Apr 8 2006, 08:33 PM
quick question for TG - for boosted attribute power, It doesn't list any time for gaining the boost, so I would assume it is like a free action? without taking any action, except her magical nature kicking in. I know I've house ruled it for my game as I stated (Auto starting when desired... just mark down hits to resist drain over and over)... But, in this game you're the boss, so a quick ruling?
MK Ultra
Apr 8 2006, 08:49 PM
We donīt have a pool table at the Y?

BTW, if you use magic, thatīs cheating! Unless TF can use magic, too

since JJ is a squatter (and already anounced so), his place will be either at The Garage or (since this is allready preaty overrun) at the HQ.
Just kidding. TF wonīt consider Adept-powers, that donīt violate the rules of pool, ber se, as valid as any implants or drugs, that rais physical prowes or mental ability, so agility boost is certainly in, while magic fingers, etc. are out. Besides, heīs used to magicians being discriminated
Apr 8 2006, 09:37 PM
Belatedly rolling to see if Nurse catches an inside look on Tao's head while he is connected via her datajack

Charisma (5) + Intuition (3) = 8 dice Results: 4 6 1 4 5 3 3 3 Hits: 2
Apr 8 2006, 09:49 PM
@Rokur - I'm confused about your vehicle situation and too lazy to read back through pages of posts. What did Auran arrive here in and are you saying she needs to take that back and then get her bike?
I don't care if we all go together to get your bike, if you send it back, or whatever. Just as long as Auran is on the back of it when we take off. Hehe...this should be fun.
MK Ultra
Apr 8 2006, 09:53 PM
Uh, 2 hits, damn, now I have to actually make something up
Give me a day or so, and you shall get some spicy intell (well most of it will allready be known OOC, but not IC

Anything you want her to spend particular attention on? Chose two or three topics, so I donīt have to.
-Mr. V
-Nurse & the Gang
-The Ancients Job
-Indiana Jones
That should be a sufficiently broad menue. Pick 3 meals of your liking and Iīll cook them up for you

These just seemd to be the most interesting topics to me, feel free, to make one up your self. Nurse could have easyly directed his thoughts to a specific topic with simple comments.
Apr 8 2006, 10:05 PM
QUOTE (MK Ultra) |
Anything you want her to spend particular attention on? Chose two or three topics, so I donīt have to.
-Nurse -Rachel -Sash -Tao-Fighter -Nurse & the Gang -The Ancients Job |
Well, Nurse has her main focus on healing you, so let's pick three things most likely near the forefront of Tao's thoughts

1) So definitely Nurse and the gang, since TF's suggesting to her it might be safer for her to not get caught up in it all..
2) Sash, because it came up in the post

3) and.. hrm..
if those two aren't enough, the current job for The Ancients is probably strong enough in his thoughts to work through the link.
MK Ultra
Apr 8 2006, 10:13 PM
As suggested, TF thinks she should better stay out of the whole gang stuff. Mostly, because she seems to have a good live with no need to resort to gang-crime. She could have her whole live fucked up by hanging with the Crash. If sheīd stay away, she could probably even study medicine, given her talents she would probably be offerd a stipend. Also, not only could she be hurt or killed, or loos people in the gang she cares more for, then the regular customer, but her family could be treatened as well. Someone (the Trolls, i.e.) might want to use them as leverage or Nurseīs actions may backfire at them.
That said, he allso thinks, the gang would really be blessed with her membership and he likes to have her around personally, too. He fears, that this is why he doesnīt tell her straight away, that she should not join for her own good.
Tao-Fighter killed a girl called Sasha not so long ago. Itīs unclear, why or how she was killed, but TF blames it to himself. She was some friend of Halo. Itīs a bit mixed up, but since Nurse was quiet observant, she recognizes, that he didnīt actually kill her, but failed to safe her. He had treated Halo first and it was to late for Sascha after that, so she died, because she was a stranger to him and Halo was not. He thinks, if he had treated her first, both would have survived. Aperantly, he never talked to anyone about this. It looks like, he still prays for Sascha every morning, along with his dead familie, as well as for Mr. V.
"I have a bad feeling about this!" he thinks over and over, along with cryptic prases that seem to stam from some oracle. He believes that by keeping the box, the gang might be shatterd or at least suffer heavy losses.
MK Ultra
Apr 8 2006, 10:26 PM
I just wrote this down in some minutes, from the top of my head. Feel free, to ask for clarification, if anything is to mixed up. I will give further explanation (or maybe not), if needed.
Apr 8 2006, 11:07 PM
QUOTE (Silo) |
@Rokur - I'm confused about your vehicle situation and too lazy to read back through pages of posts. What did Auran arrive here in and are you saying she needs to take that back and then get her bike?
I don't care if we all go together to get your bike, if you send it back, or whatever. Just as long as Auran is on the back of it when we take off. Hehe...this should be fun. |
Auran brought her bike to the HQ... so 3 don't fit on a bike. (Well not while anyone's speeding away)
Apr 8 2006, 11:50 PM
QUOTE (Rokur) |
Auran brought her bike to the HQ... so 3 don't fit on a bike. (Well not while anyone's speeding away) |
Ok. Gotcaha. We'll be fine though with Halo's as well.
Apr 9 2006, 03:01 AM
QUOTE (Rokur) |
quick question for TG - for boosted attribute power, It doesn't list any time for gaining the boost, so I would assume it is like a free action? |
QUOTE (SR4: Errata) |
p. 187 Attribute Boost Add the following to the second paragraph: No attribute may be boosted past its maximum augmented value (see p. 62). Attribute Boost requires a Simple Action to activate. |
Apr 9 2006, 04:56 AM
ah ha! ty TG!
MK Ultra
Apr 9 2006, 07:13 PM
Hi, Vegas, head still attached?
Sorry but You may have to edit your post, because the plan has changed.
We canīt get some nova, before playing a round of pool, can we?
Apr 9 2006, 07:27 PM
I edited the post.

Sorry about that guys

At least I can be the one to do all the work to make it "fit"
I'm still attached, I don't think my friend is though, she drank WAY too much last night. My feet just hurt from crappy shoes.
Lets get our asses over to the Zo e already...
Fresno Bob
Apr 9 2006, 07:33 PM
On the wiki, I divided the PC list into active and inactive PCs. If you see that I made a mistake, such as including or excluding someone I shouldn't have, well... its a wiki. You know what to do.
MK Ultra
Apr 9 2006, 07:40 PM
Ok, planned for some funny bump in in the hallway, but they might as well miss each other by a second...
Anyway, Canīt wait to finally have Tao play pool (aperently, the only thing, hes really good at, but we will see

However, my brother is waiting, to watch a dvd with me, and I think I already had him waiting upstairs some time, so it will be some 2 h or so, befor Iīll post.
You can assume though, that TF will be upstairs a minute after she send her message, so feel free, to go on.
Or else, feel free, to elaborate at some colision when she heads from shower to her room and he goes downstairs. Can splash him or them or anything with the yoghurt or curse and swear, because he took the last one from the fridge.
Cya later chica
Apr 9 2006, 07:41 PM
Hah ok.

That could always be fun...*ponders*
Apr 9 2006, 07:51 PM
JJ's never gonna live down his latest beating at Pool is he?
Apr 9 2006, 09:09 PM
@ Voorhees. - JJ is already on his way to the Zo e.
@Vegas & MK - What makes you think JJ is going to lose? I got 6 dice that are ready to roll....
Apr 9 2006, 09:12 PM
I never said he was gonna lose
I meant he's never gonna live down losing the first time
Apr 9 2006, 09:14 PM
OH! Gotcha. I probably will lose though. At least to TF...unless he glitches.
Apr 9 2006, 09:15 PM
What are you guys rolling for playing Pool again?
Apr 9 2006, 09:24 PM
Agility+Logic would probably make sense.

Apr 9 2006, 09:26 PM
One thought about the teams, with the rather high number of inactive chars there... should we maybe put all the inactives in one team? That way, we could just keep them in the background and focus the IC on the other two.
Apr 9 2006, 09:26 PM
OMG Thanee, you live!

Yeah, makes sense, I just didn't know what they were rolling before at the Zo e.
Apr 9 2006, 09:40 PM
Yeah, it was A + L.
Here is a roll for JJ driving Auran's bike to the Zo e. The only reason I am rolling it is because he is hot dogging it the whole way.
Pilot Bikes (5) + Agility (4) = 9 dice [5] 4 4 2 2 [5] 1 [5] [5] Hits:4 |
With these 4 hits, I'd say he does a good job of it too.
Apr 9 2006, 09:45 PM
QUOTE (Vegas) |
OMG Thanee, you live! |
I certainly hope so.

MK Ultra
Apr 9 2006, 10:09 PM
@ Halo
This is Taoīs composure test
I figured it wouldnīt get a wound penalty in this situation, but do real composure tests suffer them? Iīd think so.
Charisma (3) + Willpower (1) = 4 dice [5] 1 4 1 Hits:1 Glitch! |
Doesnīt look that horrible. Though we use a house rule for glitches, I will interpret it freely in this situation.
@ Thanee
We do, as well. Had īnuff rpg-rounds with shedim and zombies. And Iīm talking the players here, not any characters!
@ Silo
You know, when I fliped the page, I was shocked, thinking that was 4 hits on pool, for JJ
Apr 9 2006, 10:19 PM
Woo hoo! Glitches!
Actually house rules state Critical Glitches have the same effect as Normal Glitches and then Normal Glitches don't really occur.
From the Wiki:
Because of the low die pools most characters in this game will see, glitches are softer than in a normal game. If a critical glitch is rolled, effects approximately equal to a regular glitch will be applied. If a regular glitch is rolled, nothing bad happens.
Bummer, it would have been fun to watch Tao lose his cool
MK Ultra
Apr 9 2006, 10:44 PM
Yea, I was quiet disapointed. No success and a glitch would have given me the excuse, to let Tao-Fighter fall unconcious instantly

With 0 hits/no glitch, I would have probably had him run away, screaming "I havenīt seen anything!!!"
Apr 9 2006, 10:46 PM
heh. Umm.. I'm thinking we may want to forward the time stamps just a touch... since it would take her more than 3 minutes to get from the Y to the garage and get in and out of the shower. She's fast, but she's not THAT fast.

Probably at least to 21:07/8 or something like that.
MK Ultra
Apr 9 2006, 10:47 PM
Soundīs right for me, I wasnīt sure about this..

Maybe, if she had popped Jazz befor the shower

So Itīs your turn..

Edited the Time Stamp to 21:06:11 for the crash
Apr 9 2006, 11:09 PM
Sweet. Thanks.
I'm off to make dinner, I'll be back later tonight to keep posting. Probably in an hour or so if anyone else is around and wants to keep this going forward

And now I have returned... but everyone else is gone. Damnit
MK Ultra
Apr 10 2006, 02:13 AM
@ Vegas
So, they are ready to rock. Can drive over to the Zo e.
When they arrve there, TF will play against any one of them, who dares (common, hes injured), but he never plays without stacks. Normaly only for money or other tangibil stuff, but with his friends (and in the mood for a round in general) he will also accept stuff like cleaning up rooms (except by JJ), foot or nack massage and similar favours, as well as symbolic monetary values (a round of drinks, etc.)
Apr 10 2006, 02:20 AM
Posted and waiting on you

(and for everyone else who left to arrive, unless they manage to get there before the rest ;D )
Apr 10 2006, 02:50 AM
Modding Felix's commlink
Hardware (2) + Edit (3) + Homeground (2) = 7 dice 1 [6] 4 2 4 [6] 1 Hits: 2 |
Ok, Tag's got himself a new commcode.
Apr 10 2006, 03:05 AM
How do your "house rules" for advancement of skills/atts/knowledges work exactly? Because I can't wrap my little girlie brain around Body 6 to Body 7 costing 9 karma instead of 21. Unless you're doing the Current Rating x 1.5 dealie?
Apr 10 2006, 04:43 AM
It's based on natural stats.... for Strength a troll @6 is the same as a human at 2. so for a troll to get 7 it's the same for the human to get 3. (because a troll starting strength is 5, not 1.... so just subtract your starting attributes before raising it 1 to finding base karma....)
I know I'm doing a bad job of explaining this.. but i tried...
Apr 10 2006, 04:46 AM
ahhh okies. THAT Makes sense. So it's still the same costs in the book (Skills: New Level x 2, Knowledges: New Rating, Atts: New level x 3) then right?
I'm contemplating spending karma.. whee..
So what can we do to keep posting y'all.. I need my RP fix on here!
Mister Juan
Apr 10 2006, 06:00 AM
So, what area of the HQ should Felix ward? He can do up to 150 cubic meters.
Apr 10 2006, 06:08 AM
Well, you could ward the lounge - where the boxes currently are, or you could ward another place (lobby, kitchen, racketball court) to throw someone on the wrong trail.

Tag's been paged.... Did I forget to mention I got the PA system fixed? Works in most of the building (except private areas or unused sections she hasn't rewired yet)
MK Ultra
Apr 10 2006, 08:32 AM
QUOTE (Vegas @ Apr 10 2006, 04:20 AM) |
@MK Posted and waiting on you |
Sorry, to disapoint you. I mus have fallen asleep, when I shut down the note book and lay into my bed
Iīd sit around here in DSF longer then just until 4 AM, but my familie would probably call Chez Kra.. Ehr.. Jhon Constantine.
Iīm also sad (LIE) to say, that I wonīt log on this evening, as Iīm going to a concert.
Iīll up to the Zo e and Edit later if necessary.
BTW, in case you havenīt noticed (
Halo probably would have). Tao never called anyone partner, except
EDIT: But his brain isnīt back in full working order yet
Apr 10 2006, 01:15 PM
@Rokur - do you want to describe JJ and Auran's ride to the Zo e? I thought it might be interesting to have it ICed from her perspective as the passenger on her own bike.
MK Ultra
Apr 10 2006, 02:29 PM
Got less then 2 hours, before Iīve got to go. I will probably not be back befor 8 hours from now (and wonīt be abled to hold myhead upright, with my nackmuscles anymore

Apr 10 2006, 02:38 PM
Y'all are up at The Zo e

I'll be in and out today (well all this week really) working and the like. I"ll try to keep up as much as possible without neglecting my business

My office looks like a bomb went off in it
MK Ultra
Apr 10 2006, 02:49 PM
Iīm typing typing typing...

Looking to catch, that shes high, too.
Charisma (3) + Intuition (5) + Damage (-2) = 6 dice [5] 4 4 2 2 [5] Hits:2 |
I think, heīs got an idea.
Edited accordingly.
Apr 10 2006, 04:42 PM
Last week's Karma is 3 points for all active posters.
I didn't get anything done this weekend that didn't involve an infant, so if someone would be so kind as to summarize where we are right now, I'll plunge back into things. Was there a solid plan decided upon?
Apr 10 2006, 04:51 PM
Basically we're keeping 2 decoys and the real box at the Y. three groups have been established:
(from Auran's post)
"First group - ChinaDoll, Felix, JJ, Aziz, Jax, Steel, 0day. Get together I want you guys to protect the real deal.
Second Group - Halo, TaoFighter, BronzeWyrm, Nurse, Shade, Cammy, and Me that is, if Nurse is up to this, we could use your help, girl.
Third - Raven, Electrode, Thyn, Toy, Neo, 2by4, Knives, and Slam! You guys got the toughest job. You're the first box out the building, you guys get the job of grabbing the heat, and holding it."
Each group is to make up a plan for if we have to leave the Y suddenly, where we'll all "go" and where we'll "meet up" Otherwise we're defending the Y like a fort. We're gonna (try to) keep at least three people at the Y from each group at all times.
Oh yeah, and Auran, Aziz, JJ, Tao and Halo left to hit up the Fun Zone before going "somewhere" to score enough NovaCoke to keep the gang wired for the next three days.

They're just arriving now.
Bronze and China Doll have been updating commlink codes for those at the Stuffer when the shit hit the fan. Seems like no one screwed up the rolls or anything so as people present commlinks to them they're getting "fixed"
The mages are planning on warding rooms of the Y to protect the boxes and possibly throw some "decoy" rooms in there to be confusing. Felix has been on the roof summoning things (watchers and a fire elemental I believe).
I think that about brings you up to speed?
Apr 10 2006, 04:53 PM
QUOTE (TinkerGnome) |
Last week's Karma is 3 points for all active posters.
I didn't get anything done this weekend that didn't involve an infant, so if someone would be so kind as to summarize where we are right now, I'll plunge back into things. Was there a solid plan decided upon? |
Yes, some of us are going to score some novacoke.
If you are referring to the other, more important plan, we decided on:
Staying at the HQ en masse. We have 3 defined teams. If necessary, we will defend until it is no longer possible and then the 3 teams will take off seperatly from the HQ. One will have the real gun, the other two will have decoys.
Apr 10 2006, 05:14 PM
QUOTE (DireRadiant) |
CODE | Spoof 3 + Hacking 1 + Home Ground 2 (Threshold 2) = 6 pool
6 6 5 4 2 1 = 3 hits - JJ 6 5 4 4 2 1 = 2 hits - TF 5 5 4 2 2 2 = 2 hits - Aziz 6 6 5 3 2 1 = 3 hits - Toy Robot 5 3 3 3 3 1 = 1 hits - Raven (Hopefully this isn't someone with a cyber commlink... ) Oops! 6 6 5 4 3 2 = 3 hits - ?? 6 6 4 4 2 2 = 2 hits - ?? 6 6 6 2 2 1 = 3 hits - ?? 5 5 5 4 2 1 = 3 hits - ?? |
I'll assign as I get replies.
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