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EDIT: This has been rewritten in light of various new sourcebooks and rule clarifications and the opening up of the campaign on Dumpshock and ShadowGrid


The shadows of Seattle are only so big, the events of a run in one area may well have more than a butterfly effect on the lives of other runners at the far end of the ‘plex. This campaign / living world pbp hopes to address some of that effect by running standalone threads that share a common background / metaplot, potential contacts etc.

This is a multi IC thread game, cross forum, with two unifying OoCs, one here on Dumpshock and the other on ShadowGrid. Events in one IC can and will spill over into the others although you don't have to follow the others if you don't want to, the individual ICs will be playable in isolation...timelines will vary along with location etc but common themes/ threads will be woven throughout.

Recruitment is always open! Jump in, all are welcome!


This thread is an extension of the very successful 2072 thread started by Unsound on Dumpshock, [IC, OOC] and I am now opening it cross forum to attract more potential players.

ShadowGrid OoC: <<Here>>

Dumpshock OoC: You are in it!

For current IC threads please refer to the second post in each respective OoC

Obsidian Portal Campaign Page <<Stormy Waters>>


All three character gen levels from SR5 will be accommodated to provide players and GMs with a wide range of options. Normal folks/low powered/street level, typical runners and prime runners - for those with high powered tastes (probably once more sourcebooks are available)! In addition there will be games that use a vastly reduced statted generation as dice rolling is significantly less important in that particular thread (for example Circles of Power on Dumpshock).

In addition to players I’d welcome anyone who would like to GM within the framework of the multi-thread!


Character Gen
RAW applies unless specifically stated otherwise. All current books are available (including the pdf minis like Assassin’s Primer). Check with your GM if you want to use any of the optional rules.
In addition each GM will provide a freebie intro contact, who might be a fixer, Johnson or anyone needed to get the runners into the game.

Stat Lite Character Gen
Please refer to the summary posts for the individual threads where details will be available.

Street Scum
No priority A, choose twice from E, maximum gear availability is 10

Prime Runner / High Life
Choose twice from priority A, no priority E, no maximum gear availability

SR4 to SR5 Conversion
I know there will be some people who crave SR4 powers / equipment etc that hasn’t been reworked yet. For now we will keep a list of conversions for things that aren’t covered by the core rulebook, based on forum discussions and agreements within these threads. These will count as miniRAW for the purposes of this thread. They can be superseded as their equivalents come to light in forthcoming books.

Character Advancement
Every two IC posts you make will net you 1 karma and 2,000 nuyen. This means a much faster progression than is normally achieved in a pbp game. Karma and cash can usually be spent mid game (subject to your GMing agreeing), with some purchases just being retconned, some needing some IC justification.

If you are posting in multiple IC threads you can in theory allocate the karma/cash in whichever way you want. This is mostly applicable if you are posting IC information that isn’t directly from the POV of one of your characters – in the past we’ve had JackPoint type info posts, news flashes, anything that adds flavour to the game world is perfectly acceptable!

Edge Refresh
This will be down to the GM of the individual sub-thread. I will tend to refresh it for every major scene which may be slightly more often than is strictly RAW but works ok given the typical progression of pbp games.


House Rules and Combat Options (so far):

RG2: Target Size Modifiers will be applied. Otherwise the various additional rules from sourcebooks can be applied according to the needs/desires of the players and GM.

Spirits / sprites summoned at a level over magic / resonance will almost always roll edge to resist summoning – you have been warned!

Background count is considered to be a min. of 1 in the barrens and other locations noted by your GM but this will not generally be applied as runners are considered to have acclimatised themselves to the effects (without the need for the Homeground quality). So you know when background count does strike that the GM has something nasty in store for you!


Game Resources

Editable master contact list:

<<2075 Cast of Shadows>>

If anyone wants a copy of the SR5 excel character generator I’ve been working up with Slacker, admau and others please PM me with an email address or post it here if you don’t mind anyone else seeing it.


Any questions please fire away! I’ll try and update this first post as appropriate.
Rather than keep on maintaining link threads in two places the master list of ongoing games will be on SG

<<IC Threads>>

PC Links by Sub-Thread:

Thread: General IC
Player: Adamu Character: Al Guthrie Human adept
Player: Aria Character: Swift Changeling infiltrator

Thread: Tribes
Player: Drace Characters: Frizzen & Bandit
Player: Shonen Mask Characters: Counter Phase & Jan Nardole
Player: ChromeZephyr Characters: Scrapheap & Chiisai
Player: Aria Characters: Briar & Cam & Silkie
Player: DeltaJuliet Character: Sketch
Player: Umidori Character: Oliver "Boone" Sands
Player: Tyro Character: Monkey & Manthanein
Player: Vegas Character: Maus
Player: Always Overkill Character: Patch
Player: justkelly The triplets
Player: rythymhack Character: Pendulum
Player: 8-Bit Character: Gunner

Thread: Through the Looking Glass
Player: Vegas Character: Ali Moneaux - Sneaky, forgettable adept
Player: RdMarquis Character: Morgan "LeFey" Senlis - Face/Technomancer
Player: adamu Character: Al - Dockworker
Player: Mr Joshua Character: Jan - Samurai
Player: Ericen Character: Haze - Dwarf rigger
Player: Jayde Moon Character: <<Betsy "Rodeo" Matthews>> - Human Spellslinger
Player: 8-Bit Character: <<Phantom>> - Human adept infiltrator

Player: Shadowrenamon Character: <<PsyOp>> Human TM
Player: AlyW Character: <<Samara>> Elven combat medic

Missing PCs / Finished Threads:
[ Spoiler ]
Ok, 2072 is about wrapped up. For anyone who is ongoing into 2072 (or for any old players that feel the urge to rejoin us) the post count is here (I did say karma earned carries over didn't I?) biggrin.gif
[ Spoiler ]

Finished 2075 Games:
Game Face
[ Spoiler ]

Fast Food Fight
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Looking Glass
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Circles of Power I
[ Spoiler ]
Do I need to request to be in the new "Game Face" thread, or should I make a char and jump right in? I'm thinking of troll-with-a-sledgehammer (CC street sam-ish)
QUOTE (phlapjack77 @ Jul 11 2013, 03:59 PM) *
Do I need to request to be in the new "Game Face" thread, or should I make a char and jump right in? I'm thinking of troll-with-a-sledgehammer (CC street sam-ish)

Feel free to post up a sheet, you've got the first slot biggrin.gif
I'm interested!

Currently looking at either a magician or some kind of decker. Weirdly enough, plain mundane decking is more interesting/less intimidating for me than the technomancer counterpart.

I have this idea of a universtiy student doing runs on the side to get enough money for tuition or family. How viable would that be? Thinking a National SINner.

Male Human Street Sam
[ Spoiler ]

[ Spoiler ]

Pre-genned rolls
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QUOTE (horvagab @ Jul 14 2013, 04:43 PM) *
I'm interested!

Currently looking at either a magician or some kind of decker. Weirdly enough, plain mundane decking is more interesting/less intimidating for me than the technomancer counterpart.

I have this idea of a universtiy student doing runs on the side to get enough money for tuition or family. How viable would that be? Thinking a National SINner.

Sounds great! The 'freebie' fixer you'll be getting from me started out as one of my runners with a very similar back story and she played out fine smile.gif
Following a couple of queries I've had about the possibility of confusing IC threads with multiple plot lines going on in them I'm going to suggest that the separate sub-threads have their own IC thread with a combined OoC here so that people can see what is going on in the 'wider world' without having to plough through IC they don't want to and risk missing a relevant IC post. I would advocate reading all the IC you can of course as events will hopefully spill from one to'll just have to keep the knowledge OoC smile.gif
I won't be able to make any characters until about Sunday or Monday next week, just a heads up smile.gif
Copperhead will be joining. Have only scanned the sr5 preview rules and still struggling with finding time to gm own thread so may take some time to get her converted
I am thinking of getting back into the pbp community after getting swept up in life for awhile. Game Faces sounds interesting and I am thinking of a Human TM that is decent in the Matrix, but we really shines as a general support character. EDIT: Sheet added below.

Lyzabeth Almas
[ Spoiler ]

I've linked your sheet and phlapjack's at the start of the thread for completeness...looking forward to GMing this, just need to go and absorb the quick start rules and perhaps browse the main book too (the rest I'll just have to look up as we go nyahnyah.gif).
I have a question about something that was lost from SR4 to SR5 that I am going to miss a lot with my TM and that is that the Technomancer's BioPersona is no longer able to be part of a PAN. What that means for TMs is that they can no longer run their Smartgun systems through their Persona (ie. Smartlink in gun slaved to Persona which also has the smartlink in your contacts slaved to it, allowing you to use the whole thing.) It also eliminates a lot of other things you used to be able to do with your gear. I think I am going to house rule it in any games I run, but I wanted to know your opinion on the matter.
I'm quite keen to try and get back into the PbP thing too, especially with the new edition. Room for one more?
After playing around with the rules and character creation a little more, I think I might change my concept to a Corporate Born SINner (NeoNet to be precise) decker that finally saw the light of the oppression of the megas, especially NeoNet and their development of the Grid Overwatch Division, and decided to get out and work against it from the Shadows. Still a Matrix savvy support character, he is just quite a bit better in the Matrix and has the resources to do more in the meat, as well as being a Neo Anarchist (intentional NeoNet pun). His story sounds a lot more fun for me at this time, so I am wondering if I can switch him out for Lyzabeth at this time?
This sounds like a really cool project. smile.gif

I will look into making some sort of Mage character (probably Mystic Adept, because I like versatile characters).

QUOTE (Moirdryd @ Jul 19 2013, 12:10 AM) *
I'm quite keen to try and get back into the PbP thing too, especially with the new edition. Room for one more?

Recruitment always open! People come and go in pbp games so I never refuse anyone that wants in smile.gif

QUOTE (Trigger @ Jul 19 2013, 07:01 AM) *
After playing around with the rules and character creation a little more, I think I might change my concept to a Corporate Born SINner (NeoNet to be precise) decker that finally saw the light of the oppression of the megas, especially NeoNet and their development of the Grid Overwatch Division, and decided to get out and work against it from the Shadows. Still a Matrix savvy support character, he is just quite a bit better in the Matrix and has the resources to do more in the meat, as well as being a Neo Anarchist (intentional NeoNet pun). His story sounds a lot more fun for me at this time, so I am wondering if I can switch him out for Lyzabeth at this time?

No problem, just post a new sheet...keep the TM open for now, you might find you want to play her in one of the other sub threads at a later date?!? smile.gif
QUOTE (Thanee @ Jul 19 2013, 09:41 AM) *
This sounds like a really cool project. smile.gif

I will look into making some sort of Mage character (probably Mystic Adept, because I like versatile characters).


The more the merrier! biggrin.gif
Well, played around with a few ideas (was looking at sporting some chrome) then it occurred I've never gone adept.

So here is "Tide" (real name Rapheal Ambergood)

[ Spoiler ]

Contacts done, background lower down.


[ Spoiler ]

Hope that's okay, still haven't had a verification back through and my Ipad ate the independent rolls i was making lats night.
Thanks Moirdryd! Can you stick some spoiler tags on your post please when you get a sec?

@All making characters: I'd appreciate some look at the '20 questions' when you get a chance or a paragraph or two on background if that suits you better.

I've added Slacker's Fast Food Fight to the list of threads, I'll add PCs there as they are posted up...mine included, must get on with more than one thing at once nyahnyah.gif
Since I haven't ever really used them... How do I do that? smile.gif
QUOTE (Moirdryd @ Jul 19 2013, 05:21 PM) *
Since I haven't ever really used them... How do I do that? smile.gif

Put a [*spoiler*] at the front and [*/spoiler*] at the end but omit the * s

If in doubt on tags I tend to quote someone else's post and see how they've done things!
Here's a rudimentary back story for Tide. Short and sweet as is.

[ Spoiler ]
Alright, here is my NeoNet decker turned paranoid Neo-Anarchist, James 'Jimmy' Coston aka Hatter.

[ Spoiler ]

20 Questions
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Standard Rolls:
[ Spoiler ]

*pokes head in the door* I'm here for the Fast Food Fight? Party of five? This the right place? nyahnyah.gif

First here, it seems. Well, I'll just check in and then maybe... ooh! Is that a mini-bar? Are those Limonatas? Excuse me, I need to wet my whistle...

Dog's character sheet is finished, working on a background now...
*spouting in through the cracks chewing on an asparagus* "Hoi, Chummers any slow food peace talks goin on here? No, ahh well, then I might just have found the right thread this time arround."

So that's two of us over here now. No rush, though, need to wait for horvagab/Gentry to get fully geared and ready to roll before we can even think of doing anything useful. nyahnyah.gif

*hands Sunshine a half eatten package of pizzelles, then starts digging through a bowl of M&Ms, picking out the brown ones*

I'm interested by the similarities and differences between Wootz and Dog. Curious, the variations possible on the same base team role. You can definitely see a difference in how each plans to behave, based on their ware and stats.

Although I find it interesting we both took Internal Airtanks (both at R2, to boot), and Datajacks. I figured those would be somewhat unusual picks for a Sammy when I took them, but I guess either I was wrong, or maybe just great minds think alike. wink.gif

QUOTE (Umidori @ Jul 23 2013, 04:56 PM) *
I'm interested by the similarities and differences between Wootz and Dog. Curious, the variations possible on the same base team role. You can definitely see a difference in how each plans to behave, based on their ware and stats.

Although I find it interesting we both took Internal Airtanks (both at R2, to boot), and Datajacks. I figured those would be somewhat unusual picks for a Sammy when I took them, but I guess either I was wrong, or maybe just great minds think alike. wink.gif

<quietly slinks over to look up Wootz's char sheet> Yeah, interesting - same Priorities but much diff concepts. Wootz is all silk and refinement to Dog's ruff edges (biggrin.gif)

The internal air tank just seems like such a good idea™. In another PbP game, my char is in a situation where an internal air tank would be REALLY HANDY, but I didn't take one, and I'm kicking myself now. Datajacks...everyone with chrome should have one!
*hands Sunshine a half eatten package of pizzelles, then starts digging through a bowl of M&Ms, picking out the brown ones*

*crunch, crunch, crumble, crumble...muttering "haven't eaten in days," munch, munch, gulp, burp "thank YU, Sir, that was tAsty!" left hand starts fumbling throug messenger bag. "CAN YU be interested in an amoniak dispencer can or some disposable gloves, a simchip with a survey on contraception preferances with degree of relationship to median household income, maybe?*

Datajacks...everyone with chrome should have one!

...and sometimes two.

I'd love to play, it's been a while since I tried pbp.

William "Preston" Drest
Male Human Gunslinger Adept
[ Spoiler ]

[ Spoiler ]

[ Spoiler ]
Welcome to the pack!
QUOTE (AlDaRoN @ Jul 23 2013, 06:10 AM) *
I'd love to play, it's been a while since I tried pbp.

William "Preston" Drest...


William "Preston" Drest
Bill "Preston" Drest
Bill Drest "Preston"
Bill S. Preston

Most excellent.

Dog - Human street samurai
Hatter - Human decker
Tide - Elf Shark adept
Preston - Human gunslinger adept
well this is shaping up to be a very combat-focused group smile.gif
Violet, Mystic Adept

Character Sheet
[ Spoiler ]

[ Spoiler ]

[ Spoiler ]

[ Spoiler ]

[ Spoiler ]
Dog's pretty much complete now and ready to roll.

Thanee, I see you also found the awesome-sauce that is the new Focused Concentration. The equiv of a R5 sustaining focus that can be used for any spell and can't be taken away or shut down like a focus...this looks like THE must-have quality for anyone that can sling some mojo.

Also, interesting: It's weird that the Inc. Ref. adept power says it doesn't stack with magic or tech, but the Inc. Ref. spell doesn't mention any stacking limitations. Your character's sitting on a potential +16 Init, +5d6, not counting att boost(REA) . Scary!
Well, we are looking fairly Magic heavy *chuckles*
QUOTE (phlapjack77 @ Jul 24 2013, 11:03 AM) *
Thanee, I see you also found the awesome-sauce that is the new Focused Concentration.

Yeah, that one definitely looks pretty damn good. smile.gif

Also, interesting: It's weird that the Inc. Ref. adept power says it doesn't stack with magic or tech, but the Inc. Ref. spell doesn't mention any stacking limitations. Your character's sitting on a potential +16 Init, +5d6, not counting att boost(REA) . Scary!

I'm still a little unsure about how that Adrenaline Boost is supposed to work... since it is an action to activate, it will be used during the combat turn, i.e. if I roll 25 for initiative, I can then activate Adrenaline Boost 3 to act in 31 (using my Free Action for the IP, if not surprised)? But can I also activate it during my turn; i.e. on 25: activate; then act again on 21 / 11 / 1? spin.gif

The Answer Thanee would be yes.

If I have my initiative of 1D6 + 10 and get a 15 and then on my first IP open up my boosts then I got to init 21. At the end of the pass -10 is applied meaning I now have init 11 for pass 2 and init 1 for pass 3.
Although I have noticed an error on my sheet that I shall have to correct.
Is it just me, or is Adrenaline Boost 5 pretty good then? You can choose to act twice in a row. wink.gif

And what happens if you have Adrenaline Boost 6 and activate it on your turn? biggrin.gif


The IC thread is live.

Before you ask. Yes I know the opening is rather simplistic, but this is supposed to be a simple mission to test out the game system. I promise the next mission will be more in depth and likely link to one or more character's backgrounds.

Please preference any OoC posts with "@FastFoodFight:[character_name]", so that it's easily identified in this shared OoC thread.
Okay, so I wanted to brush up on the pbp text format, and I thought there was a sort of beginner's/refresher guide somewhere on dumpshock, but I seem to have forgotten to bookmark it and I can't find it now. frown.gif

Gonna keep looking, but if anyone can direct me before I spend an hour trying to find it myself, would be great. nyahnyah.gif

QUOTE (Umidori @ Jul 24 2013, 11:28 AM) *
Okay, so I wanted to brush up on the pbp text format, and I thought there was a sort of beginner's/refresher guide somewhere on dumpshock, but I seem to have forgotten to bookmark it and I can't find it now. frown.gif

Gonna keep looking, but if anyone can direct me before I spend an hour trying to find it myself, would be great. nyahnyah.gif


There really isn't any specific text formatting required. Many games default to using:

Anything spoken should go in "quotes" and I like the colour Cyan
If the dialogue is in any language other than English use red
Conversations over your comlink are in "quotes" and yellow
Text messaging and emails are in orange, but italicized and wrapped in <<angle brackets>>
Internal monologues or thinking are tan and italicized
Yeah, I'd noticed other SR forums use different formats. I could swear I saw a guidline thread somewhere on Dumpshock a while back, but I'm not finding any traces of it, so I dunno.

Thanks though! Best to just go with whatever the GM wants, huh? wink.gif

QUOTE (Slacker @ Jul 24 2013, 05:14 PM) *

The IC thread is live.

Before you ask. Yes I know the opening is rather simplistic, but this is supposed to be a simple mission to test out the game system. I promise the next mission will be more in depth and likely link to one or more character's backgrounds.

Please preference any OoC posts with "@FastFoodFight:[character_name]", so that it's easily identified in this shared OoC thread.

Slacker, just to be awkward, can we identify the IC thread as belonging to the 2075 'family' in the title? [2075 Game World Thread] or something that 2075'ers not on that thread can still track it...?!?
QUOTE (Aria @ Jul 24 2013, 11:40 AM) *
Slacker, just to be awkward, can we identify the IC thread as belonging to the 2075 'family' in the title? [2075 Game World Thread] or something that 2075'ers not on that thread can still track it...?!?

Sorry, I should have thought about that. Yeah. that is fine with me though it doesn't let me edit the thread title.
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