For the comm.:
[ Spoiler ]
The phone is a slim Novatech that’s fully charged, and new and unused enough to still have the plastic film covering the touchscreen. There is only one entry in the address book; a number for Anatoly. It’s got a standard DNI input, and some proto-commlink functionality; it’ll connect to a Novatech standard wireless network and have use that, and the menu options seem to indicate that you can get ‘trix access through it, but it appears you’ll need a DNI input for that. To Leo, there doesn’t seem to be any customization to the software, or anything loaded other than the standard Novatech branded software.
As for the hardware, Leo’s peeling the ‘fresh from the box’ plastic to it. The OMC slot requires removing the battery (and it still has the plastic blank in it from shipping), but other than that it seems to be just a phone from Leo’s inspecton; however, the backing plate behind the battery requires some screws that it looks like a microelectronics kit would be able to remove.
If you want, you can have Leo perform an extended test on the phone; software for the phone (a DNI cable/datajack will reduce the interval) and hardware test for the actual hardware (you’ll need a toolkit that probably is at any electronics store to look into the guts of the phone).
As for the ‘fat of the land’:
[ Spoiler ]
You’ve got, from
Anatoly’s men (I’ll edit my post to get that in, sorry for that):
-One Ingram SmartGun X; the stock and foregrip are lightly worn, the smartlink shows it to be used (the diagnostics show 2194 rounds fired), but otherwise clean and standard, with 3 clips of standard ammo.
-One armored coat, with what looks and feels like a low (rating 2) level of chemical protection between the liner and the shell of the coat. It’s not new, kind of a faded dark green water-resistant fabric from age and not-great care, hits at the mid thigh, and the Cyrillic on the label says it was made in Moscow.
Anatoly’s phone, mentioned above
Isir’s phone, just a simple candystick phone that looks to be a PCC knockoff of an older Sony design, and has been around the block a few times judging by the nicks in the plastic.
-The Ares Predator that
Isir gave you; very well worn, the bluing has worn off the butt and the slide in places, but still in good working order. One clip of standard in the gun, on clip of gel additional.
Anything I’m missing?
[ Spoiler ]
May 25 2008, 09:45 PM
I wish everyone a safe and happy holiday weekend.
Cedric Rolfsson
May 27 2008, 06:34 PM
WR- Sorry, friend of mine hit on motorcycle last week, he just died yesterday. Will get back to this later.
May 28 2008, 05:16 AM
QUOTE (Cedric Rolfsson @ May 27 2008, 01:34 PM)

WR- Sorry, friend of mine hit on motorcycle last week, he just died yesterday. Will get back to this later.
Dude, I'm really sorry to hear that. Take all the time you need. Grendel and I will still be here when you get back. My condolences to you and your friend's family. Take care.
Jun 6 2008, 06:22 AM
Down comms from 09 Jun 08 to 13 Jun 08. Crazy posting to resume after that.
Jun 14 2008, 03:53 AM
Back online.
Jun 16 2008, 11:57 PM
Sedna and Scrapheap - Still waiting on you two.
Cedric - I don't want to rush you, but do you have any updates on your anticipated return date?
Cedric Rolfsson
Jun 24 2008, 03:03 PM
Ya, I'm back sorry. Mishka was a friend of mine for about the last 15 years. I understand he was struck from behind while attempting to turn into his driveway. Dude, life sucks sometimes.
Anyway, I'm back update me, do I need to do an IC post to get us to the flop house?
Jun 24 2008, 04:05 PM
Cedric - Hey man, really sorry to hear that, that just...sucks is all I can say. My condolences to you and yours, I hope your friend's family is doing ok.
Yeah basically we're just waiting on an IC post from you to take us to the flop house of your choice, where we'll set up and then wait for Grendel to roll us out from there.
Oh and FYI, Vegas is going to be taking over Sybersnake as a PC, so depending on where she's at with her character creation, she (Vegas) may or may not join us for the extraction of Roberto. To be clearer, Sybersnake will be with us no matter what, it's just that she will either be NPC'd by Grendel or PC'd by Vegas.
Jun 24 2008, 04:29 PM
QUOTE (WinterRat1 @ Jun 24 2008, 10:05 AM)

Oh and FYI, Vegas is going to be taking over Sybersnake as a PC, so depending on where she's at with her character creation, she (Vegas) may or may not join us for the extraction of Roberto. To be clearer, Sybersnake will be with us no matter what, it's just that she will either be NPC'd by Grendel or PC'd by Vegas.
Scary thought I know, but right now I'm trying to do the character justice in her build

Might be a little while longer, we'll see what I can do to pull her together on the speedier side.
Cedric - I'm truly sorry to hear about your friend, what a tough and painful loss for everyone who he touched. My heart is with each and every one of you.
Cedric Rolfsson
Jun 24 2008, 05:15 PM
I'll get a post up in the next day or so then.
Ya, I feel bad for his wife, think what it must be like to drive into that driveway and look out on the lawn where he effectively was killed everyday. If it were me I'd sell the dam house and move, I couldn't deal with it.
Jun 24 2008, 07:12 PM
Vegas - Nice to see that you've joined us!
Now where is Scrapheap?
Jul 29 2008, 12:35 AM
Grendel - Is there anything in particular you're going to be waiting on us for, or can we move on to the extraction?
All - Hey Everyone, with GenCon upon us, we'll be having our annual LITS midnight madness game on Saturday night after the Shadowrun tournament is over. If you're interested, let me know and make sure I have your cell phone number so I can give you details.
Bandit, Tiredronin, myself, and Grendel will be there for sure.
DireRadiant and Cthulhu, I assume you two will be at Gencon and joining us as well. Have your cell phone numbers changed or are they same as last year?
Jul 29 2008, 05:06 PM
I will be there, and my cell number is the same. Should be fun.
Jul 31 2008, 03:23 AM
No, nothing more required. Do you need a post from me or do you want to move yourselves into surveillance/ambush positions first?
Aug 3 2008, 07:25 PM
I will be out of town from today, Aug. 3 through Sunday, Aug. 10. I will catch up on everything as soon as possible upon my return.
Aug 8 2008, 12:27 AM
One week until GenCon! Come ready to party, this year's lineup promises to be a doozy!
Aug 8 2008, 12:30 AM
QUOTE (WinterRat1 @ Jul 28 2008, 07:35 PM)

DireRadiant and Cthulhu, I assume you two will be at Gencon and joining us as well. Have your cell phone numbers changed or are they same as last year?
Same number.
Aug 12 2008, 06:23 PM
I will be offline from Wednesday, 13 Aug 08 until Sunday, 17 Aug 08 for Gen Con. See you there!
Aug 13 2008, 10:28 PM
Hey Everyone –
I have good news and bad news.
The good news is I got back safely from my vacation on Sunday.
The bad news is I returned to find my computer had crashed.
Not being tech savvy myself, I can only go with the recommendation of my wife (computer science major) and brother-in-law that my ancient low-tech computer (a.k.a. The Affront to the SOTA Curve) is now best consigned to the scrapheap, and I should move on to the latest and greatest in modern computer technology.
I am only able to have computer access at work right now, and since I’m getting ready to leave for GenCon tomorrow night, I’ve spent most of my time catching up here from last week and getting things in order for when I leave.
I will try to carve out a block of time next week to catch up, even if I have to stay late at work to do so, and to get up and running on a new computer as soon as possible. My brother-in-law is currently hunting one down for me.
Since I’m leaving for GenCon tomorrow night, consider me down comms from this point until I surface again sometime next week. If anyone needs anything or has any questions, feel free to post them and I will get back to you ASAP upon my return.
Aug 18 2008, 01:59 AM
The "covert op" on the girls prep school shall be a cherished memory.
Aug 18 2008, 03:51 PM
"Don't waste my time telling me what your cherished memories are, peasant! I have a train to catch!"
- Something that might have been said by Baron Ngfhiqaugh (need help with the actual spelling Cthulhu!)

EDIT: In case it needed to be said, those of you who weren't able to attend the LITS Midnight Madness 2008 game missed out big time. While I eagerly await Cthulhu's After Action Report, I regret to inform that some of the jokes (such as the one above) were things you kinda had to be there for.
The solution? Start planning to attend GenCon 2009!
Aug 19 2008, 05:36 PM
Ah, I believe you are referring to the world famous and highly esteemed Baron Ndfggduj of Lithuania.
I will see what can be done about a report.
Aug 20 2008, 03:02 AM
Ahh, one of these years when the kids are a little older I will slip out of the house for a week to visit GenCon.
Aug 25 2008, 03:24 PM
Hey Everyone –
My apologies for my continued absence. Work has been really busy lately, leaving me unable to squeeze in time to post, and my lack of a home computer has continued to be a significant obstacle to my ability to post.
I’m going to make time to talk with my brother-in-law this week and finish specifying what I want on my new computer, so hopefully he can put in the order this week, I get my computer next week, and then I’ll be up and running next week or the week after.
That is my projected timetable, my apologies for the continued delay. When/where possible I will try to make time to post, but work has been hectic lately, so that goal is looking less like a realistic possibility and more like a ‘distant hope’, if you will.

Never fear though, I shall return soon!
Aug 25 2008, 03:24 PM
Hey Everyone –
My apologies for my continued absence. Work has been really busy lately, leaving me unable to squeeze in time to post, and my lack of a home computer has continued to be a significant obstacle to my ability to post.
I’m going to make time to talk with my brother-in-law this week and finish specifying what I want on my new computer, so hopefully he can put in the order this week, I get my computer next week, and then I’ll be up and running next week or the week after.
That is my projected timetable, my apologies for the continued delay. When/where possible I will try to make time to post, but work has been hectic lately, so that goal is looking less like a realistic possibility and more like a ‘distant hope’, if you will.

Never fear though, I shall return soon!
Aug 29 2008, 04:18 PM
Positive Update: My brother-in-law has found me a computer and should be ordering it in the next day or so. He says I should receive the computer a week or so after that. So hopefully my absence will not extend past 1-2 more weeks.

Thanks again to everyone for your patience and understanding. Once again I offer my sincere apologies for the delay. I will be back and on track as soon as I am able.
Donum Moriarty
Oct 15 2008, 03:08 AM
You requested two rolls from me.
1) First roll, to cast Improved Invisibility on myself (Force 1):
Spellcasting (5) + Magic (5) = 10 dice = 6,5,5,4,4,3,2,2,2,1
2) Drain Test (DV = 2):
Willpower (4) + Logic (4) = 8 dice = 6,6,5,3,3,2,1,1
If I need to do anything else, just let me know!
Oct 15 2008, 03:48 AM
In SR4, spell successes are limited by the fore of the spell, so a Force 1 Improved Invisibility will only allow one hit and thus anyone who scores more than two hits on a perception test will be able to see through the spell. I suggest at least a force 4. You can reroll with no penalty.
Donum Moriarty
Oct 15 2008, 06:29 PM
QUOTE (grendel @ Oct 14 2008, 09:48 PM)

In SR4, spell successes are limited by the fore of the spell, so a Force 1 Improved Invisibility will only allow one hit and thus anyone who scores more than two hits on a perception test will be able to see through the spell. I suggest at least a force 4. You can reroll with no penalty.
Ok, here we go again.

I will take your advice and go for 4 Force:
1) First roll, to cast Improved Invisibility on myself (Force 4):
Spellcasting (5) + Magic (5) = 10 dice = 6,6,6,5,4,3,2,2,1,1
2) Drain Test (DV = 3):
Willpower (4) + Logic (4) = 8 dice = 6,6,5,4,2,2,1,1
If I need to do anything else, just let me know!
Mister Juan
Oct 17 2008, 07:22 PM
For the meet with Sascha
[ Spoiler ]
Ares Predator IV, quickdraw right hip holster, loaded with regular amoo
2x Ares Predator Clip (1x Regular, 1x Explosive)
Colt America L36 (loaded with Explosive rounds), right ankle conceable holster
Shock Gloves (jacket's pocket)
1x Flash Pak (pant's pocket)
Armor Jacket
Contact Lenses
Autopicker (pant's pocket)
Metal Restraint (small of back)
Wrist Phone
1x Stim Patch (pant's pocket)
1x Antidote Patch (pant's pocket)
1x Trauma patch (pant's pocket)
Pocket Secretary (pant's pocket)
Pack of smokes
She'll drive the Comet, leaving a medkit in the trunk (as always), and stashing the Roomsweeper, under the front seat, with a box of 16 regular rounds.
Ludmilla plans on calling Miki while on her way to the bakery to set up a meeting (or dinner... wtv

Would you like me to write that up?
Oct 18 2008, 03:06 AM
Yes, my next planned event was at the bakery, so if she's calling Miki on the way there, you'll have to initiate that conversation.
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