@Game Face:
Based on the original locations post and what you’ve subsequently said IC
[ Spoiler ]
Summary of the penthouse suite (on the 11th and 12th floor of the hotel):
Top floor > lobby to the lifts and stair core (now with a couch across the doors) > warded internal glass lobby inside the suite (Mr Smith & Dog here) > mezzanine overlooking floor below > 3 rooms w/ ensuite > small ‘snug’ > sweeping staircase down (Preston here)
Bottom floor > staircase > main open space with open plan area, comfortable sofas, wet bar & kitchenette (Violet – astral, Natasha, Hatter Silk > opening glass wall to infinity pool / balcony (Tide & Orion here) > library > master bedroom w/ensuite > panic room w/ small armoury > concealed entrance to stair core > service lift (leading to the kitchens)
Note: There is a mirrored suite looking towards Downtown off the top lobby. The bottom floor entrance to the stair core can only be seen from inside the suite. The panic room accesses this for emergency escape. All lifts in a ‘fire’ situation will descend to the ground floor and lock there…
I am assuming that the current party order going down the stairs is Dog, Natasha, Mr Smith and Preston followed loosely by Silk, Violet, Hatter, Tide and Orion.
I am also going to assume you don’t want to be bunched up so that a grenade or spell takes you all out in one hit?!?
Current initiative order:
Mr Smith 24, Dog 19, Natasha 11, Preston ??
Orion 16, Tide 12, Silk ??, Violet ??
If I’ve missed your standard rolls can you stick them on your character sheet post please?
I don’t think anyone is that likely to be surprised when they encounter the attackers on the stairs but I will make some rolls later and then post up some IC. In the meantime shout if you want me to adjust anything from this post! If I don’t hear from people I’m going to assume (with the exception of Mr Smith who has given me a different indication) that you will be adopting the ‘shoot first, shoot often’ mode of negotiation???