QUOTE (Raiderj @ Mar 10 2016, 05:39 PM)
Im having a hard time writing up the new contacts backstory. How do you all get past writers block?
It really can be hard sometimes – I find especially if I’ve been creating a lot of characters (PC/NPC), that sometimes I’m filled with all sorts of inspiration, and sometimes that well is really dry. What I have found works best when that sort of writer’s block strikes is … writing. More to the point, just start writing the NPC, even if you feel what you are writing has all the flow of a grade three ‘what I did during my vacation’ presentation. Let’s say I scribbled down that I had a Fixer, and just called him “Mr. X” at the time because I didn’t even have inspiration for a name. It might go something like this for me.
“Mr. X is a fixer. He specializes in ….” Hmmm, what does my character going to need a lot of? High grade ammo maybe “ ….in military grade munitions. He is based in” let’s see, I want him reasonably convenient, and I said my character lives in Tacoma – hey, Fort Lewis is near there, right? “south Tacoma, near Fort Lewis. Rumors that he has a pipeline into supplies at Fort Lewis have never been proven.” And suddenly ideas are starting to percolate up, why does he have those contacts, maybe he’s ex-military himself, that could add to his description. Maybe he works with some mercenary groups, in fact maybe the best way to get in touch with him is through the contact for a particular merc group. Maybe he actually works out of their off-the-books firing range ….
Often times by the end I have to go back and re-write the beginning, because a) the idea developed as I shifted, and b) the first part sucked because I had no ideas when I started it. But that is OK.
That works for me, no promises that it will work for you, but maybe give it a try.
ETA: the key parts are
- giving the GM the basic outline of the character so they can run them mechanically (Mr. X might be buzzcut, use military lingo, etc., location and contact methods are described)
- giving the GM some hooks, some things to speculate about with the character. Does Mr. X have a pipeline into Fort Lewis? How come he hasn’t been shut down? How beholden to that mercenary group is he? (or how beholden to him are they?)
This is not an awesome NPC – yet. But as interactions happen, things get fleshed out more.
And of course, all of this is just IMO.