Jul 20 2016, 02:55 AM
QUOTE (Vegas @ Jul 19 2016, 03:56 PM)

Sorry for the delay! Life is kicking my butt right now
JDragon, perhaps I will get to cross your path at GenCon this year

That would be cool, I'll try to post the couple SR games I'm when I have access to the list.
Jul 20 2016, 07:42 AM
I've always wanted to go to GenCon, but being UK based it's even less likely I'll go

I'm on holiday next week and likely won't have any net access at all (we're in the countryside, and that was kind of the point)
Jul 20 2016, 12:09 PM
Summoning for Spriggan: 10d6t5: 3 [10d6t5=4, 2, 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 3, 3, 6] force 4 air spirit
Spirit Resist 4d6t5: 0 [4d6t5=3, 1, 2, 3]
Drain 10d6t5: 5 [10d6t5=3, 6, 6, 5, 4, 1, 5, 4, 6, 1] no drain, 3 services optional power Guard
Using one service to search for Lady T!
Jul 20 2016, 10:22 PM
@Aria and Mercy - a quick look at each other's threads will make it clear you are in proximity now - okay to continue in own threads, but if it gets to the point where you are actually in contact/communication we'll want to move everything to one or the other - doesn't matter which.
Mercy - don't worry about the previous initiative request - all good - call all those other actions pre-combat time action, but the yaks did use it to close in.
You'll definitely need initiative now, as the three are pretty much with Walking speed of Melee distance, and coming in hard.
Sorry about the drones - would explain, but what fun would that be? I think it'll eventually be plain.
Aria - you can get on initiative if you want to get in on any action here. As in the IC, there are forty meters of flesh between you and Lady Tanya. Even assuming you don't mind injuring a few folk, the press of bodies would make it hard to keep the bike stable. If you want to get to her, speed won't be an issue for just 40 meters in a combat turn, but you'll need a Piloting test with a threshold of 3.
Any questions let me know.
Jul 21 2016, 05:57 AM
Tanya Initiative:
11+1d6 16Perception 1:
8d6t5 3Perception 2:
8d6t5 4And, sorry. I did not realize I was supposed to be looking here. So Initiative 16 and the two perception rolls are 3 and 4.
Jul 21 2016, 06:25 AM
Tanya lashes out at one of the approaching men:
Attack with whip.:
12d6t5 3Use Edge to roll misses:
Reroll Misses:
9d6t5 3Total is 6 hits. DV12P AP-8
Jul 21 2016, 08:20 AM
@adamu: What type of place are we meeting at? I was going to post Jan arriving but then realised I don't know where he's going
Jul 21 2016, 11:56 AM
QUOTE (adamu @ Jul 20 2016, 11:22 PM)

@Aria and Mercy - a quick look at each other's threads will make it clear you are in proximity now - okay to continue in own threads, but if it gets to the point where you are actually in contact/communication we'll want to move everything to one or the other - doesn't matter which.
Mercy - don't worry about the previous initiative request - all good - call all those other actions pre-combat time action, but the yaks did use it to close in.
You'll definitely need initiative now, as the three are pretty much with Walking speed of Melee distance, and coming in hard.
Sorry about the drones - would explain, but what fun would that be? I think it'll eventually be plain.
Aria - you can get on initiative if you want to get in on any action here. As in the IC, there are forty meters of flesh between you and Lady Tanya. Even assuming you don't mind injuring a few folk, the press of bodies would make it hard to keep the bike stable. If you want to get to her, speed won't be an issue for just 40 meters in a combat turn, but you'll need a Piloting test with a threshold of 3.
Any questions let me know.
I am deliberately not looking at Lady T's thread just yet...prefer to keep the suspense

...but I suspect it makes most sense for me to post in hers once we actually get face to face
As a word of warning, I'm off on holiday from Sat for 10 days and whilst I won't be completely off grid I won't be doing any IC. It might be best for this thread if Spriggan can't make it through the crowd (knocked off her bike or something?) so that I can finally reach Lady T once I get back? Thoughts?!?
Jul 21 2016, 09:34 PM
QUOTE (adamu @ Jul 18 2016, 09:32 PM)

@Dire - feel free to IC your arrival at wherever you're going. Assume you are not followed or that you shake any tales (freebie for the sake of moving things along!).
If no time to IC soon, that's cool, but try to let me know where you are headed - gotta give that location to some other people...
Looks like RL or something caught up with Dire for a bit - all good - let's say that he is going to borrow a safehouse from his friend Gwen, who is out of town on a job.
So the address is a small rundown house in a working-class Tacoma suburb, not far from the docks. No place to get the big vehicle off the street - but we'll let Dire worry about that when he's back.
Otherwise, there are three bedrooms and a kitchen with spartan ration stores.
Supposedly off the grid, but no extraordinary security arrangements besides anonymity.
Basic utilities & media, of course.
Anyone in the Chalka group can IC getting there.
You can too, Mr. J, and if necessary I'll run the NPCs once you get there so we can move forward with your debrief.
Jul 21 2016, 09:37 PM
QUOTE (Aria @ Jul 21 2016, 12:56 PM)

I am deliberately not looking at Lady T's thread just yet...prefer to keep the suspense

...but I suspect it makes most sense for me to post in hers once we actually get face to face
As a word of warning, I'm off on holiday from Sat for 10 days and whilst I won't be completely off grid I won't be doing any IC. It might be best for this thread if Spriggan can't make it through the crowd (knocked off her bike or something?) so that I can finally reach Lady T once I get back? Thoughts?!?
Yikes - and here from mid-next week I'm going to hit a three-week patch of lots and lots of posting time (followed by a week of my own off the grid).
As far as coordinating the game, though, probably not a huge issue - we can carry on for a post or two with Mercy, but then it's cool because the other players need to catch up with you guys timewise.
So just play through as normal if you get a chance to post, Aria, and we'll try to pick up the pace once you're back.
Jul 21 2016, 09:58 PM
QUOTE (Mercy @ Jul 21 2016, 06:57 AM)

Tanya Initiative:
11+1d6 16Perception 1:
8d6t5 3Perception 2:
8d6t5 4And, sorry. I did not realize I was supposed to be looking here. So Initiative 16 and the two perception rolls are 3 and 4.
Mercy - you made both Perception tests. The first was for the third guy, but you made that. Second was to notice that all the KE personnel guys on the street a very busy doing other things.
You take out the first guy easily (see my IC).
Now the other two are trying to get you with handheld shocker things (stun baton, but without the Reach rating).
So you'll need two melee Defense rolls, and two soak rolls (adding any non-condivity rating you may have) for in case they hit.
Jul 21 2016, 10:07 PM
I mentioned it up thread, but I'm away for a week from this Saturday too
Jul 21 2016, 10:13 PM
Double-yikes, just when my posting paradise is about to start everyone goes on summer holiday. Curses!
Hah, not really - got lots of other stuff to post.
We'll just keep things humming along at the usual PbP pace.
Thanks for letting us know, though!
Jul 22 2016, 12:35 AM
Ok, short IC up, covering what I did to get us where we are at and if Daphne thinks that is enough since she knows these guys better than I do.
Once it seems like we are good for at least a couple hours Rocky will be interested in getting details in what exactly is going on.
Here is an overview of what questions he will be asking initially.
Who is after here? Just Yaks or others as well?
Why her?
What is it that she's done or knows that makes them want her so bad and have her scared enough that she asked Rocky to kill her instead of being captured?
Does she have help?
Where/When/What is the current event thats going down that has everyone in a tizzy?
How can I help?
I'm sure I will have more but that should give you somethings to work with I hope.
Jul 22 2016, 04:52 AM
General question for anyone to help me.
In melee combat. My remaining initiative is 6 after the first IP. I have reaction 5 and Intuition 6. I am looking at the RAW and it seems that if I take a DODGE and gain the use of my Gymnastics 5, but it says that is only good for one defense. My interpretation is that means I can only use it against one of the remaining attackers, but I want to be sure that is correct.
Also, do I just roll the defense and soak or do I know what my target rolls are?
Jul 22 2016, 05:43 AM
QUOTE (Mercy @ Jul 21 2016, 08:52 PM)

General question for anyone to help me.
In melee combat. My remaining initiative is 6 after the first IP. I have reaction 5 and Intuition 6. I am looking at the RAW and it seems that if I take a DODGE and gain the use of my Gymnastics 5, but it says that is only good for one defense. My interpretation is that means I can only use it against one of the remaining attackers, but I want to be sure that is correct.
Also, do I just roll the defense and soak or do I know what my target rolls are?
That is my understanding for the Dodge action as well. You get the bonus on one defense roll. I think in a normal game at the table you could opt to use that action after you saw how many hits the attacker got. With PBP we do a bunch of rolls at once to make things faster.
So for your second question yes just do a number of rolls and the GM will use how ever many are needed in the order they were rolled and dump the rest. If you plan to use the Dodge action you might be able to get them to use that against the most effective attack or you may just have to make it your first defense roll. That is your GM's call however and I'm just a player here at this point.
Jul 22 2016, 06:00 AM
LOL I can understand that, but how do I know if I need to use Edge?
Jul 22 2016, 06:19 AM
QUOTE (Mercy @ Jul 21 2016, 10:00 PM)

LOL I can understand that, but how do I know if I need to use Edge?
Well if you roll really bad on one of your defense or soak rolls you can add it on if you think the roll is likely to be used during the combat. This will be on a case by case basis depending on how many attackers you are dealing with and how many attacks each may get.
Also I have seen some of the GM's give players the opportunity after the fact to roll edge. They may not tell you how bad the situation is but may check if you want to use edge if you rolled poorly. I would say if they ask you should probably use it.
Jul 22 2016, 06:44 AM
Thank you very much.
Jul 22 2016, 03:27 PM
If I understood you I'm also meeting up at the tacoma safehouse so I've put a post up based on that. If that's wrong then let me know and I'll change it
Jul 22 2016, 08:56 PM
Time disappeared on me today... No IC for a bit
Jul 23 2016, 12:11 AM
I'M ALIVE! My phone broke. I'm so sorry. How do we fix this?
Jul 23 2016, 07:52 AM
QUOTE (Raiderj @ Jul 23 2016, 01:11 AM)

I'M ALIVE! My phone broke. I'm so sorry. How do we fix this?
Nothing to fix!
Looking back, you'll see that D-Pop said that if you could get your wheels and keep up, you were in (my way of leaving it open for you to either have quit or be back after whatever issue you were facing).
So they have gone to a safehouse (described a few posts above) in Tacoma, and you can arrive there too.
I think a new part of your group, Jan, has already arrived. (Look at the post in his thread - he'll be merging very soon.)
If Vegas or Dire don't post their arrival very soon, I will.
You should arrive as well!
Jul 23 2016, 07:56 AM
QUOTE (mister__joshua @ Jul 22 2016, 04:27 PM)

If I understood you I'm also meeting up at the tacoma safehouse so I've put a post up based on that. If that's wrong then let me know and I'll change it
No, that's just right.
But could you shift the time stamp and the "few hours ago" bit so that you arrive between 2 and 3 am?
Just trying to get the threads merged as soon as possible.
Jul 23 2016, 04:50 PM
Dodge the first attack:
Dodge Melee:
11d6t5 4Dodge the second attack:
Dodge Melee:
11d6t5 1 Use edge for misses:
Edge for Misses:
10d6t5 4If these are like stun batons, the accuracy is 4 so I might not need to roll soak?
Jul 23 2016, 06:30 PM
QUOTE (JDragon @ Jul 21 2016, 04:35 PM)

Ok, short IC up, covering what I did to get us where we are at and if Daphne thinks that is enough since she knows these guys better than I do.
Once it seems like we are good for at least a couple hours Rocky will be interested in getting details in what exactly is going on.
Here is an overview of what questions he will be asking initially.
Who is after here? Just Yaks or others as well?
Why her?
What is it that she's done or knows that makes them want her so bad and have her scared enough that she asked Rocky to kill her instead of being captured?
Does she have help?
Where/When/What is the current event thats going down that has everyone in a tizzy?
How can I help?
I'm sure I will have more but that should give you somethings to work with I hope.
Hey Adamu - Just wanted to make sure this didn't get lost. I know you mentioned you have free time and are trying to bring groups together.
Jul 23 2016, 08:31 PM
JD - never hurts to remind me!
Sorry - yes, I am coming up on my three-weeks-of-extra-posting time, but last night killed me at work, and I also probably won't post on Sunday or Tuesday.
I'll try to get all the threads bumped tonight, though, and do what I can until Wednesday, then I'll post be posting more.
(Though some of that may be limited to my personal projects, since we've got a lot of people going on holiday - but hopefully we can keep my TC threads limping along.)
I'll have an IC addressing your questions up later this evening.
Jul 23 2016, 08:44 PM
QUOTE (Mercy @ Jul 23 2016, 05:50 PM)

Dodge the first attack:
Dodge Melee:
11d6t5 4Dodge the second attack:
Dodge Melee:
11d6t5 1 Use edge for misses:
Edge for Misses:
10d6t5 4If these are like stun batons, the accuracy is 4 so I might not need to roll soak?
Mercy - sorry I couldn't post much last night to answer your rules questions - got stuck with massive overtime.
JD pretty much steered you straight, of course (he's played a lot with me).
Basically, of course it's entirely on the player to decide whether to Push the Limit (aka Pre-edge).
But as for re-rolling fails or after-the-fact Push the Limit, you can you use your own judgement (especially on proactive things you're doing), but if you end up with a fail, I am happy for you to say you do the re-roll after you find out it failed.
Another thing I do in PbP is I just declare something like "will reroll fails if I get hit". I use that a lot on defense rolls (since it suck to get hit).
In the case of the rolls you just made, had the bad guy been going to miss even based on your one success, I'd tell you to take your Edge back (but he would have, so sorry).
As for the result of your defense rolls: bad news is that you could need a soak, since with an electrical attack they can still tag you even if it's a tie with the defender. Good news is that the little handheld version of the stun-thing has an Accuracy of only 3, not 4. So yeah, unless they used Push the Limit (which they don't), they can't hit you.
I don't think I'm going to IC yet - it would just cover a split second of "Tanya gracefully dodges their crackling weapons".
I'll IC once a bit more combat is resolved, but by all means you should feel free to IC the action in as much fluff detail as you like.
It's your action next, then a new initiative.
So feel free to use your Combat pass - give me any rolls for your actions, then next turn's initiative.
Oh, yeah, Dodge, yeah, the -5 version only works on one attack. Full Defense works on all attacks for the whole turn, but yeah, it costs -10 on your initiative.
Jul 23 2016, 09:52 PM
@Mister Joshua - okay, took the liberty of making a final post on your thread that adjusts the time stamp to where we need it. Absolutely no need to change any of the actions you posted, just needed to condense the time you took.
Please now start posting in the DES thread.
@Dire, Vegas, Raider - well, there you are. You may have questions, or actions, or whatever, so post away. Of course, Mister Joshua will at some point post his entrance, and he has lots of juicy info for you.
Once you've all gotten yourselves aligned, I don't mind saying that at the conclusion of the intel sharing/role-playing D-Pop will conclude that you all need to stay in the house for while with the twin purpose of staying out of the crosshairs for a bit and also getting some rest.
This is to allow you to quickly catch up in time with a couple of other characters.
So to sum up - talk, and do anything else as long as you stay in the house for a bit (I promise I won't use it against you).
@JDragon (and Jack_Spade if you're reading) - so what you like on your own for a bit. Once these guys have had their chat, then steer yourselves here at times that jive with your current timestamps and you can make your introductions).
Finally, as some of you may know, I am hopeless computers and all that 'link' stuff.
But if you Google "Northeast Tacoma" you'll get an entry for the neighborhood of that name, and a Google Map. If you zoom in enough to find 38th Ave NE and click right about the middle of it, then go to street view - well, there we are, just as described.
And if anyone can figure out how to give us all a link to that, then I will be your friend or something.
Jul 23 2016, 10:08 PM
QUOTE (adamu @ Jul 23 2016, 01:52 PM)

@Mister Joshua - okay, took the liberty of making a final post on your thread that adjusts the time stamp to where we need it. Absolutely no need to change any of the actions you posted, just needed to condense the time you took.
Please now start posting in the DES thread.
@Dire, Vegas, Raider - well, there you are. You may have questions, or actions, or whatever, so post away. Of course, Mister Joshua will at some point post his entrance, and he has lots of juicy info for you.
Once you've all gotten yourselves aligned, I don't mind saying that at the conclusion of the intel sharing/role-playing D-Pop will conclude that you all need to stay in the house for while with the twin purpose of staying out of the crosshairs for a bit and also getting some rest.
This is to allow you to quickly catch up in time with a couple of other characters.
So to sum up - talk, and do anything else as long as you stay in the house for a bit (I promise I won't use it against you).
@JDragon (and Jack_Spade if you're reading) - so what you like on your own for a bit. Once these guys have had their chat, then steer yourselves here at times that jive with your current timestamps and you can make your introductions).
Finally, as some of you may know, I am hopeless computers and all that 'link' stuff.
But if you Google "Northeast Tacoma" you'll get an entry for the neighborhood of that name, and a Google Map. If you zoom in enough to find 38th Ave NE and click right about the middle of it, then go to street view - well, there we are, just as described.
And if anyone can figure out how to give us all a link to that, then I will be your friend or something.
To confirm I need to keep an eye on DES's thread and once they have had a chance to chat, Rocky can make his appearance.
I'll cover this IC, but does he have some password or someone to ask for?
Regarding the request for the link/pic did you have a specific address you liked the look of the house at? Or just somewhere on the street?
Jul 24 2016, 12:45 AM
@JD - yeah, just give them a chance to do whatever talking they're up for posting, then find your way there around your time.
In that chat they have, I'll make sure it comes up that they'll be joined by some additional people, but beyond that this is not a very 'black trenchcoat' bunch...
As for the address, pretty much the whole street is what we're going for, so anything on it is fine. Thanks!
Jul 24 2016, 01:08 AM
Now a good time for the Dragonslayer present his Task for Vexboy's initiation once all the introductions are done? I was thinking a vision or some crap like that.
Jul 24 2016, 03:00 AM
Whip attack:
Whip Attack:
13d6t5 3Edge for misses:
Edge for misses:
10d6t5 3Six hits DV12+ net hits AP-8
Spent a bunch of karma for Lucky and raising Edge to 8. I hope that is OK with you, Adamu?
Jul 24 2016, 07:32 PM
As requested here is a link to a street view of the safe house. In the lower left corner you can go back to the map view to see the area.
Safe House - Northeast Tacoma - 38th Ave NE I thought the car missing a wheel helped set the mood.
Jul 24 2016, 07:58 PM
The missing wheel is definitely a nice touch. Is this where I will eventually meet everyone after Spriggan saves my ass?
Jul 24 2016, 09:15 PM
QUOTE (Mercy @ Jul 24 2016, 04:00 AM)

Spent a bunch of karma for Lucky and raising Edge to 8. I hope that is OK with you, Adamu?
If you've got the 64 karma (which i have no doubt you do) then the world is your oyster!
Jul 24 2016, 09:16 PM
QUOTE (JDragon @ Jul 24 2016, 08:32 PM)

As requested here is a link to a street view of the safe house. In the lower left corner you can go back to the map view to see the area.
Safe House - Northeast Tacoma - 38th Ave NE I thought the car missing a wheel helped set the mood.

Dude - sweet!
That is perfect.
That is worth a karma point for sure!
Jul 24 2016, 09:17 PM
QUOTE (Mercy @ Jul 24 2016, 08:58 PM)

The missing wheel is definitely a nice touch. Is this where I will eventually meet everyone after Spriggan saves my ass?
Tempting as it would be to inflict a location like that on Lady Tanya (actually, I have no doubt she'd be fine with it), that particular place may not be in her cards.
Or maybe it will....
Jul 25 2016, 02:21 AM
Hmmmmm. I will wait to see the outcome of my battle and then hopefully go off with Spriggan somewhere. Can't wait to see what is ahead.
Jul 25 2016, 04:07 AM
QUOTE (adamu @ Jul 24 2016, 01:16 PM)

Dude - sweet!
That is perfect.
That is worth a karma point for sure!
Thanks. Happy to help, but I won't turn down the karma.
Jul 25 2016, 02:31 PM
I forgot to give my next initiative roll.
11+3d6 19 Rats, still only 2IP.
Jul 25 2016, 08:48 PM
QUOTE (Mercy @ Jul 25 2016, 03:31 PM)

I forgot to give my next initiative roll.
11+3d6 19 Rats, still only 2IP.
Right - your second attack destroys the second guy.
For the second combat turn, you'll go first.
Guy number three is still coming after you.
And besides him, as things stand now, you'll need another defense roll - and you'd better make it a very good one....
Jul 26 2016, 03:57 AM
These guys are dedicated. That third Yak is more afraid of his boss than the woman who just sawed two of his buds in half.
Jul 26 2016, 07:12 AM
Attack with whip:
Attack with whip.:
13d6t5 4 Only four hits. Use Edge because I need this to be over:
Edge for Misses:
9d6t5 5 OK, that was a waste of a roll as it passed my accuracy, so only 6 hits. DV12 at AP-8.
Dodge an attack:
12d6t5 7 That is pretty good for 12 dice. I will use Edge if necessary.
Jul 27 2016, 03:08 AM
@Adamu - I think that should cover Rocky's IC with Daphne unless she has any last minute thoughts.
Looks like I will hit the safe house about 20:00 on Thursday, which looks like about 19 hours from their current time stamp. Please correct me if I'm wrong on any of that.
I'll keep an eye on the DES thread and jump in when conversation slows down unless I hear otherwise from you.
Quick House Keeping question - I saw that we are getting $$ & karma based on the number of IC posts, do we need to cover how the cash is showing up suddenly IC or do we have to wait for an ok from you? OR something that I haven't thought of?
By my count as of my last post I have 16 IC posts so 8 Karma and 16K Y acquired.
Jul 27 2016, 10:42 PM
QUOTE (JDragon @ Jul 27 2016, 04:08 AM)

@Adamu - I think that should cover Rocky's IC with Daphne unless she has any last minute thoughts.
Looks like I will hit the safe house about 20:00 on Thursday, which looks like about 19 hours from their current time stamp. Please correct me if I'm wrong on any of that.
I'll keep an eye on the DES thread and jump in when conversation slows down unless I hear otherwise from you.
Quick House Keeping question - I saw that we are getting $$ & karma based on the number of IC posts, do we need to cover how the cash is showing up suddenly IC or do we have to wait for an ok from you? OR something that I haven't thought of?
By my count as of my last post I have 16 IC posts so 8 Karma and 16K Y acquired.
Yeah, your plan sounds good.
At the house, we need Jan to arrive (he's outside the house right now, but I'm afraid his alter-ego Mr. Joshua is on holiday or something).
So people in the house can chat with each other or D-Pop and Bronwyn.
Once Jan arrives, the conversation will hit a new level, but then D-Pop will decide people need rest and to be out of sight.
That will let time run forward to where you and also Revenant are, so at that point you guys can show up in any order.
As for posting cash, yes that is a feature of Aria's Stormy Waters campaign that is very convenient in many ways, but also requires a bit of justifying for the continuity-minded among us.
But just rationalize it however you like.
For my own PC in this campaign, I put a couple of big hauls into his back story, which he (fluff-wise) drew on for a while.
I've got some more cash saved now, and plan to buy some expensive vehicles when I get a chance - but fluffwise I'm going to say that they were junk that he rebuilt himself.
Just examples. Feel free to tell your own story with the cash you earn!
And I'm cool with you spending cash and karma whenever as long as there is at least a token bit of explanation/reasonableness about it.
Jul 27 2016, 11:05 PM
QUOTE (Mercy @ Jul 26 2016, 08:12 AM)

Attack with whip:
Attack with whip.:
13d6t5 4 Only four hits. Use Edge because I need this to be over:
Edge for Misses:
9d6t5 5 OK, that was a waste of a roll as it passed my accuracy, so only 6 hits. DV12 at AP-8.
Dodge an attack:
12d6t5 7 That is pretty good for 12 dice. I will use Edge if necessary.
Yeah, I do try to take into account the nerve and motivation of the (usually doomed) NPC foes. And sometimes after I sort of weigh all the factors, they actually sometimes stay committed.
Anyway, I have clearly underestimated the personal combat skill of Lady Tanya, and power to you.
You do dodge the sniper for the nonce (see IC).
Stage manager also says you can also be off 'combat time' for a brief instant to facilitate any dramatic interactions with the biker that has appeared at your side.
Don't want to puppet Aria's character too much, but she'll probably follow your lead with any actions you may have in mind.
Jul 28 2016, 03:40 AM
Just read Spriggan's character sheet on OP. So much is just like Tanya's background that it is eerie. Rebellious, always pushing her parents, in trouble all the time, sent away to boarding schools, and she drives a Mirage. These two could be good friends.
Jul 30 2016, 06:53 PM
@Mercy and Aria
Okay, with our fearless leader off on holiday, I took the liberty of having the spirit use Movement and Concealment on the bike.
So you are away from the sniper threat, with no sign of immediate pursuit.
Mercy - not sure how much you can post from here without overly puppeting Spriggan, but don't forget about the something your friend died passing off to you...
Jul 31 2016, 05:34 AM
@Adam&Mercy: good read! Should be back in play Wed or Thur. Sorry it can't be sooner!
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