Wounded Ronin
Apr 16 2006, 09:50 PM
Heh, considering how typical YMCAs tend to have a lot of windows and entrances I think that this will become really messy regardless of whether or not there's a map. I mean, if there isn't a map, it will be messy as in confusing. If there is a map, it will be messy as in ATTRITION YAY WE LOVE ATTRITION!
Ammo expenditure and cataclysm tend to make for a good SR game so that's good in my book.
The oncoming bike gangers need to do something stylish like ride the bike into the ground floor of the Y, katana-swipe a few people, and then ride up the stairs and do it again on the second floor.
Apr 16 2006, 09:52 PM
QUOTE (Vegas) |
Run down or not, the Y is a LOT of space to have to cover and it seems like if real estate is so expensive/in demand a large building like that would have been sucked up by some corp somewhere and reclaimed for repurposing. |
I think the property values in our neighborhood are probably in the basement. Because of two-bit hoods like us!

And urban decay and poor city planning and all that sort of stuff.
Having said that... I could go either way on the the-Y-is-too-big. It's not particularly ambitious if the place was abandoned (and mostly looted), if we make the old place into our HQ. So there are one or two exercise things left, everything that was small enough to be carted off WAS carted off. So, no free weights anywhere unless we discovered some that were hidden or brought in our own; no furniture to speak of except what we dragged in; certainly no electronics, except what we've furnished.
MK Ultra
Apr 16 2006, 11:17 PM
I like the 2nd proposal (the first of the two community centers). The Building could still have aditional floors, only that there is nothing up there. Iīd like it however, if it was not a community center (or maybe it was, befor it was turned into a gym and left again) but a small gym. Be could still squeez a small pool in one of the large rooms and a b-ball (half?) court in another. This could even have been a Y, seeing that they might have had to downsize much, through the 50 years from now. Or it was a regular small gym, that simply piced up the name.
At least, we should have piced up the name, because it was a former gym.
BTW sorry for that horribly long post again. I have trouble confining myself, once I start writing. If it anoys anyone, just say so and Iīll try harder to post less sprawled out.
Apr 17 2006, 12:58 AM
Not to beat a dead horse, but what about something like:
It's small, but we could do a "second floor' to it, say over the non-auditorium part, and have more "Crash space" or old offices up there? All the doors to the Auditorium part could be blocked/barricaded shut and locked from the inside, the actual room could have been gutted so it's just kind of a big empty space with the stage and maybe that's where we "throw parties" or whatever.
Maybe outside has the b-ball court and an old outdoor pool that we keep dry and we skate/have drone wars in or whatever? The basement could have *some* fitness equipment and even the small "family pool" or something if we want to get extravagant. Locker rooms in the basement near the pool for the sake of having showers and stuff to use. I can "redraw" the plans to fit our needs in a nano-second.. ok, a bit longer but I'd have them done by tomorrow if I start tonight.

It's got the kitchen, The "office/Activity room" could become the lounge, or that could get moved upstairs still...
Just seems a lot more usable even in a rundown/gutted state. We'd still have a solid structure to work with and build on as the gang gets bigger/stronger.
Tell me to shut my piehole if ya want, I've been enjoying good food, good wine and birthday cake with my family today (Mom's Bday on top of Easter)
MK Ultra
Apr 17 2006, 01:17 AM
Looks/Sounds good
Vegas, start tonight!
Nah, really, I like it. Would want to have the small pool inside, as this was mentioned IC. It wouldnīt necessarily still have to be functional (though thatīd be cool

) in the sense of smooth ground & clear water.
But if we have more floors, couldnīt we just stack the plan (slightly changin it for each floor, but mainly only the contents of the rooms).
In the ground could be the pool (instead of auditorium & dressing/showers instead of stage)
above could be a b-ball/auditorium and a gym under the roof.
Kitchen would probably be on the b-ball level, so would be the main hangout (using the officespace). Part of the stogare would be the often mentioned walkin.
both the pool area and the b-ball would probably be 2 floores high, each, that would make 5 floors including the ground floor. Basement would be small (not under the pool, as this space is occupied by the pool

). Or we put the gym stuff in the levels beside the pool/b-ball, instead of above it. Than weīd have 4 floors including ground level.
How does that sound?
Wounded Ronin
Apr 17 2006, 01:53 AM
Don't forget to have a lot of large windows like most YMCAs do. Because if SR4 still uses knockdown/knockback rules the potential for someone to get knockbacked out of a window to plummet to the street below is very important. Every time someone is launched out of the window and falls to a grisly death and it's all by the book an angel gets his wings.
Apr 17 2006, 02:29 AM
I like Alt 2 and 3 as well as the last one Vegas linked to.
The Alt 3 one I didn't like at first, but the layout sort of jumped out at me after a second...big room accessible from the front door, couple of open rooms beside the front entryway...probably full of crap, a room with a bathroom attached to it...probably Slam's, kitchen right off the main (great) room, maintence rooms could be converted to pool or small b-ball court...or both (retractable floor...stuck open perhaps?), and a couple of other small rooms for a couple of squatter lifestyles.
The one from Vegas (Occidental) is simple and works fine with a couple of tweaks as well.
I really don't care and will be fine with whatever is chosen. Perhaps TinkerGnome could step in and just pick one for us since he should approve it anyways.
Apr 17 2006, 02:32 AM
Let me know when you have a final floorplan (I was just about to ask for one, by coincidence). Also, we need a map of the surroundings for at least 100m in all directions. That's a fair distance, but necessary I feel.
On wireless nodes, you can scan a lot off the trolls, but only two seem like they're accessibly. The rest are all slaved to those two. I need to throw up my personal take on commlinks and subscription for you guys in a bit (mainly that you can only interface with the highest level node directly unless a master is off/out of range).
Apr 17 2006, 11:37 AM
So... what's going on? I see posts by players about stuff, but I don't remember any GM posts about anything.
MK Ultra
Apr 17 2006, 11:48 AM
QUOTE (Tinker Gnome) |
13:12:44 Sunday, April 13 2070
Slam gets a commcall and spends a couple of minutes in one-sided conversation. When he hangs up, he looks grim. "That was Treeno. Apparently a dozen very mean looking trogs just rolled past his shop. He ran out the back, but he says he saw a couple of them askin' someone somethin' on the street. They're probably lookin' for us." |
Apr 17 2006, 01:35 PM
Long Haul after effects = 8D6 hours sleep 5 + 2 + 5 + 2 + 3 + 5 + 3 + 3 = 28 hours! Excellent disoriented, - 2 dice pool. |
Apr 17 2006, 05:18 PM
Ok kids. I busted my ass last night (I was up till 2) putting together the "altered" floor plans for the HQ. (but I loved every minute of it!!)
I can make limited changes if y'all don't like where stuff is. There are still some "unlabeled" rooms to be made into something so toss out suggestions. The rooms on the second floor that are unlabled are just old offices that can be used as crash space when necessary by anyone who "lives" at HQ or when we're manning the castle like now

So here ya go, if you want changes, PM me since I'll be away at work this afternoon and won't be back till later tonight.

The BasementMain FloorSecond FloorHope that works with everyone's current posts (I tried not to "break" stuff) and works for future RP. If there are questions, just ask
Apr 17 2006, 05:39 PM
Hey, nice work. That seems to address everyone's needs. We do have some folks living at the HQ. So there should be some living space (emptied pool? maybe a 4th floor).
Also, code would require exits in the caf-e-gym-a-torium. One on the NW and one on the SW I would think.
The loading zone on the main floor I think should be moved to the empty northern room on the main floor and a utility elevator added (use at your own risk). The room I mention will need to be expanded to accomodate the space.
Apart from those changes, I think this floor plan is aces.
And I'll chime in for Ronin - make sure there's pleny of plate glass!
EDIT: Just saw the living quarters on the second floor. Nevermind that comment.
Apr 17 2006, 05:44 PM
Looks good to me too.
So, by this, do we mostly hangout on the 2nd floor in the lounge?
Apr 17 2006, 05:49 PM
QUOTE (ES_Sparky) |
Hey, nice work. That seems to address everyone's needs. We do have some folks living at the HQ. So there should be some living space (emptied pool? maybe a 4th floor).
Also, code would require exits in the caf-e-gym-a-torium. One on the NW and one on the SW I would think.
The loading zone on the main floor I think should be moved to the empty northern room on the main floor and a utility elevator added (use at your own risk). The room I mention will need to be expanded to accomodate the space.
Apart from those changes, I think this floor plan is aces.
And I'll chime in for Ronin - make sure there's pleny of plate glass!
EDIT: Just saw the living quarters on the second floor. Nevermind that comment. |
I was gonna put in Exits, but I spaced. I was figuring they'd be locked/perma-closed or whatever. I'll update the pic with the doors later today. Assume they're on the wall of the loading dock side in both corners until the pic is updated.
The way I have it laid out (and I should have marked it) The top of the building is on W. Main and is the "Main Entrance". The bottom of the building is on Elisabeth St. and is an emergency exit / secondary door. The loading dock is off Hunt Ave.
If we move the loading dock to the front of the building and put a utility elevator there, we'd have to move the kitchen upstairs since it needs to be within earshot of the lounge. *shrugs* It could be done, but it'd be a PITA.
I can add another floor without a problem if it's needed/warranted.
I didn't put in windows because I didn't know where y'all would want to find/expect glass. I kinda picture stuff like this more utilitarian in style with limited glass except on the interior (whole pool wall in the basement between the doors is glass) Pipe up if you want more carnage opportunites and where you'd like them
Apr 17 2006, 05:50 PM
QUOTE (Silo) |
Looks good to me too.
So, by this, do we mostly hangout on the 2nd floor in the lounge? |
That's the way a lot of people have been playing it. I was toying with putting it on the main floor (Swap the Cyber Cafe for the Lounge and move the kitchen to the empty space at the top of the building, but I know Auran had posted or commented the Lounge was upstairs. *shrugs*
With that I'm outta here. I have to get to work!
Apr 17 2006, 07:22 PM
Gonna mock up Vegas' ideas in 3d (with some suggestions thrown in... loading dock on Elizabeth (the rationale is that trucks would come off of Traffic, rather than Main, then Horn (horn?), moving the kitchen to be directly above loading, adding elevator. Etc.
I should also be able to do the 100m immediate surrounds, if not more.
Mister Juan
Apr 17 2006, 07:43 PM
Really great work on the floor plans for the HQ. I personally love it

Apr 17 2006, 09:44 PM
QUOTE (Vegas) |
Ok kids. I busted my ass last night (I was up till 2) putting together the "altered" floor plans for the HQ. |
Very cool!

Apr 17 2006, 10:01 PM
@ TG for surrounding terrain...
What about
this What if we took that, made all the buildings *4 in height (2 story buildings turn into 8, and 1 story buildings are now 4 story.... and just go with what's there for terrain. And notable shops can be overlaid from the higlighted area above over the stuff that's already there. It looks as if Dra was working so that it was a match, so let's just use it???
Apr 17 2006, 10:02 PM
QUOTE (ES_Sparky) |
Gonna mock up Vegas' ideas in 3d (with some suggestions thrown in... loading dock on Elizabeth (the rationale is that trucks would come off of Traffic, rather than Main, then Horn (horn?), moving the kitchen to be directly above loading, adding elevator. Etc.
I should also be able to do the 100m immediate surrounds, if not more. |
Kinda would like to keep the loading dock off the gym in any case though. Only because instead of parking vehicles outside in the actualy busted ass lot, it makes sense to keep them secure INSIDE the HQ. Plus keep in mind that location (as Dranem and I thought) is supposed to be abandoned and run down. Vans and flashy street bikes might draw unwanted attention
If you really want an elevator, I suppose it could/should be done. is it gonna go from basement to 2nd (or higher if we make them exist) floor?
Wounded Ronin
Apr 18 2006, 12:19 AM
Since Vegas asked for carnage opportunities, here are some ideas:
1.) The Y could have a black iron spikey fence around it. Kind of like a Gramercy Park building in New York City. That way if someone falls out the window they can get cinematically impaled, which is cool.
2.) There could be an empty unused dumpster outside with a couple devil rats in it. You fall in and then get your unconscious ass eaten. The problem, I guess, is that this would spawn more entities the GM has to track.
3.) People falling into the swimming pool is always funny, especially if they're missing a limb. It makes the water get red really fast. Uh, or we could drain the pool so that if someone falls in from a great distance (like the second floor) they meet a brutally solid tile floor 10 feet down. Crack! Heh heh. They might even bounce off the edge of the pool, leaving a smear of blood and hair, before thudding in the pool proper.
4.) Alternately, if someone gets stunbolted or something they could ironically fall into the swimming pool and drown.
5.) If there's stairs there's always the possibility of someone falling down them. I think that rum bottles or crack pipes should be strategically positioned where if someone tumbles down the stairs they'll land on them and get shards of glass jammed deep in their body. They'll have the equilvalent of a permanent box of physical because of the glass in their body until someone removes it all with the SR4 equivalent of whatever a Biotech (6) test would be.
That's all the thoughts I have for now. I'm trying to keep it "real" and not get too overboard or silly, like with a woodchipper or something.
Apr 18 2006, 02:57 AM
For anyone who wants to join up on IRC but doesn't have a client or can't get things to behave try this link.
Web-Based IRCSet Nickname: to whatever your PC name or DSF name is
Set Channel: to 410Crash
Set User Info: Put whatever you want here or leave as the default
Set Your Server: to irc.dumpshock.com
Leave the Server Port as is.
Leave the Password, IRC Network and Server Group alone.
Hit Go! and you should be in!
EDIT: Edited to change the link to the web-based client Dranem uses, it's cleaner and easier to manage.
Apr 18 2006, 03:43 AM
QUOTE (Rokur) |
What about this What if we took that, made all the buildings *4 in height (2 story buildings turn into 8, and 1 story buildings are now 4 story.... and just go with what's there for terrain. And notable shops can be overlaid from the higlighted area above over the stuff that's already there. It looks as if Dra was working so that it was a match, so let's just use it??? |
Insofar as streets, that map works fine, but it definitely doesn't give me a feel of urban sprawl as it stands. Pretty much all of those buildings will be gone in 100 years and most likely they will be replaced with much denser structures. I don't envision a whole lot of lawns in SR's Seattle sprawl.
One thing that's outstanding and I have seriously been needing to do is give you guys a map showing your territory and the territories of the neighboring gangs (and, of course, a bit of text on each). It's really something I should probably do myself so don't worry about pitching in
Fresno Bob
Apr 18 2006, 03:44 AM
Did you see that Aziz is calling his fixer, with the intention of maybe getting him to loan out some equipment?
Apr 18 2006, 04:07 AM
When I get home this morning, I'll redo the gang turf map with additional buildings. That way we can get a better feel for where alleyways may be and so forth.
I'm basing the sudden uban growth concept of how Auburn suddenly grew in the wake of the NAN treaties. Should have it done by no later than noon Atlantic time.
As for the rest of the turf, like TG said, I'll leave him to where our neighbours lie.

Not that I like to play Devil's Advocate Voorhees, but seeing as the trolls are 2 blocks down just passing the stuffer, what equipment do you think we can get in less than 5 mins? And how are we going to get it?
Apr 18 2006, 04:09 AM
Well to play the other half of Devil's Advocate... who's to say they're coming straight for us vs. crusing the streets looking for easy targets?

Who's to say the fixer can't help with reinforcements or more guns if this draws out?
Fresno Bob
Apr 18 2006, 04:45 AM
QUOTE (Dranem) |
Not that I like to play Devil's Advocate Voorhees, but seeing as the trolls are 2 blocks down just passing the stuffer, what equipment do you think we can get in less than 5 mins? And how are we going to get it? |
Its still worth a try. If Aziz suddenly cuts out the phone call, with a "Oh, nevermind, they're here.", he might rustle up some cavalry.
Apr 18 2006, 05:05 AM
Sounds like a good plan... just wondering was all. Mostly being paranoid that Aziz may be absent when the shit hits the fan on a gun run really.

As Vegas suggested, if the Trolls are just well 'trolling' instead of intent on attacking, perhapse Wyrm should hold back messing with their links and bikes till she's sure they're on an attack run... would create more damage that way for them.. at their current speed I wouldn't be able to create much confusion. (outisde of making the bikes stall)
Fresno Bob
Apr 18 2006, 05:08 AM
Ha, like he'd miss a gunfight. He's even got a shiny new AK-97 to play with.
MK Ultra
Apr 18 2006, 06:02 AM
Well, itīs more like a shiny new, crappy old AK 97
But at least it has smartlink and a shockpad
Fresno Bob
Apr 18 2006, 06:17 AM
twenty fucking bullets!
Apr 18 2006, 06:56 AM
go ask for bullets from our resident gunslingers....
Apr 18 2006, 07:02 AM
Outside of Toy Robot, who in the gang would have bullets in the assult riffle range caliber?
Apr 18 2006, 07:05 AM
didn't thyn have an AK?
edit - and electrode? on a drone?
Apr 18 2006, 07:07 AM
Good point: just checked his sheet: AK97, smartlink, gas vent 3, skinlink induction pad w/ 100 rounds of regular, 100 rounds of flechettes.
Fresno Bob
Apr 18 2006, 07:15 AM
That... makes sense.
Aziz is going to 'borrow' another full clip of each regular and flechette.
Apr 18 2006, 07:41 AM
Sorry Rokur, hadn't seen you come into the IRC channel..

I don't have the chat as a small, ever present window, here at work as I do at home..
Apr 18 2006, 09:17 AM
Where's the wiki, again?
You ought to edit your first post in this thread to have the link, TinkerGnome. It'd make it much easier to find.
Apr 18 2006, 09:45 AM
http://the410crash.wikispaces.com/The easiest way to find the link is to create a wikispaces account and just go to wikispaces.com and login

After you subscribe to the wiki that is...
MK Ultra
Apr 18 2006, 11:47 AM
QUOTE (Voorhees) |
That... makes sense.
Aziz is going to 'borrow' another full clip of each regular and flechette. |
Hehe, I thought about TF suggesting this while handing the gun, but decided heīd Aziz figuer it out for himself
Apr 18 2006, 12:36 PM
QUOTE (Vegas @ Apr 17 2006, 09:57 PM) |
For anyone who wants to join up on IRC but doesn't have a client or can't get things to behave try this link.
Web-Based IRC
Set Nickname: to whatever your PC name or DSF name is Set Channel: to 410Crash Set User Info: Put whatever you want here or leave as the default Set Your Server: to irc.dumpshock.com Leave the Server Port as is. Leave the Password, IRC Network and Server Group alone.
Hit Go! and you should be in! 
EDIT: Edited to change the link to the web-based client Dranem uses, it's cleaner and easier to manage. |
I don't think dumpshock irc server is on the default irc network for this client.
EDIT: NM, the java applet still gets blocked on the irc port range from this computer.
MK Ultra
Apr 18 2006, 01:10 PM
@ Halo / On Floorplans
So I contemplated the plans a bit and like them even more then befor. I think there is no need for a service elevator, as there is no gym or something that needs heavy equipment above ground floor. A small elevator (though probably no more functional) or maybe just a ramp along any of the outside walls however should be included somewhere (for foodstuff and handicaped persons to get into the 1st floor and basement).
I would allso put the loading dock against the south wall, toward Elizabeth, foreasyer access from Traffic! It could be either external, as is now, or integrated where the Ofices are now (which I would prefer, if only for aesthetcal reasons). Iīd put the Offices next t the mainentrance anyway (one of them should have doubled as 1st Aid Room, though there are probably no more any special amanities). The Tech area and Hallway between now Offices and Stage/Storage can be ocupied by the dock, as well, making it allmost as big as the external variant. The Tech area can be integrated into the storage space.
Ther should be some Lobby at the main entrance, that is set apart from the hallway/staircase. Mister Juan ICīd, Tag would ward off the Lounge and the Lobby, for which, he needs physical bariers confining these areas! This can be set up by ecpanging the groundfloor by the right uper corner 3 by 9 squares (giving us a nice balcony/defensive platform at the main level, as well).
Same could be done in the right lower corner, though this room could be used otherwise, or expand up to the main floor and basement and contain the elevator (it would even be enough place, to set up a resonably flat ramp, which should be prefered from the gangs standpoint, as well as the architects, given thet there is only a span of 3 floors to service. Even a steaper slope then usual today would be acceptable, as in SR even the cheepest wheelchairs and transport carts would mostly be motorized).
In the basement, the Pool Mechanical should allso be at the lower end (next to the ramp). The undescribed room would probably have been aeiter multipurpouse, or helt the fitness equipment and would be much more accessible from the main entrance at the upper wall!
Other then that, Iīm happy as can be, with the ground and 1st floor (donīt know if there is need for a 2nd and 3rd floor, but it van easyly be added, probably not expanding over the gym/auditorium).
The basement looks rather ineficiently layed out to me, thoug. Many hallways theat donīt lead anywhere. Iīd expanding the pool area up and down by 3 sqares.
If itīs not too much work, Iīd allso suggest re-doing the change rooms almost compleatly there is much hallway space, that could be used to expand them (2 showers each seem very little to me for a fitnessroom, gym & pool even if there are more upstairs (which seem illogical to me anyway).
Iīd put all the showers (except Slams) into the basement, where the changing rooms are, the other restrooms should have 2 more urinals each, for males and a baby-table for females restrooms.
Apr 18 2006, 01:48 PM
QUOTE (DireRadiant) |
I don't think dumpshock irc server is on the default irc network for this client.
EDIT: NM, the java applet still gets blocked on the irc port range from this computer. |
If you physically set the server name instead of trying to chose from the dropdown it works.
Suckage that it's blocked though
Apr 18 2006, 07:04 PM
I had to re-edit move onto the roof, because that was dumb... but the new floorplans don't have a room over the front door, so I was going to find some room with a window not directly at the front door, but wanted a semi-concensus on floorplan before posting it
Apr 18 2006, 09:15 PM
Summoning Force 6 Air Spirit:
5 hitsAir Spirit's Resistance:
3 hitsDrain Resistance:
3 hits + Edge Re-Roll:
3 hitsGreat, the only roll, that is not above average is the Drain Resistance...

Well... That's a Force 6 Air Spirit with 2 services (no Drain, thanks to Edge).
[ Spoiler ]
Air Spirit (Force 6, Services 2) B4 A9 R10 S3 C6 I6 L6 W6 Edg 6 Ess 6 Mag 6 Init 12(A) / 16(P) IP 3(A) / 2(P)
Movement: 15 / 75 (flight)
Skills: Assensing 6, Astral Combat 6, Dodge 6, Exotic Ranged Weapon 6, Flight 6, Perception 6, Unarmed Combat 6
Powers: Accident, Astral Form, Concealment, Confusion, Engulf, Materialization (Immunity to Normal Weapons), Movement, Sapience, Search, Fear, Noxious Breath
Apr 18 2006, 11:48 PM
QUOTE (Voorhees) |
Did you see that Aziz is calling his fixer, with the intention of maybe getting him to loan out some equipment? |
I missed it on the IC. What is he looking for and what is the contact loyalty/connection rating?
Sorry for being absent today. I was just laid up today with a bum knee (I got stuck against the window in a regional jet on Thursday, and that always messes my leg up for a while) and didn't bother going to work or doing much else. Then the babies ate the rest of my time.
Apr 19 2006, 12:04 AM
Updated Floor Plans, Round Two (The originals are still there for comparison, just take off the "2" at the end of the following):
BasementMain Floor2nd FloorAll the rooms have been "assigned" a purpose some as they were originally intended, some as we've modified them. Obvious additions include a freight sized elevator at the front of the building that services ALL floors.
Do you all want a bigger building, or does this satisfy our needs? In reality this building has about a 100' x 80' footprint on the main floor. so lets say there's about 16,000 usable sq. feet on the 3 levels.
If you all want more changes, let me know ASAP. With work picking up my time is getting less and less to do this AND be able to make time to post IC'ly

Serious question here, how do y'all envision windows in this building? Not for maximum carnage, but for light and visibility. I keep envisioning like 1970's-esque buildings, tall narrow windows or something. I don't know. I need a bit of help here.
I just don't want to hold up RP because we don't have a floor plan finished.
Fresno Bob
Apr 19 2006, 04:09 AM
QUOTE (TinkerGnome) |
QUOTE (Voorhees @ Apr 17 2006, 10:44 PM) | Did you see that Aziz is calling his fixer, with the intention of maybe getting him to loan out some equipment? |
I missed it on the IC. What is he looking for and what is the contact loyalty/connection rating?
Connection 3, Loyalty 6.
MK Ultra
Apr 19 2006, 11:10 AM
@ VegasI like the new plans. Size is perfect with me, layout is ok, too. (though TF would complain, that the building has a horrible feng shui

About the windows. The main entrance would brobably have had a glass front, which is long gone and boarded over. Otherwise your suggestion sounds good to me. The top floor and the gym/auditorium should have skylights as well.
Funny that there are less lockers and more showers in the womenīs change room, but thatīs ok and nothing worth changing.
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