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MK Ultra
QUOTE (Voorhees @ Mar 20 2006, 10:03 PM)
The only problem with that is it removes you from posting until the fight it over.

I wouldn´t really like that. Where is the problem, with the Stuffer & Sushi people having a delay of any kind?

EDIT: EHRGH eek.gif I´ll keep an eye on you V & V, you pushed me over to the next page!!!
Fresno Bob
Alright, I edited my post allowing for a delay at the sushi bar.
I think we need to simply suspend belief, or rather in this case: TIME.

Just don't sweat the time inconsistencies and let it play exactly how it is playing.

Per TG's post giving a hearing chance for those of us that were at the Fun Zoe...he intended for us to hear it (at least opportunity to hear it).

Cuz really, the story part is working fine as written, the only problem right now is time. And, that is so subjective since we've just been tossing out whatever we feel like for the past 3 days.


[edit] I was just looking over the time. The Garage scenes jumped 30 minutes ahead almost right off the bat with like the 3rd post in that area even though the next post continues the same conversation (with a 30 minute gap). That is why everyone there is so far ahead. [/edit]
mmm... tempting to join in now... could get in on the stuffer shack electronically biggrin.gif

and certainly i'm not gonna use any gear in that fight, since i won't even be there *physically* and i certainly won't be able to get there on time with any of my drones anyways wink.gif

'course, since i'm not, strictly speaking, in the HQ, i can't get in on that unless someone gives me a call, but that's ok... i'll get to have some fun at least =P

[edit] well, in any event, i've got my character updated and ready for review now =P so we'll see... maybe i'll get something in before it's all resolved. for example, TG might spontaneously split into two separate, yet identical beings, each possessing the entirety of his knowledge. one would GM the current situations, the other would review all the characters that are ready =P

oh, and dranem, you could also drop electronics group to 1 and buy up resonance 1 point. you're allowed up to 3 resonance, and no lower than 5 essence... my understanding is that TG approved buying resonance to 4, as long as you subsequently shot yourself in the foot by taking some cyber wink.gif [/edit]
Well, how about this. Everyone just include in their next post where they are at the time. It doesn't matter who is in the Stuffer Shack or the Zoe, so long as some folks are there.

Here are the facts:

I can't run one story thread that includes 20 people with appropriate challenges.

We all have to make an effort to keep the timeline roughly linear. I think this is our first snag in this undertaking. We just have to come up with a good solution and go with that.
Query: Will I need to make some sort of computer test for those security cam spots?
I'm not hacking them, seeing as I should be able to subscribe as admin to something we operate.
Fresno Bob
QUOTE (TinkerGnome)
Well, how about this. Everyone just include in their next post where they are at the time. It doesn't matter who is in the Stuffer Shack or the Zoe, so long as some folks are there.

Here are the facts:

I can't run one story thread that includes 20 people with appropriate challenges.

We all have to make an effort to keep the timeline roughly linear. I think this is our first snag in this undertaking. We just have to come up with a good solution and go with that.

Hey, don't worry about it. We came up with a solution. Its a non-issue now.

Anyway, did you want me to post arriving at the SS myself, or were you going to do it?
QUOTE (Dranem @ Mar 20 2006, 10:44 PM)
Query:  Will I need to make some sort of computer test for those security cam spots?
I'm not hacking them, seeing as I should be able to subscribe as admin to something we operate.

No rolls are needed if the person you're detecting isn't trying to evade detection. In fact, the rolls probably wouldn't be made on your end, anyway wink.gif

QUOTE (Voorhees)
Anyway, did you want me to post arriving at the SS myself, or were you going to do it?

Go for it. Once everyone's had a chance to respond (about 24 hours), I'll tie stuff together a bit better.

I did another pass on characters.
frankly, i'd be surprised if there were any cameras left there from when it was abandoned anyways. abandoned buildings have a tendency to get trashed... bricks through the windows, graffitti (which we probably did a good chunk of, or at least put ours over top the existing stuff mostly by now), delicate things smashed, valuable things (like cameras) stolen... when we took it over, i would imagine there would be quite a bit of repairs needed.

most likely water, power, etc would have been shut off to the building (though with the number of hackers in the gang, those would have been turned on i'm sure). possibly the physical components of the sewage, power, etc would have been damaged. i mean, you live in an abandoned building, you take what you can get... if it's been abandoned for 5 years, well... let's just say the place is not gonna be in good shape, IMO. likely we had to furnish most everything in the place...
QUOTE (TinkerGnome @ Mar 20 2006, 10:50 PM)
I did another pass on characters.

hmmm... says "reviewed, commented"... in the event that i pre-emptively took your comments into account before you even made them, does that mean my character is ok?

[edit] ie, are the actual changes, marked in bold on the character sheet, acceptable? [/edit]
QUOTE (Jaid)
[edit] ie, are the actual changes, marked in bold on the character sheet, acceptable? [/edit]

Check the discussion. You have to pick between the GL and the lynx.
My sheet has been corrected, I sacrificed one of my skill group ranks to keep my Resonance at 3.

Not to take away everyone's fun, but doesn't the Stuffer Shack (247 Mart?) have an Ares Knockout Immoilizer system? Or has it crapped out recently and they just leave it there for show as a 'deterrant'?
Mister Juan
Well, since Felix was probably with Aziz the whole time, I just had him follow him.
As for what he's doing, he's basically casting an Armor spell on Aziz, since he'll probably be going in first wink.gif

Spell: Armor
Force: 3 (equal to Magic)
Drain: (3/2)+3 = 4 Stun

Spellcasting Dice Pool: 6
Rolls: 2, 3, 3, 5, 5, 6
Hits: 3

Resisting Drain
Dice Pool: 5+5+1 = 11
Rolls: 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4, 5, 6, 6
Hits: 3
Drain: 1 Stun

Aziz now has his armor increased by 3/3
Hope it helps wink.gif
I think we need to simply suspend belief, or rather in this case: TIME.

Just don't sweat the time inconsistencies and let it play exactly how it is playing.

Per TG's post giving a hearing chance for those of us that were at the Fun Zoe...he intended for us to hear it (at least opportunity to hear it).

Cuz really, the story part is working fine as written, the only problem right now is time. And, that is so subjective since we've just been tossing out whatever we feel like for the past 3 days.

[edit] I was just looking over the time. The Garage scenes jumped 30 minutes ahead almost right off the bat with like the 3rd post in that area even though the next post continues the same conversation (with a 30 minute gap). That is why everyone there is so far ahead. [/edit]

TG - If I may offer my input, Silo's post raises an excellent point. From what I can see, people have just been whipping out times on their posts without any consideration as to how long the events of their post actually would take. Conversational posts need to be within a couple minutes or even seconds of each other, depending on the length.

In LITS, we have a convention that a post should never jump so far forward that any other PCs in the area do not have time to respond or act. So for example, if there are three gangers at the garage, a post should not jump more than a few minutes forward at most, and should be accompanied by an explanation, perhaps something along the lines of 'the three of them sat in silence for a while, before...<insert continuation of story here>.

In a game like this, it is very important to keep time in a controlled and logical fashion, and it is important for everyone to develop the posting discipline to examine what their fellow players have posted and consider how long that would take before posting their times and replies. We cannot treat the time section of the time/date stamp as an afterthought, or else we'll be all over the place. In LITS, as a GM, the very first thing I examine is how much time should have passed between my player's post and my reply.

I realize with all the players we have and this being a fairly new format for most, it'll take time to develop a standard format and understanding of how to appropriately handle time, but if we don't, in the long run, the thread will become chaotic and impossible to keep up with.

If everyone would please take the time to read each other's posts, consider how long that post would have taken, and keep your post close enough to the previous post's time to give other PCs a chance to respond to that same event (if they so choose), I think that would help slow down the thread (in a good way) and create a more orderly, linear timeline.

Well, how about this. Everyone just include in their next post where they are at the time. It doesn't matter who is in the Stuffer Shack or the Zoe, so long as some folks are there.

Here are the facts:

I can't run one story thread that includes 20 people with appropriate challenges.

We all have to make an effort to keep the timeline roughly linear. I think this is our first snag in this undertaking. We just have to come up with a good solution and go with that.

TG - A suggestion I have from a GM standpoint is this: If you have an event that you are planning to have happen (in this specific scenario, the Stuffer Shack incident and Slam's arrival) I suggest you state OOC that no one close enough to be affected by that event should post past a certain time.

For example, if the Stuffer Shack incident was going to happen at 20:00:00, and Slam was going to arrive at the gang HQ at 20:00:00, then no one in the Gang HQ, anyone in the Stuffer Shack, or anyone close enough to arrive at the Stuffer Shack during the course of the event should have posted past 20:00:00. Then it would be a simple matter for us to all pick up our response posts at 20:00:00 from wherever we were at that moment, so we're all responding to the same thing at the same time. That keeps everything happening at the same time, as you probably intended, without jumping all over the place or having to go back and edit our times. Plus, it stops us from having to backtrack if we've already gone past the time of the event's occurrence, as appeared to potentially be the case here.

Anyone too far to be involved in either of those events would be free to post, under the assumption that they would arrive too late to impact the events, and therefore, could not arrive until X time or 'after it's all over'.

Please let me know if any of these suggestions were helpful.
Fresno Bob
QUOTE (Mister Juan)
Aziz now has his armor increased by 3/3
Hope it helps wink.gif

So my armor is now 11/10? I daresay thats going to help.
Mister Juan
My pleasure biggrin.gif
If the fighting gets very thick and Felix has to chain cast spells, he'll have to drop it. But for the time being, yea, your armor is increased by +3/+3.
Just so everyone is clear. When JJ sent a message to his Crash list, it was sent to everyone in the gang, including Slam.

Some more thoughts on time...

If there is a lull where nothing happens but time needs to transpire, just allude to stuff. For instance, I had JJ go take a piss in an alley. And, you know what, that probably isn't all he did...cuz pissing don't take that long. wink.gif

If you jump time, don't pick up where the previous post dropped off. Just mention it and tie in to it as best as you can. You can always simply reference an event as being in the past.

Just some thoughts. We'll work through it. smile.gif


On the SS fight...

When does JJ get there in relation to Aziz and Felix...are we rolling some initiatives?

Mister Juan
Don't tell me you want an armor spell also...... sarcastic.gif
QUOTE (Mister Juan @ Mar 20 2006, 11:42 PM)
Don't tell me you want an armor spell also......  sarcastic.gif

Heh...nah...i'll be okay for now.

@Mister Juan and Voorhees,

We probably should give Neo and Raven some time to join in.

[edit] I'm out for the night. frown.gif [/edit]
Wounded Ronin
QUOTE (Voorhees)
See, the problem is with the time jump. Aziz and the others were at the Fun Zoe 25 minutes before the shooting started, and Toy Robot and the others were just leaving the Stuffer Shack 35 minutes before any shooting started. In that time frame, pretty much everyone would be back at the HQ. If you peeled the robbery back to say, 19:35, it works better.

Well, the way I read it, Toy Robot hung around after the others left, and she's the only gang member in the SS right now. Hence her decision to hide. It seems to me from the feel and flow that most of the people starting at the SS had started to walk back to the hideout and probably would have been notified of the robbery halfway there or something.
Keep in mind, in the 5 minutes it took for JJ, Aziz, and Felix to get to the Stuffer Shack, due to SR combat time, any fight would most likely be over, unless it started at like 20:04:57 or something.

Whether or not they get there after the current fight would be dictated by the actions of those already inside when the drek hit the fan. If everything was still in 'normal time' it would probably be time to throw down. If a fight started immediately, that particular fight would certainly be concluded by 20:05:00.
Wounded Ronin
I think most people at the SS clearly stated they were leaving, so the gangers robbing the store could easily grandstand and grab things for 5 minutes without invoking combat rounds.
Fresno Bob
I'm a big fan of the show 24, so I can accept for 2 or 3 minute gaps. Like when it goes into a 4 minute commercial break, and when it comes back, the clock reads it as 6 minutes having passed.
Fresno Bob
Alright, Neo and Raven can show up, we'll get our plan in motion, and then we'll rock some orkicide.
I'm here, I'm here. It's just like 8 am here, can't really post during the night. wink.gif

Raven summons a Force 4 Air Spirit... I'll just link the dice rolls here (and roll for the spirit as well, hope that's alright that way):

Summoning Test (3 hits)
+Home Ground (+1 hit)
Spirit's Resistance (1 hit)
Drain Resistance (2 hits)
@TG: I just noticed, that the 'house rule' about remote service spirits is actually in the book. biggrin.gif

Page 179 right column, right before where Glitches are described.

QUOTE (Thanee)
@TG: I just noticed, that the 'house rule' about remote service spirits is actually in the book. biggrin.gif

Page 179 right column, right before where Glitches are described.


Actually, no. Page 178 pretty clearly states what that's supposed to mean - Unbound Spirits on remote service don't count as controlled spirits and Bound spirits on remote service do. The wording on page 179 is a little confusing, but only a little.

Of course, the game goes directly to crazy town and does not pass Go or collect 200 nuyen.gif if you really allow people to have unbound spirits not count against their controlled limit. I honestly think that when it eventually gets errataed (and it will), that unbound spirits on Remote Service will simply continue to count as your one allowed unbound spirit until they complete their mission or are dismissed. The current house rules are in between the crazy-tastic actual rules and the probable rules fix that will be handed down either shortly before or after Street Magic comes out.

Anyway, here are Cammy's rolls for her introductory adventure:

Cammy Intimidates children at a bar:

Charisma (4) + Intimidate (4) + Physically Imposing (1) = 9 dice
2 [6] 4 1 1 [6] 3 [6] 4 Hits: 3


Cammy runs off into the night, taking both simple actions as sprinting:


Strength (7) + Running (6) = 13 dice
1 4 3 1 2 [6] 2 3 [6] 4 2 4 [5] Hits: 3


Strength (7) + Running (6) = 13 dice
4 [5] [5] 4 1 4 1 1 4 [5] [5] [6] 2 Hits: 5

Or to put it another way, 41 meters in one combat round, which is 1/120th of an hour, and represents a speed of 49.2 KPH (just over 30 miles per hour).

Cammy climbs over a 3 meter fence:


Strength (7) + Climbing (6) = 13 dice
2 3 1 [5] [6] 4 1 3 4 3 [5] 4 3 Hits: 3

That's getting over the fence in one combat round (though only barely).

Cammy climbs over a 4 meter privacy wall:


Strength (7) + Climbing (6) = 13 dice
1 2 [6] 3 [6] 4 [5] [5] 3 4 4 [6] 1 Hits: 5

Which means that she goes right over it in less than a combat round.

Finally, she's approaching the Shack from 'round the side:


Agility (3) + Infiltrate (1) = 4 dice
3 [6] [5] [6] Hits: 3

3 hits, which is pretty ninja/pirate. Apparently noone was expecting someone to come from that angle...

Considering we only need once entrance and the other doors are somehow boarded/sealed/blocked or welded shut, we only need to worry about the front door.

I could spend some IC cash for what Wyrm would consider a minimum security setup:
Item (list price, seeking GM street price if I can't get this ligit))
Sensors Mounted - Capacity 5
+ Camera [1] 100
+ Motion Sensor [1] 50
Maglock (Rating 3) 300
+ Keypad or Card Reader 50
(This is well within my means to purchase - well at least at list price - and Wyrm will spend that kind of cash to make sure that not just anyone gains access to the HQ.)

Generally most of us could access the Maglock via an encrypted password key, the Keypad is for those few who don't yet have commlinks. When she's around the HQ, Wyrm always keeps an eye on the security door if possible.
0day's social skill roll to clear the scene at the stuffer shack


charisma (3) + con (1) = 4 dice
5 6 2 2 = 2 Hits

I need an opposed test for watchers for Ch + [Con or Negotiation]

cheers Bladepoet
MK Ultra
I´d rather suggest to use negotiation instead of con in this situation. I guess, it makes no difference.. oh, it does, since 0day has no influence/negotiation, well, maybe con is ok, too.
I´d assume, 2 Hits are enough for most onlookers (Charisma 3, no skill => 2 dice, mostly). The odd passer by may be an elf with Influence 1 and Charisma 5, which gives him a good chance to resist.
Ummm.. not to be overly picky Frank, but I think CD's timestamp is about 2 hours off. wink.gif
Mister Juan

Since apparently our plan is to catch them outside (if they're still there) Felix would wipe up a low force earth elemental while they wait. I'll roll for it right now in case he has the time to do it while the PCs wait. I'm not posting it IC in case he doesn't have time to conjure it up. I'll post it when you give me the goahead. I just don't want to get too carried away.

Conjuring a Force 2 Earth Elemental
Conjuring: 2 hits
Elemental's Roll: 0 hits
Drain: 3 hits

Number of services: 2
Drain taken: 0
MK Ultra
I think so, too.

@ GM

TF whistles up some help

1st Whatcher: Magic (2) + Summoning (1) = 3 dice
[5] 4 4 Hits:1

Drain: Intuition (5) + Willpower (1) = 6 dice
[5] 1 3 [6] [5] 3 Hits:3

2nd Whatcher: Magic (2) + Summoning (1) = 3 dice
2 2 [5] Hits:1

Drain: Intuition (5) + Willpower (1) = 6 dice
[6] [6] 1 [6] 3 4 Hits:3

3rd Whatcher: Magic (2) + Summoning (1) = 3 dice
1 [5] [5] Hits:2

Decides for only 1 hour as well.

Drain: Intuition (5) + Willpower (1) = 6 dice
[5] 1 4 3 2 4 Hits:1

And now the real help

Spirit of Men 3: Magic (2) + Summoning (1) + Mentor (2) = 5 dice
4 2 2 [5] [5] Hits:2

Force (3) = 3 dice
4 [6] [6] Hits:2

unsuccessfull! ARGH

Drain: Intuition (5) + Willpower (1) = 6 dice
2 [5] [6] 2 4 1 Hits:2

No Drain, at least!
So, I've read back over the posts (up until now I was staying in my own little world) but I can't see where the message went out about gunfire to see who was on the recieving end of it? Could someone point me at that, so I can see if Knives got that call?
MK Ultra
JJ´s massage

He send it to the whole gang.

EDIT: ES Sparky, 6th post from the top.
Mister Juan
QUOTE (MK Ultra)
JJ´s massage

That is one nice typo
QUOTE (Mister Juan @ Mar 21 2006, 07:28 AM)
QUOTE (MK Ultra @ Mar 21 2006, 08:27 AM)
JJ´s massage

That is one nice typo

Clarification: JJ don't give massages. Well, he would to Auran, Nurse, Wyrm and probably Raven.
w00t sign auran up.
By the way, Felix's conjuring roll shows 0 hits, not 2, did i miss something?
QUOTE (WinterRat1)
Keep in mind, in the 5 minutes it took for JJ, Aziz, and Felix to get to the Stuffer Shack, due to SR combat time, any fight would most likely be over, unless it started at like 20:04:57 or something.

Good point.

This is why I was saying previously that time doesn't matter until it counts. We've royally jacked up the timeframing so far and really for no reason besides generally keeping track of sequence.

But, there is a big difference between sequence and time; and we are using the time stamp to indicate sequence (i.e. who says something first, second, and so on).

Then TG comes down and implements a timestamp that stands for TIME. It jacks all our random "sequences" up.

What if TG posted "max times." I think WR mentioned this concept. Basically, stating "everyone, do stuff up to XX:XX:XX time."

This would allow for us to not have any more time inconsistencies as well as giving everyone the opportunity to participate (which with this many people is going to be an ongoing issue, especially between our US and overseas members).

This could be done on both large and small scales.

For examples, TG could have stated, "no posts after 20:00:00" (large scale) and then after that post could have stated, "no posts after 20:02:30" (small scale). The small scale example would have allowed everyone to give one or two posts relating what their character is doing, and then TG could give more info (which is exactly what he is planning on doing).

Even though this will slow things down some for us frequent posters, I think this is the best way to ensure that we don't have time inconsistincies on a constant basis, especially since TG has the timeline in his head. have to control the time for us all.
MK Ultra
QUOTE (Silo)
QUOTE (Mister Juan @ Mar 21 2006, 07:28 AM)
QUOTE (MK Ultra @ Mar 21 2006, 08:27 AM)
JJ´s massage

That is one nice typo

Clarification: JJ don't give massages. Well, he would to Auran, Nurse, Wyrm and probably Raven.

Hm, damn, I knew, I should not have booted that Mask spell nyahnyah.gif

We should develop a house ruel for massaging, just as with pool, so I can see, if it´s worth it, to learn the spell wink.gif

My suggestion would be Agility+Intuition. This would put JJ somewere in the middle. The real mistress of massage would be Toy, I guess (fit´s her bg), but it might be hard to get her to do it, without hooking her up on p-fixers biggrin.gif
MK Ultra
@ All

Small request. Could everyone, who´s changig some background or thoughts for his character note what was changed (i.e. changed thoughts on Slam) her or in the wiki´s recent change comment (and tell me how this works), so I don´t have to re-read the whole thing, everytime you fixed a typo?
On Agility + intuition tests, Auran would give Toy a good run for her money. (If it was a major situation, and Auran wanted to focus on her agility boosting)
MK Ultra
Well, thats probably the reason, why TF was with her wink.gif

EDIT: Oh, and he could return the favor, too.
I think a lot of the time suggestions are good ones. The initial problem was that we had a huge jump in time occur for one group and I went off the end of that to introduce my two events.

I think the best course of action is to first of all decide on how we're going to do it from here on out and select a point at which we carry on under those rules.

For instance, right now I think we've pretty much recovered from the initial problem. From here on, as a general rule, no post can jump ahead in the timeline by more than 5 minutes.

I assume that you guys are going to jump the gangers. If so, roll initiative. Posts should not go past 20:07:03 for folks at the stuffer shack or 20:10:00 for everyone else.
JJ's Initiative

Initiative (8) = 8 dice
[5] 4 4 2 2 [5] 1 [5] Hits:3

Total 8+3= 11
MK Ultra
@ GM
How much controll can we exercise on Slam? Could I say, he allows me to take an astral peak, or says no, we got to go elsewere, or no, this is just a distraction from our enemies, or no, JJ started the trouble, so he can get out of it, by himself (not entirely true, but we would get that impression from his short message and his character). Everything would be ok, with me. I´d like to be involved in the stuffer action (especially, since TF wouldn´t want to let that call unanswered), preferably being back, befor the other action starts nyahnyah.gif (but thats not my main motivation), as TF would think this way.
Another option could be, that we communicate and it is decided, that there are enough gangers at the shack, to handel the situation, and the others should go on the cash-run (this is probably the best, two keep to seperate groups), which would be perfectly valid.
You know, gangers tend to gang up, so there should be a reason, why people that could get to the action in time (mages & hackers/TM), don´t do so.

What do we see?

Anyone outside in the getaway car or on watch?

Can we see the trolls through the Stuffer windows?
MK Ultra
TF´s second try at a Spirit of Men (Force 3 again).

Spirit of Men 3: Magic (2) + Summoning (1) + Mentor (2) = 5 dice
1 3 2 [6] 4 Hits:1

Uh, that doesn´t look good!

Resistance: Force (3) = 3 dice
[5] [6] 2 Hits:2

Dreck, they keep making 2 hits with 3 dice frown.gif

Drain: Intuition (5) + Willpower (1) = 6 dice
4 1 4 3 [6] 1 Hits:1

Outch, one box of physical drain, I´d probably look for other allies smile.gif

So much for Spirit Affinity nyahnyah.gif
QUOTE (Silo)
What do we see?

Anyone outside in the getaway car or on watch?

Can we see the trolls through the Stuffer windows?

You see pretty much what I described. There's no one on watch, as far as you can tell, though you don't see the trolls until they're out of the shack (it not being big on windows).

@MK Ultra

Slam will let you do pretty much whatever, so long as it's fast. Take an astral peek or whatever.
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