Fresno Bob
Mar 20 2006, 08:19 PM
Well, the drugging would be so she wouldn't be able to form an idea of a route during the trip there.
Mar 20 2006, 08:28 PM
The only draw back to this (and the train idea) is that it doesn't form solidarity with the group. Sure the initiate prooves that they're tough or resourceful, but the gang basically abandons them, which is the opposite of what a gang is about, no?
Fresno Bob
Mar 20 2006, 08:32 PM
Oh yeah, and a sexing in is going to foster a lot of trust and respect.
It would prove them as tough and resourceful on their own, meaning they have no reason to join the gang just as protection, so they're trustworthy, or something. And respectable.
Mar 20 2006, 08:34 PM
lol - I wasn't contrasting it to sexing people in. But your points are fair.
Fresno Bob
Mar 20 2006, 08:36 PM
Yeah, I know, I was just contrasting it to the stated methods of gang initiation, which are far from a group hug effort kind of thing.
Mar 20 2006, 08:41 PM
I agree that an initiation shoudl draw prospective members closer to the gang rather than seperate them. In a true go-gang, I'd say have the initiate steal a car and then go cause some havoc with the gang at large on 410 before crashing it. The gang would then pull the initiate out of the wreck and go off to party.
Or something. Maybe someone can do something with that

Post up... whenever I get a chance. Should be tonight, though.
Fresno Bob
Mar 20 2006, 08:42 PM
Yeah, TG's idea, which is much like my first idea, is pretty cool.
Mar 20 2006, 09:26 PM
Oh embarrassing. I have to walk to the freakin' sushi joint while the rest of you fools ride your Mirages.
Luckily it is either across the street or a block away.
Mar 20 2006, 09:51 PM
Okay, here's hoping my first ever attempt at quoting worked!

Well, that sort of worked, I'd managed to get the quote up twice

Seems it is twice or not at all.. hrm.
</end edit>
And to answer the query I am attempting to quote - yes, that was sort of my thinking. Wyrm has intro'd me to the gang and, from what I've been reading in 'thoughts on' and the like, I've even had occassion to do some minor patching up of a few of you. In my mind Nurse was either EXTREMELY new, or still not yet full accepted.
So if we go with the not yet fully accepted route, the gang needs to sort out how you all want to initiate me should you decide to have me as a member

Mar 20 2006, 09:54 PM
That brings up some good points, how much patching up could Nurse have done in two weeks?
Does that mean we had a big rumble recently? Is 'rumble' even a word anymore or am I totally dated now?
Mar 20 2006, 11:28 PM
Since she is local, chances are she has patched some of the gang up without being in the gang.
Mar 20 2006, 11:40 PM
Locations....we got a lot of them on the wiki now.
Where are they in relation to each other? (Side note, I think we are about to have too many for our little couple of streets that make up our turf. We might want to label some of the new ones as outside of the current turf.)
I envision these as being pretty packed together, but it would be helpful to have them laid out a bit. Especially for what the 5 of us that started at the Fun Zoe have going on....leaving there to go to the sushi bar. For all we really know, they are right next door to each other.
Or for the folks at the garage...getting in the Thyn's van to go what is very likely one street over.
Anyone want to take on laying them all out?
I personally don't care where they all are. But, I think it would be emensely helpful for all of us as we interact with our turf.
MK Ultra
Mar 20 2006, 11:48 PM
I´m googel-map-illiterate, but I think, we should definitly decide on where these things are all located.
1st, we shoud decide, were the YMCA is located.
Fresno Bob
Mar 20 2006, 11:53 PM
Looking at the map, I think the Y should be on the NW corner of Spinning Ave, across the street from the river.
Wounded Ronin
Mar 20 2006, 11:54 PM
QUOTE (Mister Juan) |
@Rokur Oh ok. I see what you mean.
@Wounded Ronin I HONESTLY tried to draw a peanut butter jar. But no matter how I did it, I just plain suck at drawing and could manage it So I just went why something a bit more..... well... crazy 
Toy Robot on white |
Thanks very much!
Mar 20 2006, 11:58 PM
QUOTE (Voorhees) |
Looking at the map, I think the Y should be on the NW corner of Spinning Ave, across the street from the river. |
Hey! I called dibs on that!

I guess then I want the garage to be in the unclaimed/contested area behind us somewhere along the river. Somewhere we're likely to consolidate soon.
MK Ultra
Mar 21 2006, 12:01 AM
@ Wounded Ronin
I cleaned up Toy´s sheet a bit (taking away the double Qualities and my own comment) and put the Attributes right, the figures in brackets are due to the Muscle Replacement.
Hope You don´t mind, me editing your character..
Mar 21 2006, 12:07 AM
QUOTE (Silo @ Mar 20 2006, 05:28 PM) |
Since she is local, chances are she has patched some of the gang up without being in the gang. |
Or perhaps, because she patched a few of us up after turf battles etc, and her connections via her parents to the clinic let alone her own skills, the gang recruited her instead of her trying to join up on her own?
Doesn't mean she still can't be initiated, but perhaps if we as a whole wanted her in in the first place, her 'hazing' is a bit more subdued and only perhaps a loyalty test. Like she's given the chance to "fix up" a rival member who is hurt and she has to prove she's loyal to the gang by NOT doing it or something?
Just a thought...
MK Ultra
Mar 21 2006, 12:10 AM
BronzeWyrm probably pushed her and the gang, to get her in, so she can have her Lucky Charm around all the time
Wounded Ronin
Mar 21 2006, 12:20 AM
QUOTE (MK Ultra) |
@ Wounded Ronin
I cleaned up Toy´s sheet a bit (taking away the double Qualities and my own comment) and put the Attributes right, the figures in brackets are due to the Muscle Replacement.
Hope You don´t mind, me editing your character.. |
Actually, I'm very grateful for the assistance. Thanks again for all your help.
MK Ultra
Mar 21 2006, 12:21 AM
@ Wounded Ronin
Toy may well not know this, or the Stuffer in our turf may not be up to date, but in 2070 you normally take, what you want in a shop and just leave. The RFID-Scanners in the door will notice, what you baught and deduct the cost from your comlink automatically.
I´d imagin, the bill for the specific items would out of habit be beamed to the specific gangmembers, the generic foodstuffs would be payed out of a pool. In gameterm, it should all be lifestyle, naturally, as long as nobody overdoes it.
No problem, it was fun
MK Ultra
Mar 21 2006, 12:26 AM
@ Halo
BTW, did you change Jessica Halo´s eye color (in the picture) ore did I just not notice it, at first glance?
I just cant resist but make another dumb joke.. Say, can Halo become invisible, when she is naket (some members would sure want to test this

) and can she cast a physical barrier spell at level 590341?
I´m sorry
Mar 21 2006, 12:30 AM
QUOTE (Vegas) |
Doesn't mean she still can't be initiated, but perhaps if we as a whole wanted her in in the first place, her 'hazing' is a bit more subdued and only perhaps a loyalty test. |
I'd say it is more a "committment" test to show that you will give it all up for the Crash.
Being loyal is great, but being committed means you don't have another option.
Sadly, that is what is looked for in a gang member.
MK Ultra
Mar 21 2006, 12:36 AM
@ Wounded Ronin
If you´d like to max out a bit more, you cold get another level of muscle replacement. Just take an additional negative quality, say an allergy, or the ever popular stimmulant addiction (or scrap Guts, but I think this positive Quallity, giving +2 dice against fear, etc. really fits), and put it into Gear. 2 BP for the 2nd lvl MR, 3 BP to go for contacts or more money (could have a Skillsoft 2 after all).
Wounded Ronin
Mar 21 2006, 12:53 AM
QUOTE (MK Ultra) |
@ Wounded Ronin Toy may well not know this, or the Stuffer in our turf may not be up to date, but in 2070 you normally take, what you want in a shop and just leave. The RFID-Scanners in the door will notice, what you baught and deduct the cost from your comlink automatically. |
SR3 "Food Fight" with a Stuffer Shack attendant has BETRAYED MEEE~!

Oh well, in the future I'll just not mention any counters.
Wounded Ronin
Mar 21 2006, 12:55 AM
QUOTE (MK Ultra) |
@ Wounded Ronin If you´d like to max out a bit more, you cold get another level of muscle replacement. Just take an additional negative quality, say an allergy, or the ever popular stimmulant addiction (or scrap Guts, but I think this positive Quallity, giving +2 dice against fear, etc. really fits), and put it into Gear. 2 BP for the 2nd lvl MR, 3 BP to go for contacts or more money (could have a Skillsoft 2 after all). |
Please, go for it. Thanks for the continuing tips.
MK Ultra
Mar 21 2006, 12:55 AM
This is quiet probably not the case in every shop, but it is the state of the art of shopping in the meat.
MK Ultra
Mar 21 2006, 01:05 AM
You´r welcome. I have to thank YOU, for rescuing me from another strike of the "put MK up"-conspiracy
So, what would you like to do with straingth? Leave it at an endlevel of 3 (1 natural), which would save 10 bp (could be put on any other attribute, not yet at 5) or have it 2/4?
Allso, which disadvantage would you like to have? I´d suggest:
Addiction (Stimulants? Tranquilizers? Alcohol? BTL?)
Allergy (anything uncommon, like silver, alcohol, gold, ...)
Simsense Vertigo (makes for -2 dice on everything with AR/VR/Sim in use, so Smart would be useless and she wont become a great hacker)
Naturally, you could take more of these or more sever versions, to get even more points.
OR, you could just use the 10 bp from lowering St again to 1/3, and use them to get rid of one of the disads allready taken and not take any new one.
Wounded Ronin
Mar 21 2006, 01:10 AM
QUOTE (MK Ultra) |
You´r welcome. I have to thank YOU, for rescuing me from another strike of the "put MK up"-conspiracy
So, what would you like to do with straingth? Leave it at an endlevel of 3 (1 natural), which would save 10 bp (could be put on any other attribute, not yet at 5) or have it 2/4?
Allso, which disadvantage would you like to have? I´d suggest:
Addiction (Stimulants? Tranquilizers? Alcohol? BTL?) Allergy (anything uncommon, like silver, alcohol, gold, ...) Simsense Vertigo (makes for -2 dice on everything with AR/VR/Sim in use, so Smart would be useless and she wont become a great hacker)
Naturally, you could take more of these or more sever versions, to get even more points. OR, you could just use the 10 bp from lowering St again to 1/3, and use them to get rid of one of the disads allready taken and not take any new one. |
Well, I think it's probably best that I boost strength. The reason is that the GM wrote somewhere on the Wiki that firearms should be a last resort way to fight because generally speaking gang members don't want to die, and using firearms a lot would escalate tensions and create a war like situation.
Therefore, my character would probably have to stab people as a first resort, and therefore STR is probably good to not minimize.
Maybe I should take an Alcohol addiction to create more points. I think that Toy's broken english would become really funny if she were drunk, as it would become more vehement and kind of slurred.
Mar 21 2006, 01:11 AM
simsense vertigo for a meatpuppet wouldn't work out so good, i'm thinking.
the whole "hooked up to a BTL 24/7" aspect might be a problem.
Mar 21 2006, 01:11 AM
QUOTE (Voorhees @ Mar 20 2006, 06:53 PM) |
Looking at the map, I think the Y should be on the NW corner of Spinning Ave, across the street from the river. |
oh yeah, and about this:
the Y should be next to the river (ie, the back should be to the river) is my understanding. on account of that's where the designated gang boat is =P
[edit] well, technically it's not a gang boat. however, it *is* the only boat the gang has. and i believe was bought specifically with the intent of using it on the river.
and besides, where else would it make sense to have a dock in our turf that we can use? [/edit]
MK Ultra
Mar 21 2006, 01:25 AM
On the Y, I´d side with Jaid.
On Simsense Vertigo, well, this could allso be the efect of someone with sensitive neural structure being hooked 24/7!
On Addiction, so, how often should she have to drink? weakly, dayly, more then once a day?
On St, then I´d suggest, to bring St to 3/5 (this would make for one more box of mele damage), we´d have to take the additional 10 bp from somewere (disadvantages or another attribute), if we take it back from Bod, we´d have to take lighter armor again.
Wounded Ronin
Mar 21 2006, 01:33 AM
QUOTE (MK Ultra @ Mar 20 2006, 08:25 PM) |
On the Y, I´d side with Jaid.
On Simsense Vertigo, well, this could allso be the efect of someone with sensitive neural structure being hooked 24/7!
On Addiction, so, how often should she have to drink? weakly, dayly, more then once a day?
On St, then I´d suggest, to bring St to 3/5 (this would make for one more box of mele damage), we´d have to take the additional 10 bp from somewere (disadvantages or another attribute), if we take it back from Bod, we´d have to take lighter armor again. |
Well, let's keep it simple, and just add flaws.
How many points can we squeeze out of alcohol addiction? Can we squeek by with a daily alcohol drink, and, say, a mild allergy to cats?
EDIT: Time to get back to work. I'll check back in several hours. FSM telecom might die and delay me a bit as it's been dying lately.
Mar 21 2006, 01:45 AM
Yes, there are two seperate story lines going on. If you're not at one of the listed locations, pester someone who is to give you a call

Yes, the stuffer shack thing is similar to food fight. Seems to fit, though.
I haven't finished reading the IC yet, but great job so far, guys. Everyone who has posted so far gets 2 karma. Please add a karma record section to your character sheet.
Mar 21 2006, 01:48 AM
JJ is about to start running cuz....
Intuition (4) + Perception (2) + Mod (-3) = 3 dice 2 [5] 1 Hits:1 |
MK Ultra
Mar 21 2006, 01:48 AM
Yea, thats quiet possible.
Addiction: Alcohol, Moderate (craving at least once a day, -4 dice to resist) -10 BP
Allergy: Uncommon, Mild (TG has to decide, if cats are ok, -2 dice to everyaction while in contact) -5 BP
So this would give you the 10 BP for St 3/5 (quiet a hammer

), and 5 BP for additional Gear and Contacts (2 of which will be eaten up by the MR).
This would max out the points you could get from negative Qualities.
You´d have to decide, what to do with the 3 BP excess. Gear or Contacts?
Wounded Ronin
Mar 21 2006, 02:12 AM
I'm checking back since I had to come back to the computer lab to pick up something I'd forgotten. I'm just taking a few minutes here before I head back to work.
Anyway, seeing as the action has already started in the Stuffer Shack (in fact, it was my hunch that the SS might get robbed, which was why I chose to start there

) this probably wouldn't be a good time to suddenly re-adjust my character's gear. So, I'll use the 3BP for contacts. I'll pick a trusted personal street doc, the one who installed a lot of Toy's cyber and helped her get over BLT addictions. (C1,L2). I'll add it to my character sheet later.
Mar 21 2006, 02:20 AM
QUOTE (TinkerGnome) |
Yes, there are two seperate story lines going on. If you're not at one of the listed locations, pester someone who is to give you a call |
Awesome! 2 stories, Now we're a gang! Hehehehe, this is great for dynamics too. This is making me very excited.
Wounded Ronin
Mar 21 2006, 02:23 AM
OK, since Toy is trying to hide, I'll try this dice roll thing. Since I may be making a mistake I'll type out what I'm doing. I'm rolling 6 dice to represent agility and 1 dice to represent stealth group. Is that correct?
Results: 5 2 4 5 2 1 2
Results courtesy of
Anyway, now it's really, really time for me to get back to work. See you all in several hours.
MK Ultra
Mar 21 2006, 02:31 AM
@ Wounded Ronin
You have Agility 7 with the Muscle Replacement 2, so you would have 7+1 (+/- Modifires).
@ All
I´m so excitet, so much for going to sleap in the next hour

I rolled this last one for Ronin, it was a 5, so, if there are no mods, but I think, there shoud be, for multiple enemies and good cover (they might cancel each other out). this would be 3 Hits total.
Mar 21 2006, 02:37 AM
QUOTE (Wounded Ronin) |
I'm checking back since I had to come back to the computer lab to pick up something I'd forgotten. I'm just taking a few minutes here before I head back to work.
Anyway, seeing as the action has already started in the Stuffer Shack (in fact, it was my hunch that the SS might get robbed, which was why I chose to start there ) this probably wouldn't be a good time to suddenly re-adjust my character's gear. So, I'll use the 3BP for contacts. I'll pick a trusted personal street doc, the one who installed a lot of Toy's cyber and helped her get over BLT addictions. (C1,L2). I'll add it to my character sheet later. |
the gear problem is precisely why i haven't posted in the IC thread at all yet =P
some of my gear is in flux still, and i'm sure as heck not gonna risk using something that i'm gonna want to change later... no temporal paradox for me, thank you very much =P
MK Ultra
Mar 21 2006, 02:41 AM
But the Flaw: Temporal Paradox would have neted 2 Karma
Now, you could still say, the other stuff just was not at hand (i.e. in another place). But you´r right, you probably should not take away something you had allready used!
Mar 21 2006, 02:49 AM
Just an FYI so no one cries foul, when I say "leather jackets" I mean they look like they're made of leather. You can get just about any kind of shell on an armor jacket.
And we should decide on a distance between the Zoe and the stuffer shack. I'm going to suggest 50 meters. The hideout, whereever it is, is too far away to join in the immediate fun.
Fresno Bob
Mar 21 2006, 02:56 AM
See, the problem is with the time jump. Aziz and the others were at the Fun Zoe 25 minutes before the shooting started, and Toy Robot and the others were just leaving the Stuffer Shack 35 minutes before any shooting started. In that time frame, pretty much everyone would be back at the HQ. If you peeled the robbery back to say, 19:35, it works better.
Mar 21 2006, 02:57 AM
And I'm assuming too far from the Garage as well for immediate interaction?
If you peeled the robbery back to say, 19:35, it works better. |
The problem with that as I see it is that those of us at Jun's Garage are 25 minutes past that, and 95-99% of what has transpired there wouldn't have happened? I suppose we could ALL go back in and re-edit what's going on, or we could just be "en route" to dinner when the "uRgenT" call goes out. We'd still likely be too far out for us to arrive before the majority of the crap goes down (depending on how far it's determined to be) but..
MK Ultra
Mar 21 2006, 03:02 AM
Well, they could just have been stuck at thair lokation..
Say the Plastic Sushi had a special offering (no takeaway), so they hung there and ate for what 30 minutes? Thats not to farefatched.
And Toy & 0 could have had some delay with the payment or they met someone to talk with, whatever.
Thets why I included the lost 5 minutes for TF in my post.
BTW Wounded Ronin, seams like the Stuffer has a counter, after all
Fresno Bob
Mar 21 2006, 03:03 AM
You could explain it as thus.
Aziz and the others were preparing to leave the place, and JJ hears the shot. He doesn't call anyone, and we go over and have us a gunfight. By the time the smoke clears and everything, it'll be 20:00 ish before anyone thinks to call Jun's garage or anything.
The only problem with that is it removes you from posting until the fight it over.
MK Ultra
Mar 21 2006, 03:04 AM
And Slam could allways say, "Nah, that´s too far, come along on the cash run, it´s a one of a kind oportunity."
Fresno Bob
Mar 21 2006, 03:04 AM
Or, yeah, MK's idea.
Mar 21 2006, 03:06 AM
Hey I want to be a part of the fight as much as the next person

, but I'm a-ok with that as long as something happens where none of those of us who are at Jun's get a call that we "don't respond to" or something

in other words, what ever TG says, I'll go with
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