MK Ultra
Apr 6 2006, 10:36 PM
QUOTE (Mister Juan @ Apr 6 2006, 04:45 PM) |
Team One: CD, Felix, Aziz, JAX, JJ Team Two: Halo, Tao, Bronze, Nurse, Auran Team Three: Raven, Electrode, Thyn, Toy, Neo |
Iīd strongly suggest changing the groups composition, as above (bold characters exchanged), so that there is healing capacity in every team.
As for the NPCīs and unassociated players, I donīt know.. Iīd ad as follows:
One: 0day, Steel
Two: 2by4 & Knives
Three: Cammy & Shade
Slam will probably decide for himself (going with the team, that is hit worst at the time).
Apr 6 2006, 10:48 PM
-What do we do with the "inactive" PCs? |
Same thing we've done so far: nothing.
Let's ask him.
-Who will be the "leader" of each team (if we get split up, it's going to be a bitch if no one takes charge)? -Who gets the real box? |
Let's let Slam decide.
These answers could be seen as cop outs from us making decisions and just letting it fall to the GM to decide. But, honestly, Slam is the leader of this game and from an RP perspective, those are his calls.
Apr 6 2006, 10:55 PM
Don't forget Goliath, new technomancer. Technomancer, right?
I put together Goliath's character template at the
wiki - you'll find it under the 'What' section: PCs Under Construction. Or... go
here and start editing.
Feel free to give me a holler if you have any questions.
MK Ultra
Apr 6 2006, 11:08 PM
I think he was going to be a regular hacker (and I think there shouldnīt be any more TMīs), IIRC.
Apr 6 2006, 11:11 PM
actually, i'm pretty sure he said normal hacker. or at least, that's what he was thinking about before.
of course, not having seen his character sheet, i can hardly give an accurate, up-to-date response... but last i heard, that's what he was thinking.
[edit] argh, beaten to punch... teach me to go looking elsewhere to try and confirm my answers before i post

Apr 6 2006, 11:14 PM
Right... hacker. That's right. Off of the template.
Ah well, it can be an introduction to editing.
Apr 6 2006, 11:31 PM
ok, gone and taken a closer look at what i have...
i have 500 meters of microwire, an industrial tool kit (useful for making the Y even more defensible), a miniwelder (for welding on metal armor to defensive positions) a glue sprayer (for attaching anything not metal as armor to defensive positions), wire cutters (for cutting the microwire to specifications) and 4 holoprojectors + some programs to make the area look different and such using them. i also have one more holoprojector, but it's for personal use, and as such has to project near me
MK Ultra
Apr 6 2006, 11:33 PM
Jaid, always insist on the fact, that you are right, until someone proves you where wrong (than say, they misunderstood, and you meant it the other way around, all along

Makes life much easyer!
Well, it makes life lonlyer, but that is easyer

TFīs got a welder and clipper, too, as well as 3 flashbangs and 3 Thermosmoke!
He also has got an AK+smart (though not much ammo) and a Smartgun (this one has a Soundsupressor!), that he can give to someone, who can actually hit a troll with it, with some accruricy (no not using it as a club

Oh, well, the guns are probably still in
Auranīs car

So, where would the teams go, in the event of an escape? I think the bikes can be stocked inside the Y conveniently, but the cars and hover might be a bit problematic.
Besides, I just remembered, TF will have a really bad feeling about holeing up, due to his profecy, but he wonīt say that outright (also due to the profecy). I figure, most of the gang will figure, the holeing up will be a three days party, only with keeping to the Y and having weapons handy.
@ JaidBTW, we dont have to listen to the A-Team theme, while glueing and welding (and nailing for Cammy) junk together, do we?
Apr 7 2006, 01:06 AM
Question... does anyone have levitate? or a parachute? or something that would help jumping off a fifth floor roof?
Apr 7 2006, 01:08 AM
Hahah, this just keeps getting better and better.
Babysitting a fucking gun while high on novacoke.
Looks like Halo's in for a
hell of a birthday
Mister Juan
Apr 7 2006, 01:12 AM
QUOTE (Rokur) |
Question... does anyone have levitate? or a parachute? or something that would help jumping off a fifth floor roof? |
Raven can cast levitate.
Apr 7 2006, 01:14 AM
I had offered to Goliath that a few of us could help him build a lower end character, that the template would probably confuse him more than help.... Outside of getting ideas for Knowledge skills, I haven't used any of the archetypes in the book.
But then again, I've played SR for some 6 years now

I find it funny how MK thinks of the redheads as so innocent... dude if you only knew what they've been through!
Wyrm for one has grown up in a Tattoo parlour and seen just about any kind of rough and tumble slot out there, and even taken part in torturing their skin (I figure she makes about 100-200

a week working for her dad) - not to mention her time with the Tribe (Which I add in from time to time as personal thoughts for flavour)
Nurse's parents own a talisman shop and shadow clinic, she's seen just about every kind of street thug and Shadowrunner come through either door and often laying under the knife. She's seen blood, trauma and possibly even death. (Wyrm has seen death, and even faced it)
So, yeah, the reds aren't exactly what you would call innocent teens, then again in these streets since the Crash, I don't think any of us are.... but just thought the FYI would help you place the girls better.

Then again, most of this stuff the gang will find out in time - I like how many of us are developing rich personalities for their characters, this is the time of gaming I've been looking for: deep characters with a mind and will instead of some 30 min cooked up job with a half baked story (and I unfortunately have run that way in my early years, it took me time to flesh out my main decker, an easier time to flesh out my bodyguard, and I had fun with a couple of others.)
Back to the vote: I still like the 3 team concept. But like Wyrm pointed out IC, keep the goup close so that we can see what's coming.. if we're too far apart, then we're divided and easier to conquer. MK's latest suggestion is find for me. Still would like Felix (we're kinda developping a 4 musketeers group with TF, TJ, Wyrm and Tag

), but even Wyrm will agree that two mages in one team would probably be an improper use of resources..
I'll have an IC post soon as I can figure out what to say.. might need to lay down a bit, still hurting.
Mister Juan
Apr 7 2006, 01:22 AM
I think that MK's suggestion for the team do make more sense. I was a bit scared that Team Two was missing "combatants" type, but if you do add 2by4 and Knives to it, I think it should be fine. So, updated roster for the teams:
Team One: CD, Felix, Aziz, JAX, JJ, 0day, Steel
Team Two: Halo, Tao, Bronze, Nurse, Auran, 2by4, Knives
Team Three: Raven, Electrode, Thyn, Toy, Neo, Cammy, Shade
All in all, I believe that fighting wise, Team Three is probably the strongest (so they might be the one with the box).
We should also start figuring out what the Y really looks like... since we might end up fighting in it.
Apr 7 2006, 01:24 AM
QUOTE (MK Ultra) |
QUOTE (Mister Juan @ Apr 6 2006, 04:45 PM) | Team One: CD, Felix, Aziz, JAX, JJ Team Two: Halo, Tao, Bronze, Nurse, Auran Team Three: Raven, Electrode, Thyn, Toy, Neo |
Iīd strongly suggest changing the groups composition, as above (bold characters exchanged), so that there is healing capacity in every team.
As for the NPCīs and unassociated players, I donīt know.. Iīd ad as follows:
One: 0day, Steel Two: 2by4 & Knives Three: Cammy & Shade
Slam will probably decide for himself (going with the team, that is hit worst at the time).
Even though that looks pretty good, do you think team 2 has enough firepower???
Maybe just switch electrode and bronze (sorry to bronze &nurse)
Also, for gear... nothing really, i got a couple handcuffs, and some stimpatches for anyone needing to resist stun drain/fading, and personal gear including B&E stuff... but nothing I can think of to help the team.
Apr 7 2006, 01:32 AM
RE group contacts
Understand that if you introduce someone to your fixer contact, they aren't just getting a fixer contact... they are getting YOUR fixer contact. That means that the odds of that person getting geeked go up a bit, they may not be able to help out more than one person at a time, and all sorts of other problems.
With that in mind, feel free to share contacts in that fashion instead of the group contact method... it's really the same thing, point-wise, as buying group contacts.
RE Slam
His preference is to be on the most active (or most likely to get attacked) group, even if it involves being a decoy. He likes to be out there doing stuff and leads from the front. It's one of his (few) good qualities.
Also remember that since this a game with a strong basis in collaborative fiction, you're free to suggest how Slam behaves and does things. Don't go to the extent of writing dialogue for him, but up to a point feel free to influence his actions.
RE Gang ID/Gang Turf
A Gang ID roll with 1 hit is sufficient to recognize a Spikes logo and have a pretty good idea on colors and other markings. 2 hits is sufficient to be sure about colors and markings.
A Gang Turf roll with 1 hit is sufficient to know that they have some degree of influence all over and hate the Ancients with a passion. 2 hits is enough to know that they are based out of... wherever they are based out of. Downtown, I think.
Apr 7 2006, 01:48 AM
So, are we treating the people that don't come around anymore as NPCs?
That'd be a decent way to do it. Maybe drop an attribute or two along the way though.
Apr 7 2006, 02:00 AM
So....does the gang have a drug dealer? If not, does anyone have a contact that can score some nova?
Apr 7 2006, 02:03 AM
QUOTE (Rokur @ Apr 6 2006, 09:24 PM) |
Even though that looks pretty good, do you think team 2 has enough firepower??? Maybe just switch electrode and bronze (sorry to bronze &nurse)
Also, for gear... nothing really, i got a couple handcuffs, and some stimpatches for anyone needing to resist stun drain/fading, and personal gear including B&E stuff... but nothing I can think of to help the team. |
Electrode's not much more of a combatant than Wyrm. In a pinch she has access to his drones (seeing as he's said that a couple of time) and has access to all the security features in the building.
Kart has asked that I create a diagram of the Y, which (pain pending and such) I should have shortly. I have the next couple of nights off, so that gives me time to work on archetecture. I've given the layout in text form in the Wiki and most of my drawings will be based on that. I'll host the drawings off my image server so that I can make quick modifications of tha layout upon suggestions received without clogging up the wiki with multiple images. (not sure how the wiki deals with multiple images)
As a side note, I've been pondering the possibility of setting up my own mediawiki. I've downloaded the software, just need time to sort out installation and configuration with minimum downtime for my webserver (I host my own site off my computer)
The wiki will be a closed private resource that will include Dor's Data Haven (which is still under development) The concept is to slowly html-ize/wiki-ize the older game resources. To preserve copyrights my secure server is reserved for those who have password access. (Seeing as here in Canada you can share gaming resources among a gaming group as long as there's no personal profit)
I'm only mentioning this as - as you can guess - this is a huge project, and I need help. But (as mentioned above) I have to restrict those who can help me in respect to copyrights. Anyway... as I've detracted from the conversation I'll go back to trying to sort out floor plans.
Apr 7 2006, 02:23 AM
QUOTE (ES_Sparky) |
Auran has some good cred right now, having wrangled a tense situation, Rokur... why don't you have her pick one... I think we're leaning toward the 3 small teams each with a box, but grouped together. |
Is everyone cool if we just kinda did this? And Auran can wrap up the discussion, name the teams etc. etc. and we can go on IC RPing?
Mister Juan
Apr 7 2006, 02:25 AM
Sounds fine with me!
If someone was wondering what Felix was doing; he's going to the roof to get some quiet/calm time so he can summon watchers to guard the HQ perimeter.
MK Ultra
Apr 7 2006, 02:36 AM
QUOTE (Mister Juan @ Apr 6 2006, 09:25 PM) |
If someone was wondering what Felix was doing; he's going to the roof to get some quiet/calm time so he can summon watchers to guard the HQ perimeter. |
Now I have forgotten, what I was about to post

Ahr, right, @Rokur, Iīd be fine with it.

I donīt really get, what your PM is about?
And, he doesnīt think so much, that BW is inocet, Nurse, however...
Mister Juan
Apr 7 2006, 02:42 AM
@MK Ultra
Is TF planning on summoning some back?
Felix is probably only going to get two, and have them patrol for astral intruders while they set up the wards. He'll probably also get a Fire elemental (since it's about 9 hours till sunrise) if he's not too tired from the drain.
Apr 7 2006, 02:50 AM
There's more than one way to access trodes

If requested I can actually boost or enhance your signal output. Using my Reality Filter to bring us into a private VR environment, you see, fell, taste, and hear more - at least you could do that with SR3, not sure if that still works for technomancers. When you came across Otaku there was more to them, you could not only hear and see them, but you could feel and taste things in their presence - which is what made them so mysteriously powerful

It's just a suggestion... up to you really.
I'm all ok with the latest decision assign away, or you can wait till you and JJ get back from your drug run.
MK Ultra
Apr 7 2006, 03:02 AM
@Silo, Rokur & Vegas
TF would like to come along to the deal, if thatīs ok, with the others. He just has to finish his business with Nurse (dont have so much time to post now).
Maybe Halo might want to come along, too. Having a trip, before retreating to the Y for 3 days.
This would make negotiations all the better.
We might as well take the car and go shopping for supplies while we are at it (and go for some little bit of partying maybe

@Mister Juan
Heīll probably call watchers, but not for long and will also summon a low power (1 or 2) spirit of men.
Well, he really prefered to have a talk in private. The thing with the cable was just to have the cheezy start to te conversation
Read U, guys, go sleeping now...
EDIT: @ Vegas
Looks like I read your mind
Mister Juan
Apr 7 2006, 03:12 AM
Conjuring Watcher #1: Rolls: 3 [5] 4 [6] [5] [5] 1 Hits: 4 Drain: 4S Rolls: [6] 3 4 3 [5] 2 [5] 3 4 4 4 Hits: 3 Drain taken: 1S |
Conjuring Watcher #2 Rolls: 1 2 1 4 4 2 3 Hits: 0 |
Trying, again, to Conjure another Watcher Rolls: 1 [6] 3 1 1 [6] 2 Hits: 2 Drain: 2S Rolls: 1 4 4 4 4 2 1 1 [5] [6] 3 Hits: 2 No drain |
Conjuring Fire Elemental Force: 4 (with the Fear power) Conjuring Rolls: 1 [6] [6] [6] [5] 4 2 Hits: 4 I wish I rolled like that everyday Elemental's Rolls : 2 1 1 [6] Hits: 1 (glitched: adds an extra service) Drain: 2P Rolls: 3 [6] [6] 2 1 [5] 2 3 4 3 1 No drain taken |
With rolls good like that, it makes me wish I could bind the spirit....
Apr 7 2006, 03:28 AM
QUOTE (MK Ultra) |
@Silo, Rokur & Vegas TF would like to come along to the deal, if thatīs ok, with the others. He just has to finish his business with Nurse (dont have so much time to post now). Maybe Halo might want to come along, too. Having a trip, before retreating to the Y for 3 days. This would make negotiations all the better. We might as well take the car and go shopping for supplies while we are at it (and go for some little bit of partying maybe ). |
Uh, well, I don't wanna bring TOO many people on this little excursion, but Auran wouldn't push this too far (doesn't fly well with drug dealers to bring so many people), but what are we going shopping for? Auran doesn't need anything, besides stopping by her apt. to grab a shoebox.
Apr 7 2006, 03:34 AM
I don't think there needs to be a zillion force strong to get drugs, Halo just piped up with the intention of going in with Auran and negotiating the best deal possible for the most amount of Nova Coke. *shrugs* If she goes she goes, if she doesn't she doesn't. Besides, she wouldn't mind scoring a bit more of her drugs of choice with the way she's feeling right now.
Besides, it's not like we're all gonna come into the Y and lock everything up tight and not leave for 3 days. I'd think we'd need SOME come and go to keep things looking "normal" I mean, if you're trying to keep a low profile and not draw attention to the gang, I'd think it'd look kinda odd if every single member was suddenly not seen for 3 days

Also, I think the whole "bad shopping trip" experience involving going to the Stuffer is kinda hanging over all of our heads

Not that it would likely stop Auran from going shopping... for shoes!
Apr 7 2006, 03:49 AM
Well Nurse and Wyrm for one need to come and go...
After the weekend they're still in school.
Wyrm will keep constant tabs on the HQ's security monitors and alart or VR intervene if anything looks amiss.
Apr 7 2006, 03:54 AM
Do we have any generic size for the Y's building?
like 100' by 75' or smaller?
how many floors?
Now I'm kicking this around in my head
Apr 7 2006, 04:58 AM
This is the building I based my original calculations on:
QUOTE (YMCA Downtown Winnipeg) |
The modern state-of-the-art, 80,000-square-foot Downtown Y is equipped with an aquatics centre with a 25-metre, five-lane pool with slide, a family pool and a hot tub, multiple gyms, fitness centre, running track, squash and racquetball courts, multi-purpose space and full-amenity locker rooms.
The original building measures 155 feet by 120 feet, and is essentially two connecting blocks, six storeys high with brick bearing walls and hollow tile partitions. Features: Aquatics: Five-lane, 25-metre lap-pool with a slide, Round, 1.2-metre-deep, warm-water family pool, On-deck hot tub Fitness Centre: We offer more than 70 individual cardiovascular training systems. (most equipment gone, broken, maybe 2-5 repaired) Gym: We have three gyms on two levels offering a variety of fitness programs. Court sport enthusiasts will enjoy both racquetball and squash, which is located on the third floor. A great alternative to stationary cardiovascular conditioning is our 12-lap-per-mile track. This running area surrounds both our east and west gyms Locker Rooms:In addition to the standard male and female locker rooms, the Downtown Y also offers men and women's executive locker rooms wtih such features as courtesy telephones, make-up stations with electrical outlets, lounges with big-screen televisions, steam room and personal massage rooms. (The locker rooms cover 2 floors at the front of the building, and are connected by internal stairs. The locker room entrances are seperated by a large lounge that overlooks the pool on one end and the reception the other.)
I know this really bit description, but it should help
MK Ultra
Apr 7 2006, 06:45 AM
@ GM & others
Say, how long takes the aplication of the Medicine Skill? Couldnīt find anything in the book. So, what would be resonable?
Apr 7 2006, 07:19 AM
Unlike SR3, the 4th Edition is rather nebulous as to how long it takes to heal a character. Though the actions table lists any skill as being a complex action - meaning that Medicing and First Aid would take the time of a Complex Action to complete... Though I've always seen First Aid and Medicine as an extended test, where the time to heal someone changes depending situation modifiers.
MK Ultra
Apr 7 2006, 09:24 AM
QUOTE (Vegas @ Apr 6 2006, 10:34 PM) |
I don't think there needs to be a zillion force strong to get drugs, Halo just piped up with the intention of going in with Auran and negotiating the best deal possible for the most amount of Nova Coke. *shrugs* If she goes she goes, if she doesn't she doesn't. Besides, she wouldn't mind scoring a bit more of her drugs of choice with the way she's feeling right now.
Besides, it's not like we're all gonna come into the Y and lock everything up tight and not leave for 3 days. I'd think we'd need SOME come and go to keep things looking "normal" I mean, if you're trying to keep a low profile and not draw attention to the gang, I'd think it'd look kinda odd if every single member was suddenly not seen for 3 days 
Also, I think the whole "bad shopping trip" experience involving going to the Stuffer is kinda hanging over all of our heads Not that it would likely stop Auran from going shopping... for shoes! |
Youīr right, but TF is probably going to lay low, as much as possible in the next days, due to his injuries, so he wants to get out a bit, if possible. Besids, its saturday night.
You know, Wounded Ronins IC post made me realize, when we boot it, the should probably be one of the decoys left in the HQ.
Well the book says.
Using First Aid is a complex action and takes a number of combat turns, equal to the damage. |
Nothing is said about Medicine.
Apr 7 2006, 11:09 AM
QUOTE (MK Ultra) |
Well the book says.
QUOTE | Using First Aid is a complex action and takes a number of combat turns, equal to the damage. |
Nothing is said about Medicine.
Ah, I missed that line... sweet!
My opinion would be that Medicine would take at least the amount of Damage Boxes per minute as an extended test - just to make it more realistic... But I'll let Tink make the ruling on that one.
My annoyance with the SR4 BBB is that you have to bounce all over the book just to get some of the most basic information.... It's not well laid out to gather quick information.
Apr 7 2006, 11:18 AM
Toy sit's down
on the shoebox?! I don't think the box can takes Toy's weight chica...
Apr 7 2006, 11:54 AM
QUOTE (Dranem) |
My annoyance with the SR4 BBB is that you have to bounce all over the book just to get some of the most basic information.... It's not well laid out to gather quick information. |
My thoughts too. All the rules are sandwiched within descriptive narratives and recycled artwork.
I was hoping the newly released GM Screen would bring some rules together, but from what I hear it is just the tables that are already in the core book. I'll buy it anyway though.
MK Ultra
Apr 7 2006, 12:52 PM
QUOTE (Silo) |
QUOTE (Dranem @ Apr 7 2006, 06:09 AM) | My annoyance with the SR4 BBB is that you have to bounce all over the book just to get some of the most basic information.... It's not well laid out to gather quick information. |
My thoughts too.
All the rules are sandwiched within descriptive narratives and recycled artwork. |
Sad thing is, most of the recycled stuff is better then the new stuff, and not because the old artwork is so decent either.
I was hoping the newly released GM Screen would bring some rules together, but from what I hear it is just the tables that are already in the core book. I'll buy it anyway though. |
sorry to here that.
Apr 7 2006, 12:54 PM
I see medicine as assessing someone's injuries and giving them some good advice (and maybe making up bandages or changing them). So long as you're able to spend 5 minutes with the injured person a couple of times a day, it'll work. Or one longer session, I guess.
MK Ultra
Apr 7 2006, 12:55 PM
QUOTE (Dranem) |
Toy sit's down on the shoebox?! I don't think the box can takes Toy's weight chica... |
donīt think thats a good idea, either.
Apr 7 2006, 12:57 PM
QUOTE (dranem) |
Toy sit's down on the shoebox?! I don't think the box can takes Toy's weight chica...  |
Unless she either wants to take either a few motherboards or a gun in her butt cheeks

Not to mention make Auran sacrifice yet another shoebox to the cause.
MK Ultra
Apr 7 2006, 01:00 PM
QUOTE (TinkerGnome) |
... giving them some good advice ... |
Fantastic, so
Nurse will berate TF, not to get drugged or drunk, stop smoking and partying and avoid any exhaustive tasks (i.e. conjuring).
Not that Iīve awaited anything else

The time thingy sounds realistic.
Maybe make it boxes * 5 minutes once per day, or boxes * 1 minute twice or trice pwe day?
MK Ultra
Apr 7 2006, 01:02 PM
QUOTE (Vegas) |
Unless she either wants to take either a few motherboards or a gun in her butt cheeks |
Neo would probably voluntere, to put a troll gun in there
Sorry, Iīll go into the corner and feel ashamed
Apr 7 2006, 01:57 PM
QUOTE (Silo) |
So....does the gang have a drug dealer? If not, does anyone have a contact that can score some nova? |
If no individual contact exists, this might be the way to go about group contacts, drop the group contact points into it as needed when they come up in "play".
China Doll relies on the gang for her drugs, one minor reason she hangs out with them.
MK Ultra
Apr 7 2006, 02:11 PM
Sounds ok for me, though Iīd really prefer to flesh them out in advance.
@ Voorhees
How about that?
QUOTE (Aziz) |
"Tao!", he says cheerily, releasing him from his grip. "How are things? How's your little flower? She's such a sweet girl.", he says, obviously very pleased with himself. |
QUOTE (MK Ultra) |
Also, TF is trying to Judge Intention (SR4 p. 130) with Aziz remark about Rachel, to find out if it is genuin. It is an oposed test against his Charisma+Willpower.
CODE | Charisma (3) + Intuition (5) + Damage (-2) = 6 dice 2 [5] 1 [5] [5] [5] Hits:4 |
Wow, I guess he will have quiet a good picture  |
Still waiting for a reply, TF has to order the corect quantity of poinson

Apr 7 2006, 02:32 PM
@ DR - JJ gives you admin rights to his 'link.
MK Ultra
Apr 7 2006, 02:46 PM
@ Dire Radiant
TF will let CD tinker with his Icon, too. He was at the stuffer ~45 befor the fight and left a message for Auran, so she should spoof her comcode, too.
Say, is any of the players, that didnīt post for some while oficially out? (except Taisho, who is temporarily out).
Apr 7 2006, 03:00 PM
QUOTE (MK Ultra) |
(except Taisho, who is temporarily out). |
Why is Taisho temporarily out?
Apr 7 2006, 03:02 PM
Spoof 3 + Hacking 1 + Home Ground 2 (Threshold 2) = 6 pool
6 6 5 4 2 1 = 3 hits - JJ 6 5 4 4 2 1 = 2 hits - TF 5 5 4 2 2 2 = 2 hits - Aziz 6 6 5 3 2 1 = 3 hits - ?? 5 3 3 3 3 1 = 1 hits - ?? (Hopefully this isn't someone with a cyber commlink...) 6 6 5 4 3 2 = 3 hits - ?? 6 6 4 4 2 2 = 2 hits - ?? 6 6 6 2 2 1 = 3 hits - ?? 5 5 5 4 2 1 = 3 hits - ?? |
I'll assign as I get replies.
Home ground really makes a huge difference.
MK Ultra
Apr 7 2006, 03:13 PM
QUOTE (Silo) |
Why is Taisho temporarily out? |
He said so, himself, he has no time, at the moment, but plans to come back, at some time, when he has more spare time. He sayd he would appreciate, if we intagrate 2by4 into our IC posts now and than.
Apr 7 2006, 05:53 PM
I know a couple of people have mentioned before about not being where they could roll dice. Just found a nice, simple online roller:
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