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Sorry, I'm out of town and won't be able to roll my Combat 2 stuff until later tonight.

I am going to be shooting at the ork that shot me.


Fight at SS
Combat Turn #2

Shot 1: 4P/--
Agility (4) + Pistols (5) + Injury (-1) + Turf (2) = 10 dice
[5] 4 4 2 2 [5] 1 [5] [5] [5] Hits:5

Shot 2: 4P/--
Agility (4) + Pistols (5) + Injury (-1) + Turf (2) + Recoil (-1) = 9 dice
1 3 [6] [5] 3 [6] [6] 1 [6] Hits:5

After firing those 2 shots, JJ will dive/walk/run back to whatever cover is available in the doorway he was in. Actually, he will go to whatever cover is closest (i.e. car, trashcan, newspaper stand, entryway, etc).

Assuming I get shot at again:

Ranged Dodge 1:
Reaction (4) = 4 dice
3 4 [5] 1 Hits:1

Ranged Dodge 2:
Reaction (4) = 4 dice
4 3 2 4 Hits:0

I think I'd like to use a point of Edge to reroll that second one. However, I don't have any rules with me and am not sure what it is. Is it 1 point of Edge to reroll all failures? If so...

Edge Reroll:
Reaction (4) = 4 dice
4 2 2 [5] Hits:1

If that isn't the way it works, ignore that and I'll figure it out tonight.
The use of Edge is right... however, you have to apply the wound modifier on Defense tests and you do get a -1 cumulative dice pool modifier for every Dodge attempt after the first between two actions, so you would only have 3 dice for the first Dodge test and 2 dice for the second (1 die for the third, and after that you are out of luck), not that it makes a difference, since you got no hits, anyways.

You can then reroll all failures (only 2 dice, of course), but that makes little sense with JJ's Edge of 4, since you can also just roll your Edge attribute instead (4 dice, so that fits to your above roll) and roll an additional die for every 6 you rolled there (none, unfortunately).

So the end result (1 hit on both tests) is the same, if you take the first (three and two respectively) dice rolled for the initial tests and then all four for the Edge roll.

So, basically, my edge reroll got no hits then since the last die shouldn't have been there. Woohoo. frown.gif
Nono, the Edge reroll was right with four dice (you just have to use another option, which makes more sense, not the 'reroll all misses' one, but the 'roll Edge, roll one more die for every 6, and add all the hits to the original roll' one), because your Edge is 4 and you do not get the negative mods on that roll.

MK Ultra
Since I needed a break from learning, I updated the wiki RP Locations. I only checked for posts on p. 7 of the IC thread and didnīt check for edited posts (mostly). I didnīt do anything to the Encrypted Broadcst or the Stuffer entry either.

It would be cool, if everybody could update the wiki archive himself, when postin or editing IC.

Sombody involved should update the Stuffer archive, and everybody should add his own characters Comlink IRC posts to the archive.
MK Ultra
Can somebody tell me (again), how anchors work at the wiki?
When things get dead at work (which they do when you work 3rd shift), I typically scan through the IC thread and past things where necessary. It helps when people do do they're own work....

As for anchors in the wiki [[#name]] is your anchor link. to link to something isn't much harder than you do in html... ex:

[[pagename#name|link to section]]

This is the section you link to...

Hope this helps, if you're still having trouble, let me know what's not working for you and I can help fix it. smile.gif
QUOTE (Thanee)
Nono, the Edge reroll was right with four dice (you just have to use another option, which makes more sense, not the 'reroll all misses' one, but the 'roll Edge, roll one more die for every 6, and add all the hits to the original roll' one), because your Edge is 4 and you do not get the negative mods on that roll.

Since I already said I was just using 1 point to reroll failures (and because I don't want to blow all my edge right now when I am not necessarily in a life threatening situation), I stay with my original post. One point of edge used to reroll failures.
QUOTE (FrankTrollman)
QUOTE (TinkerGnome @ Mar 25 2006, 12:03 PM)
The only immediate question I have is for Cammy.  You realize that the guy you're attacking is inside the truck, right?  How are you going about attacking him?  His door is locked and the windows are not see-thru (one way windows in all vehicles).

Well right now the guy Cammy is attacking is the gang leader. If he tries to get in the truck he's getting a club to the face (see Interception, p. 151).

I misread and thought she was going for the ganger with the manhunter. In any case, the leader won't be subject to intercept rules because he won't be moving out of melee combat when he does move (he's most likely hopping into the open back of the truck).

QUOTE (FrankTrollman)
What? The statement "may add Gymnastics skill to their dice pool against either ranged or melee attacks." does not mean that you "may not add Gymnastics skill to their dice pool against either ranged or melee attacks" - quite the opposite.

I disagree. If it had been meant that way, it would have said "may add... against both ranged and melee attacks". That's the way full dodge states it.

QUOTE (MK Ultra)
How about the exotic weapons?

It's one skill for each basic type of weapon. Thus Exotic Weapons (whips) and Exotic Weapons (polearms) are seperate skills. Whips, however, would cover monowhips, regular whips, chains and all weapons which have the same method of use (e.g., long flexible weapon).

I've had a harsh weekend. The next post will occur sometime tomorrow. If you've got combat actions, please make sure they've found their way to the Wiki page.
when is the next review of characters going to occur?
Jaid, I added to the discussion part of your sheet. I'll do a full review sometime early this week.

Another important issue:

Karma for this week is 3 points. If you post during a given week, you're entiilted to the week's karma. Please update your character sheet on the Wiki with earned and spent karma.
i responded to your comment. if that's your only problem, then i believe electrode is ready to roll, unless you have a problem with the skill changes and whatnot. since he obviously hasn't made an appearance in the game yet, i imagine there won't be any problems.
QUOTE (Silo)
Since I already said I was just using 1 point to reroll failures (and because I don't want to blow all my edge right now when I am not necessarily in a life threatening situation), I stay with my original post. One point of edge used to reroll failures.

It costs only 1 Edge either to reroll all failures or to roll as many dice as you have Edge. Clearly, the first option makes no sense in your situation.

Ok, I know I haven't been doing any rolls for Wyrm yet, but this might just help (or hurt) me do what I want to do....

Wyrm will spend the time analysing the overall network in the region of the meet, seeing if she can coordinate nodes with TF's location markers. This should help us learn if any of them are running silent.

Electronics (2) + Analyze (3) = 5 dice
[5] 4 4 2 2 Hits:1

And I'm still scanning for drones using ChinaDoll's bike scanner to boost my lack for a sniffer complex form. I'll run through the full suite of sensors on her bike. Keeping the bike's camera and microphones fed into a dedicated window so I can see what's going on.

Electronics (2) + Cyberware Scan (4) = 6 dice
[5] 1 [5] [5] [5] 1 Hits:4

I see their 'ware.

Electronics (2) + Radio Signals (4) = 6 dice
3 [6] [5] 3 [6] [6] Hits:4

I own the wireless waves!

Electronics (2) + MAD Scan (3) = 5 dice
1 [6] 3 4 [5] Hits:2

To locate any cloaked anomalies.

Still debating Sprites, my compling skill is really low, so it's probably not work the attempt.

QUOTE (Thanee)
It costs only 1 Edge either to reroll all failures or to roll as many dice as you have Edge. Clearly, the first option makes no sense in your situation.

Oh, okay. I see now.
I just want to confirm for timeline management.

- Stuffer Shack Incident - 20:07:00, Saturday April 12 2070
- Meet in Awakened Auburn (?) - 20:XX:00, Saturday April 12 2070

I believe we were looking at a 20:10:00 timestop event which we should be careful about posting beyond? Is that the meet time?
MK Ultra
The current post limit for the Houston Meet is 20:20:00, IIRC.

BTW, are we going to move to the other wiki, or not? I want to anchor-link my character pages and donīt want to have to do it twice. Iīm also concerned, that the character format on the new wiki might not work for me, to copy-paste & save in wordpad.

Oh, and about the karma, IIUC, we are supposed to spend it while the game is running, without much IC downtime, or will there be IC downtime jumps, to spend karma, when the current events are resolved?
I will move everything if you want, MK, I've been trying to get to it, but haven't found the time.
MK Ultra
@ GM
Uh, TG, did you trash some of the character links on the wiki main page? Looks that way.

EDIT: The links for CD & Electrode are gone, Iīll fix it. nyahnyah.gif
Whoops. The editor isn't the world's best. I bolded both those entries when I did the last edit and that must have made them go *poof*. Oops.
QUOTE (TinkerGnome)
Whoops. The editor isn't the world's best. I bolded both those entries when I did the last edit and that must have made them go *poof*. Oops.

Hmm, are you blaming the prog or the user when you say "editor"? biggrin.gif
Wow... taunting the GM. Bold... bold.
Not sure what you mean with "all other actions paused" specifically, but here's what I had in mind...

Raven will call out to the spirit (after casting her Stun Bolt), that the truck should be stopped (so the spirit would use the Accident power on the truck).

Shoot out the tires! biggrin.gif

EDIT: Or have the spirit do what Thanee said.

EDIT the 2nd: And banish that spirit! (the bad guy's one)
nyahnyah.gif Program. It was half my fault for not checking when I know the program does stuff like that.

I have no problem moving over to another wiki, provided someone makes regular backups of the data. I've been doing so for the current one, but if someone else wants to take over, that's fine as well.

Anyway, I need to look over the vehicle rules and figure out how movement is actually going to work. I know the RAW is pretty silly, so we'll just say that there's a "running" accel and a "walking" accel. Both are added to the vehicle's speed at the end of the turn.

"Actions paused" means I stopped to give folks a chance to change actions based on the changes in the situation.
I see. Well, the above was what I originally planned to do (unless something happens, which requires a change of action, but apparantly not).

Here are the rolls for the Accident power (using 1 point of Edge there, to make it work):

5 hits initially + 1 hit from rerolling 6's = 6 hits total (opposed by the drivers Reaction + Intuition).

If the spirit wins, the driver makes a Crash Test with a -4 dice pool modifier.

I might have understood Accident wrong, maybe that test above is unnecessary (only used against persons, not vehicles) and the driver immediately makes the Crash Test?

If so, just ignore the dice rolls and jump right to the Crash Test. wink.gif


If a critter uses Accident against a vehicle, it can force the driver to make a Crash Test. The critter’s Magic attribute serves as a negative dice pool modifier to the test.

So, yes, the driver gets to make a Crash Test.. smile.gif
Fresno Bob
For his redone action, Aziz is going to run up and slash out one of the tires of the truck. I don't know if you want me to make a new test, or just use the test I had on the attack.
Mister Juan
Felix will stick with his action and try to banish the spirit.
blech. unless it's a particularly weak spirit, you're probably better of shooting it.

or shooting the mage who summoned it.

but whatever, i suppose Felix may very well not know that.
Wounded Ronin
Thinking in character here, Toy has probably worked herself into an adrenal frenzy. If the truck is starting to speed away she will probably run after it, and, if the driver is out of reach, she'll probably start trying to stab at the tire.

I'm not sure if it's a good idea to make a dramatic and flavorful post in the IC thread describing things because I'd rather wait for the GM to describe it; I don't strictly speaking know if Toy, say, might get blown away by one of the enemy gangers between now and her next action.
Mister Juan
Well, the way I see it, we want to get a hold of the ork. If we attack him and stun/kill him, the spirit will still be able to carry him away out of our reach. Attacking him isn't going to do anything.

Banishing the spirit, on the other hand, might be a long shot, but if accomplish would be very nice wink.gif
i think you've misunderstood what is meant by carrying him away.

the spirit likely is only force 3, tops. assuming an earth spirit, i believe that gives it like 6 or 7 strength, mif that. the spirit can thus carry about 35 kg (tops) before it starts to slow down. it would probably be as fast, if not faster, for the magician to run.

by "carry" i presume TG meant "use the movement power on", which makes a lot more sense, and carry is really just the flavor description of it. much like an air spirit's movement power might be represented by strong winds blowing and adding to that person's speed. it's just the flavor of what's happening =P mechanically, the spirit is using it's movement power.

and uhh... if the magician loses conciousness, the spirit wouldn't be carrying him anywhere, most likely, regardless of which meaning. look up what happens when the controller goes unconcious sometime nyahnyah.gif
Well, at least JJ got one shot in on the guy that shot him. And, at least there is one ganger down on the pavement...
yeah. sadly, the 5 minute waiting time was wasted. 0day (or electrode, if i had joined in in spite of not being approved) could have had a field day with hacking into all their commlinks... as well as their vehicle...

would have been priceless to watch them all get in the truck, only to find the doors locked on them and they can't get out devil.gif

not to mention the priceless value of forcing them into VR (turn on any sim modules... which they likely have, if only for simsense/BTL chips) and engaging them in cybercombat with black hammer wielding sprites wink.gif

oh, it would have been quite the slaughter... with 5 minutes to set up, a hacker can do a heck of a lot. especially to a group who has no hacker of their own.
MK Ultra
Well, who said, they had no hacker?

TF is scanning, Iīll make three assensing rolls in advance (13 just seems excessive), if he even gets an opotunity to read any. Iīm rolling the Teamwork of the Watchers all in one, to keep it simpel:

1st scan 2 hits
Teamwork: Peanut Int (1) + Peanut As (1) + Bean Int (1) + Bean As (1) + Pumpkin Int (1) + Pumpkin As (1) = 6 dice
[5] 4 4 2 2 [5] Hits:2

Intuition (5) + Assansing (-1) + Damage (-2) + Teamwork (2) = 4 dice
[6] 3 4 [5] Hits:2

2nd scan 0 hits (threshhold +1)
Teamwork: Peanut Int (1) + Peanut As (1) + Bean Int (1) + Bean As (1) + Pumpkin Int (1) + Pumpkin As (1) = 6 dice
1 [5] [5] [5] 1 3 Hits:3

Uh, Pumpkin did a glitch, that raises the treshhold by 1!
Intuition (5) + Assansing (-1) + Damage (-2) + Teamwork (3) = 5 dice
1 4 3 2 4 Hits:0

Well, at least, both shity rolls are in one scan wink.gif

3rd scan 2 hits
Peanut Int (1) + Peanut As (1) + Bean Int (1) + Bean As (1) + Pumpkin Int (1) + Pumpkin As (1) = 6 dice
[6] [5] 3 [6] [6] 1 Hits:4

Yay, thatīs my team biggrin.gif
Intuition (5) + Assansing (-1) + Damage (-2) + Teamwork (4) = 6 dice
4 2 2 [5] [5] 4 Hits:2

If you want me to scan more...
the hacker would still have had to make an active matrix perception check, as i understand it, to spot a persona with stealth running anyways... which, when on drugs, i have my doubts of that happening =P

anyways, per tinkergnome's houserules, normal glitches have no effect.

thus, there is no threshold increase.

now then, about the area... as far as i can tell, it's just outside our turf pretty much? like, just across the stream?

i can't figure out where this "bridge street" you took to get there... i can find valley and pacific ok, but bridge street is just eluding me...

or perhaps you meant take pacific, over the bridge, then onto valley to get to houston street?
I'm going to scan the oncomming gangers.

Looking for first any open commlinks
Electronics (2) + Analyze (3) = 5 dice
[5] 1 [5] [5] [5] Hits:4

to analyze network or
Electronics (2) + Radio Scanner (4) = 6 dice
1 3 [6] [5] 3 [6] Hits:3

to scan for frequencies.

second for any unencrypted chatter between them. I'm not going to poke too close, as I don't want to bring up any alarms.
Electronics (2) + Scan (3) = 5 dice
[5] 4 4 2 2 Hits:1

So, any particular reason that Neo hasn't reached the mage yet? Neo can run 17.5 meters per initiative pass (and has 2 meters reach), and the mage has been running for 1-2 initiative passes tops (12.5 meters/pass).
that's not meters of reach, that's the reach modifier in combat.
Reach = reach modifier +1 meters.
i c...

anyways, just to avoid any confusion:

Electrode's Rotodrone is in the air over the meet, Just at the extent of it's signal range. or rather, will be there at whatever time TG decides so. It has Clearsight 3 and Electronic Warfare 3 running.

There is a doberman at the Y, it has a shotgun, but no appropriate autosoft, and therefore cannot fire it. hence, it's just keeping up appearances as far as guarding HQ. Though i suppose it (as well as the dune buggy) could always ram if it gets desparate. It has no other autosofts.

the other two dobermans are on the hovercraft, below deck, so they aren't visible. one has an AK-97, the other has a shotgun. The one with the AK will be running defense 3. both will be running clearsight 3, as well as appropriate targetting autosofts at rating 3.

The hovercraft will be crossing the stream rather than using a bridge, because Electrode is in a bit of a hurry.

Electrode will also be compiling a sprite, as soon as i look it up and decide what kind he wants. may as well try and get that first aid in, before another wound gets added to the same set wink.gif the sprite will be force 3, in any event...
[/I]Auran's rolls from IC stuff

Observe in detail-
Intuition (4) + Perception (2) + Glasses (3) = 9 dice
3,[6],3,[6],[6],4,4,[5],[5] = 5 hits

Listening in on the conversation-
Intuition (4) + Perception (hearing) (4) + Earbuds (3) = 11 dice
4,[6],2,[6],4,[6],4,3,1,[5] = 4hits

woohoo! i love rolling well! (is that evil for a RL gm to say? devil.gif )
since the boards are being stupid, and won't let me edit the rolls into a spoiler so the post takes a reasonabale amount of space, here's a new post just for the rolls:

[ Spoiler ]

(apparently the boards don't like code + spoiler. therefore, in order to save on space, bigtime, i made the rolls not in code. hope that's not a problem.

net result: force 3 crack sprite with 3 services.
Query TG: When you say 'bareheaded' do you mean that they don't have helmets or anything? or do you mean they are bald?
@ Dranem

If I'd have to guess, I'd say helmetless. I can't imagine a bunch of the Ancient's running around bald.. they're too "proud" nyahnyah.gif
hmmm... no helmets does make more sense =P

was trying to figure out why they were bald myself wink.gif
i can roll my Seattle Gangs skill to see.... grinbig.gif
That's what I thought too, Rokur might want to change Auran's pose... it's his statement that got me confused. wink.gif
MK Ultra
eek.gif they are not bald!!! that changes my whole aproach to the situation nyahnyah.gif

I just noticed, that most of the RFID Sensor are quiet useless with a reach of 3 meters, so Iīll change most of them to micro devices, mostly buttons atached to the jacket.
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