and Relocation of Metahumans - See WinterRat1
Detective Rick Morris – Lone Star Detective – See WinterRat1
John Silverbird – See WinterRat1
Mr. Cao – See WinterRat1
Lady Dove – See WinterRat1
Jun 5 2006, 08:47 PM
Perception roll for Ludi please.
Also, look for an email from me.
Jun 5 2006, 08:53 PM
Apologies for the slow posting rate; work's been hectic today. Should have most everything caught up by this evening.
Mister Juan
Jun 5 2006, 09:19 PM
Since you didn't say if you wanted visual or hearing, I did an average of Ludi's perception enhancers.
Int (3) + Defaulting (-1) + Perception Enhancers (3) = 5 dices Rolls: 1, 1, 2, 4, 6 Hits: 1 |
Well, so much for checking things out
Jun 5 2006, 09:44 PM
BC -
[ Spoiler ]
In case you wanted to ask or couldn't figure it out from my previous descriptions of Keira, Max's description of her is absolutely dead on to what Cao Jaan knows of her, especially her personality.
Obviously some facts (such as how her and Max met) were not previously known to Cao Jaan, but everything Max stated as a fact is confirmed by Cao Jaan's knowledge of her. Let me know if you have any other questions that might come up.
Jun 5 2006, 09:47 PM
Jun 6 2006, 12:40 AM
For Scrap only please.
[ Spoiler ]
Hey Scrap, I sent you a email detailing his plan for the ambush. I don't want to hold up the IC action, and it looks like it is getting to crunch time. If you need to get ahold of me later email me, or chat with me on google talk. Kelvaris@gmail.com.
It's great to be back everyone.
Jun 6 2006, 12:41 AM
grendel: (5/14 thru 6/4): [3+ 3 GM]: 6
Jun 6 2006, 05:33 AM
Anyone who wants to read -
[ Spoiler ]
Outside the floor to ceiling windows of the dining room of Miner’s Landing a steady rain was falling. It misted across the Sound in gentle translucent curtains, blanketing the city in a soft hush of sound and moisture. Inside, the restaurant was warm, the air laden with the heady scents of roasting meats and freshly baked breads, sautéed vegetables swimming in butter, and chilled, spicy desserts. The wait staff whisked back and forth through the narrow aisles, tending to their assigned tables with low, congenial voices. Silverware clinked against plates, ice cubes tinkled against glasses, and above it all rose and fell the music of human voices, of dozens of conversations butting up against one another in discordant symphony.
Zeyda paused at the foot of the wide winding staircase leading upstairs, his eyes drifting over the scene. The shoulders of his long coat dripped water onto the floor, damp from the short walk through the rain from the parking lot. Next to him stood Rack, one of his bodyguards, in conversation with the dark haired girl behind the coat check counter. It was moments like this when Zeyda missed the old country most of all. Not because of the sights, or the smells, or the sounds, but of the familiarity of the actions, of the people gathered together for a meal. He sighed, glancing over at his bodyguard. Rack nodded, sparing one last caress for the coat check girl before leading his boss upstairs.
In contrast to the open airiness of the dining room below, the Jazz bar was a study in velvet shadows. The bar and tables of dark mahogany drank in the light from the dim overheads, the highlights washed off the brass fittings collected on the floor as puddles of gold and amber. A perpetual haze of cigar and cigarette smoke clung to narrow cones of light.
With a sigh, Zeyda shrugged the long coat from his shoulders and slid into the seat of his usual booth. Court stopped by just long enough to replace the small black ‘reserved’ placard with a cup of strong black coffee. Zeyda smiled his thanks, cradling the cup in his hands and blowing softly across the surface. He watched the tendrils of steam curl up and disappear into the shadows above the table. It was going to be a long night tonight, with a number of meetings to take care of. Not to mention any last minute business that might crop up from his regular clientele. The coffee was still hot at his first sip, bitter and welcome against the chill that lingered from outside.
If it weren’t for the business that called him here every night, this might be his most favorite place. A murmur of notes from the piano on stage brought his head around, and he smiled as the spotlight came up. Aria smiled demurely, brushing a perfectly placed strand of hair back behind her ear in a move that was simultaneously coltishly innocent and breathtakingly sultry. The sequined gown she wore slithered over curves that would have made an angel jealous, and as the piano crooned softly in the background, she leaned in close to the microphone, her blood red lips parting ever so slightly.
More than you know
More than you know
Man of my heart, I love you so
Lately I've found you on my mind
More than you know
Her husky contralto filled the smoky shadows of the bar, counterpointed perfectly by the soft dulcet tones of the baby grand. Her hands caressed the microphone as if it were her lover’s face, her eyes half lidded. Zeyda could feel the charge in the atmosphere, the stir as she let her gaze wander across the faces of the lonely.
Whether you're right
Whether you're wrong
Man of my heart, I'll string along
I need you so
More than you'll ever know
Loving you the way that I do
There's nothing I can do about it
Loving may be all you can give
But darling, I can't live without it
She was a Siren, sheathed in indigo flame, drawing the hearts of everyone in the room to her with the promise of love in her voice. It was the same every time, every night he came to hear her sing. To deal out the vicious truths and lies of his business while listening to a voice that could lull the angels to sleep. He set aside his half-empty coffee cup, recharged now by the warmth and the caffeine. Opening up the interface on his datapad, he tucked the earbud of his phone into his ear. The first call wouldn’t take long.
Oh, how I'd cry
How I'd sigh
If you got tired and said goodbye
More than I show
More than you'll ever know
Jun 6 2006, 03:08 PM
Karma awards for my players
Morgannah: 1 pt (May 10th - Jun 06th)
BClements: 6 pts (May 17th - Jun 06th) [GM Bonus]
WinterRat1: 40 pts (Nov 22nd - March 23rd + May 17th - Jun 06th) [GM Bonus]
BanditF50: 20 pts (Nov 22nd - March 23rd + May 17th - Jun 06th)
TiredRonin: 20 pts (Nov 22nd - March 23rd + May 17th - Jun 06th)
Shadowrunner13: 3 pts (May 17th - Jun 06th)
The Eyes: 1 pt (May 10th - Jun 06th)
Jun 6 2006, 03:28 PM
Grendel - That was a great post! I loved seeing things from Zeyda's point of view. Is there a particular reason you didn't post it in the IC thread? If there isn't, may I suggest posting it in the IC thread so Mister Juan can make sure it (eventually) finds its way into the archives, because it definitely belongs in the history of the LITS-verse.
Jun 6 2006, 03:54 PM
Mostly timing, I didn't want to sort through and find a time that he wasn't meeting with any of the (many) LitS characters who have him as a fixer contact.
Jun 6 2006, 04:30 PM
Just put ?? : ?? : ?? as the time to represent that it could have happened at any point in time. I've done that before. Use whatever day you feel is appropriate, as it doesn't seem to me the post has to happen on a certain day. It really does belong in the IC thread and is too good not be there, in my opinion.
Jun 6 2006, 05:29 PM
So we are waiting on Knight or Lady Dove...correct?
Jun 6 2006, 05:30 PM
Yep yep.
Jun 6 2006, 05:32 PM
Cool, I had to re-read the posts to make sure no one was waiting on me.
Wasn't sure if I missed anything.
Jun 6 2006, 05:39 PM
I'm going to let Mister Juan reply, so you're up Mister Juan!
Jun 7 2006, 12:43 AM
Perception for Vedic:
Intuition + perception + vision enhancements = 9 dice
6, 6, 5, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 1 = 4 hits
Mister Juan
Jun 7 2006, 02:45 AM
QUOTE (WinterRat1) |
I'm going to let Mister Juan reply, so you're up Mister Juan! |
Sorry for making you all wait. Had an "unexpected" turn in my life
I should be back to my usual posting speed before thursday. I'm terribly sorry for delaying the thing. You can waltz on without me if you'd like.
Jun 7 2006, 03:35 AM
It's cool Mister Juan, this is why Lady Dove is here and controlled by me, to help keep the flow smooth and crisp.
Special RuleEffective immediately, no one may post past 00:25:00. Assuming approxmiately 30 seconds each for the next two speakers, what that translates into is that there can be ONLY TWO MORE IC posts TOTAL among all the people in the room (Max, John, Knight, Lady Dove, and Mr. Cao).
I don't care who posts, it's going to come down to whoever posts first in RL. After the second of the two posts, I will be posting a 'story' event at 00:25:00. I'll tell you upfront which two people post (and the order they post in) does not matter as far as having a direct impact on this event.
If you have any questions, please let me know.
Jun 7 2006, 04:47 AM
Lady Dove will not respond to Max. So either Knight, Mr. Cao, or John has to reply.
Side note: I was reviewing John's storyline (just John's) and let me say, holy freaking crap, a LOT of gaming has gone on since LITS started almost two years ago.
In game time, it might not SEEM like a lot has happened, but go back and pick any of the long running characters and try reading through their story. I'm a very fast reader, and believe me, the sheer amount of stuff that's happened in the last few days really made me feel like I was watching someone's life in shadows day by day, with each day feeling just as freaking packed as they have been. It's really neat, and everyone should be proud of themselves for all the quality gaming and stories that have taken place over the last two years.
Jun 7 2006, 03:32 PM
LOL! Yeah, I was sifting through Max's story to find all of the NPC's that Max has interacted with for Mister Juan and wow, there were people that I totally forgot Max even talked with.
It was fun to read though and even made me think that I may want to continue some of the NPC's storylines too.
WR1 - Since Scrap and I posted, I guess we are to wait for your narrative. Correct?
Jun 7 2006, 04:57 PM
Slip - Correct, I'll try to get that post up ASAP so things can keep moving forward.
Jun 7 2006, 05:50 PM
Everyone - You're all free to post at will. Bandit and Ronin are now active and controlling Blaze and ETG (a.k.a. El Trollo Gigante). All character interaction rules previously stated still apply to interaction amongst PCs and volunteer controlled NPCs. Let me know if you have any questions, otherwise posting is once again open to everyone in the scene.
Bandit -
[ Spoiler ]
I rolled perception for Blaze, and he DOES recognize Lady Dove as being Melissa. Remember that she doesn't know who he is though.
Slip -
[ Spoiler ]
Just a note, the time/date stamp for your post on May 25 needs to be fixed. It should be '00:08:10 Wednesday, 10 January 2063' instead of '00:08:10 Tuesday 09 January 2063'.
It's my fault, because you probably copied and pasted my previous post's heading which had the wrong time/date stamp. I went and fixed mine, but I wanted to let you know so Mister Juan doesn't get confused when he goes to archive the posts. Thanks!
Jun 7 2006, 06:57 PM
WR1 - Got it.
Jun 7 2006, 07:05 PM
I see the post and note winterrat. I will put up a response this evening.
Jun 7 2006, 07:08 PM
While John waits for Knight to reply (or something to happen) he's going to try and use Blaze's loud entrance to he and Max's advantage by using his vision magnification to scan the faces of the people out in warehouse. Most of them are probably looking at the door by now, so if Keira or Nora is in the crowd he may be able to spot them.
[ Spoiler ]
Perception: 7 Dice
06 06 06 04 04 02 01
Jun 7 2006, 07:29 PM
[ Spoiler ]
Max is going to project astrally while people are distracted and search for Nora and Keira. At least search for any aura's that match theirs.
Intuition + Assensing (Aura): 6 Dice
02, 02, 02, 02, 04, 05: 1 Hit
Jun 7 2006, 07:50 PM
Slip -
[ Spoiler ]
Two things. First, you've never seen Nora's aura before, so even if she's here, it's extremely unlikely you would recognize her aura. Yes you traced the 'chord' tied to her item, but that's not the same as actually seeing her aura. It's like being in a puzzle factory, seeing a very small piece of a puzzle and being able to identify what puzzle it belongs to. Technically possible, but extremely unlikely.
Second, if you astrally project, it's extremely likely (in fact I can almost guarantee) the two mages will know, along with anyone else looking in the astral, and that may or may not be interpreted badly. I'm not stopping you of course, but those are two things you might want to consider. Let me know if you still want to project and look for Nora and Keira
Jun 7 2006, 07:53 PM
Scrap -
[ Spoiler ]
You do not see Nora or Keira in the crowd. However I also remind you there are multiple offices and areas on the first and second floors which for a variety of reasons, you cannot see into, due to things such as the structural set up, walls, angle, etc. This is a huge warehouse, so obviously you can't see everywhere, but from what you can see, you do not see them.
Jun 7 2006, 08:00 PM
[ Spoiler ]
Yes I realize that it could be interperated that way, but Max is still going to project and look at least for Keira, since he wouldn't know what Nora looks like in the astral. What can I say. He is new to this and it should make for some good roleplaying.
Jun 7 2006, 08:01 PM
oops, double post
Jun 7 2006, 08:03 PM
Slip -
[ Spoiler ]
Go ahead and post your action then and I'll write up a response post to you. Remember time moves VERY slow in astral compared to the mundane world (mostly because everything in the astral moves that much faster) so don't advance the time much. A few seconds tops should do it for each post in the astral.
Jun 7 2006, 08:15 PM
[ Spoiler ]
If Max doesn't see anything he will go through other rooms, but I think I should wait and see if any of the other mages post. They sould have really good reaction times if they go astral as well.
Oh, any dice I can use to boost spell defense I will use. I don't want to attack anything.
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