MK Ultra
May 31 2006, 11:59 AM
Here is the roll for the Watcher, no drain, will stay for 2 hours.
Magic (2) + Summoning (3) + Damage (-2) = 3 dice [5] 1 [5] Hits:2 |
Intuition (5) + Willpower (1) = 6 dice [5] [5] 1 3 [6] [5] Hits:4 |
The Assensing of Halo only was one hit
TF will head back for the Mission, unless his sister brings him a very convincing message from Felix, that he´s allright and well. If the spirit gets trashed or brings back a threat from Tag, then TF will call in support over C410 and head back to him, anyway.
EDIT: Conspiracy Post-Icon
May 31 2006, 01:14 PM
Although I do agree with one of Silo's assessments.... the posts are getting EXTREMELY lengthy..... don't know if that's a good or a bad thing....
May 31 2006, 01:24 PM
Hey TG.... if you're still around.....
Can you give us stats on Slam's Comm? so that when Auran grabs it... we can have Wyrm hack it legitimately? anything else you wanna flesh out and let us know about him that would be info gleaned from his comm would be good....
We may need the Ancient's number, since calling Slam won't do anything anymore, and for that we'll have to find a way to get that commlink....
May 31 2006, 01:43 PM
I agree with what WinterRat is saying, mostly. I was trying to say though that I simply haven't been able to get in to reading a lot of the more introspective posts. Hell, I still don't even know what was said between Slam and the Ancient's guy cuz I didn't read the spoiler.
I guess I am just used to playing without the 3rd person omniscient mode turned on.
May 31 2006, 02:10 PM
It's cool Silo. I understand it is an adjustment, since it's more like reading a story at times than playing in a game. I know it took me time to get used to it. BTW, I like that phrase, '3rd person omniscient mode'. I may have to use it sometime in the future.
May 31 2006, 02:23 PM
QUOTE (Silo) |
I agree with what WinterRat is saying, mostly. I was trying to say though that I simply haven't been able to get in to reading a lot of the more introspective posts. Hell, I still don't even know what was said between Slam and the Ancient's guy cuz I didn't read the spoiler.
I guess I am just used to playing without the 3rd person omniscient mode turned on. |
Noone does.... only Auran and Wyrm....
May 31 2006, 04:02 PM
QUOTE (Rokur) |
Can you give us stats on Slam's Comm? |
Slam's comm is an old clunker (rating 2 with a few rating 2 programs, nothing illegal) that he seemed to use haphazardly. There are a few numbers and the like on it, including a few notes on where the drop was supposed to take place. I'll leave it up to the new GM to describe where and when.
He does seem to have a disturbing number of sex lines in his commcode listing, and you can see from his call log that he made good use of them. Ew.
MK Ultra
May 31 2006, 05:30 PM
@ Tinker Gnome
Thats nice (specially the last bit) ;p
However would you please send any further instructions you might have or want to share to my by PM, cuz I already made plans for some of that stuff, based on your earlyer instructions!
May 31 2006, 05:37 PM
Ok... well since it doesn't look like Thanee is checking the boards... we can just have Shade and Auran do the ICing of going to the HQ... and Thanee can catch up and IC Raven in if needed....
Auran will be driving straight down W. Main Street as quick as the pilot will go while following traffic and gridguide. Meanwhile, she'll be observing in detail her surroundings trying to A) listen for the Star. and B) look to see if any of them are really that close.
Perception: Hearing (4) + Int (4) + buds(3) = 11 dice 1,3,[5],[6],3,2,[5],[6],[5],2,1 = 5 hits
Perception: visual (2) + Int (4) + glasses(3) = 9 dice [5],2,3,4,2,1,1,4,[5] = 2 hits |
MK Ultra
May 31 2006, 05:42 PM
Which time will she pass the Y?
May 31 2006, 05:45 PM
Since Auran is leading, I suggest that she be the 'primary' character and Shade be the 'secondary' character for the purposes of the teamwork rolls. Rokur, since Auran is taking the lead, would you like to make the 1st IC post? Shade will simply be following her lead as they head out.
Infiltration: 01 02 03 05 06 06 - 3 hits
Shadowing (Team): 01 02 05 06 - 2 hits
Perception (Team): 01 02 04 05 06 06 - 3 hits |
MK Ultra
May 31 2006, 06:14 PM
So, Rokur, you can roll 3 more dice for the Perception roll, from Teaming up with Shade.
Allso please do a Shadowing roll with +2 dice for teamwork.
Lastly, please do an Infiltration Roll (not Teamwork).
May 31 2006, 08:06 PM
I wouldn't call this teaming cuz I don't konw what Shade is doing...(nevermind... didn't see WR1s code.... did you edit?)
And why shadowing? she's not staking anyone out or following... and why infiltration? she's staying on the streets plain as day with nothing to hide.....
May 31 2006, 08:18 PM
besides... I highly doubt our shadowing will be higher than our team perception roll! I should be hearing rat's scurrying with a team 8 hits!!!
But if you want a shadow roll:
Shadow(2) + Intuit(4) + Home Ground (2) + Team(2) = 10 dice 1,3,[5],[6],[5],[6],[6],[6][5],3,2 = 6 hits!!!!!!! |
what a wasted roll damnit! I included home ground for shadowing.. since I probably know the hiding spots in our turf.
Also team perception
+teamwork(3) 2,[6],[5] = 2 more hits! |
Also was gonna do this IC... but my plan really depends on if I see/hear the Star on Scene already or not.... If they aren't on scene then expect infilitration later.
edited in teamwork
MK Ultra
May 31 2006, 09:04 PM
@ Rokur & WinterRat1
Standing at the street infront of the clinic, you can hear faint sirens -2 LS vehicles at least- quiet a distance away, to the SE, but coming closer. You are not sure though, if they are heading for the Y or just W on the 410.
They are at least half a minute away from the Y, if they are going fast, though you´d guess it´s at least one minute, before they would reach the spot.
Edit: Without driving too fast, it takes you 20 seconds to the Y. There are no LS vehicles infront of it, the Spikes are all gone.
You´d guess, that you have another 15-30 seconds left, before the star arrives.
Mister Juan
May 31 2006, 09:57 PM
Just in case someone wants to see them:
EARTH ELEMENTAL 2, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 2 Hits
DRAIN 1, 1, 1, 3, 3, 4, 5, 6, 6, 6, 6 5 Hits, No drain |
CONJURING A WATCHER 3, 3, 3, 4, 5, 6 2 Hits
DRAIN 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 4, 4, 5, 5, 6, 6 4 Hits, No drain |
BANISHING TF SPIRIT OF MAN 1, 4, 4, 5, 5, 6 3 Hits
Spirit is banished.
DRAIN 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 4, 4, 6, 6 2 Hits, No Drain |
Wounded Ronin
May 31 2006, 10:44 PM
My reading-fu is so strong that I completely read all the long posts really quickly.
May 31 2006, 11:37 PM
Want a perception check from Auran for checking for stuff while walking her bike inside? if not then just skip to the "scenery"
MK Ultra
Jun 1 2006, 02:04 AM
go ahead
Jun 1 2006, 02:24 AM
Perception Visual (2) + Intuition (4) + glasses(3) = 9 dice 1,[5],2,3,4,[5],1,1.4 = 2 hits |
Jun 1 2006, 03:03 AM
Umm.. I guess that no-one read my IC post... When Wyrm or Auran were talking, they were already 2 mins away.. they'd most likely be on the scene by the time she makes it out of the door.
Now you're telling me MK that I have to edit my post I made...
And while I'm nitpicking things, 20sec sounds alwful short to get from the Clinic which is Ryan @ Main St to near 6 blocks down, and through a busy intersection while adhering to trafic patterns. Realisically it'd be nearly a 2 min drive...
Mister Juan
Jun 1 2006, 03:10 AM
Where's the chill pill emoticon when you need it.....
MK Ultra
Jun 1 2006, 03:51 AM
@ Dranem
I´ve taken your post into account after you hinted me at it. I just wasn´t abled to update my notes before and forgot about it, when Rokur jumped me on IRC.
Still the cops won´t have arrived, if BW checks again, there was a big accident enrout, presumably intentionally caused by someone.
The time to the Y will then be the time, Rokur needs with speeding over and not adhering to gridguide rules.
Jun 1 2006, 03:56 AM
Nice twist to the story chummer...
Mister Juan
Jun 1 2006, 04:09 AM
Sorry to announce this: I'm quitting.
The game was a blast. I loved the RPing.
MK Ultra
Jun 1 2006, 04:16 AM
Sorry to hear that, chummer. It´ll be a loss. I still hope you will change your mind! :-/
Jun 1 2006, 04:18 AM
OK, I have to ask, what is going on here?
I'll be blunt and just ask, is it me? Because if it is, I'm more than happy to step aside and clear the way for someone else. So if everyone who's on the fence/leaving is doing so because of me, just say so and we can reopen the discussion, because I have no desire to be GM at the expense of the game itself!
In the last week, we've lost ES Sparky, DireRadiant and Silo are on the fence, some of the others are basically MIA for all intents and purposes, and now Mister Juan is quitting?
To be honest, right now it doesn't seem like we really HAVE a gang anymore to game.
Fresno Bob
Jun 1 2006, 04:21 AM
No, MJ is throwing a fit over Dranem.
Jun 1 2006, 04:45 AM
I appears my nit-picking is driving people out of the game...
I appologize that I can be rather imposing with certain things... I've been a GM for so many years, it is
hard for me to take the passenger's seat at times... specially if I think something is off....
I'm really sorry if some people feel I'm trying to drive this game, and I will endeaver to keep myself back.
Or maybe it's cause I'm more prone to bring up my objections publicly instead of PMing people...
Well, either way, for those who have been offended by my pushiness in the game, I apoligize... I will try my best not to poke my 2 cents in as often in the future.
MK Ultra
Jun 1 2006, 11:00 AM
IIRC someone posted about Steel going into meele, instead of leaving the Y (Dranem) I think. Please correct me if I´m wrong, so I can edit my IC post.
Allso according to the wiki, Cammy, Knifes and 2by4, as well as Slam (and presumably JAX) didn´t make it out (or at least their escape was not accounted for).
So Electrode, 0day and Thyn managed to run, is that correct?
Jun 1 2006, 11:23 AM
QUOTE (WinterRat1) |
...some of the others are basically MIA for all intents and purposes... |
Well, I'm here technically (havn't had much time the last couple days, though).

I'm in a somewhat similar position as ES_Sparky with the keeping up-to-date thing. Not sure, whether it's working out that way.
MK Ultra
Jun 1 2006, 11:43 AM
@ Vegas
In my capacity as AMiscellaneousJ, here is the 1st Aid roll, for Dox, that is presumably coming up (if you didn´t intend to get first aid from her, just ignore it ;P). I´m using TG´s rule of Conection-Rating + 3 for the dicepool, plus a Medkit of 6 and other appropriate modifires. Technically, Halo would be abled, to assist Dox, with her own 1st Aid skill, giving +1 die to the roll. If you don´t want Halo to assist, jsu ignore the last die result (or if you think Dox should resonably have other assistents, too, roll a number of additional dice (no more then 3 dice can be produced this way)).
Base (6) + Conection (3) + Medkit (6) + Assistent (1) = 16 dice [5] 4 4 2 2 [5] 1 [5] [5] [5] 1 3 [6] [5] 3 [6] Hits:8 |
Looks like the cuts in her hands are magnificiantly treated, no damage left. IIRC Halo had not suffered any other damage.
Allso, IMO, a streetdoc would easyly be abled, to apply an antidote against any streetdrugs (cram). The effect would end emidiately and the crash would set in (but last only for the time, the drug was active, ~20 to 30 minutes). However, it is your call, whether Halo wants this (I think an addiction test to do so willingly, should be in order) or if Dox dos it anyway, in the cours of her treatment.
Allso, my offer to take controll of any of your NPCs, that you don´t want to play yourself, still stands, just let me know.
Jun 2 2006, 01:17 AM
Hey all... just wanted to get a quick IC post up. I'm going to be going to Chicago tomorrow mornign for a wedding and won't be back home until about Sunday evening. So it'll be about 3 days of no posting from me.
Auran's actions are there for IC....
her goals when checking out the Star by priority.
1) Remain unnoticed: either as one of the masses of a crowd that is checking out the scene from behind the "yellow tape" or hidden from around a dumpster in an alley, or on top of a building.
2) See what the Star are doing.
3) Record through glasses and send to ChinaDoll's comm via C410 channel the vidfeed and audiofeed for earbuds.
Feel free to NPC me, anyone really can, judges, someone that just wants to, or Shade (since he's the other person there with me and we're kinda teaming up)
Jun 2 2006, 04:58 AM
After considering recent events, it is necessary for me to inform everyone that I will be stepping down as the Head GM of the 410 Crash game.
I appreciate the confidence placed in me during the process, and I’m sorry that I will be abdicating that responsibility so shortly after being entrusted with it.
For the sake of brevity, I will state my reasons clearly and succinctly.
1. The exodus of a large number of our players is a significant concern to me. By my count, we’ve lost more than half of our original group, and for whatever reasons, a material number of players are relatively inactive or on the fence about their current status.
If we are down that many players, we don’t have a gang to run, we have a small group of neighborhood kids, and the basic premise of the 410 Crash (a predominantly PC gang) is now significantly different from what it was.
2. It has recently come to my attention that there are some players who have notable disagreements with both other players and me as a GM. To date, I have not had any of those players approach me directly with their issues or concerns regarding me.
I do not have the desire to GM a game where the players are in conflict with each other OOC, and I do not have the desire to be a GM in a game where people have issues with me but do not address them. It’s not really my concern if someone has issues with me if they won’t tell me the issues. There’s not much I can do about that.
Therefore, I will be taking the following steps.
1. I will be resigning as Head GM from the 410 Crash, effective immediately. Dranem and Rokur, both of you were nominated and/or expressed willingness for the job. Whichever of you two ends up with the job(or if you both want to share it), I leave to you two to resolve.
2. I intend to remain as a player and to be actively involved in the game. If someone thinks they can improve on the current situation, I have no problems turning it over to them to do so. I enjoy the game and the character interaction, and I want to see it continue.
While I do not have a problem on my end with anyone right now, and I don’t have a problem playing under whoever decides to GM, I will no longer be attempting to lobby or implement my suggestions except on a case-by-case basis. I’m not going to fight invisible opponents in addition to having to deal with the aftereffects of the various inter-player conflict.
I do not have the time or inclination to preside over a game in which there are conflicts between players and unknown conflicts between unnamed parties and myself. It’s too draining, and frankly, it isn’t worth the time and energy.
Furthermore, the constantly changing roster and inconsistency of the current state of the game would require a massive, large-scale overhaul for me to return the game to its original intent, and that simply doesn’t look feasible right now. Personally, I think the game is better off with a GM remolding the game into a new direction in his or her image; that’s not the task I signed on for, and it’s not one I want now.
I leave the 410 Crash game in the hands of whoever is willing to take it, and for the time being, will be here to participate in whatever direction the new GM wishes to take the game. I look forward to seeing what happens and where our new GM takes us.
All the best,
PS: Whoever the new Head GM is will have to deal with MK Ultra and determine how to handle the current situation as it unfolds. MK Ultra, I apologize for having to leave you to deal with someone else now. Thanks for your efforts and volunteer work in keeping the game going!
Jun 2 2006, 02:08 PM
QUOTE (WinterRat1) |
After considering recent events, it is necessary for me to inform everyone that I will be stepping down as the Head GM of the 410 Crash game. |
Sorry to see this happen, I think you would have done a fine job.
MK Ultra
Jun 2 2006, 03:00 PM
I can only second that. While, as I stated before and while the vote was up, I have been reluctant, due to the Position being undefined and the notion of no veto against any proposals of the Head GM, I still think, you would have done a good job and was assuming that such a veto would never be necessary. Thus my vote for you
MK Ultra
Jun 2 2006, 04:19 PM
@ WinterRat1
If Shade follows Auran´s instructions, to drive to the Y without rushing too much, he will arrive infront of the Y by 13:40:15. By then he can hear the sirens of 3 or 4 LS vehicles even without Auran pointing at it, and they are close allready, no more then 15 seconds away.
@ Dranem
Remember to put up the Sensortest for the Rotodrone hovering high above the Y, please. However even without a test, it is evident, that the LoneStar -approaching in W direction over the east-bound lanes of the 410- allready cleared the 410 and is heading north, by the time Shade arrives. GridGuide will second this perception, as well.
@ TinkerGnomeAny chance you could use your faux-luxury pocket secretery, to beam me any stats/notes you have about the Spikes, that attacked us via PM? I don´t intend to have another full force attack, but one or the other of them might play a role in the wrapup, depending on the crashers actions. Thanks
Jun 2 2006, 04:46 PM
I could, but it'd probably be better if you just rebuilt them from the ground up. I think they were a little on the strong side. As a general rule, they had high body stats, moderate other stats, low mental stats (except for the mages who had moderate mental stats), and cheap cyberware (lots of dermal plating and some muscle replacement and wired I). The throw on some armor (jacket + helmet, mostly). Add a smartlinked shotgun (connected to goggles or helmet HUD via skinlink) or a regular pistol and you're done. Skills were in the 3-4 range, giving dice pools of about 7 or so for most of them (add smartlinks). Socially, they had 3-4 dice each.
Jun 2 2006, 05:10 PM
Gotcha MK. I will try to have a post up sometime this weekend, since Rokur's gone for the weekend anyway.
MK Ultra
Jun 2 2006, 05:36 PM
Take your time

If anyone has some legwork or datasearch of what not. I´ll call my tenure as Storry Teller officially started from now on. So, feel free, to put up any stuff you like to do until IC Timestop Sunday Midnight.
I´ll try to wrap up everything before as fast as possible, without glossing over, untill everyone reaches the timestop.
The timestop will be in effect untill OOC Sunday to Monday midnight, EST, at wich point I hope all PCs have gethered in the Clinic! If you don´t have anything you want you pc to do before the meeting, please post them to be at the clinic until that point, so we can procede with IC discussion and all, with the start of the fresh week. (and I hope we can wrap up Aurans & Shades Recon and Com Retrival before that, when he Rokur returns Sunday evening

EDIT: I realized, that sunday midnight might be to early for people to react (and wrap up the scene at the Y). I´m also ok if people want to solve some stuff before the IC timestop, which might take another day OOC, or more. I just wanted to anounce, that I intend to start with the new storyarc and the IC discussion ASAP and thus the IC timestop won´t be in effect after midnight today (don´t advance more then say 5 or 10 minutes further, though, this should be a discussion after all).
Jun 2 2006, 10:24 PM
Roto-Drone Sensor Test:
Sensor (3) + Pilot (3) = 6 dice 1 [5] [5] [5] 1 3 Hits:3 |
Wyrm keeps the drone eye enough to not be picked up on a casual scan, but low enough to be within range of it's camera... probably 100m or so off the ground. Basically Wyrm wants to keep it out of shooting range.
MK Ultra
Jun 3 2006, 12:09 AM
@ Dranem, WinterRat1 & Rokur
The Spikes left the scene ~13:37:30, heading NE on the W Main and then W over the bridge.
~13:38:00, one person (not a Troll) entered the Y through the gym.
13:40:04 Auran reaches the Y and enters through the main entrance.
13:40:15 Shade reaches the Y ...
~ same time, LoneStar is leaving the 410 and enters E Main, heading N to Traffic.
~13:40:30 LoneStar will reach the scene, presumably with 1 van/apc and 3 patrole cars.
MK Ultra
Jun 4 2006, 12:33 PM
I just edited my post about the timestop, to clarify. I didn´t mean to say that everyone should be wraping up and puting their pc forward to the timestop by midnight, today.
I just wanted to open the possibility, for people to post and start the discussin, and to wrap up all IC events, before the timestop ASAP.
Thus after midnight today, the New IC Timestop Monday, April 14th, 00:15:00
QUOTE (Edit to older Post) |
EDIT: I realized, that sunday midnight might be to early for people to react (and wrap up the scene at the Y). I´m also ok if people want to solve some stuff before the IC timestop, which might take another day OOC, or more. I just wanted to anounce, that I intend to start with the new storyarc and the IC discussion ASAP and thus the IC timestop won´t be in effect after midnight today (don´t advance more then say 5 or 10 minutes further, though, this should be a discussion after all). |
Jun 4 2006, 04:46 PM
I don't think it's the IC timestop that's the issue MK, it's the posting timestop that I was trying to tell you about last night....
Not everyone will have a chance to post over the weekend, if you could start your story arc on Tuesday, that'll give those who are out of town for the weekend time to post.
MK Ultra
Jun 4 2006, 07:20 PM
That´s the point, Dranem. I didn´t mean to install an OOC deadline. Just set a date, at wich I intended (if possible), to start the new arc. When people don´t post their characters arriving until another 3 days, that´s totally ok, that´s the nature of a bord game. I just wanted to make clear, that we 'can' start the IC discussion now.
MK Ultra
Jun 4 2006, 09:13 PM
@ Rokur
Auran finds no Com on Slam´s body, but there is a Sony Emperor (sorry mixed that up, it´s not a Novatech Airware) on the ground among the bodies.
When she climbs over 2by4´s huge body, to get upstairs, the Troll makes a deep whincing sound.
When she arrives upstairs, the Gun and Ammo are where she droped them.
Jun 4 2006, 09:44 PM
well she grabs them 3 things, the comm, the gun, and the ammo, and buzzes out of there. No way can she lift 2by4 and/or heal him. Best leave that to the paramedics and maybe we can find a way to post bail.
MK Ultra
Jun 4 2006, 10:04 PM
QUOTE (Rokur) |
Auran's actions are there for IC.... her goals when checking out the Star by priority. 1) Remain unnoticed: either as one of the masses of a crowd that is checking out the scene from behind the "yellow tape" or hidden from around a dumpster in an alley, or on top of a building. 2) See what the Star are doing. 3) Record through glasses and send to ChinaDoll's comm via C410 channel the vidfeed and audiofeed for earbuds. |
Auran didn´t encounter anyone (the person the RotoDrone picked up) inside the Y.
There is now crowd, just ppl watching from behind their windows. Since you hurry, you get away before the Star arrives (but only barely).
Please decide fromwhere you want to watch the scene (rolls are not necessary, thats what the rolles where meant for, that you allready did).
Feel free to make up an IC post anout this. I´ll make up the description of what the Star is doing by tonight, when I know from where you are watching.
Jun 5 2006, 11:34 PM
umm... any thoughts Shade? otherwise, we can probably chill and smoke a cigarette from the roof of JAX's old pad while watching them....
Wounded Ronin
Jun 6 2006, 02:38 AM
Just to let everyone know I'm still involved in the game. I just haven't thought of anything to post yet and I've been on the internet less this week. That's all.