Ha thanks to whoever put this up, it's nice to know that I get an ego boost before I have to get down to all the hard work!

OK then, now that the votes are in and this has been settled, let's get the ball rolling. I'll be spending some time this Memorial Day weekend reading everything and catching up for the purposes of taking notes, working on the process, and writing Guidelines when and where necessary. For now though, let's take care of some of the immediate and obvious things first.
1. I was going to give Tinkergnome a gold pocketsec, but Rokur has informed me that all we have left are silver ones with orichalcum buttons. So TG, in recognition of all your hard work, here you go.
*presents Tinkergnome with synth-silver pocketsec with bootleg orichalcum buttons* (Yes we are cheap. We are poor street gangers, what did you expect?

2. Per Tinkergnome's last official request, all inactive PCs are still alive but have left the gang at this point. I will leave it to the first Story GM to determine what their particular reasons and fates are. (E.g. Wounded and in the hospital, left the neighborhood for safer locale, just plain scared and laying low in the neighborhood, etc.)
Sparky, if you would contact all the inactive players as you volunteered and ask them their intentions (i.e. whether they plan on rejoining the game or not) for reference and if they have any particular preferences for their characters, that would be excellent.
Going along with this 'Tinkergnome's Last Official Act' theme, Slam is dead. It was stated from the very beginning that the eventual intention was for a PC to run the gang, and given the player driven focus of the game, I agree with TG's decision because I think such a criticial position should be filled by a PC to ensure the direction of the gang (and thus the focus of the game) is dictated by the PCs and their decisions, and not an NPC.
3. Unless anyone has a serious problem with any of the Assistant GMs, I'm going to assume all volunteers listed on the wiki are still volunteering and make their duties official as of now. If combat/magic/matrix/rigging rules questions come up or dice resolutions are needed, everyone should know who to go to. Note that all dice rolls taking place in the context of a scene directly planned and controlled by the current Story GM should be discussed with that GM first.
4. Wiki people, I would like the wiki to be reorganized and streamlined for user friendliness. I want this done before we open up a recruitment drive for more players so it's easy for them to navigate and easy for us to keep track of. At this moment I have a few particular suggestions:
1. I would like to have a clear table of contents at the top so people can follow the links to the appropriate sections.
2. I would like to have two main sections: A Permanent Section, and a Story Section.
3. Clean up everything we don't use or need and archive it.
The Permanent section should contain things that are always relevant, such as character sheets, character creation rules, house rules, our gang turf map, buildings in our gang turf, other gang turf notes, basically things that will always be relevant and needed no matter who the Story GM is or what's happening in the game.
The Story Section is divided into chapters and everything that is specific only to a particular chapter should be listed there so we can keep things straight. For example, this is so we don't have a million dice roll/combat threads all in the 'Combat' section.
In Chapter 1, we could list the GM (Tinkergnome) and give it a chapter heading 'The 410 Crash is Born' (stupid name, but it's solely for example purposes). Everything that has happened to this point that is specific to this chapter would be in that section. For example all the dice rolls from the Battle at the Y would be here because they will not be relevant to what happens in future chapters.
Chapter 2 would list our next Story GM, and whatever they titled their section. Everything specific to this chapter should be in this section. And so on and so forth.
Hopefully this will make things easier to refer back to. Let me state up front I am terrible at all things computer related, so if my ideas are not workable, please let me know. For now though, let's streamline what we've got and get things organized, then we'll worry about adding and making changes to the basic framework later.
There have been many other great suggestions tossed around so far and I will trust the wiki staff to implement them as they see fit to improve the wiki. Dranem, I've seen you do lots of great work on the wiki, would you mind being added to the wiki staff?
5. Story GM volunteers, I have no preference for who is our first Story GM, so please discuss among yourselves who the first Story GM should be. If you all want to order yourselves (i.e. decide who will be story GM for Chapter 3, 4, 5 etc.) that would be great as well.
For continuity's sake, whoever is first Story GM will have to address and deal with the following things in their chapter at the minimum (in addition to whatever else they have planned):
1. Resolution of what the 410 Crash does with the gun
2. Resolving the need for a new leader
3. Addressing the departure of the inactive PCs (doesn't have to be much, but somewhere and by someone, Player or GM, the fates of the inactive PCs should be noted)
4. Any immediate consequences the GM deems necessary to the situation (e.g. whether the Spikes give up and go their separate ways, or keep after us until the situation with us having the gun is resolved, what the gang does about the Y, etc.)
I would like to have the question of who the next story GM is to be settled among the volunteers by Tuesday, May 30. Discussion between the Story GM and myself over the next chapter's general plot should be completed by Friday, June 2, with Chapter 2 'officially' slated to begin immediately after. Note that those dates are the
latest dates I want this settled by. If we can get things settled and moving sooner than that, more power to us.

In the interim, all active PCs should work their way over to Nurse's Dad's clinic, where Chapter 2 will officially begin.
6. Recruitment Drive. Prior to the recruitment drive I would like the wiki to be revised and organized and Chapter 2 to be well underway (since the new recruits will be joining the gang in the course of the game). Let's shoot for opening up a new recruitment drive after the 4th of July. That gives us about 5-6 weeks to clean everything up in the wiki, get the game back on track and rolling, and the storyline time to progress to where the gang is ready to add new members. This deadline is not set in stone obviously (of course if we can get it done sooner I'm all for it, this is simply a conservative estimate), but it should suffice to give everyone an idea of the time frame we're looking at.
7. I would like to finish fleshing out our gang turf. Any volunteers to develop the geography of our turf (businesses, residences, landmarks, etc. with appropriate details) would be greatly appreciated.
8. The post time limit of 00:00:00 Monday, April 14, 2070 is official. No post should go past this time, and by this time all PCs should have arrived at the Clinic.
OK, sorry this was long, until we get everything squared away I'll probably have some long posts while we get everything organized, but for now this should suffice. There's plenty of stuff to do for everyone now, and I think I hit all the things that can/should be covered immediately. If anyone thinks I missed anything or has any questions, please let me know!
I'm looking forward to working with you all and getting everything back on track again!
All the best,