QUOTE (Aria @ Feb 13 2014, 07:16 AM)

I've not checked your adding up but nothing looks alarming

consider Sketch approved. You might want to stumble out in front of Cam et al as they drive to the Crime Mall, would leap you straight into the action and they will have someone patch you up until they can take you back to the clinic...?
Dronomancers are difficult (especially with the 'street scum' generation) but might be doable. I'm happy for you to use starting karma for submersion for the dronomancer echo...you probably won't be able to afford a control deck to start with but you could specialise in one or two drones and buy more later on. If you post a lot then karma and cash can rack up fairly quickly in '75!
Machine Ghost's Sprogget is an experienced dronomancer...he might take you under his wing...otherwise I have an NPC called Jazz on the Freedom side who is also a dronomancer (you are not alone in liking them

Yay! Thanks :3 I might just do that, then. Sketch is small, she won't take up much room.
And here's character #2! Sorry it took me so long to get this posted, I was dithering. She's mechanically pretty sub-par, but I'm okay with that. It'll be fun to play a character who's nowhere near being the biggest badass in the room, I think.
Diesel, 'Ork' dronomancer
Character sheet
[ Spoiler ]
Metatype E
Attributes E
Resonance C
Skills B
Resources D
Qualities (+15 karma)
Juryrigger 10
Ork Poser -6
SINner, Corporate Limited (Danica Kwame) -15
Mild addiction to BTL chips -4
Engineering skill group 5
Aeronautics Mechanic
Automotive Mechanic
Industrial Mechanic
Nautical Mechanic
Gunnery 6 [Ballistic]
Pilot Aircraft 5
Pilot Ground Craft 5
Perception 4
Armorer 5
Computer 1
Demolitions 1
Electronic Warfare 3
Hardware 4
Navigation 2
Compiling 2
Knowledge Skills (20)
English N
Or’zet 5
Drone Designs 5
Chop Shops 3
Security Procedure 5
BTLs 2
Submersion Grade 1 (13 karma)
Mind over Machine
Scratch-built junk (RCC) 1400
Squatter lifestyle, 1 month
Dangerous Area
Total: 400
Armor Jacket 1000
Helmet 100
Meta Link 100
Contacts 3 600
Vision Enhancement 3 1500
Goggles 5 250
Low-light Vision 500
Flare Compensation 250
Image Link 25
Smartlink 2000
Ear Buds 3 150
Audio Enhancement 3 1500
Commercial explosives x 10 kg 500
Detonator cap x 10 750
Kits: Armorer, Automotive mechanic, aeronatics mechanic, hardware 2000
Tag eraser 450
Directional jammer 5 1000
Fake SIN rating 2 (Aisha Baker) 5000
Licenses (guns, drones) 800
AK-97 Targeting autosoft 5 2500
Vehicles & Drones
MCT-Nissan Roto-Drone 5000
Standard weapon mount 2500
AK-97 950
Regular ammo x 100 200
Harley-Davidson Scorpion 12000
Rigger adaption 1000
MCT Fly-Spy x3 6000
Lockheed Optic-X2 21000
Standard weapon mount 2500
AK-97 950
TOTAL: 66025
Remaining ¥: 3975
Remaining karma: 3
Contacts (9 free karma, 7 spent)
[ Spoiler ]
Anjais (C3, L1), smuggler
A French-Canadian dwarf, Anjais usually spends his time running guns but occasionally adds people to his cargo if the price is right. Under his guidance, Diesel's low rating fake SIN caused no problems at the CAS-UCAS border.
Beta Prime (C4, L4), Matrix denizen
A mysterious AI who seems to have taken an interest in Diesel. Occasionally its interest is helpful, but it can also be a burden. Lately it's grown increasingly fond of impersonating both Diesel and her alter ego Aisha Baker on various social media hosts, which is worrying.
Brick (C2, L2), ork nationalist
Diesel's first contact in Seattle, Brick's an agitator for an independent Ork Underground and ork culture in general. They don't know each other well, but he's always gratified to meet a young ork who cares so deeply about her heritage.
[ Spoiler ]
At 5'6", Diesel is a slightly smallish but otherwise perfectly normal-looking young ork lady. Modern medical science has done its best on her, and the results are spectacular; at this point, it would take a genetic workup to tell that she's anything other than exactly what she seems to be.
Her accent betrays her heritage: New Orleans, but one of the more gentrified parts. She's curvy and surprisingly muscular for someone who spends most of her time in a garage. Unusually white, gleaming tusks shine against a very dark complexion; this is a girl who's never gone without dental care in her life. She keeps her tightly curled hair cropped close against her skull, the better to show off her usually ornate choices in ear jewelry. She dresses like a fashion-forward go-ganger, but she's still perfecting her tough-girl swagger, and her smile is chipper rather than devil-may-care. The almost certainly fake SIN she broadcasts gives her age as 18. All in all, she's just a little too shiny to belong to this part of the world.
[ Spoiler ]
Like a lot of people who end up shadowrunners, Aisha 'Diesel' Baker has a sob story to tell. Youngest of fourteen by an absent father and prostitute mother, she grew up in the slums of New Orleans during the turbulent 60s, dodging rogue spirits, crazed tempo junkies, and one of the most corrupt police forces in the CAS. Personally framed by an officer bitter about her Robin Hood-like heroics for a crime she did not commit, she fled the city and made her way to Seattle, where she intends to use her unique skills to make it big as a shadowrunner.
Or, at least, that's what she'd like you to believe. The truth is that Aisha Baker is a front, an elaborate fantasy spun over years by the overactive imagination of a human corp kid named Danica Kwame. It started with the Crash. Twelve-year-old Danica and her family had the misfortune to be on a bus doing 70mph down the interstate when everything went wrong, including GridGuide. Danica survived the resulting catastrophe; her parents and younger brother did not. Mitsuhama doctors put her face back together -- her first experience with cosmetic surgery, but certainly not her last -- and turned her over to a corp foster home. That was when she started having the ork dreams.
The years following Crash 2.0 were marked by a deepening sense that she was supposed to be someone else. In her fantasies, the socially awkward orphan could become Aisha Baker, who was tough and beautiful and entirely self-reliant. She spent almost all her time on the Matrix, developing the elaborate alternate identity that she found so much more satisfying than her 'real' life. She developed a BTL habit, immersing herself in true-crime and orxploitation chips. In time, she came to believe that she was Aisha, an ork girl born in the wrong body.
She got a job with Mitsuhama when she turned 18 as a security rigger, part of an experimental program to incorporate technomancers into facility defense. She also started to explore the shadows. Working both sides of the law, she saved every nuyen she could get her hands on, appropriating broken-down tech from her job and coaxing it back to life. A bit of good fortune when she was 23 provided the final necessary funds. Danica quit her job, walked into a street doc's clinic, and disappeared forever. Aisha walked out. She spent a month lying low in a hotel while the incisions healed before making for Seattle, where no one knows her face.
And there we go! Tell me if that's too ridiculous x.x" I realize it's a little out there. Diesel's somewhere between stupid and nuts, but she's a good mechanic, so I'm hoping she'll be able to contribute to the game. If she's accepted, I was thinking I'd wait a bit, maybe post in the general IC, and introduce her when people get to the Crime Mall. She's probably there doing the tourist thing.
Next task is a post for Sketch! Thanks again for letting me in, I'm really excited about this game. :3