May 9 2006, 02:03 PM
I ran through everything on the Wiki for pass 1. I think there are some characters missing (Neo, for instance) so put them up and they'll get edited in when I add pass 2 (tomorrow, most likely).
May 9 2006, 02:08 PM
QUOTE (TinkerGnome) |
I ran through everything on the Wiki for pass 1. I think there are some characters missing (Neo, for instance) so put them up and they'll get edited in when I add pass 2 (tomorrow, most likely). |
You missed JJ. My actions are up (and have been).
May 9 2006, 02:36 PM
Air Spirit's Resistance Tests:
1st Stun Bolt:
2 hits2nd Stun Bolt:
2 hitsDidn't use Edge, since it was said, that the spirits have control over their own Edge.
May 9 2006, 02:46 PM
I think JJs actions were included in the "engines rev in the gym preparing for escape" section... I could be wrong though.
Knives IP2
Hold action, untils the trolls begin to engage in melee combat with anyone. holding action to wait to see if any injured trolls enter the door, if any moderately injured trolls begin melee combat with anyone, then Knives will throw.
Free: Call Shot
Simple 1: Throw Knife
Agi (5) + Throw Knife (8) + Home Ground (2) - Called shot (-10) = 5 dice [6],3,1,[5],[5] = 3hits base 3P/0 damage |
Simple 2: Throw Knife
Agi (5) + Throw Knife (8) + Home Ground (2) = 15 dice [5],1,[6],[6],2,4,4,[5],1,[5],1,2,[6],[6],3 = 7 hits!!! base 3P/0 damage |
Movement: giving breathing room down the hallway for the trolls to come inside, but barring their path to the "non meleers"
May 9 2006, 02:48 PM
QUOTE (Rokur) |
I think JJs actions were included in the "engines rev in the gym preparing for escape" section... I could be wrong though. |
I need to know whether or not he was able to drag Felix out with him. That is the main factor on whether he left that area or not. No Felix...no leavey.
May 9 2006, 02:59 PM
Whoops, two vital pieces of information, both of which immediately affect Knives, but affect everyone eventually.
#1, The grenades explode on initiative 12, cloaking the trolls (and about 5m into the entry way) in heavy smoke. It's non-thermal, but even thermo is at a -2 penalty to everything through it. (not relevant to Knives I now see)
#2. There are some house rules for called shots on the wiki. As the trolls are wearing helmets and body armor, your called shot is restricted to 3 points or less.
May 9 2006, 03:00 PM
@silo would that require a body + Str roll?
Mebbe you shoulda had that rolled first... TG always responds to rolls heheh
PS to everyone - don't start rolling to just grab the gm's attention on too many things, cuz then we just bog down his precious time.
May 9 2006, 03:01 PM
Oh, and if your character's actions were of the "run away, get to the vehicles" nature, they are covered by the last line in a blanket fashion.
May 9 2006, 03:03 PM
QUOTE (TinkerGnome) |
Whoops, two vital pieces of information, both of which immediately affect Knives, but affect everyone eventually.
#1, The grenades explode on initiative 12, cloaking the trolls (and about 5m into the entry way) in heavy smoke. It's non-thermal, but even thermo is at a -2 penalty to everything through it. (not relevant to Knives I now see)
#2. There are some house rules for called shots on the wiki. As the trolls are wearing helmets and body armor, your called shot is restricted to 3 points or less. Clicky. |
damn you! just kidding TG.... prays to TG to not bring lightning clouds to zap Auran
umm... can i ask about how much should I minus to try to bypass armor? the other method of called shots.....
May 9 2006, 04:13 PM
QUOTE (Rokur) |
umm... can i ask about how much should I minus to try to bypass armor? the other method of called shots..... |
The adepts have 10/9 armor, the ones with the shotguns have 12/11 armor.
Armor jacket + helmet + being a troll (+ dermal plating).
May 9 2006, 04:28 PM
Shade's rolls against shotgun attacks for Combat Turn 2, Pass 1 Shot 1: 1 hit
Reaction Roll: 01 02 03 04 05 06 06 = 3 hits
Net Result: Defender has 2 net hits: Attack does not hit; no damage
Shot 2: 2 hit
Reaction Roll: 01 04 04 05 05 06 06 = 4 hits
Net Result: Defender has 2 net hits: Attack does not hit; no damage
Shot 3: 2 hit
Reaction Roll: 01 03 04 04 04 05 06 = 2 hits
Net Result: Defender has 0 net hits, Tie goes to Defender: Attack does not hit; no damage
Shot 4: 1 hit
Reaction Roll: 01 01 02 04 05 05 05 = 3 hits
Net Result: Defender has 2 net hits: Attack does not hit; no damage
Note: Just looking at what the trolls have for damage resistance, it's no wonder we can barely hurt them. And that's not even counting any Reaction rolls they're able to make to dodge. Sheesh, and here I was sure my last attack would at least
hurt one of them.
Actually, I was hoping I'd get lucky and drop one of them, or at least seriously injure him. Clearly, I was living in a fantasy world. Uh, even more so than I already am, since I'm playing an RPG.
May 9 2006, 04:34 PM
The trolls are pretty stout. But, then again, you've got Knives up there rolling 15 dice to hit with throwing knives, so it's not like they really out class you guys by much.
May 9 2006, 04:38 PM
Since you just posted Pass 1, can we post our OOC rolls/actions and IC posts for Pass 2 now?
May 9 2006, 04:42 PM
yea but you gotta remember... he's throwing KNIVES! (you made the exception for him! read the notes in the char creation...) even at 9P damage.. it gets shifted to stun....not much a knife gonna do if it hits that armor....
so I editted my old post on his first throw.... still did good job for being a knife thrower though.
May 9 2006, 05:05 PM
Well, stun damage is still damage. For NPCs, I'm using the combined damage track rules. 3P is pretty wimpy damage, though
May 9 2006, 05:18 PM
QUOTE (TinkerGnome) |
Oh, and if your character's actions were of the "run away, get to the vehicles" nature, they are covered by the last line in a blanket fashion. |
@TG -
So, do those of us that "run" make it to our bikes?
And, do I need to roll to drag Felix with me or does he come back to the meat?
I didn't put a roll out there becasue I don't know if it is needed or not.
MK Ultra
May 9 2006, 05:35 PM
@ TG & GM
Uh, what did the troll readying and tossing the two granades with his two-handed cobat-axe in the mean time?
No intend to rent about, I donīt really care. Was just wondering, if the troll droped his axe.
May 9 2006, 05:53 PM
Well, normal movement rules apply. You probably don't need to roll to carry Felix, but you would likely not be able to run whlie doing so (you could move at a walk speed, though).
May 9 2006, 05:58 PM
QUOTE (MK Ultra @ May 9 2006, 12:35 PM) |
@ TG & GM Uh, what did the troll readying and tossing the two granades with his two-handed cobat-axe in the mean time? |
He probably should only have tossed one grenade. Smoke is smoke, though, so it doesn't matter much. He could have done that one handed.
Mister Juan
May 9 2006, 06:15 PM
Felix's actions still stand: he'll keep fighting the air spirit while the rest of the gangers escape from the roof.
Dodging the Air Spirits attack Dice Pool: Dodge (2) + Astral Reaction (3) + Home Ground (2) = 7 dices Rolls: [5] 1 1 1 3 3 2 Hits: 1 Attack dodged, no damage |
May 9 2006, 06:40 PM
Does moving Felix affect his astral stuff?
Not that JJ will care...
Mister Juan
May 9 2006, 06:41 PM
Not at all
I'm just curious as to how Felix is going to find his body again
May 9 2006, 07:42 PM
When are we scheduled to get to combat round 3?
May 9 2006, 07:50 PM
At this pace, round 3 will start on Friday.
Back to an earlier question I didn't answer, please go ahead and post your actions for passes 2 and 3. As pass 3 tends to be only a few characters, I'm going to try to get both passes done at the same time.
May 9 2006, 09:52 PM
TinkerGnome: You forgot to post the results of Neo's actions in your Combat turn 2, pass 1 post.
MK Ultra
May 9 2006, 10:13 PM
@ GM & TG
About spirit combat. Iīd have objections to using a contested combined F roll, as I donīt know, how to implement Damage & Friends in combat modifieres. If I should simply apply them to the roll (that would be (combined F 5 * 2)-2 Damage +3 FiC = 11) that would be ok, with me, as long as any cometant, who does have no action, not only rolls just F * 1 (- Damage) for that IP, but allso canīt do any damage, in that IP, even if it gets more hits.
Edit2: oh, I just saw, that TFīs spirits have been edited out of the IP lists, so I guess you are allready using the simple rolls. If so, ignor this post.
So, untill these issues are addrest:
Bean: Willpowe (1) + Astral Combat (1) + Friends in Combat (3) = 5 dice [5] 4 4 2 2 Hits:1 Peanut: Willpowe (1) + Astral Combat (1) + Friends in Combat (3) = 5 dice [5] 1 [5] [5] [5] Hits:4 Pumpkin: Willpowe (1) + Astral Combat (1) + Friends in Combat (3) = 5 dice 1 3 [6] [5] 3 Hits:2 Grampa (Damaged 4): Willpowe (2) + Astral Combat (2) + Friends in Combat (3) + Damage (-1) = 6 dice [6] [6] 1 [6] 3 4 Hits:3 |
All have base DV 1.
If Grampa gets attacked again, here is his defense
Willpowe (2) + Astral Combat (2) = 4 dice [5] 1 4 1 Hits:1 Astral Body (2) = 2 dice 1 [5] Hits:1 |
Allso here are the rolls for IP 3. If Grampa gets additional damage (more then 1 box), drop his last die result (for 2-4 boxes) or if he drops out (5+ boxes, remember Tao will feel it and summon Gandma, not Egg-Head (Watcher #4), then) drop his entire attack and the last dieīs result for every watcher (one less Friend in Combat).
Bean: Willpowe (1) + Astral Combat (1) + Friends in Combat (3) = 5 dice [5] 1 4 3 2 Hits:1 Peanut: Willpowe (1) + Astral Combat (1) + Friends in Combat (3) = 5 dice 4 4 2 2 [5] Hits:1 Pumpkin: Willpowe (1) + Astral Combat (1) + Friends in Combat (3) = 5 dice [5] 4 [6] [6] 2 Hits:3 Gampa: Willpowe (2) + Astral Combat (2) + Friends in Combat (3) + Damage (-1) = 6 dice [5] [6] 2 4 1 [6] Hits:3 |
base DV 1S, as usual.
EDIT: Changed Post Icon
MK Ultra
May 9 2006, 10:18 PM
QUOTE (nick012000) |
TinkerGnome: You forgot to post the results of Neo's actions in your Combat turn 2, pass 1 post. |
IIRC, TG allso saied Neo would have one action in IP3 of Round 1, where he probaby started his granade tossing, what about these?
May 9 2006, 10:57 PM
I didn't exactly forget. It wasn't on the list on the Wiki.
May 9 2006, 11:05 PM
QUOTE (MK Ultra) |
About spirit combat. Iīd have objections to using a contested combined F roll, as I donīt know, how to implement Damage & Friends in combat modifieres. |
Since the forces get added together, it's pretty much all rolled into one for friends modifiers. For damage, it just comes off the top of the force x2. It actually works out pretty well. It's a lot more deadly for the spirits, which is fine with me as the piddling little 1-3 DV makes for very long astral fights.
MK Ultra
May 9 2006, 11:31 PM
@ GM & TG
Well, I donīt really like this system and donīt want to use it in regular battles. However, to speed up things in this mass battle, I have no objections, to use it (though IMO my spirits would still be better off in the long run, by regular rules). The only point Iīd insist on, is, that a spirit canīt dish out any damage in an IP, where it has no action, no metter, how many hits.
So, here are the combined rolls:
1st IP: Combined Force times 2 (10) + Damage (-1) = 9 dice [5] 4 4 2 2 [5] 1 [5] [5] Hits:4
2nd IP: Combined Force by 2 (10) + Damage (-1) = 9 dice [5] 4 4 2 2 [5] 1 [5] [5] Hits:4
3rd IP: Combined Force by 2 (10) + Damage (-1) = 9 dice [5] 1 3 [6] [5] 3 [6] [6] 1 Hits:5 |
EDIT: I forgot the 1st IPīs roll, I thought I allready had done that one.
May 10 2006, 01:15 AM
QUOTE (TinkerGnome) |
I didn't exactly forget. It wasn't on the list on the Wiki. |
A lot of bloody good the wiki does when it is bloody impossible to find a link to the effing thing. Edit the first post in the thread to have a link, so it can be found easily.
May 10 2006, 01:19 AM
QUOTE (nick012000) |
QUOTE (TinkerGnome @ May 9 2006, 05:57 PM) | I didn't exactly forget. It wasn't on the list on the Wiki. |
A lot of bloody good the wiki does when it is bloody impossible to find a link to the effing thing. Edit the first post in the thread to have a link, so it can be found easily.
Touche. Heh. It's edited.
May 10 2006, 05:16 PM
I've finished the edit of round 1. Some light injuries from Neo's actions, but he got shot. A lot. I'm not going to include his actions for the rest of the round pending his survival or decision to retreat. Honestly, I wouldn't stand and throw more grenades after something like that.
Mister Juan
May 10 2006, 06:31 PM
Round 3 now?
May 10 2006, 06:31 PM
TG - Noticed you just put up the IC post for Pass 2 and 3. For those of us who don't require any dice rolls (such as Shade) can we post our Pass 2 and 3 actions in one IC post then?
Has it been decided for sure that there's a fire escape on the outside of the building? If so, Shade and Toy are definitely taking the roof and fire escape.
Do you want any rolls for Shade carrying Toy? According to the book, Lifting and Carrying is a STR + BOD roll, so I'm going to go with that unless you say otherwise. I believe Ronin has already burned the Edge to stabilize her, so Shade should not need any first aid type rolls.
Lifting and Carrying Toy (STR + BOD): 01 02 02 03 04 05 05 06 06: 4 hits
May 10 2006, 06:37 PM
The only real combat still going on is the melee. Aside from that, everyone is fleeing. If you're involved in the melee, go ahead and make some rolls (I would recommend running or taking a fall) and we'll narrate out the rest of it since the actual rolls part of the combat looks to be over.
I would actively discourage anyone from popping up in a window to fire. You will die. Also, jumping into melee with the adepts is likely to be suicide.
All in all, the trolls are all bloodied, but most are still mobile.
May 10 2006, 06:44 PM
Don't worry, Shade and Toy are definitely running away, along with anyone else going out through the roof. How far ahead do you want us to narrate? I would imagine that by the end of Pass 3, Shade will have made it to Toy, and maybe managed to carry her to the stairs.
Do you want us to narrate to a certain time, or to a certain point in the storyline (e.g. when the gangers regroup in their various 'cells')? Just let me know how far I can post ahead and I'll get it up reasonably soon.
May 10 2006, 06:52 PM
Theoretically the trolls can make it into the auditorium to block anyone escaping through that area, the timing could be important in terms of combat turns, though not IP. It might make a difference if some of us have to run past some Spikes as we flee.
After that, it may be likely we have a chase and a series of encounters unless the Spikes withdraw, or we flee the area entirely (That Cali Road trip sounds good right now). This again implies some sequence of actions to resolve these encounters. How are we handling this?
I can understand going off of IP, but it seems we may need to do combat turns or some equivalent for a while?
Mister Juan
May 10 2006, 07:09 PM
Well, Felix will simply try to find his body in get back to the physical plane. Do you want me to roll anything?
May 10 2006, 07:11 PM
Well, I don't think there's much chance of the trolls being held in place for more than a couple of IP. However, they're not going to know to head immediately for where the vehicles are, so I'd say we'll begin the road race instead. Go ahead and narrate up through the end of round 3.
And no, Felix doesn't need to roll anything to find his body.
May 10 2006, 08:00 PM
Raven's summoning attempt on the 2nd IP:
2 hits Resistance:
0 hits (w00t!
6 hits {last two dice don't count, used wrong number} (no Drain)
That's a Force 6 Spirit of Man with 2 services. Niiice!
Spirit of Man (Force 6, Services 2) B7 A6 R8 S4 C6 I6 L6 W6 Edg 6 Ess 6 Mag 6 Init 12(A) / 14(P) IP 3(A) / 2(P)
Movement: 10 / 25
Skills: Assensing 6, Astral Combat 6, Dodge 6, Perception 6, Spellcasting 6, Unarmed Combat 6
Powers: Accident, Astral Form, Concealment, Confusion, Enhanced Senses (Low-Light, Thermographic Vision), Guard, Influence, Materialization (Immunity to Normal Weapons), Sapience, Search, Innate Spell (Heal), Movement
May 10 2006, 08:06 PM
Reading the IC... does Raven's Air Spirit even get to use the Fear power?
Unless it uses Edge, the spirit should suffer 12 boxes of stun from the two Stun Bolts (rolls are somewhere above in this thread, 2 hits on each Resistance Test w/o Edge).
Not that it makes a big difference... rolled for Fear just in case it's necessary:
1 hitEDIT: Whoops, I just saw somewhere hidden within a paragraph, that you apparantly already rolled for it?
Raven's spirit uses its power and the mage panics, dropping his barrier and retreating. |
May 10 2006, 08:25 PM
I couldn't find the stunbolt resistance rolls so I just assumed it was there as it changes very little, in the end.
MK Ultra
May 10 2006, 08:42 PM
@ GM & TG
In the 3rd Round, TFīs spirits will go after the last enemy spirit, that stayed with the trolls, trying to disrupt it as well, as commanded. If any of the Mages posps into astral space, they will all concentrate their attacks on the mage (one of them, if there is more then one).
I wonīt bother rolling, unless you deem it necessarry. Just tell me when (if) any of them parish, so TF can whistle up new support.
When there are no other targets available, the Spirit of Man will seek for the next crash members and support thair flight (using guard and or confusion). The Watchers will single mindedly search the gangs turf for more enemies in astral space, until their time is up in ~53 minutes or until they meet TF, and he tells them to do s.th. else.
May 10 2006, 08:49 PM
QUOTE (TinkerGnome) |
I couldn't find the stunbolt resistance rolls so I just assumed it was there as it changes very little, in the end. |
Yeah, and the spirit could have used Edge on one Resistance Test, it's probably nicer to go freely than to get disrupted.
May 10 2006, 09:06 PM
Thanee - How is Raven planning on escaping? Would she like to come to the roof with Shade and Toy? We should be able to meet up with Aziz and maybe Thyn as well. Going through the melee downstairs could be really risky.
Of course the downside is leaving our vehicles in the gym (ARGH! That's a couple BP right there!) but for Shade at least, I highly doubt he's skilled enough to ride while carrying an unconscious Toy, so he would have to leave it either way and hope the Spikes don't take/destroy it.
Anyway, if you want to take the fire escape route with us, just letting you know that's which way we're going.
May 10 2006, 09:36 PM
Raven plans to go through a backside window on the 2nd floor (roof would work, too, but backside seems quicker). She can levitate. Also, Raven's bike is not in the gym, but outside a bit away from the obvious 'hot spots'.
Once she knows, that Auran is not actually wounded (but rather unconscious from mental trauma), and if she sees Toy bleeding on the floor (which she probably will) on her way to Auran and Shade, she will head there, to help her instead (she can't do anything for Auran).
I guess with a little running back and forth, she will get there on the 3rd IP.
Shade will probably not be there before next round (it takes 2 IPs running alone to get there, by my estimation from the wiki map).
May 10 2006, 10:02 PM
TG - I think you have a bad habbit of writing off Electrode's drones.
Drone 1 just can't avoid the Troll's continued attack.. The remington wielding machine crumbles.
Drone 2 avoid:
Body (3) + Armor (6) = 9 dice [5] 1 3 [6] [5] 3 [6] [6] 1 Hits:5 |
No damage. The drone will play possum while Electrode targets the mages - need to take them out of the equation.
IP 2 Target mage on the right of leader. Using short wide bursts 9P/-1 -2 def dice:
Burst 1:
Pilot (3) + Autosoft (3) + recoil (-2) = 4 dice [5] 2 4 2 Hits:1 |
Burst 2:
Pilot (3) + Autosoft (3) + recoil (-3) = 3 dice [6] 2 [5] Hits:2 |
IP3 Target mage on the left of leader. Using short bursts 9P/-1 -2 def dice:
Burst 1:
Pilot (3) + Autosoft (3) + recoil (-2) = 4 dice 2 [6] 4 4 Hits:1 |
Burst 2:
Pilot (3) + Autosoft (3) + recoil (-3) = 3 dice [5] [6] [6] Hits:3 |
[edit] Changed drones tactics due to forgetting about recoil issues. Firing 2 Bursts per IP instead...
[edit2] In hindsight I should have had Electrode Rig the drone.. then we could have taken advantage of the smartlink and targeting rolls to increase dice... oh well. I'm right in assumine that we don't get the Smartlink dice cause it's being commanded rather than controlled, right?
May 10 2006, 11:31 PM
Umm.. query: Why is Jax in the combat at the front door?
Last I heard he was in the gym loading dock with the bikes ready to hold back any trolls who try to attack trolls getting to those running away....
If the GM would use the map we have loaded on the wiki, he would see that was the case...
Wounded Ronin
May 11 2006, 12:52 AM
QUOTE (WinterRat1) |
Don't worry, Shade and Toy are definitely running away, along with anyone else going out through the roof. How far ahead do you want us to narrate? I would imagine that by the end of Pass 3, Shade will have made it to Toy, and maybe managed to carry her to the stairs.
Do you want us to narrate to a certain time, or to a certain point in the storyline (e.g. when the gangers regroup in their various 'cells')? Just let me know how far I can post ahead and I'll get it up reasonably soon. |
Heh heh, and by "running" in Toy's case you mean "blood sledding."