Mar 31 2006, 03:28 AM
better steal that truck fast

don't want the star to take it as evidence

should be exceptionally easy, since you can just take their commlinks (and subsequently, anything subscribed to said commlinks).
Mar 31 2006, 03:34 AM
Unless they've got cranial comms, then that might get messy
Mister Juan
Mar 31 2006, 03:40 AM
I'll wait for JJ's reaction before posting anything else. Felix will probably help him along up to his (Felix's) bike so they can get the frag out.
Mar 31 2006, 03:43 AM
I think it's best to keep the comm chatter in the IC thread. If people want to sort out where they're post should go, I have each location divided up by area so that you can follow the timeline of one spot in particular. Yellow sounds like a good enough colour.
Though it does help if people do put their own posts to the IC Locations threads, I go through them every night when I'm at work, so I clean up and edit as I go. By edit I mean I fix time stamps and clean up headers, whatever typos or bad spelling is in your post is up to you to fix.

I'll start porting the IC Locations to the new 410crash wiki this weekend, and try to keep both wiki's current with info for as much as I can.
I moved the stuffer and Cyberia down a bit so that it seems to coordinate better with Frank's posts and with the IC events. (7 mins to get from Jun's garage by car, etc) I think I have most of the locations sorted out on the map now... though I'm going to need Toa's take on where the talismonger shop is.
I agree that we need to sort out who the gang is going to want for contacts, I had put up a few suggestions in the gangers wiki, though I see they haven't made their way to the 410crash yet.
Mar 31 2006, 03:44 AM
dang, looks like you might not have too much time to loot after all either...
though i am not sure there actually was any automatic fire, per se... there certainly was one heck of a handcannon though, which i suppose did as much damage as a short burst from an SMG i guess
Mar 31 2006, 03:46 AM
Police response in a C grade security zone is 10 mins if I recall.. should give the group time to loot then we can all catch up at HQ.
Mar 31 2006, 03:54 AM
QUOTE (Jaid) |
better steal that truck fast 
should be exceptionally easy, since you can just take their commlinks (and subsequently, anything subscribed to said commlinks). |
Actually, anyone getting in the truck will quickly discover the only thing that was keeping the theft kill switch from activating was the careful hotwiring the orks had done when they originally stole it. A job that was ruined by two crashes and a franticly escaping driver, I might add.
QUOTE (Jaid) |
though i am not sure there actually was any automatic fire, per se... there certainly was one heck of a handcannon though, which i suppose did as much damage as a short burst from an SMG i guess |
The revolver did make some loud bangs, but there was also some SMG fire from Neo.
QUOTE (Dranem) |
Police response in a C grade security zone is 10 mins if I recall.. should give the group time to loot then we can all catch up at HQ. |
Well, you're going on 10:30 since the alarm was hit at the Stuffer Shack, so you might not want to rely on that...
Mar 31 2006, 04:02 AM
wait, 10:30 since alarm was hit?
the orks just let the attendant hit the alarm or something? and i thought it was 7 minutes when the orks came out of the stuffer shack.
someone been jumping posting times again?
and dang it, i knew i shoulda got in to the stuffer shack fight beforehand... coulda so stolen that truck in the time they were in the stuffer shack, and hacked all their commlinks too

*sigh* teach me to wait on GM approval when i'm 99.9% sure there won't be any problems
Mar 31 2006, 04:24 AM
QUOTE (Jaid) |
wait, 10:30 since alarm was hit?
the orks just let the attendant hit the alarm or something? and i thought it was 7 minutes when the orks came out of the stuffer shack. |
Well, they didn't have much choice in the matter, seeing as how they put a silent alarm button in the little booth with the cashier. It'd be silly if it were outside.
Time did jump a bit again. There were several posts in the 20:09 range.
Mar 31 2006, 04:38 AM
If I was the cashier, I probably would have hit the silent alarm the first shot fired in the shop too.... sucks that we can't hot wire the car, but seeing as it's stolen we'd have to stash it in the gym till we could get it to the chop shop...
Say..... The kill swith just kills the ignition right? so you guys could possibly still tow the truck back behind the van to HQ or to Jun's Garage, right?
Just an idea.

Say does the kill switch fry any remote car start? At that time stamp, Wyrm could zip over in VR and see about remote starting it...
Mar 31 2006, 05:21 AM
It's the vehicle termination chip that was triggered. The orks had bypassed the transponder that should have given it the kill code when the owner reported it stolen. The wiring got destroyed (and the chip automatically activated when it couldn't hear its transponder any longer). So now the vehicle isn't going anywhere because it's pretty much all shut down.
It's possible to keep one from going off if you know what you're doing, but if it does go off, it takes a lot of time and luck to get it back to running. It's also broadcasting it's position and that it was stolen across the Matrix to the authorities.
If you're going to steal cars, you either have to be very fast or very good.
MK Ultra
Mar 31 2006, 09:34 AM
QUOTE (Dranem @ Mar 30 2006, 10:43 PM) |
... though I'm going to need Toa's take on where the talismonger shop is. |
The former location of the Cyberia across the river would be fine, especially, if there is a mall over there. It would be room enough for Yen Lo Wangs Ginger Im- & Export, with the actualLorestore somewere in a basement.
@ TG
Sure I didnīt mean a "free favour" shoud cost nothing, only used that term as reference to the rules, which I understand as being payed back RP wise.
9+Conect sounds ok for this though Iīd think itīs a bit low for a streetdoc (Tag would do better then most docs than). Also does that include gear? A Street Doc should have a better Medkit then level 4 and a Talismongerer would probably have some Foci, wouldnīt they?
What about Catalogue?
Mar 31 2006, 10:33 AM
Damn OnStar Matrix beacon! How are we suppose swipe previously stolen cars?! That takes all the fun out of things!

Oh well, at least the vehicle will be on the scene when the Star get there and they have the culprits injured and lying right there to be apprehended!

Poetic justice if you ask me, just make sure you don't leave any fingerprints on the truck guys.
Mind you I'm in full VR, Electronic Warfare+Spoof should be able to scramble the signal, no?
Also I'm going to need to do some node editing to scrub the tracks of our guys in the vacinity, just in case the Star is looking to cause us grief. (Though I think we should get a reward for stopping the thieves and apprehending the vehicle to return to it's owner;) )
MK Ultra
Mar 31 2006, 02:04 PM
Uhm, nick could you please post the mechanics here instead of the IC-thread in the future? For me, it really detracts from the atmosphere, to have the white code-blocks in IC, and I think Iīm not alone.
Itīs ok, when TG posts mechanics IC, when they need to be right there (like with the listening in on the conversation), but we should keep this to a minimum. I thought this was allready consnse

EDIT: Also, which ganger is he is he executing? I didnīt quiet understand. "the Helix"?
Mar 31 2006, 02:14 PM
QUOTE (MK Ultra) |
@ DireRadiant I donīt see the need for seperate VR/AR chanals, itīs the whole point of AR to combine this stuff.
Iīd sugest (again) giving other com-stuff/chatrooms/comcalls/smokesigns a seperate header with the apropriate "location", like, i.e. "Charlieīs Com", if you call Charlie.
Sorry for the confusion. I did not mean for a convention to distinguish between VR and AR, but to distinguish between the various channels, whether or not they are VR or AR. e.g. Crash410 is a channel seperate from all Mandarin Channel China Doll has with Tao Fighter, Toy Robot and a couple other people. The convention needs to identify that it is a VR/AR channel, and which channel it is.
Mar 31 2006, 02:48 PM
QUOTE (MK Ultra @ Mar 31 2006, 04:34 AM) |
9+Conect sounds ok for this though Iīd think itīs a bit low for a streetdoc (Tag would do better then most docs than). Also does that include gear? A Street Doc should have a better Medkit then level 4 and a Talismongerer would probably have some Foci, wouldnīt they?
EDIT: What about Catalogue? |
6+Connection for his dice. A connection 3 contact would have 9 dice which is pretty good, really. This would not include common levels of gear. For first aid, a R6 medkit is certainly reasonable. A clean environment is also very possble (something you won't get on the street). So a street doc is probably rolling 12+connection dice to patch you up. The doc is also able to give you the same kind of medicine roll to help you heal up from the rest of the damage.
For catalgoue, I don't have a problem with it, per se. We'll have to discuss the exact mechanics, though.
On the OOC text in the IC... all such text should be in a spoiler block rather than a code block. I just revised the post with the conversation to use nested spoiler tags rather than actual OOC text. I believe probably 75% of the cases where I would need to use OOC text can be solved with spoiler tags (primarily when I need to make it clear not to open another spoiler), which are almost invisible in the text, really.
Mar 31 2006, 03:15 PM
QUOTE (MK Ultra) |
EDIT: Also, which ganger is he is he executing? I didnīt quiet understand. "the Helix"? |
"the Helix" could be a play on "healer" - "healix" or "Felix" the healer, or simply a typographical error. Or a visual pun on the standard entwined snake and stave of the medical profession, which can be considered a helix.
None of which matters as much as the fact Neo capped someone.
MK Ultra
Mar 31 2006, 03:40 PM
I thought so, but was not suer. I do consider the fact wether he executed the ork, tag just fixed up or the other one (maybe even the dead one) quiet important for pc-pc-relationship.
Mar 31 2006, 04:21 PM
Typo. I was referring to Felix, and he capped the orc you were working on.
It was a mercy killing. Well, that's what he figures anyway. If Bear doesn't like it, Bear can tell him so, and he'll avoid doing it in the future.
Mar 31 2006, 04:41 PM
Pretty much off topic, and SR4 tech would be a lot more "slick" and high tech, but this was rather cool for "tagging"
Night Writer
Mar 31 2006, 08:06 PM
QUOTE (p. 192) |
Bear is a mentor found in cultures wherever bears are known, from North America to Europe and Asia. He is powerful, but gentle and wise. He tends to be slow-moving and easygoing unless urgency requires speed. Bear is slow to anger, but terrible in battle. Bear tends to be calm, cool, and collected. He is the healer and protector of the natural world. Bear cannot turn down someone who needs healing without good reason. |
Now reading that little bit, you want to tell me Bear's reason for wanting to kill an incompacitated target that Felix had just stabilized WITH the Star bearing down on your location?
Sorry for snapping, it just floored me that you would do that...
Mar 31 2006, 08:16 PM
It's also work noting that this isn't an amoral campaign. Certainly, gangers will take part in various vices, but shooting a helpless foe that your friend just patched up is probably on the extreem. By the time Neo gets around to doing that... it's pretty much a cold blooded act and I don't think Bear will approve, nor would it be karmic.
That said, I'm not stopping him from doing it. These are the mean streets, after all.
Mar 31 2006, 08:24 PM
QUOTE (TinkerGnome) |
For both threads, feel free to post anything up to and including arrival at the gang HQ. The timestop will be 22:45:00. Do not post past this time. I will probably post the next post this weekend.
After the next post, there will be no backposting. This should let us clean up the timelines. |
22:45? It's going to take 2 hours before Slam's meet? Wow, that's a whole lotta IC that can happen!
Mar 31 2006, 09:37 PM
QUOTE (nick012000) |
Typo. I was referring to Felix, and he capped the orc you were working on.
It was a mercy killing. Well, that's what he figures anyway. If Bear doesn't like it, Bear can tell him so, and he'll avoid doing it in the future. |
On the other hand, the totem below seems to fit Neo's personality better - judging by your character sheet. Not saying you should change totems, but if you like a violent streak, there will come a time that Bear will stop talking to you....
(Shark's mentality also justifies the ork as a mercy killing where as Bear is probably very upset with you.)
QUOTE (p.194) |
Shark is a cold and relentless hunter. His power is known to all who live near the sea. When Shark strikes, he does so without mercy, driven into a frenzy by the blood of his prey. Shark magicians tend to be wanderers, always on the move. They are fi erce and deadly warriors. A Shark magician believes the only good enemy is a dead enemy. If challenged, he does not waste time with threats or boasts but strikes to kill. |
Mar 31 2006, 11:01 PM
so is no one gonna swipe their commlinks? their guns? nothing?
dang, you guys would make absolutely terrible D&D players

i'll point this one out, too... even if you can't get a truck out of it, let's suppose for a second that maybe, just maybe, they have bikes. which could also be subscribed to the commlink... and which you could rig them (or simply have them pilot themselves) to someplace convenient for later looting.
maybe it includes, say, information, like how many are in their gang, what kind of gear we can expect... that sorta thing.
Mar 31 2006, 11:09 PM
QUOTE (Jaid) |
so is no one gonna swipe their commlinks? their guns? nothing? |
I am. I just haven't had time to post in the last day.
Mar 31 2006, 11:14 PM
QUOTE (Dranem) |
QUOTE (TinkerGnome @ Mar 30 2006, 11:23 PM) | For both threads, feel free to post anything up to and including arrival at the gang HQ. The timestop will be 22:45:00. Do not post past this time. I will probably post the next post this weekend.
After the next post, there will be no backposting. This should let us clean up the timelines. |
22:45? It's going to take 2 hours before Slam's meet? Wow, that's a whole lotta IC that can happen!
That's why I bought beer....
@TG how much will the beer cost me? and how much is a pack of smokes nowadays? still taxed up the wazoo?
Mar 31 2006, 11:21 PM
I'm not sure what I swiped, so if you will kindly let me know...that'd be super cool.
@everyone else
And for reference, which you would all now already from being around JJ, he is all about sharing the spoils with the gang. You'd know this from previous times he has stolen stuff.
Just wanted to state that so no one thought I was trying to call dibs on stuff he pockets in situations like the one we are currently in.
MK Ultra
Mar 31 2006, 11:25 PM
TF would second this, at least some communism for Toy
Mar 31 2006, 11:34 PM
Just might wanna let one of the technically minded scan the comms before you share them around... just to make sure they're cracked and have no 'surprises' in store in them.

Speaking of techs, anyone notice that it's been a long time since we've seen a post by BladePoet? Last action I saw from 0day is him scanning the fight from down the street...
Oh, and after the meet, Wyrm's going to need some of that beer! I'll transfer Auran a few cred to pay for her and Nurses share... or some such...
Mar 31 2006, 11:43 PM
QUOTE (Dranem) |
Just might wanna let one of the technically minded scan the comms before you share them around... just to make sure they're cracked and have no 'surprises' in store in them. |
Sounds like a plan to me.
Mar 31 2006, 11:51 PM
TinkerGnome will clarify, but I suspect normal things like beer and food is covered in lifestyle costs, and can get "handwaved' as paid for. Whereas drugs are probably extra costs. Not that we aren't going to post ICly that we paid for things, but I don't think it's a detail that should matter or be tracked for a six pack or two.
Apr 1 2006, 12:01 AM
QUOTE (DireRadiant) |
TinkerGnome will clarify, but I suspect normal things like beer and food is covered in lifestyle costs, and can get "handwaved' as paid for. Whereas drugs are probably extra costs. Not that we aren't going to post ICly that we paid for things, but I don't think it's a detail that should matter or be tracked for a six pack or two. |
Besides, I'd like to think from each of thier "spoils" from things like the Stuffer Shack, a bit of that cred goes into a proverbial "pot" for the gang to draw from for crap like that, celebratory drinks/smokes/etc.
Apr 1 2006, 02:01 AM
Yes, the time is a typo. It should be 20:45.
Beer (as is pretty much all food and drink) is part of lifestyle.
As for the looting, the obvious stuff is the ganger's gun, armor jacket, and commlink. Same goes for the leader. There is also some loose cash floating around (the loot from the shack). Who is going for what (aside from Silo)?
Don't expect big money out of any of it, though.
Apr 1 2006, 02:09 AM
Halo's already pocketed some of the loose cash from near the truck.
Other than that she was too busy waffling about chasing after the running ganger to loot anything else before she heard sirens.
Apr 1 2006, 09:08 AM
QUOTE (TinkerGnome) |
It's also work noting that this isn't an amoral campaign. Certainly, gangers will take part in various vices, but shooting a helpless foe that your friend just patched up is probably on the extreem. By the time Neo gets around to doing that... it's pretty much a cold blooded act and I don't think Bear will approve, nor would it be karmic.
That said, I'm not stopping him from doing it. These are the mean streets, after all. |
Well, he's seeing it as helping him. A nice clean death, with no more suffering. There are doctors around in RL who advocate this sort of thing, so it doesn't seem entirely unreasonable. Whether or not Bear agrees...
MK Ultra
Apr 1 2006, 10:05 AM
Sounds like the toxic poisener variante of Bear to me
Apr 1 2006, 10:30 AM
Heh. Toxic adept.
Apr 1 2006, 10:33 AM
QUOTE (nick012000 @ Apr 1 2006, 10:08 AM) |
Well, he's seeing it as helping him. |
Raven could have helped him. But now it's too late...

Apr 1 2006, 10:41 AM
Speaking of help... Raven will heal Felix and JJ (AFTER their wounds have been treated with First Aid by someone).
Here are the rolls:
Felix is healed
1 box (
no Drain)
JJ is healed
2 boxes (
no Drain)
MK Ultra
Apr 1 2006, 10:43 AM
QUOTE (nick012000) |
Heh. Toxic adept. |
Well, the mechanical term for "toxic" adepts in SR3 was "twisted". Shamanic adepts however would probably have the rp-characteristics of the toxic version of thair totem
Apr 1 2006, 02:21 PM
Is attaching video of us having a gunfight in the street and committing murder for anyone who comes into the SS, including the approaching law enforcement officers, a good idea?
Apr 1 2006, 02:26 PM
In never ceases to amaze me how one person can turn a young gang of rufians keeping order through intimidation into a band of psychotic bloodthursty violent thugs. And considering this is a C grade zone, a threat that the Star may look into removing for the sake of protecting the locals.
I just hope you realize what your careless actions have done to the rest of the gang. As a long time SR gamer, I could tell you that Bear would be disappointed in your actions.
I thought Tink reminded us that this isn't an amoral campaign...

Heck I may be the only one floored by Neo's actions for all I know....
If they do any kind of autopsy on the body (the orc is only a gangster unless he has family, then it can get messy), they will discovered that the body was first healed, then shot. Cold blooded murder, no self defense involved.
Wyrm for one is not going to take the heat for anyones First Degree murder rap and will leave the gang if this is where it's going.
Apr 1 2006, 03:16 PM
Isn't the disadvantage of bear that you have to make some kind of check or otherwise have to heal anyone near death friend or foe alike. Healing and mercy killing just seem like two OPPOSITE actions....
note: sorry I was wrong it's not their disadvantage. Here's the quote on pg. 192
Bear is a mentor found in cultures wherever bears are known, from North America to Europe and Asia. He is powerful, but gentle and wise. He tends to be slow-moving and easygoing unless urgency requires speed. Bear is slow to anger, but terrible in battle. Bear tends to be calm, cool, and collected. He is the healer and protector of the natural world. Bear cannot turn down someone who needs healing without good reason. |
So I guess in this case, the good reason that you wanted to NOT help heal him is....
PS Remind me to never visit your doctor nick
MK Ultra
Apr 1 2006, 03:27 PM
QUOTE (Dranem) |
Heck I may be the only one floored by Neo's actions for all I know.... |
No, your not !!! Iīm totally on your side with this. However, I wanted to sattle this IC.

However ...
If they do any kind of autopsy on the body (the orc is only a gangster unless he has family, then it can get messy), they will discovered that the body was first healed, then shot. Cold blooded murder, no self defense involved. |

Yes, IMO Neo just donated a hafty 2

to the "Lone Star coming down on the 410 Crash" found! The message was aditional icing on the cake.
I mean the headline "gang shoot out at local stuffer shack" is a world apart from "orc executed by the 410 Crash after attampted robbery on thair turf"! The first is just everyday news, the second, if given the right media spin (which the O.R.C. might want to look for), will bring down sever pressure on LS, to persue the case in a C Area.
Wyrm for one is not going to take the heat for anyones First Degree murder rap and will leave the gang if this is where it's going. |
It depends on the consequences, what TF will do. Maybe we can still clean this up (or are lucky and it is droped because there are other mayor headlines), but when it turns uggly, befor leaving the gang, he will probably try to sell out Neo to his uncle Bob, in excange for shielding the 410 from enhanced LS scrutiny.
MK Ultra
Apr 1 2006, 03:29 PM
QUOTE (Rokur @ Apr 1 2006, 10:16 AM) |
PS Remind me to never visit your doctor nick |

hum, sorry

EDIT: PS, nobody (maybe except Auran and maybemaybe JAX, I havenīt decided, yet) probably knows that TF has a contact with Lone Star. So his cours of action wonīt be easiely anticipated.
Apr 1 2006, 03:52 PM
Wouldn't Neo need to do some kind of computer test to add something to the Stuffer's public subscription node?
If Wyrm is made aware of the messge (seeing as I'm not there so I won't know what's going on unless it's broadcasted in channel), she'll make a concerted effort to delete it from any record.
Kart just reminded me that - since Nick's doing is every so bright splat to the SS node as you leave - we'll probably not find out about it till it reaches the evening news.
MK Ultra
Apr 1 2006, 04:23 PM
There are probably public areas to post stuff on almost all nodes (especially in shoping areas), but the message will quickly be deleated by the SysOp, as Stuffer Shack wouldnīt want to have something like this on thair public customer area (itīs like loading pr0n up to A0L

Apr 1 2006, 05:04 PM
The thing about a C zone is that you really have to irk the cops to bring down the real heat. Posting video is probably a Bad Idea in this respect, though I don't think the cops really care too much about dead gangers, even if you execute them. For the most part, gang on gang violence is something they'd rather pretend doesn't happen and ignore. Putting video of it everywhere means they can't ignore it, really.
If innocent civiilians were getting the same treatment, that's another thing.
From a morality point of view, I don't have any problem with you guys shooting and killing one of the gangers. Hell, I don't have any problem with you executing one that is laying there bleeding to death. However, what Neo did is a little worse than that. It wasn't a mercy killing since the guy wasn't going to die without help and Neo should have known that.
It's also likely to be a totem issue over time.
For the week, everyone that was actively posting gets 3 karma except for Neo who gets 1 karma for the week.
Apr 1 2006, 05:05 PM
i definitely don't feel that this kind of thing is what Electrode would agree to.
murdering people is not the reason he joined up at all. it's one thing to defend turf, it's another to go around killing people for no good reason whatsoever.
If the star comes down on the gang, Electrode will definitely not be sticking around. and if this sort of thing happens again, he's likely to leave too.
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