Apr 1 2006, 05:06 PM
Umm ok, WTF?!?! Is Neo insane or just stupid?
Sorry Nick, but it's one thing to say the area is under the Crash's protection, but since we're so new would we even WANT to draw that much attention until our actions are strong enough to back us up, but its something else entirely to leave behind FUCKING <i>evidence</i> that someone in the gang is a murderer.
I don't think any of us at 14-18 are ready to go spend a few years in jail because someone in our gang made a stupid "mistake"
I mean FUCK CSI, it won't be but 7-10minutes after the 'Star starts probing the nodes that they're showing up at all the "known locations" of the 410 Crash wanting answers and not being very nice about it.
Regardless of if there's a SysOp there to delete shit like that, you don't think they'd "take it down" and save a copy for the 'Star's investigation of oh... THE DEAD ORK OUTSIDE THEIR FRONT DOOR?!?!?
Sorry, but I'm gonna go fume for a bit. It's one thing to take out a ganger because he's leveling a shotgun at your chest, it's another to take out a now magically stabilized ganger who might if left to his own devices bled out afterall or taken the message BACK to his gang not to fuck with the 410 Crash on their turf.
Apr 1 2006, 05:22 PM
I'm fine with Neo doing this IC. I'm also fine with dealing with it IC. TG is the arbiter of what Bear thinks about Neo's actions and is responsible for setting and holding the vision for the game.
And we are the arbiter's of our own PC's actions. I think nick has written Neo to be pretty much a complete bastard. And I think there is a lot of opportunity for some really good roleplaying here.
Roleplaying that DOESN'T bleed over into OOC. Because the way I see it, we're about to form a moral code for the gang - IE present Neo's ass to Slam and see what Slam says... and then see how we feel about that and then react accordingly - which for some may mean a re-roll. Or it may mean an ass-beating for Neo.
As long as everyone is cool with that (and I think that dealing with this will be WAY more interesting than popping off shots at orks threatening our territory).
THIS is what it means to be a gang. Violence, bloodshed and finding our own law. Our own way. For good or ill.
So far I think we've kept it polite OOC, but tensions seem to be running high.
This is a GOOD development. It's real. What we do IC will determine what the 410 Crash is. Just take it slow, TG will guide us and - hey - some of us may have to re-roll characters. I'm open to it (I think JAX would think what Neo did is beyond the pale, but he'd rather have Neo on his side).
Think of the game several months from now. Say we beat the fire out of Neo for doing that, but we keep him in. Next time, he doesn't shoot someone in the face as they lay helpless. Character development. GOOD.
Or he does shoot someone in the face. We drum him out (re-roll) or we kill him (re-roll, maybe for a bunch of us - Neo's a tough fragger). That's COOL. To me.
Anyway... rambled long enough. We're a gang and a weird sort of grass-roots, democracy/dictatorship. If there's a groundswell for or against Neo's actions, let the chips fall where they may.
But don't let OOC frustrations bleed over into IC and vice versa. This is a game about gangers. I think this conflict is the whole point. We're a dysfunctional family, and we have to deal with it.
Apr 1 2006, 05:28 PM
Jaid. Electrode is 'there', can he pull down the video?
EDIT: Crap, he's at the other meet.
MK Ultra
Apr 1 2006, 05:39 PM
So, we have now 2 things to speak about with Slam. Thats fine. I think we should keep this IC now, too.
Apr 1 2006, 05:47 PM
And to think, Nurse hasn't even gotten into the gang yet..
IF she gets wind of Neo's idea of fun she might not WANT to anymore..
is it worth the possibility of getting arrested for being Neo's 'known associate' for this girl who primarily just wants to be the best damned streetDoc out there?
I LIKE this character and will NOT be re-rolling it. I will decide what to do with her if needed, but right now it is a matter of waiting to see how it plays out IC.
OOC I have high tensions because of nick's implication that by comparison in RL this was a mercy killing and that RL doctors 'promote' this 'sort of thing'. *shudders*
Killing a stabilized (or at least in no pain) individual who could have otherwise survived is NOT humane.
From what I see nick OOCly believes what the character did was in no way wrong (IC or RL), so what ELSE is the player going to decide to do?...
Time will tell if I as a player can mesh with nick as a player.
I really like this group so here's hoping that I can!
Apr 1 2006, 05:52 PM
QUOTE (nick012000 @ Mar 31 2006, 10:21 AM) |
Typo. I was referring to Felix, and he capped the orc you were working on.
It was a mercy killing. Well, that's what he figures anyway. If Bear doesn't like it, Bear can tell him so, and he'll avoid doing it in the future. |
I might be wrong, nick, but 1 karma for the week (with 3 for the rest of us) JUST might be 'Bear telling him so.'
EDIT: And I agree with Kart, you'd be hard pressed to find (non-insane) doctors who would murder stabilized patients.
nick, did you (not Neo) realize the ork was stable?
Mister Juan
Apr 1 2006, 05:53 PM
Hey guys.
Just wanted to say that even thought I haven't posted anything in pretty much two days, I'm still following up everything.
As for the whole "mercy killing" discussion, I totally agree with what ES_Sparky said. I don't really "care" about what happened OOC, but trust me, Felix is going to be REALLY PISSED OFF.
MK Ultra
Apr 1 2006, 07:09 PM
Posted part of Taoīs Wujen encounter, Iīll wait for DRīs decision, befor I proceed. If China Doll is going to the store right away, she will probably allready be there and check the ware, if not, TF will sampel it and send her the feed of the Olfactory sensors.
@ GM
Iīm rolling for Yen Lo Wang anyway. I rolled 6+Conection +3 dice for focus and/or Mentorspirit bonus, as Yen should be an Earth Elementalist, perfectly complementing TFīs metall, see NPC description (not in the aspected SR3 sense, but in the SR4 Mentor Spirit sense). Just subtract the last 0-to-3 dice results, however you see fit.
I also donīt know, whather he would use Edge (and is abled to do so).
He will probably use a force 6 spell with fetich
Contact Base (6) + Conection Rating (3) + Miscelenious Modifires (3) = 12 dice [5] 4 4 2 2 [5] 1 [5] [5] [5] 1 3 Hits:5 |
This would heal 4 or 5 boxes, depending on the miscellenious mod, right? I donīt think he should use Edge to reroll, if there is only 1 box left, with 2 I dont know, I guess he would, so Iīm doing a reroll, just ignore it, if you think itīs not appropriate (and ignorre the last 1 or 2 results if the miscelenious mod was 2 or less)
Edge (7) = 7 dice [6] [5] 3 [6] [6] 1 [6] 3 4 [5] 1 Hits:6 |
ok, the rule of the 6 complicates matter, but if MM was 2 or less, there would be 5 hits (ignoring 7th (and maybe 6th) die as well as 11th die (re-rolled 6 from the 7th die)). Otherwise it would be 6 hits, enough in any case.
Contact Base (6) + Conection Rating (3) + Fetich (2) = 11 dice 4 3 2 4 4 2 2 [5] [5] 4 [6] Hits:3 |
This would be no (with Edge reroll 1) box, probably physical, but if there is drain, Master Yen would never have it treated by Tao, who knows it ant wonīt suggest it (the Master never suffers drain, and if he does, he doesnīt

Apr 1 2006, 07:13 PM
If Electrode heard about the problem soon enough, he could most definitely have hacked into the stuffer shack as an admin and erased what Neo put in there.
he has a rating 3 crack sprite after all, which is guaranteed no alarms for 3 rounds after it gets detected, *if* it gets detected

however, sadly he has (IC) been completely unaware of anything going on up until roughly around 10 minutes after the star shows up.
and it's one thing to take on the stuffer shack with a rating 3 sprite, a whole nother thing entirely to take on the star's copy (assuming i could even find every copy they might make, that is, and assuming it matters since i can't erase their memory, just their commlink's).
so, basically, there is no way we're gonna avoid the star getting the video, and accompanying message.
Apr 1 2006, 07:16 PM
QUOTE (ES_Sparky) |
Roleplaying that DOESN'T bleed over into OOC. Because the way I see it, we're about to form a moral code for the gang - IE present Neo's ass to Slam and see what Slam says... and then see how we feel about that and then react accordingly - which for some may mean a re-roll. Or it may mean an ass-beating for Neo. |
Dealing with this IC is the right thing to do. There are some OOC disincentives (lack of karma) for doing completely immoral things, but they're more a prod than a hammer. One act, no matter how bad, isn't likely to bring down OOC wrath. Even a mentor spirit won't turn or twist at just one act.
Also, don't expect Slam to give you a complete answer because that comes down to me, the GM, dictating ingame morality (it's disincintivized OOCly, but that's the extent of it). Slam will be pissed about exposure of video, but not about the shooting itself. He's not a terribly moral person, himself. Your characters are free to feel however they want about him, though.
I agree that dealing with this should be done IC and not OOC. I think the discussion so far has been civil and proper, however I can see it going south.
Mister Juan
Apr 1 2006, 07:19 PM
There's also another thing to consider:
If TG is cruel, like most GMs are

, he'll have the Star check out the astral space. Since we don't have the time to clean up, both Felix's and Raven's astral signatures are going to show really bright. Plus, since they KNOW it's the 410 who did this, if they ever feel like questionning the gang, any decent mage will spot Felix and Raven dead on because of the signatures they left.
So, is there anyway to change one's signature without initiating?
Apr 1 2006, 07:29 PM
Yes... there's a roll to make to hide your astral signature... and I can't recall what it is off the top of my head and don't have access to books.
I TOTALLY reccommend this if it doesn't take much time.
Apr 1 2006, 07:35 PM
You can remove an astral signature within (Force) Complex Actions (no roll required).
Raven won't really do this, she is not such a pro when it comes to magic and its repercussions, and she is a little careless with its use.

Mister Juan
Apr 1 2006, 07:38 PM
Well, I don't think I have 18 complex actions at my disposable (three force 6 spells...)
Apr 1 2006, 07:57 PM
Well, the astral signature only lingers on the thing that you used the spell on. I don't recall that many spells being thrown offensively (or were there?).
Also, no one has been healing physical drain damage with magic, have they? There's a houserule against it. Whether or not a mage is even sent to scope out the crime scene isn't a given. Magic was used, but the police are mainly responding to a mundane robbery call. The truck had a slashed tire and the gangers were using street drugs, so the cops might not even realize magic was used.
[EDIT]Oh, I don't think there's anything saying you have to be physically present to cleanse your astral signature. If you hop in the van and project, you could go back, clean up, and be back in the van before they even get to HQ.
Apr 1 2006, 08:11 PM
QUOTE (TinkerGnome) |
Also, no one has been healing physical drain damage with magic, have they? |
I don't know if any/how much of Felix' damage was Drain (Raven will heal 1 box of his damage once they are in a safer spot (have only posted this OOC so far), but will wait until First Aid has been used, because it won't work afterwards anymore). If all of his damage was Drain, then the Heal will not work, of course.
Apr 1 2006, 08:15 PM
I think MK was about to get some healing done for his self mutilating conjurings.
Mister Juan
Apr 1 2006, 08:21 PM
QUOTE (Thanee) |
I don't know if any/how much of Felix' damage was Drain (Raven will heal 1 box of his damage once they are in a safer spot (have only posted this OOC so far), but will wait until First Aid has been used, because it won't work afterwards anymore). If all of his damage was Drain, then the Heal will not work, of course. |
Actually, all of Felix's damage is Drain related. Thing is, he'll definitly try to hide the fact that he's "injured".
Apr 1 2006, 08:24 PM
Then Raven will just heal JJ.

Apr 1 2006, 09:20 PM
Throwing in 2 cents....
I see no problem with the execution. The plan I had for JJ before the truck crashed and Felix jumped down on the ganger was to torture the ork in to telling where they were going and kill him.
I don't think the ganger should have been healed in the first place, but that was what Felix did, so I adapted. If it had been anyone other than Felix doing it, JJ would have probably cussed them out and/or stopped them from doing it.
Let's not bring "RL" thoughts in to this please. This is a game, so let's keep it that way.
I'm a little confused at all of th talk of morality going on. I can only speak for myself, but I don't see my character as a "good" guy. JJ is a drug using thief that has no feelings for anyone but the concept of the gang (cuz that is all he has). He will never think twice about killing a rival ganger.
I am really surprised at some of you folks' concept of what it means to be in a gang is. I don't mean that to be harsh...just calling it like I see it. This has been a great group so far, and I see no reason why we won't be able to get through IC and out.
And remember...
Dead people don't get cybered up and come back for revenge.
Apr 1 2006, 10:46 PM
QUOTE (Silo) |
I'm a little confused at all of th talk of morality going on. I can only speak for myself, but I don't see my character as a "good" guy. JJ is a drug using thief that has no feelings for anyone but the concept of the gang (cuz that is all he has). He will never think twice about killing a rival ganger. |
"Moral" is the default nature of a Shadowrun game. The karma system rewards people for doing the right thing and tends to punish them for not doing so. It goes beyond being a "good guy" or a "bad guy". It's more about being a decent person.
There are options for running an amoral game, but I am not interested in running under those rules.
Apr 1 2006, 10:54 PM
Sorry to all if I cam off more than a little hot-headded and personal sounding in my previous post. I really was trying to keep things IC based not OOC. It just caught me off guard this morning when I read it.
I am ALL for playing this out IC'ly as far as the repercussions to
No, I don't think Halo is the most moral person in the world, but... (there's always a but right) she's got limits. She's 16, and her life hasn't dissolved to a point where she has to murder people to get by. Like I said before, self-defense is one thing. Out and out cold-blooded murder is another, besides her whole concept is she's a con, a fast-talker, not a murderer. That's not why she signed up for the gang. They're her family now, but it doesn't mean she won't give Neo a piece of her mind back at the Y.

And it's not saying as this progresses she's not gonna fall into the darker sides of the shadows. But I didn't make her with the intent of being a complete and total hardass killer.
Besides, the ork could have been valuable alive.
Apr 1 2006, 11:11 PM
QUOTE (TinkerGnome) |
QUOTE (Silo) | I'm a little confused at all of th talk of morality going on. I can only speak for myself, but I don't see my character as a "good" guy. JJ is a drug using thief that has no feelings for anyone but the concept of the gang (cuz that is all he has). He will never think twice about killing a rival ganger. |
"Moral" is the default nature of a Shadowrun game. The karma system rewards people for doing the right thing and tends to punish them for not doing so. It goes beyond being a "good guy" or a "bad guy". It's more about being a decent person.
There are options for running an amoral game, but I am not interested in running under those rules.
Well, my 2 cents on this whole issue- I think it's fair that we are meant to have at least our "own" morals, and that karma can be based on these things. As for Auran's morals - more in line with JJ's... she's in the gang for the sheer support in living. She weighs all pros and cons and such of situations in her own head and acts accordingly. She's not a defender of truth, justice, and honor or whatnot. She does like loyalty in a gang, trust among friends, and other things that help her survive the mean streets that much better. Believe me if you were judging by my previous post, you may be mistaken about Auran's reaction to the situation once she knows of it.
And sorry nick if you took offense at the knee-jerk reaction, I was just trying to make sure everyone stays realistic with their role-playing and such.
Apr 2 2006, 12:07 AM
Sorry for the delay in IC posts, I was sortof waiting for the Stuffer Shack crew to catch up to us timewise... after all, what happends if the cops are already at the Y when we get there from the Houston meet? If there are some IC consequences to Neo's actions, that will - of course - change a few of our poses.... and I needed to coordinate with Kart that my post was ok with her. Let's hope IC events don't transpire in a way that some of us have to go back and edit some of our actions.
MK Ultra
Apr 2 2006, 03:34 AM
QUOTE (TinkerGnome) |
Also, no one has been healing physical drain damage with magic, have they? |
Arr, dang, I hoestly forgot about this. Looks like this fragging rules glitch wonīt stop to follow me all the way to TFīs grave (or at least a week in bed).
Well then, Master Yen will naturally tell him, that he canīt help either.
fuck, if I had a soft foam bat, Iīd hit my self
Donīt worry, Vegas, Tao was going to grab a menue specially for Halo, as he passes the Waffel Ho on his way back to the Y (honestly intended this before your post).
Iīll grab some food in RL, than make the IC post (mostly glossing over until his arrival in the Y, so DR can fill out later if wanted), than itīs time, to take another round to be anoyed about my conjuring incident and than Iīll go to sleep (itīs 5:30 in the morning, I had a few beers and just came hom from a biwthdayparty

Apr 2 2006, 03:41 AM
Wyrm's going to zip around the local nodes to scatter the gang's commcodes to make it harder to directly track us to the Y... Between you guys criss-crossing streets, it should make it hard for the Star to do an immediate retaliation (if that's their intention, hopefully they'll see this as just a gang fight despites Neo's public announcement - which Wyrm won't find unless she actually logs on there, and that node is pretty hot right now)
Wyrm's also worried that the cashier is going to blab, should she know where we hang out... but I guess we'll cross that bridge if it happends.

Hacking (2) + Exploit (3) + Home Ground (2) = 7 dice 2 1 2 3 2 [6] [6] Hits:2 |
to hack nodes
Edit (3) + Hacking (2) + Home Ground (2) = 7 dice 3 [6] 2 [5] 3 2 [6] Hits:3 |
to edit/erase comm signatures to scatter tracking us down.
I'll try to get as close to the Stuffer as possible without drawing attention, starting from HQ and moving towards the store.
Wyrm, Electrode, Thyn (maybe) and even 0day (if he's around) should quickly sit down to kill any auto-responders those ganger commlinks may have. I'll also do a scan/browse of the the one's I work on to make sure they don't have any booby traps.... Hopefully we can get an upgrade or two for some of the gang.

Shouldn't be too hard to Edit the sim chip to a new commcode, or if you want to run the risk of what rep those gangers had, user their commcodes so that stuff doesn't get tracked to you personally.
Apr 2 2006, 04:24 AM
if you need the services of a sprite, electrode does have one sitting around for a while, not doing much. a little over 7 hours left on it, and it's got 3 services iirc, which aren't likely to get used up any other way (considering we have the actual commlinks, we can just log in as the owner i would presume, and use manual control to do whatever we want).
MK Ultra
Apr 2 2006, 04:45 AM
@ GMHow much costs a punch of alcohol-antidote? What about cheap painkillers? If you donīt want to make something up, it can just be stuff not powerfull enough, to have gameeffects on his damage modifire (same for the stimulants). Iīm prepaired to pay some extra for the Waffel Ho food, as I think its pretty extravagant for a squatter lifestyle.
@ DireRadiantFeel free, to fill out the gap at Yenīs, and the way back, if CD went with him.
@ KartijanHope Nurse is actually there at that time, I can edit that part, if you donīt want her to be there. I thought almost everyone would be 5 minutes befor the meet, but just realized, that sheīs not a member yet. Anyway, I think we might want to have her there, as we can use the meet, to talk about her initiation as well.
Iīd have liked to do some talking prior to the meet, but TF had to wast some more time for his ancestral advice accident...

(this is a smily with sleeping goggles)
Apr 2 2006, 05:19 AM
QUOTE (MK Ultra) |
Arr, dang, I hoestly forgot about this. Looks like this fragging rules glitch wonīt stop to follow me all the way to TFīs grave (or at least a week in bed). |
Remember that the medicine skill can help you heal faster, as well.
Mister Juan
Apr 2 2006, 06:02 AM
On a side note, Felix can and would patch up anyone who needs it (first aid & medicine), if they ask for it. Currently, he's so depressed, he wouldn't even think of offering his services.
Apr 2 2006, 10:14 AM
I'll point out here that in RL, I'm very much pro-life. I was just giving the justifications for Neo's thought pattern here.
Besides, sending a clear message would, in the long run, protect lives, because there would be fewer attacks, and fewer casualties on both sides.
MK Ultra
Apr 2 2006, 10:21 AM
QUOTE (TinkerGnome @ Apr 2 2006, 12:19 AM) |
Remember that the medicine skill can help you heal faster, as well. |
Yes, I havenīt forgotten this

, but 1 week sounded more dramatic and more vague then 6/(average # of hits from 2+(Medic hits) dice per day) days

. Besids, I wasnīt abled to think up something like this anymore last night.
@ Mr. Juan
Thanks, I know, but...
QUOTE (Nurse) |
"Alright, that is what I am able to do for you right now, but as soon as possible I want you in here and on the table so I can nurse you properly. Stay safe." |
MK Ultra
Apr 2 2006, 02:42 PM
Need clarification. Wyrm was in the walk in fridge, when talking to Auran. After Auran replied to her, she turnes around and speaks to Aziz.
Is Auran in the fridge? Aziz was not IIUC. Did she come back after talking to Bronze? Or did she stand betweem the rooms somehow?
The question is, does the whole crew hear the conversation, or only Auranīs reply or non of it?
Apr 2 2006, 03:55 PM
Auran is standing in the entranceway to the fridge, so she can try to interact with the gang, while talking to wyrm privately. Basically, putting up a little front like she's a carefree party girl tonight, while trying to get some info from wyrm.
[edit] basically, only bronze hears auran's reply.[/edit]
MK Ultra
Apr 2 2006, 04:27 PM
QUOTE (Rokur) |
[edit] basically, only bronze hears auran's reply.[/edit] |
Yea basically

. Having a directional micro pluged into ones ears at all times is very convenient

Intuition (5) + Perception (-1) + Damage (-2) + Audio Enhancement (3) = 5 dice [5] 4 4 2 2 Hits:1 |
Not that he would understand much of the stuff, since they arenīt exchanging hard facts.
He wonīt say a word anyway.
Apr 2 2006, 05:53 PM
Ok, hold up...
The Y = Gang HQ yes no?
Because if not I'm under a WHOLE different assumption, and when I assume, I make an ass out of well.. ME really
Apr 2 2006, 06:00 PM
That is my understanding, Vegas, that Gang HQ = the Y, yes.
MK Ultra
Apr 2 2006, 06:27 PM
Since I introduced "The Y" as a phrase IC, I can assure you, that Y = HQ was the original meaning, I didnīt get the impression, that anyone used it in another capacity..
QUOTE (Vegas IC) |
A smile crosses her face when Tao mentions it was Felix who had been thinking about her. She casts a look about the room, sending the smile towards Felix who looked like someone just shot his favourite dog. She made a note to sit down with him later and just talk and try to cheer him up a bit. |
And thuss my devious plan is set into motion, Muhahaha, MUHAHAHA, MUHAHAHAHAHA
Apr 2 2006, 06:31 PM
Cool, figured I'd be better safe than sorry

And thuss my devious plan is set into motion, Muhahaha, MUHAHAHA, MUHAHAHAHAHA |
MK Ultra
Apr 2 2006, 07:04 PM
QUOTE (Vegas) |
Ass |
You "misspelled thank you very much"

, there is a spell check option you know

(well it is somewhere, I never use it myself).
Apr 2 2006, 07:41 PM
QUOTE (MK Ultra) |
QUOTE (Rokur @ Apr 2 2006, 10:55 AM) | [edit] basically, only bronze hears auran's reply.[/edit] |
Yea basically  . Having a directional micro pluged into ones ears at all times is very convenient  . CODE | Intuition (5) + Perception (-1) + Damage (-2) + Audio Enhancement (3) = 5 dice [5] 4 4 2 2 Hits:1 |
Not that he would understand much of the stuff, since they arenīt exchanging hard facts. He wonīt say a word anyway.
also take another -2 dice for distraction unless you're actively listening in on our conversation.
Mister Juan
Apr 2 2006, 07:48 PM
Concerning karma, how do we go about spending it? Can we just use it and we instantly "grow in power" or do we RP it?
I'm just asking because I noticed that with 8 of karma, I can raise spellcasting, or I can wait a bit more and raise Magic.
Apr 2 2006, 07:49 PM
wow.. smothered AND covered hash browns.... I wonder what they got new in 2070 now too!
I just had a question for us.... did we or did we not eat dinner? I know we didn't roleplay it out, but there was about a 40 minute time bump from organizing dinner to Slam arriving on scene. Is it assumed we did eat? Just to let me know my motivations
MK Ultra
Apr 2 2006, 08:01 PM
QUOTE (Rokur) |
also take another -2 dice for distraction unless you're actively listening in on our conversation. |
I expect TF to actively listen in on it, as I wouldnīt have used the directional mike otherwise. He records either the talk betweem A&B or whatever is going on around him and goes over that later.
Asa sidenote, I consider TF to constantly record visual and audio, as well as all his other sensors and keep at least the last 2 hours (24 seems excessive) stored for later reference.
On diner
I did interpret, that Toy did not cook yet (maybe getting a drink in the stuffer or reading something or whatever, or bringing the unprepaired stuff to the Y and that return because she forgot s.t.). But CD will bring some food along, I just brought something for Halo, because there is probably lots of soy in chinese food.
Apr 2 2006, 08:09 PM
I know I have not done much but I'm going to put 2BY4 on the backburners, I don't really have the time to dedicate to him properly, and to follow this thread, and its bugging me that I'm doing half a job, so I'd rather put it aside till I can play him properly.
Anyone is more than welcome to use him in their posts, if do and have any questions I'll be around to answer them.
Apr 2 2006, 08:25 PM
Toy hadn't had time to cook, but then China Doll had shown up somewhere (sorry I forgot exact locations) with Chinese food before she took off for the meet... don't know if everyone was already gone or not.
MK Ultra
Apr 2 2006, 08:36 PM
She was at the garage or Y (canīt remember), but there was nobody there anymore ...
Sorry to hear thet, weīll keep him warm for you, unless we need a big human shield (just kidding

Watcher Teamwork
Peanut Intuition (1) + Peanut Assensing (1) + Pumpkin Intuition (1) + Pumpkin Assensing (1) + Bean Intuition (1) + Bean Assensing (1) = 6 dice [5] 4 4 2 2 [5] Hits:2 |
Assensing Tag
Intuition (5) + Assensing (-1) + Damage (-2) + Home Turf (2) + Watchers (2) = 6 dice 1 [5] [5] [5] 1 3 Hits:3 |
Apr 2 2006, 08:49 PM
Attempting to resist "evesdropping"

Willpower (3) = 3 dice [5] 4 4 Hits:1 |
Resisting Mental Addiction to Cram
Willpower (3) + Logic (3) + Mental Addiction (-2) = 4 dice 2 2 [5] 1 Hits:1 |
Resisting Physical Addiction to Bliss
Willpower (3) + Body (3) + Physical Addiction (-4) = 2 dice [5] [5] Hits:2 |
MK Ultra
Apr 2 2006, 10:30 PM
I hate the wiki, I just spent 15 minutes to update the HQ RP and it went all down, when the new page was not properly loaded as I pushed the save button
Always copy the changed site into your temporary memory, befor hiting the save button!!!
ES Sparky, what did you change with Tao Fighter on the 410 Crash wiki? Iīll update TF from my edited offline copy soon.
Wounded Ronin
Apr 2 2006, 10:41 PM
Wow, I come in on Monday and I'm pretty bowled over by how people are reacting to Neo blowing away Mr. Orkie.
Meh, whatever. It sure was gritty and filled with panache. I think it was pretty cool, if not totally the smartest thing to do. But we're here to be gritty desperate kids, not super smart kids who always do exactly the "right" thing after reading twelve threads of DSF about how the Star works. If our chestnuts roast over an open fire, I'm down with that, because that'd be gritty also.