Thyme Lost
Mar 22 2006, 11:59 PM
QUOTE (Vegas) |
@Thyn and Knives
Are we heading to the stuffer, or are we joining up with Slam and the gang? Do we even know IC'ly about the Slam stuff yet? Has that been decided that the commlink stuff is live to the entire gang already? If so I can easily post up something about relaying the Slam deal going down. I just don't remember hearing an answer if we know across the board, or just the HQ peoples.
Thanks! |
I don't think we know Slam's Job yet... I didn't see Slam post something on the Comms... The Comms should be global to the Gang, unless otherwise stated.
As of right now, the Van is headed toward SS and will get there during the three round of combat. Until Slam sends us a Comm to head to the Gang HQ, I'll be driving towards the SS.
MK Ultra
Mar 23 2006, 12:06 AM
Iīd rather want to play instead of shuffeling around contacts either, I only wanted to have this issue sorted out and closed.
Iīm sorry, that the contact-wiki was busted, it wouldnīt have been hard to finish this topic with the stuff up there.
Maybe, we should simply say, there are no group contacts, only personal ones, like TG suggested. I did so in my last gang champaign, too, after puting everything up as groups as well. Later, I decided, there would allways be one or another pc, that had the best link to any contact and simply loosened up a bit on the pc A canīt efectively use pc Bīs contact thing.
On the other hand, shared personal contacts would be cool, IMO.
whatching the wiki, I get the impression, that I killed the group contact pool with my stierup
Wounded Ronin
Mar 23 2006, 12:10 AM
QUOTE (MK Ultra) |
Maybe, we should simply say, there are no group contacts, only personal ones, like TG suggested. |
I think that's a good idea. That way, if your character wants to share the contact with the group, he or she can just say, "Hey guys, let's go to my street doc since we seem to have holes", or "Help me lug this crate of 'payment' to my arms dealer." If the character wants to keep the contacts a secret that works also.
I guess it really simplifies whatever problems we might have been experiencing before over the "group contacts" issue.
MK Ultra
Mar 23 2006, 12:15 AM
It definitly makes stuff less beurocratic (however this is spelled). Could we get a rule on shared contacts anyway?
EDIT: I feel like the destroyer of worlds (only less happy as this feeling usually makes me)
Mar 23 2006, 12:22 AM
QUOTE (TinkerGnome) |
However, if your foes throw down their weapons, it'd be proper to let them escape. |

I'd revise this to say...
However, if your foes throw down their weapons, it will be the last mistake they ever make.
MK Ultra
Mar 23 2006, 12:27 AM
Set up a
Poll at the group contact space. Pleas vote, if you want group contacts at all.
If the answer is No, we could still decide later, if players who want to, can make thair personal contacts into group contacts or if we scrap the whole concept.
Mar 23 2006, 12:30 AM
I posted again without reading everything else.
Sorry if JJ is about to make a mistake by shooting these guys, but all knew it was going to happen at some point.

This just gets his first one out of the way sooner rather than later.
But seriously, I don't pull knives at gun fights. And, 5 orks heavily armed (JJ carries a light pistol, so i consider anyone with a shotgun HEAVily armed) screams gun fight to me.
I personally think we are out gunned so far at the SS even though we have superior numbers. JJ will be using everything at his disposal.
And on the loot... The Stuffer only gets back half. We get a bonus when drek like this happens.
Mar 23 2006, 12:45 AM
With 3 in Thyn's truck on-route and Raven's elemental, I don't think we're too overpowered at the SS.
MK Ultra
Mar 23 2006, 12:57 AM
Made some Perseption & Asensing teste in advance for the astral trip at houston.
EDIT2: Ah fantastic, the editing ate my rolls
EDIT: Uh, can somebody tell me how these spoilers work correctly, please?
Mar 23 2006, 01:14 AM
you just put a [ spoiler] tag at the front of what you want to be inside, and a [ /spoiler] tag at the end.
naturally, you remove the spaces

incidentally, considering the three people inside thyn's van won't be getting there until combat round 3 (by which time the other guys will have made 6 IPs worth of actions), and that they aren't very well armed (one gun and one other weapon between the three of them, iirc) i don't consider them too well off. if they get desparate, they can give Electrode a call and he'll see about turning on their VR and hitting them with blackout or something though (assuming they have Sim modules on them of course) =P
i still haven't posted, though i expect i'll be following along to the meet with the ancients.
i don't think TG will have any problems with my character, as soon as he notices i don't have either the alpha or the lynx =P
Mar 23 2006, 01:14 AM
Try to hit your back button. That got them back for me before off of an edit munch.
MK Ultra
Mar 23 2006, 01:25 AM
QUOTE (Jaid @ Mar 22 2006, 08:14 PM) |
you just put a [ spoiler] tag at the front of what you want to be inside, and a [ /spoiler] tag at the end.
naturally, you remove the spaces |
Hm, I did this. Maybe it didnīt work, because I put spoilers inside the spoiler

Edit: Silo
Too late, I only noticed, that most of it was missing, after doing the 2nd edit.
Mar 23 2006, 01:34 AM
could very well be... i think Feshy has commented to me in the past that the boards don't like spoilers inside of spoilers

generally speaking, it makes it so you can't edit it i think. you'd have to ask Feshy for more details on how exactly the boards respond to it =P
Wounded Ronin
Mar 23 2006, 02:41 AM
QUOTE (Silo) |
I posted again without reading everything else.
Sorry if JJ is about to make a mistake by shooting these guys, but all knew it was going to happen at some point. This just gets his first one out of the way sooner rather than later.
But seriously, I don't pull knives at gun fights. And, 5 orks heavily armed (JJ carries a light pistol, so i consider anyone with a shotgun HEAVily armed) screams gun fight to me.
I personally think we are out gunned so far at the SS even though we have superior numbers. JJ will be using everything at his disposal.
And on the loot... The Stuffer only gets back half. We get a bonus when drek like this happens. |
[deus ex]
Remember we're police! Stick with the prod!
[/deus ex]
Mar 23 2006, 03:07 AM
QUOTE (Wounded Ronin) |
Remember we're police! |
You have a very different definition of "gang" than I apparently do.
People don't pay you for protection because you are nice to them. They pay you protection so you won't beat them up, and for you to ensure that no one else beats them up without your permission.
Gangs rule by fear. Not by being nice.
The way I see it, they pay us to operate on our turf. Us stopping them from getting robbed is outside of the scope of their last payment. That is extra. They should be happy we give them any cred back.
Speaking of cred...
What exactly did the robbers have the clerk put in a bag? I mean, there isn't any hard nuyen is there?
Which brings up another quesiton I've had for a while. I'm SINless...I don't even have a fake SIN. Where is my cred? I can't just have an account number in my commlink since I can't have a bank account. So, does my commlink act as a credstick did back in the days before matrix 2.0 and just "store" money, a la prepaid debit card style?
Mar 23 2006, 03:16 AM
QUOTE (Silo) |
Gangs rule by fear. Not by being nice.
The way I see it, they pay us to operate on our turf. Us stopping them from getting robbed is outside of the scope of their last payment. That is extra. They should be happy we give them any cred back.
Speaking of cred...
What exactly did the robbers have the clerk put in a bag? I mean, there isn't any hard nuyen is there?
Which brings up another quesiton I've had for a while. I'm SINless...I don't even have a fake SIN. Where is my cred? I can't just have an account number in my commlink since I can't have a bank account. So, does my commlink act as a credstick did back in the days before matrix 2.0 and just "store" money, a la prepaid debit card style? |
Does Hard Nuyen still even exist????
Modern (SR4) certified credsticks have NO personal Identification on them, just "money"
Mister Juan
Mar 23 2006, 04:20 AM
To my knowledge, all countries still carry hard currency. The "nuyens" is the international virtual money. All cash that is converted into data in converted in nuyens. In the UCAS they have UCAS$, just like in the Republic of Quebec (in SR, not this one

) they use the Nouveau Franc.
Basically it's like now, but with debit cards being MUCH MORE conveinient.
Mar 23 2006, 07:30 AM
Maybe we should make combat declarations on a page setup in the wiki for every combat?
It's pretty hard to find them in this 'mess' here already.

P.S. MisterJuan: The spirit's hits reduce yours before figuring the number of services on the summoning roll, you only get the net hits.
Wounded Ronin
Mar 23 2006, 08:46 AM
QUOTE (Silo) |
QUOTE (Wounded Ronin @ Mar 22 2006, 08:41 PM) | Remember we're police! |
You have a very different definition of "gang" than I apparently do.
People don't pay you for protection because you are nice to them. They pay you protection so you won't beat them up, and for you to ensure that no one else beats them up without your permission.
Yeah, my last post was a joke. It was quoting some of the beginning lines of dialogue from the popular computer game Deus Ex. The humor of the joke was supposed to be revolving around the minimum-force approach that gangs are supposed to try and take so that they don't start an all out shooting war with each other.
Mar 23 2006, 09:11 AM
I've added an actions heading to the
combat page in the wiki, where the current actions are collected with links to the posts here.
Wounded Ronin
Mar 23 2006, 09:26 AM
QUOTE (Thanee) |
I've added an actions heading to the combat page in the wiki, where the current actions are collected with links to the posts here.
Bye Thanee |
Toy is attempting to hide because she's alone inside the SS.
Mar 23 2006, 11:24 AM
Cammy is going to run out of the shadows and attempt to cave some's head in with a titanium baton as soon as one of her friends is in danger or her side starts clearing away opposition.
She'll come to the aid of:
Toy Robot
JJ that order of preference. She wouldn't come to the aid of Raven's spirit at all because she doesn't know whose it is (mostly she just makes TF explain that sort of thing and he isn't here). Once combat has been initiated, she's going to start yelling in an attempt to draw fire. She considers only Neo to be a preferable target for them to shoot at than herself (him being an "invincible" troll after all).
Since it is entirely possible that Cammy will end up with injury or friends in melee modifiers by going so late in the round, I'll wait on actually rolling dice for a bit.
Mar 23 2006, 01:01 PM
bladepoet: You might want to check that timestamp for your post, should be more like 20:07:00, or somewhere about that time.
Mar 23 2006, 01:48 PM
It'd be easier to see combat posts (or other posts directly related to IC) if we give them a heading.
I suggest:
What/where it relates to
PC Name
Specific IdentifierAnd, put it in yellow.
Basically, if we all used this format for every roll, it would make it easy to distinguish which posts are just discussion and which directly result from an IC post.
My example is the post I made on this
page. (but, I didnt' timestamp it cuz it really wasn't necessary since it can be tracked by combat turns.)
Mar 23 2006, 02:16 PM
For combat posts, I'm liking the collection on the Wiki. It really makes the process so very much easier.
Anyway, we're almost at the end of pass 1. There's one PC getting shot at to resolve and there are two PCs that haven't acted (Cammy and Felix) and can change their actions around if they wish. Raven can also tweak her action a bit if she wants.
I'll move this ahead when JJ dodges/resists damage. The other group will get a move-ahead later today, too.
One thing I'll add is that I'd appreciate it if everyone includes the damage and AP of their attack along with the roll. That way it's just boom boom, done.
Mar 23 2006, 02:25 PM
Fight at SS
Combat Turn #1
Getting Shot At
Shot 1
Reaction (4) + Home Turf (2) = 6 dice [5] 4 4 2 2 [5] Hits:2 |
Shot 2
Reaction (4) + Home Turf (2) = 6 dice 1 [5] [5] [5] 1 3 Hits:3 |
Mar 23 2006, 02:35 PM
whoa! we get home turf on defense rolls? SWEET!
Mar 23 2006, 02:47 PM
Hmm not sure on that hey, defence is not exactly an active skill.
Mar 23 2006, 02:48 PM
QUOTE (Rokur) |
whoa! we get home turf on defense rolls? SWEET! |
Don't we? I was just assuming we do.
Oh wait...
...+2 dice pool modifier for all Active Skill Tests made within the characters home turf. |
Is defending an Active Skill Test?
If not, TG, disregard the last 2 results on my rolls, making them 1 hit and 3 hits.
If so, my damage resistance roll for the 1st shot is:
Body (3) + Modified Armor Value (5) = 8 dice [5] 4 4 2 2 [5] 1 [5] Hits:3 |
Results in 3 boxes of physical.
Is that all correct?
Mar 23 2006, 02:57 PM
Looks correct to me.
Mar 23 2006, 02:59 PM
It can't materialize and attack in the same round... |
Yes, I'm aware of this (Materialization is a complex action). I didn't mean, that the spirit is going to attack yet (it just got the order to attack them... its first action on the first pass is to materialize, in order to be able to actually attack them during the second pass

Mar 23 2006, 03:39 PM
I'm just wondering how that one orc ended up with 13 boxes of damage.

AFAIK, Neo's attack has a DV of 7P and he had 5 hits; isn't more than 12 impossible?
Could it be, that you forgot to halve the Str before applying it to the DV?
Not that I mind the orc being down...

Mar 23 2006, 04:19 PM
Strength 9, Critical Strike 3 for a base of 9/2 + 3 or 8.
You round up strength when you halve it.
He was a horribly unlucky guy, though since he defended with 9 dice and resisted damage with 12 and came up with a big fat 0 successes.
Mar 23 2006, 04:44 PM
QUOTE (TinkerGnome) |
You round up strength when you halve it. |
Right... round up, then it is possible, while still highly unlikely... but definitely possible:
He was a horribly unlucky guy, though since he defended with 9 dice and resisted damage with 12 and came up with a big fat 0 successes. |

Mister Juan
Mar 23 2006, 04:49 PM
Fight at SS
Combat Turn #1
Resisting Improved Invisibility Spell
Resisting a Physical Illusion: Intuition (3) + Counterspelling (3) = 6 4 1 3 [6] [6] [6] Hits: 3 |
I can seeeee you

Things are actually going rather well I think. For his Clout spell, Felix will cast it at the ganger who shot JJ.
Mar 23 2006, 04:55 PM
QUOTE (Mister Juan) |
Felix will cast it at the ganger who shot JJ. |
Thanks bro!
Mister Juan
Mar 23 2006, 04:56 PM
Well, I see it as something Felix would do out of instinct... I mean, there's a guy SHOOTING at his friend and HITTING him.
Hopefully, he'll take the full force of the spell.... should do about 9S damage
MK Ultra
Mar 23 2006, 05:00 PM
QUOTE (TinkerGnome) |
He was a horribly unlucky guy, though since he defended with 9 dice and resisted damage with 12 and came up with a big fat 0 successes. |
Mister Juan
Mar 23 2006, 05:05 PM
Since Neo has two IP, you might want to already call your rolls for the next pass.
MK Ultra
Mar 23 2006, 05:29 PM
20:10:15, Saturday April 12 2070
Auran's Apartment, Westwind Suites
This is in advance, for the IC post, that will probably follow TGīs next post for the Slam-Group.
Observe in detail from the car (Teamwork with Auran), reposted from eons ago.
Intuition (5) + Perception (-1) + Vision Enhancement (3) + Damage (-2) = 5 dice [6] [5] [5] 2 2 Hits:3 |
According to Teamwork Rules, Auran would get +3 dice for her visual test from the car. Shade can allso observe in detail (car, visual & hearing), to ad his hits as bonus dice to Aurans test.
Observe in detail from the astral (Teamwork with watchers), for layout, number of persons, etc. (no aura reading yet)
Watcher #1
Intuition (1) + Assensing (1) = 2 dice [5] 4 Hits:1 |
Watcher #2
Intuition (1) + Assensing (1) = 2 dice 4 2 Hits:0 |
Watcher #3
Intuition (1) + Assensing (1) = 2 dice 2 [5] Hits:1 |
Intuition (5) + Assensing (-1) + Damage (-2) + Watchers (2) = 4 dice 1 [5] [5] [5] Hits:3 |
Iīll roll aurareading later, if there are any auras to read.
Mister Juan
Mar 23 2006, 06:42 PM
QUOTE (Silo @ Mar 23 2006, 09:48 AM) |
Results in 3 boxes of physical.
Is that all correct? |
Maybe I'm overlooking something, but isn't JJ wearing 6/6 of armor? I mean, shouldn't it be stun damage instead of physical since the weapon's damage code is 5P (5 < 6)
I might be wrong... I'm just still a bit sketchy on this new combat system.
MK Ultra
Mar 23 2006, 06:53 PM
No, I think itīs P, because, the Ork got 1 net hit through (6P) and the modified Armor is 5 (Armor Penetration -1).
Mar 23 2006, 06:56 PM
QUOTE (MK Ultra) |
No, I think itīs P, because, the Ork got 1 net hit through (6P) and the modified Armor is 5 (Armor Penetration -1). |
That was my interpretation as well.
I was surprised I got it right the first try.
Well, I sorta didn't since I added Home Turf in. Oh well.
Mar 23 2006, 07:19 PM
Hey... check out
the410crash... it's coming along. It may not look too exiting (or even very different from our current page), but it's nice and tidy. I'm still cranking away at getting sheets ported (thanks Dranem), but most of all.... check out the logo at the top.
It's all retro (because all I had to work with was MS Paint

). There is a less compressed bmp uploaded to the site if you want to see it in all its 150x150 non-jpg glory.
I'm pretty jazzed, since I'm not a digital artist (or even much of a traditional artist

Mar 23 2006, 07:28 PM
QUOTE (ES_Sparky) |
digital artist |
I like that logo.
Cool stuff.
MK Ultra
Mar 23 2006, 07:41 PM
Yea, I like it, too, very cool.
Mar 23 2006, 07:48 PM
Gymnastics, Unarmed Combat, and Dodge are all active skills. Reaction is not. So Home Turf adds to a character's defense pool in melee combat and at range when they take a Full Defense action. But it doesn't help against a ranged attack if you don't take a full defense action. In the future you should probably take cover behind a car when shooting people.
Stuffer Shack Combat
CammyResistance against Invisibility:
Intuition (1) = 1 die [6] hits: 1 |
That's just sad, Cammy sees this guy. Maybe it's the cybernetic eyes.
Since currently Aziz is engaged in melee, Cammy's going to charge in to "help" him.
Agility (3) + Clubs (1) + Charging (2) + Home Turf (2) + Reach (1) + Friend in melee (1) = 10 dice 3 4 [6] 3 4 1 2 [6] 4 1 = 2 hits, 5P |
Although remember that even though that's a crap roll, he's at something of a disadvantage when it comes to dodging as this is the second attack he's had to dodge and is wounded, both of which reduce his defense pool.
Mar 23 2006, 10:03 PM
Does Slam have some standing orders on how the gang is supposed to act initially?
Granted we'll deviate immediately, the conflict will be what provides us with drama, but it would be interesting to now what they are to start with.
Wounded Ronin
Mar 23 2006, 10:48 PM
OK, let's see. I don't know when the next combat turn starts or when this one has been fully resolved, but if Toy heard shots outside she can probably deduce that her gang (the owners of the turf) have started to intervene.
Furthermore, she probably would want to run out and stab someone instead of using her usual spray and pray tactics with the AK so as not to have friendly fire incidents. (Or to have her own gang think that it's OPFOR using an automatic weapon from inside the SS.) This also lets me sidestep the issue of my not knowing whether it would have been 'realistic' for Toy to be lugging that AK with her to the store when shopping for dinner.
This is just to let everyone know what my character would probably do IC if there's another combat turn.
Now, I noticed that some people are rolling Intuition to see if they can see the invisible opponent or not. I don't know if it's appropriate for me to do so but I'll make the roll here so that we can save time if it is needed.
Rolling five dice for intuition: 3 5 3 4 4
Here's one more dice for the Perception skill, which I'm not sure if it applies or not.
Do I roll 2 more for 'home ground'?
Fresno Bob
Mar 23 2006, 11:05 PM
Aziz's actions up to his next round
Invisibilty Resist roll Intuition (3) [6] 1 2 Hits: 1 |
I can see you... I think!
Opposed Unarmed Combat (Parry) Reaction (4) + Katana (6) + Home Turf (2) + Friend in Melee (1) + Reach (1) [5] 4 [5] 3 [6] 2 1 [6] [5] [6] 2 [5] 1 2 Hits: 6 |
Damage Resist Body (7) + Impact Armor (10) 3 [5] 4 [6] 1 [5] [6] 3 4 4 1 4 3 [5] 3 4 [6] Hits: 6 |
Attack on next pass Agility (5) + (Katana 6) + Home Turf (2) + Friend In Melee (1) + Reach (1) 4 1 [5] 4 4 [5] 3 4 4 [5] [6] [5] 1 [5] 1 Hits: 6 |
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