@Mercy & Aria
Okay, time for initiative.
Everything happens on 'combat time' now - initiative passes within three-second combat turns.
Feel free to IC thoughts, observations of the present moment, or your viewpoint of recently past actions which have been resolved.
Probably best to avoid ICing any action forward in time until we have a game resolution of it.
As for surprising/killing the leader, well, yeah, you had it set up pretty darned well, so I went with it.
But if I tried to tell a player - hey, they really got the drop on you, so you don't get a surprise check or any sort of defense, well, you'd have my head!
I owe it to these loyal foot soldiers of the Shotozumi-gumi to give them the same chance at survival going forward!
So just as in the IC, two guys (one younger thug, one real yak in a suit) rush into the kitchen, weapons ready, to find "Ando" crouched over their boss....
Aria, since you were tucked away in that tiny little, out-of-the-way study, I took the liberty of having you look out into the next room (wardrobe) so that you'd have LOS to extend your little light show out there.
Some sort of pair of guys comes in from the west door and sees the whole thing, including your ninja.
Initiative and action declarations, dice if you need them!