May 14 2015, 07:57 AM
QUOTE (Aria @ May 13 2015, 05:36 PM)

@TLG: I have to apologise for my lack of input on this thread...I've been neglecting it (spending too much time on the other forum

) but will try and do better!
Haha. Damn you! Forget other threads, we wuz 'ere first!
May 14 2015, 12:39 PM
Declaring - Silkie will 'voice' him again, Cam will probably shoot him regardless of what happens...
May 14 2015, 10:40 PM
@TLG - Al's not really one to wait for consensus.
But of course if Jan or LeFey has another option besides just rushing further into the breach, don't hold back!
May 14 2015, 10:41 PM
QUOTE (Aria @ May 14 2015, 01:39 PM)

Declaring - Silkie will 'voice' him again, Cam will probably shoot him regardless of what happens...
Well, they have the next two actions, soo…I think we can move forward to something for you to think about...
May 15 2015, 12:55 PM
QUOTE (adamu @ May 14 2015, 10:41 PM)

Well, they have the next two actions, soo…I think we can move forward to something for you to think about...
Oh frag!
Quick retcon/addition to your IC, Silkie will scoop up the dropped AK as she heads in...and I've a feeling she'll need it!
Let's hope Vegas comes along and Maus has some kind of devil rat killing aoe spell otherwise we could be about to see the demise of Steamer!?
May 15 2015, 08:37 PM
@Tribes - made the edit.
Ball in y'all's court.
May 24 2015, 12:35 AM
...I forgot you were waiting on a reply from me. -_-; I'm an idiot. I'll get a reply up tonight.
May 24 2015, 09:43 AM
Any way to tell what "castle" means? LeFey has Security Procedures as a Knowledge skill. Corporate, too, and even Psychology, if they might help.
May 26 2015, 12:47 PM
QUOTE (RdMarquis @ May 24 2015, 09:43 AM)

Any way to tell what "castle" means? LeFey has Security Procedures as a Knowledge skill. Corporate, too, and even Psychology, if they might help.
You're probably not far wrong in the castle analogy referring to the data centre, whether it's just 'castle has been breached' or if it's a chess reference...who knows? Seemed sensible to me that sec forces would have some protocols for dealing with a possible comms breach given how likely that is in SR!
Ok, anything that can be seen that could be used to hook Steamer down? If Cam shot one of the pulleys (or more) would the resulting pendulum action dump Steamer in with the rats or would he fall clear due to the tension on the other chains?
@Vegas: Maus got any rat killing spells?!?
May 26 2015, 08:53 PM
QUOTE (Aria @ May 26 2015, 01:47 PM)

Ok, anything that can be seen that could be used to hook Steamer down? If Cam shot one of the pulleys (or more) would the resulting pendulum action dump Steamer in with the rats or would he fall clear due to the tension on the other chains?
Okay, you do not see any obvious (not action needed to see it obvious) access to the mechanism or other tools that look useful.
Anyone that wants to can roll a Perception + Intuition (and + any applicable skill like Industrial Mechanic) - no one down here seems to have noticed you yet, so probably have time to take a good look around as long as you don't move.
I'll base an deeper IC description of the scene based on how the Perception tests go.
As for shooting the pulleys/chains, since he is hung from SEVEN such meat-hook-tipped chains - and they are all spaced equidistantly around him (like bicycle wheet spokes or a spider web), taking one or even probably three seems unlikely to appreciably change his position.
May 27 2015, 01:27 AM
@Aria the only thing Maus can contribute is Mass Confusion at this point... Next purchase, more AoE spells
Jun 2 2015, 02:10 AM
Alright, finally got permissions here, so I'm ready to go when I'm needed.
Here's my sheet.
Jun 2 2015, 06:30 AM
@Aria, Shadowrenamon - were we shooting for Tribes or TLG on this one? Tricky insertion points for either, and both possibly near final scenes…but sure we can find a way to work someone it!!!
I think I need a password or something to access that sheet, though...
Jun 2 2015, 06:45 AM
If it's asking for a password it's just asking you to sign into dropbox. I believe you can just close that little pop up and it'll let you access the file. And as far as which run, what ever one could use an extra person on it, I'm not picky.
Jun 2 2015, 12:23 PM
Sorry - no joy - wants me to sign in to dropbox at least, and to that I need to know my own e-mail password, which, sadly, I forgot years ago.
If you could copy-paste it into a post, or even e-mail it to me: adamur2003@yahoo.com
of course, I only really need to see it if Aria decides to put you into the Tribes game.
I suppose we can wait to see what he says.
Not to fear - despite my computer helplessness, we'll work something out.
Jun 2 2015, 12:39 PM
QUOTE (Shadowrenamon @ Jun 2 2015, 02:10 AM)

Alright, finally got permissions here, so I'm ready to go when I'm needed.
Here's my sheet.Welcome on board! It's probably easiest to assume you were a 'silent' member of the TLG runner team helping out monitoring the matrix around the target site while LeFey went in to do the onsite stuff...so you'll be in a perfect position to alert the team inside that the bad guys are turning up outside in force!!!
I managed to download your sheet

Feel free to read through the IC to date, it's not that long and we'll assume your up to date with what's going on.
Can you add a post to the OoC that I can link with a very basic description of your character for the other PCs to see without needing to go to Dropbox?
Jun 2 2015, 03:24 PM
@Shadowrenamon - Welcome welcome. I think you should be glad you are on the outside! (Although I fear there is matrix-nastiness aplenty lurking about!).
Jun 2 2015, 03:28 PM
@Aria - do you know offhand which post has the map of the current site? Could a link to that be put on page one with the character listings? And, for a cherry on top, could the location of the HRT van be put on it - big parking lot, big site…
@Tribes - still eager to offer a more in-depth description (including any specific information requested) once I get those Perception tests to let me know how exactly much I can give you!
Jun 2 2015, 05:17 PM
Alright, taken from my sheet description section:
He's a scrawny kid, tends to wear clothes with some kind of Matrix connection to them, letting him change their look as he pleases. He tries to be friendly, but is still fairly guarded, not wanting people to know about his past, or where he is; his parents last they heard from him think that he hasn't been at school for over a year.
I'll try and find a way to actually post the sheet, it's odd dropbox is acting like that, never had that issue myself.
Jun 2 2015, 07:21 PM
Sweet, Shadow.
RP-wise, that's all we need.
How about an IC post letting us know what you see - we already know they are setting us up, but the HTR team will be important info…
@everyone - shall we assume we all already knew about the new guy, kept him as an ace in the hole?
Jun 2 2015, 07:39 PM
Alright, first post made, just let me know how we're handling rolls and such.
Jun 2 2015, 08:43 PM
@Shadow - if there is anything you want to do that needs a roll, just go for it here in the OOC - declare what you want to do and put up the numbers - then Aria can adjudicate next time he's online.
Don't be shy!
Things moving forward depends on folks being active and posting!
I'll get an IC up later this evening myself!
Jun 2 2015, 08:48 PM
Alright, well compiling my level 6 sprite got me 4 hits, so just need to see what it gets back against me, and I got another 6 hits for my Fade resistance.
Jun 2 2015, 08:50 PM
@Shadow - sweet - machine sprites are our friends!
Keeping in mind I am NOT the GM in this game, just a co-player explaining how we do things, when I said put up the numbers that includes listing the result of each die rolled - Aria likes them left to right in order rolled so he can add or subtract based on modifiers he determines.
Jun 2 2015, 08:52 PM
Ah, I will try and remember that then. Dice roller in chummer5 doesn't keep a history it seems after it's closed.
Jun 2 2015, 09:02 PM
Whatever gets you there.
I usually use Invisible Castle, but they are down a lot lately.
So I was rolling real dice.
Now I finally figured out how to register on Orokos, so plan to use that going forward.
That's just me.
Rock on!
Jun 3 2015, 12:54 AM
Perception(Visual) on the off chance Ali can pick up anything the guards are arguing about by reading lips?
9d6t5: 3 [9d6t5=5, 6, 3, 3, 4, 5, 4, 3, 1]
Maus' perception of the room, looking for a way to save Steamer.
6d6t5: 2 [6d6t5=5, 4, 1, 4, 5, 1]
Jun 3 2015, 12:40 PM
Cam Perception: 3, 3, 4, 2, 6, 6 = 2 hits on 6 dice
Silkie: 2, 2, 2, 2, 3 = 0 hits on 5 dice (at least it's not a glitch

Jun 3 2015, 04:37 PM
QUOTE (adamu @ Jun 2 2015, 03:28 PM)

@Aria - do you know offhand which post has the map of the current site? Could a link to that be put on page one with the character listings? And, for a cherry on top, could the location of the HRT van be put on it - big parking lot, big site…
I've updated OP with the original image in the locations section of the wiki, step van is outside the right hand entrance to the front building
Jun 3 2015, 10:30 PM
QUOTE (Aria @ Jun 3 2015, 05:37 PM)

I've updated OP with the original image in the locations section of the wiki, step van is outside the right hand entrance to the front building
https://stormy-waters-2075.obsidianportal.c...wikis/data-farmThanks thanks!
So they are going to take a minute or three to even reach us, maybe, while we in turn are moving away from them, deeper into the place.
I've learned never to seriously try to guess what surprises and mayhem you'll throw at us next, but seems at this point like we might reach the files relatively unimpeded, but then find ourselves cornered by a pro team of serious heavies.
That in mind, what Al is thinking is cooking up something just biblically cataclysmic - create massive end-of-60s-Bond-flick confusion in which we might slip out. So he's looking for possibilities with his engineer's eye…
Now me, I have no clue about such things, but off the top of my head, might he see some possibilities in:
(1) Splicing the power lines of a bunch of data racks together in such a way that when he completes the final circuit there are stereotypical showers of sparks presaging huge explosions and fire?
(2) Releasing some sort of flood of freon or whatever from the Cooling Facility portion of the building, creating all sorts of mist and then, yes, showers of sparks presaging huge explosions and fire?
(3) If there are any forklifts or such in here, or if Jan has any plastique (???), pulling/blasting some key supports out of the ceiling (seeing the data farm as a big, cathedral-ish sort of space), causing a catastrophic collapse, which would probably cause showers of sparks presaging huge explosions and fire?
(4) Any infrastructural weaknesses that a properly directed hacker could exploit to cause anything leading to showers of sparks presaging huge explosions and fire?
Massive karma-enhanced juryrigging dice pool standing by...
Jun 3 2015, 10:34 PM
@Tribes - okay, there's the two successes' worth - enough detail, I hope, for you to plan your next move. At the rate the chains are currently moving, you've probably got about a minute, though whether your distraction team can keep things up for that long seems doubtful…
Vegas, took liberties having Maus use Astral Perception (you've got a respectable pool there), just to get some story elements in. Obviously feel free to be in that or back to normal vision as we proceed.
Of course if you all have any specific questions, fire away! (I know clear in GM's head does not necessarily mean crystal for everyone else!)
Jun 4 2015, 12:39 PM
QUOTE (adamu @ Jun 3 2015, 10:30 PM)

Thanks thanks!
So they are going to take a minute or three to even reach us, maybe, while we in turn are moving away from them, deeper into the place.
I've learned never to seriously try to guess what surprises and mayhem you'll throw at us next, but seems at this point like we might reach the files relatively unimpeded, but then find ourselves cornered by a pro team of serious heavies.
That in mind, what Al is thinking is cooking up something just biblically cataclysmic - create massive end-of-60s-Bond-flick confusion in which we might slip out. So he's looking for possibilities with his engineer's eye…
Now me, I have no clue about such things, but off the top of my head, might he see some possibilities in:
(1) Splicing the power lines of a bunch of data racks together in such a way that when he completes the final circuit there are stereotypical showers of sparks presaging huge explosions and fire?
(2) Releasing some sort of flood of freon or whatever from the Cooling Facility portion of the building, creating all sorts of mist and then, yes, showers of sparks presaging huge explosions and fire?
(3) If there are any forklifts or such in here, or if Jan has any plastique (???), pulling/blasting some key supports out of the ceiling (seeing the data farm as a big, cathedral-ish sort of space), causing a catastrophic collapse, which would probably cause showers of sparks presaging huge explosions and fire?
(4) Any infrastructural weaknesses that a properly directed hacker could exploit to cause anything leading to showers of sparks presaging huge explosions and fire?
Massive karma-enhanced juryrigging dice pool standing by...
Everything in this place will be geared towards stopping huge explosions! The best way to achieve what you are talking about would be to bring the roof down (don't be under it at the time!). You could trigger the gas fire suppression system which would give you plenty of cover (but it's toxic!)... you might be able to get the place to overheat by cutting off the cooling, that is likely to release the gas suppression system (which is toxic!)
A note on the 'air lock', Peaches is the wrong side of it currently...and 'lock' is the primary function...so once on one side of it...!!!???
Jun 4 2015, 08:35 PM
QUOTE (Aria @ Jun 4 2015, 01:39 PM)

Everything in this place will be geared towards stopping huge explosions! The best way to achieve what you are talking about would be to bring the roof down (don't be under it at the time!). You could trigger the gas fire suppression system which would give you plenty of cover (but it's toxic!)... you might be able to get the place to overheat by cutting off the cooling, that is likely to release the gas suppression system (which is toxic!)
A note on the 'air lock', Peaches is the wrong side of it currently...and 'lock' is the primary function...so once on one side of it...!!!???
Well, I didn't expect biblically cataclysmic confusion to be
easy or anything!
So now not only are we heading deeper into the lion's den, but Peaches is a bit more separated from us than I had envisioned…
But problems exist to be solved!
@Hackers - is that air lock something you guys can get control of? Can you spot any other ways for Peaches to link up with our team besides that airlock?
@Team - how are you on poison gas? Al is fine with it, having an internal air tank…do you guys have gas masks or anything like it?
Also, does anyone have any explosives???
@Aria - can we see any emergency gear in handy cases - gas masks for staff to use if the gas suppression system activates - seems like a basic safety measure…
Also, if bringing down the roof looks like the most feasible cataclysm, what would be necessary to implement? Is there indeed any heavy equipment (forklifts, cargo lifters, what-have-you) around? Do the ceiling supports rely on pillars or suspension?
@All - time to do something clever and creative (and probably crazy) - we are probably not getting out of here on a straight up toe-to-toe firefight - no idea too wild….!
Jun 4 2015, 08:54 PM
If I can get a look at the building schematics (which I believe we have yes?) I can probably find a back way out. As to the air lock, it'd be possible for me to puppet it into thinking it's supposed to be rebooting or locking up, then hope I have enough strength left to do another one on a car to get everyone out again. I could also send the machine sprite after the air lock and have it gremlins it and hope the glitch just has it shut down or break in some helpful way.
Jun 4 2015, 09:00 PM
Yes, all those are great!
The way I see it, the distances us meat people are covering will take tens of seconds, if not minutes, to navigate - while you can work on getting all that business done on a three-second combat turn time scale. Hopefully all that stuff is not too much to put on your plate!!!
Rock onward, dude!
Jun 4 2015, 09:21 PM
Alright, so here's the sprite's resistance to my compile.
6, 6, 6, 3, 1, 1
So that sadly leaves me with only 1 task on it, but it'll do for this, then I'll just compile another one, but I also resist the fade on it with my 6 hits earlier.
My matrix initiative is going to be a 29 if you guys use initiative at all.
For threading the puppeteer complex for for the door I'll do at Level 3 just to be safe.
And ouch, zero hits
1, 4, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 4, 4 thankfully not over half so it doesn't glitch, but sadly also doesn't go off.
And the resist
5, 6, 3, 5, 4, 6, 5, 6, 3, 1, 3, 4, 6 which covers the 7 fade I took with 7 hits.
Okay, so next action will be up when I get a chance.
Jun 8 2015, 11:51 AM
QUOTE (Shadowrenamon @ Jun 4 2015, 09:21 PM)

Alright, so here's the sprite's resistance to my compile.
6, 6, 6, 3, 1, 1
So that sadly leaves me with only 1 task on it, but it'll do for this, then I'll just compile another one, but I also resist the fade on it with my 6 hits earlier.
My matrix initiative is going to be a 29 if you guys use initiative at all.
For threading the puppeteer complex for for the door I'll do at Level 3 just to be safe.
And ouch, zero hits
1, 4, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 4, 4 thankfully not over half so it doesn't glitch, but sadly also doesn't go off.
And the resist
5, 6, 3, 5, 4, 6, 5, 6, 3, 1, 3, 4, 6 which covers the 7 fade I took with 7 hits.
Okay, so next action will be up when I get a chance.
Feel free to roll until you succeed...or even just buy hits as we are outside technical combat time...
Al, how's your plan going??? I'd like to run with something a tad more technical than 'blow sh*t up!'
I guess we are also waiting on Jan, Ali and LeFey to chime in but if we don't hear in the next couple of days I'll move things along and they can catch up as and when!!!
Jun 8 2015, 06:00 PM
Alright, well I'll give that puppeteer CF another go then. Same level.
4, 2, 6, 5, 2, 3, 3, 2, 1, 1 So 2 hits on the form, giving me a simple action, which I'll use as Control Device.
2, 3, 5, 6, 3, 4, 1, 5, 1, 6, 2, 3, 1 And 4 hits to resist the drain, so I'm taking 3S for now, ouch.
So what does a simple action give me on a control device action on that door?
Jun 8 2015, 09:40 PM
QUOTE (Aria @ Jun 8 2015, 12:51 PM)

Al, how's your plan going??? I'd like to run with something a tad more technical than 'blow sh*t up!'

Yikes - thought my ideas were fairly specific, though yes, they all did end in FIRE!!! Perhaps a tad ambitious, but I like to shoot high!
So, new idea based on the info provided - this gas suppression system sounds really fun. You say it would provide plenty of cover PLUS is toxic??? Perfect.
And this place is very well designed to prevent damage…
So I am thinking this stuff can go off in a location-specific manner?
What if we could manipulate the system so that the gas suppression system activates in stages, with initial activation closest to the entrances from the main building (where the HRT team will likely go in), and then subsequent activation stages rolling forward deeper in - successively hindering their progress but staying just behind us as we move deeper in to get the files.
Then we just keep going to whatever alternate exit PsyOps finds or we just make.
Basic implementation - and here please bear with me if I sound ignorant - Al has Logic 6, Industrial Mechanic 6, and Juryrigging, while I have Logic 2 and Industrial Mechanic - Incompetent. So I need his skills to pick up the slack just like a mage character needs his Sorcery rating.
So if Al can get into the wiring for this thing, junction box or whatever, he could reprogram it. If that also needs a Software test or something, let me know, I'll roll that too.
OR - if he can't access the system directly, we could do it as a teamwork thing, with him giving his knowledge-based instructions to PsyOp to implement via the matrix (assuming LeFey will be busy running around and grabbing files, plus PsyOp may be off Winter's radar for now).
Problem with this plan is getting Peaches back with us…Vegas posted the beginnings of an action a while ago, maybe we need to move that forward a bit before taking the main team too far along…sounds like PsyOp is getting a handle on that airlock - so now's the time to move, girl!
As usual - just thoughts in search of the best plan - welcome other player input and GM thoughts on feasibility/things we see in there!
Jun 8 2015, 09:50 PM
I'll see what I can do about the suppression system. I'm probably not going to pull another Puppeteer CF till we find you guys a ride since that last one really hurt (Level +4 for fade sucks) but if I can maybe use Resonance veil I to trick the system that might work. I'll hold back the machine sprite for now; with only 1 task I'd like to save it for messing with the HTR team or whoever gets in your way on the escape before I have to try and compile another one.
Jun 8 2015, 09:58 PM
Just try to get the system on stand-by - we can't go poisoning Peaches until we get her back with us!
And shout if you need any help from the mechanical side…still up for a teamwork thing to optimize the effect.
I'll put up an IC to sync us up.
Jun 8 2015, 10:08 PM
Alright. I'll make my roll now for the next form as well, I'll make my post though when I know what I'll be able to do with the airlock.
So we'll go with a level 5 Resonance Veil, which I'll have happen when they start the escape, making the system think it's receiving gas alerts as the team leaves each section.
3, 2, 5, 6, 2, 5, 5, 3, 2 So 4 hits that the system will have to resist against. Now the Fade resist.
2, 2, 2, 4, 6, 2, 3, 5, 6, 4, 1, 6, 4 Another 4 hits so that resists the L-1 Fade I'd take from it.
Jun 8 2015, 10:09 PM
Makin' it happen!
Jun 8 2015, 11:08 PM
Last I checked I'm waiting to see just how Mr. Douglas is planning on "helping" Ali/the team. If Aria is tangled up with RL stuff I can push things forward and try to worm Ali's way back to the team on the other side of the proverbial "Locked Door of Doom"

Edit: and by worm I mean con, lie, etc...
Jun 9 2015, 10:02 AM
Actually, how is the physical storage being secured?
Jun 9 2015, 12:26 PM
Ok, back in the saddle more or less...
@Vegas: Mr Douglas' response incoming...
@Adamu (&Rdmarquis): With PsyOps on the case with spoofing the suppression system you would probably be better off applying your physical skills to bypassing the locks on the hard drives in the archive storage - needless to say you can't just walk off with them...
@Shadowrenamon: I suspect you don't want to hack the host to get to the airlock, being the nice GM that I am I will let Al have placed a datatap in the airlock guts going through...if you'd been in the game from the start that would be SOP for an outside hacker I suspect! Same for the gas system... Al is more than capable of doing the techie bits of that without a roll...
Jun 9 2015, 12:26 PM
QUOTE (RdMarquis @ Jun 9 2015, 10:02 AM)

Actually, how is the physical storage being secured?
Locks within locks within locks...nothing Al can't deal with in time...but read the IC too
Jun 9 2015, 12:28 PM
QUOTE (Vegas @ Jun 8 2015, 11:08 PM)

Last I checked I'm waiting to see just how Mr. Douglas is planning on "helping" Ali/the team. If Aria is tangled up with RL stuff I can push things forward and try to worm Ali's way back to the team on the other side of the proverbial "Locked Door of Doom"

Edit: and by worm I mean con, lie, etc...
Sorry, they want to look impressive for the HTR team...
Jun 9 2015, 12:38 PM
Sorry I haven't logged on in a week or so.
Jan doesn't have any kind of gas filtration. Do the CorpSec have anything on them? I'm wearing their uniform after all...
Did we manage to bypass the door lock? I might have skipped that bit.
I can cover if someone wants to start using the AR interface to find our target. We could take a few 'bonus' drives too. Couldn't hurt....
Jun 9 2015, 04:36 PM
QUOTE (mister__joshua @ Jun 9 2015, 12:38 PM)

Sorry I haven't logged on in a week or so.
Jan doesn't have any kind of gas filtration. Do the CorpSec have anything on them? I'm wearing their uniform after all...
Did we manage to bypass the door lock? I might have skipped that bit.
I can cover if someone wants to start using the AR interface to find our target. We could take a few 'bonus' drives too. Couldn't hurt....

No gas masks as part of the kit but, as I failed to mention before, there are emergency cabinets dotted about with gas masks in them...can't have the staff dropping dead in the event of an emergency!
Glossing over the door lock, PsyOps has a datatap on it (and therefore a mark on the it and the host), any further marks will generate OS as normal although res veil won't (I believe)...there's a ticking clock on Patrol IC of course (can you tell I've been reading the handy page in Data Trails about host hacking ?!?

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